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DSAs are meant for socializing not silence

Staff Writer

The Pioneer Log Opinion

February 3, 2012

I take o ense to this whole DSA situation for a myriad of reasons, but Ill start with this. First, the very de nition of a DSAa Designated Smoking Areawhere campus o cials have DESIGNATED seven strategically placed areas where all smokers are forced to congregate. at means all smokers on this campus of 1,700 students must converge to these few spots to enjoy their cigarettes and each others company, but apparently not too loudly. Secondly, smoking is an inherently social activity, which continues to exacerbate the irrationality of concentrating a social activity to a few spots on campus and then getting fussy when people gather and socialize there. Student smokers were not responsible for designating these smoking areas. How can they be blamed for poor planning by campus o cials? I nd it amusing that the

bench was removed by Facilities from the Platt DSA, promptly replaced by students, and then quickly removed again. I dont smoke tobacco, but I will personally help carry a bench to that DSA strictly on principle. I do not live near the Platt DSA, so I cannot genuinely comment how much or how little the noise may bother me when Im trying to sleep. But as a college student I can comment on how this is college. You are no longer in the comfort of your abovegarage loft. You live in buildings with tons of other people that eat, shower, sleep, study and party all at di erent times, in places that have little to no soundproo ng. ings get a little loud? Tell someone yourself to shut the fuck up or get over it. Would you rather go to a school full of dull, uninteresting stupidfaces or would you rather go to a school where people are so friendly, fun and interesting they stay up for hours outside in the cold enjoying each others minds? Ill take sound over silence any day.


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