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Pleasing loyal

Dear Sir,

It is understood that either I have not explained well about the site requisites/safety
issues/protocols/statuary requirements or you have not understand well.

It is further requested that go through one by one & attend to it. And immediate
replying is not at all required since these are all SW worries as mentioned in the
subject [Professional workmanship]

Once again I am clarifying

1. Maintaining site diary --- As per site works concerns, this should have date wise
information such as production, safety measures, material
procurement/indents/issuance, Rain & natural calamities, method statements, work
allocations, In & out details of employee/subcontractors/workers, accidents if any,
transmittals received & sent, Client/coordinators instructions, etc as & when

If clients/coordinators are giving instructions means it should be written & signed

by the officials in the diary it self or it is to be obtained to make it valid.

2. Organization------- In this what is the responsibilities of the Project managers,

engineers, supervisors, safety officers, quality engineers, quantity surveyors,
foreman,[ It is NOT so far given]

3. Labour License--- In this we have repeatedly insisted in various occasions since as

such SPRE is taking care in this up to some minimum presentees as SW is also our
corporate counterpart.

But it seems Last mail by you [which is attached herewith] committed that labour
procurement goes beyond 50 people [ obtaining License is mandatory]

As per earlier communications with SW site team, they have submitted a requisition
letter stating that to obtain the license requirement FORM V from SPRE. Based on
that only SW can obtain Labour license on our project name. And it is in the process
with some more clarifications with SW.

Based on the having miscommunication with SW site team, without referring

present conditions, immediate replying with false statement that LC will be taken all
India basis.

Which all proves that you & I are commercially weak in this.
Let SW commercial team/HR team deal this matter since LC & accident policy is
nowadays mandatory.

Balance points all will be explained by me tomorrow in person with site team let
them explain to you. it is requested to get known from site team in all respect atleast
now onwards.

It is regret to inform you that NO further mail in this subject in future from both of

Mr Kannan/Mr.Suresh

Please help us in this..since CC is not marked to SPRE based on the reputation of


Mr. Stephen,

It is requested to shift the running services DG since we have shifted our

site office in Basement 1 which is giving Noise & suffocating [producing
Carbon monoxide in high value] as no proper exhaust & polluted air is
rounding all round basement giving high risk for humans.[Diesel smell is
also highly fragrance.

Hope will understand & act accordingly.


Manager Services,
SP infocity, Chennai.
0 98404 58960

Make of materials
Check for approval list
If not amended approval
Check of quantity against execution/BOQ
Work carried out as per check specifications
Work carried out as per check Approved Drawings
Quality of materials & erection workmanship
Aesthetic & functional quality
Testing carried out
Testing withheld for want

Dear Mr. Sridhar,

Please Clarify the following since Civil works got speedup as of now, And we are in a
position to give them work fronts

1.Electrical Rooms in typical floors --

a]. Door entry clearances along with orientation of door swing
[Electrical panels should be installed within]
b]. Electrical shaft plastering & painting requirements
c]. Block work wall height from FFL between electrical room &
electrical shaft [where the electrical bus duct supports are resting]
d]. Electrical room wall plastering & painting including screed concrete
e]. Floor level should be at least 50mm height more than toilet screed.
f]. Electrical cable tray sizes throughout along with inside block height
g]. Accommodation of all ducts within the electrical shafts
h]. Natural lights in rooms [since a LEED requirements point--which is
highly recommended during off cyclic operations]
i]. Ventilation provisions.
j]. Tenant requirements such as wall opening in false ceiling / floor
raceways external side.
k].Closure of balance shaft area after services.

2. AHU rooms in typical floors --

a].Door entry clearances along with orientation of door swing outside
opening is Statuary.[AHU units should be installed within]
b].AHU Shaft plastering & painting requirements
c].Block work wall height from FFL between AHU room &
AHU shaft [where the ducting & chilled water pipe supports are
d].AHU room wall plastering & painting including screed concrete
e].Floor level should be atleast 25 mm lower height than that of core
f].Wall opening size above the external false ceiling side & its closure
details after internal ducting.
g].Accommodation of all ducts & piping within the AHU shafts.
h].IBMS panel location & its cable routings.
i].Fire damper location & its access.
j].Condensate drain pipe routings
k].Requirements of Floor drains [core cutting if applicable].
l].Delivery of AHU units such as drive blower inside the AHU room
[minimum 2 meters required]

3.Rain Water Shafts -- in typical floors

a].Erection clearances for Fresh, Exhaust, Stairwell pressurization ducts.
b].Entering the ducts inside the toilets along with access of Fire damper
c].Rain water pipe erection clearances.
d].Requirement of Natural lights in toilets [ LEED points]
e].Wall openings & its scope for PHE pipes in PHE shafts for each
individual toilets.

If Those who are all details given already means also, it is requested to clarify once
again since these are all little bit confusing.


Manager Services,
SP info city, Chennai.
0 98404 58960

Contract Management

The attention can be focused to Indian Contract Act, 1872 and its significance for Contract
Management Strategy.

The significance of Indian Contract Act, 1872 cannot be overstressed. To put it simply. whenever
two parties write in the contract, the conditions therein cannot exceed or cross the limits and
conditions set in the Indian Contract Act. Normally if a Contractor has to accept and sign on
conditions set by the client which appear to be against the Indian Contract Act's provisions, such
terms normally get struck down by court during any dispute resolution process. Hence, it is
beneficial to clients or contractors to be aware of importance provisions listed in the Indian
Contract Act, which safeguards the rights of both the parties to the contract.
i) Agreement
Normally, two parties to the contract are Promisor (Contractor) and Promisee (Client).
There must be an agreement between these two parties. One of the parties should make a
proposal which is called an offer and the other party should give its consent to the offer
which is called an acceptance. The offer must be in definite terms and acceptance should
be absolute and unconditional. There should be proper communication about offer and
acceptance which are complete when it comes to the knowledge of other party to whom it
was conveyed.
ii) Legal Relationship
As stated earlier, any contract normally means, an agreement enforceable by law. But the
agreements of social or domestic nature usually do not intend to create legal relationship.
While as in business and commercial transactions, there is a clear desire to create legal
iii) Lawful Consideration
As per Contract Act, absence of consideration in an agreement, makes the agreement
unenforceable by law except in certain situations. The consideration in an agreement
should be lawful and paid in return for some product and/or service.
iv) Free Consent
The consent of the parties to the agreement must be free and genuine. The consent is not
free when it is affected by coercion, undue influence, mis-representation and fraud.
v) Competent Parties
The parties to the agreement must be capable of entering into contract; not being minor or
of unsound mind. Such person should not have been disqualified by any other law from
entering into another contract.
vi) Proper Objective
The object of the contract agreement should be lawful, i.e. not illegal, immoral or against
the public policy, otherwise such agreement will not be enforceable.
vii) Illegal Agreement
An agreement is null and void for acquiring or selling goods or providing services which
are illegally acquired, and results into an illegal one. Only the the legal part will be
viii) Certainty of Performance
The terms of every agreement must be certain, without any ambiguity. Similarly the
agreement should not be impossible to perform. If it is impossible to perform, it will not
be enforceable by law.
ix) Legal Formalities
All agreements should fulfil the necessary legal formalities for ensuring the
enforceability of the contract. Though an oral agreement can be valid, it is better to have
the agreement in writing. Similarly in certain cases necessary stamp duty is to be paid as
per Stamp Act. In such cases, it is necessary to register the agreement.

As mentioned earlier, consideration is one of the essential ingredients of an agreement to

make it enforceable. Absence of consideration makes the contract void, except in certain
cases, such as natural love and affection between parties, where absence of consideration
does not make the contract invalid.

Abovementioned nine points are like essential features which need to be in place if the contract is
to be legal and valid. But this discussion will not be complete without discussing nature or type
of contract that comes into existence during various business transactions in any contracted

Types of Contract
An important classification of contracts commonly applied is as follows : (i) Valid; (ii) Void; iii)
Voidable; (iv) illegal; (v) unenforceable. 'Valid' contract is one that meets all the essential criteria.
While a 'Voidable' contract is one which may be repudiated at the option of one of the parties, i.e.
if consent of one of the party is not freely obtained. Voidable contracts remain perfectly valid and
binding till rejected by the party whose consent was not freely obtained.

An illegal agreement is one where object or consideration is prohibited by law or is fraudulent,

immoral or opposed to public policy or causing injury to person or property. While as an
enforceable contract is quite valid but its performance becomes difficult or even impossible due
to the reason that it lacks some of the essential elements, such as proper written format and

There are other ways to classify the contracts, such as based on performance or mode of
formation, which can be briefly discussed.

Executed and Executory Contracts

On the basis of performance, contracts can be classified as Executed Contracts or Executory
Contracts. In simple language, when both the parties have performed their parts of the contract, it
becomes an executed contract. While in Executory contract one of the party has performed its
part of the contract and the other party has to fulfil its part of the contract.

Express and Implied Contracts

When contracts are reviewed accordingly to their method of formation, Express Contracts or
Implied Contracts, come into existence. Express contract may be formed by both the parties by
expressly agreeing upon on particular thing, whereas Implied contracts are based upon conduct of
parties, where the proposal or acceptance of any promise is made otherwise than in words.
Someone boarding a bus or entering a restaurant is getting into an implied contract of paying for
the services rendered to him.

Contingent Contracts
A contingent contract is a contract to do or not to do something, if some events connected to such
contract does or does not happen. Hence contingent contracts become enforceable only upon
happening of a particular event, e.g. Accident Insurance Policy, which is operated only in an
event of an accident. Naturally if that event does not take place, the contract automatically
becomes void. Sometimes such contingent contracts are dependent upon happening of a particular
event within a fixed time.

In the above discussion relating to basics, background and general principles of contract, some of
the clauses from Sections 1 to 75 are covered. They can be summarised as under
i) Introduction (Section 1)
ii) Proposal, Acceptance and Consideration etc. (Sections 2 to 9)
iii) Communication & Revocation (Sections 3, 7 and 8)
iv) Valid Contracts (Section 10)
v) Competency of parties to contract (Sections 11 and 12)
vi) Consent & Free Consent (Sections 13 to 22)
vii) Lawful object & consideration (Sections 23, 24, 57 and 58)
ix) Contingent contracts (Sections 31 to 36)
The rest of the clauses can be covered selectively, keeping in mind its relevance to construction
business. Hence, issues such restraint of marriage or agreements by way of wager (Sections 26
and 30) can be paid less attention and issues such Performance Discharge and Breach of Contract
need to be looked into due to its importance for day today business of managing contracts.
Before moving further Communication of Acceptance and Revocation as defined in law can be
reviewed for its relevance to tendering process.

Normally communication of offer is complete when it comes to the knowledge of the person to
whom it is made i. e. the client receiving the offer. This offer cannot be turned into contract unless
client conveys his acceptance to the proposer (contractor in this case) and such acceptance letter
reaches the proposer who acknowledges it. Till that stage the original offer made by contractor
can be withdrawn or revoked. In case of Govt. contracts this freedom of withdrawal is limited
upto tender opening date.
Performance of Contract
Every contract signed by two parties creates certain obligations on each of the parties involved in
it. When both the parties to the contract fulfil their obligations towards each other, the contract is
said to be performed. In some cases, the promisor (contractor) offers to perform his part of the
contract at appropriate time and place, but the promisee (client) does not accept the performance.
This is known as attempted performance or tender for performance.
A Valid Tender
The performance of contract is dependent on proper and valid tender. Important conditions of
validity of tender are ;
i) Unconditional offer against tender enquiry;
ii) Tender offer must be for full scope of work;
iii) Tender offer by party or person willing and capable of performing;
iv) Tender offer must be in proper form to the correct person and at proper time and place of
v) In case of tender offer relating to goods, it is essential that Promisee is granted
opportunity to inspect the goods. The goods delivered by Promisor without such
inspection is not a valid tender;
vi) If there are several joint Promisees, tender offer may be made to any of them;
Performance of Contract
It is better to understand first, in which situation contract need not be performed by Contractor
(Promisor) or Client (Promisee).
i) Illegal contract need not be performed;
ii) The contract which become impossible to perform, need not be performed;
iii) The old existing contract need not be performed when it is altered or a new contract is
formed in lieu of earlier contract;
iv) In case Promisee decides to dispense with whole or part of the contract;
v) If Promisee either obstructs or neglects the performance of the contract;
vi) If contract is voidable type, at the option of one party and is rescinded.
Who should Perform
This question appears unnecessary, but in some cases carries great importance, as explained in
some situations below.
i) In certain cases, Promisor himself must perform, like painting of portrait or complicated
surgery or very personalised business or investment advice.
ii) In some other cases, an agent of a Promisor may perform the contract, without adversely
affecting the promise made to the Promisee.
iii) Even third party can perform the Promise if accepted by the Promisee as adequate.
iv) If Promisor dies, the legal representative will have to perform.
vi) In certain cases, there may be several promises and all the joint Promisors are required to
perform to fulfill the contract.
The further responsibilities between joint Promisors are also provided in the Indian Contract Act
in Sections 42 to 44 and can be referred when need arises.
Time and Place of Performance
The time and place for performance of contracts is sometimes not specified. In such a situation,
the Promisor has to perform the contract within reasonable time. What is 'reasonable time' is not
made clear in the Act and may, therefore, depend upon each case. But if the time has been
decided in the contract, the Promisor should perform it on the specified day, within normal
business hours. If no place for performance is fixed, the Promisor has to seek a place for
performance from Promisor and work at that place.

Time as Essence of Contract

If in a contract, time is the essence of performance, the contract becomes voidable at the option
of the party who is affected by such a non-performance, if the contract is not executed within the
stipulated time. Catering Contract for a function or marriage is of this type, being time specific.

But if time is not the essence of contract as implied under Section 55 of the Act, and the Promisor
does not perform the contract within the normally stipulated time, the contract does not become
voidable. However, the Promisee can claim compensation for the delayed performance.

The most important thing in any contract is that if time is going to be the essence of the contract,
it should be clearly mentioned in the contract.

Assignment of Contracts
When the rights and liabilities arising out of a contract are transferred to third parties, it is known
as Assignment Contract. The assignment may take place with or without the consent of the other
party unless expressly prohibited in contract conditions.
The contracts of personal nature involving personal skill, cannot be assigned. Hence, Singers,
Musicians or Surgeons cannot assign their contract. However, Promisor may assign a contract to
other competent person who may perform the work for Promisor and the Promisee does not
object to it.
Assignment by operation of law takes place in case of death or insolvency. For example, on the
death of a person, who is party to contract, his rights and liabilities are transmitted to his legal
heirs. In case of insolvency of a person, his rights and liabilities are transferred to official
Receiver or Assignee.

Discharge of Contract
Discharge of contract is achieved when the rights and liabilities created out of contract come to an
end. The discharge can arise out of any of the following situations :
i) By proper performance of the contract;
ii) By agreement between both the parties;
iii) By replacement of old contract by new;
iv) By lapse of time under Limitation Act;
v) By breach of contract by one of the parties;
vi) By impossibility of performance;
vii) By operation of law regarding death/insolvency/merger
Though most of the above methods of discharge can be easily understood, some comments are
necessary to clarify certain issues arising out of discharge of contract.
Discharge of contract by proper performance is the common phenomenon, whereas discharge by
both the parties due to non-performance may create some issues. Breaking of contract also called
Rescission done by mutual consent might also be due to failure of one of the parties to perform its
part of the contract. Discharge by lapse of time comes into picture due to provisions of
Limitation Act, 1963. If a Promisor does not perform within a specific period and the Promisee
does not take action within the specified period, the Promisee loses the right of taking the legal
Impossibility of performance of contract comes into consideration due to Section 56 of the Indian
Contract Act. The impossibility of performance may be known to the parties at the time of
forming of the contract or may be unknown to them at the time of signing. Sometimes, at the
formation of the contract, it is quite possible to perform. Such impossibility, also called as
'Supervening Impossibility' arises due to destruction of subject matter or due to change of law or
outbreak of war, etc.
Breach of Contract
Though Breach of Contract is mentioned earlier, as one of the reason for discharge of contract,
the breach by contractor cannot get settled without compensation for the loss caused due to such
non-performance. Following remedies are available in the Contract Act.
i) Rescission of Contract
If there is a breach of contract by one of the parties, the other party can rescind the
contract. In such cases, the other is relieved from performing its part of contract.
However, other party can claim compensation for the loss the loss caused to him, by the
first party.
ii) Suit of Damage
Filing of legal suit for claiming damages from the party not performing its part is another
remedy for the breach of contract. The basic objective behind allowing damages is that
the aggrieved party should at least get monetary compensation. Damages awarded can be
of different types. There could be ordinary or special damages. In case of clear
misbehaviour, court may award exemplary damages (e.g. dishonour of a cheque by a
banker inspite of sufficient funds in the customer's account). The damage can be
awarded for loss of reputation caused by breach of contract.
iii) Quantum Merit
Quantum Merit literally means "as much as earned". This compensation or the breach
arises when one of the parties performs its part as instructed but the other party doe not
perform its part of amending the contract to pay for the services rendered by the
iv) Specific Performance
In case of breach of certain contracts, compensation in monetary terms is not enough. In
such cases, the court directs the defaulting party to perform its part rather than awarding
any damages.
vi) Injunction
Stay order is awarded by court when a party to a contract has agreed not to do a certain
thing as a part of the contract, but in fact showing an intention of doing that thing. This
can prevent defaulting party from doing non-contractual wrong things.
By now some key issues of Indian Contract Act are covered here to the extent necessary
at general level. But there are many more topics in the Act that also matter. For example,
Quasi Contracts, Contracts of Indemnity, Bailment and contract of agency, etc., the
related topics which can affect the contractual relationship, but instead of dealing with it
here, these issues can be commented in further articles, when appropriate occasion arises.
Review and Conclusion
This review of Indian Contract Act was undertaken to dispel some wide spread misunderstanding
many project and contract engineers have about the legal frame work. Many of them believe that
whatever conditions written down in the contract are automatically valid or applicable when both
the parties sign the contract. In reality, Indian Contract Act is like a frame work within which all
the contract conditions must be written. Any unreasonable contract conditions imposed by client
or contractor can get struck down if they are not fitting into legal frame work created by Indian
Contract Act. Many court verdicts are testimony to this fact.
It will be quite appropriate now to move on to actual conditions of contract normally written in
construction business, which can fit well in the legal frame work. It will be like developing a
beautiful portrait, after making sure that a frame with elegant border is guiding your business


Henceforth un uniformly cartridges possibilities stagnate

Mr. Raju,

Like this it can not be possible, as there are lot of complications such as/ in following manner

1. Maintenance feasibility,
2. Incoming tenant requisites,
3. Routing of pipeline with in the false ceiling,
4. Coordinating other services [HVAC fresh air & exhaust air ducting along
With its take off collars]
5. Arresting between the floors by floor barriers [statuary requirement]
6. Closure of Shaft top in terrace floor level with side hood openings
7. Routing of water line in to the toilets
8. Closing of staging pockets.

If MRC has consulted with our consultants only for using either “TEE” & “Y” fittings with out putting
SPRE / SPCL in to the loop, is not at all acceptable in all respect since our consultants might have
come across these accommodation issues of pipe line with in the shaft very well.

Then why MRC has Not so far supplied correct requisite fittings such as 45 & 60 degree pieces,
reducing pieces, short length pieces [300,450,600,750,1000 mm] pipe jointing materials, correct
requisite U clamps along with supply consignments.

It is further requested that do not convince through our consultants for your easy / simple works as
these cast iron pipes are high paid rate items.

Then where is the anti corrosive paints / hot dipped galvanized paints for the MS brackets since these
might be done before erecting the pipes.

How to accommodate bye pass line /Pressure regulating valves along with its respective flanges in GI
pipe line with maintenance accessible

Why these have been not taken in to considerations before executing the works, might be done during
planning stage itself.

Please do more exercise in this atleast now onwards.

Mr. Balamurugan,

It is observed that during course of unloading the panel boards within the transformer room, we the
SPCL can provide to the SW, items such as Hydra, unskilled labors, tools & tackles if any.

Please check SW contractual battery limits with respect to unloading / handling / positioning /
safeguarding for delivered items since our client has given the PO [stating that from where exactly SW
scope starts] to the SW for the erection portion only, how ever bottom line responsibility of the project
with respect to the functional & aesthetic will definitely comes under SW only.

We the SPCL is no way connected with these issues while unloading / handling the items except work
fronts & co ordinations with respect to civil clearances.

We hereby regret to inform you that under any circumstances blame should not comes to SPCL since
SW is also one of the authority right from the source of material itself as inspection is done by SW.

How ever full cooperation will be given by SPCL since quality & billing portion comes under SPCL in
getting excellent workmanship

Regards, usual
Mr. Stephen,

Other than point number seven, there are some more points with respect to the quality ground which
are all need your explanations since our client SPRE is keep on watching Siemens works.

Hope you will correct it accordingly & see that it may NOT be happen in future henceforth.

It is hereby reported & brought to SPRE notice that NO work activity has taken place for the past one
week & No man has been seen at site for the site for the past one week.

What happen to the drawing status which has to be produced by obtaining our Consultants approval &
submitted to us ??

Siemens costly materials such as RRL hose with fittings has been unloaded by the delivery man in the
basement 1 nearer to the Ramp ununiformly that too with broken boxes in water stagnated area since
more possibilities theft, damage & beyond usage which all proves that Siemens poor coordination in
our project without any senior persons available at site.

Hope will organize without any miscoordinations in future & we regret to inform you that this could not
happen in future.

Have taken Architectural drawing?

Please revert back immediately before going to reciprocate in the fourth coming bills.


Manager Services,
SP infocity, Chennai.
0 98404 58960

Dear Sir,

This is Dhaga, referred by Mr. Khan [98404 58960] regarding Engineers requirements.
We have got a network, & having team of professional such as fresher, overseas returnees, well
experienced Engineers, Supervisors, Draftsman, Foreman & project admin persons in all categories
especially HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Civil, other service related packages. Fees will be very nominal.

If any requirement is there means please do mailing, we will get back to you
Hope we will get business enquiries from You Sir.

Thanking You & Regards

Dhaga Aman.


Khelsha Associates.

This is Habibullah Khan [98404 58960], I might have been remembered by this time & thank you much
for remembrance, Now I have come out of Venkataramanan Associates.

Right now I am having a plan to run sub consultancy firm for all packages in Design co ordinations,
Planning, PMC, Facility management & Technical audit as a free lance basis.

Also I am having scope in this throughout India & expecting some business.

Moreover I am having a network, & having team of professional such as fresher, overseas returnees,
well experienced Engineers, Supervisors, Draftsman, Foreman & project admin persons in all
categories especially HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing, Civil, other service related packages. Fees will be
very nominal.

If any requirements is there means, please do call.

Hope I will get business enquiries from You Sir.

Habibullah Khan

Mr. Balamurugan,

It seems based on the execution part, it is observed that we are all

working on the inputs given by our Consultants / Architects / Client &
accordingly SPCL is also coordinating in creating work fronts not only
electrical part but also others part.

It is further requested to have SPCL is also in Loop on all

correspondences in future as it is happening in earlier occasions
except some communication gap. Or else through us for wider vision of
the project since SPCL is also taking part on SW works as a team of

As par as project concern, it quiet normal practice everywhere that to

have fine tune up to till the execution portion completed to have
better facilities with latest implementations such as commercial &
technical parameters since day by day it got improving either in
statuary cum incoming occupiers requirements.

Thus, be prepare to have it cleared without any complications as we are

having so much of balance execution part on our front through us /
consultants / architects / clients.
Nothing prompt in bringing these already known usual matters to your
knowledge for the welfare of the project since SPCL team’s excellence
should not got appraised any more here after based on the
miscommunication .


Muslims generally break their fast by eating dates. Prophet

(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) is reported to have said: "if anyone of
is fasting, let him break his fast with dates. if ripe dates were not
available, he used to substitute them with some dried grapes. In case
does not have them, then with water. Verily water is a purifier." Modern
science has proved that dates are part of a healthy diet. They contain
sugar, fat and proteins, as well as important vitamins.Dates are also
in natural fibres. Modern medicine has shown that they are effective in
preventing abdominal cancer. They also surpass other fruits in the sheer
variety of their constituents. They contain oil, calcium, sulphur, iron,
potassium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and magnesium. In other
words, one
date is a minimum of a balanced and healthy diet. Arabs usually combine
dates with milk and yogurt or bread, butter and fish. They are
the "crown of sweets," and ideal food which is easy to digest, and
half an hour of taking it, the tired body regains a renewed vigour. The
reason for this is that a shortage of sugar in the blood is the main
that makes people feel hungry and not an empty stomach as is often
When the body absorbs the nutritional essence of a few dates, the
feeling of
hunger becomes appeased.
Experiments have also shown that dates contain some stimulants
strengthen the muscles of the uterus in the last months of pregnancy.
helps the dilation of the uterus at the time of delivery on one hand and
reduces the bleeding after delivery on the other. Dieticians consider
as the best food for women in confinement and those who are breast-
This is because dates contain elements that assist in alleviating
in mothers and enriching the breast-milk with all the elements needed to
make the child healthy and resistant to disease.Dates are also
important in
keeping up the health of eyes. It is quite effective in guarding against
night-blindness The date is one of the most nourishing fruits. It is a
of great importance and is called the bread of the Sahara. But its use
now universal. It is included in the categories of both dry and fresh
The date is a cylindrical fruit of yellow to reddish brown color. It has
fleshy pericarp surrounding a single seed containing 60 to 70 per cent
sugar. The tree-ripe fresh date is delicious fruit. It, however,
fermentation very rapidly. It is, therefore, dried in the sun. The fruit
looses about 35 per cent of its weight in the process of drying.
Origin and Distribution:
The date is held in high esteem from ancient times and is one
of the
earliest fruits cultivated by man. In Mesopotamia, more than 5,000
years old
bricks have been found to contain instructions for growing date palms.
ancient monuments of Egypt have been found to contain carved figures of
palms. There are numerous references to the palm and its fruit in the
testifying to its manifold virtues Prophet Mohammed believed that the
date palm was made from the tempered dust which remained after the
of Adam. The original home of date is believed to be in the Persian Gulf
area or in Mesopotamia. It is now classed as one of the standard crops
world agriculture and is widely grown in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran,
Spain, Italy, China and U.S.A.
Food Value
The date is a food of high nutritional value. It provides
natural sugar in
the form of glucose and fructose. This sugar is ready for immediate
absorption and is, therefore, infinitely superior to cane sugar. It is
usually taken raw or with milk, which makes it highly nutritious in most
respects. Taking it with curdled milk is also common. In Sahara, rich
take it with butter by removing the seed and filling the cavity with
It is a scientific way of taking fat. It is also taken in several cooked
forms. The seeds of the fruit, roasted and ground into powder makes a
beverage like coffee, called 'date coffee'. The date palm yields a sweet
juice of high food value. It can be taken fresh with great advantage or
into a tasty country sugar.
Analyzed as :
Energy: 287kcal,Glucose: Min 41%, Frutose:Min 29%, Fiber:4.0g.
Iron:2.60gm. Carbohydrate:68.0g.Br ix:70 +_ 1%, Vitamin
BI:0.03mg.Vitamin B2
:0.06mg.Vitamin C :2.60mg.
Produced under the most modern and hygienic conditions.
You can eat date as a Complement to bread,mix it with cold or
hot milk and
drink,it can be used as a toping of icecream, can be used as a sweetner
while making cookies but I eat it raw alongwith milk and cerials.
Natural Benefits and Curative Properties
Dates are valuable as medicine for their tonic effect. Being
digested, they are very useful for supplying energy and repairing waste.
Milk in which clean and fresh dates have been boiled is a very
and restorative drink to children and adults alike, especially during
The date is a laxative food. It is highly beneficial in the
treatment of
constipation as the roughage provided by it stimulates sluggish bowels.
should be immersed in water at night and taken after making them into a
syrup the next morning to secure laxative effect.
Dates are an excellent remedy for alcoholic intoxication. In
such cases,
drinking water in which fresh dates have been rubbed or soaked will
quick relief.
Weak Heart
Dates are an effective remedy for weak heart. Dates soaked
overnight in
water and crushed in the same water in the morning after removing the
should be taken at least twice a week in this condition. It will
the heart.
Sexual Debility
Dates are highly beneficial in the treatment of sexual
weakness. A handful
of dates soaked in fresh goat's milk overnight should be ground in the
milk in the morning. A pinch of cardamom powder and honey should be
mixed in
this preparation. This becomes a very useful tonic for improving sex
and sterility due to functional disorders.
Children's Diseases
According to Dr. Aman, a date tied to the wrist of the baby and
allowed to
be sucked by him during teething time hardens the gums and prevents
complaints like fretfulness and diarrhoea. A teaspoonful of paste of the
date prepared with honey is an effective medicine for diarrhoea and
dysentery during teething. It should be given three times a day.
extracted from: http://www.sahravi. com/dates/ iranian-date-
The fruit,because of its tanin content , is used medicinally as
a detersive
and astringent in intestinal troubles.In the form of an
syrup or paste,is adminstered as a treatment for sore throat,colds,
bronchial catarrh.It is taken to relieve fever,cystitis, gonorrhea,
edema,liver and abdominal troubles. A gum that exudes from the tree
trunk is
employed in India for treating diarrhea and genito-urinary ailments.It
diuretic and demulcent. The root of the plant is used against
toothache. The
pollen yields an estrogenic principle,estrone, and has a gonadotropic
on young rats.
Nutritional Value of Dates
Given below is the amount of nutrients in 100 gm of dates:
a.. Sodium - 2 mg
b.. Total Carbohydrates - 75 gm
c.. Dietary Fiber - 8 gm
d.. Sugars - 63 gm
e.. Protein - 2 gm
f.. Vitamin - A 10 IU
g.. Vitamin C - 0.4 mg
h.. Vitamin E - 0.05 mg
i.. Vitamin K - 2.7 mcg
j.. Thiamin - 0.052 mg
k.. Riboflavin - 0.066 mg
l.. Niacin - 1.274 mg
m.. Vitamin B6 - 0.165 mg
n.. Vitamin B12 - 0 mcg
o.. Folate - 19 mcg
p.. Pantothenic Acid - 0.589 mcg
q.. Calcium - 39 mg
r.. Iron - 1.02 mg
s.. Magnesium - 43 mg
t.. Phosphorus - 62 mg
u.. Potassium - 656 mg
v.. Sodium - 2 mg
w.. Zinc - 0.29 mg
x.. Copper - 0.206 mg
y.. Manganese - 0.262 mg
z.. Selenium - 3 mcg
aa.. Total Fat - 0.39 mg
ab.. Saturated Fat - 0.032 mg
ac.. Monounsaturated Fat - 0.036 mg
ad.. Polyunsaturated Fat - 0.019 mg
Health & Nutrition Benefits of Eating Dates
a.. Since dates get digested very easily, they are used for
quick energy and repairing waste.
b.. Milk, when boiled with dates, become a very nutritious and
invigorating drink for children and adults, especially during
c.. The nicotinic content in dates makes them an excellent
cure for
intestinal disturbances.
d.. Regular consumption of dates has been found to check the
growth of
pathological organisms and help in the growth of friendly bacteria in
e.. Being a laxative food, dates have been found to be
beneficial for
those suffering from constipation.
f.. For alcoholic intoxication, drinking water, in which
fresh dates have
been rubbed or soaked, is said to be quite effective.
g.. Studies have shown that consumption of dates, soaked
overnight and
crushed, is good for those who have a weak heart.
h.. It has been seen that dates serve as a tonic for
improving sex stamina
as well as sterility due to functional disorders.
i.. Researches have revealed that dates are effective in
abdominal cancer.
j.. Dates have a tonic effect and thus, hold value as
Hi all!!!!!!!!!!
Its lunch time.Hav some TADAKA in ur lunch.
chill out.

Do not hesitate to read.. Read till bottom.

Very Shocking.....

This is a story of a young college girl who passed away last month

in Chandigarh .
Her name was Priya. She was hit by a truck.

She was working in a call center. She had a boy friend named Shankar.
Both of them were true lovers. They always talked on the phone.

You used to be never found without her without hand phone. In fact she

also Changed her cell connection from Airtel to Hutch, so that both of

can be on the same network, and save on the cost.

She used to spend half of the day talking with Shankar.

Priya's family knew about their relationship. Shankar was very close to

Priya's family as well. (Just imagine their love). Before she passed

away she always told her friends "If I pass away

Please burn me with my hand phone" she also said the same thing to her


After her death, people couldn't carry her body, A lot of them tried to

do so But still cant everybody had tried to carry the body, the results
the Same. Eventually, they called a person known to one of their

who Can speak with the soul of dead person and who was a friend of her


He took a stick and started speaking to himself slowly.

After a few minutes, he said "this girl misses something here." Then her

Friends told that person about her intentions to burn her with her

phone. He then opened the grave box and place her phone and sim card


Casket. After that they tried to carry the body. It was then moved

easily And they then carried her into the van.

All of us were shocked. Priya's parents did not inform Shankar that
Priya had passed away.

After 2 weeks Shankar called Priya's mom.....

Shankar:...."Aunty, I'm coming home today. Cook something nice for me.

Don't tell Priya that I'm coming home today, I wanna surprise her."

Her mother replied..... "You come home first, I wanna tell you something

Very important."

After he came, they told him the truth about Priya.

Shankar thinks That they were playing a fool. He was laughing and said

"don't try to
fool Me - tell Priya to come out, i have a gift for her. Please stop


Then they show him the original death certificate to him.

They gave him proof to make him believe. (Shankar started to sweat) He

said... "It's not true. We spoke yesterday. She still calls me.

Shankar was shaking.

Suddenly, Shankar's phone rang. "See this is from Priya, see


He showed the phone to priya's family. All of them told him to answer.

He talked using the loudspeaker mode.

All of them heard his conversation.

Loud and clear, no cross lines, no humming.

It is the actual voice of Priya & there is no way others could use her


Card since it is nailed inside the grave box

they were so shocked and asked For the same person's

(Who can speak with the soul of deal persons) help again. He brought his

Master to solve this matter.

He & his master

worked for 5 hours.

Then they discovered one thing which really shocked them...







Vodafone has the best coverage.

"Where ever you go, our network follows!!!"

Don't shout at me I am also looking for the person who has sent me this what you can should also forward this mail to all

your Nears and dears....and i enjoyed......

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