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America Bombing Japan

The event that America dropped 2 atomic bombs on Japan was a change agent, because it made Japan surrender and finally World War II was over. It was the first time America used the atomic bomb in a war, but it killed a lot of people.

By Carrie

My Change Agent
America asked Japan to give up and told them about a new weapon they had: the atomic bomb. But Japan didnt reply. So on August 6, 1945, Paul Tibbet flew a super fortress airplane called Enola Gay to Japan from the Philippines. This super fortress airplane carried a big atomic bomb called Little Boy. At 8:15 am, Major Thomas Ferebee opened Enola Gays bay door, and sent that atomic bomb straight down on the city Hiroshima. About 1 minute later, a cloud formed a big mushroom. More than 100,000 Japanese died instantly.
This is a picture of the bombing of Nagasaki

Before My Change Agent

In 1941, Japan dropped bombs on Pearl Harbor. Pearl Harbor was an American naval base in Hawaii. Before this attack, America didnt fight in World War II, so they were really surprised about Japans attack in Pearl Harbor. It also made America really angry about Japan, so afterwards, America fought with Japan until 1945. America already had a lot of bases that were near Japan, and dropped many bombs on Japan. This almost destroyed Japan, but Japan still didnt surrender. This was the bombing in Pearl Harbor

On August 9, 1945, America dropped the second atomic bomb Fat Man, on the city Nagasaki; it killed 80,000 more people immediately.

After My Change Agent

The next day, Japan surrendered. On September 2, Japan officially signed the surrender terms, because Japan knew the atomic bomb was really bad. On that day, World War II was over. I think that my change agent was good, because it stopped World War II quickly. Japan signed surrender terms.

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