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n behalf of the staff at Valdosta State Coaching

Attack Mode:
University, it is an honor to have the A unique aspect of our special teams
opportunity to share some of our special approach is our coaching style. Just like we
teams philosophies and coaching tech- never sacrifice talent on our special teams,
niques with you. I have been blessed to
work with a great head coach and staff that
we coach in the same manner. During spe-
cial team periods at practice, our coaches In st al l in g
the Rush in
are willing to emphasize the importance of are not on a break. I may be responsible for
special teams in every football game. I the special teams at Valdosta State, but

Y o ur P u nt
would like to share our philosophy on spe- each coach on our staff will coach as
cial teams and specifically concentrate on though they are coaching offense or
one of our special teams, the punt rush and defense.
return team. We may have five or six coaches on any
phase of special teams. We try to limit the R u sh
Philosophy player to coach ratio to no more than three
Our philosophy on special teams is sim- to one. This ratio gives our players the best
ple. We treat each football game as one opportunity to be coached and to learn.
that has three components, offense, These coaches are coaching their players
defense and special teams. Many staffs as hard as they would their own position
concentrate so heavily on offense or players. Not only are they coaching hard,
defense that special teams becomes a but they are coaching with enthusiasm.
mere after-thought. We feel if we can win Our players see the enthusiasm of the
two of the three phases each game, the special team coaches and they in turn feed
scoreboard at the end of the game will read off of this enthusiasm. They realize the
in our favor. An opponent may be as good importance of special teams when the
or better than you on offense or defense, defensive coordinator is coaching the end
but there is no excuse for not preparing on the punt team or the center on the kick-
your team for some type of advantage off return team. One other technique I have
when it comes to special teams. used that has been successful for us is
As you know, football is a game of field assigning graduate assistants or student
position. We talk to our players every week assistants to “coordinate” a certain phase
about special teams winning the battle of of the scout special teams.
field position. I hear coaches talk about They are responsible for the scout depth
how they emphasize special teams to their chart and coaching of the opponent’s tech -
teams. Yet, some sacrifice talent for just a niques and schemes. I have also used
body on the field. We play our best players these same graduate assistants and stu-
on special teams, regardless if he is a dent assistants in coaching on other spe-
starter, all-conference player or All- cial teams. You will be surprised how hun-
American. I never want to sacrifice ability, gry these guys are to coach. They do film
especially when a special team play can be and computer breakdowns, draw cards,
so important during the course of a game. etc., just waiting for an opportunity to
We put our “best 11” on the field every coach. By allowing them to coach the var-
special team play. One special team play, sity players, you will be surprised how hard
good or bad, could change the flow of a they coach. They take this opportunity very
game. The quickest way to change the seriously.
momentum of a game is to have some spe- Most coaches hire graduate assistants
cial team big play. Our players are told this and promise them an opportunity to learn
every day, and they ultimately understand to coach, yet all they do is computer or card
the importance of each special team play. work. You can live up to your promise by
I emphasize to our players if fatigue allowing them an opportunity to coach on
becomes a factor in a ballgame, take a play your special teams. They will certainly
or two off on offense or defense respectful- appreciate the opportunity and make the
ly. Many disagree with me on this issue, but most of it. It is certainly a morale boost for
again I go on the philosophy of a special many. I have been pleased with every
team play changing the momentum of a graduate or student assistant coach I have
game and changing it quickly. We never had helping me in coaching special teams.
take a rest on any special team play. Our
general philosophy every year is stated as Punt Rush and Return
such: Special teams will determine the out- I have been blessed to work with some
come of any close game. great staffs, all of whom share my belief in
the importance and enthusiasm of special egory of shanks, big returns, fumbled the foot. Swatting causes the timing of the
teams. It is because of this enthusiasm I snaps or stopping a fake. As you can see block to be thrown off. It also does not give
believe we have been successful in our by simple algebra, we have a MAD suc- the advantage of a reach in front. The
special teams. cess rate of 69 percent on block attempts. reach on a swat is up, the reach on a prop-
Our most successful special team over As stated earlier, it is a game of field posi- er block is out. A block that is made by soft
the last two years has been our punt rush tion. When holding your opponents to 20 hands is every bit as good as one that is
and return team. After the 2000 season, I yards or less per punt, you are giving your - swatted backwards. This is a common mis-
approached our head coach, Chris self a very good chance of winning. take by players first learning to block kicks.
Hatcher, on our philosophy of punt rush. I An understanding of forward momentum
requested that we become more aggres- Teaching Phases through the block point, coupled with the
sive and try to block more punts or force We install punt rush and return in seven hands on the ball will many times force a
our opposition into bad punts. It was a rare phases. I will give you the phase and the blocked ball in the same direction as your
occasion that we attempted to block punts. number of practices we normally use in the momentum, backwards. Swatting doesn’t
We had a more conservative approach installation period. Depending upon your insure the block will go backwards.
to be safe and just field the punts and team, returning players, etc., the length it Common phrases you hear during this
maybe break a return or two. He agreed to may take to install, can and sometimes will installation period by our coaches will be,
my request and we immediately put an be varied. “see the ball of the foot,” “take the ball off of
emphasis on attacking punts. I wanted pun- Phase No. 1, Fundamentals of the the foot” and “do not swat at the ball.” Make
ters to fear our rush. I thought if people block (1.5 practices): We teach our play- sure players are going through both lines in
would put more emphasis on stopping our ers, when blocking a punt, to never leave order to assure the block is coming across
Punt Rush and Return team that other spe- your feet. The fastest way to get to the the punter from the right as well as the left.
cial teams would be sacrificed in practice. block point is to run through that point. We Phase No. 2, Moving through the
Many head coaches schedule only a begin by standing one step from a punter. block point (1.5 practices): When you
certain amount of time for special teams in As the punter drops the ball (he will not feel your players have a good feel of taking
a practice. For example, a head coach may take a step), we step across his foot and the ball off of the foot, back the blockers up
schedule 20 minutes for punt and kick off; take the ball off of his foot. It is important to five yards and also move the punter back
with usually the minutes being split evenly, always use a punter as to insure a proper two yards. Stay at an angle coming across
10 and 10. I wanted our punt rush and drop. the punter’s foot. During this phase, the
return team to force a 15 or so minute peri- Simply using a body will not suffice, as punter will take one step and punt the ball.
od and then kick off would be trimmed to this “body” never practices a drop. This is a Your blockers should make a five-yard
five minutes. Obviously, the kickoff team great opportunity to work with your punters burst through the block point. Emphasis
would not get the proper practice and pos- on their drops. We film this phase and should be made that the block point is two
sibly suffer on Saturday. Advantage us! coach the blockers, as well as our punters yards in front of the punter, not where the
From the first day, we talk about this on the drop. We will put two punters on punter is standing.
phase of special teams with the staff and each hash. Our blockers form a line outside Placing a hat or small cone at the block
with the players, we always refer to it as of the hash and, as stated earlier, will be point will assist in teaching this concept.
punt, rush and return. We have made the one step from the punter. Have the players run through the block
decision to block more punts, but realisti- As the punter drops the ball, the blocker point. Never slow down. The techniques
cally know we cannot get every one. Thus, will extend his arms and hands creating a taught in Phase No. 1 are still stressed. It
we have to then set up a return. We put an term we use as a “big mitt.” Placing the just becomes a more up-tempo period and
emphasis on finishing the play. If we do not hands close together, palms to the ball, the balls are coming off of the foot a little
block the punt, the play is not over. with the thumbs and pointer finger approxi- harder. The blockers should again change
Bust your fanny and set up a great mately one inch apart creates the “big mitt.” lanes in order to come across the punters
return. This is why we always refer to this Expand your fingers as much as possible foot from the right and the left.
team as punt rush and return! We started a to create a large mitt. The fingers should be Phase No. 3, Getting off on the snap
list of what we refer to as “Make a extended but relaxed. The hands should (Two practices): By this time, you should
Difference” (MAD) plays on this team. Ever never move apart. be able to tell who has a good feel of what
since our emphasis has switched to an We teach our players to run and reach it takes to block punts. We will now install
attack style team, we have had 51 MAD out at the last second for the ball. It is at getting to the block point as quickly as pos-
plays in 74 block attempts. This doesn’t this last second that we form the “big mitt.” sible. We teach a sprinter’s stance; high
mean we have blocked 51 punts. Included The eyes should be focused on the foot- butt, off arm high in the air, weight on the
in the MAD plays are fumbled snaps by the ball. We take the ball off of the foot with our down hand and eyes on the football.
punter, punts of less than 20 yards due to eyes and hands. Keep a coach close Emphasize staying low when the ball is
our pressure, blocked punts, stopping a enough to see the eyes of the blockers. snapped.
fake, returns for touchdowns or returns that You always want to make sure that they are We use the off hand that is high for a
create a 20 yard or less net punt. looking the ball off of the foot, and also are power thrust and we stay low and skinny.
We have blocked 15 punts over the past not closing their eyes. You do not want to show your jersey num-
two years and returned three for touch- The worst technique that a player may ber. Showing the jersey number will create
downs. The others have fallen into the cat- use is to swat at the ball as it comes off of a large circumference area for the punt pro-
tector to punch. We want to give the pro- from game one to game two and so on, his he decides to block. By using the veer off
tector as little to punch as possible. Getting rule is simple, win that gap and get to the technique and the grab technique, we
underneath the blocker is the ideal rush block point. insure that the searchlight only blocks one
technique. We always use a snapper. I do The cover men and fake stoppers are rusher.
not like to use ball movement from a coach numbered seven to 10. As is the case with We are trying to open lanes to the block
kneeling down. the numbers one to six, they may change point. The worst thing that an outside rush-
I want our guys to see a snapper’s their alignment or depth from game to er can do is cross the face of the search-
movement and get used to picking up slight game, but their assignment will always be light and possibly close a lane to the block
movements before a snap is made. We will the same. All of the teaching techniques for point by another rusher. Similarly, if an
use every snapper we have in our program the first three phases now are implemented inside rusher tries to swim the searchlight,
so the rushers do not get focused on the with our attack scheme. A new phase of he may be bumped into an outside rusher,
actions of just one snapper. At the begin- teaching will apply to numbers one through thus closing his lane to the block point.
ning of this phase, we will place a cone ten six should they penetrate the protectors Accept that you are being blocked by the
yards from the ball representing the block and are now being picked up by the searchlight and be a team player. In prac-
point. We will get off on the snap, concen- searchlight. tice, anytime we block a kick we go by our
trating on our stance and coming off low We designate the searchlight as the last rules, “scoop and score” if it is behind the
and hard, and accelerating to the block player before the punter. Depending upon the line of scrimmage or “get away” if it cross-
point. No punting is used at this point. alignment scheme, the men aligning farthest es the line of scrimmage. This will be our
After getting quality reps, concentrating to the left and the right will always veer off to first live action versus the scout team.
mainly on our quickness off of the snap, we the left or right respectively if the searchlight Phase No. 5, Scheme if we do not get
will place the punter into the reps. We will is blocking them (Diagram 1 and 2). the block (One practice): As mentioned
not use a punt protection team, only the earlier, we always use the title punt rush
Diagram 1
snapper and punter. We go one rusher at a and return. If we do not get the block, the
time, getting off on the ball and running to play is not over! As with the previous
the block point for the block. This is a rapid- phase, a meeting to install before you go to
fire drill. We will use several punters and the practice field will allow plenty of time for
snappers. My thinking on not using other quality reps on the grass. Each man (1-10)
punt protection personnel is to create con- has an assignment if the punt is not
fidence on the block. This really helps the blocked.
players get a great feel of blocking the We normally set up a wall return when
punt. we try to block a kick. Nos. 9 and 10 will
Phase No. 4, Scheme of the block form a mini-wall in front of the returner to
Diagram 2
(One practice): With the first three phases allow him to get to the wall. They will
taught, your personnel should be close to always try to push any coverage man in the
being set. You should know who has the opposite direction of the wall. There is no
great get off, the understanding of the block predetermined place for the wall to be set.
point, taking the ball off of the foot and see- Some like to set the wall on the hash or the
ing the ball into the hands. We take our six numbers, but we conversely like to take the
most successful players from the first three wall to the returner as quickly as possible.
phases and designate them as our rushers. The sooner he makes it to the wall, the
Likewise, we take the next six best as the better the chance we have for a big return.
second team and then the next three as a We do this to try and draw the search- We do not like to put the returner on an
third team. Players that are not as good rush- light away from the punter. The four rushers island for a long period of time. By using
ing as the first six are then used as the cover aligning inside of the two outside rushers this philosophy, we very rarely lose any
men and fake stoppers. The lone remaining will, upon being blocked by the searchlight, ground in getting to the wall. Nos. 7 and 8
man on this team will be our returner. We stop their charge and grab the searchlight will be the first to the wall. No. 8 will be the
always use quality meeting time during sum- (Diagram 3). We do not want to push the foundation of our wall.
mer camp to install this phase. We are now searchlight back to the punter. We want the He sets the wall by running to the return-
implementing our block scheme. searchlight to concentrate on the one guy er. His aiming point is one yard in front of the
Our installation will take place in our Diagram 3 returner. He will not slow down until after the
meetings so we use as much grass time as returner passes him. He picks off any cover-
possible to get quality reps. For the six age man trailing the returner to the wall. No.
rushers, we use a numbering system of 7 will have approximately a five-yard sepa-
one to six. Each rusher will be given a num- ration from No. 8. After Nos. 1 through 6
ber. The numbering system is used rush the block point, they will then peel to
because of the changing rush schemes the wall. The first to get out will find No. 7
from week to week. Each week they will and have a five-yard separation, and so on
have a gap to attack en route to the block for each player getting out. You can never
point. Although No. 1 may change a gap get an exact alignment for the wall.
As the players get out, they find the At this phase, you can get much more in special teams. They are the ones that are
same color jersey and form the wall. The depth as to the different fake possibilities. usually on every special team and are a lit-
five-yard separation is not always exact Nos. 1 through 6 have thought about nothing tle bit crazy!
either. We give our players a five-yard aim- but block and return. Now is the time to To play special teams, you have to be a
ing point. As long as they are not shoulder- make them aware of the fake possibilities little bit crazy, with all of the high-speed col-
to-shoulder or have very wide separation that they could face. This is the last phase lisions and sprints. Somehow these crazy
from the man in front, we are happy. As the we cover because we like our Nos.1 through guys have a tendency to rally others on the
returner reaches the wall (No. 8), each man 6 players concentrating solely on the tech- team. They take their role as a special team
will turn and sprint for the goal line. We niques we are teaching for the block. extraordinaire to heart. This is a reason we
want a moving convoy. We never leave the You may have noticed that I never men- watch our special team film from a game as
wall. We wait for the coverage men to tioned in the teaching phases about any a team. We point out the great efforts not
come to the wall before we make the block. roughing of the kicker. We do not mention only by the special team only players, but
A player should never try to block this to our players either. We feel if we prop- also the starters. We brag much more on the
behind himself. In other words, if he is run- erly teach the techniques of the block and efforts of special team players than we do
ning and a coverage man tries to run stress the importance of the block point, it offensive or defensive players.
behind him into the wall, he will let the man should never become a factor. Every player This is exemplified by the fact that our
behind make that block. We do not want you have knows the consequences of hitting special teams players of the games are our
him to stop and try to make a block. This or running into the punter. We do not want to captains the following game. Our success
will create too much separation between take the aggressive nature away from our on the punt rush and return team has defi-
wall members or we may have two players rushers, cluttering their mind with the possi- nitely created a lot of excitement and
blocking one coverage man. bility of touching the punter. We instead con- enthusiasm throughout our team. Our
Phase No. 6, Film study: We always centrate on the basics of coming off low and offense and defense feed upon the enthu-
go back and look at previous year’s blocks quick, angle to the block point, watching the siasm created by this team. Consequently,
and returns. This is a great way to teach ball off of the foot with the eyes on the ball each of the other special teams has taken
why a block was or was not made or why a and then scoop and score! the same aggressive attitude as well. This
return went for big yardage or not. We also is why I get so many requests by our play-
watch film of our rushes from an end zone Final Thoughts ers to be a part of our special teams now. It
camera to insure proper gaps are being With our change to an aggressive may also be the reason we have had the
attacked. We watch our return and wall nature on the punt rush and return team, special teams player of the year in our con-
from a sideline camera to insure proper our players find special teams exciting. I ference the last three years.
separation in the wall. have been associated with teams that play- I hope at least one idea or thought may
Phase No. 7, Fake prevention (One ers felt it was a burden to be on special help you or your team. I have tried to be very
practice): We take an extended period teams. They would much rather take a basic. I may have bored you with trivial
during our summer camp to talk about all of knee during this period in practice. points, but this is the way we coach. I feel
the fake opportunities by punt teams. We Ever since becoming a special teams that to be successful in whatever you do you
usually do this at a time of camp when the coordinator 10 years ago, I have tried to have to have a great capacity for boredom.
players need to get their legs back up build my special teams around two or three You must be willing to do the same thing
under them. A good time may be a practice players. These players are the ones that over and over, until it becomes routine. This
before a scrimmage. Nos. 7 through 10 may be a second team offensive or defen- is the way we coach and we have been
have already been made aware that their sive player, getting very few plays during a pleased with our success. Good luck to you
first responsibility is the fake. game, but live for the snaps they take on in the coming season. Thank you.

Avoid Teaching
Blind-Side Blocking
Below The Waist
Even though blind-side and peel-back blocks are legal near or behind the neutral zone in certain
instances, the AFCA Ethics Committee reminds the membership that teaching players to block
below the waist in those instances is ethically improper and should be avoided because of the
high possibility of serious injury.

The Football Code states: “Teaching or condoning intentional roughing, including blind-side blocking an
opponent below the waist anywhere on the field, is indefensible.”

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