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Solar power or Solar Energy is the energy we derive form from rays and heat of sun.

It is in use from t immemorial. However it is now that mankind has realized its importance as a safe and inexpensiveenerg The energy from the sun can be used to overcome the energy crisis generated by the scarcity of resource gas. Solar energy is free and it is everywhere. That is why now more and more countries have switched which help them conserve the heat and light from sun.

Access of sun to earth Sun is a part of solar system and it completes its rotation around the earth in 365 days. When travel a long way from sky to earth they carry with them the heat and light of sun. Our earth absorbing this heat. 30% of the solar energy is sent back while the remaining 70% is consume oceans, rivers, land and clouds. This solar energy is also responsible for rain. It is this energy completes the water cycle for us. The water vapors accumulate in the air and when they are some higher altitude, these vapors compress themselves to clouds and they shower rain. We 85,000EJ energy every year which is sufficient to meet the energy requirement of solar proje the sun which is responsible for global warming it is the industry and businesses run by man responsible. The widespread devastation of forests for bio fuels has affected the mechanism effect hence there is now more heat in summer than which can be tolerated. Uses & Applications of Solar Energy The development and research in the field of alternative fuel generation has also given rise to improvement in the utilization of solar energy. The various applications of solar energy include solar power houses, solar vehicles, cooking, water purification, solar lighting and use of solar thermal energy. The most recent progress in the field of solar energy consumption is the introduction of the concept solar thermal energy. This is the way to harness solar rays to generate heat from them. This process is used to heat water using evacuated tube collectors and glazed flat plate collectors. Thermal solar energy is also used to disinfect water form the germs using sunrays. The heat from the sunrays eliminates the bacteria present in the tap water; this process is called water treatment. Solar energy is also used to cook food in solar cookers. These cookers are specifically designed to store heat of sun to utilize later on. Another amazing dimension of solar heating is the Process Heat. Parabolic dish antennas and scheffler reflectors facilitate this process and the heat stored in this way is used for industrial applications. This process is not only helpful in generating electricity but it also produces steam. Some other applications include solar ponds and solar power houses.

Electricity Generation from Sunlight Electricity today has become essential for our survival. However with the passage of time the cost of production and consumption has also increased. This has forced mankind to look for the alternative ways to generate electric current. The heat from the sun is converted to electricity using Photovoltaic. The use of Photovoltaic was limited to very small applications like solar calculators. However now this mechanisms is used to generate electricity in very large power houses of up to 14MW. This is an economical way to produce electricity however every solar power house requires a strong backup support usually form wind power houses. However for the purpose of using Photovoltaic at home one can maintain a backup system by using batteries.
Charge Controller

AKA: controller, regulator A charge controllers primary function is to protect your battery bank from overcharging. It does this by monitoring the battery bank. When the bank is fully charged, the controller interrupts the flow of electricity from the PV panels. Batteries are expensive and pretty particular about how they like to be treated. To maximize their life span, youll definitely want to avoid overcharging or undercharging them. Most modern charge controllers incorporate maximum power point tracking (MPPT), which optimizes the PV arrays output, increasing the energy it produces. Some batterybased charge controllers also include a low-voltage disconnect that prevents over discharging, which can perma nently damage the battery bank.
Solar-Electric Panels

AKA: solar-electric modules, photovoltaic (PV) panels PV panels are a solar-electric systems defining component, where sunlight is used to make direct current (DC) electricity. Behind a PV panels shimmering facade, wafers of semiconductor material work their magic, using light (photons) to generate electricitywhats known as the photovoltaic effect. Other components in your system enable the electricity from your solar-electric panels to safely power your electric loads likelights, computers, and refrigerators. PV panels are assigned a rating in watts based on the maximum power they can produce under ideal sun and temperature conditions. You can use the rated output to help determine how many panels youll need to meet your electrical needs. Multiple modules combined together are called an array.

Although rigid panels are the most common form of solar electricity collector, PV technology also has been integrated into roofing shingles and tiles, and even peelandstick laminates (for metal standing-seam roofs). PV modules are very durable and long lastingmost carry 25-year warranties. They can withsMounting racks may incorporate other features, such as seasonal adjustability. The sun is higher in the sky during the summer and lower in the winter. Adjustable mounting racks enable you to set the angle of your PV panels seasonally, keeping them aimed more directly at the sun. Adjusting the tilt angle increases the systems annual energy production by a few percent. The tilt of roofmounted arrays is rarely changed. Adjusting the angle is inconvenient and sometimes dangerous, due to the arrays location. Changing the tilt angle of pole- or ground-mounted arrays can be done quickly and safely. Pole-mounted PV arrays also can incorporate tracking devices that allow the array to automatically follow the sun across the sky from east to west each day. Tracked PV arrays can increase the systems daily energy output by 25 to 40 percent. tand severe weather, including extreme heat, cold, and hail stones.
Battery Bank

AKA: storage battery Your PV panels will produce electricity whenever the sun shines on them. If your system is off-grid, youll need a battery banka group of batteries wired togetherto store energy so you can have electricity at night or on cloudy days. For off-grid systems, battery banks are typically sized to keep household electricity running for one to three cloudy days. Gridintertied systems also can include battery banks to provide emergency backup power during blackoutsperfect for keeping critical electric loads operating until grid power is restored. Although similar to ordinary car batteries, the batteries used in solar-electric systems are specialized for the type of charging and discharging theyll need to endure. Leadacid batteries are the most common battery used in solar-electric systems. Flooded leadacid batteries are usually the least expensive, but require adding distilled water occasionally to replenish water lost during the normal charging process. Sealed absorbent glass mat (AGM) batteries are maintenance free and designed for grid-tied systems where the batteries are typically kept at a full state of charge. Gel-cell batteries can be a good choice to use in unheated spaces due to their freezeresistant qualities.
System Meter

AKA: battery monitor, amp-hour meter

System meters measure and display several different aspects of your solar-electric systems performance and status, tracking how full your battery bank is; how much electricity your solar panels are producing or have produced; and how much electricity is in use. Operating your solar-electric system without metering is like running your car without any gauges, although possible to do, its always better to know how much fuel is in the tank.
Main DC Disconnect

AKA: battery/inverter disconnect In battery-based systems, a disconnect between the batteries and inverter is required. This disconnect is typically a large, DC-rated breaker mounted in a sheetmetal enclosure. This breaker allows the inverter to be quickly disconnected from the batteries for service, and protects the inverter-to-battery wiring against electrical fires.

Inverters transform the DC electricity produced by your PV modules into the alternating current (AC) electricity commonly used in most homes for powering lights, appliances, and other gadgets. Grid-tied inverters synchronize the electricity they produce with the grids utility grade AC electricity, allowing the system to feed solar-made electricity to the utility grid. Most grid-tie inverters are designed to operate without batteries, but battery-based models also are available. Battery-based inverters for off-grid or grid-tie use often include a battery charger, which is capable of charging a battery bank from either the grid or a backup generator during cloudy weather. Most grid-Intertied inverters can be installed outdoors (ideally, in the shade). Most off-grid inverters are not weatherproof and should be mounted indoors, close to the battery bank.
Kilowatt-Hour Meter
meter Most homes with a grid-tied solar-electric system will have AC and going to the electric utility grid. A bidirectional KWH meter can how much electricity flows in each of the two directionsjust the monitor how much electricity youre using and how much your solar-electric system is producing. The utility company often pBackup Generator AKA: gas guzzler Off-grid solar-electric systems can be sized to provide electricity during cloudy periods when the sun doesnt shine. But sizing a system to cover a worst-case scenario, like several cloudy weeks during the winter, can result in a very large, expensive system that will rarely get used to its capacity. To spare your electricity both coming from simultaneously keep track of information you need to AKA: KWH meter, utility

pocketbook, size the system moderately, but include a backup generator to get through those occasional sunless stretches. Engine generators can be fueled with biodiesel, petroleum diesel, gasoline, or propane, depending on the design. These generators produce AC electricity that a battery charger (either standalone or incorporated into an inverter) converts to DC energy, which is stored in batteries. Like most internal combustion engines, generators tend to be loud and stinky, but a welldesigned solar-electric system will require running them only 50 to 200 hours a year. rovides Intertied-capable meters at no cost.


Renewable energy and the related technologies have become the need of time. The reason is that human kind has realized that the time has come to replace the use of traditional fuels and energy sources. Therefore human beings are focusing now on use of unconventional and reliable energy sources other than oil and gas. Human race is determined to look for alternative ways of producing electricity and heating homes in an environment friendly way. There are many reasons why we should switch to alternative or renewable energy sources but some of them are as follows. Global Warming Traditional energy sources like oil and coal release many dreadful gases in the air. Moreover the industrial processes which rely heavily on the conventional energy resources like coal, oil and gas not only release harmful gases in the air but also lot of industrial waste. This industrial waste is in the form of acids and other dangerous fluids. The emission of harmful gases in the air throughout the world has put extreme negative influence on climate. The climate is changing rapidly and there is more pollution. This pollution in turn has resulted in warming our planet earth. The process of global warming is largely due to the use of non renewable energies and the related processes. Hence the scientist realized that human beings need for some new and environment friendly energy sources. Scarcity of Energy Sources Till the end of the nineteenth century we have been relying heavily on the three basic energy sources like oil, gas and coal. However now the rising trend of prices and scarcity of these resources have forced us to identify and use some non renewable energy sources. Nonrenewable resources are those which

tend or expire with the passage of time. Hence they need to be replaced with some very reliable and inexhaustible energy resource. The decline in the production of oil and coal has immensely increased the prices of these resources. Therefore the import of foreign oil also put pressure on economy. Hence it is time to utilize the natural free resources present in the environment like sunlight, wind and tidal power. Other Reasons Renewable energies can be used again and again without depletion. Moreover these resources are free. Nonrenewable energy resources are not the property of any individual or state. They are free and they are abundant. The use of nonrenewable energy source like sunlight is not only limited to the production of electricity. These beneficial resources can also be used to conserve energy and electricity. For example cooking in solar heat, drying clothes and using passive solar heating procedures for designing homes. Designing the architecture of your home in such a way as to use sunlight in day beside traditional lights can help reduce electricity bills. Also small industrial units should deploy windmills for running small machinery. Wind mills help to transform the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical energy, this mechanical energy can be used for replacing manual industrial operations. In this way a safe and healthy energy source can be used without much effort. Renewable energies have more sources than nonrenewable energies like solar power, wind power, hydroelectricity, geothermal energy, wave energy and tidal power. All these energy sources are sufficient to provide enough energy to us throughout the century without incurring much cost. The development in the field of renewable energy sources would make the associated technology much more convenient and inexpensive. Therefore it would be easy for the domestic user to switch to it as well. The solar panels have already either partially or fully replaced the conventional electricity procedures

Solar Power Energy Disadvantages

Sun is present only in the day time. Hence the energy of sun can be best utilized in day only. All the stor batteries and updraft towers work well in day. However as the sun sets the photons (packets containing s

disappear and the working of the solar panels plus the batteries start to decline. All the solar power stora steady and consistent flow of solar light and heat in order to work efficiently. Therefore still it is difficul power energy for electricity generation in night. The inefficacy of solar power systems in night has narr Hence when there is no sun there is no power supply.

Expensive Solar Power Projects

The solar power projects are initially very uneconomical. Solar panels are expensive and so is the back systems. This is the reason why solar power energy is disadvantageous for domestic users to make use The major disadvantage of using solar power is associated with the absence of sun in night. However in overcome this challenge satellite are sent into the orbit which can utilize solar energy at any time of day the day night and whether changes. No matter this can resolve the problem of interrupted energy supply is really very expensive. This system can only be deployed only if it becomes common and inexpensive the battery life of solar devices is very low. Single solar panel does not generate enough electricity to su usage. An array of photovoltaic power systems is required to support this system. Hence it is not feasible medium businesses only large industrial units can make use of it. Hence the cost advantages offered by practically useful only to industry so far. Solar energy panels are used in bulk to fulfill the energy needs applications.

Technical Considerations for Solar Power

When we build solar panels there are many technical considerations involved. First of all the solar pan combination of two or more than two conductive materials. Only an expert who has the skill and knowle phosphorous, copper and silicone can make the panel. Another technical consideration is that while we panel it should be installed in an angle to sun, so that it can receive sunlight directly. Solar panels also re protective shield like glass so that factors other than photon cannot destroy it ability to perform. Howeve that sunrays do not only possess heat and light energy but also harmful ultraviolet rays. The ultraviolet r seasonal changes reduce the efficiency of the solar panels to work properly. Solar energy systems are alw upon some back up support system. In most cases solar power systems are dependent on batteries and on use of solar panels is limited to due to initial cost associated with its equipment. The rapid development technologies would make this cost a minor consideration when deploying this system at home. Solar en power systems can be deployed to areas where there is enough barren land to install solar panels. The la usually there is no free land this system is hard to implant. The use of solar energy would become comm equipment become inexpensive and more efficient to use.

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