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3.5m 1m ZL

The above figure shows two parallel wires of length 3.5 m, separated by 1 m from each other, connecting a voltage source to a lumped load ZL. Radius of each wire is 1 mm. Find out the 0 , load end voltage as a fraction of the supply voltage, given: Z L = 1 0 0 f = 75 MHz,. Assume (i) G and R = 0, (ii) Internal impedance of source = 0, (iii) internal inductance = 0 (2) Kirchoffs current law is the low frequency approximation of the equation of continuity. Do you agree or disagree? Justify. (3) The current i ( z ) on a lossless line is given by: i ( z ) = 10 cos z + j 20 sin z Ampere, ( z is in meter) 2 2 The cross sectional area of the conductor is 1cm2. (i) What is the frequency of operation? (ii) Derive the expression for the charge density in Coulomb/m3 at any point z on the wire





Figure above shows a resistance of 100 connected to a lossless transmission line T having characteristic impedance 25 , through another lossless transmission line section AB which has length 25 cm and characteristic impedance 50 . If the supply frequency is 300 MHz, calculate

(i) input impedance at A, (ii) reflection coefficient at A (iii) What would you call this line? (b) If the frequency in the above problem is reduced to 150 MHz, what is the input impedance at A? (5)
7 9 when 0 0 ,

A lossless transmission line of certain length has an input impedance of

0 0 , short circuited at one end and 1 0 9 when left open.

(i) (ii)

Find the minimum possible length of the line in terms of the wavelength. Find the characteristic impedance

(6) A lossy transmission line has line parameters R, L, C, G per unit length. Derive the complex propagation constant in terms of these parameters. (7) In a distortionless but lossy line, if R = 100 / m , G = 0.0001 mho/m, what is the propagation constant at 300 MHz? (8) A lossless line is terminated in a resistance thrice its characteristic impedance. Derive the standing wave ratio. (9) Given Y1 = 0.3 mho, Y2 = 0.5 mho, characteristic admittance = 1 mho. Derive the input admittance in the following system


Yin = ?



(10) Derive the expression for the current at any point on a lossless, open circuited, /4 long line. Take the supply voltage to be 100 V and characteristic impedance to be 100 ohm. (11) A lossless transmission line is terminated in an unknown impedance. The standing wave ratio is found to be 2.5. The first voltage minimum is 75 cm away from the load termination and the first voltage maximum is 125 cm away. Find out the length and position of a short circuited parallel stub that would result in matching. (12) A lossless transmission line is terminated in an impedance twice its characteristic impedance. A short circuited stub is to be placed in series in order to match this load. The characteristic impedance of the stub line is equal to half the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Find out the position (from the load end) and the length of this stub, in terms of the wavelength. (13) DO NOT use Smith chart in the following problems:

(a) A lossless transmission line is terminated in an unknown impedance. The standing wave ratio is found to be 3. The first voltage minimum is 75 cm away from the load termination and the first voltage maximum is 175 cm away. Find out the length and position of a short circuited parallel stub that would result in matching. (b) A lossless transmission line is terminated in an impedance twice its characteristic impedance. A short circuited stub is to be placed in series in order to match this load. The characteristic impedance of the stub line is equal to half the characteristic impedance of the transmission line. Find out the position (from the load end) and the length of this stub, in terms of the wavelength. (14) Use the same Smith chart to solve the following problems (a) Consider a lossless transmission line having characteristic impedance 500 ohm. The measurements on the line indicate that the first voltage minimum and maximum occur at 10 cm and 30 cm , respectively, away from the load end. Determine the value of the load impedance and the wavelength of the transmitting frequency, if the standing wave ratio is 3. (b) A lossless transmission line having characteristic impedance 80 ohm is terminated in a load impedance of (120 j120) ohm. Compute the standing wave ratio and the distance to the first voltage minimum. The wavelength is 800 cm. (c) If the normalized admittance is 0.5 + j2, what is the admittance? Show the points on the Smith chart. (15) Figure shows a lossless line connected to a load having a normalized admittance of yL = 0.5 j0.7. This load is to be matched to the line using a pair of stubs.
0.25 0.05


Using a Smith chart find out the length of the stubs (1) and (2), given: (i) Distance between stub 1 and load is 0.05 (ii) Distance between stub 1 and stub 2 is 0.25 (iii) Stub 1 is short circuited (iv) Stub 2 is open circuited (v) Stub 1 and 2 are lossless, and their characteristic impedance is the same as the main line. (16) (a) Distinguish between TEM, TE and TM modes of propagation (b) What is cutoff frequency? Explain with a diagram (c) What is phase velocity? Explain with a diagram (17) (a) Starting from the wave equation, using the method of separation of variables, derive the equations that govern any of the field components in a rectangular waveguide.

(b) Starting from the wave equation, using the method of separation of variables, derive the equations that govern the z field components in a cylindrical waveguide. (18) (a) Is TEM mode of propagation possible in a rectangular waveguide? Explain. (b) Is TEM mode of propagation possible in a parallel plate waveguide? Explain. (c) A parallel plate waveguide has a separation of 1.6 cm between its plates. A signal of frequency 30 GHz is passing through it. (i) Find the modes of propagation. (ii) Find the corresponding phase velocities. (19)

B A a C D

Figure shows a propagating wave ABCD between two parallel plates separated by distance a. The direction of propagation of this wave is confined to the plane of this paper. AD is a line perpendicular to the propagating wave. is the angle between the propagating wave and the propagation axis as shown. (i) How is the length ABCD related to the wavelength? Justify your answer (ii) Express in terms of the wavelength, plate separation a and any other parameter you feel appropriate. (You may assume > 45, if that eases your analysis) (20) A cavity has dimensions 214 cm. A signal of frequency 31 GHz is injected. How much power will be drawn by the cavity? Justify your answer. (21) For a hollow rectangular waveguide with cross sectional dimensions a b, it is given that for TMmn mode of propagation, mx ny E z = C sin sin exp( j (t mn z )) where C is a constant. a b Find all other components of the electric and magnetic field distribution inside the guide. (22) A waveguide has dimensions 21 cm. A signal of frequency 40 GHz is passing through it. (a) Assuming TE mode of propagation, find : (i) The number of modes that will propagate, (ii) Cutoff frequency of each mode (iii) Characteristic impedance of each mode (b) Assuming TM mode of propagation, find : (i) The number of modes that will propagate, (ii) Cutoff frequency of each mode (iii) Characteristic impedance of each mode (23) A waveguide has dimensions ab. TEmn mode of propagation takes place. Applying appropriate boundary conditions, derive the expression for the axial component of the magnetic field.

(24) Explain how, using a probe, (i) TE modes of propagation can be excited in a waveguide (ii) TM modes of propagation can be excited in a waveguide (25) TE10 mode of propagation takes place through a rectangular waveguide with dimensions 84 cm. The distance between a voltage minimum and maximum in the axial direction is 5 cm. (i) What is the cutoff frequency? (ii) What is the free space wavelength? (26) TE10 mode of propagation takes place through a rectangular waveguide with dimensions 52.5 cm. It has a guide wavelength of 9 cm. (i) What is the cutoff frequency? (ii) What is the operating frequency? (27) A rectangular waveguide operates at 10 GHz. Determine the breadth a of the waveguide, if the guide wavelength is 5 cm. Assume the dominant TE mode of propagation. (28) Use the same Smith chart to solve the following problems (a) Consider a lossless transmission line having characteristic impedance 100 ohm. The measurements on the line indicate that the first voltage minimum and maximum occur at 18 cm and 40.5 cm , respectively, away from the load end. Determine the value of the load impedance and the wavelength of the transmitting frequency, if the standing wave ratio is 4. (b) A lossless transmission line having characteristic impedance 100 ohm is terminated in a load impedance of (200 j200) . Compute the standing wave ratio and the distance to the first voltage minimum. The wavelength is 500 cm. (c) If the normalized admittance is 2 + j2, what is the impedance? Show the points on the Smith chart. (29) Given that the reflection coefficient at the load end (0) is related to the normalized load impedance as (0) = ( z L 1) ( z L + 1) , (i) Show how the reflection coefficient varies with respect to the real part of the impedance only, irrespective of its imaginary part (ii) Give a rough sketch of how the reflection coefficient varies when (I) the real part of the impedance is unity, and when (II) the real part of the impedance is zero (30) Figure shows a lossless line connected to a load having a normalized admittance of yL = 0.7 + j0.8. This load is to be matched to the line using a pair of stubs.


Using a Smith chart find out the length of the stubs (1) and (2), given: (i) Stub 1 is at the load end (ii) Distance between stub 1 and stub 2 is 0.25 (iii) Stub 1 is open circuited (iv) Stub 2 is short circuited (v) Stub 1 and 2 are lossless, and their characteristic impedance is the same as the main line. (31) Use the following information ((I) & (II)) to answer (a) and (b):

(I) J0(X) = 0 for X = 2.4, 5.52, 8.65 , J1(X) = 0 for X = 3.83, 7.02, 10.17 , J2(X) = 0 for X = 5.14, 8.42 (II) J 0 ( X ) =0 for X = 3.83, 7.02, 10.17, J 1 ( X ) =0 for X = 1.84, 5.33, 8.54 , J 2 ( X ) =0for X = 3.05, 6.71 (a) A cylindrical waveguide whose radius is 8.5 cm is excited for TM modes of propagation at a frequency of 3 GHz. Find the modes that will be excited and find the corresponding propagation constants. (b) A cylindrical waveguide whose radius is 9.5 cm is excited for TE modes of propagation at a frequency of 3 GHz. Find the modes that will be excited and find the corresponding propagation constants. (32)
y a


b a/4 a/2 a/4 x

The waveguide is excited as shown at a frequency of 35 GHz. Find the modes that will be excited and find the corresponding cutoff frequencies, Given: a = 2 cm, b = 1 cm. The probes are excited with a phase difference of 180.

(33) A coaxial resonator is constructed of a section of coaxial line and is open circuited at both ends. The resonator is 5 cm long and filled with dielectric of r = 9 . The inner conductor has a radius of 1 cm and the outer conductor has a radius of 2.5 cm. (a) Find the resonant frequency of the resonator. (b) Determine the resonant frequency of the same resonator with one end open and one end shorted. (34) An air filled circular waveguide has a radius of 3 cm and is used as a resonator for TE01 mode at 10 GHz by placing two perfectly conducting plates at its two ends. Determine the minimum distance between the two end plates. (35) A coaxial resonator is constructed of a section of coaxial line 6 cm long and is short circuited at both ends. The circular cavity has an inner radius of 1.5 cm and an outer radius of 3.5 cm. The line is dielectric filled with r = 2.25 .

(a) Determine the resonant frequency of the cavity for TEM001 . (b) Calculate the quality Q of the cavity. (36) A rectangular cavity resonator has dimensions of a = 5 cm, b = 2 cm, and d = 15 cm. Compute: (a) The resonant frequency of the dominant mode for an air filled cavity. (b) The resonant frequency of the dominant mode for a dielectric filled cavity of r = 2.56 . (37) A microstrip line is constructed of a perfect conductor and a lossless dielectric board. The relative dielectric constant of the fiberglass epoxy board is 5.23, and the line characteristic impedance is 50 . Calculate the line inductance and line capacitance. (38) A short circuited two wire line is made of copper. The conductor diameter is 1 cm, the spacing is 3 cm, and the length is 40 cm. Find the anti resonant frequency, the Q, and the input resistance at resonance. (39) A cylindrical cavity of radius a = 2 cm and a length of 6 cm is filled with a dielectric with permittivity = (2.5 j 0.0001 )0 . The cavity is made of copper. Find the resonant frequency and Q for the TE111 mode. (40) A microstrip line is constructed of a copper conductor and nylon phenolic board. The relative dielectric constant of the board material is 4.19, measured at 25 GHz, and its thickness is 0.4836 mm. The line width is 0.635 mm, and the line thickness is 0.071 mm. Calculate the: (a) Characteristic impedance Zo of the microstrip line. (b) Dielectric filling factor q. (c) Dielectric attenuation constant d . (d) Surface skin resistivity Rs of the copper conductor at 25 GHz. (e) Conductor attenuation constant c (41) A microstrip line is made up of a copper conductor 0.254 mm wide on a G-10 fiberglass epoxy board 0.20 mm in height. The relative dielectric constant of the board material is 4.8, measured at 25 GHz. The microstrip line 0.035 mm thick is to be used for 10 GHz. Determine the: (a) Characteristic impedance Zo of the microstrip line. (b) Surface skin resistivity Rs of the copper conductor (c) Conductor attenuation constant c (d) Dielectric attenuation constant d (e) Quality factors Qc and Qd. (42) A gold parallel strip line has the following parameters: Relative dielectric constant of Teflon: rd = 2.1 Strip width w = 26 mm Separation distance d = 5 mm Conductivity of gold c = 4.1 107 mho/m Frequency f = 10 GHz Determine the (a) Surface resistance of the gold strip (b) Characteristic impedance of the strip line (c) Phase velocity

(43) A gold parallel strip line has the following parameters: Relative dielectric constant of the polyethylene rd = 2.25 Strip width w = 25 mm Separation distance d = 5 mm Calculate the : (a) Characteristic impedance of the strip line. (b) Strip line capacitance (c) Strip line inductance (d) Phase velocity (44) A 50 ohm coplanar strip line has the following parameters: Relative dielectric constant of alumina rd = 10 Strip width w = 4 mm Strip thickness t = 1 mm TEM mode field intensities:
x E y = 3.16 10 3 sin e jz w x H x = 63 .20 sin e jz w Find the (a) Average power flow, (b) Peak current in one strip

(45) A shielded stripline has the following parameters: Relative dielectric constant of the insulator polyethylene rd = 2.25 Strip width w = 2 mm Strip thickness t = 0.5 mm Shield depth d = 4 mm Calculate the (a) K factor (b) Fringe capacitance (c) Characteristic impedance (46) A shielded strip line is made of a gold strip in a polystyrene dielectric insulator and has the following parameters: Relative dielectric constant of polystyrene rd = 2.56 Strip width w = 0.7 mm Strip thickness t = 1.4 mm Shield depth d = 3.5 mm Determine the (d) K factor (e) Fringe capacitance (f) Characteristic impedance

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