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Find a Way to

Run the Option

I t is indeed an honor to be able to share
with you some thoughts and ideas from
our philosophy on option football at Furman
things are equal, or maybe even tipped in
our opponent’s favor, the option package
can make the difference.
University. Everything we implement at As offenses have evolved over the
Furman on offense has come from the years, the definition of option football has
combination of philosophies from former changed as well. Our description of options
head coaches; Art Baker, Dick Sheridan, at Furman have been altered by many fac-
Jimmy Satterfield, Bobby Johnson and cur- tors. When I first came to Furman as a
rent head coach, Bobby Lamb. These men player in the late 1970s, options were
have developed an offensive system com- defined here as the triple from an I forma-
bined with a tough defensive mentality that tion versus a shade 50 defense and an
has enabled us to win an average of 8.2 occasional counter option from the same
games per season since 1978 as well as a formation. As defenses became more mul-
national championship (1988), two appear- tiple, we adapted by implementing the belly
ances in the finals (1985 and 2001), 11 G/Zone series, midline read, midline trap,
Southern Conference championships and counter trap and lead option. All of these
11 playoff appearances. Along the way we schemes were used from a basic I forma-
have been blessed to have players with tion. As we have evolved offensively and
tremendous ability and outstanding charac- felt the need to add more balance in our
ter and intelligence who have believed in passing game, we faced the age-old dilem-
our system and worked very hard to exe- ma of having too much in our total pack-
cute it in practice and on game day. The age. Consequently, we have concentrated
combination of a consistent system, stabil- on more double option schemes than triple
ity in our coaching staff, and top-notch since the triple takes up more practice time
players has brought a winning tradition to to execute. We have also added a basic
the Furman University football program. lead option scheme from a one-back set as
The purpose of this article is to share the well to give us option capabilities from our
way in which option football has played a predominantly pass-oriented sets.
Tim Sorrells part in that success. As we game plan against the defenses
We have always believed that an option we face each week, we have to answer the
Offensive Coordinator package is a great equalizer for an offen- question of how to incorporate our option
sive team that may not be as talented as package versus the looks we are facing. In
Furman University the defensive unit they are facing; the implementing our plan, we make the
option can also help to compensate for the assumption, like most option teams, that
Greenville, S.C. lack of “difference-makers” in key offensive our players can make adjustments and
positions. We are convinced a team does communicate with each other at the line of
not have to have a great running quarter- scrimmage. In finding a way to run the
back, a dominating offensive line, gifted option, it is critical that a quarterback can
runningbacks and outstanding receivers to keep his team in the right play and that the
successfully run option football. However, offensive line can process information
we still acknowledge that skill at those posi- quickly. We have been fortunate to have
tions helps tremendously! Our foundational had intelligent players capable of assimilat-
principle is that we will find a way to run the ing a great deal of information which, in
option so that our opponent must prepare turn, has allowed us to execute many dif-
for it. We have all spent too much of our ferent schemes against a variety of defen-
game-planning time asking the question, sive schemes. Therefore, the balance of
“What if they do that?” We believe the this article will deal with some of the differ-
option package causes defensive coaches ent types of option schemes we like to run
to ask that question more and demands versus the defensive alignments we prefer
more discipline and time in the opponents’ to run them against.
practice schedule than they would prefer. It
is also a great pressure reducer for us Triple
offensively in that it can be an excellent Even though we do not run the triple
“blitz-buster.” We maintain that great blitz- option as much now as in previous years,
ing defenses are slowed down somewhat our option package at Furman began with
when the option has to be a part of every the triple and so I will begin with it too. If we
game plan. For the times when our players face a defensive team that gives us a
are better than most of our opponents, shade nose guard and a five technique on
most schemes will work. However, when all the nub side, we like to triple. Our scheme

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2002 •

may vary depending on the ability of our backer. The fullback will make a token fake Midline Trap
center to block the nose guard or our effec- and work around to block the strong safety As we began to see a slant 50 defense,
tiveness in capturing the playside line- or if we add a “crack” call, he kicks out the that created some unique challenges to
backer. If the center can reach the nose corner, and the Z cracks the strong safety. options. Our focus turned to a midline trap
guard by himself, we could call a G veer The quarterback will reverse out, token option. Our guards were already adept at
scheme. (Diagram 1) If the center needs fake the belly to the fullback and pitch off pulling and sealing or wrapping on a line-
help on the nose guard, we could call a the Sam linebacker. Our nub side G has backer in our belly G series, so the midline
seal veer scheme. (Diagram 2) The seal been best from twins pro-set (Diagram 4) trap scheme was a fairly easy transition for
scheme can only be executed if the play- when we see a two-deep shell coverage. them. If we face a slant Y (Diagram 6) then
side tackle can capture the playside line- The frontside guard now has a tighter the frontside tackle will seal the playside
backer. If the five technique slants inside, G/wrap, and the frontside tackle will seal Sam linebacker and the frontside guard
the playside tackle should carry him down, inside. The fullback will now be responsible and center will double team the nose guard
and the fullback should slide outside to cut for the playside linebacker, and the to back middle linebacker. The backside
the playside linebacker. On both schemes, frontside receivers block the strong safety tackle will funnel and hinge to prevent any
the quarterback will read the five technique and corner. The belly zone option has been quick penetration. The tight end will arc and
and pitch off the underneath outside our best option when we face eight man kick contain. The quarterback will drop step
defender (UOD). The execution of these fronts and outside blitzes. This option has with his backside foot, pull his shoulders
schemes takes considerable practice time also been best toward a tight end (Diagram back and step deep to mesh with the full-
which has led us to steer away from it. 5). The zone option requires that the tight back, fake and pitch off of the end. Our full-
However, the lure of the triple may bring us end and frontside tackle work together to back will pause to allow the guard to clear
back to it in the future. reach/seal the rush end (six or seven tech- and stay on a center midline through the
nique) and the playside Sam linebacker. ball and slide playside to cut the first
Diagram 1: G Veer
The center and frontside guard will defender he sees. If we face a slant X
reach/seal the three technique and back- (Diagram 7) then all the paths stay the
side linebacker. The fullback will token fake same and the frontside tackle must stop
and work around to cut the linebacker level penetration, and the back guard will wrap
to the free safety. The quarterback and tail- to the Sam linebacker. We will hope to get
back pitch relationship stays constant in all the pitch to the tailback and get him down
G/zone options. hill in the alley off the tight end’s block.
Diagram 3: TE Belly G Diagram 6: Midline Trap vs. Slant Y

Diagram 2: Seal Veer

Diagram 4: Nub Belly G Diagram 7: Midline Trap vs. Slant X

Belly G/Zone
The belly G and belly zone schemes
give us two different double option
schemes that we believe can put us on the
corner quickly and really stretch defenses.
They also have been a great response to
blitzing schemes when no other runs have
worked. The G scheme can be run to a
tight end or nub side against a variety of Diagram 5: Belly Zone Lead Option
defensive fronts, but we have liked it best If we are facing a weak eagle defense,
when run to a tight end versus the 4-3. our thinking turns to a lead option scheme
(Diagram 3) The key to the play for us has to the nub side (Diagram 8). The frontside
been to capture/seal the middle linebacker. tackle has the key block in that he must cut
The tight end must get a good rip inside or seal the playside linebacker and give the
and up field to seal the middle linebacker. guard slight help on the three technique.
The playside guard must get us around the The center will step playside and up to the
edge by cutting the nine technique or wrap- back linebacker, and our backside will cut
ping around to help on the middle line- off. The fullback will widen and kick out

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2002 •

contain, and the X receiver will block the
deepest threat. The quarterback and tail-
back will pause to allow the fullback to
clear, and the pitch will be off of the right
end. This nub side scheme has also been
effective against a slant Y 50 and toward
the tight end against a slant X 50.
Diagram 8: Lead Option

Option football has always been an inte-
gral part of our offensive philosophy at
Furman. I have shared with you a limited Furman averaged 218 yards per game on the ground in 2001 and rushed for
number of ways we try to attack opponents 35 touchdowns. Runningback Louis Ivory (34) won the Walter Payton Award as
and give different threats that opposing I-AA’s player of the year in 2000 and rushed for 5,871 yards in his career.
defenses must concern themselves with in
preparing to play us. Our players under- it has continued to remain clear that we have helped us grow through the years and
stand that options give them chances to must “find a way to run the option.” It is my we certainly would love the opportunity to
make big plays and advantages other hope that this article has assisted you in share ideas with many of you who we have
schemes may not afford them. As we eval- some way as you continue to develop your not met and could help us all the more. You
uate our schemes year after year and look offensive philosophies. The offensive staff are welcome at Furman, so give us a call
at the risks and rewards of option football, at Furman have so many to thank who and let’s get together.

Caution Your Team

About Player Agents
A problem for all coaches is the proliferation of agents and would-be agents who seek
to make agreements with players prior to the completion of their eligibility. The activ-
ity of these people has increased, and it is imperative that all of the consequences of
making an agreement with an agent are known by your players.

Contact with players by agents almost always is done without the knowledge of the
coach. Some agents openly admit they will continue to make contacts and agree-
ments with players before their final season has been completed.

This could lead to forfeiture of games. Some agents are advising players not to risk
injury by playing. Your players must be warned about this problem. Do it more than

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2002 •

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