Numbers 7 8

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The Carts, the Altar Dedication, & the Levites

Numbers 7:1-8:26
I. Context
Who are the main characters in the passage? What do we know about them?
Leaders of the Twelve Tribes:


When and where does this passage take place?

When: This week's passage refers to events that occu r following the setting u p of the Tabernacle Exodu s 40 indicates
that Moses set u p the temple du ring the first month of the second year, so Nu mbers 7 likely refers to this period.
Nu mbers 8 addresses the setting apart of the Levites, which is prescribed earlier in the book (Ch. 3) as part of the
censu s. Thu s, Chapter 8 likely refers to after the Levite censu s, rou ghly du ring the second month of the second year
after they left Egypt (Nu mbers 1:1, 10:11).
Where: The passage take place in the desert below Mt. Sinai, probably somewhere in the Sinai valley.

What is going on? (Summary of Events)

The carts and oxen distributed. After Moses had erected the Tabernacle, the leaders of the twelve tribes
presented 12 oxen and 6 carts before the Tabernacle as gifts to the Lord. Moses distribu ted them among the Levites
based u pon the needs of their du ties; The Kohathites did not get carts becau se they were to carry the holy things
(their responsibility) u pon their shou lders as God instru cted (7:1-9)
Offerings for alter dedication. Each of the tribe leaders' gifts are recorded both in the amou nts given and order in
which they were given. Each leader presents similar offerings and the totals are given in 7:8 4-8 8 (7:10-8 8 ).
Setting up the Lampstands: The Lord gives Moses instru ctions for Aaron on how to properly set u p the lampstands
(8 :1-4)
Setting apart the Levites. The Lord prescribes to Moses the process for clensing the Levites in preparation for their
work in the Tabernacle. They were to be sprinkled with the water of cleansing, then each of them was to shave his
whole body and wash their clothes. They were to assemble before the Tent of Meeting and the Israelites were to lay
their hands on them and they wou ld be presented to the Lord as a wave offering. The Lord prescribes exactly the
process for dedicating the Levites as the Lord's (8 :5-26)
II. Interpretation

What principles are illu strated in this passage? What wou ld you consider the theme of this passage?

What do we learn of God's character from this passage? Does this passage point u s toward or connect with Christ? If so,

Why do you think that the Lord inspired Moses to record the gifts for the Altar dedication (7:10-8 8 ) in su ch detail?

The Levites are taken as a su bstitu te for the firstborn of all the other tribes. How is the Levites' su bstitu tion similar to
Christ's su bstitu tion for u s? (hint: priesthood, propitiation)

III. Application

1. The theme of being set apart is prevalent in the OT, especially here. We see that not only was the nation of Israel set apart,
bu t also within the nation, the Levites were set apart as well. 1 Peter 2:9 references this theme of being set apart an reminds
u s that it is God's work that sets u s apart, not becau se of anything we have done. God has shown his favor to u s in that we
have received his mercy throu gh the provision of Christ to take ou r place.
2. Ju st as the Levites took the place of every firstborn of Israel, Christ takes ou r place to satisfy God's requ irement for ju stice.
Christ took ou r place on the cross and bore the fu ll weight of God's ju dgement--ju dgement that shou ld have been ou rs.
Christ's sacrifice paid ou r debt in fu ll, thus pu rifying u s as adopted sons (Rom. 8 :15-16)

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