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Retail Sector Analysis Govt to notify rules for 100% FDI in singlebrand retail today

NEW DELHI: The central government is all set to announce 100 percent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in single-brand retail trading. The announcement will be made later today. Sources said that the government was to announce the guidelines for single-brand retail trading later on Tuesday. The norms were ready for permitting 100% FDI in the segment. At present the government permits 51% FDI in the sector. The move is expected to boost the prospects of global players such as Ikea to set up a wholly-owned venture in India to operate a chain of store FDI in industries like the automobile, more jobs are created, and the automobiles are sold in India and exported, and the export will create more jobs in India. More jobs create wealth in the nation. But, opening doors for retail stores to market their cheap products made in foreign countries like China will do just the opposite. It will create some low paying jobs, but billions of dollars will be leaving from India. Allowing some small stores won't hurt, but mega stores like Wal Mart will create serious economic set backs for India. Even the richest country, U.S.A. is totally confused with the influx of foreign goods, and 75% of the consumer goods are from China. I don't understand why govt and people lying about sourcing from local market. As per WTO rule indina govt can't put these conditions. People forget how govt annouce this 30% sourcing from local market then realize that WTO rule is opposite and govt backed out. my only request is don't hide the facts from people. FDI or Not FDI we should have all the facts before us. Seems some of the poster blindly saying that 30% local sourcing. FYI. South African gove tried to put the same conditions for Wlamart entry and walmart went to WTO and won the verdict. Started importing from China. People who says that it will benefits consumer don't knwo the history. Same thing started is US and people gace same arguments. Slowly Walmart gobbled all the jobs and now they are crying. Indian people don't know few things. In US local community decide the fate of Walmart , whether they can open a shop or not. In india people are not aware of these development. Do you know as per US study Walmart kills 2 jobs to create 1. Think in Indian prospects it may kill 4 to 5 jobs. Some people says that middleman,adulteration., tax stealing. If govt is not stopping all these things , what is the guarantee Walmart won't steal the taxes. We already seen foreign bank , they are flouting all the norms. We need strong institution first. Why we have sales dept and many other dept . they are not doing thei job and govt is not punishing them. Govt wants walmart to do its job. strange... Always it has been the cunning method of greesing a legislation initially ie, from a nominal 10% to later adding one zero and it becomes 100% in the end and that too through back doors. It is evident that the deal has already taken place giving ground for ordinary man to think that it certainly for back door gains. The people must see to it that they do not force against the wishes of the people. One is totally unable to under-stand their anti-people attitude?!! People badly

wanted a Janlokpal bill it was deliberately not given despite being demanded by the entire opposition fully backed by the sense of the people of India!!! On the other hand despite the opposition from the people backed by the entire opposition parties in the parliament is being tried to be pushed through. It is also clear that they have become puppets in the hands of some external elements. The opposition parties in the house must ensure that full transperency must be ensured and a detailed study of the hither to FDI must be made before any step is taken in this regard. ei, what is their seed capital/turn over/ annual flow out of money by these companies and total money mopped out of the country. Any thing if done they are answerable to the people of India, including a fair trial. If the Govt persists with their negative attitude I hope the Supreme courts will take cognizance of the same. They have no right to execute their perversion. WALMART HAVE ALREADY COLLAPSED US MARKET. 15 YRS BEFORE US ECONOMY WAS VERY SOUND WITH THEIR PRODUCTS, BUT AFTER WALMART EXPANSION AND SO CALLED ORGANISED SOURCING THEY HAVE DUMPED WHOLE CHINA PRODUCTS INTO US AND TODAY WE KNOW THEIR STATUS AND THEIR ECONOMY WAS WIDELY DAMAGED BY CHINA PRODUCTS, THERE IS NO MORE MANUFACTURER IN US CAN SURVIVE JUST BECOS OF WALMART. CONGRESS IS TALKING ABOUT GOOD PRICE TO FARMERS. DO U KNOW THAT INDIA'S MILK PRICE IS CHEAPEAST IN THE WORLD AND WE OFFER BEST PRICE TO THE FARMERS(LEAST MARGINS). FARMERS IN US ARE CRYING AND THEIR MARGINS HAVE BEEN ALMOST HALF REDUCED COMPARE TO PREVIOUS DECADE(STATISTICS DATA IS AVAILABLE). WE HAVE A PROVERB IN US. IF U SUPPLY TO WALMART U R MAKING MISTAKE. IF U DO NOT SUPPLY TO WALMART U R MAKING DOUBLE MISTAKE. BECOS U CANNOT SURVIVE AND U R TOTALLY DEPENDING ON THEM. THEY BECOME CONTROLLER OF MARKET, DO U THINK WALMART IS GOING TO SHARE THEIR PROFIT TO OUR INDIAN FARMERS WHEN THEY CANNOT DO THAT TO US FARMERS, THEY ARE THE BIG CROCODILES AND THE WHOLE WORLD KNOWS THEIR ATTITUDE, ESPECIALLY, IF U R A SUPPLIER TO WALMART. IT IS REALLY DISSAPOINTING WHY THIS CONGRESS DOES NOT UNDERSTAND. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO? THE MILK DISTRIBUTION CONCEPT HAVE TO BE ADOPTED IN ALL THE ESSENTIAL PRODUCTS. THE PRICE OF RICE,SUGAR AND OTHER PRODUCTS ARE ALREADY IN PROPER CHANNEL, AS U KNOW THAT U CAN GET BETTER PRICE IN KIRANA SHOP THAN RELIANCE OR MORE OR SPENCER ETC. ONLY THE VEGETABLES REQUIRES ATTENTION, WHERE, INVESTMENT IN COLD STORAGES TO BE IMPROVED AND OFFER CONCESSION/SUBSIDY LIKE AGRICULTURE. THIS WILL SOLVE THE PROBLEM RATHER THAN OFFERING OUR MARKET TO WALMART. PITY INDIA. WE NEED CLEAR THINKING INDIANS TO PREVENT THIS MASSACRE. Very rightly said ..India will have to beg for food to the western nations if this is implemented..Take my words..These foreign companies are coming here because all the green agricultural land is converted into pastures for meat animals ,..and now since more and more people are turning vegetarians in the west or more n more people eating more vegetarian diet,the demand for food grains and fruits is increasing day by day ..and since they dont have tht capacity for production food ,they are turning away to India ..Now we have godowns full of food grains ,,..and if properly managed we are self sufficient in food production and can manage the entire population ..Just see the food prices in western nations ..all these private companies ..since they started coming ,the prices of food have shooted up ..and in India thankfully we have kept them to

manageable levels ..but just as these monsters come to India ..they will initially provide good quality at low rates ..,so that everyone is happy ..but slowly they will keep on increasing prices ..but their main intention is more cruel ..they would export tons n tons of cheap food grains from India to their countries ..and we will have scarcity of food..Wit the huge money ,they have ,,they will buy all the farms owned by poor farmers after luring them with money ..and then divert all the food grains to their countries ..2 waqt ki roti key liye bhi hum in companies key mohtaj ho jayegey ..Say No to FDI and revolt till the end ..Yeh Manmohan Singh ko Dora padh gaya hain galat decisions leneka ..or is this a conspiracy after Sonia's US visit.Save India ..Save our children's future.. The advancement of science aided by computer, mobile, iPods etc. has enhanced the spirit of every branch of our life and living and as a result modern civilization succumb to tremendous pressure. The economist naturally of different opinion to look at things like FDI investment 100% that was previously 51%.. There may be controversy as we find in every issue. Let the game be played; the result will definitely bring forth better fruits and flowers in our garden After all we are to go forward; never look back. Better way of living needs to take risk and thereafter manifestation of perfection among global competitors are inevitable with better results. Thanks are due to our Prime Minister who is always in favour of reform to overcome frustration. Every major step like this one has its own pros and cons. In near future we will have some cons like all small traders & merchants will go out of business and ultimately consumer will benefit. In long term, SCM will bemore efficient and better infrastructure will be made to streamline the flow of these goods. However, it has been seen and recorded in the history that wherever Walmart, ikea, Target etc has establisted their footsteps they have not only eaten up the local trader & merchants but also squeeze down the manufacturers where they almost go out of the business. I mean these MNC's dictate their own prices which a small or micro industry cannot support. Ultimatelty these companies will make local manufacturing go out of the business as well and then switch their sourcing lines to CHina ......WHICH WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT MEANS........"BACK TO SLAVERY"......JAI HIND FROM: BTECH & MBA GRADUATE AND IT PROFF WORKING IN USA 100% FDI investment in any sector, either single brand retail trade or multi brand trade or manufacturing industries does not sound good, Indian market is gold mine, carrying away the gold by way of profits should have some restrictions ie Indian participation. Allowing FDI in any sector will enhance competetive edge and will help to boost the economy. Also, FDI means foreign investment and moment there is a commitment from foreign companies indirectly it will add to the security benefit for India from the possible threats from china and Pakistan. Let me make one thing clear, the foreigners they will invest but take away the money with huge morgin of profit. Say one million of money invested will benefit them them a billion of income for them. Why we cannot make Business men with our blood why we should we bring foreigners for this. During therir investment they occupy indian land like east indian company and ultimately that land will become their property, and they pollute as they like no rules will be implied. Importantly, Tesco, Walmart have no trade union, the workers are treated like slaves and pay is very little. Congress is already a Merchant of death to farmers and now it will become merchant of death to Indian traders. Those traders later will dictate terms to Indian Politics for sure like our Ambanis and TATAs.

So Indian companies should be able to do business anywhere in the world but foreign companies should not be allowed here? Why do we think that Indians won't be able to compete? The same thing was said when big bazaar and reliance retail opened. Both the mega malls and small shops exist today and the consumer has bbenefitted Dude....they are domestic companies which source most of their products from local or Indian manufacturers. These MNC's have a choice and policy of dictating their prices and sourcing agents. They will kill all local businesses first and then jack up the prices to take out every single penny from the consumers......We are heading to the same old time where East India company was doing business. However, I STRONGLY support any home grown retail chains like Reliance, Biz Bazaar etc.. Ask Azim Premji---he is the best person to answer your queries. In one interview he told that American adopts restrictive trade practices and they want others to open their doors-- that's summarize all. My friend you should check as to what are the methods being adopted by small shops. I can give you an example. A small medicine shop in Powai Mumbai offers memberships with loyalty discounts in order to counter Reliance. Obviously the consumer benefits. Secondly if the domestic suppliers match the rate why would Walmart source from China? Even home grown players buy from wherever it is best value for money for example Reliance has placed its orders for power equipment with manufacturers abroad rather than BHEL. Nobody does business for charity be it the Kirana shop owner or Reliance or Walmart. The first two are fine with us but not the third!!!! He still does business in US like other Indian software companies isn't it?we want market access without reciprocity is that practical to expect? It is better to have Direct Finance Investment and we must have all ministers from foreign as our leaders are corrupt. So we have good in FDI and good leaders from foreign countries. All the industry in India are sick due to your good rules, things are exported which are worst as drugs procured from China are inferior and again you want to give whole market in foreign hands then what far of two houses and why we parasites who loot public revenue This anti-national government will not allow to live small traders. The products of Ikea is not of very good quality but are cheaper, which will certainly hit small traders. The trading class , especially those dealing with bullion have exploited us for a long time. It is time to keep them at right place.FDI is one such weapon. My friend people always consider whether the product offers value for money. Let's not underestimate the consumer 14 hrs ago (07:18 PM) some more congress leaders are once more in desperate need of tight SLAP from dear Singh as corrupt sharad pawar had few months back. What's the issue if Thousands or lacks of crore Rs are coming inside the country and helping it's economy grow? Hey it is not investment, they put money for trade and take away capital and profits. Ultimately it is Indian money will be piped to foreign, do you understand or not? They invest 1 million and take away thousand billions, loads of Indian traders are expected to commit mass suicide.
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Manoj (Mumbai) replies to Revati 13 hrs ago (08:43 PM) So don't tatas repatriate profit from UK and US?
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Vikram Adithya (India) 15 hrs ago (07:04 PM) Surprisingly "40% of indian children are under weight its a shame: man mohan singh" appears on front page... no wonder how India is on sale...
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nanditimier (Kolkata, W.B.) 15 hrs ago (06:50 PM) I don't understand what is the necessity to allow 100% FDI investment in retail market instead of existing 51% at present. Is the congress Govt. under pressure from the USA? Or something else ? No discussion in the Parliament, people are not aware of this thing ? What is the story madam Sonia and MMS ?
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to nanditimier 14 hrs ago (07:25 PM) What's the issue if it is increased? The customer has more choice. If you don't want to, you can choose not to buy from them.
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Om (Canada) replies to nanditimier 15 hrs ago (07:08 PM) It will creat jobs and bring the foreign investment. It is good for India as a whole and may not be good for didi's chair.
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kumar (United Kingdom) 15 hrs ago (06:46 PM) why the f*** govt is so interested in 100% FDI? cant we create our own domestic companies to do the same with govt helping hand, don't want another East India Company
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to kumar 8 hrs ago (01:57 AM) Let the Govt take swift steps to bring back black money first.Why it is dragging its legs on constructive matters. It explains all their true colour.
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Yash Sangari (Mumbai, Maharashtra) replies to kumar 14 hrs ago (07:14 PM) That's what the government had allowed for the past 62 years! What happened? Did any

huge investors turn up? NO! Brands like wallmart will help india Grow in it's economy! It will help us to make our retail sector more efficient! :) Why do we always criticize the government? Appreciate their work please.
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sujoy (India) replies to Yash Sangari 13 hrs ago (09:08 PM) Your Govt is blindly following American terms.Ask Azim Premji---he is the best person to answer your queries. In one interview he told that American adopts restrictive trade practices and they want others to open their doors-- that's summarize all.
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bgfdgf (Mumbai) replies to sujoy 12 hrs ago (10:03 PM) But that hypocrite Aziz Premji's company works majorly in US & UK markets doesnt it? What if they suddenly stop outsourcing IT services from us? In a free trade scenario, every country has to give-in to reciprocal arrangements. You cant have the best of both worlds- let others outsource their work to you, but you dont allow them to enter your market!
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Priyadarshan (india) 15 hrs ago (06:35 PM) MMS is great!!!! Very promise step for great economical achievement. Antinational and regressive parties will now jump into the fray and try to block it alltogether
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sundar (chennai) 15 hrs ago (06:27 PM) There is no need for FDI to enter into Indian Market. The purpose is Indian market is very largest market in the world. Slowly they will try to establish and kill the small traders. We are really afraid like East India company, they came for trade initially and ruled us. Are we going to be ruled by Second British/Europe? Only time will tell us. This bloody congress rule should go off, then only things will improve. day robbers.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to sundar 8 hrs ago (01:54 AM) Do we need better example than East India company. Why are u not able to understand as to why Govt is at all shying to Bring Back Black money stacked abroad!!! 100% employment can be generated.
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Kaushiik (Bangalore) replies to sundar 14 hrs ago (07:28 PM) Don't be so paranoid. The local stores are not going anywhere. They withstood the same pressure

from reliance and big bazaar, etc. if retail chains come in (although this is only single brand retail where you and i cannot afford to go), they will compete with the reliances, not the local traders.
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pradeep (US) replies to Kaushiik 11 hrs ago (10:34 PM) u r wrong, Have you ever been to US ?? All small store got killed by walmart. Later when these Retail will cause the hike in reality sector then you will cry for home ....
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Bathmavathi Narayanan (India) 15 hrs ago (06:13 PM) this is my opinion, malaysia,s,east asia countrys before the hypermarket,small mini markets,when ever festival comes market will shortage of groceries,price will incrrease ,after the open market, we purchase after working hrs even small retailers they purchase from h- market ,we can get clean quality goods,any damage goods we can change or can take them legal action,in uk some h. markets open 24 hrs, fully ac no dust no flies,
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Vikram Adithya (genoa) replies to Bathmavathi Narayanan 14 hrs ago (07:12 PM) of course! "Macaulay Educated Indians" are trained to be obsessed with greed and lust.. Please people always don't be worried about yourselves sometimes try to think about others... Grow up people.. Venture of Reliance into supermarket itself was bad idea as it is a big-fish, now we are getting dinosaurs to eat 99% poor for the PLEASURE of 1% top class..
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to Vikram Adithya 14 hrs ago (07:31 PM) if reliance could not eat them, how will walmart? who is asking the poor to go to reliance or walmart, anyway? and stop your marx education here. economy can grow only with greed (in limit), otherwise, we'll end up like your commie nations - hunger, poverty, slavery.
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Vikram Adithya replies to Kaushik 13 hrs ago (09:01 PM) FYI: I hate communism more than capitalism... But dude Chaina is kicking butt of all so called developed countries.. Neither I like such communism nor illusion of development.. Learn more about how GDP is calculated? what are its short comings? can it represent development of a country?
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Vikram Adithya replies to Kaushik 13 hrs ago (08:12 PM) I don't understand what is slavery? - In spite of warning from scientists Indian Govt. brought Union Carbide to lead Bhopal Massacre - Raping of Nandigram for Special Economic

Zone and pleasing Salim Groups - Torture of Enron - Seizure of villages & lands for companies and their infrastructure I want to ask all Indians who's idea was it? Either any Indian thinker or WTO, US (Corporate policy)...
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sujoy (India) replies to Vikram Adithya 12 hrs ago (09:11 PM) It is definitely USA's lesson to our puppet PM.
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Mayank Agarwal (Pune, Maharashtra) 16 hrs ago (06:08 PM) yaar atleat FDI khulega to wo govt ko tax dega (sales tax), 80 5 govt khayegi..atleset 20 % to hamare liye use hoga ..
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Rajeev (Gurgaon) 16 hrs ago (06:06 PM) Entry of a company like Ikea would be huge for the furniture market in India. It will help Indian middle class conusmers buy excellent products at very competitive prices, help bring a better sense of design in our homes, and give options in a very unorganised market. It will also make the segment more quality concious and encourage other manufacturers to bring in better technology and design. Anyone who has used Ikea products would be delighted with this move.
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Vikram Adithya (genoa) replies to Rajeev 14 hrs ago (07:26 PM) "unorganised market"??? it is indeed decentralized market... Now all stupid indians are set goal to send all the profit to some foreign country for their mindless centralization concept..
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Vikram Adithya 8 hrs ago (01:47 AM) Mind ur tung!! uncultured!I am sorry my culture does not permit this!!
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Saksham (Dubai) replies to Rajeev 15 hrs ago (06:44 PM) Mr. Rajeev, I think you might understand that Western UP generates some part of its total business by exporting wood products and some are hand made also, now if IKEA will come won't it will be a set back for those manufacturers, what do you suggest what they should be doing after got hit by these big FDIs??
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to Saksham 14 hrs ago (07:33 PM)

why are you assuming they will be hit? didn't you read - 30% has to be sourced locally. maybe the middlemen will be hit. The craftsmen actually have a better future with more choice.
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pradeep (US) replies to Kaushik 11 hrs ago (10:37 PM) As per WTO rule , we can't put this condition, Stop lying to the people. Check with South Africa gove. They tried to put same condition for walmart entry and WTO ruled it out and walmart imported from chine.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to pradeep 8 hrs ago (01:44 AM) Do you think your leaders to be puppet in the hands of foreign powers? Do u know are u the boss or they?
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Bholu (Delhi) 16 hrs ago (05:49 PM) Sonia has received huge kicks on her back for this. She has to do it any how.
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Indian (Manchester) 16 hrs ago (05:44 PM) Winston Churchill (Then British India Leader's) quote: Power will go to rascals, rogues, freebooters. . . . All leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. . . They'll have sweet tongues & silly hearts. . . They will fight amongst themselves for power & the two countries (India and Pakistan) will be lost in political squabbles. . . . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed. He wrote this 64 years ago. . . Incredibly we've worked very hard to prove him right
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AnotherIndian (London) replies to Indian 16 hrs ago (05:58 PM) He should have felt proud of the legacy that his "esteemed" country had left on the subcontinent. Incredibly, there are some Indians that continue to quote that rascal, Churchill.
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Vikram Adithya (genoa) replies to AnotherIndian 14 hrs ago (07:15 PM) Pseudo-Intellectuals are the biggest problem of India.. Winston Churchill is quoted to make people like you to understand realities, that today people are set targets to sellout country..
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to Vikram Adithya 14 hrs ago (07:35 PM) putting a vivekanand pic does not make one an intellectual either. The economy is globalised, a

result of which is that people like you can work on imported technology to write your macaulayan english comments here on the internet. so, there is no sellout, folks. It's collaboration. business.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Kaushik 8 hrs ago (01:40 AM) U r not dying ask the farmer who is ultimately taking to poison after feeding u with good stuff and his family eating the thrash/substandard remains.
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Vikram Adithya replies to Kaushik 14 hrs ago (07:58 PM) Like collaboration of limca & Gumpha (Indian soft drinks) with cococola? which eventually engulfed all. When we speak of globalization, we should not speak about just what happens in Indian cities, we must look at the whole world. what these people do around the globe. Photo of Vivekananda is just because of my admiration..
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Manoj (Mumbai) replies to Vikram Adithya 12 hrs ago (09:12 PM) Mr Chauhan sold out to coca cola at a huge profit and now runs his bottled water business. What's wrong with that? He didn't close his business. Tatasbought Corus, jaguar land rover etc isn't it?Why do we underestimate ourselves?
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Vikram Adithya replies to Manoj 12 hrs ago (09:20 PM) Its not under estimation of anyone.. Monopoly of anything is not good. Central control of anything is not good as someday they get complete control on the supply, if its coke not much damage but if it is food they can play football with you...
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Manoj replies to Vikram Adithya 12 hrs ago (09:38 PM) So I presume Walmart and tesco playing football with food prices in US / UK / China / Venezuela?
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Indian (Manchester) Winston Churchill (Then British India Leader's) quote: Power will go to rascals, rogues, freebooters. . . . All leaders will be of low caliber & men of straw. . . They'll have sweet tongues & silly hearts. . . They will fight amongst themselves for power & the two countries (India and Pakistan) will be lost in political squabbles. . . . A day would come when even air & water will be taxed. He wrote this 64 years ago. . . Incredibly we've worked very hard to prove him right

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AnotherIndian (London) replies to Indian He should have felt proud of the legacy that his "esteemed" country had left on the subcontinent. Incredibly, there are some Indians that continue to quote that rascal, Churchill.
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Vikram Adithya (genoa) replies to AnotherIndian Pseudo-Intellectuals are the biggest problem of India.. Winston Churchill is quoted to make people like you to understand realities, that today people are set targets to sellout country..
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to Vikram Adithya putting a vivekanand pic does not make one an intellectual either. The economy is globalised, a result of which is that people like you can work on imported technology to write your macaulayan english comments here on the internet. so, there is no sellout, folks. It's collaboration. business.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Kaushik U r not dying ask the farmer who is ultimately taking to poison after feeding u with good stuff and his family eating the thrash/substandard remains.
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Vikram Adithya replies to Kaushik Like collaboration of limca & Gumpha (Indian soft drinks) with cococola? which eventually engulfed all. When we speak of globalization, we should not speak about just what happens in Indian cities, we must look at the whole world. what these people do around the globe. Photo of Vivekananda is just because of my admiration..
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Manoj (Mumbai) replies to Vikram Adithya Mr Chauhan sold out to coca cola at a huge profit and now runs his bottled water business. What's wrong with that? He didn't close his business. Tatasbought Corus, jaguar land rover etc isn't it?Why do we underestimate ourselves?
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Vikram Adithya replies to Manoj Its not under estimation of anyone.. Monopoly of anything is not good. Central control of

anything is not good as someday they get complete control on the supply, if its coke not much damage but if it is food they can play football with you...
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Manoj replies to Vikram Adithya So I presume Walmart and tesco playing football with food prices in US / UK / China / Venezuela?
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Vignesh (BLR) 16 hrs ago (05:43 PM) One serious doubt.... If the black money is rerouted to India in this source are v loosing something rather than it being brought directly??
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Amit (Haldia) 16 hrs ago (05:42 PM) Excellent move by the Govt., it's too late but lastly done. India is a large/ free democratic country. Anything starts, will not get 100% supports. Let some negative people also to live in this world.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Amit 8 hrs ago (01:33 AM) AAP Ka Ghar Ko Bhi Girvi Rakko bhaiyya.Thoda jaldi bhi karo.
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Akash (India) 16 hrs ago (05:38 PM) Chalo kuch to acha hua!! Warning to corrupt shopkeepers
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sujoy (India) replies to Akash 12 hrs ago (09:16 PM) Yes, these foreign companies will give you best support like East India Company--go and enjoy.
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Lallu (Mumbai) 16 hrs ago (05:34 PM) Govt to notify rules for 100% FDI in single-brand retail today - Do we need FDI in the first place

? The headlines of this news is authritative as if the first question had already been asked. How can the Govt come up with rules of 100% FDI in single-brand retail when FDI single or multibrand had not been favoured by majority of Indians in the nation. The GOI should listen to the people to decide on anything. Getting this done forcefully will have repercussions and fatal results. All the efforts would end up in vain and total waste of human manpower, resources and political wrangling and debates. First hurdle is to ask the Indian desi farmer, traders and what naught that we as a country, are we ready for competition and is it time for us to have FDI ?
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Lallu 8 hrs ago (01:30 AM) U are right. First let the Govt make an impartial parliamentary committee to compile all the details of FDIs already in India and submit it report to the public in a transparent manner. Why they are so much in a hurry, that too through back door is the concern of all. This will clearly rule out the need for FDI and also will unleash the lies of the Govt. I am sure they are being black mailed having their past records.
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to Lallu 14 hrs ago (07:38 PM) who says it is not favoured by a majority of indians? yes, we need FDI. how will the govt fund development with today's economic scenario without FDI? How will you get your bandwidth to write your comments? We as a country always have to be ready for competition, otherwise, we will end up like the lazy european economies of today.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Kaushik 8 hrs ago (01:24 AM) A fly always is eager to jump in to the fire to feel proud?!!! In the end u know sir?!!!
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Vikram Adithya (genoa) replies to Kaushik 13 hrs ago (08:27 PM) you forgot something how will the swiss-bank accounts can fill with the money of Indians sweat & blood?
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Yash Sangari (Mumbai, Maharashtra) replies to Lallu 14 hrs ago (07:19 PM) Let's have a beginning atleast! Just by asking whether " Is it the time to bring in FDI or no" We are going to lose the golden chance of getting in huge investors which will generate Jobs and would increase the economy of our country! Just by stopping FDI just for the reason whether it's ready or not, we are going to lose another 64 years! Thank the government! :)
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Yash Sangari 8 hrs ago (01:21 AM) Already in the name of development we have made urban slums. Ask the local man and his agony and suffocation compared to his yester years. people are prepared to promote cities as slums if money comes from where ever it is?!!!!
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akshay (ujjain) replies to Lallu 15 hrs ago (06:19 PM) u r really ullu dear lallu...BJP kai chamche vaise lallu he rehte hai apke tarah..FDI is must for this country..fool..
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anish (Blore) replies to Lallu 16 hrs ago (05:47 PM) he lallu please shut up.. understand the terms Single brand retail or multi brand retail and then talk about opposition by farmers .. BTW it is not opposed by whole India but your corrupt BJP Bania vote bank who are sucking blood of customers as well as farmers.. The middle men should be on roads why entire nation will pay for them just becuase they cannot do anythnig else constructive
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Katrina Kaif (India) 16 hrs ago (05:32 PM) so irritating man!!!!

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Vijay (Pune, India) 16 hrs ago (05:26 PM) Good work. Hope the opposition does not oppose such constructive steps essential for fuelling growth .
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Vijay 8 hrs ago (01:16 AM) Did u ever study the past record or even the govt if so let it come out with white paper! one tooth paste co is mopping 100's crores while its investment is very meager another shoes co. is mopping 1000s crores another tobacco co. is also looting several 100s crores? Are they only interested in anti-people stanz. people wanted Janlokpal with one voice along with entire opposition, but Govt ran away abusing the democratic system!! Now people do not want FDI but there are hurrying through back door sending clear signal that they have become puppet in the hands of some foreign elements and are prepared to disregard democratic norms. Unfortunately some advocates who should have been graceful in the parliament are making it a process like in courts.
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Thomas (Jhansi) 16 hrs ago (05:11 PM) Multinational company's should be asked to source buy 90% from india only.
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Ankur (bangalore) 16 hrs ago (05:10 PM) Congress people want to convert their black money into white by investing it in Indian market through FDI.
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NRIs and their money (USA) 17 hrs ago (05:04 PM) Only a complete fool will invest in the Republic of reservations and extreme corruption. India is the Zimbabwe of Asia and regardless of what congress puppets like TOI say, India's clock is already ticking..Indian businesses are investing abroad in ever greater numbers....
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Manoj (Mumbai) replies to NRIs and their money 12 hrs ago (09:15 PM) Yeah that's why everybody is asking for market access isn't it????? You are most welcome to stay in US and keep your money there. There are enough investors to invest in India.
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Shyam (Bangalore) replies to NRIs and their money 16 hrs ago (05:14 PM) Winston Churchill predicted the doom of the independent India; we see only in India where merit is murdered in the name of socialistic regime and fragmented society in the name of minority appeasement
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KIng (Kanauj) replies to Shyam 16 hrs ago (05:54 PM) Can you please define merit? Is merit associated only with one class where we see children of judges automatically becoming judges, children of doctors becoming doctors, Children of senior bureaucrats cornering all the scholarships, more importantly children of politicians becoming politicians. I think India is the only country in the world where the divine right of kingship has been democratized. Its just the caste system in new form
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Shyam replies to KIng 15 hrs ago (06:12 PM) You are right, if the desire is to have a caste less society, then why divide the social fabric by adopting divisive politics. We are finding creamy layers in the beneficiaries of reservations, is it not a new caste itself. Instead, repeal all the existing reservations and let there be fair natural selection based on the abilities

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Shabbir Hawaldar (Pune, Maharashtra) 17 hrs ago (05:00 PM) Govt has to take firm step and make FDI possible, also 51% in mutibrand retail as well. We are enough strong and need to feed over 1.2 billions stomach of this country by creating jobs and avoiding middle man who loots common man. Opposing this bill is only for sentiments of respective vote banks and play dirty politics. At least Govt has to take this decision and try to wash off late/lazy decision maker tag
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Shabbir Hawaldar 9 hrs ago (01:02 AM) What Hawaldaar sir? Kidar gaya aap ka slogan "Jai Kisaan" as it is hawaldaar log se Mandi me kisan parishan hai, uper se aap be na.....!!!!
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Saksham (Dubai) replies to Shabbir Hawaldar 16 hrs ago (06:00 PM) Yes we can fill stomach of people with Rs32 Per day...Bull Sh*t...rubbish..govt is getting huge amount from these foreign investors....
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Saksham 9 hrs ago (12:58 AM) Pl.YOu did not clarify if Govt is getting huge money or people in Govt are getting huge black money!!!
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theashutoshgoel (GKP) replies to Shabbir Hawaldar 16 hrs ago (05:16 PM) As if the middle men are coming from some other place and do not belong from that 1.2 billion.
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akshay (ujjain) replies to theashutoshgoel 15 hrs ago (06:21 PM) goel baniye chor..bharat kai lotere..bjp kai tatoo chup..fdi is must
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to akshay 9 hrs ago (12:56 AM) First we all must respect each other and maintain decorum. The issue is of a serious nature some is being encouraged to loot our farmers when every small shop-keeper vanishes the scene then comes the double pricing and having no other alternate farmers are forced to sell cheap or

commit suicide.Once upon a time there was a notorious company called East India company and I presume u are mature enough to know further...
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Saksham (Dubai) replies to akshay 15 hrs ago (06:28 PM) aa gaye Racist ke kitanoo...aare jagoo...kab tak batein rahoge....khud ko Rajput or aur doosron ko Baniya batate rahoge...pehle iska fayeda Angrezoon ne uthaya....aur abb 260 saal bhi humko aabhi tak yeh samajh nahin aaya ki zaroori milke rehna hai...
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Raju Chaha (Bangalore) replies to theashutoshgoel 16 hrs ago (05:59 PM) now that middleman baniya bloodsucker goel speaking No most of u guys come from not middle class but rajasthan marwad area
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anish (Blore) replies to theashutoshgoel 16 hrs ago (05:50 PM) Yes middlemen are 40 millin agianst the customers and farmers number of 600M so which way govt should look 40M or 600M apply logic.. please understand this is the great step to move our country forward.. do not ruin it by spreading false propoganda
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Saksham (Dubai) replies to Raju Chaha 15 hrs ago (06:17 PM) U are sounding like racist, who beleive in Caste System and divides India into many parts, Shame on you, People like you sits on tracks for reservation and still complains that train never comes on time
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Saksham (Dubai) replies to anish 15 hrs ago (06:21 PM) And yes every days this figure is going day by day coz many farmers are quiting their profession, some are dying of hunger and some are committing suicide, i thin you want to suggest that by FDI this problem will be sorted out, there will be no more deaths and people who had left their profession as farmers will come back and doing starting farming again...seems like Indian Cricket batting line up...which is on Paper very strong...but in reality...Aussies can tell you better about it.
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Kaushik (Bangalore) replies to Saksham 14 hrs ago (07:44 PM) tell me one step that any government can take which will kill all problems in the country. no, problems will always be there. this is a step to let some companies do business here. in return, jobs are created. customers have more choice, including the choice of going to the local shop.

simple. btw, this is only single brand retail. you and i cannot afford to go into those shops anyway.
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Vikram Adithya (genoa) replies to Kaushik 12 hrs ago (09:15 PM) Ok let me teach you first lesson of capitalism/greed based economy.. It never ever believes in competition, it always runs by monopoly. The first day you feel, oh! competition, cheaper goods; next day yeah! they lost competition so sold to big companies what is wrong? third-day yes there is huge inflation price raise is very common. Ex: Cococola, P&G, GM, GE, Standard Oil, list goes on...
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Saksham replies to Kaushik 14 hrs ago (08:00 PM) Firstly before introducing FDI we need to take care of Corruption and try to reduce it first, coz without eliminating it no one would get benefit of anything expect Politicians and people who are sitting in big offices, until and unless who won't repair your walls of your home, won't fill upo the crack, do as much as painting in you home on the walls still one day it won't look good and one day will fall down...craftsman are living in that home, painting home with FDI won't change their lives and comming danger or make them rich...firstly repair your home
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paras (India) 17 hrs ago (04:58 PM) 30% products from India ... And 70% products from china ....100% profit to company ... And 100% fool indians...!!!
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Francis (Sharjah) replies to paras 16 hrs ago (05:29 PM) Idiot; read correctly, it says at least 30% of the products from micro and small enterprises & not from China. The fools like you hold back FDI in retail as well.
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hindustani (banglore) replies to Francis 13 hrs ago (08:20 PM) Francis u need to i,prove ur english..paras 70% china thats funny
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Indian4ever (Ahemadabad) 17 hrs ago (04:56 PM) To some extent FDI may help abolish Adtiyasystem. This system is the monopoly of evil Marwaris who are sucking up poor farmers like Jews. Farmers are killing themselves out of poverty. They need protection.Good move from Govt though very late.

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Raj (India) replies to mono 16 hrs ago (05:38 PM) WTF this comment is!! Are you crazy?
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Manoj G (Dubai) 17 hrs ago (04:50 PM) There is a lot of talk about FDI overpowering small individually owned shops. Every time I visit one of such shops I wonder if these shops every pay taxes, pay provident fund to its employees. The fact is they don't. So why worry about such shops who evade taxes and exploit employees. Might as well, invite FDI's who will pay taxes and will have some HR policies. At the same time ensure that sourcing, staffing, CSR guidelines for FDI's are in place so the country doesn't take a hit in the long run.
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to Manoj G 9 hrs ago (12:46 AM) This practice is encouraged by corrupt in the Government. They want it to be moped up unaccounted and feed officials reported to be reached to the law makers.
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theashutoshgoel (GKP) replies to Manoj G 16 hrs ago (05:21 PM) and a share of profit will go abroad... black money created by small individually owned shops can be controlled by good administration. It is like, to kill rats, you bring a cat, and then to kill cat, you bring sth else..
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anish (Blore) replies to theashutoshgoel 16 hrs ago (05:52 PM) so when Infosys earns profit by doing business in US and brings that too India is good.. but company here doing busines , investing here and then sends some of the profit back is not good.. what kind of logic this is. by your logic IBM, accenture or siemens should be closed down and govt should start such companies.. are you educated ?
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abbhandary (bengaluru) replies to anish 9 hrs ago (12:42 AM) Don't u know that they are selling finished products like computer/laptop/cars/mobile sets or machinery and on top of it military equipment in India!!
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ravi (Dubai) replies to Manoj G 17 hrs ago (05:09 PM) Also by eliminating these middle men the farmer gets a better price and as well the end consumer.
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Indian (India) replies to ravi 16 hrs ago (05:41 PM) So you expect "Waren Buffet" to trade direct from Indian farmers !! It will never happen and inflation with corruption is the birth of 100% deal. Tip: Move your business international business.
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Farmer of India ( Rural India) 17 hrs ago (04:48 PM) Excellent step for the small and marginalized farmers across the spectrum of India.. Thank you Manmohanji..
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Jatin (Bangalore) 17 hrs ago (04:47 PM) Reforms are not the option, its the necessity of the current scenario. Govt needs to take some more hard steps like this one to boost economy.
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if you are smart (Sydney) 17 hrs ago (04:44 PM) 80% of local employees, and 50% of local material - make this mandatory
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to if you are smart 9 hrs ago (12:36 AM) Pl. take firm step in bringing back black money stacked abroad one we can guarantee !00% jobs for all Indians. Why are they shying away and where are the devils advocates in that front. Whose clearance the Govt needs? Pl. stop this hide and seek!!! Respect the democracy and close the laboratory to bring vote bank schemes. We feel the EC also must step in and halve their untimely/imprudent move only to satisfy their hungry and greed.
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Ankit (India) replies to if you are smart 16 hrs ago (05:16 PM) Sounds good.
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Pradeep (London) replies to Ankit 11 hrs ago (10:31 PM) New laws new loopholes.
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Govi (Chennai) 17 hrs ago (04:42 PM) FDI is heavily supported by congress to route black money back to India. This is big move as the doors started closing for maintaining black money out of India.
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Ajay (mumbai) replies to Govi 17 hrs ago (05:09 PM) Looks like you are modi supporter, we are sick and tired of gujjus not paying taxes
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anish (10) replies to Ajay 16 hrs ago (05:54 PM) And Marwaris too..Gujjus and marwaris are sucking blood of this nation... They cal themselves enterprising operating in small dingy shops usally clothes business .. nonsense
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Pradeep (London) replies to GUPTA 16 hrs ago (05:24 PM) Totally agree with you. Walmart or Tesco will suck blood out of our farmers. Our Small scale industries will collapse as we will be flooded with Made in China goods just like USA. Walmart

or Tesco is bad news for India. What technology will they bring which we don't have or cannot buy? I lived most of my Life overseas and have seen people being exploited by Walmart like companies.
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vgp (Pune) replies to Pradeep 14 hrs ago (07:45 PM) first and foremost, nobody is forcing u to go to shops under FDI, if u want u r free to buy from the local kirana shops, this way noody loses and all gain
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abbhandary (Bengaluru) replies to vgp 9 hrs ago (12:28 AM) These are devils advocates. What these people know about the difficulty of a farmer. Does one know that the farmers are the bread givers. He selects good stuff for the city people and saves the reminiscent for his family's consumption!!! Hence the out come of report that 42% babies in India is affected by malnutrition?!!!
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Pradeep replies to vgp 13 hrs ago (08:23 PM) what you say is not practical. I live in London and can see closing down of local shops. Local shop also helps local economy. Just to show you the effect on our farmers I suggest you google "milk prices to farmers by tesco" and read from the BBC site. I understand this is a big discussion and cannot be sorted on a blog. Walmart will flood India with cheap stuff from China. We will be help China with their growth.
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tina (ahmedabad) 17 hrs ago (04:40 PM) That is ridiculous. they were waiting people to cool down and do whatever was beneficial for them. They have taken money from foreign traders, can sell India as they like. Cheap greedy government. go to hell.....
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Sarat Pattanayak (Bhubaneswar) 17 hrs ago (04:38 PM) Has the Government finally located its spine?
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indu (hyderabad) replies to Sarat Pattanayak 16 hrs ago (05:39 PM) The foreign lady has located her spine - all other indians have lost their spines.

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