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Ithaca’s Triple I

T he Ithaca I has involved over three

years of running the true triple option
offense. To understand why the I is used
versa. This switch of position must not indi-
cate the plays to be used, and thus each
man must have the overall capabilities to
exclusively at present requires one to know run the entire offense from each position.
what has transpired in the past. Yet the player ’s strengths will be assessed
The first year, we ran the wishbone. and we will use him most where he is
However, two-thirds of the time we strongest. Three basic abilities of the men
flankered people and ended up with a bro- must be recognized. They are the type of
ken wishbone. The reasoning behind this running ability, the type of blocking ability
was that we faced a number of teams that, and the receiving ability.
in our judgment, out-manned us. Therefore The fullback influences us to use the I
we spread our sets in order to give us a more than any other factor. The splitback
better opportunity to throw. The spread veer was carefully considered but eliminated.
also limits the defense in the various ways Our fullbacks have been some of our better
that they can cover the option. We ran our athletes and yet they did not have the speed
total option game from all sets. The broken necessary to be outstanding pitch men. Their
wishbone created a problem of not being greatest strengths were quickness and run-
able to run some of our plays because of ning ability at the line of scrimmage.
the position of the deep back.
The second year the full wishbone was Option Advantages of the I
retained, but when a spread offense was The I formation has merit on the base
used, we employed an I rather than the play because of the line-up positions. The
broken wishbone. This eliminated some of pitch man is now closer to the corner than
the problems we had in running our deep he would be in a wishbone formation.
back. Yet we felt there was some conflict in Assuming that the players all take a 36-
presenting and operating from an I and inch stance, the deep back’s near foot is
wishbone combination. We still used the then 54 inches closer to the corner. This
spread offense two-thirds of the time. one full stride gives us an additional advan-
Jim Butterfield The third year, we used only the I, tage in getting to the corner, and of course,
because of simplicity, personnel, and past in a wider position to receive the pitch.
Head Coach statistics. The wishbone was totally elimi- However, to compensate against the possi-
nated. The closest approach to the wish- bility of the deep man outrunning the pitch,
Ithaca College bone is with the power I sets. The spread we have deepened him slightly to a posi-
offense is still employed, but it was used tion of 18 feet from the ball.
Ithaca, N.Y. closer to one-half the time. An attempt is The fullback is the same as in the wish-
made to run every play from any set. The bone. Also of great consideration is the fact
set must not indicate what plays will be run that we feel the fullback in his conventional
from the set. position enables the quarterback to make a
more positive and easier read.
Why the I? The up back in the power sets splits the
The I insures us that we will always guard’s outside leg. Their vertical position
have the back we want in the deep position will change, but basically it is 14 to 15 feet
and he is a threat in either direction. With from the ball. So, here, too, our lead back
limited personnel, it becomes imperative is wider and closer to the corner than the
that we are able to get the ball to the back same position in the wishbone. The rela-
we want to use at all times. The wishbone tionship between the lead blocker and the
did not always afford this opportunity. pitch man has been maintained with this
Obviously, there are backs who do one lineup.
thing better than others, or backs in one
backfield who have different capabilities in I Formations and Procedures
a particular phase of the game. Therefore, Reasons were offered at an earlier point
to use this potential, we move either one of about using a power I or spread I. However,
our runningbacks into the deep spot. Our multiple I sets are employed. We believe in
basic deep man is identified as our A back. multiple sets as long as we do not lose sight
The flanker back is identified as the Z back. of our theory of simplicity. We feel that mul-
We call “Zebra” to get the Z back deep. tiple sets affect defensive preparation and
This also gives us added depth at the deep they also allow us the ability to exert maxi-
spot with a proven player, in the event that mum pressures on a defense.
our A backs become immobilized, or vice- The sets used at Ithaca are as follows:

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

Diagram 1 Jim Butterfield at a Glance
Experience: Assistant Coach, University of Maine, 1956-59;
Assistant Coach, Colgate University, 1960-66; Head Coach,
Ithaca College, 1967-93 (206-71-1)

Career Head Coaching Record: 206-71-1

NCAA Division III Playoff Record: 21-8

Also of consideration at this point is the National Championships: Division III, 1979, 1988, 1991
fact that the offense is flip-flopped.
Therefore instead of having six sets, there Honors: 1988, 19991 AFCA National Coach of the Year; 1974, 1978, 1979, 80 AFCA
are now 12. Six right and six left. All players District Coach of the Year; 1984, 1985, 1986 AFCA Regional Coach of the Year; 1997
flip-flop except the center, quarterback, full- College Football Hall of Fame inductee
back, and tailback. The directional call
always refers to the tight end side. This the opposition positive keys on where we attempting to get the motion man just behind
system is used for several reasons. It were going to run. Something had to be and one-half stride past the fullback. The
allows a better placement of offensive line- done to help eliminate tendencies. We do most important part of the motion is to get the
men so that our team has a power side and three things to help alleviate this problem. lead blocker in position and to maintain the
a quick side. It affords a better opportunity First, we scout ourselves weekly and relationship between him and the pitch man.
to match the offensive players against the therefore, we have a general idea what the If this distance is over extended on the base
defensive players we wish to match them opposition has seen us do. We keep a com- play, the motion becomes ineffective.
against. It also means a play right becomes posite of these scouting reports through the
the same play left when the offense is season so that at any time we are able to rec- Teaching the Fundamental Recognition
flipped from right to left. Or in other words, ognize tendencies building. The scouting Because of the many articles written on the
we double the plays we run with no added report shows plays from formations, total hit techniques of the players involved in running
play learning or teaching. charts, down and distance charts, hash mark the triple attack, we will not belabor those
Every formation may be changed by charts, and plays versus each opponent. points. We do not do anything that is radically
calling “open.” The tight end then splits out Secondly, we quick shift prior to the run- different in running the plays. We have initiat-
eight to 15 yards from his original spot. The ning of a play. It is important that we do not ed some of our own theories and with that
width of the split may be pre-determined for do this every time and that the shifting back comes some slightly different methods.
various reasons, but we are generally look- fully understands when he can shift. He In teaching the true triple, the coach
ing for maximum yardage. The widest max- may shift when it has no effect on the play, must be initially overbearing on his players.
imum split for us is the distance at which but at times we have him shift when he is He must be a perfectionist. He has to insist
the quarterback can deliver the ball with full the key to the play. He shifts about once that all rules of body, steps, targets, and
velocity on a pass. every three or four plays when he is in the speed are closely followed.
On an “open” call, any other receiver power set. The quarterback may tell him to Our practice schedule involves three
stays five yards wider than the tight end. If shift if he anticipates an over-shift. The basic plays — the true triple, the loaded,
15 yards is our maximum, the end then back may shift any time by lining up oppo- and the counter option. We pre-determine
would be restricted to a 10-yard split. The site the quarterback’s formation call. It is every part of the true triple. However, our
end is kept inside the flanker in order to his responsibility to shift on time for we do practice sessions are limited largely to the
better utilize his blocking talents. not want the quarterback concerned with true play itself. All of these plays are run to
The split end side follows the same this detail. Most of the shifting is done on each side of our formations and therefore
rationale as the tight end side, except now long count plays, but occasionally we shift we practice them towards the split end,
the split end must be told when not to split. on a quick count. Because we do run tight end, wingback, slot back, and twin.
This is done by calling “tight.” everything in our offense when one back is As practice starts in the fall, we obvious-
Through the use of “open” and “tight,” we flankered, we feel capable of shifting a man ly spend a large segment of time in the pre-
achieve different looks on either side. But and then hitting anywhere with confidence. sentation and practice for this very difficult
foremost is the possibility of placing players Thirdly, we motion. We may even com- play. We want to present every minute
together in the manner that we think is going bine the shift and the motion. This takes tim- detail and have it clearly understood. We
to best serve the situation at hand. ing, but here again, we do not want the quar- break down each component of the play
terback concerned with this detail. The back and present it as simply and logically as
Shifting and Motion must be in the formation called at the right possible. We tell the quarterback what will
In establishing a total I attack, we want- time. The quarterback then starts motion with happen to him and limit it to that one event
ed to maintain the lead blocker principle a heel lift. We will definitely pick up motion until he understands it thoroughly. We then
that is offered in the wishbone. We do this and run the opposite way. We motion any move on to another problem he will face.
by using our power I formations. We were length from any set. Most of it by far is quick Our thesis is that in this way, the quarter-
greatly concerned about these sets giving motion from the power sets and we are back will have been presented each defen-

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

sive possibility before he sees it in actual All give, all backs. Emphasis on steps. ball attack corner and must keep.
scrimmage. The defense will be definitely Diagram 10
Diagram 5
restricted to only those coverages that
have been practiced as we get into full cor-
ner or team play. Definitely, the quarterback
is not to be fooled by anything for which he
has not been prepared. We want him to
attain all the confidence he can muster.
The following diagrams (Diagrams 3-14)
represent the progression of recognition
drills as presented to the backs in learning
the triple. Flash fingers. All backs and quarter- True fullback read. Corner comes
back’s read and tell number of fingers. across quarterback keeps.
Basic Blocking Drill
Diagram 6 Diagram 11
After the recognition drills have been initi-
ated and run continually in our first three days
of practice, the basic blocking drill is present-
ed. In the first three days of no pads, we will
be blocking lightly versus air dummies. But
with pads comes the intensive blocking drills.
In any drills involving the triple, a center must
be used. This assures that the timing is cor-
rect. The center blocks a dummy on him
every other time and the centers are rotated Coach tells quarterback he will stand still. True fullback read. Corner widens.
to this drill so that they all get equal time. Diagram 7 Quarterback keeps.
Below is a diagram of our basic blocking
Diagram 12
Diagram 2

Coach tells quarterback he is stepping

outside. True fullback read. Corner takes quar-
terback. Quarterback pitches.
Diagram 8
Progression of Teaching
Diagram 13
Diagram 3

Coach stands still or steps outside.

Quarterback must report what was done. True fullback read. Corner stunts.
Correct alignment, steps and arm exten- Quarterback pitches.
Diagram 9
sion. Ball to mid-section. Second step. Diagram 14
Diagram 4

Coach stunts down, quarterback keeps

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

True read inside-outside (Diagram 14). We want our backs to move the big dummy that might be playing a lot with that group.
Tires are used to represent guards. Next as they attack it low and hard. Friday: A cursory review of what is
in line must be a person lined up in the tack- anticipated for Saturday. Working more on
le position to keep the presentation more Fall Practice Sessions the passing game than the running game.
realistic. Assigned to this spot are fullbacks First Three Days: Recognition of the
and they make a move down inside on the different ways the corner may be defensed. Complementary Runs
snap. They must be continually urged to Presenting the theory and total picture. Run To complement the option game, plays
work with snap and precision and they must the base play, loaded and counter option. must be used that strongly resemble the
stay in a low breakdown position. The defen- Fourth Day Through Preseason: Start option series. An attempt is made to estab-
sive read position is assigned to the quarter- presenting blocking methods. Use 60-70 lish the pre-determined play to the fullback.
backs. They know what is expected at this pound blocking dummies to force blockers If this play is a threat, the first step is taken
spot and they can simulate the read better. to execute correctly. Downfield defenders to prevent the defensive people from flush-
They, too, must stay low. They then rotate to use air shields in order to allow them mobil- ing to the outside.
the offside and throw to the offside receiver. ity. In pre-season, a blocking session will The fullback runs his basic path and
They then become the quarterback. The be presented each practice. gets the ball in the guard-tackle seam.
onside end or wide receiver(s) work releas- The dummy holder evaluates and helps The basic counter play is used as a quick
es and blocks versus coaches or men down- the next blocker and each blocker holds the hitter. The counter option dive is also a quick
field representing secondary. dummy after he has executed his block. hitter, and the dive man may get the ball on
Also used in our blocking drills is a block- Therefore, all blockers critique each other the false step side as well as on the side that
ing sled pad that is laid on the ground just to help them improve. With a limited coach- the counter option would generally be run.
outside of the fullback’s path and slightly ing staff, self-evaluation becomes increas- A slower hitting play is a tailback draw
deeper than the quarterback’s line-up posi- ingly important. that closely resembles the counter.
tion. The quarterback must take his second Blocking is done each way, left and However, the back runs to daylight. Off this
step and stay inside this pad. We want him to right. However, being predominantly right draw the quarterback runs a sweep.
take his ride step and explode off that step if handed, we will devote special times and An isolation series is run to force the
he keeps outside the fullback. possibly a whole practice to the left-handed backers to play tough and solid.
Therefore our blocking drills also develop approach.
into a read by the quarterback. We will force Emphasis on the part of the game Passing Game
him to work on the things we feel must be where we are having the most breakdowns Four types of passes are thrown, three
emphasized by giving him the proper reads. is undertaken. This is determined through of which are play action and the other is
If the quarterback is having troubles with his an effort of evaluation by the coaching staff drop back. The play actions are all off the
steps or mesh, we will take the read away and players alike. This includes any type of running series. The passes may be called
from him so he may concentrate entirely on blocking requirements or any part of the or automatics.
these parts of the play. quarterback or pitch man’s games. Pop passes are thrown to any designat-
The first block for all deep backs is the out- ed receivers within five yards of the line of
side block. Depending on the time available, Game Weeks scrimmage and are thrown off the pre-
each man blocks two or three times. The We practice live on the corners during determined fullback play.
counter option is run next and the fullbacks the week in an effort to retain our timing Option passes are thrown off the base
get their outside block. Finally, the loaded and sharpness. The duration of contact is play and any receiver may be hit. Also
block is practiced for all Aand Z backs. influenced by many factors. An attempt is included in this series is the halfback pass.
To block the outside, a back takes three also made to cover all parts of the basic Counter action passes are thrown off
initial flat steps starting with the outside leg. game from recognition to blocking to a total the counter, counter option and tailback
In this time, he must read the corner and review. To neglect a part of the game will draw.
determine who he is going to block. He almost guarantee a regression in that area Drop back passes offer several advan-
then runs at and attempts to block the on the following Saturday. tages. We feel this action affords the best
man’s outside leg. He reaches the outside A daily breakdown during the season draw and screen possibilities available. It also
leg or outside of the large dummy with his would be: gives the offense a much better opportunity to
hip by throwing his arms upfield. If he does Monday: Presentation and recognition throw to the entire field. More than that how-
this correctly, he will end up flat on the of anticipated defenses and corners ever is our belief that a team that is going to
ground after his block in a stretched out Tuesday: Heavy blocking day. Some face the option game plus the drop back
position. He will almost bounce off his recognition and read. Breakdown areas passing game has several problems. Their
stomach and chest as he hits the ground. from the prior week will be emphasized. defense should loosen up to a degree. They
To block loaded, the up back runs a Wednesday: Ten minutes of recogni- may be forced to double cover. They will have
straight path directly at the designated tion. Ten minutes of blocking. to be careful of too fast a commitment by their
man’s outside knee. He cannot belly this Thursday: Two-minute offense day so deep backs. Their stunting game may be
route. He must explode to the blocking tar- less time to work on basic drill. Seven min- affected and especially on the corners. They
get at all possible speed. He shoulder utes recognition and seven minutes block- must also prepare for entirely different defen-
blocks the outside knee (bag) and throws ing. The first offensive group sticks entirely sive drops than if they were facing a strict
his head upfield. He must not block high. together. This would include any substitute play-action game.

• AFCA Summer Manual — 2000 •

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