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I express my gratitude to our Director, P.K. Divakaran (ISCS) for providing better facilities to complete this project as well as for extending moral support during the course of the project.

I am very thankful to my Project Guide Mrs. Prof. Harshali Murudkar who has given me a chance to study & select the subject of project according to my interest & I also thank her for giving the valuable knowledge & support about project & helping me in all the way to complete my project in systematic manner. I wish to thank Lt.Col. Barham Singh, Head of HRD Department of Perfect Circle India Ltd., Nashik who has guided me by giving valuable data regarding Project Report. I would also like to thank Miss Prachi Bharadwaj, Mr. Mangesh Yadav , Mr Ankit Thappa & Mr. Kapadne for helping me in project report. I wish to thank all those who have helped me directly & indirectly to complete this project report. Lastly, I hereby thank all the people who have directly and indirectly help me in accomplistion to this project

DATE: PLACE: Pune Nayana B.Gangurde


I undersigned hereby declare that, the project entitled FORMATION OF

two year full time Post Graduate Program of Indira School of Career Studies. This report has not been submitted by me or any other person to any other University or Institution for a degree or diploma course. This is my own and original work.

DATE: PLACE: Pune B.Gangurde Nayana


Chapter No. I II III IV V VI VII



Page No
2 3 4 5-11 12-24 25-28 29-43 44-49 50-51 52-54 56-57

Indian Auto Components Industry:
The Indian auto ancillary industry has come a long way since it had its small beginnings in the 1940s. If the evolution of the industry is traced in India, it can be classified into three distinct phases namely: Period prior to the entry of Maruti Udhyog Ltd, period after the entry of Maruti Udhyog Ltd and Period post Liberalization. The period prior to the entry of Maruti Udhyog Ltd was characterized by small number of auto majors like Hindustan Motors, Premier Automobiles, Telco, Bajaj, Mahindra & Mahindra, low technology and assured business for most of the auto component manufacturers. The entry of Maruti in the 1980s marked the beginning of the second phase of the industry. The auto ancillary industry in the country really showed a spurt in growth during this period. This period witnessed the emergence of a new generation of auto ancillary manufacturers who were required to meet the stringent quality standard of Marutis Korean collaborator Suzuki of Japan. The good performance of Maruti resulted in an upswing for the domestic auto ancillary industry. It was during this period that auto components from India began to be exportd. The entry of foreign automobile manufactures ranging from Mercedes Benz, Ford and General Motors to Daewoo following the government liberalizing the foreign investment limits saw the beginning of the third phase of the evolution of the industry. The auto ancillary industry witnessed huge capacity expansions and modernization initiatives in the post liberalization period. Technological collaborations and equity partnerships with world leaders in auto components became a common affair. However, the global automobile majors soon realized the folly of their estimations in India. The market did not seem to be as big as it appeared to be.

Hence, sales targets went away. The tough competitive scenario saw a lot of consolidation in the industry and it still continues unabated.

Anand Automotive Limited is a leading manufacturer of automotive components and systems in India, supplying to virtually every vehicle and engine manufacturer in the country.
With the large range of automotive components, the Group has a sales turnover of USD 700 million, targeting to achieve $ 1 billion by 2012. In 1961, the Group started its operations with the establishment of Gabriel India, the Group's flagship Company in Mumbai for manufacturing Shock Absorbers. Today, the Group comprises 19 companies with 44 business units spread in eight states across the country. Its export, which currently accounts for 14% of the total sales, is targeted to reach 30% in next few years. The Group firmly believes that business is 90% people and proudly asserts its key asset to be its dedicated workforce of 7500 people. Anand lays great emphasis on the development of its employees through training, conducted by its in-house technical and management institute - Anand 'U'. Overall, the strength of Anand Companies lies in their strong brand image, widespread distribution network, product range, excellent quality, extensive Original Equipment coverage, Export markets, its Cellular manufacturing and JIT Systems, Technology up-gradation and International tie-ups. Additionally, the Group's capability to set up the state-of-the-art and highly productive plants with in-house expertise, gives it a competitive edge.

1. About company.

Organizational structure of HRD.

3. Corporate profile 4. Products. 5. Customers.


Corporate Social Responsibility.

1. About Company
1. Name of company:

Perfect Circle India Limited.

2. Corporate Offices: 1, Sri Aurobindo Marg, New Delhi-110016. Magnet House. N.M. Marg Ballard Estate. Mumbai-400038. 3. Registered & Administrative office: 20, MIDC Estate, Satpur, Nashik-42007. Maharashtra. Tel: (0253) 2202800. 4. Manufacturing Facilities: 1. Piston Ring Division 20, MIDC Estate. Satpur, Nashik-42007. 2. Casting Division.E-34, MIDC Estate.Satpur, Nashik-422007.
3. Ductile Plant.19, MIDC Estate. Satpur, Nashik-4200

2. Organizational structure of HRD



SENIOR OFFICER SENIOR OFFICER HR HR (Administrative (Time keeping& functions& trainees). salary and wages)

3. Corporate Profile:

Perfect Circle India Limited, a very well known name in India auto component industry, started manufacturing of piston ring & casting in 1976 at its manufacturing facilities at Nashik. These facilities are state-of-the-art foundry for regular iron castings & a machining plant. The Company manufactures Piston Ring for application in Passenger Car, Jeep, Light / Heavy Commercial vehicles, Tractor & stationary engines. Piston Rings are self tensioned circular metal pieces, which are installed in piston grooves to provide the movable seal between the combustion chamber & the crankcase. Ring are critical component of the engine since they provide an effective seal to the combustion gases & prevent lubrication oil from reaching the combustion chamber.

4. Products:
The constant up gradation of the technology has enabled the Company to achieve the high level of productivity with low scrap. Perfect Circle India product range includes Piston Rings, Profile Ground Oil rings, Taper faced Chrome Plated rings, Sharp Corner rings, Plain rings, Keystone rings and Plates, Piston Rings Casting. The company also manufacture high quality plates, enables the Company to meet the demand of both domestic and overseas customers.

Piston Rings

Diameter: 25mm to 160mm Axial Width: 0.8mm to 6.5mm Material: Gray cast Iron. Low Carbon Moly. Ductile Iron in 3 Grades. Steel: SAE 9254, SMX 90


Cast using Green sand moulds in Stack moldings process. Double disc ground. Reaming & Countersinking on bolt holes. Key Characteristics. Flatness - 65 microns Max

5. Customers:

Ashok Leyland


Emerson Technologies

Greaves Ltd

Kirloskar Oil Engine Ltd


6. Corporate Social Responsibility

Being a responsible corporate citizen in all its operations continues to be one of the Companys goals. In the pursuit of this end, the Company supports several social initiatives to inculcate among other corporate institutions and partner organizations the spirit of giving. Together with the SNS Foundation, a charitable trust of Anand Group, the Company attempts to fulfill its social responsibilities.



Executive Summary
The research is on the basis of FORMATION OF SKILL MATRIX AND ITS USE IN IDENTIFYING THE TRANNING NEEDS OF OPERATORS This study is observed to analyze the skill level of each employee and match it with the technicality of the machine they work on. I chose Perfect Circle India Ltd as its a well established company. It is a multinational company with various branches under the name Anand Groups Human resource being my specialization I needed a company having a healthy HR system and this company gives me an opportunity to gain lots of knowledge in this area. Skill Matrix is a topic which requires proper understanding of the various aspects like human capabilities, performance appraisal, training needs and its implementation, etc. This topic could provide me with a vast exposure in HUMAN RESOURCE field. Its Registered & Administrative office is located at 20, MIDC Estate, Satpur, Nashik422007, Maharashtra. The duration of my project was 45 days. I carried out this project with the help of my project guide and company mates.



Objectives of the Study

Primary objectives
To find out the existing performance levels of each employee in the operation section. To prepare the quadrant chart for every employee working in Operation section.

Secondary objectives
To find out the best performer of the operation section in Company. To analyze the existing skill of the worker & according to that identify the training needs of the employees

Skill matrix is a systematic technique to measure the performance level of the workforce & identify the training needs.



Skill matrix is a tool to assess training needs. The study also analysis the performance level of each employees. It helps the company to access where the Operators are lacking

It is a table that shows skills of individuals in a team and any gaps between the skills of employees and the job roles they have. It is also known as a competency framework. If behind the maximum level, retrain and evaluate. Critical skills are those minimum skills required to successfully accomplish the assigned work/job. If skill of worker or employees lies below the critical skill, then the productivity of workers is hampered and the organizational output will be affected. During the study the researcher was directly in contact with the Operators and Supervisors and has got a remarkable practical experience in this period of 30 days.



Time is the most important constraints in carrying out this project. The busy schedule of operators and supervisors is also a limitation. The supervisors are uncomfortable in assessing skill level of some employees. The operators on the shop floor are not highly qualified. So, it became difficult to sit with each operator personally and explain them the questions.

The operators were to be tested only as per the requirements of the machine they worked regularly on. This lead to the preparation of different question papers and hence increased the paper work.



What is skill matrix?

Skill matrix is a tool to assess training needs. It is a table that shows skills of individuals in a team and any gaps between the skills of employees and the job roles they have. It is also known as a competency framework. If behind the maximum level, retrain and evaluate. Skill matrix is nothing but the competencies you want to rate your employees. they include like communication, leadership, job knowledge, organizational culture, self development, critical thinking, decision making , initiations etc....we have to provide ratings for each competency starting from 1 to 10 (low to high). This competency helps the organization to understand the areas of improvement for the employee and also identifies the training needs required for the employee. This helps and encourages employee to improve along with team spirit. This skill matrix is one of the tools to understand whether employee is able to think out of box or not. Skill matrix is a simple and visual tool to show who has training and experience in what skill. Here is an example of a skill matrix that is used in office, and here is a skill matrix template. Critical skills are those minimum skills required to successfully accomplish the assigned work/job. If skill of worker or employees lies below the critical skill, then the productivity of workers is hampered and the organizational output will be affected. Non-critical skills are those skills, which help in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization. It helps in achieving the benchmark of productivity of an organizational output.



Toyota Motor, Japan recently developed the four-quadrant model of critical skill mapping. The skill of workers is mapped on quadrant of a circle from 0 to 4. Each quadrant defines the level of skills of a worker. The specification of each quadrant is given below: No of quadrants to be filled 0 Symbol Definition Is not trained on the subject

Has been given basic training on the subject.

Has the working knowledge of the subject and can work under Supervision.

Has adequate knowledge of the subject and can work independently on the job

Is an expert of the subject and can give training to others.

How do we quantify the Skill Levels?

In setting skill levels our aim is to be

Objective Consistent Fair to all employees

Use our procedures; these should have necessary information on

Standard Operations Standard cycle times Design Specifications Quality Specifications

Who Should Own the Skills Matrix?

It depends on what information it is visualizing: Team Leader: This should visualize the information relevant to their own team. Cell Leader: This should visualize the information relevant to the cells under their control. Manager: This should visualize the information relevant to their areas of responsibility. Head of Business: This should visualize the information relevant to their areas of responsibility.






Research methodology
Research means scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic.

Research Design
A research design is the arrangement of conditions for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in procedure. Research design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted; it constitutes the blueprint for the collection, measurement and analysis of data. The type of research design used in the project was Descriptive research, because it helps to describe a particular situation prevailing within a company. Careful design of the descriptive studies was necessary to ensure the complete interpretation of the situation and to ensure minimum bias in the collection of data. Descriptive Research are those studies which are concerned with describing the characters of a particular individual or group.

Sampling is the selection of some part of an aggregate or totality on the basis of which a judgment about the aggregate or totality is made. Simple random sampling method was used in this project. Since population was not of a homogenous group, Stratified technique was applied so as to obtain a representative sample. The employees were stratified into a number of subpopulation or strata and sample items (employees) were selected from each stratum on the basis of simple random sampling



For a research study to be perfect the sample size selected should be optimal i.e. it should neither be excessively large nor too small. Here the sample size was as under: Plant 1- 55 operators Plant 2- 80 operators

Period of study
The present study had been undertaken for period of 2 month. DATA COLLECTION METHOD For the survey, we have taken the help of primary and secondary data. Primary data For primary data collection we have used the following methods: 1. Questionnaire We have developed a questionnaire for operators on the machines for job Module evaluation of operators critical skills. The number of modules to successfully accomplish the job is same for similar designation or group of similar kind of jobs. The evaluation was done from 0 to 4 quadrants. i.e. SECTION 1 (40 MARKS) SECTION 2 (20 MARKS) SECTION 3 (20 MARKS) 2. Observation method In the section 4 each operator was rated from 1 to 5 with the help of 4 categories, viz. 1. Communication (rate on 1 to 5) 2. Productivity (rate on 1 to 5) 3. Supervisors assessment (rate on 1 to 5) 4. Sections 1,2 & 3

Secondary Data


For secondary data we referred to the company profile, Literatures, journals, periodicals, internet, intranet, etc

Existing data
This type of research is done on the available data to find any findings or patterns in the data. This is the most effortless, time-saving and less-expensive type of research, but to carry out this type of research researchers need to be extra careful in order to find the real findings out of the existing data-a slight mistake can lead you to wrong direction-waste of time. So, the accuracy of this type of research mainly depends on the experience of the researchers, but it has the advantage of give you some important clue about any novel findings. e.g: Productivity of the operators, technical levels of the machinery, etc




Analysis and interpretation plays the most important role in any research process. It helps to extract pertinent findings from the collected data by applying the statistical techniques in discovering additional findings. It converts raw data into meaningful data by bridging the gap between primary and secondary data. Analysis is done with an attempt to organize and summaries data in order to enhance the effect of results in such a way that enables to relate critical points with studys objectives. Percentage analysis is used for data analysis and interpretation. Analysis and interpretation was based on questionnaire and observation schedule, which gives the data that, is required for the study. The analysis and interpretation is based on the options chosen by the respondents. The below shown pie diagrams imply the TRINNING NEEDS OF THE OPERATORS. The pie diagrams are based on the common and the most important questions of all the levels.

Sample size is 55 Operators


SKILL MATRIX Level Wise Skill Criteria

Level 1 Basic
Understandings of

Level 2 Medium
Independently work &set up on machinery

Level 3 Advance
Problem sloving,Quality & maintains

Level 4 Expert
Handling of Entire cell

Basic knowledge of control plan Basic knowledge of process parameters Safety requirement on machine Knowledge of reaction & action plan Basic Knowledge of all machine operation in cell Basic Knowledge of measuring instruments On the job practical training Knowledge of 5s

Set process parameters as per application Make the job as per plan& take set up approval Independently work on machinery Performing operational adjustment as required Knowledge of customer Set measuring instrument as per requirement Able to do set up change

Able to do trouble shooting Able to do rework Able to solve all quality problems in the cell Able to do maintains in the cell

Able to Train skill 1to skill 3 Should have managerial skill Manage all cell activities Able to resolve issues related to cell

Monitoring the tooling life in your cell machine Knowledge of CSR Identify the members for training Resolve all issues &expert in multiskilling activity


1. No of operators need training under LEVEL 1.

Training Needs 5S QRQC PPE No. of Operators YES 37 21 7 NO 18 34 48


Interpretation: Under level 1 most of the operators are aware of 5s whereas

training needs to be given for QRQC and PPE. Operators know the importance and use of QRQC and PPE but they lack in terms of theoretical knowledge. 5s being the frequently used term they could answer it.

2. No. of Operators need training under the LEVEL 2.



No. of Operators YES 8 15 8 NO 47 40 47


Interpretation: The maximum numbers of the operators are qualified under this level. Tools and terms under Level 2 are most essential and frequently used; operators observe them on daily basis. So, training module has to give less stress on level 2.

3. No. of operators need training under LEVEL 3.



No. of Operators YES 26 43 30 29 52 51 22 29 NO 29 12 25 26 3 4 33 26


Interpretation: As shown, there are fluctuations under this level. Less number of operators could qualify under this level. The terms are based on technical as well as practical knowledge. This level analysis operators considering the maintenance aspects of the machinery and maintenance is generally ignored by the operators. So, there is a downfall in the number of qualified operators.

4. No. of operators need training under LEVEL 4.



No. of Operators YES 51 55 55 53 52 54 54

NO 4 0 0 2 3 1 1

Interpretation: None of the operators are aware about technical terms like CP or CPK. Most of the workers could tell about the standard cycle time and about the weak points of their team members. Operators under this level require large amount of knowledge and should be able to train others. Very rare operators come under this level.

5. Classification of the operators with reference to their qualified levels.


LEVELS 1 2 3 4

NO. OF OPERATORS 15 20 20 -

percentage % 27% 36% 36% -

Interpretation: Plant 1 has equal number of operators under level 2 and 3, followed by is level 1. None of them qualify for level 4 as the operators in this plant are very old and are not highly qualified.

6. Top 3 operators

Name of operator K.Suresh S.S.Sonawne L.B.Vispute

Marks 71 65 62

72 70 68 66 64 62 60 58 56 Marks K Suresh S S. Sonawne L B. Vispute

Interpretation: K Suresh has secured rank 1, followed by S S. Sonawne and L B. Vispute. K Suresh workes on Grinder machine and is a hardworking man.


Sample size is 80 Operators

1. No of operators need training under LEVEL 1.
Training Needs 5S QRQC PPE 37 21 7 No. of Operators YES NO 18 34 48

Interpretation: Under level 1 most of the operators are aware of 5s whereas training needs to be given for QRQC and PPE. Operators know the importance and use of QRQC and PPE but they lack in terms of theoretical knowledge. 5s being the frequently used term they could answer it.

2. No. of operators need training under LEVEL 2. 38


No. of Operators YES NO 8 47 15 40 8 47


Interpretation: The maximum numbers of the operators are qualified under this level. Tools and terms under Level 2 are most essential and frequently used; operators observe them on daily basis. So, training module has to give less stress on level 2.

3. No. of operators need training under LEVEL 3.



No. of Operators YES 26 43 30 29 52 51 22 29 NO 29 12 25 26 3 4 33 26


Interpretation: As shown under this level there are fluctuations. Operators are mostly unaware bout the types of losses and maintenance whereas they know about the lubricants used, CLIT, SPC, etc. Here, the operators could answer most of the questions which shows that the can maintain their machinery.

4. No. of operators need training under LEVEL 4.



No. of Operators YES 51 55 55 53 52 54 54 NO 4 0 0 2 3 1 1

Interpretation: Very less operators are qualified under level 4. This level consists of various technical terms. The operators under this leave are weak and cannot train others. So, ultimately only 3 or 4 operators qualify under this level of Skill Matrix.

5. Classification of the operators with reference to their qualified levels.


LEVELS 1 2 3 4

NO. OF OPERATORS 4 18 52 6

percentage % 5% 23% 65% 8%

Interpretation: Most of the operators come under level 3, followed by level 2, level 4 and level 1. Plant 2 has most of the ITs and Graduates under its head. So very less operators come under level 1. The operators have come across all the technical terms and could answer swiftly.

6. Top 3 operators


Name of Operator

S.J.Laddha A.B.Kadam Y.J.Patil

Marks 80 76 76

81 80 79
Interpretation: S J. Laddha is the highest amongst all. He is highly experienced and dedicated operator. A B. Kadam and Y.J Patil are at second place.

78 77 76 75 74


Name of the machine: Lapping Name :



Token no

Who is the internal supplier of lapping machine? 1. Side debarring 2. Visual inspection 3. Form turn

2) Who is the internal customer of lapping machine? 1. Side debarring 2. Visual inspection 3. Form turn 3) What is meant by 5s? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4) What is meant by QRQC? 1. Quick response to quality control 2. Quick response to quality concern 3. Quick relation to quality concern 5) What does (*) mean in Master Pan Ticket? 1. Name of supplier 2. Special criteria 3. Special characteristics 6) What parameters are to be maintained on lapping machine? 1. Face land, gap 2. Gap, width 3. Face land, length 7) Which measuring instruments are used for checking gap? 1. Ring gauge and filler gauge 2. Wall gauge 3. Only filler gauge

8) What is the least count of micrometer? 1.0.01mm 2.0.001mm 3.0.1mm 9) What is meant by PPEs? 1. Personal protection equipment 2. Protect personal equipment 3. Personal protective equipment 10) Which visual defects may occur on lapping machine? 1. 2. 3. 11) While working on lapping machine, which safety precautions did you follow? 1. 2. 3. 12) Lot height = - ----mm. 1.90mm 2.70mm 3. 60mm 13) What is meant by lot rotation on lapping machine? 1. Means in 100stroke lot should be rotate in 360 2. Means in 10 stroke lot should be rotate in 360 3. Means in 20 stroke lot should be rotate in 360 14) What is measurement of sleeve on lapping machine? 1.85.03 G 2.85.3G 3.85.003G 15) If gap gets undersize what will happen? 1. Rework 2. Reject 3. None of these

16) If gap gets oversize what will happen? 1. Rework 2. Reject 3. None of these 17) What do you mean by NCD? 1. Next calibration due 2. Next calibration Ductile 3. Next calibration Diameter 18) State the standard number of strokes per minute on lapping? 1.110 strokes 2. 108 strokes 3. 118 strokes 19) What should be the Oil: Compound ratio on lapping machine? 1.60:40 2.80:20 3.50:50 20) Lot rotation = - - - - degree per stroke minimum. 1.18 2.81 3.80

Section 2

2 COOLANTS, LUBRICATION, INTERMEDIATE, TOOLS. 3 CLEANING, LIGHTINING, INSPECTION, TIGHTENING 2) What is meant by HTA? 1 HARD TO ACTION 2 HARD TO ACSESS 3 HARD TO ASEMBLE 3) What type of tools used for cleaning of closing sleeve mechanism? 1 Brush/suction 2 only brush 3 only suction 4) Which are lubricants used in lapping machine? 1 Oil 2 grease 3 compound 5) What is long form of a SPC? 1. Statistical process concern 2. Statistical process control 3. Statistical program control 6) How frequently you change the lubricant (compound) of lapping machine? 1. monthly in shift 2. daily in shift 3. weekly in shift 7) What are the 7 steps of autonomous maintenance? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8) What are 7 types of losses? 1 3 5 7


2 4 6

9) Answer the following questions with reference of the Trouble Shooting Chart: a. State in detail the steps to be followed in case of GAP Variation?


IN Trouble shooting chart CYCLE TIME is specified by which NUMBER?

10. State in detail the steps to be followed in case of Ring entry problem?

SECTION 3 (20 marks)

1. How many machines in the cell can you operate? 48

2. What is the standard cycle time for working in the cell?

3. What is CP or CPK of the machines? Calculate.

4. How to calculate OEE & PPM?

5. What are 7 QC tools?

6. How can you identify the weak points of your team member?

7. What is the geometry of your machine?


How could you involve APS & SGAs keys?




The training modules and needs are identified The main finding in this project is said to be preparation of skill matrix for the operators. The skill level of operators are found out by preparing skill matrix, The skill matrix also shows that who is lacking in which process, based on that special attention and training will be given. The skill matrix also shows who performs well. Thus skill matrix acts as a tool to analyze the performance of employees before training and after training.



After preparing the skill matrix of the employees of operation section of the PERFECT CIRCLE INDIA LTD, following are the recommendations to the Company: 1. This study reveals the various skills of workers in which they are expert or they are lacking. Special training program should be arranged for those employees who are lacking in their respective modules. 2. The skill matrix is prepared under the guidance of the supervisors of the department. Thus it should be shared with all the operators so that they come to know about their skill level and try to improve it. 3. All training modules should be evaluated at proper time and this activity should be carried out regularly. 4. Training should be as per work requirement and should be given at the right time. 5. The prior information for the training programs should be given to the workers. So care must be taken in this matter and prior notice that is before 2-3 days should be given to all the operators for training. 6. The selection criteria for training should be suitable. It should match with the qualification of the employees. For example if he is less qualified and sent to higher technical training program, it will prove ineffective. Hence, training should be provided by taking into account the platform and background of the employee.



Perfect Circle India Limited today stands proud as a modern manufacturing company. It is more than a company; it is an institution concerned with the interest of its all stakeholders as well as its employees. The future of an organization largely depends upon its productivity; productivity depends upon its employees. Thus employees should be trained in best possible way to increase the productivity. For this purpose Perfect Circle India Limited possesses an effective training center that takes the responsibility of training the employees. The responsibility of a training organization does not end at imparting training but also it is extended to the evaluation of the training program, which is most neglected factor in every organization. So every organization should conduct the training effectiveness survey like critical skill matrix each time. Skill Matrix helps to indicate the image of management in the mind of employees as well as their capabilities and attitudes. As it has been found out from the survey and its analysis that the training program in this department is effective, still some weaknesses have been discovered for which some suggestions have been given. But most of the operators demand that they should be given more technical as well as theoretical training, which can be applied in a more practical way in their work. They also demand training programs from national and international companies. So step should be taken towards it fulfillment. One of the reasons for our project was to discover the skills possessed by the operators. The evaluation of these data would help the company to critically analyze the skills in their employees and recognize the need of training. Research into all these factors would provide clues to improve the quality of work.




1. Kothari

Research Methodology C.R.


Human resource for management

Website Referred:




1. 5S

Sorting, Set in Order, Super Cleaning, Standardizing, Sustaining

2. ORQC- Quick Response To Quality Concern

3. PPE- Personal Protective Equipments. 4. MPT- Master Pan Ticket. 5. NCD- Next Calibration Due. 6. CLIT-Cleaning Lubricating Inspection Tightening . 7. HTA- Hard To Access. 8. SPC-Statistical Process Control. 9. CP or CPK- Capability of Processes or Critical Product Measurements. 10. OE or PPM-Overall Equipment Effectiveness or Part Per Million 11. QC Tools- Quality Control tools. 12. APS and SGA Keys- Anand Productive Systems and Small Group Activity.


Machine name: groove & slot Name : DATE:

Token no

1) Who is the internal supplier of groove & slot machine? 1. Vertical grinder, lapping 2. Boring 3. Profile grinder 2) Who is the internal customer of groove & slot machine? 1. Vertical grinder, lapping 2. Boring 3. Profile grinder 3) What is meant by 5s? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 4) What is meant by QRQC? 1. Quick response to quality control 2. Quick response to quality concern 3. Quick relation to quality concern 5) What does (*) mean in Master Pan Ticket? 1. Name of supplier 2. Special criteria 3. Special characteristics 6) What do you mean by NCD? On your machine where it applies? 1. Next calibration due 2. Next calibration Ductile 3. Next calibration Diameter


7) How many rings are loaded in pot at one slot? 1. Depends upon length of ring 2. Depends upon size of ring 3. Depends upon width of ring 8) What is the least count of micrometer? 1)0.01mm 2)0.001mm 3)0.1mm 9) What is meant by PPEs? 1. Protect personal equipment 2. Personal protective equipment 3. Personal Protection Equipments 10) Which visual defects may occur on? 1. Slot damage, slot length undersize or over size 2. Width oversize, swipe marks, 3. ID marks, Surface finish. 11) While working on groove & slot, which safety precautions did, you follow? 1 2 3 12) List the tooling used for groove & slot machine? 1 2 3 13) What is meant by SPC? 1. Statistical process concern 2. Statistical process control 3. Statistical program control 14) What is meant by slot length? 1. Means total size of slot 2. Means total width of slot 3. Means total length of slot

15) If slot width gets undersize and oversize what will happen? 1. Failure of customer requirement 2. It will fit in piston 3. It will not fit in piston 16) What is meant by bottle neck machine? 1. Its cycle time is less than its customer machine 2. Its cycle time is less than its supplier machine 3. Its cycle time is more than its supplier machine 17) If slot gets length undersize and oversize what will happen? 1. It will not performed fully while fitted in engine 2. It will fit in piston 3. It will not fit in piston 18) Which type of cutter is use on groove & slot machine? 1. Single point 2. Multiple points 3. Star 19) Which tool is used for loading the rings on machine? 1. Tong 2. Ring gauge 3. Pot 20) What parameters are to be checked on groove & slot machine? 1. Slot width, no of slots 2. Slot length, no of slots 3. Gap, width


Section 2
1) What is meant by CLIT? 1 CELANING, LIGHTINING, INSPECTION, TIGHTENING. 2 COOLANTS, LUBRICATION, INTERMEDIATE, TOOLS. 3 CLEANING, LUBRICATION, INSPECTION, TIGHTENING 2) What is meant by HTA? 1 HARD TO ACTION 2 HARD TO ACSESS 3 HARD TO ASEMBLE 3) What type of tools used for cleaning of groove & slot? 1 Brush/suction Pipe 2 Brush/cotton 3 both 1 & 2 4) Which are lubricants used for cutter slide on groove & slot machine? 1 Oil 2 grease 3 petrol 5) What is changing frequency of Lubrication tank oil top up? 1. daily in shift 2. weekly in shift 3. monthly in shift 6) How much AIR pressure at FRL? 1 Between 5 to 6 2 Between 4.5 to 5 3 Between 3.5 to 4 7) Which material is used in cutter? 1. High speed steel 2. Solid carbide cutters 3. Diamond


8) Among following options what should be cleaned in daily shift? 1 motor belt 2 lubrication tank 3 cutter slide 9) Among following options what should be done in daily shift? 1 All bolts tightness 2 check motor belts 3 check lubrication tank oil top up. 10) Answer the following questions with reference of the Trouble Shooting Chart: a. State in detail the steps to be followed in case of FACE LAND Variation?

B. State in detail the steps to be followed in case of SLOT DAMAGE?


SECTION 3 (20 marks)

1. How many machines in the cell can you operate?

2. What is the standard cycle time for working in the cell?

3. What is CP or CPK of the machines? Calculate.

4. How to calculate OEE & PPM?

5. What are 7 QC tools?

6. How can you identify the weak points of your team member?

7. What is the geometry of your machine?


How could you involve APS & SGAs keys?


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