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BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

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BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - What Is It?

by Craig Johnston on 16 Feb 2009 07:55 AM


Research In Motion announced a new version of BES, version 5.0 on February 11th. It improves upon the existing BES platform in many ways which make administering a BES easier and more flexible. It brings a few new handheld features too which I know users will love. However, before we get into what's new, let's go over what a BES is. In a future article I'll discuss the differences between a BES and the Microsoft mobile strategy using System Center Mobile Device Manager (SCMDM) and Windows Mobile 6.1.

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This is where it all started back in 1999. The first BlackBerrys were corporate devices that allowed employees to get their email on the road in real time. The architecture is quite simple. Your BES administrator adds you to a BES, then your BlackBerry associates with that BES by performing an activation process. This activation process used to be done via the USB cable connected to your PC, but now it can be done wirelessly. The activation process essentially sets up the BlackBerry to communicate with the BES it is assigned to by first establishing an encryption key (which is then used to encrypt all data [using 3DES or AES] that is sent and received from the BlackBerry in the same way as a Virtual Private Network [VPN]). Then the BES sends a few Service Books to the BlackBerry which tell it who to communicate with when it needs to do certain things. For example who to talk to when sending email, who to talk to when browsing the web, etc.

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After that data is synchronized down to the BlackBerry. This could be the last 5 days of email, the last 90 days of calendar entries, the entire address book, etc. In the mean time, the BES starts watching the BlackBerry user's corporate mailbox for changes. When it sees them, they are instantly sent to the BlackBerry. Depending on the email system being used (Novell GroupWise, Lotus Domino, or Microsoft Exchange) the mechanism used to figure out what has changed is different. In an Exchange environment for example, the BES makes a request to the Exchange server and asks that it be told whenever a new email arrives. The Exchange server duly obeys and when a new email arrives it notifies the BES, which in turn grabs a copy of that new email and sends it to the BlackBerry. It all happens within seconds.

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RIM Network Operation Center (NOC)

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The RIM NOC is a key part of the BlackBerry BES solution. When a BES is first installed it is assigned a unique address called a Server Relay Protocol (SRP) ID or number. This SRP ID uniquely identifies the BES and in fact no two BESs can use the same SRP ID. When the BES starts up, it actually logs into the RIM NOC using its unique SRP ID or address. The RIM NOC accepts the login if the SRP address is valid, and becomes aware of the BES. As we discussed earlier, any BlackBerry that activated against this BES will have the Service Book that includes this SRP ID or address on it. When the BlackBerry itself is turned on, it registers with the RIM NOC using its PIN number. Now the RIM NOC is aware of the BlackBerry and it is aware of the BES. This allows the BlackBerry and BES to communicate with one another via the RIM NOC.

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Figure 1: BlackBerry Architecture Please note that in Figure 1 above, the NOC is not shown, however it fits between the Wireless Networks and the Internet. Figure 1 also shows that it is not only BlackBerry Smartphones that can be associated with a BES, it is also other Smartphones that have BlackBerry Connect installed, or phones that have BlackBerry Built-In. So the RIM NOC is the point where BlackBerry and BES can find each other and communicate. The NOC takes care of handling individual BlackBerry connections and also queues up data that is destined for a BlackBerry when it is out of coverage or turned off. This means that the BES itself doesn't need to worry about doing that extra work. In fact the BlackBerry architecture itself allows any company to add an infinite number of BlackBerry users without the need to ramp up remote connectivity capacity, since the only connection being used for all communication is the one that is established between BES and NOC. RIM has some customers who have 100,000 BlackBerry users which proves the point. The NOC also removes the need to run a 100% uptime remote connectivity environment since RIM takes care of this at the NOC.

BES Features

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In a corporate environment when your BlackBerry is associated with a BES, you have more


07/28/2011 environment when your BlackBerry is associated with a BES, you have (BES) - W BlackBerry Enterprise Server more In a corporate
available features than a BlackBerry registered with a carrier only. In addition, administrators have tools that allow them to control the BlackBerry experience. User Features As a BlackBerry BES user you can:
Receive email in real time Have a mes sage that you read on your BlackBerry show up as read back in your corporate inbox (and vice vers a) automatically Move a mes sage to an existing folder within your corporate inbox from your BlackBerry Have a mes sage that you delete on your BlackBerry be moved to the Tras h folder in your corporate inbox automatically Have your corporate addres s book bi-directionally synchronized wireless ly with your BlackBerry Have your corporate calendar bi-directionally s ynchronized wirelessly with your BlackBerry Setup meetings from your BlackBerry, invite attendees, and s ee their free/bus y s tatus Have your BlackBerry Memo Pad bi-directionally synchronized with your corporate Note taking application (for example Outlook's Notes folder) wirelessly Look people up in the company global address book when compos ing new email in real time Setup or change your Out Of Office mes sage and enable or disable it Brows e the internal company web sites Login to your corporate Ins tant Mes saging (IM) application (like Micros oft Office Communicator or Lotus SameTime) View or download email attachments BlackBerry Micro-USB Travel Charger Buy Now $14.95
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As you can see, the BES/BlackBerry combination offers a wide variety of features compared to the BIS/BlackBerry combination which is used by carriers. Administrator Features Because the BlackBerry is a true Smartphone with corporate and personal features, the BES administrator needs to be able to control what their users can and cannot do. The main reasons for this are security and compliance. Here are some of the features available to a BES administrator:
Ability to fully control every aspect of the BlackBerry via s omething called the IT Policy. There are over 450 IT Policy settings , but here are a few examples: Disable features like the GPS and camera Disable the external media (or allow it but force it to be encrypted) Force the BlackBerry to encrypt its on-board memory Only allow web browsing via the corporate network and ultimately through a proxy s o that the web sites can be filtered the s ame way they are at the des ktop Force passwords , their complexity, timeout, and age Disable the phone or other features like SMS and MMS Block personal email and IM (including PIN to PIN and BlackBerry Mess enger) If you los e your BlackBerry or forget the pas sword, the administrator can remotely kill your BlackBerry or res et the pass word The adminis trator can remotely install third party BlackBerry applications and even prevent you from removing them The BES can be configured to log your SMS and PIN messages (sent and received) and also log your phone calls (not the audio of the calls but who you called or who called you and the duration of the call) BlackBerry D-X1 Standard Battery Buy Now $29.95
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Other Features The BES allows even more BlackBerry functionality which further enhances the BlackBerry user experience.

Mobile Data System (MDS)

MDS has three components. One is a mechanism of send and receiving IP data between your BlackBerry and the BES. This mechanism uses the existing secure connection that is established between your BlackBerry and BES via the RIM NOC. Remember that this secure connection is like a VPN since it is an unbreakable tunnel of data. The second part of MDS is a service that runs on the BES. This service acts as an IP Proxy for your BlackBerry. The MDS service also acts as a web proxy. What this means is that when you type in a URL on your BlackBerry, your BlackBerry doesn't actually go to that web site. It



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

asks to go to that web site, but MDS does it on behalf of the BlackBerry. This allows the BES to crunch down the web page(s) before sending them on to the BlackBerry. It will resize images and remove any formatting or code that it knows the BlackBerry will not be able to handle. Interestingly it does the image resizing based on the screen size of the individual BlackBerry being used (yes it keeps track of that). Probably one of the best features of MDS is the ability for it to send web content to your BlackBerry. You can send an instruction to MDS and make it grab two icons and a web page and send them to your BlackBerry. The icon shows up on the BlackBerry home screen and when it is clicked, it loads the web page that has been pre-cached on the BlackBerry. This is very useful in a disaster recovery situation when you want to have certain information (like call trees, lists of people's PIN numbers, congregation points, etc.) pre-loaded on the BlackBerry with an icon so that when the cell networks are down or your internal networks are down, that information is already pre-loaded and accessible. It is a very simple and cost effective way to handle disaster recovery without spending lots of money doing it. You can also instruct MDS to send a message to the inbox on the BlackBerry. It looks like an email, but when the user opens it, it actually loads a pre-cached web page. A great way to deliver daily reports until you upgrade your BES and devices to handle HTML email.

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The third part of MDS is a service that runs on the BES that acts as middleware. It allows developers to quickly build BlackBerry applications that allow the BlackBerry user to interact with corporate databases to either extract information from them, or add information to them. The developers get a tool that allows them to build the interfaces or forms, and control how that data is accessed via MDS. These applications are not full blown BlackBerry applications but are rather more forms based in nature. It really allows developers to build something quickly without having to build a BlackBerry application from scratch using Java and having to build their own middleware.

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Mobile Voice System (MVS)

MVS is a feature that allows a corporate BlackBerry user to change the way they deal with the phone. It has number of BlackBerry user benefits including:
The ability to have only one phone number as oppos ed to office and mobile numbers When someone calls you MVS can ring all of your phones at once to find you When you call someone your office number displays on caller ID as opposed to your BlackBerry number Since you only ever give out the one number, even if you switch the SIM card in your BlackBerry so that your number changes , it does n't matter since the pers on calling you calls the office number and MVS finds you It allows your BlackBerry to become your office desk phone This allows extens ion dialing, call trans fer, putting calls on hold, etc. It allows you to move a call between your office phone and BlackBerry (or the reverse) so that you can get on the move without dropping the call



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Extra MVS phone features The way that MVS works is that you install an MVS server that communicates with your existing PBX (or PABX). The MVS server then communicates with the BES bridging the two systems together. When you make a call on your BlackBerry, unbeknown to you, your BlackBerry actually sends a command to the MVS server via the RIM NOC and the BES (actually using MDS). The MVS server then commands the PBX to call your BlackBerry and the number that you dialed. It then bridges the two calls together. On your BlackBerry you have no idea this is happening and you do not hear the incoming call. All you know is that you dialed a number and it started ringing. This approach is beneficial to the company in a few ways. Firstly it can save on mobile phone bills in countries that have adopted the notion that incoming mobile calls are paid for by the calling party. Because the call you make from your BlackBerry is actually an incoming call, it is free. Of course your company is charged for the two outgoing calls but those are typically much cheaper because of the higher volume in land line plans. It is also beneficial for compliance. Since both calls actually originated via the PBX, they can be logged. Another scenario that it can be seen as beneficial is when the company has multiple PBXs in different countries that are internally connected via VoIP (meaning that calls stay inside the company's network) and it makes use of intelligent routing. This means that if you are in the US and dial a number in the UK from your desk, the PBXs decide amongst themselves who should actually place the call. In this example the UK PBX places the call since it would end up being a local call for the UK. When you add MVS to that picture, now the BlackBerry user in the US calls a BlackBerry user (or any number) in the UK, the MVS commands the PBX to dial the US BlackBerry and the destination number in the UK. The PBXs decide to place the UK call from the UK PBX. This now means that a costly mobile international call becomes two local land line calls.



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

MVS Architecture

What is New in BES 5.0?

Now that you have a good understanding of what the BES is and what features it offers corporate BlackBerry users and administrators, let's see what new features RIM has added to BES 5.0. The overriding message that RIM wants to convey as they approach the release of BES 5.0 in the second quarter of this year, is that they have concentrated mostly on the administration and support side of the BES. They have made many changes to the architecture so that IT staff have more flexibility when configuring and administering BES. They have had a handful of large customers running BES 5.0 in production for a year already and this very long Beta has allowed RIM to continually tweak BES 5.0. RIM has not forgotten about the BlackBerry user features and there are a few, but most of the effort has been on the "back-end". BES 5.0 User Features Once BES 5.0 is running in a corporate environment, BlackBerry users will have the following new features once their BlackBerrys are running handheld code 5.0 or later.
Users will be able to acces s files s tored on network volumes from their BlackBerry. If you happen to use BlackBerry Unite! you will know what this looks like already. Based on past experience with RIM releas es, you know that this new functionality will be implemented in the mos t secure way (remember back to Bluetooth and external memory as two "ins ecure technologies" that RIM delivered in a very secure way). Users will now be able to download and/or view attachments to Meeting Requests in the s ame way they can with email attachments today. Today any attachments to meeting requests are not sent to the BlackBerry. Email folder management has been improved so that you can now create, rename, and delete mailbox folders . Today you can only move emails between existing folders. Users will be able to flag mess ages for follow-up. While this functionality exists in the different email clients, they do not on the BlackBerry. The functionality will include the ability to color code the flags and label them. Users will be able to create mailbox filters from the BlackBerry. Today you can create mailbox filters on the BlackBerry that effect emails coming to the BlackBerry itself, but they do not synchronize back to your corporate inbox. This means that you have two sets of filters . This feature allows them to be s ynchronized.



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Network Access to Files

Folders on BlackBerry

Add Folders

Calendar Attachments



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

View Calendar Attachments

Flag Emails Settings

Flagged Emails

BES 5.0 Administration Features As I mentioned earlier, this is where RIM concentrated the most and it shows when you see what they have accomplished.
The management console is now web bas ed. Today the management cons ole is a Windows executable that needs to be installed on any s upport person's des ktop. Their AD login mus t also have SQL server privileges to allow for certain kinds of access . With a web cons ole, there is no need for multiple installs (or upgrade upon a BES upgrade) and each s upport person's AD login no longer needs to get SQL permissions. The Desktop Manager is now web based For those companies who still use the Desktop Manager, it will become web based so there is no need to install or upgrade this in the future. New more granular adminis trator roles and the ability to create your own or modify exis ting ones.



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Today there are a s et number of roles and their permissions are hard coded. These do not always translate into a support function which can be limiting. This new scheme allows administrators to completely customize each role to s uite their organization and even create new ones.

Adminis trators will be able to schedule tasks. This would allow administrators to say, push out a new application to a BlackBerry at a specific time of day (or night). This cuts down on administrator overtime coming in at midnight to perform a task. The BES Groups have been improved and can be cascaded. Today BES Groups (which allow you to group users) is very rigid. For example users can be members of only one group. This new feature allows users to be members of multiple groups and therefore adopt the attributes of all groups (IT Policy and Software Config. as signments). The ability to have a group within a group als o provides great flexibility. The adminis trator will have greater visibility into the Enterprise Activation. Today an Enterprise Activation could stall but there is no way to see why. BES 5.0 will allow you to s ee the status of every activation, where it may be s talled, and why. In BES 5.0 administrators will be able to push out device handheld software updates over the air. The device mus t be running handheld code 4.5 or later for this feature to work. In BES 5.0 the fail-over of BES is now built in. You will be able to run BES 5.0 in a mas ter/s lave configuration where the standby BES can automatically pick up the users if the primary fails or becomes too bus y.

BES 5.0 Web Admin Console


BES 5.0 is a year late as it was announced at WES 2007 and promised to be available by WES 2008. It seems it will be available around the time of WES 2009 now. It is late, but it seems that RIM has made sure that this is release is rock solid after a year of production testing, and it has all the right administrator enhancements to save enterprises time (which ultimately translates to money), with just enough user side enhancements to keep everyone happy ... Until BES 6.0.

[ Craig Johnston is the author of Professional BlackBerry and is's Podcast co-host and resident enterprise guru and all-round BlackBerry expert. If you have an enterprise application or topic that you would like to have addressed by Craig, send him an email at crackberrycraig @ ]
Filed Under: Enterprise;


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BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

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Posted by SteveO86 Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Really nice article, The BES 5.0 was great can't wait for it's release.

Posted by savantadm in

Thursday, Feb 19, 2009

887 days ago

I checked up on the various serviced office available and their prices are pretty competitive. Any recommendations?

Posted by kundo

Sunday, Feb 22, 2009

885 days ago

A small company developed a BES solution that implement a BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) at a fraction of the cost, time, and resource commitment. Its BES in a Box appliance that will allow any organization to implement BES in under 30 minutes. They also offer a version that comply with DISA requirements for the DoD What's you opinion?

Posted by dead ipod

Saturday, Apr 18, 2009

830 days ago

Yes, BES 5.0 is all I've been thinking about. The anticipation is killing me.

Posted by eraffone

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Why does it take so long for a message to be marked as read on my BlackBerry after I read it on my MS Exchange 2003 Outlook mailbox? We are running BES 4.1. Great post very informative. Thanks Erock

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Tasks like syncing read marks are handled at a lower priority by the BES. Email delivery is the top priority for the BES. If your BES is very busy, this could be the reason why it takes so long.



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Posted by eraffone

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Thanks for responding Craig. We have a fairly small company only four users on the BES right now and its taking about two minuets for it to sync the read items. Does that sound about right? Thanks again.

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

2 Minutes to sync read messages is fast :-) When you said "a long time" I was sure you meant longer than a few minutes. Y ou are seeing what is expected.

Posted by eraffone

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

My co-workers Iphone 3G linked to the same Exchange server seems to do this instantly.

Posted by Rh1noo

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

The BES is designed to check the status of all emails on the device every 15 minutes. That means if you have 10 users with a 1000 messages on there device then 10,000 messages are checked every 15 minutes. This puts a load on the exchange server. If you were able to reduce the time 15 minute window it would increase the load on the exchange server. This would not be a good idea in a large BES environment. If you would like to sync straight away you can do a 'reconcile now' from the full menu while in email.

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

This is correct however it is still only 2 minutes. 2 Minutes is still "fast" in my book :-)

Posted by Kevin Michaluk

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Great article Craig! I just noticed that RIM shows their Canadian roots here with the spelling of "colour" on the Flag Settings screen. I wonder if they'll change that up to "color" for final release or if it will vary based on distribution. These are the things I think about...haha :)


07/28/2011 things I think about...haha :)

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Posted by fcortese

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Great article, Craig. RIM or someone else needs to hire you now. Someone with your expertise and experience would be invaluable to any company.

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Thanks :-) It is not for lack of trying to get into RIM. RIM is just not showing any interest.

Posted by Curve63049

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Hi Craig: I have a question. How do BIS and BES interact, if at all? Here's the reason for my question. I have a personally owned BB (Curve 8330) that was added to my employer's BES (a government agency). Other than forcing a "device lock" there appear to be no IT policies/restrictions. I can use all of the features on my Sprint account (Sprint TV, navigation, personal email, pin to pin, etc.). Recently, I upgrade the OS on my Curve to 4.5. My personal BIS email (two gmail accounts) was not bothered by the upgrade (meaning: I continued to get personal emails after the upgrade). But, my work/BES email stopped *until* I had my device re-activated on the BES. From this, I infer that my personal email doesn't pass through the BES. Is that more or less correct?

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Yes you are correct. Your BlackBerry can be on BIS and BES at the same time. The path that your personal email takes to get from your in box to your BlackBerry is via BIS, but the data path could be any number of ways including via the BES MDS. In your case, it sounds like your personal email was arriving from BIS via the carrier network and not your BES. When you activated against your BES, your BES's IT policy did not disable your BIS functionality.

Posted by junkcool

Wednesday, Feb 18, 2009

889 days ago

Is there a way to check if one's personal emails and personal web



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

browsing are being routed thru' the corporate BES? Also, any recommended reading on Service Books mean?

Posted by ghbishop

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Very informative article. Getting information like this out to users makes Crackberry a valuable resource to its members. As a current BES user I would like to take advantage all its capabilities. Is there on line documentation concerning these two capabilities of the current BES product? 1) "Move a message to an existing folder within your corporate inbox from your BlackBerry." 2) "Setup meetings from your BlackBerry, invite attendees, and see their free/busy status." Looking forward to the next article in the series.

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Thanks. I would check out the BlackBerry Owner's Lounge: Or post a question in the Forums: Someone will be happy to help out.

Posted by RCNA

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Great Read, Thanks! I might have missed this somewhere but when is it going to be released?

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Available in Q2 2009. I would guess around the time of WES in May 2009.

Posted by diaox

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

I've been on BES for nearly a year now, and didn't even realize some of the features it offers. Always nice to learn something new. Keep 'em coming, Craig!



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Posted by cexshun

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Any word on improved groupwise support?

Posted by Craig Johnston

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

When RIM releases a new version of BES, they keep the feature set the same between Exchange, Domino, and GroupWise. So without knowing for sure, it stands to reason that BES 5.0 for GroupWise will support these same features.

Posted by mgriffin

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

812 days ago

Now that BES 5.0 is out will there be 5.0 upgrade for Groupwise??

Posted by jappling

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

I am trying to setup BES on our Exchange Server but I have not done something correct is there a walk through that I can follow? Jamie

Posted by Rh1noo

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Post the question in the BES administrator forum and we will help from there. Make sure you include details of the problem

Posted by nothin2seehere

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Craig, Thanks for the article. I had no idea MVS for Blackberry even existed. I do now! We're just at the initial stages of deploying a Cisco CCM VoIP solution at my company, can it integrate at all with that? What I'm most looking forward to in BES 5.0 is improved wireless reconcile. I can sometimes delete a lot of email either server or handheld side which never gets reconciled the other way. It's annoying to be on the train deleting all the weekend crap on a Monday morning and then, loading up Outlook in the office an hour or so later, it's still sitting in my Inbox! Frustrating to say the least. Any idea if there's going to be a beta for BES 5.0 I can participate in?


Posted by Craig Johnston

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

That type of reconciliation works 100% today. No need to wait for BES 5.0. If it is not working for you then you should check to see that it is actually set on your handheld. From Messages, go to Options, Email Reconciliation and make sure that DELETE ON is set to Desktop and Handheld. If it is not, then deletes will not synchronize both ways. If it is set correctly, ask you BES admin to look into it because there could be something wrong with your BES account. MVS should work with your Cisco VoIP system but you can make sure by pinging the RIM MVS team.

Posted by nothin2seehere

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2009

890 days ago

Hi Craig For the most part the wireless reconciliation works nicely. It just seems to go a bit, err, weird (technical term!), if I'm deleting quite a large number of messages at once, or out of coverage when I do it. But to clarify, I am the BES admin for my company (around 250 handhelds, running 4.1.6). Cheers :)

Posted by kenjancef

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Any word on Public Folder sync?????

Posted by jam esvdm

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

The lack of public folder sync has been annoying since we moved everything to wireless. Sure there are workarounds but a wireless public folder sync is ideal.

Posted by m ike240se

Monday, Feb 16, 2009

891 days ago

Ok the guy from rim said this quite clearly. BES 5.0 is being tested at 10 companies. he later said: BES 5.0 requires OS 5.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this means os 5.0 is out, some where, to be found! right?

Posted by nothin2seehere

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2009

890 days ago



BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

There would be a massive hole in RIM.s foot if they *required* OS 5.0 on every handheld. 4.7 is the latest, and there are many devices that may never see OS 5.0 (I think the 83xx series will get 5.0, but I'm not sure).

Posted by dougxd

Tuesday, Feb 17, 2009

890 days ago

Jeezlouise, you'd think RIM would snap Craig up in a heartbeat. Especially since they are looking to fill 3000 more positions at the company -- after a previous staff up of 4000 jobs. And not one of those fits Craig, eh?????? Lemme be the first to throw up the bull&^it flag on that!

Posted by SaraVN

Saturday, Feb 21, 2009

886 days ago

Thanks Craig. This is a great and very well written article. I plan on passing it onto the next executive that asks why we use BlackBerries instead of iPhones. It explains that features and securities with BES better than I have ever been able to. In my book, any document that can be passed directly to management without being "translated" has done it's job. Try asking most of us IT people to do it, and we can't. Kudos! SaraVN

Posted by Laly Smith

Monday, Feb 23, 2009

884 days ago

SteelClouds BES in a Box appliance is the most cost effective way to implement a BlackBerry Enterprise Server environment. Any comment?

Posted by cym nensuche

Saturday, Mar 14, 2009

865 days ago

Here is a look the best [url=][color=red][b]site[/b][/color][/url] in 2008 for adults. I do not know the right sort of a link and it is not clear to you at the forum how to do it. If you are under 18 do not go to links

Posted by northstahr

Tuesday, Apr 07, 2009

841 days ago

Excellent article. Explained everything very well.


Posted by w jw elthagen Friday, Oct 08, 2010

BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) - W

292 days ago

Hi, How does a companies on premise BES server connect to the NOC. Is it via the companies internet service provider

Posted by w jw elthagen

Thursday, Oct 14, 2010

286 days ago

"When the BES starts up, it actually logs into the RIM NOC using its unique SRP ID or address." What connection does the BES server utilise to connect to the NOC, is it a internet connection?

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