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e first want to thank the AFCA Thomas call; Identifying the nearest No.

Punt and
Summer Manual Committee for ask- 4 for the snapper. Girl’s names takes
ing us to write this article. We hope that we snapper to the left, boy’s names takes
can give a brief glimpse into how we orga- snapper to the right. Overload call if

C ov er at nize and practice the punt and cover

aspect of our special teams.
needed vs. a 5-3 sending both personal
protector and snapper to the same side.

Adams State
Block other No. 4 if not an overload,
Philosophy heels at six yards.

C ol le g e
Here at Adams State, we want to get our Wing: Set width of pocket, block No. 1,
best athletes on the field for each of our no closer than six inches, no farther than a
positions. We feel that in order to be suc- foot width from tackle. Three to four feet
cessful, we must win the special teams deep off the tackle’s butt.
aspect of each game. This is not a time to Tackle: Set front of pocket help with
have athletes not ready to compete on the width of pocket, block No. 2. No closer than
field. We will first show our punt scheme, six inches, no farther than a foot away from
and then show what we look for in each the guard. Tackle’s front foot line up with
position on the field. guard’s front foot. Don’t let the tackles line
up off the guard’s back foot, because you
Scheme will not have enough men on the line of
We utilize a slot formation, which scrimmage.
encompasses three phases. First, and Guard: Set front of pocket, block No. 3.
probably most important, is the protection No closer than six inches, no farther than a
of the punt, where the wings, tackles, foot from the snapper. Guard should line up
guards and center will take three kick steps with front in line with the snapper’s heel.
and press out. They will engage the defen- Bullets: Fight thru blocker, squeeze
sive opponent with their hands. The bullets punt returner. Middle of the field, bullets
will release down field defeating the oppo- line up inside the numbers. If it is a hash
nent’s attempt to block and squeeze the punt, bullet to the field, split the difference
punt returner. between hash and numbers. Bullet to the
The second phase is covering the punt. sideline, stay at inside of the numbers.
Each player should release outside having
Diagram 1: 4x4 Rachelle
a five-yard horizontal spacing between
each other. We want the covering players
to be aware of their surroundings and keep
the returner to their inside. The long snap-
per and personal protector control the mid -
dle of the field and can run directly at the
The final phase is squeezing the ball
carrier. We want to keep shoulders square
and keep the returner on our inside shoul-
Diagram 2: 5x3 Rachelle
der as we start to squeeze. If the returner
runs toward you, you hold your lane and
leverage. If the returner runs away from
you continue to squeeze and close down
your lane. We want multiple tacklers on the

Punter: Get punt away, heels at 15
yards. Selection
Snapper: Perfect snap, listen to per- Long Snappers: The most important
sonal protector. He will take you to the key of the punting game is having a snap-
nearest No. 4. per that can effectively execute three
Personal Protector: Identify front, areas: snap, protect, and run and cover the
count the number of men on each side of punt. What we want out of our long snap-
the center i.e.: 4-4 (Diagram 1), 5-3 per is a 15-yard snap that averages .75
(Diagram 2). from movement of the snap to the punter’s
Set blocking Scheme: Rachelle or hands. Along with each snap, he must be
able to get depth for punt protection pur- same technique as against press. Against
poses, and then cover down the field. an off opponent, we work releases, foot
fires and directional cuts down the field. We
Personal Protector: Must be a smart progress to using a scout defender for live
and athletic individual. He is the captain of action, watching for technique errors.
the punt team. He must be able to identify Snappers and Punters: Working snaps
various fronts and adjust the punt protec- and punts relationship. Snapper’s work
tion accordingly. He must be a good snapping to the punter ’s hip, right hip if the
enough athlete to react to stunts and not punter is right footed and left hip if the
get blown back into the punter. He sets the punter is left footed, then getting depth of at
front of the protection pocket for the punter. least two yards. He needs to get the ball
Bullets: Fast, physical and tough ath- back to the punter in at least .75 seconds.
letes. Bullets must be able to fight through We will add live bodies to block when we
the opponent’s block and get to the return- feel our snappers are ready.
er. Must be a good tackler. The punter is working to keep head
Wings: Good athletes that have the down, dropping the ball flat working for the
ability to kick a vertical line, have good perfect punt. Getting the ball off in 2.2 sec-
vision and smarts in picking up twisting and onds and having 4.5 seconds hang time.
stunting opponents. Wings have to be We progress with our punters by working in
strong enough not to get bent into the directional punts.
punter by the opponent. He sets the side of Jeff Williams was an all-RMAC and all-
the punter’s protective pocket, and must be region punter for Adams State in 2002. Wings, Tackles, Guards and
good tacklers. Personal Protector
Tackle: Slightly bigger athlete than the more than a heel to toe stagger, and the We split up into right and left sides with a
wings but needs to be athletic enough to right hand up in a ready position. coach working each position. We start with
stay on the inside hip of the wing. Will need Coaching Points: Do not let them rise our three kick steps, one kick step on com-
to be able press out attacking opponents to up out of their stance when kicking back. mand. Then we progress to three kick steps
start to create the front of the punter’s pro- Make sure the back is straight and not on one command. Again, we watch for our
tective pocket. Must be able to run and leaning forward. Do not let them drop their previous mentioned coaching points.
cover and be a sure tackler. inside hand. Watch for the feet coming Our next progression is three kick steps
Guards: Needs to be physically able to together, either closer than shoulder width and press out. As soon as we hit our third
handle bigger opponents and able to pick or breaking the heel to toe relationship. kick step and have engaged the opponent,
up inside twists and stunts from linemen to From one kick step on command, we go we press the opponent out forming the
linebackers. Creates the front of the pro- to three kick steps then hold. So on each pocket for the punter. We work this on air
tection pocket for the punter. Must be able command, our players will take three kick until our players exhibit the correct tech-
to run and cover and be a sure tackler. steps in a row, then settle back into a start- nique. We add in a scout team punt rush to
Drills: Punt and cover is the first special ing position. Again, we will do this across give a live body to hit.
team we practice during our spring practice. the field kicking with the right foot and We make our wings, tackles and
The first thing we do is line the whole team come back across the field kicking with the guards call out and point to identify their
up every five yards going east to west. Every left foot. The coaches will watch and cor- responsibility. Watch their technique so
coach is involved in this drill and has a line rect them before mention coaching points. they don’t revert back to old ways as soon
of players to watch. Each person in line is During spring drills we will run four to as there is a live body to hit. Make sure
separated by about five yards. five punt teams so this is a great drill to they’re not lunging at their responsibility
We put them in a right-side stance with teach a large amount of players and to and their butt is down and their base and
their left foot up, right foot back at a little evaluate the best personnell for the guard, stagger are correct.
more than a heel-to-toe stagger. Their feet tackle and wing position. Due to depth
should be no closer or wider than shoulder issues at our level, we have also found that Team Drills
width apart. We make sure the back is training everyone at first helps us in the Our first team drill is a cover drill. We
straight, knees are bent and butt is down learning curve when we have to dig deep line up cones spaced five yards apart, 15
like an offensive lineman’s two-point into back-ups due to injury. yards down field. Each cone correlates
stance. We make them keep their inside In our next practice session, we divide up with our wings, tackles, guards, snapper
hand up in ready to strike position to help each area of punt and cover special teams. and personal protector (Diagram 3). On
with any inside moves. We have two coaches for each position. the snap, the front seven will take their
Then we give the command for one kick Bullets: We first practice on getting off three kick steps and press out and run to
step with a recovery of the front foot. The press opponent by going against a station- their designated cone. The bullets will run
whole team will cross the field kick stepping ary figure working hand fighting tech- directly at the returner. When at the
with the right foot. We turn them around niques, foot fires and getting hips through. cones, they break down and wait for a
and change into a left side stance, with the Against a double team, we practice working whistle to return to the line of scrimmage.
right foot up and left foot back in a little through the weaker opponent using the Next, we add a scout team to drill, work-
ing different fronts and twists. On the technique then release to their cones. They a direction given to him by a coach, and
snap, the front seven will block their will break down at the cone then, on the watch the fit and lanes of our cover team.
responsibility using correct technique whistle, they will run to a stationary return- We watch the lanes to the direction of the
then release to their cones. er practicing squeezing their lanes to the return to make sure they do not squeeze
returner. Next we don’t stop our front seven down and keep their five yards of separa-
Diagram 3
at the cones but we do make sure that tion. We also check that the lanes away
when they release and start to cover that from the return side do squeeze and close
they run over their designated cone. down on the returner.
Our last progression is using a full scout
Diagram 4
team with different punt block and punt
return schemes. This is a game speed drill
that will test every position and many differ-
ent scenarios that our punt and cover team
will be competing against. Our coaches
make sure that we focus on fundamentals
Using a scout team and cones, the next and will stop a drill any time that our play-
progression that we will work is our punt ers have a break down in their techniques.
lanes and then squeezing the returner We will always make sure that we are tech-
(Diagram 4). On the snap, the front seven nically and fundamentally sound first and
will block their responsibility using correct We then add a return man that will run in foremost.

AFCA Districts
District 1 District 6
Division I-A: Sun Belt Conference, Central Florida Division I-A: Big Twelve Conference
Division I-AA: Atlantic 10 Conference, Ivy League, Metro Division I-AA: None
Atlantic Athletic Conference, Hofstra Division II, Division III: Minnesota, Wisconsin, North
Division II, Division III: New York, Vermont, New Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska
Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and
Connecticut. District 7
Division I-A: Conference USA, Mid-American
District 2 Conference
Division I-A: Big East Conference, Navy, Connecticut Division I-AA: Southland Conference
Division I-AA: Patriot League, Northeast Conference Division II, Division III: Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma,
Division II, Division III: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Kansas and Missouri
Delaware and West Virginia
District 8
District 3 Division I-A: Western Athletic Conference, Mountain
Division I-A: Atlantic Coast Conference West Conference
Division I-AA: Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference, Division I-AA: Big Sky Conference, Southern Utah
Southern Conference, Charleston Southern, Liberty, Elon Division II, Division III: Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona,
Division II, Division III: Maryland, Virginia, North Utah, Nevada, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana
Carolina, South Carolina, and District of Columbia
District 9
District 4 Division I-A: Pacific 10 Conference
Division I-A: Southeastern Conference Division I-AA: Cal Poly-SLO, St. Mary’s
Division I-AA: Ohio Valley Conference, Southwestern Division II, Division III: Washington, Oregon, California,
Athletic Conference, Samford, Western Kentucky, Hawaii, Alaska
Division II, Division III: Kentucky, Tennessee,
Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia Louisiana and Florida

District 5
Division I-A: Big Ten Conference, Notre Dame
Division I-AA: Pioneer Football League, Gateway
Division II, Division III: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and TM

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