Four Man Pass Rush Package

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Wittenberg’s Red Swarm:

Four Man Pass Rush

O n behalf of Wittenberg University, our
coaching staff and players, it is my
honor to present this article for The
There are five things the defensive line-
men must be aware of when rushing the
Package American Football Coaches Association’s Stance
2002 Summer Manual. Make up step
At times, our defensive game plan Half man
changes drastically from week to week. One Move
week we would prepare for the Wing T and The line
turn right around the following week and
game plan for shotgun or five wideouts. Stance
We believe that it’s important to have The base should narrow, from that of the
the kind of defensive flexibility to handle normal run stance, with the legs loaded
these different offensive attacks without under the chest. A toe-to-heel relationship
wholesale changes. Most of the time you with the feet; some players can be several
will find us in a four-man front regardless of inches behind the heel when building their
our opponent’s offense. This provides the stance. The body weight should be forward
type of balance that defenses both the run and on the balls of the feet. A typical term
and pass. we use when describing the weight shift is
Over the past several years we have “air under the heels.” When field conditions
faced many outstanding passing teams are poor we emphasize the weight to be
and blitzing was considered too risky. placed on the inside cleats. Visualize a
Often we would depend on a four-man sprinter in the starting blocks before the
pass rush to create pressure on the quar- starting gun and you have the pass rush-
terback. We have experienced some suc- er’s stance only with a wider base as
cess statistically (Diagram 1). described above. The player should bring
From 1998 through 2001 we have aver - the off hand up so it’s positioned over the
aged almost 40 sacks a season. In 2001 thigh. The off hand will be important in a
we concluded our season ranked 18th in decision to bull rush. Players should be
Jack Giambrone rushing defense, eighth in scoring defense, adept at both right and left handed stances
14th in turnover margin, and 21st in total but more importantly players should be in a
Defensive Line Coach yards allowed per game. stance that (they feel) will give them the
Within this article we’ll discuss and dia- best start off the ball. We practice our
Wittenberg University gram three key areas that make up our stance almost daily with particular attention
pass rush package: given during the post season.
Springfield, Ohio The Pass Rush Checklist
The Scouting Report Make Up Step
The Call The charge is low with the first step ahead
The Pass Rush Checklist of the placement of the down hand. The sep-
The Basics aration between the defensive and offensive
The pass rush checklist consists of a set linemen must close very quickly. If the initial
of items we teach our defensive linemen step does not clear that down hand, the offen-
throughout the year. The checklist is con- sive lineman will have time to create the sep-
stantly reviewed and drilled during the aration he must maintain to protect the quar-
course of the season. The checklist is even terback. Coaches should review game tape
monitored during the game as they attack to insure players are stepping directly up field.
the offensive linemen on their way to the The second step is also critical and should be
quarterback. The simplicity of the checklist used to make up separation. The toes, knees
makes it easy for both coach and player to and hips should be pointed straight ahead
use anytime. and square with the rest of the body.

Diagram 1
1998 1999 2000 2001
Passing yards per game 127.8 191.9 164.7 162.9
Defensive pass efficiency 74.7 106.6 95.8 104.9
Total yards per game 224.8 297.0 246.8 284.9
Interceptions 26 17 22 16
Sacks 37 30 45 44
Team record 11-1 11-1 12-1 11-2

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2002 •

Alignment will play a key role in closing tinue to run/accelerate at full speed. Over Hands: Does he extend his arms to cre-
the distance between linemen. Crowding the past couple of season’s we have had ate space? Are his hands low?
the line of scrimmage is to a defensive line- an increase in the number of offensive Head position: Does he drop his head?
man as knowing the snap count is to an holding penalties just by stressing running Does he lock on one man?
offensive lineman. We take every inch we the line to the quarterback at full speed. Opponents: How does he handle bull
can. Remember the thought of closing the A quarterback that quick sets in a three- rush, swim move, rip move, spin move,
distance between the offensive and defen- step drop or throws a check-off fade is hard wide rush?
sive lineman as quickly as possible. to sack. The defensive lineman must take a A coach will review many characteristics
Crowding the line of scrimmage assists in direct line to the quarterback and at best will of an opponent’s offense. One, is the
getting on the offensive linemen quickly. only have time to make one quick move. The review of the quarterback. Several things
Coaches can check this visually from the goal here is to pressure the throw, obstruct that I look at when scouting the quarter-
sidelines and make adjustments. his vision or knock him down. back are:
Today, many statistics are being used to • Drop: Three- or five- step?
Half Man calculate production grades for defensive • Delivery: Over the top or sidearm?
Half Man or Getting on the Edge. linemen. Pressuring the passer or knocking • Pocket Protection: Will the quarter-
Attack the offensive linemen on one side. him down are points a defensive lineman back roll out, sprint out, boot or sit in the
Several years ago while reviewing game can earn in our production chart system. pocket?
tape we noticed many players attacking We use these production charts to deter- • Footwork: Does he set his feet and
offensive linemen right down the center mine who is making plays. delivery with good follow through?
line. That collision, unless it was a good In the traditional five-step quarterback • Breakdown: Is the quarterback a
bull rush, resulted in no pressure. Another drop the entire defensive front will now threat to run?
key thought while attacking half man is have more of a potential impact as they • Direction: Does the quarterback
the reduction of the defensive man’s tar- work together in pursuing the quarterback. have a favorite receiver? Favorite area of
get or area an offensive linemen can In the four-man pass rush it should be the field?
attack. stressed that each defensive lineman has • Snap Count: Will he change up the
Today we talk about getting to an edge an assigned pass rush line. Each defensive snap count?
— powering to an area of an opponent and lineman should maintain that pass rush • Blitz: How does he react? Will he
forcing a shoulder turn. It’s easier to work a lane or line to the quarterback. In the four- change the play when the pre snap read is
pass rush move against half man than it is man pass rush there are two inside lanes a blitz?
to attempt to overpower the entire lineman and two outside pass rush lanes. • Positions: Does he play other posi-
— path of least resistance. Coaches must stress that having more tions? Does he hold on field goals/extra
than one player in a single pass rush lane points?
Move leads to a dangerous pass rush break down. • Is the back up quarterback a different
Most players have what they consider a Passing windows open allowing the quarter- type of player? Option quarterback?
best move. They should learn to perfect back with an improved view of the field. This
that move so it becomes their go-to move. also provides the quarterback with another The Call
During the course of the year defensive dangerous option — running with the ball! The call refers to the defensive line
linemen must strive to learn and master Coaches should keep in mind that stunts. The following diagrams detail sever-
others (swim, rip, push pull, speed or spin). younger players most often will not master al line games that we use here at
Having multiple pass rush moves gives all of the five in a single season. We teach Wittenberg.
opponents more to work on when they view these items in the above order by impor-
you on tape. tance. As the player matures the coach Two Man Game
Except for the speed rush we always should expect the player to master and Diagram 2: Inside/Outside (End and
coach every move to have two parts. For evaluate the checklist continually. Tackle).
instance, a rip move is set up with an Diagram 3: Inside/Inside (Tackle and
aggressive outside arm punch. The push The Scouting Report Tackle).
pull move is set up with the players hands The scouting report consists of several
Diagram 2
inside giving a bull rush look. All moves are different studies; a player’s video review of
made while the defensive lineman is his opponent, a coaches’report and position
attacking up the field or on the run. We also meetings to combine both. It’s critical to
practice each of several pass rush moves understand the type of player you’ll be fac-
daily. We give special attention to those ing. We ask our defensive linemen to evalu-
that we have not perfected. ate the offensive linemen in these six areas:
Stance: Does the player tip the play? Two
The Line point or three point? Wide or narrow base?
The line to the quarterback is deter- Footwork: Does he have quick feet?
mined by the quarterback’s drop. Does he cross over? Post foot position? Three Man Game
An important detail in gaining the correct Shoulders: Does he turn his shoulders Diagram 4: Inside/Inside/Outside (Two
line is to have the defensive linemen con- too quickly on wide rush? Tackles and End).

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2002 •

Diagram 5: Inside/Outside/Inside (2 Closing
Diagram 3 Tackles and End). As coaches, we wish we had all the
*Each call can be run weak or strong. To answers. For every move there is a
the field or boundry. counter move. And for every counter move
there’s a counter move to counter that
Four Man Game counter move! I guess that’s some of the
Diagram 6: All Lane Exchange (Both joy we receive from coaching this great
Tackles and Ends). game.
The goal of this article is to present sev-
Diagram 6
eral new and different ideas to help in
developing a better pass rush. At
Diagram 4 Wittenberg, we have been open to and
have experimented with these different
ideas, finding techniques that fit within our
overall scheme and developing drills to per-
fect those techniques. These ideas have
come from many different sources;
American Football Coaches Association
Diagram 7: All Lane Exchange (Both publications, coaches and even players.
Tackles and Ends). Our hope is that we have given coaches an
idea or two.
Diagram 5 Diagram 7
If you need additional information,
please give us a call. Should you find your-
self in Springfield, Ohio feel free to stop by
and observe practice.
In closing, I’d like to thank the American
Football Coaches Association for giving us
an opportunity to do what we love to do —
discuss football.
Good luck in your upcoming season.

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The AFCA is proud to recognize and
thank its Official Corporate Partners.

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2002 •

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