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Careers@Singapore: Cleantech

Industry Insights
There is a huge underserved market in Asia for clean technologies and urban solutions in areas such as water treatment, waste management and renewable energy. We want to make sure that Singapore is plugged into this exciting market.
Goh Chee Kiong, Director, Cleantech, Singapore Economic Development Board

Hot Jobs
Contact Singapore invites you to embark on a rewarding career in Singapores cleantech industry. Below are some positions currently being offered by Singapore-based cleantech employers Alternatively, you can also visit our job portal for other career opportunities in the industry.

Cleantech - Singapores exciting new growth area

Cleantech is set to become a major pillar of the Singapore economy. The government is investing nearly S$700 million to build research and development (R&D) and manpower capabilities for the cleantech sector. By 2015, the industry is expected to contribute S$3.4 billion to Singapore's economic output, as well as 18,000 jobs. Singapore has attracted significant investments from global clean technology giants, for example, Bosch cleantech research centre, CDM global centre of water and urban planning, GE Water R&D centre, REC integrated solar manufacturing complex and Siemens Water R&D centre. These companies chose Singapore for our diverse talent base and excellent linkages to the region, and plan to develop their core business activities here over the next five to ten years.

Given our strategic location in the tropical Sunbelt, as well as existing competencies in the electronics and semiconductors industry, Singapores push for clean energy centres heavily on solar energy. Today, the Solar Energy Research Institute of Singapore (SERIS) at NUS, led by solar expert Professor Joachim Luther, conducts world-class industry-oriented R&D. The Housing and Development Board (HDB) also launched a S$31 million solar test-bed on the rooftops of some 250 HDB apartment blocks island-wide. These developments in Singapore's solar industry spell exciting opportunities for global talent such as solar specialists and experienced engineers to establish their careers in Singapore.

Strategic location in the Asian sunbelt

Research Scientist - Solar Energy Systems Technology Development Research Scientist - Building Integrated Photovoltaics - System Modeling and Simulation Research Scientist - Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Module Development Research Scientist - Building Integrated Photovoltaics - Technology Performance Evaluation Research Scientist - Building Integrated Photovoltaics, System Design and Technology Research Scientist - Decentralized Energy Management, Modeling and Simulation Research Scientist - Decentralized Energy Management, Technology Development

Environmental Engineers and Planners

NRF (Clean Energy) PhD Scholarships

A global hydrohub

Singapore being a small and water scarce country, has been motivated to constantly innovate and develop new water management technologies such as water reclamation and desalination. Today, Singapore is recognised as a Global Hydrohub, with more than 75 water companies in a thriving water industry eco-system. The growing global emphasis on water and the environment places Singapore in a prime position to take the lead as a R&D base and provider of water solutions. Beyond water, we are building critical mass in the areas of waste management, recycling and pollution control.

Technologist - Analytical Services & Application

NRF (EWT) Scholarship

Read more about the Cleantech industry in Singapore

Scholarships and grants

As Singapore continues to nurture the exciting cleantech industry, we will need talented research scientists and engineers who are keen to grow with us. To build up local research capability and groom research leaders in key clean energy areas, the Singapore government is providing scholarships for PhD studies to those interested in furthering their expertise and knowledge in this industry.

Research Scientist (Polymer Chemistry)

NRF (EWT) PhD Scholarships

The Environment & Water Industry Programme Office (EWI) promotes the environment and water R&D and industry in Singapore; and envisions increasing opportunities for careers, R&D and exciting new technologies in this industry. As part of talent grooming to support this fast-rising industry, the National Research Foundation (NRF), through the EWI, is providing PhD scholarships to develop experts in Environment and Water Technologies (EWT).
For more information, please visit:

NRF (Clean Energy) PhD Scholarships

To expand the clean energy manpower base in Singapore, the Clean Energy Programme Office (CEPO) is providing the NRF (Clean Energy) PhD Scholarships. All research topics should be in areas related to clean energy. Most of the scholarships given would be in renewable energy such as solar, wind and biomass, and energy efficiency.
For more information, please visit:

Research Scientist (Full time) Research Scientist (Full time) Research Scientist (Full time) Research Scientist / Senior Research Scientist Research Associate (Facade Design and Engineering) Research Scientist (Facade Design and Engineering) Senior Research Scientist (full-time) Project Manager (Facade Design and Engineering)

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About Singapore

In the heart of Asia lies Singapore a bustling, world-class city state that has made waves around the world for its business excellence, connectivity to the world and its innovation. Singapore has been consistently acknowledged as a global business hub one that features developed infrastructure, political stability, open business policies, a skilled workforce, the use of English as the main working language and respect for intellectual property rights. To date, more than 7,000 multinational companies have set up bases in Singapore, next to 150,000 small and medium enterprises. Business owners all over the world regard Singapore as an ideal location to grow their businesses, with many of them using the country as a springboard to tap into other emerging markets in Asia. Besides being ranked by the World Bank in 2009 as the worlds easiest place to do business (out of 183 countries), Singapore has, among its many accolades, the top ranking in the 2009-2010 Global Competitiveness Report by the World Economic Forum as being the most competitive economy in Asia, and was also ranked by the Worldwide Quality of Living Index 2010 (by Mercer Human Resource Consulting) as the top Asian country for its quality of life. Global talent accounts for about 30% of the workforce, attracted by open recruitment policies, low personal taxation, a meritocratic society that embraces diversity, and a high quality of life in a cosmopolitan environment.

About Contact Singapore

Contact Singapore is an alliance of the Singapore Economic Development Board and Ministry of Manpower.It aims to attract global talent to work, invest and live in Singapore. With offices in Asia, Europe and North America, Contact Singapore is the one-stop centre for those who wish to pursue a rewarding career in Singapore, as well as individuals and entrepreneurs who are keen to invest in or initiate new business activities here. Contact Singapore actively links Singapore-based employers with global talent and provides updates on career opportunities and industry developments in Singapore. We work with public and private sector partners to facilitate the interests of potential individual investors in Singapore. For more information on working, investing and living in Singapore, please visit For more job opportunities in Singapore, please visit our job portal at

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