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Freedom is in Your Hands

By May (Yun Jung ) Lim

How would you feel if you had to spend 27 years in a small cell room, jail? Well this man, Nelson Mandela did. He was the 1st Black President as well as a Hero in
South Africa. Despite all the hardship and 27 years of jail life, he never gave up and gained what he dreamed of. Which was to declare that the blacks had their rights like everyone no matter what colour you are. If you want to know more about his 27 years of jail read on.

Nelson Mandela
Nelson Rolihlahla Dalibhunga Mandela also known as Madiba was born in Qunu,Transkei, South Africa on July 18th 1918 in a tribe called Tembu. The name Nelson was given by his English teacher. His father, the tribe leader died when Mandela was 9. Mandela decided he would become someone his father would be proud of. ANC Logo Nelson Mandela

Apartheid was the law made in 1948 by the South African Government which was being led by the Whites. Apartheid was the rule of racial discrimination in South Africa. In 1950 the law Apartheid divided South Africa in 3 types of people. The Bantus which was Blacks, and the coloured which were people who were half blacks and half whites, and the whites. Although the population of the Blacks were 19 million and the White were 4.5 million, the Blacks owned 13 percent of the land in South Africa while the White owned 87 percent of the land. Apartheid This is a scene of the blacks in South became a stronger law and the Africa protesting on the law apartheid. Whites and Blacks lived in a totally opposite environment. The Blacks had 1 doctor out of 44,000 people while the Whites had 1 doctor out of 400 people. Also the Blacks education was poor too. There was 1 teacher but 60 students for the Blacks and 1 teacher with 22 students for the Whites.

ANC abbreviated for African National Congress was formed on January 8th 1912 by 10 African leaders. ANC s objective is to make this world equal world where everyone could become one. Where there is no whites and blacks and girls and boys all over South Africa and all over the world. So everyone would be treated equally. Mandela joined the ANC on September 10th 1944 together with Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu, two African leaders. And during ANC , Mandela makes the ANCYL, the ANC Youth League. And in 1991 Mandela became the President of ANC

There were 2 main trials led by Mandela. The Treason Trial and the Rivonia Trial. The Treason Trial from 1956 to 1961 started when 156 people were arrested while protesting. The other protesters started protesting that the 156 people were guilty. However the South African government did not let the 156 people free. But finally in 1961 the 156 people were proved guilty and the trial ended. The Rivonia Trial taken place from 1963 to 1964 was the main trial protesting the law apartheid was wrong. During the Rivonia Trial Mandela and the other African leaders planned for the sabotage campaign to destroy the apartheid system in the Rivonia safe house. During the trial Mandela led the group of protesters to the center court and chanted Power! It shall be ours. These are the 156 people arrested during the Treason Trial.

Jail Life
On August 5th 1962 Mandela got arrested for leaving the country illegally but he escaped On October 25th 1962. However on June 12th 1964, Mandela was captured again, accused of treason. Mandela was sent to jail in Robben Island. But as more protesters tried to free Mandela , Mandela was transferred to Pollsmoor prison in 1982 . Even in prison the Blacks were treated poorly. In Robben Island the blacks had to use a bucket as a toilet, 1 visitor a year and was allowed to read and reply to 1 letter in 6 months. On July 5th 1989 Mandela got a chance to get out from prison. President of South Africa, President Pieter Willem Botha made a deal that if Mandela would stop protesting by using violence he would let

On December 10th 1993, Mandela won Nobel Peace Prize organized by the UN (United Nations) in Olso, Norway. Not only that but on 1993 the blacks got their rights to vote and on Here Nelson Mandela May 10th is giving a speech. 1994 Mandela became the first black president of South Africa. During his presidency he stopped all the apartheid laws. After 5 years of presidency, Mandela retired on 1999.

Nelson Mandela Today

Is Nelson Mandela alive? Well it is hard to believe but he is. He is 93 years old! Although he went through all the hard events he never gave up to gain equal rights for the blacks. 27 years of jail and life being treated unequally but achieving his dream he always dreamed of.

This is Nelson Mandela in jail.

Mandela out of jail. But Mandela refused. If he did not use violence to protest the blacks would never get their rights. And finally on February 11th 1990 Mandela got out of jail in the age of 71. Mandela had spent 27 years of jail.

This photo was taken on June 17th 2010 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

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