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Chapter I THE INTRODUCTION Miriam College is an exclusive school for girls.

Although there are organizations and institutions that accommodate male students like the SAID (Southeast Asian Institute for the Deaf) and MAE (Miriam Adult Education), majority of the population of the students are females. Being in a school where in girls dominate the campus, the researchers were curious to find out if there are certain circumstances that could happen among the students being in that kind of environment. Hence, the researchers chose Lesbianism as the topic of their thesis. Since the researchers are also females and Lesbianism occurs among women, the researchers found the necessity to conduct the research study on this topic to be able to understand its complications and know the right approach regarding the matter. Also, they want to know how Lesbianism can affect the interactions between the lesbians and the nonlesbians and how they will deal with the matter.

A. Statement of the Problem Given the title of the research, The Stand of Miriam College Students regarding the issue of Lesbianism, it can viewed that the main and general concern of this study is to find out the stands, views and opinions of Miriam College Students with regards to the issue of Lesbianism. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following question: 1. Why is Miriam College allowing lesbians students to enroll in the institution? 2. How is Miriam College dealing with Lesbian issues?


What are the specific reactions of Miriam College students when seeing or being acquainted with a lesbian? 4. Is it okay for a Miriam College student to be in a circle of friends with a lesbian?


What are the particular feelings of Miriam College students towards lesbian students? 6. Do the students of Miriam College support lesbianism?


Do the students of Miriam College treat lesbians with the same treatment like their friends and peers?

B. Rationale of the Study According to Lesbianism roots back since the early times. Ever since the times of the growing civilizations of Greeks and Romans, there were some people considered as lesbians. It can be reflected through their poetry and myths. One example is the Sappho, she wrote topics about the beauty of a woman and she openly proclaimed her love for women. It can be said that lesbians may find it very hard to openly admit to people how they really feel. One of the top reasons why lesbians are afraid to come out openly is because when they tell their friends or someone they know, the news would spread quickly. Eventually, this coming out would be the cause of them, losing their jobs and would also start a bad publicity (Carter, J. 1996) Lesbianism had come a long way and today, lesbianism is very rampant. In almost every place here and there, you can see a lot of lesbians. Be it in schools, workplaces, cities and other places, there are lesbians which are very expressive of their feelings.

To clear things out, the researchers took this topic to study because they have an indepth curiosity and interest about how the students of an all-girls school like Miriam College view Lesbianism. Since the students are in an environment where girls dominate the student population, the researchers would like to know their stand, views and opinions with regard to Lesbianism. Also, the researchers would like to find out whether or not Lesbianism is rampantly occurring among the students of Miriam College since the students interact with the same group of people everyday. The significance of this topic is: knowing, studying, analyzing and voicing out the views, opinions and stands of the students in an all-girls school in the topic lesbianism. Are they being comfortable when they see a lesbian person? Is it just okay for them to have a lesbian person as a friend? Are there certain individuals who engage into Lesbianism and openly admit and show their feelings and identity? These questions would be answered as the researchers work on this topic. This paper aims to define what Lesbianism is. Further analysis and understanding of its meaning and complications are necessary to be able to fully comprehend and broaden the knowledge of the researchers about this topic. Also, this paper aims to know the stand and viewpoints both of lesbian and non-lesbian students regarding the topic.

C. Scope and Limitation Lesbianism is an issue currently faced by Miriam College Students. To be able to grasp and know more about this particular matter at hand, the researchers would conduct a study designed to know and understand more the stand, views and opinions of Miriam College Students when it comes to Lesbianism. The focused of this study is to know the

different opinions and views of the majority of the students in all year levels of the Miriam College Department with regards to the topic of Lesbianism. The coverage of this study is limited to only the students of Miriam College in all year levels and of all courses. This would not include the opinions and views of elementary and high school students, teachers, faculty, staff, employees and other workers. The survey questionnaires are just exclusive for the students of the Miriam College Department. This paper will also define other terms like gay, homosexuality and bisexualism to be able to relate or differentiate it from Lesbianism. Although this paper will define these terms, it will not be included in the analysis of the research topic but will only serve as a mean to have a clearer grasp of what Lesbianism really is. In order to conduct this study, the researchers would need enough information about the topic Lesbianism, proper materials needed such as paper for survey questionnaires, tapes and video cameras for interviews would also be provided by the researchers. The study would also take place on the school premises of Miriam College, this means that answering of survey questionnaires and interviews would be done strictly inside the school. The study is also exclusive for only the students of school year 20092010. This undertaking started last July 2009 and is expected to finish on or before October 2009 for the impartial fulfillment of the requirement in the subject Fundamentals of Research for the school year 2009-2010.

D. Definition of Terms

Lesbianism- refers to the homosexual relations between women Lesbian- a woman whose sexual orientation is to women. Identity- the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another Public Display of Affection- abbreviated as PDA; is the physical demonstration of affection for another person while in the view of others. Holding hands or kissing in public are commonly considered to be unobjectionable forms of public displays of affection; however, what is considered objectionable depends on the context. Homosexuality- sexual desire or behavior directed toward a person or persons one's own sex. Bisexual- a person sexually responsive to both sexes Gay- of, indicating, or supporting homosexual interests or issues of

Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES I. Local Literature The article is mainly about a lesbians view on how lesbianism should be viewed. The author narrates her lesbian life starting from the very point where she was still in kindergarten that probably became a factor in the development of her women preference, to her college years where she had been engaged in a boy-girl relationship, and up to her self-discovery of who she really is which is being a lesbian. While being an access to the world where non-gays are somehow alienated, it answers some of the most awkward and delicate questions raised by non-gays like how they make love and what are the types of lesbians in terms of preference. The article of Diane Varga, a self-confessed lesbian, is one of the highlights of the study because it gives the researchers a view on how a lesbian sees herself being part of both worlds separated by gender. It is very much significant to the researchers because it is actually a taste of being a lesbian, a partial fullfilment in entering the gay world. With this kind of information, the researchers were provided with enough knowledge on how to deal with lesbiansthat will be important when they conduct their survey and interviews. Dr. Holmes, a well- known adviser and doctor here in the Philippines, responds to her gay correspondents with wit and compassion, giving all that is needed. She refuses to judge homosexual people regardless of all the society has to say about them. She treats them as two people who are in a relationship, who are in love, and as people who have intimate feelings with each other.

Lesbianism is very rampant in Miriam College. A lot of people do not understand their behaviour because of numerous reasons. This article shows one of the professionals who understand why lesbians act as they do. With this article, we can show to others, those who do not tolerate or understand lesbianism that much, to understand these homosexual people and that there are reasons why they act as such. The significance of this article to our study is that, it can be seen that there are still people who does not judge lesbians based on their racial self. They understood these lesbians as who they are and accept them as themselves. With this statement, the researchers could make the lesbian interviewee or any lesbian students in Miriam College feel secured and that the researchers are also non-discriminative to them. The result of this article is the understanding and not judging the homosexuals. The article points out that just like regular people, lesbians feel love and want love. We must consider the morality involved in the way two people who are in love act, regardless of their gender or sex, so that we may be able to accept them in our society. In the Philippines, we can say that lesbianism is being legally practiced. There is no discrimination or un-proper treatment among lesbians. Tolerances among lesbians are high in percentage but this tolerance is being tempered by the Catholic Church. Catholic Churches are strong influences when it comes to limiting the boundaries of something. But despite this limitation, there is a vibrant scene of homosexuals that could be found in clubs and saunas in Manila. Here in Manila, the lesbian/gay scene has a warm and friendly approach rather than in other countries where scenes like these are not in that kind of in jive with the environment.

This can greatly help the researchers in the study because this article focuses on the acceptance of lesbians in the country, especially in Manila. This can serve as a piece of concrete information that lesbians are well-accepted in the country. This may as well, help in the active participation of lesbian students in the surveys and interviews because the researchers would aid them with proper information and knowledge like these. With this kind of information, the researchers would not be self-conscious when they faced lesbian students. The researchers could easily have confidence and self-esteem when facing a lesbian because the researchers are also well-informed that lesbians are tolerated and are very much welcome in the environment of the Philippines. II. Foreign Literature For the past few years, student affairs educators have been at the forefront of diversity programs preparing the students when they leave school to become student leaders and future citizens. One of these diversity programs is sexual orientation. Student affairs educators are aware and sensitive to issues concerning gays and lesbians on campuses. Faces with issues like these, students affairs educators have changed the institutional environment to be adaptable and non-discriminatory to the recognition of gays and lesbians in employment benefits when these people get out of school. However, every year, students affairs educators are recruiting new employees to administer its programs. And these new employees are from the schools which students affairs educators have taught about diversity and equality among all. The significance of this article to the researchers study is that along with their topic, they can inform their lesbian interviewee or any lesbian students that would participate in the study that there is so much space out there to grow. This is not to

encourage the lesbians students to be forever lesbians but this would serve as a piece of information for them that are also opportunities waiting for them, they are not being discriminated and there are people that can understand them. This can help the researchers because they can be able to have a connection with the lesbian students by talking about this information. This can be a bridge for the lesbian students to open up their feelings to the researchers. Given this, the researchers would benefit and would know how to approach to take the lesbian students to not be offended in the topic. In short, this article is related to the study because it would be an instrument for the researchers and the lesbian students to be open with one another, thus creating fundamental and coherent results. The findings shown in this article is that being a lesbian is not an identity to be ashamed of, there are also opportunities and different space waiting for them. The two ideas: gender and sex are somewhat confusing. These two terms had been confused for a very long time when indeed they are different from each other. Sex is defined by the genetic make-up we had since birth while gender can be described, since 1970, as the distinction between male and female behaviour. The article gender identity talks about the many issues that arise when the topic about sexual orientation and identifying oneself is on-going. This can be described through some people that go against the typical gender roles that are set by the community. One example of these people is the lesbians. These lesbians are women that express their gender differently from their sexual identity. They are part of the concept of Gender identity. This article is very much important to the researchers study because it defines the boundary between gender identity and sexual orientation. This can help in the study because the clear contrast between the two terms may serve as a guide for the researchers

in their work. It can help them understand more the concepts about lesbianism which is their main topic. This is significant in the study because lesbianism is a hard topic, by being able to break down the concepts into individual contexts, the researchers would have a full grasp of their research. This article shows that there are some people who deviate from the typical gender roles set by the society, by deviating away, sub-genders are being created. The result of the study is that it is important for people to realize that gender identity is different and is not related to sexual orientation. Gender identity is how we express our gender while sexual orientation is about the biological sex to which we are attracted. Lesbian and gay men have been invisible in important surveys and polls. The portrait of a typical American as described by U.S. Census Bureau States, does not include a category for gay people, even if we are represented in different ethnic and racial groups. The only time that lesbians and gays are counted is in surveys on sex and sexual practices, which is only one aspect of our identity. Some gay firms have begun to do exploratory surveys of lesbians and gays for marketing purposes, to help clients with print ads, refine product concepts and assessment needs. The surveys results have interesting information about lesbians and gays. Also, gays and lesbians organizations and magazines often do surveys on various aspects of their lives, from religious beliefs to dating practices and sexual orientation. This literature can help because this article is about the communitys behaviour towards the treatment of lesbians and gays. Lesbians and Gays have been treated nonchalantly in the society, this treatment led to the organization of lesbians and gays movements that would help build in the proper treatment of lesbians and gays. The


significance of this literature in this study is that, this study can help reduce the growing nonchalant treatment of lesbians and gays, This article can also signify that this particular study can be a proof in the non-discriminatory treatment in surveys and polls of lesbians and gays. The article shows that despite the weakness in the active involvement of gays and lesbians, different movements and organizations have surfaced and became fighters for the rights of gays and lesbians. One of the reasons that Bisexuals choose to remain silent about their identity is because of the possibility that other people, aside from their friends may find out about their different being. Some Bisexuals choose the people whom they share their true identity with. The reason for this is that they tend to feel paranoid that more and more people will find out about it and may cause them some disadvantages like getting fired from work, being looked down upon by other people or even be gossiped about. Another reason is that Bisexuals feel that to reveal their identity is to let their control over themselves slip from their hands. Some Bisexuals still believe that as long as they hold on to their sexual orientation, there will still be a sense of control for them. However, this sense of control may make them feel paranoid and may result to weirdness in behavior. Since this article talks about the feelings and way of thinking of bisexuals, the researchers find this article necessary in their research study. They think that it can greatly help them in analyzing and understanding more about their research topic. Though Lesbianism is their research topic, Bisexuals and Bisexualism can also be of help in broadening the research work. These terms correlate with each other and can be linked together to make the research paper more interesting and easier to understand.


Chapter III METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the conceptual framework of the study, the methods of research and the research instruments and design. This chapter also explains how each of the research frameworks instruments and design help contribute to the study of the researchers. I. Conceptual Framework The research paper, The Stand of Miriam College students in the Issue of Lesbianism, presents that this study focuses on the perceptions of Miriam College Students regarding the issue of Lesbianism and making a stand about it. In the particular conceptual framework that is presented, it can be said that the perception or the view of a particular student is affected by their experiences, attitudes, beliefs, values and memories. These are the important components that a student has to briefly examine before making a stand regarding the issue. This clearly shows that each variable in a students life is very important in the study and that, the researchers should take in important consideration to understand the student when giving out her opinion regarding the issue. This conceptual framework justifies that it suited the study because as it breaks down the study into necessary variables and elements that comprises the research, it also gives importance to every variables thus creating a fact that each variable is necessary for the research because each one affects one another in its own way.


( Sheryl Alcaraz, 1999) II. Research Design A. Survey Surveys are the most popular and most used of all other methods when it comes to gathering data. The researchers would be using this kind of method in order to gain information about the stand of Miriam College Students regarding the issue of Lesbianism. The respondents would be students in the tertiary level of Miriam College The gender would be of course, female, since Miriam College is an all-girls college. The researchers would pick 15 students from each year level, regardless of the course, to validate and prove the results of the study. The researchers chose these people to answer the survey because these students are mature enough to think about their own stand and opinion about the issue. The researchers


also thinks that since Miriam College students is an all-girls school, they can give first hand information and experiences about lesbians because these students are interacting with lesbians almost everyday in their lives. So, Miriam College students, for the researchers, are a very good set of people to gather information about the topic. B. Interview The researchers would be interviewing two persons about the topic. First person is Krishia Zabala. She is taking up International Studies, the current second year council secretary and has been studying in an all-girls school ever since grade 1. We think that she is credible for the study because as a sophomore council officer, she has attended to the many needs of the students and she was able to understand them and give support. Plus, she has been exposed to an all-girls environment which could make it easier for her to defend and explain her reasons about lesbianism. The second resource person that we are going to interview is Kathleen Aquino. She is currently taking up International Studies, is the current International Studies Society President and is now in her fourth year level in college. We think she is credible because she is very much aware of the happenings inside the Miriam College campus and we know that she can ratify and express her opinions very well because she is trained to do so. C. Setting The gathering of results from survey questionnaires and the conduction of the interview would be discussed in this part. The answering of survey forms for Miriam College students would necessarily take place inside the campus of Miriam College, it


could happen in places such as in the schools cafeteria, in the Our Ladys Court, the study hall, in the upper and lower lanai or anywhere as long as there are available students that could answers the survey questionnaires. The data gathering from the survey questionnaires would start at September 7, 2009, Monday, and would end at the 9th of September 2009 which is a Wednesday. This is to give time for the researchers to work earlier in time. For the interview, it would be held at TIME particularly in the PLACE. The following dates and places were already set to help the researchers to conduct their study efficiently because it would give them more time to analyze the results of the pieces of data gathered that would be interpreted in the chapter four of the research study. III. Instrument Design The particular method that the researchers would probably use in the validation of findings would be the percentage scale. Percent means part of one hundred and the symbol used for it is %.The researchers have decided to use this scale because it is simple but it conveys and represents the population in a single, unified number. Using this scale, the researchers would be able to found out whether the majority of the students in Miriam College are in favor or not in favor of lesbianism and would be able to arrive and conclude the stand of Miriam College Students regarding the issue of lesbianism. To be able to correctly formulate answers from the percentage scale, the researchers would be using this formula: Amount/number -------------------------X 100


Total Number


This chapter presents analysis and the interpretation of data. The data are presented in colorful graphs accompanied by analysis and interpretation. This chapter also shows the paraphrased transcript of the researchers interview with a resource person on the topic of lesbianism. Graph 1 Avoiding Lesbianism

15 12 9 6 3 0

1st year

2nd year YES

3rd year NO

4th year


Graph 1 shows the percentage of whether students of Miriam College avoid or do not avoid lesbians. The data reveals that 14 out of 15 students or 93.33% of the first year population does not avoid lesbians while the remaining 1 out of 15 or 6.67% tends to avoid lesbians. In the second year, 15 out of 15 students or 100% does not avoid lesbians and no one or 0% avoids lesbians. In third year students, 14 out of 15 or 93.33% avoids lesbians and 1 of 15 of 6.67% avoids lesbians. For the fourth year students, 15 of 15 students do not avoid lesbians while no one or 0% tends to avoid lesbians. This Graph presents that the students of Miriam College that do not avoid lesbians dominate over the students that avoid lesbians. In every year level, there is a great gap difference between the number and percentage of students that avoid or do not avoid lesbians and this idea can be clearly seen in the data presented by the second year students in which the gap even reached a hundred percent. It just means that majority of the students in Miriam College from first year to fourth year do not avoid lesbians. They do not run away or hide when they see lesbians and its just alright for them if they see any lesbians. In the survey conducted, Lesbians for the Miriam College Students are still inert human beings and it is just normal to associate with them because if you tend to avoid or separate them, that is discrimination. They are also human beings and is also created by God, who are we to dismantle them in the society. Also, lesbians are not cannibals to avoid and they are not doing anything harmful. Killer and criminals are the ones that we should avoid. In the interviews conducted, both the interviewees are not afraid to mingle with lesbians. They do not avoid lesbians because they think that lesbians are also human and


actually, they are fun to be with and they are interesting to talk to since most of them are very open-minded.

Graph 2 Having Lesbian Friends

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 2 shows the percentage of whether the students of Miriam College have any lesbian friends or not. In the gathered data, 13 of 15 or 86.67% of first year students have lesbian friends while 2 of 15 or 13.33% do not have any lesbian friends. 100% or 15 out of 15 of the 2nd year students have lesbian friends while none or 0% of them does not have any lesbian friends. In the third year level, 13 out of 15 or 86.67% have lesbian friends while 2 out of 15 or 86.67% do not have any lesbian friends. For the fourth year, 13 out of 15 or 86.67% have lesbian friends while 2 out of 15 or 86.67% do not have any lesbian friends. This graph presents the number of students in Miriam College who have lesbian friends. The number of first year students, third year students, and fourth year students that


does not have lesbian friends are all the same while for the second year, all surveyed students answers that they have lesbian friends. These results show that almost everyone in Miriam College have lesbian friends, they accept them as their friends, nothing more, nothing less. In the survey forms and interview conducted, Miriam College students accepts lesbians as who they are. In fact, a respondent answers that lesbians are much more fun to be with. This just means that the students enjoy the company of lesbians and they treat them like any other human beings. Having lesbians in an exclusive school is just normal so majority of Miriam College students have these kinds of friends.

Graph 3 Miriam College students that feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians.

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 3 shows the percentage of whether Miriam College students feel uncomfortable when they see any lesbian. 3 out of 15 or 20% of first year students feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians and 12 out of 15 or 80% does not feel


uncomfortable when they see lesbians; 2 out of 15 or 13.33% of second year students feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians and 13 out of 15 or 86.67% does not feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians; 3 out of 15 or 20% of third year students feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians and 12 out of 15 or 80% does not feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians; 0 out of 15 or 0% of fourth year students feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians and 15 out of 15 or 100% does not feel uncomfortable when they see lesbians. This graph presents the number of Miriam College students who feel uncomfortable whenever they see lesbians. In this graph, it can be seen that most of the fourth year students already feel comfortable whenever they see lesbians because they are the eldest, thus, they have stayed in the school the longest and they are already used to lesbians roaming around the school. Miriam College is an exclusive school for girls, it is already accepted that there will be lesbians, which is why only a few students feel uncomfortable around lesbians. This shows that most of Miriam College students do not feel uncomfortable when they are approached by lesbians. Lesbians are people, no matter what other people think of their gender. Miriam College students know that lesbians are people too, that is why they do not feel uncomfortable when they are approached by lesbians. In the surveys and interviews conducted, majority of the respondents are not uncomfortable with lesbians. For Miriam College students, lesbians are girls, its just that they have a different sexual preference, so why be uncomfortable with them. For them, there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian. Everyone should be treated equally.


Graph 4 Miriam College Students that mingle with lesbians.

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 4 shows the percentage of whether if Miriam College Students mingle or does not mingle with lesbians. 9 out of 15 or 60% of first year students mingle with lesbians and 6 out of 15 or 40% does not mingle with lesbians; 15 out of 15 or 100% of second year students mingle with lesbians and no one or 0% of them does not mingle with lesbians; 14 out of 15 or 93.33% of third year students mingle with lesbians and 1 out of 15 or 6.67% does not mingle with lesbians; 14 out of 15 or 93.33% of fourth year students mingle with lesbians and 1 out of 15 or 6.67% does not mingle with lesbians. This graph presents the number of Miriam College students who mingle with lesbians. The first year students were the only ones who were below 90% regarding the number of first year students who mingled with lesbians. The second to fourth year students, on the other hand, were able to achieve above 90% regarding students who mingled with lesbians. It is understandable that more first year students do not mingle with


lesbians because of the fact that they are the newbies in school, some may have come from schools that offered co-education, that is why some of them do not mingle with lesbians yet. In the interview conducted, the resource person said that it is impossible to not mingle with lesbians especially in an all-girls campus. When you develop a shared friendship with a person, it is does not matter anymore even if she is lesbian. As long as you treat each other accordingly and nicely, all would flow smoothly. Graph 5 Are lesbians too vulgar?

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 5 shows the percentage of whether Miriam College students think that lesbians are too vulgar. 5 out of 15 or 33.33% of first year students thinks that lesbians are vulgar while the remaining 10 of 15 or 66.67% do not think that lesbians are too vulgar; 3 out of 15 or 20% of second year students thinks that lesbians are vulgar while the remaining 12 of 15 or 80% do not think that lesbians are too vulgar; 6 out of 15 or 40% of third year students thinks that lesbians are vulgar while the remaining 9 of 15 or 60% do


not think that lesbians are too vulgar; 3 out of 15 or 20% of fourth year students thinks that lesbians are vulgar while the remaining 12 of 15 or 80% do not think that lesbians are too vulgar. In the graph shown, Miriam College students took their side on whether they perceive lesbians as vulgar regarding their fashion, attitude and behavior or not. Though some Miriam College students thinks that lesbians are being vulgar, still, majority of them, ranging from first year to fourth year, thinks that lesbians are not vulgar. Basing in this result, Miriam College students are just okay with the way lesbians present themselves, their attitudes, behavior, fashion sense and more. For the students, its not being vulgar or different, it is just their way of telling other people that they still have the rights to chose what they want and at least, they are being true to themselves. In the survey, Miriam College students say that lesbians have the same rights as any other human beings, they are still part of the community and they have a right to exercise their free-will. They are just being true to themselves and there is nothing wrong about it. Lesbians are still girls but they are just not into the feminists aspect. Also, we should look deeper and not just based our judgment on their outside appearance; maybe, they just became something like that because of a trauma or problems in the family. Lesbianism is also brought about by different influences and factors in the environment, we should not blame them accordingly because they are not girly girls. As for the lesbians inside the Miriam College Campus, as long as they are wearing the proper dress code, they are not considered vulgar in terms of physical appearance and clothing. When it comes to attitude, lesbians do not act all boyish inside the campus, so for Miriam College Students, they are not considered as vulgar.


Graph 6 Miriam College Students that feel bothered when seeing a lesbian.

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 6 shows the percentage of whether Miriam College students feel bothered when they see a lesbian. 2 out of 15 or 13.33% of first year students feels bothered when they see a lesbian while the remaining 13 of 15 or 86.67% does not feel bothered when they see a lesbian; 1 out of 15 or 6.67% of second year students feels bothered when they see a lesbian while the remaining 14 of 15 or 93.33% does not feel bothered when they see a lesbian; 1 out of 15 or 6.67% of third year students feels bothered when they see a lesbian while the remaining 14 of 15 or 93.33% does not feel bothered when they see a lesbian; 0 out of 15 or 0% of fourth year students feels bothered when they see a lesbian while the remaining 15 of 15 or 100% does not feel bothered when they see a lesbian. In the above graph, results show that majority of the students in Miriam College do not feel bothered when they see any lesbian. It means that from first year to fourth year, majority of the students in Miriam College do not feel any changes in their feelings or attitudes whenever they see or encounter a lesbian. It is just like a natural occurrence for


them when they see lesbians or maybe, seeing lesbians almost everyday, the students of Miriam College just get used to the idea and lesbians for them, became like heterosexual altogether. In the survey, some students feel bothered because lesbians have their own persona and identity. They are a bit different in some ways. But majority of the Miriam College students are not bothered when seeing a lesbian. Why? Because lesbians are still girls and students of Miriam College are cool with lesbians and they cannot find something wrong about it. Graph 7 Treatment of lesbians and of heterosexual girls

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 7 shows the percentage of whether Miriam College students treat lesbians the same way as they treat any normal or heterosexual girls. 14 out of 15 or 93.33% of first year students treats lesbians the same way as they treat heterosexual girls while 1 of 15 or 6.67% does not treat lesbian students the same way as they treat any other heterosexual girls; 13 out of 15 or 86.67% of second year students treats lesbians the same way as they


treat heterosexual girls while 2 of 15 or 13.33% does not treat lesbian students the same way as they treat any other heterosexual girls; 13 out of 15 or 86.67% of third year students treats lesbians the same way as they treat heterosexual girls while 2 of 15 or 13.33% does not treat lesbian students the same way as they treat any other heterosexual girls; 13 out of 15 or 86.67% of third year students treats lesbians the same way as they treat heterosexual girls while 2 of 15 or 13.33% does not treat lesbian students the same way as they treat any other heterosexual girls. The graph presents that in Miriam College, there are no discriminations between lesbians and heterosexual girls. Majority of the students treat lesbians just like any other girly girls. The way they mingle with lesbians and the way they mingle with plain girls makes no difference. For the students, lesbians are still girls and they need to be treated in the same way. While some students says that they dont treat lesbians the same way as they treat heterosexuals plainly because lesbians have their own personality and they carry themselves differently from any other girly girls. But all in all, students in Miriam College do not discriminate between lesbians and heterosexuals. The students also said the being a lesbian does not make one less than a person, so why would you treat them differently, just because of their personality? Thats discrimination. In the interview conducted, the resource person said that even if you turn the world upside down, lesbians are still girls and they also have basic human rights. Lesbians can also go to the malls, ride public transportation and all so the treatment should be the same. We are not in the position to judge them as person so we have to acknowledge them as our fellow human beings.


Graph 8 Are lesbians welcome in Miriam College?

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 8 shows the percentage if Miriam College students feel that lesbians are welcome in their campus. 14 of 15 or 93.33% of first year students feels that lesbians are very much welcome in the campus while 1 out of 15 or 6.67% feel that lesbians are not welcome; 14 of 15 or 93.33% of second year students feels that lesbians are very much welcome in the campus while 1 out of 15 or 6.67% feels that lesbians are not welcome; 15 of 15 or 100% of third year students feels that lesbians are very much welcome in the campus while 0 out of 15 or 0% feels that lesbians are not welcome; 15 of 15 or 100% of fourth year students feels that lesbians are very much welcome in the campus while 0 out of 15 or 0% feels that lesbians are not welcome. Based on the graph shown above, Miriam College students feel that lesbians are welcome in their campus. Judging from the fact that lesbians are now studying in Miriam College, the students answer that even if Miriam College would not allow lesbians, they


cannot do anything about it anymore because there are a lot of lesbians that are currently studying in the campus. Another fact is that, it is the environment itself that is welcoming lesbians to study there. Since there are no discrimination happening in the campus (graph no. 8 ), it is more likely that lesbians would enroll in the campus. In the survey, the students of Miriam College said that we should accept them without discrimination and criticism. They are still part of the community and we cannot do anything about them because its their own choice. Based on the interview, it is said that Miriam College is an-all girls school and it is not imposed that there should be no lesbians allowed.

Graph 9 Stand of Miriam College Students on whether they are in favor of having lesbian students in the campus or not.

15 12 9 6 3 0 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year YES NO

Graph 9 shows the percentage of whether Miriam College students are in favor of having lesbian students in their campus or not. 11 out of 15 or 73.33% of first year students are in favor of having lesbians in their school while 4 out of 15 or 26.67% are not in favor


of having lesbian students in Miriam College; 14 out of 15 or 93.33% of second year students are in favor of having lesbians in their school while 1 out of 15 or 6.67% are not in favor of having lesbian students in Miriam College; 13 out of 15 or 86.67% of third year students are in favor of having lesbians in their school while 2 out of 15 or 13.33% are not in favor of having lesbian students in Miriam College; 12 out of 15 or 80% of fourth year students are in favor of having lesbians in their school while 3 out of 15 or 20% are not in favor of having lesbian students in Miriam College. The above graph concludes that the students of Miriam College are in favor of having lesbian students in the campus. Although some students are not in favor, majority of the students, from first year to fourth year are in favor that Miriam College allows lesbians in the campus. Since Miriam College is an all-girls community, it cannot be avoided that there would be lesbians in the campus. The students are very much understanding in this sense, and they are not closing their mind for the lesbians. Graph 10 Lesbianism, a sin?
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1st year 2nd year

3rd year

4th year


Graph 10 shows the stand of Miriam College Students on whether they think lesbianism is a sin. 4 out of 15 students or 26.67% of first year students thinks that lesbianism is a sin while 9 of 15 or 60% thinks that lesbianism is not sin and the remaining 2 out of 15 or 13.33% cannot decide on whether lesbianism is a sin or not; 3 out of 15 students or 20% of second year students thinks that lesbianism is a sin while 11 of 15 or 73.33% thinks that lesbianism is not sin and the remaining 1 out of 15 or 6.67% cannot decide on whether lesbianism is a sin or not; 6 out of 15 students or 40% of third year students thinks that lesbianism is a sin while 8 of 15 or 53.33% thinks that lesbianism is not sin and the remaining 1 out of 15 or 6.67% cannot decide on whether lesbianism is a sin or not; 0 out of 15 students or 0% of fourth year students thinks that lesbianism is a sin while 15 of 15 or 100% thinks that lesbianism is not a sin. Majority of Miriam College students does not necessarily think that lesbianism is a sin. Being exposed in an all-girls community, the researchers think that Miriam College Students are very understanding about the concept of lesbianism. In the survey and interview conducted, the students of Miriam College thinks that lesbianism is just a way of expressing oneself and everyone has free-will. Why call it a sin if it is not clearly written in the Ten Commandments and in the bible? Miriam College students also think that unless you are doing immoral things and lesbians are not hurting anybody, it is not a sin, in fact, they said, killing is worse than being a lesbian. Lesbianism, as they said, is just a phase. Lesbians are experiencing identity crisis so there is really nothing wrong about it. For some students that think that lesbianism is a sin, they insisted that God only creates man and woman and diverting from this is a sin, we should accept what God has given and not look for something else. Some students could not decide on whether they think lesbianism is sin


because they said that it is not appropriate but there is really no clear basis on whether lesbianism is a sin. Graph 11 Lesbians as part of the community
100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1st year 2nd year YES NO 3rd year IT DEPENDS 4th year

Graph 11 shows the percentage of Miriam College students that thinks whether lesbians should be accepted in a community. 15 out of 15 or 100% of first year students think that lesbians should be accepted in a community and no one said that they should not be accepted in the community; 15 out of 15 or 100% of second year students think that lesbians should be accepted in a community and no one said that they should not be accepted in the community; 13 out of 15 or 86.67% of third year students think that lesbians should be accepted in the community while the remaining 2 of 15 or 13.33% cannot decide on whether they should be accepted in the community; 15 out of 15 or 100% of fourth year students think that lesbians should be accepted in a community and no one said that they should not be accepted in the community. Analyzing the results, it is very much obvious that Miriam College students accepts lesbians in their community. It does not matter how these lesbians act as long as they stick


to the rules of community and not do something against the law, lesbians are very much welcome. In the surveys conducted, Miriam college students voice out that when we do not accept lesbians, it is already discrimination. Lesbians are still girls and human beings that need to be respected and they have the right to live. The students also said that in the community, equality and freedom should be exercised and there is nothing with being a lesbian. They are not criminals and thieves that we should be wary of, they are still human with a more diverse personality. In the interviews conducted, the resource person thinks that Definitely, lesbians too should be treated the same because theres nothing wrong with them. They dont need to marginalize themselves nor they have to be marginalized by the society. Whatever they do or say we should always remember that they are just like you BUT of different preference in relationship. and All people should know how to respect other people even if they go against the flow of the norms. Sometimes theres more excitement with what is unusual.: In summary of all the graphs given above, the researchers found out that Miriam College Students are not really against lesbianism. For them, lesbianism is just a matter of choice, a way of life and is brought about by environmental factors and influences. Lesbians are to be accepted in the community because for the students, these people are not sinners; they are just exercising their free-will and is just being true to themselves. Lesbians are still girls and human beings that needs to be treated with utmost respect and acceptance.


Chapter V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents a brief summary of the previous chapters. It also presents the conclusions, which were derived from the findings on the study and the recommendations for further research based on the summary and conclusion of the findings. A. SUMMARY: The researchers conducted a research study regarding the stand of Miriam College students on the issue of Lesbianism. The researchers chose this topic because of the curiosity to know how students of Miriam College view Lesbianism. The researchers found it relevant for Miriam College is a school where females dominate the student population. Lesbianism can rampantly occur in this kind of environment. Also, the research was made to voice out the opinions and stand of the students being in this kind of environment. In order to conduct the study correctly, the researchers took the guidance of Mr. Joel Toledo in every chapter. To be able to acquire information and to gather results to prove the study, the researchers made surveys and it was given out to 15 students for each year level. A total of 60 students took the survey and they were randomly chosen. The researchers also conducted an interview with the Sophomore Council Secretary Krishia


Zabala and with the International Studies Society President, Kathleen Aquino and the researchers believed to have really helped them in their research. All in all, the research was done within one semester or approximately, 4 months. The data gathered yields the result that Miriam College students are not against Lesbianism. That Miriam College Students are very much open to the idea of lesbianism and they are not having any difficulty interacting with lesbians.

B. CONCLUSION: The study Stand of Miriam College Students regarding the issue of Lesbianism focuses on the different opinions, view points, statements and stand of the students in Miriam College about lesbianism and lesbians in general. Altogether, the study was conducted within one semester ranging in about four months and was successfully executed. The thesis statement Miriam College should strictly implement the rule of nooutlandish looks for lesbian students inside the campus (Claim of Policy) that supported the research study throughout the semester was found to be followed by majority of the lesbian students in the campus. In the surveys and interviews conducted, there was no problem regarding the looks of lesbians in the campus. Lesbians inside the school are not diverting away from the dress code implied by the authorities. They are still wearing proper dresses that are not vulgar in a way that they seem to be boys. With the data gathered, Miriam College students view the looks and appearances of lesbians inside the campus to be appropriate.


When doing a research, it cannot be avoided that researchers would encounter problems during the course of the study. One problem that the researchers have encountered is the limited time span allotted to conduct the research study. Since the study was limited to only one semester, it cannot be avoided that there would be time constraints along with the other subjects and requirements of the researchers but nevertheless, all was executed successfully and was delivered well. Another problem encountered by the researchers is through the gathering of data. Even though students are well-acquainted and well-informed about the topic, there are some spaces in the survey essay questionnaires hat they have left unanswered. It is kind of frustrating for the researchers because the information that they would have supplied in the questions are very much needed in the study. All in all, these were the two major problems encountered during the study and were settled smoothly. During the course of the whole semester, the researchers found out a lot of important findings that excite their interests. One topic that interests the researchers is that even though lesbians are very much outspoken about their personality, it cannot be avoided that they were a little bit sly in admitting that they are lesbians. They feel that when they admit their true personality, people would avoid and stereotype them. Another finding is that all lesbians are not tomboyish in physical appearances, there are some lesbians that when you look at them , they look like girly girls but when you get to know them more, you would found out that they are also lesbians, lesbians who prefers having a relationship with girls than boys. The study as a whole is very important since the researchers were able to found out the different opinions and viewpoints of Miriam College students about lesbians and


lesbianism. Grasp from the data gathered, the researchers construe that Miriam College students are very much understanding about the topic of lesbianism. They are the people that do not judge people based on appearances, they are most likely to get to know one person more before making any judgments. Miriam College students also think that lesbianism is not a bad side of a person, it also does not make one less than a person. Lesbianism for them is phase, a choice and a matter of identity crisis that is brought about by many factors that affects their identity as a whole. Majority of the students in Miriam College also do not see lesbianism as a sin. For them, if you would not deviate away from the commandments set by God, you are not a sinner. When you talk about sin, it is about going against God, lesbianism is not going against God, even though God had created only man and woman, there is no exact scripture in the bible that states that lesbianism is a sin. In the researchers opinion, lesbians are still girls and human. We should not treat them differently just because they have their own way of thinking in life. We ought to also give them respect because they are still part of our community, our society and our country. It does not mean that because they chose to live life differently from a heterosexual girl, it means that they should not be recognized as girls. We must take in consideration that even if you turn the world upside-down, you cannot remove the fact that these lesbians are still girls. Technically, Miriam College is a school enclosed with an all-girls environment. It cannot be avoided that there would be lesbians studying in the institution, with this, the study justifies that almost all Miriam College students have acquaintances with lesbians. Its either they have these lesbians as their relative, friends or girlfriends, either which,


these students still have direct connection with lesbians. This exposure leads them to thinking that lesbianism is not something to be scared of. For them, lesbianism is just like a trend, like a normal occurrence happening in life. Since Miriam College is an institution that promotes gender equality and acceptance, the students of Miriam College feel that lesbians should be accepted and be welcomed in the college. Technically, there is no written-rule that lesbians students are not welcome in the school so this just means that every girl has the right to enroll and study in Miriam College and that each one of them must be accepted without discrimination and criticism. In conclusion, majority of the students in Miriam College are not against lesbianism. For them, lesbians are accepted part of the society that needs to be recognized because they also have their own identity and personality. We should understand these individuals that need support and encouragement because they are the ones that are emotionally and mentally challenged. We should not close our minds and stick to the idea that lesbians are not worthy individuals since they are neither girl nor boy, we must be open-minded and instill in our minds that they are still human beings worthy of existence and deserving of love, care and acceptance from people.

C. RECOMMENDATIONS: The study of the researchers is all about the stand of Miriam College Students regarding the issue of Lesbianism. This study covers the personal view of the students towards lesbianism inside and outside the walls of the school. This research could assist the school in better understanding their students since the study will give an idea on how


their students cope up with the environment they are providing them. And through these ideas, they can realize that having lesbians present in school is also a factor that gives effect on their value system. The researchers recommend that students should not isolate themselves from lesbians. And instead, they should use the opportunity of being in an all-girls school to interact with lesbians to know them and better understand them for good purposes that can develop their value system and interaction among people. This study could also help out teachers so they would be able to know and understand the behavior of their students and think of new and different strategies and more appropriate approach that can aid the students to develop their value systems. They can use this research as a good source of information. For the future researchers, who choose to continue this study, time and persistence are needed. The researchers should give more time and focus more on the gathering of data because the researchers had a hard time in gathering the data on the students due to a lot of disturbances. Also, the researchers recommend to them to just limit their respondents to only few students so that the gathering of data will be easier but still, the size population of the students should still be within the appropriate number to prove the study. They could also use this research as a reference for them to compare the results of the study they will be conducting.



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