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Integrating Linemen with

Backfield on Pass Defense

I will give you our terminology of the
swing linebacker defense we use at
Oregon State University. This defense is an
that we will only rotate one way — to be
determined by the three man and the direc-
tion of the ball.
even defense that has a lot of the same In normal play with flow away from the
principles of the odd monster or rover three man, the seven or eight man away
defenses that are used in all areas of the from the three man is the forcing element
United States. We stunt all the time either on flow toward him.
up front or in our secondary. We chose the The alignment for the seven and eight
even defense with our swing linebacker man is one-and-a-half yards outside of
over the other alignments because we feel the end man — keys the near back and
it is a little more flexible to all of the differ- ball — on flow toward him, get upfield
ent offensive sets that we meet during the and force the passer to pull up and throw
year. Although we chose this alignment, we quick. The six man lines up on the out-
do not feel in any way that an alignment is side shoulder of the tackle force inside
as important as aggressiveness and exe- out. One and two men line up inside eye
cution. We try to get our personnel in the of the guards. Check for counter, and
best position to meet the different offensive draw then rush — six man — step across
sets and then execute, responsibility and and get as deep as the ball and trail.
fly to the ball. Never pile on — pile up. Seven men rotate slow, checking for
counter or reverse, then rotate back as
Diagram 1
deep as he can get. Four man — cover
the hook away from the three man.
Three man rotate back through the mid-
dle ready to settle and play the tight end
on a delay pass.
Diagram 3: Flow away from three man.
Diagram 3
Dee Andros
Diagram 2
Head Coach

Oregon State University

Corvallis, Ore.
We also use an Omaha stunt to the
short side about 50 percent of the time. It is
a switch of assignment between our six
Diagrams 1 and 2 above will give you an and eight men.
example of our defensive numbering sys- Diagram 4: Omaha Stunt — flow from
tem and then how our swing linebacker will the three man. The rest are the same as
go to strength by counting linemen or Cover I.
backs within one yard of the line of scrim- Diagram 4
mage from the offensive guards out. Or we
will send him to the wide side of the field or
to our opponent’s tendencies. It is very
important to our team defense that every
man know where our three man lines up.
We teach our defense toward or away from
our three man.

We have five basic coverages that we Eight Man: Drive for the outside hip of
use in our defensive scheme. Basically in a the end man on the line, closing the off-
normal situation we are in Cover I most of tackle hole and reacting to the ball.
the time because we feel that we get a bet- Six Man: Will hand shiver the end man
ter force both ways on flow with our defen- and shuffle out and become force contain
sive alignment. Cover I tells the secondary man.

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

Flow Toward the Three Man Seven and Eight Men: Will drive hard Two Man: Shoot the gap to his inside.
When the flow is toward our three man, over the outside hip of end man on line of One, Three, Five and Seven Man:
our secondary will not rotate, but play the scrimmage. Help close the off-tackle hole and Their play is same as Cover I.
three deep zone — on flow toward the react to the ball. Give us a reckless rush. Cover III Rush: We like to use this
three man, he must get upfield and become Five and Six Men: Toward the three against teams that use the dropback pass
the force contain man. man. Line up three feet off the ball — on a lot. From this, our secondary defenders
With flow toward the three man — the the snap of the ball go through the head of cover their respective 1/3 regardless of the
seven man will drop off and cover the flat. tight end with inside shoulder and move to flow of the quarterback.
Five man will close to the inside and react the flat. We have several calls in which we use
to the ball. Five and six man away from the three to give the offense a different picture in
Diagram 5: Flow toward three man. man. Hand shiver the man in your area and putting pressure on the passer. One of the
Diagram 5 shuffle out while reading the play — when calls is Cover III rush — seven and eight.
ball goes away, back out and rotate to 1/3 With this call we are giving up the flats.
of the field. Diagram 10: Cover III rush seven and
On straight dropback passes, we eight. Secondary cover their 1/3 of the
become a four man rush with the three, field.
five, seven and eight men dropping off and Diagram 10
playing the short zones.
Diagram 8: Dropback pass. Cover I.
Diagram 8
One and Two Man: Normal play inside
—six man becomes the trail man. Four man
plays the hook area to side of flow. Three
man becomes the force contain man.
To the strong side we have a switch
stunt, which is an exchange of assignments When we are using this defense and
between the three and seven man. with the different calls, we are giving the
Diagram 6: Switch stunt. Flow toward offense the flats or the hook area — but
three man. Cover I. If we have an Omaha or Double Omaha feel it is sound because of the change up of
called, we go ahead and execute the stunts the different areas we are leaving open —
Diagram 6
on a dropback pass. our three and four call — run the lineback-
Cover II is the same rotation for the sec- ers through. With this call we are leaving
ondary as Cover I with the switch or the hook area open.
responsibilities of the two, four, six and Diagram 11: Cover III rush three and
eight men. This is a change up for the short four. Three man cheat in before the snap
side, which gives us an excellent inside Diagram 11
and outside force.
Diagram 9: Cover II — Flow away from
the three man. Secondary rotation same as
Seven Man: Will become the force con- Cover I.
tain man, and the three man will drop off
Diagram 9
and cover in the flat.
Against teams that like to screen a lot
we like to use the Double Omaha, which
we feel we get better force, and get our five
and six men to screen area quicker. We have the combination calls four and
Diagram 7: Flow toward three man. seven which is an end and linebacker rush-
Double Omaha stunt. Cover I. ing — or we might have any of the individ-
Diagram 7 uals call of the three-four-seven, or eight
men to rush. Also the Double Omaha,
Eight Man: On the snap of the ball, drop which was explained earlier in the speech,
steps to the inside and if ball is getting off is an excellent stunt from this set.
the line — drops back to hook area, if ball Cover IV: Our man-to-man coverage,
stays on line, get quarterback. with a six-man rush and our safety is freed
Six Man: Hand shiver the tackle and up to play the ball. We feel we can play a
move upfield to force contain ball. split receiver tougher and get help from our
Four Man: On flow runs throw between safety out of this defense.
the guard and tackle. Cover V calls tells the three deep to

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

rotate to the side of flow. With this rotation,
we have used a different alignment with our
Dee Andros at a Glance
line and linebackers — which we call a Experience: Assistant Coach, University of Oklahoma, 1950-52;
split-six alignment. Assistant Coach, University of Kansas, 1953; Assistant Coach,
Diagram 12: Cover IV man-to-man. Texas Tech University, 1954-55; Assistant Coach, University of
Safety freed up. Nebraska, 1956; Assistant Coach, University of California, 1957-
59; Assistant Coach, University of Illinois, 1960-61; Head Coach,
Diagram 12
University of Idaho, 1962-64 (11-16-1); Head Coach, Oregon
State University, 1965-75 (51-64-1)

Career Head Coaching Record: 62-80-2

AFCA District Coach of the Year Awards: 1967

Notes: Led the Beavers to four second-place finishes during his tenure at Oregon State
... None of those teams participated in bowl games due to a Pac-10 rule that permitted
Diagram 13: Cover V. Split. only the conference champion to appear in post season play at that time ... His 1967
team recorded road wins at Purdue and UCLAwhen both schools were ranked No. 2 in
Diagram 13
the country and beat No. 1-ranked USC at home as well, handing the Trojans their only
loss in what turned out to be a national championship season ... Served as director of
athletics at Oregon State from 1976-1985.

Diagram 14 Diagram 15

Our alignment for the one and two man

is like the alignment used by Notre Dame
inside people. They are split, aiming in at
the rib of the offensive guard and closing in
on the snap and reacting to flow. The align-
ment for the five, six, seven and eight man An out stunt (Diagram 15) is with our Again, I want to thank you gentlemen for
is the same as our normal defense. one and two men going through the gap being such a very fine audience and I appre-
Three and four men line up according to between tackle and guard with our line- ciate the opportunity of speaking to you.
the splits of the offensive guards and react backers going through the gaps between I think this is a great honor any time a
on the flow of the ball. We also use our the center and guards. coach is asked to speak to a bunch of his
Cover III with this alignment with the same We feel with these coverages and our cohorts and I hope that I have given you
types of stunt. stunts that we are sound, plus it gives us something today that might help you in
Diagram 14: Cover III — In Stunt. a number of changes to throw at our what you’re trying to install in your defen-
Diagram 15: Cover III — Out Stunt. opponents. sive plans.

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In addition to providing an expert’s opinion to gamblers and others, selecting game winners also
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Requests to pick winners of football games can be deflected with a simple, “Our AFCA Code of
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• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

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