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Phishing websites impersonate legitimate counterparts to lure users into visiting their websites. Once users visit a Phishing website then the Phishing website may steal users private information or cause drive-by downloads. To detect a Phishing website, human experts compare the claimed identity of a website with features in the website. For example, human experts often compare the domain name in the URL against the claimed identity. Most legitimate websites have domain names that match their identities, while Phishing websites usually have less relevance between their domain names and their claimed (fake) identities. In addition to blacklists, white lists, heuristics, and classifications used in the state-of-the-art systems, we propose to consider websites identity claims. Our Phishing detection system mimics this human expert behavior. Given a website, our system learns the identity that this website claims, and computes the textual relevance between this claimed identity and other features in the website. Our Phishing detection system then uses this textual relevance as one of the features for classification, and our classifiers achieve more than 98% of true positive rate and very low false positive rate between 0.5% and 1%.

A Privacy-Preserving Remote Data Integrity Checking Protocol with Data Dynamics and Public Verifiability
Storing data in the cloud has become a trend . An increasing number of clients store their important data in remote servers in the cloud, without leaving a copy in their local computers. Sometimes the data stored in the cloud is so important that the clients must ensure it is not lost or corrupted. While it is easy to check data integrity after completely downloading the data to be checked, downloading large amounts of data just for checking data integrity is a waste of communication bandwidth.

Hence, a lot of works] have been done on designing remote data integrity checking protocols, which allow data integrity to be checked without completely downloading the data. Remote data integrity checking is first introduced in which independently propose RSA-based methods for solving this problem. After that Shah et al. propose a remote storage auditing method based on precomputed challenge-response pairs. Recently, many works focus on providing three advanced features for remote data integrity checking protocols: data dynamics , public verifiability, and privacy against verifiers.

The protocols in support data dynamics at the block level, including block insertion, block modification, and block deletion. The protocol of supports data append operation. In addition, can be easily adapted to support data dynamics. Protocols in can be adapted to support data dynamics by using the techniques of. On the other hand, protocols in support public verifiability, by which anyone (not just the client) can perform the integrity checking operation. The protocols in support privacy against third-party verifiers. We compare the proposed protocol with selected previous protocols (see Table 1). In this paper, we have the following main contributions: .

We propose a remote data integrity checking protocol for cloud storage, which can be viewed as an adaptation of Sebe et al.s protocol. The proposed protocol inherits the support of data dynamics from , and supports public verifiability and privacy against third-party verifiers, while at the same time it doesnt need to use a third-party auditor. . We give a security analysis of the proposed protocol, which shows that it is secure against the untrusted server and private against third-party verifiers. . We have theoretically analyzed and experimentally tested the efficiency of the protocol. Both theoretical and experimental results demonstrate that our protocol is efficient.

Criminal Face Identification System

Criminal record generally contains personal information about particular person along with photograph. To identify any Criminal we need some identification regarding person, which are given by eyewitness. In most cases the quality and resolution of the recorded image segments is poor and hard to identify a face. To overcome this sort of problem we are developing software. Identification can be done in many ways like finger print, eyes, DNA etc. One of the applications is face identification. The face is our primary focus of attention in social inters course playing a major role in conveying identify and emotion. Although the ability to infer intelligence or character from facial appearance is suspect, the human ability to recognize face is remarkable.

Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)

Intrusion detection in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is of practical interest in many applications such as detecting an intruder in a battlefield. The intrusion detection is defined as a mechanism for a WSN to detect the existence of inappropriate, incorrect, or anomalous moving attackers. In this paper, we consider this issue according to heterogeneous WSN models. Furthermore, we consider two sensing detection models: singlesensing detection and multiple-sensing detection... Our simulation results show the advantage of multiple sensor heterogeneous WSNs.

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