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1. Please elaborate the 5th commandment (you shall not kill).

That this signifies not to take away spiritual life from anyone, also not to extinguish faith and charity, as also not to hold the neighbor in hatred, is evident from the signification of killing, as being to deprive of spiritual life. That killing means this in the internal sense, is because in this sense spiritual life, or the life of heaven with man, is treated of; and spiritual life, or the life of heaven with man, is the life of faith and of charity; therefore by not to kill is signified also not to extinguish faith and charity in anyone. The reason why not to kill is also in the internal sense not to hold the neighbor in hatred, is that he who holds in hatred continually wishes to kill, and also would kill in act unless prevented by the fear of the penalty, of the loss of life, of reputation, and the like. For hatred is of evil, is contrary to charity, and breathes nothing but the murder of him whom it hates: in the world the murder of his body; in the other life the murder of his soul.

2. What does the bible say about smoking? Is it bad to smoke? Who is affected by smokers? What are the effects of smoking? What are the different reasons why people smoke?

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 - "Don t you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body." God is pretty clear that he wants us to care for our bodies. This means trying to stay as healthy as possible. As most of us learn in our P.E. and Health classes, caring for our bodies means eating well, exercising, and avoiding things that are bad for us. With all the negative effects of smoking, it may not be the Godliest habit to develop. Smoking is an addiction. Your body becomes attached to the chemicals, but so does your mind. The effect of nicotine on the way you feel can become habit forming, so it can suddenly become more important than God or a minor distraction. Somehow, over time, the habit takes control, and it becomes difficult to let go of smoking. Secondhand smoke kills. Today more and more cities are passing laws preventing people from smoking in public places like restaurants and parks due to the known effects of secondhand

smoke. In fact, secondhand smoke can be more dangerous to a non-smoker than the direct smoke to a smoker. For Christian teens this means that, if you smoke, you are doing a great deal of harm to those around you. The Bible tells us to avoid doing harm to those around us.

3. Is drinking alcoholic beverage sinful? Why it is even Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding at Cana? Isn t it that he even used wine during the last supper?

Ephesians 5:18 - "Don t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit," The Bible gives Christians a warning using the excessive drinking of wine as an example. It tells us to seek the Holy Spirit to feel good rather than other chemicals, because God will lead us on the right path rather than a path of physical destruction.

4. What effects do drugs have on a person who abuses them? Why does a person use forbidden drugs? How do drugs abusers affect other people? How about the use of prescribed drugs?

Some people are able to use recreational or prescription drugs without ever experiencing negative consequences or addiction. For many others, substance use can cause problems at work, home, school, and in relationships, leaving you feeling isolated, helpless, or ashamed. People experiment with drugs for many different reasons. Many first try drugs out of curiosity, to have a good time, because friends are doing it, or in an effort to improve athletic performance or ease another problem, such as stress, anxiety, or depression. Use doesn t automatically lead to abuse, and there is no specific level at which drug use moves from casual to problematic. It varies by individual. Drug abuse and addiction is less about the amount of substance consumed or the frequency, and more to do with the consequences of drug use. No matter how often or how little you re consuming, if your drug use is causing problems in your life at work, school, home, or in your relationships you likely have a drug abuse or addiction problem. Drug abuse can also affect family and friends by inviting violence into the relationship. This can cause violence both through direct actions, such as getting in a fight, as well as indirect actions, such as driving a car while intoxicated. Violence can also affect the friends and family of a drug

abuser during withdrawal. The desire to use can quickly cause users to become violent to even close family members in order to get help or money for their next high.

5. What could be the outcome of such extreme activities like bungee jumping, drag racing, sky diving and etc.? Is the thrill one gets from such activities worth the risk?

Participants in activities like auto racing, skydiving, and bungee jumping face the real possibility of serious injury or death, but these sports also provoke the desired fight-or-flight stress response an adrenaline junkie craves. Whenever an extreme skydiver or base jumper jumps out of an airplane or runs off the edge of a cliff, he or she triggers a rush of natural hormones and chemicals which give him or her a sensation of being fully alive. He or she may feel depressed or unmotivated in his or her daily life until the opportunity to do something death-defying arrives. Essentially, a true adrenaline junkie lives his or her life at either level 10 or level 0. A person with a thrill-seeking personality often seeks out employment which involves a high level of risk or drama. He or she may take on jobs which require extraordinary courage or risktaking, such as a firefighter, police officer, or professional soldier. The stress and thrill of rescuing a trapped passenger from a burning car or chasing down a suspected criminal could provide the same kind of rush as an extreme sport for an adrenaline junkie. Taking on a dangerous assignment or volunteering for hazardous duties allows him or her to experience life to its fullest.

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