The Import Ants of Leech in Avurveda

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The Importants of Leech in Avurveda God Dhanvantari is a God of Vaidyas Shri.

Dhanvantari brought the knowladge of surgery on the earth. In one hand shri. Dhanvantari is holding leech as a para surgical Instrument sushrut a Indian surgen is known as God of father of surgery. Sushruta's sushrut samhita's sutrashthan is based on Important laws of surgery. In sutrasthan 13 th cheptar's name is "Jalokavacharniya Adhayay" (Chapter about leech) This chepter is full of the knowledge about scintific method of leech . Leech is a esiast method of Blood letting therapy. The dieases can not be cured by snehan & swedam that can be cured by blood letting & recarance can be controled. Leech is a para surgical methos of blood letting. The place where surgial instruments are not possible to oparate at that place para surgical methods should be used. according to books of Ayurveda. After studing this text I desided to study about "experiments of Leech." Leech is created in water, It is Madhur & water being it's house it is called as 'Jalauka ", Because of these charactarastics it is very much useful especially in pittadushta conditions. Types of Leeches: There are 12 types of lecches, out of which 6 are poisonous & 6 non-poisonous. There respective names are as under. Savish Jalouka - Krushna - Karbura - Algarda - IndraYudha - Samudrika - Gauchandana Nirvish Jalouka - Kapila - Pingla - Bhushika - Savrika - PundrikMukhi - ShankMukhi Savish Jallaukas are found in foul smelling water whereas Nirvish Jallaukas are found in pleasent smelling water. Neumourous Jallaukas are seen in Pandya Prodesh (South) i.e. western area of Indraprastha, Sahyadesh i.e. area nearthe river Narmada and Turkasthan I Leeches should be collected in sharad ritu and collected in a big mud vessel or in a tank leaves of lotus flower are placed on the floor. Dailay kand churna is supplied as meals. The water in the vesse rs should be changed. After every 3rd or 7 th day. Symptoms of Improper Jallauka JaJlaka which bigger in size in the centre, slowlymoving very big and savish is not proper for blood letting. Jallaukaracharan Vidhi Poorva Karma : Leech is immersed in Turmeric water application. It relieves the fatigueness. The area where leech is to be applied, is scrapped with dust or cows during. The leech is then wrapped in a wet cotton or a cloth and then applied. It it does start sucking then a drop of milk or blood. is poured on the area and then the leech is applied. Even after this the leech is not applied then another leech is tried. If it is properly applied then it erects the portion near its mouth. Pashchatkarma : Leech should be removed if pain and itching ocurs at the site of application. If it is not easily removed, then saindhar powder is sprinkled at the site. In samyak yoga, the wound is cleaned and dressed with shatdhantghruta. In Heena- yoga, honey is applied whereas in ati- yog, chilled water is poured in orderto stop the bleeding. In Mithya-yog, kashay durgs are used in the form of lep and Madhur Snigdha and sheet drugs should be consumed. In order to prevent the complication like Murchcha, an expert must be able to recognise the Heen mithya and atiyog of Jallauka . The applied Jallauka is then cleaned by emitting the sucked blood. The rice powder is applied on the body where as salt and oil is applied to it's mouth. It's tail is then held in between the thumb & Index finger of ieft hand & by applying pressure with thumb & index finger of right hand, The sucked blood is emitted. After samyak vaman, the leech easily swim in the water. but if emission is improperJ it will settle down at the bottom & does not move in such condition, emitting of sucked blood is done agians. Otherwise it will lead to complication called "Indramad." Indications for JallaukavacharnWhen Raktadushti is in deeper structurees. When Raktabecomes Grathit. For reliving pain & Inflammation. In youngsters,king, Rich persons, aged Ladies and in one who is frightened,Jallaukavacharn is the sefest method

Jallaukavacharan being a para surgical process,which is very much useful in various conditions. like those in whom surgery is contraindicatd, in complications of surgery and in various branches of surgery like orthopedics, opthalmic , ENT, Dental Neuro, Plastic and cardiac etc. Its importance has also been acepted in the modern science. which influences me fortaking been interest in some research projects. Besides the above indications, I had successfully used Jallaukarvacharan in some other conditions also durings last 12 years of my carrier. Which are as under:Gangrene, Non-healing vicers, Accidental wounds, Burn insects bites, complications of diabetes, prolaps inflamed piles, fissure in ano, blind external fistula skin-diseases, inflamations, abscesses like breast abscess, appendicitis, paralyr is sciatiea, katigrah, sandhigrah, spondilitism vericose veins filaria, visarpa, Acne, Galagandu Arbuda-Iipoma, cyst, post-operative surgical, complications, wounds, gout, keloid, vranacastu, Eye disease (vartma-chinnarrana excised wound of eye lid) Eardisease (deafness) Dental disorders inflammation on Marmas like Breast, Rectum eye, Nose etc fractur, Mukatwa Mentally retardation etc. Conclusions: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) All the above conditions are controlled. within a short period by Jallaukarvacharan. It has local anaesthetic effects. Pains are relived It reduces tridosh dushti. No need of Antibiotics. This parasurgical process is useful for cosmetic purposes also. It is vary much usefull in koth. It reduces inflammation Conditions are completely relieved. Amavastha transfers into pakwavastha earlier. Medogranthi, Snayugranthi, are successfuly. It does not require nuch time nor any other material. The patient can perform his routine work. It is very much useful during emergencis also. Jallaukavacharan is a verycheeper procedure affordable to poor community at the same time very much effective also. Major surgical procedures. Can be prevented by using it, and patients will be benifited. It is gift by the almighty God to the mankind.

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