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Carson Newman Notes (04105 Mar 05):

- Bill Kramer (Naples, FL) FL High School Coach of the Year, State. Champs, etc

Offense: Split BackVeer

"Football is a tool to motivate young men to be on time, work hard, to make

commitments and to firlfill them. "

Players and coaches cannot control who will win afootballgame.

Things a player and coach CAN control:
Effort: how hard you go in the classroom and on the practice field.
Tempo: how often do you go hard?
Mentality: Optimism -think positive, be positive, show high energy.
Attitude: do you have the "attitude of gratitude"?

We will win with Defense
We will run the Option
We will throw the 3 step game (hand signalslcheck with me)

RuniPass 60140; +I turnovers = 65% chance of winning; +3 turnovers = 80% chance.. .

apply the opposite+ make you turnovers ZERO -- Never, ever turn over the football.

Strength: "Create Human Bullets"

Power Cleans (off floor)
Parallel Squats (done precisely)
Medicine Ball
Form Running

How We Win:
1. I am NOT the center of the Universe
2. Defense, Defense, Defense
3. Special Teams mst be special
4. We will have a great offense
5. We practice tackling EVERY DAY (practice clock only starts wlpops)
6. It all starts in the weight room
7. Every player can be a good student (prepared and on time; study table @ lunch is
used or eke.. . or quit))
8. We must provide academic support
9. My Principal mus commit to win
10. The Head coach must raise funds
I I. We must all be on the exact same page
Formations - Alignments

Split backs; RightILeft, RipILiz, RipILiz covering unbalanced OT (Heavy Set)

C-G - 2.5'
G-T - 4 to 6'


ISVIOSV is the same call ( gives "down" TE call to lock OSV) must see
mostly 4-fronts
if dive read does anything other than attack the dive back, give it
be aggressive w/HBs in 3 step protection; it really pulls-up the LBs and opens
up the hitches
we make a living on hitches, bubble routes (Black)
"trades" the TE a lot (shifts)
throws the "Black" any time the inside rec is possibly open
runs Speed Option to the weak side in that unbalanced set
if "D" is stemming - go on 1" sound, call on line, etc.
midline to 1 tec = auto QB pull
offside HB on midline leads for QB
"C" call on Speed Option - HBs. Tighten stance ... flash pads, no false step
(Carson Newman also flashes pads wlo false step)

Below, Right 2 17 "Trail"; Z fade TE Trails.. . throw over the top into the hole.

Unbalanced Heavy Set:

Coach Mike Turner, CN Offensive Coordinator
Topics during Q/A session:

emphasized pick-up steps for all 0-linemen (6" zone steps @ 45 degrees)
ISV to the 3 tech 3 don't always need to call "deuce" block between the psG and
psT, G takes inside shoulder and puts it across the outside thigh pad of the 3 tech.
mirror routes = mirror protection; aggressive with all blocks inc. HBs

instead of classic turn-back technique, CN has adapted it to fit more with their
play action: S.J.H. = Step, Jab, & Hinge - gain control of shoulder, go upfield at
that pad before you turn.. . "whip that other guy's tail before you turn back."
midline -just like we run wlfold psOT and psTE.. . they now bring the osHB
thru QB lane instead of "wasting" him

Sprint out Protection: S fir ts///l;w~*n,'~ r w - + c p ~ / a r "Y Y c U V C I * ~ /

Play Action Protections

06 .*u uv2-

13 n /3 p it6
Travis Noland, Tuscola H.S. ,NC (Jonathan Crompton )

Developing the QB:

QB Qualities:

1) Tough
a) handles adversity well
b) not an excuse-maker
c) can play with pain
2) Intuitive (Football Smart)
a) can make calculated risks (confident)
b) knows when to take risks
c) has a "feel" for what's going around them
3) Consistent
a) committed to be the best he can be
b) judgment over-rides emotion, calm & cool under pressure
c) performs tasks with enthusiasm
4) Leadership
a) has character; isn't a character
b) has earned right to challenge teammates; has paid a higher price to prepare for his
c) team success more important than individual accomplishments

L.O.V.E. Concept for Coaching

listen to their dreams and hopes
listen to their daily needs
listen to their inner emotions (what's behind those eyes during those time outs)

Don't be afraid to share your hopes and fears with your players
no one-way communication; you get out of your relationships what you put into
a coach doesn't always have to be right.. . just 99% of the time

every boy you coach is someone's son
know your players want to please you
don't belittle playerslstaff for personal gain

make sure they know they can count on you (not just at your convenience)
show them daily that they are important to you
don't be afraid to tell them you love 'em
CurlIFlat Route is next.. .

Shovel Series (OSV from the Gun?) safe, high percentage pass

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