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Analysis 1: Exercises 1

1. Identify the premises and conclusions of the following deductive arguments and analyse their logical form. Do you think the reasoning is valid? Just use your intuition for now. (a) The main course will be either beef or sh. The vegetable will be either peas or corn. We will not have both sh as a main course and corn as a vegetable. Therefore, we will not have both beef as a main course and peas as a vegetable. (b) Either sales will go up and the boss will be happy, or expenses will go up and the boss wont be happy. Therefore, sales and expenses will not both go up. 2. In this exercise we will use the symbol + to mean exclusive or. In other words, P + Q means P or Q, but not both. (a) Make a truth table for P + Q. (b) Find a formula using only the connectives , and that has the same truth table as P + Q. 3. Find a formula involving the connectives , and that has the following truth table: P F F T T Q F T F T ??? T F T T

4. Which of the following propositions are true? (a) (2 3 = 6) (1 + 6 = 8). (b) (1 + 6 = 8) (2 3 = 6). (c) (2 3 = 7) (2 3 = 6). (d) (2 3 = 7) (2 3 = 5). 5. Construct truth tables for the following propositional forms. (a) A (B C). (b) (A B) (A B). 6. Rewrite each of the following statements symbolically and prove, using truth tables or otherwise, that it is a logical law (or tautology), i.e. it is true for all propositions A, B and C. (a) If A implies B, and B implies C, then A implies C.

(b) If not C implies that A implies not B, then A implies that B implies C. (c) If A implies B, and not A implies B, then C implies B. 7. Is [A (B C)] equivalent to [(A B) C]? Justify your answer. 8. Prove that the following propositional forms are laws: (a) [A (A B)] A . (b) [(A B) (A B)] A . (c) (A B) (A B) . (d) (A B) (A B) .

9. Determine which of the following propositional forms are equivalent. (a) A (B C). (b) B (A C). (c) (A B) (A C). (d) (A B) C. (e) A (B C).

10. In the course of an investigation a police detective established the following: (a) If Smith was drunk then either Johns is the murderer or Smith lies. (b) Either Johns is the murderer or Smith was not drunk and the murder took place after midnight. (c) If the murder took place after midnight then either Johns is the murderer or Smith lies. (d) Smith does not lie when sober. The detective was able to conclude from the above who was the murderer. Who was it? 11. Solve these problems without using truth tables, making use of logical laws if necessary. (a) Suppose P Q and R Q are both true. Prove that P R is true. (b) Suppose R (P Q) is true. Prove that P (Q R) is true. 12. Let A = {3, 4, 7, 10}, B = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}. Find A B, A B, A B and A B.

13. Let A, B be sets. Prove the following equality A B = A (A B).

14. Let A, B, C be sets. Prove that the following implication is true. [(A B) (B C)] (A C).

15. Let A, B be sets. Prove the following inclusions A A B, A B A.

16. Let A and B be nite sets (comprising nite number of elements). Denote N (A) the number of elements in the set A. Prove that N (A B) = N (A) + N (B) N (A B).
Hint: Prove and use the following representation of A B as a union of disjoint sets A B = (A A B) B. Then use the fact that for disjoint sets X and Y one has N (X Y ) = N (X) + N (Y ).

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