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The University of Guelphs Independent Student Newspaper

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gryphons tame lions with big win

Justin nasielski
On Saturday Jan. 29, the Guelph Gryphons (8-12-5) faced off against the York Lions (12-9-4) at the Gryphons Center. This was the second of a home and home set seeing York win 2-1 in overtime Thursday night. Guelphs Cody St Jacques made 35 saves in the win, while Yorks Andrew Perugini saved 21 of 24 shots. Guelph came out of the gates flying, scoring a quick goal just 6:20 into the game with Scott Collins scoring his first of two on the night with an assist coming from captain Kristafer Belan. The period was hard fought by both teams seeing the aggressive play escalate as time went on. Guelph got into some early penalty trouble, but their penalty kill was exceptional, going a perfect four for four while shorthanded. With 3:11 left in the first period, York tied up the game with a nice wrist-shot from the faceoff dot by Mark Cross beating St Jacques below the blocker. The goal was assisted by Ryan Andersen and Paul. Guelph retaliated with a quick goal with 2:50 left in the period on a two on two rush, seeing Collins tap in his second goal from a slick pass in

the Issues

3 10 11


susan dObSOn

new gryphon


7 Arts & Culture 11 Sports & Health 18 Life 24 Opinion 25 Editorial
VIctorIa MartIn

26 Crossword 27 Classified 27 Community Listings

Matthew lyall dodges in between two york defencemen as he carries the puck into the lions territory.
front from Phillip Teri beating including a beautiful glove save Perugini high on the blocker side. from a slap shot taken from the The goals second assist came from top of the circle by Yorks Paul Marco Franchini. Clancy. There was a scary moIn the second period, York ment late in the period with took over putting a lot of pres- Yorks Jeremie Perron throwsure on the hometown Gryphons. ing an illegal hit to the head of St Jacques was stellar making Guelphs Scott Collins. Perron 12 saves in the scoreless period was given a 10 minute major and a 2 minute penalty which was served by Bryan Weinberg. The third period saw the aggressive play continue early on with York pressing hard to tie up the game. Guelph got into more penalty trouble when Michael

SEE hockey PAGE 16

sacred geoMetry at ZaVItZ, page 8


1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012

Bringing Bollywood to guelph

ISA hosts 29th Culture Show
beth Purdon-mclellan
On Jan.28 the Indian Students Association (ISA) held its annual Culture Show in War Memorial Hall. The show, now in its 29th year, was appropriately named Culture Shock and featured dancing and musical performances that showcased Indian culture. The ISAs Culture Show is an annual event we are very proud to put together for our community, students, family, and university faculty, said Sasha Malik, President of the ISA. This one event is our way to show the community our pride in our culture and South Asian heritage. The Culture Show is collection of both the old and new: this years show featured everything from traditional dances, to hip-hop routines, to a Bollywood fashion show. Running exclusively on volunteers, the show takes about a year to produce. Since many of the performances require a high level of skill and technique, students participating in Culture Shock had to be both dedicated and enthusiastic. They all love performing and practicing, said Malik. As a very difficult and demanding type of dance, the members of the bhangra team grow very close together each

south africa cracks down on homophobic hate crime 19-year-old Zoliswa Nkonyana, from South Africa was stabbed nine times and stoned to death in 2006 for living openly as a lesbian. The court in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, found four men guilty of murder and sentenced them to 18 years in jail. The sentence of the court is significant as it demonstrates the protection against homophobic acts. Activists have long demanded that the state to crack down harder on people who commit violent acts against members of the lesbian community. Wednesdays sentence sends out a message that hate crimes against individuals as a result of their sexual orientation are not to be tolerated. (BBC News) change in political climate When asked about revisiting the ban on death penalties in Canada, Conservative Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu told reporters that the worst of criminals should have the right to a rope in his cell and make a decision about his or her life. To be clear Boisvenu emphasized that he did not favour the death penalty, but believes criminals should be allowed the option. Punishment by death, according to Boisvenu, should be a choice considered for criminals like serial killer, Clifford Olson. He made these comments on his way to a weekly meeting regarding the ban of the death penalty. (The Nation Post) new bus routes effective Feb. 6 Guelph Transit will be adding an additional bus route to its route schedule in order to help alleviate the volume of passengers and missed transfers. The route, called Route 15, will service the Stone Road and College Avenue area. Students should be aware that there will also be changes to Route 2 A/B to provide better service to industrial areas in the North end. New maps and route schedules will be distributed throughout the week in order to educate commuters. However, these changes will be available on the Guelph transit website if students wish to familiarize themselves with the new schedule before they are instated on Feb. 6. (City of Guelph Media Release) Compiled by Beth PurdonMcLellan and Abigel Lemak

allIson rostIc

The Isa featured a mixture of tradition and talent at its annual culture show.
year. The bharanatyium act featured two of our classically trained ISA members, and they both take great pride in their meticulous and intricate dance style. However, despite the commitment, Culture Shock is as entertaining for the students who produce the show as it is for the audience. This year alone over 30 people participated in the Bollywood fashion show. Personally, this was my forth year participating in the girls Bollywood dance and fashion show, and I love doing it each time, said Malik. We choose songs, themes, choreograph songs, and each year I meet new people who want to get involved. Although the Culture Show is the ISAs largest event, it also hosts samosa sales in the UC, movie nights, and a formal in March. All of our events our open to all University of Guelph students, and we love enlightening and educating others on South Asian culture, said Malik. We provide meeting places for students, and our events are a great way Indian students can meet other students from all backgrounds.

Keeping cool with evolution

area. For larger animals that Finegan and her students research, like the elephants, rhinos, zebras, hippos and giraffes, it can be a real Jordan slogget challenge to overcome the stress of the heat. As always, evolution has an anHow do large mammals cool off? Its the central question driving swer. For the African Elephants, it research done by U of G faculty comes in the form of their massive from the Department of Animal ears. Despite what Disney movies and Poultry Science. This past might have you believe, elephants week their work was featured on ears are much more important for the BBC Nature website. cooling off than for taking off. Their Esther Finegan is leading the closely related relatives the Asian research, which involves large Elephants have smaller ears, and mammal heat regulation. A two- instead use their trunks to cool off. time Guelph graduate herself, For other animals like the zebra, Finegan and her team of grad stu- evolution evidently favored a more dents have been studying animals stylistic approach to staying cool, at the Toronto Zoo for the past six giving them snazzy white stripes years. They are interested in ther- to help reflect heat. moregulation, the process through Finegan hopes to learn more which animals maintain a steady about Asian Elephants this spring. body temperature. Along with her students shell Although beating the heat might spend a month studying the elbe a problem few Guelph students ephants in 30-hour shifts. Using can relate to this time of the year, thermal-imaging cameras, theyll weve all been there at some time be able to monitor the elephants or another. It turns out that the body heat throughout the day. This problem of keeping it cool gets kind of research is important for exponentially more difficult the designing habitats, especially in more body mass you have. As you places completely foreign to the scale an animal up, it tends to have animals like the Toronto Zoo. more mass in relation to its surface

Elephant ears serve as thermo-regulators

danIel Ingratta and Brandon laForest

These photos show the different parts of the elephant that give off the most amount of heat. check for clolour pictures.

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Regardless of the location of the itch, relief due to scratching was most prominent when the itch intensity was at its highest, so the itchier the individuals were, the more relief they felt from scratching. This in itself might not be very surprising to dry-skinned and itch-prone individuals, but you might be surprised to know that the pleasure the participants felt as a result of scratching their ankles remained elevated for a much longer period time during the act of scratching, despite a steady decrease in itch intensity over the same period of time. This was not the case for the back or the forearm. The scientists were unable to explain why this might be so. Many factors can influence perceived itchiness, including nerve density, but this does not explain why the ankle was the most pleasurable area to scratch. The dermatologists hope to conduct further research on the differences between these sites and additional ones, such as the scalp, in order to understand these differences. This study is relevant because researchers are trying to curb what they call the itch

scientifically Inclined: scratching the surface of pleasure

Scientists study the factors that influence the pleasurability of scratching an itch
the forearm, the ankle, and the back. They also looked at the level of pleasure derived from scratching at these sites in relation to the relief provided from scratching. First, they induced itchiness arielle duhaime-ross in 18 healthy participants, 10 of whom were women, by rubbing As winter wears on, you might cowhage spicules onto the desfind yourself feeling increasingly ignated site. Cowhage (Macuna uncomfortable in your rather dry pruriens) is an annual climbing skin. If, through itch-inducing legume found in the tropics. The negligence, youve forgotten to pods of this plant are covered in moisturize your skin on a regu- spicules that cause an intense prular basis, then you are probably ritus, itchy sensations, because of fighting back the only way you an active component they possess know how: by scratching. Now, it called mucunain. The investigadoes not take a scientist to figure tors then scratched the sites with out that scratching a bad itch can a cytology brush immediately be incredibly satisfying and plea- after inducing the itch. The resurable. It does take a scientist, searchers measured itch intensity however, to figure out why and and the level of pleasure associwhich areas are most pleasurable ated with scratching by using a to scratch. An international col- visual analog scale and took ratlaboration of dermatologists have ings at 30-second intervals. found that itch intensity and the They found that average itch pleasure associated with scratch- intensity and pleasure were siging varies according to the site of nificantly higher at the back and at the ankle than on the forearm. the itch. The researchers, led by Dr. G.A. The pleasurability of scratching Bin Saif of the Wake Forest School increased with itch intensity at of Medicine in North Carolina, ob- the forearm and at the ankle, but tained these results by evaluating this was not the case for the back. the differences in itch perception The back, however, proved to be at three different anatomical sites: the easiest site to relieve an itch.

MarIanne poIntner

scratch-cycle that can exac- all depends on what kind of senerbate conditions such as atopic sations you are looking for. If you eczema. In addition, this is the want quick itch relief, moisturize first study that looked at differ- areas like your ankles and wrists ences in itch intensity at various regularly. If, however, youre sites. Unfortunately, it has be- looking for the slow burn and decome a standard procedure in the light that comes from scratching dermatological world to use the a particularly strong itch, then forearm as a model for itch in- disregard that last piece of unsoduction. This study indicates that licited advice and scratch away! this location might not always be an appropriate study site. Arielle blogs about science at How can you apply these find- ings to your everyday life? Well, it


1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012

tuition issues discussed on campus

duncan day-myron
Issues relating to tuition have been discussed in public forums around campus lately, with much of the discussion being directed towards the Ontario governments recent tuition rebate initiative. On Jan 26. In the Science Complex atrium, university President Alastair Summerlee, Guelph MP Liz Sandals, Ontario Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities Glen Murray and undergraduate representative of the U of G Board of Governors Guillaume Blais all spoke to the gathered crowd about the tuition rebate. The rebate is restricted to undergraduate students within four years of high school and dependant on the income of the students parents. It amounts to approximately 30 per cent of tuition costs, or $800 per semester. Its permanent and its indexed into inflation so it will retain its value over the years, said Murray when asked about the future of the grant, confirming that it will scale with any future tuition increases that may occur. He also mentioned that some of the restrictions currently in place may not remain in place indefinitely. Were launching it right now as we can afford it, he said. The previous Conservative government had raised tuition by 67 per cent and the half a billion dollars out of the system. Were trying to rebuild it. Tuition was further discussed in the University Centre courtyard by CSA commissioners Demetria Jackson, Jessica Carter and Drew Garvie and the floor was also opened up for people to discuss issues relating to tuition as they had affected them. More than anything, the event served to raise awareness and passers-by were encouraged to sign a banner showing their support of tuition reductions. The banner was then affixed with balloons the event was styled around preventing ballooning tuition costs and floated to the ceiling of the University Centre courtyard, facing south towards the offices of the administration. Issues brought up by the speakers included the aforementioned restrictions on the tuition rebate. Drew Garvie, the CSA communications and corporate affairs commissioner, also highlighted that the rebate was misleading due to the relatively low percentage of students who can benefit from it. Garvie also drew attention to other student movements against tuition in Quebec and Chile, where students drew attention to tuition issues by striking or taking to the streets, encouraging students to speak out. His sentiments were echoed by Jaime Brenes Reyes, a masters student in Latin American and Caribbean studies , who spoke about the importance of demonstration. Reyes also spoke alongside Sandals and Blais at a roundtable discussion held by the CSA where he spoke of similar issues, and encouraged people that nothing is going to change without action.

MarIanne poIntner

a banner calling for students to act out against rising tuition was release in the uc, and symbolically faced the administration offices.

Bio-med conference reassures students Inclusiveness at the arc

Taking your career one step at a time
Zamir merali
You work hard. You get some good marks. You get the job youve always wanted, and then you live happily ever after. Or maybe not. Despite our best intentions, that simple story arc is one that weve all fallen prey to believing in at one time or another. The Bio-Med leadership conference, which brought in over two hundred students, aimed to spur its attendees into challenging these assumptions and thinking deeply about their career paths. Kicking off the day was the prolific motivational speaker, author, and television personality, Denise Marek. Denise Marek began her foray into the work world as a financial planner, but shortly realized that the field was not for her. I just hated it, exclaimed Marek during the opening portion of her talk. Realizing her career might not lie in the field in which she studied for four years, Marek was faced with a tough problem, a problem that many students in their final years are facing today. Conference organizers, Marnie Jakabs, Josh Ostapchuk and Kelsi Cole hoped to place the worries of students into perspective by giving professionals like Marek a chance to describe the meandering and undirected paths they took to finally find a meaningful career. and fortune that propelled her into [All of the speakers] searched and success despite her initial faltering they struggled and did some lateral as a financial consultant. The reality, movement and then made it back to however, is that the journey was as a successful point, said Jakabs. So hard for her as it would have been many [students] come into first year for any other person. What gave with just one goal and dont consid- Marek the drive to keep trying was er options other than med-school or her ability to always maintain pergrad school. At some point, you re- spective, both in the face of failure alize that you shouldnt be here to and success. get a piece of paper. That diploma, ultimately, isnt going to be what I heard a study once that said you remember. astronauts, when they come back Ive really, after getting to fourth from space, often have depression, year, been trying to stop always because theyve achieved the big looking ahead and asking all those, thing, said Marek. When I was What if questions that cause so [in my early thirties] I felt like Id much worry. Instead, Ive been achieved the big thing and then I trying to appreciate the journey, thought, Well now what? We all added Ostapchuk. sometimes believe in the magic It was a strong appreciation of the formula [] that we will achieve journey that eventually led Denise our biggest goals, and then well be Marek from her lackluster plans of happy. But thats not how it works. working in finance to hosting her [I realized] that there is no be-all own TV show and publishing two -end-all solution. Life is a journey. books. If we can learn anything from I have always loved public speak- Marek its that we should follow her ing and at one point [after quitting advice to strive for a life of Meanmy job in finance] I went up to a TV ing instead of a life of Me. While we producer that I had done some work all have goals that we work towards with. I just asked if I could get on tirelessly, it is important to realize the show and do these little three- that our priorities and situations can four minute motivational talks that change at any moment. The philoswould have a message and hope- opher Sren Kierkegaard once said, fully get people thinking. Come to We live life forwards, but we unthink of it, it was a huge risk for [the derstand it backwards. This is an producer], said Marek. That be- idea that most people will struggle came a regular thing and one day the better portion of their lives to [the regular host] was on leave and come to terms with. The Bio-Med I was asked if I would take over. It leadership conference by allowing really just took off. professionals to lay their stories on We might look at Mareks story the table, and give one group of stuand assume it was simple good luck dents a little head start.

alicJa grZadkowska

which took place Monday night, was presented by the ARC, the Since 2003, the Aboriginal Resource ECM Campus Ubuntu, and hosted Centre (ARC) has been helping speakers Ashlee Cunsolo Willo and Aboriginal students adapt to post- the Friends of Webequie to discuss secondary education while staying their experiences in building relaconnected to their culture in a va- tionships and working with First riety of ways. Nations and Inuit communities. A recent example is START, a The conference highlights the alprogram that helps Aboriginal stu- lying of local groups with Aboriginal dents transition from life at home communities, said Wehkamp. Besides the conference, the ARC to student life. The program allows encourages students to make constudents to stay in residence before the semester begins in order nections with their local Aboriginal to learn more about the campus groups. The Centre offers students and financial management. It also the chance to meet Elders from the informs students about the activi- community through the Visiting Elties that occur during Orientation ders Program. Tony Chegahno, one Week, which helps new students of the Elders involved in the ARC, successfully adapt to the university has also been significantly involved environment. in the Learning on the Land excurThe ARC also hosts speakers who sions, which take place throughout discuss the educational experience the school year. of Aboriginal youth, and organizes According to Wehkamp, Learnactivities like cultural crafts which ing on the Land provides students help students learn about Aborig- with the opportunity to leave caminal culture.Its important to note pus and get into a different frame that the ARC and many of its ser- of mind. During the excursion, vices are not solely reserved for Chegahno accompanies a group of students with an Aboriginal status. students to the Neyaashiinigmiing 95 per cent of our services are Indian Reserve on Georgian Bay offered for all students, staff and where students engage in Aborigmembers of the community, said inal cultural practices and actively Cara Wehkamp, the manager of the explore the reserve with ChegahAboriginal Resource Centre. nos support. The inclusivity the ARC proSome Aboriginal students havent motes is further reflected in their had the opportunity to connect or involvement with the local commu- reconnect with their culture since nity, like the Climate Change and theyve started university, said Changing Climate with Aboriginal Wehkamp. The ARCs numerous, Communities conference, and the wide-ranging resources certainly Learning on the Land excursions. help in creating and keeping culThe Climate Change conference, tural and local bonds.

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exiting the dragons den

Co-founder of note wagon wont sell short education
beth mclellan
comfortable moving forward with them, and so we decided to reject it. We decided to raise money in the Sates, in San Francisco. We got a much better offer down here [] I think that if we took that offer we would be selling ourselves short.

Saif Altimimi is a co-founder of Note Wagon, an online note sharing BpM: what has been the greatest resource. Note Wagon was recently challenge of building a company? aired on the hit TV show Dragons SA: Everything is tough. GetDen. Although Note Wagon rejected ting the right people around you the Dragons deal, the company has especially. I believe that great combeen a success and is now work- panies are built on great teams, and ing in collaboration with Pay Pal. great people. Thats been a tough Altimimi had originally attended part for us: to find exceptional talthe University of Guelph for envi- ents join and to build something ronmental engineering, and began sustainable. And obviously in the Note Wagon in the UC. When he early stages, when youre starting a was in his third year, he dropped company you have limited finances out to dedicate his time and ener- you have no money. So how do you gy to the company. Now located in make great people join you when San Francisco in the Silicone Valley, you have nothing, resource wise? Note Wagon is on the cutting edge The way that we overcame the chalin terms of blending academics lenge, or what I was really good at, with social media for a new ap- is selling the vision. This is not just proach to education. a note sharing site. We really want to influence education. Selling that Beth purdon-Mclellan: how did you vision, and finding someone to supend up as a company on dragon den? port your cause, that passionately Saif Altimimi: Just an interview. believes in your cause is critical. I pretty much heard that they were coming to Waterloo and I thought BpM: what do you hope note wagon that I would audition quickly and will do for students in the future? I guess they liked it. So I got a call SA: Im a big believer that the to do the taping. classroom of the future is going to be very different than the classroom of today. Were seeing the BpM: why did you reject the deal? SA: For a variety of reasons. The reoccurrence of online lectures first reason was that I didnt feel being hosted for classes. I personcomfortable with who we were ally believe that the cost of a lecture dealing with. I mean, obviously doesnt really make sense. What I when you take money from peo- mean by that is that students have ple theres always expectations to go to class and listen to a lecto uphold from the person thats ture for two hours to listen to the giving you the money. Its never professor talk about the course topfree money. We didnt really feel ics which is extremely valuable,


saif altimimi, previously a student at the university of guelph and co-founder of note wagon, was featured on the hit tV series, Dragons Den.
but that can be done at home. That can be done on the computer because we have the technology to facilitate that. I think the classroom of the future is going to have physical classrooms being used for collaborative thinking like group projects, lab projects, engineering problems to solve more physical collaborative learning experiences. But listening to a professor speaking on theory should be done at home. The benefit that I see with this model is that you can teach an infinite number of people with the web. Now, education is becoming very open. Were seeing a truly democratization of education. What were trying to do is empower that solution. We initially started out with a note sharing platform, where students are just sharing their own literally doing this as a part time job. The token has a real cash value. BpM: do you have any suggestions for students if theyre starting a business? SA: A lot of people in Canada, BpM: do people have to pay to access the notes? they start something in the hopes SA: Its technically free. You have of flipping or selling something too two options. You can either invite early, with very short-term goals. your friends, and we give you free You have to be very passionate about tokens for inviting your friends, or what youre working on. You have you can upload your own mate- to love what youre doing. And you rial, and well give you free tokens have to really believe that you can for uploading your own materi- make a huge difference in buildal. The third option, if you need ing the next great company. Thats it badly, is to pay a small fee. Our something that a lot of people dont goal is not to monetize students off have. By really believing that, the early. We want to build a compel- possibilities are limitless in what ling experience before we turn to you want to do. I mean, I started off monetization. Because theres other out of my dorm, in my third year. ways to do it and we dont want to. We were just working on some projStudents make money off it too. I ect, and now its in San Francisco mean we have students who are and its been incredible so far. separate content around the market place. But what I really believe and we progress the product, were really building collaborations tool.

MarIanne poIntner

Black history Month celebrated its opening ceremony on Feb. 1 in the uc courtyard with a steel drum performance . Black history Month is orchestrated by the cJ Munford centre, and will hold events throughout the week.

arts & culture

rock of ages at Van goghs
Off the Floor Festival presents a night of indie talent
iain storosko
their guitars and brought back a trend of plaid-shirted punk rock in suit with Nirvana and At The Drive-In.

1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012

Van Goghs Ear was set alive Jan. 26 as the fourth annual Off The Floor festival busted out another amazing year of Canadian indie music. The local festival, presented by Eleven, brings an impressive line-up of regional up-and-coming indie rock and pop bands to Guelph for a night of amazing bands and great people. Its great everything [event organizer] Brian Gillis is doing for the Guelph music scene. Putting on shows like these and tons of free shows too. Thats great especially for students in a university town as this, said Peter Van Helvoort, lead singer of festival headliners Teenage Kicks . The evening began with the As the evening drew closer to intimate, indie style of Toron- its apex the crowd was given a tos Hinindar, a three piece band chance to throw on their dancing that gave emphasis to an ambient shoes when Torontos The Sweet melody with folk driven under Mack busted out an original IaIn storosKo tones. Guelphs own The Folk blend of 70s influenced powerwere there to bring an experi- pop songs. An amazing cover of teenage Kicks brothers and bandmates peter (back) and Jeff Van helvoort rock out at off the mental indie style to the stage, Creedence Clearwater Revivals Floor Fest on Jan. 26. making a fuzzy guitared splash Heard It Through the Grapevine in their hometown. Amps were solidified their performance as scene, an impressive feat from so many good bands these days, with some of the catchiest guitar turned up to 10 when the resi- one of the most memorable of the a band that has only released 7 said Van Helvoort. When a per- hooks imaginable. Memorable dent punk rockers of the evening night. The toe-tapping trends songs total to date. The band, son knows a single played live at tunes such as Lose Your Head took over, and The Dirty Nil of continued immediately after as however, feels that there is an a show, they get that much more and Shook Our Bones had the Hamilton offered screaming vo- Whale Tooth got the crowd jump- added attraction to releasing sin- of a connection with the band. crowd belting along and bobbing cals and on stage acrobatics that ing to a style of rocking indie pop gles as opposed to full albums, And what a connection was to the vintage guitar rhythms. seemed to come straight out of that hinted at a charismatic new- and with this motive begins a made that night! Teenage Kicks Closing the show with a crowd the 90s. Next was the hardcore wave demeanour. singles club on their webpage tore down the stage (almost lit- pleasing encore of their song punk outfit hailing from Toronto: Evening headliners Teenage where members receive free erally) with a heavy rocking show Hearts Of Darkness, the 2012 Greys. These guys turned things Kicks have been making waves music each month. that combined the soulful vo- Off The Floor fest came to a soulThere is so much music from cals of the Van Helvoort brothers ful and most decorated end. up even higher as they hammered lately in the Canadian indie rock

Putting on shows like these and tons of free shows too, thats great especially for students in a University town as this. Peter Van Helvoort

MarIanne poIntner

ladies of the canyon (pictured), The heartbroken, and Ben caplan warmed up to audiences in a sunday night performance at Van goghs ear on Jan. 29.

w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om


sacred geometry
Exhibit reveals secret powers of basic design building blocks (sort of)
tom beedham
In our desperate playpen attempts to ram square pegs through round holes, we were taught to appreciate the nature of the worlds most basic shapes. Ever since, we have encountered circles, squares, triangles, and their continued repetition on a daily basis. While we often take basic design elements for granted, there are some that celebrate what most reserve for categorization as elementary. Sarah Dolomore and Monika Hauck are among them. From Jan. 23-26, their show Forces of Form stored up Zavitz gallery with basic geometrical elements that left viewers questioning the secret powers of forms that hold an everyday familiarity. Entering the gallery, viewers were faced with a grid of old vinyl records fixed to a wall. If you try and keep it in your field of view and try not to blink, your depth of space starts to bend and it kind of comes right off the wall, said Dolomore at the Jan. 25 opening. Separated by a nut and a washer, compact discs were also fixed to the centre of each of the records, which also displayed off-white rings. All of these elements worked together to arrive at the optical effect Dolomore described. Mirrored on the walls adjacent to Dolomores grid, Hauck had arranged drafting tools in a shockwave-resembling pattern. The piece that brought Dolomore and Hauck together for the show, however, was an origamilike sculpture that might have been interpreted as a minimalists reimagining of an iceberg. Exhibiting triangles, parallelograms, and other basic shapes, Hauck also projected a complicated line image onto her sculpture. Both the sculpture and the drawing have very similar qualities in terms of crystalline form. So when I project the drawing onto it, [the crystalline form is] completely disrupted by the light and the linear qualities, Hauck explained, pointing to how the straight lines on her drawing bent when they hit her sculpture. I guess the idea of Forces of Form

MarIanne poIntner

crystalline forms and straight lines are disrupted as Monika hauck projects a drawing onto her sculpture at Forces of Form.
is just us exploring shapes and geometry and opticality and what space and light can do to these objects. Striving for accessibility, Dolomore and Hauck simply meant for their show to identify the potential that basic design elements possess. You get the message, even if you cant put it into words, Dolomore said. She admitted that even her and Hauck couldnt attach a name to the kind of power possessed by the shapes and patterns at their show. Theres something [in these pieces] that we cant quite put our finger on and havent really tried to talk about really, but we just know its there.


1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012

The pop Machine: guelph gets memed

tom beedham
Launched around 9 p.m. on Jan. 30, within less than 24 hours, a Facebook group Guelph Memes gained over 3,000 likes. The premise was simple. Use meme generators like, combine a popular online meme image with a jokey truism about Guelph, and post the result on the groups wall for other visitors to read and respond to. All of the favourites are there: Trollface, Forever Alone, Y U NO Guy, All the Things, Philosoraptor, Scumbag Steve, Most Interesting Man in the World, Business Cat, Hipster Kitty, Socially Awkward Penguin, Insanity Wolf, Success Kid and more make appearances to offer their insights on Guelph city and student life. Even some of the elements of those classic characters have been appropriated in a typical meme fashion to make statements about basic Guelph commonplaces. (Scumbag Steves hat has been combined with new characters like the Guelph transit bus and our more than daring campus squirrels.) I am one of the thousands that have hopped on for the ride, but Im conflicted about the seat Ive taken. The comedic appeal of an Internet meme is intentionally vast. In the case of the Guelph memes, if not everyone in Guelph can relate, at least students can. The messages pertain to many, and thats translated in the hits the site has garnered, along with the masses of likes and LOLs that foot each of the posts. What I dont understand is how I find these so funny. Whenever I think about what people find funny, I think back four years, to an exercise in a sociology survey course. We were asked some variant of this question: What do you find the most

list service: Four memes that were memes before memes were cool
A list selected by Hipster Kitty
tom beedham
Memes were a thing decades before they toted the notoriety that the Internet passed onto them. In his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins invented the word as a concept for discussion of evolutionary principles in explaining the spread of ideas and cultural phenomena. Here are some memes that were memes before memes were cool:

MItch wIllIs

funny? (A) Jokes that lots of peo- to signal their response to huple get; or (B) jokes that only mour. Instead of saying ha ha some people get? an exclamation that can only An estimate on my part would too easily be misinterpreted as peg that class at containing about sarcastic when read we started 300 students, and results in fa- saying LOL. The great irony of vour of the latter option were LOLing is that so often, it doesnt sweeping. People favoured jokes indicate laughing out loud at all, for their exclusivity over their in- but a silent yes, that is clever clusivity, and I was among them. kind of response to something But here, that old Groucho Marx that is recognizably intended for joke about not wanting to belong a humourous effect. Likeing to a club that accepts people like serves the same purpose. Think himself doesnt seem to apply. of it as a courtesy laugh. This is what happens so often Even Guelph Memes about section acknowledges, You when scrolling through pages and pages of things like Interknow you can relate. What changed over the last four net memes. Many LOLs are given, years? What altered what people but seldom laughs are heard. So found funny? maybe Internet memes arent Scrolling through what are al- funny, and were simply acready seemingly endless pages knowledging the efforts of the of memes on the Guelph Memes creators. Facebook group, I realized that I still dont have a definitive an answer was staring me right in answer to my question, but either the face (insert Conspiracy Keanu way, I like where Guelph Memes meme here): the Internet. is coming from. Having adopted online messaging and communication practices many years ago, people have developed a great, non-verbal way

The urinating calvin Calvin and Hobbes creator Bill Watterson stands out from most cartoonists in that he refused alcourtesy most all merchandise and brand collaboration offers that came his way. Despite Wattersons efforts, man, then from man to Star-Child, trademark violators have taken the song has since been adopted original images of Calvin filling up by commercial culture to promote water balloons to create forgeries products as revolutionary items. that see him urinating on popular car company logos, typically to be The sports training movie montage placed on car windows and bumper Originating in American cinema stickers. In 2010, Watterson com- but also making their way into marmented on the phenomenon, saying, tial arts films from East Asia, sports I clearly miscalculated how popular training montages typically depict it would be to show Calvin urinat- characters engaging in the tedious ing on a Ford logo. training activities that precede crucial, climactic scenes that test the Also sprach Zarathustra effectiveness of said training. BeMaking its pop culture debut in cause the technique is so simple, its Stanley Kubricks film interpre- over-use has become a source of tation of Arthur C. Clarkes short frequent parody in comedy films. story The Sentinel and the later, expanded version called 2001: A doh! Space Odyssey, the opening from Begetted by a script prompt that Johan Strauss IIs tone poem is one urged voice actor Dan Castellaneta of the most commonly exploited to utter an annoyed grunt, doh musical clips of all time. Where- has been adopted by Simpsons fans as Strausss piece was inspired by and non-fans alike to the point that Nietzsches treatise of the same it has become a commonplace in name and 2001 used the recording modern speech. In 2001, the phrase as a motif signifying evolutionary was inducted into the Oxford Engtransformations, first from ape to lish Dictionary.

album review
La dispute Wildlife 4/5
nick mcfarland
La Disputes third album, Wildlife, is simply not for the faint of heart. The post-hardcore quintet from Grand Rapids, Michigan had high expectations placed courtesy upon them after the masterful epic that was 2008s Somewhere Gone are the romanticized, imat the Bottom of the River Be- passioned cries of lover! and tween Vega and Altair. However, darling! as Wildlife takes a with Wildlife they have rose to much darker turn, diving into the challenge with a vengeance. introspective self-analysis and sprawling narratives that strike for the heart. With lyrics that read like the pages out of a book, vocalist Jordan Dreyer delivers every line with unfaltering emotion as he flows from spoken word to chilling shouts, exposing vulnerability and despair in his path. The rest of the band accompanies him with melodic perfection, their excellent musicianship shining through while they weave in between each word, accenting his cries with appropriate heaviness and toning it down when the mood sees fit. Each song seems more cohesive than previous efTell your stories to me, show forts, as both guitarists seem to your bruises. Lets see what huhave replaced their habit of exhib- manity is capable of handling, iting technical prowess to work in yells Dreyer. All our bruised bodunison to build each song from the ies and the whole heart shrinks. ground up. Kings Park sees the Amid crashing symbols and band at their best as both the vo- building distortion, they mancals and music combine and grow age to encapsulate the feeling of into a terrifying narrative of gang the entire album in two lines. As the album comes to an end with violence and death. Thats exactly what the sec- You and I in Unison, one cant ond half of Wildlife really is, help but feel alone and the sadthough. Its terrifying and des- ness seems to linger even after the perate, jumping from shootings feedback has rung out and the last and schizophrenia to cancer and few notes fade away. agonizing suffering, clawing for some light at the end of the tunnel.


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In conversation with susan dobson

marianne Pointner
This past Friday the York Quay Centre in Toronto hosted an opening for their upcoming Winter Exhibitions. One of which, Constructed View, featured work by the University of Guelphs very own Susan Dobson, professor of fine art. Focusing in photography, Dobsons work has been in solo and group shows worldwide, not to mention her contributions in the form of lectures and artists talks in both gallery and university institutions across Canada. Dobson kindly agreed to offer some insight on her current group exhibition, Constructed View. Marianne pointner: what inspired your decision to work digitally with photography? was this decision based on the concepts behind your work? Susan Dobson: Originally I learned digital photography so that I could teach it to my students. Once I had acquired the appropriate skills, I began to see digital imaging as an important new tool that made new forms of image construction possible. I dont use digital photography exclusively. In Dislocation, for instance, some images are constructed digitally, while others are unmanipulated. It doesnt matter which one is which. Mp: also would you ever consider shifting to other mediums? you have worked in film before, are there any other areas you are curious to explore? SD: I recently opened an exhibition at Cambridge Galleries titled Transmission, which premiers my first video work. The exhibition runs until Feb. 26. I also recently trained in animation, so I expect that I may be making a lot more work using hybrid forms of photographic image-making in the near future.

Susan dobson
Mp: you have extensive experience with working under the parameters of the solo exhibition, how do you find this differs from being part of a group exhibition? especially in this case where there was a single piece submitted by each artist? SD: When working towards a solo exhibition I have a lot of control, and I am able to plan for each piece in the exhibition to be in conversation with my other works. In the case of a group exhibition, works by a range of artists inform one another, so there are more variables to consider and there are more unknowns. I personally enjoy this experience, as I often learn a great deal from the curator. The curator plays a very important role in determining

I expect that I may be making a lot more work using hybrid forms of photographic imagemaking in the near future.

MarIanne poIntner

dobsons contribution to the Constructed View exhibition, Flight path, (shown on the right) is on display at the york Qua`y centre until april 15.
the best mix of artists to include, and in communicating his vision for the exhibition to each artist. Mp: In curator patrick Macaulays description of the exhibition, he describes the theme to be around the various subjectivities of memory. Flight path lends itself very well to this topic. did your series Dislocation, from which Flight path was drawn, share many of the same themes as the Constructed View exhibition? as well, how was it that you chose this image specifically, among the others from your Dislocation series? SD: After speaking with Patrick Macaulay about the exhibition theme, I mentioned Flight Path and one other image from the Dislocation series as embodying the theme most effectively, as the images are constructed from multiple negatives and the narrative in both pieces is very open-ended. Patrick Macaulay had seen the image Flight Path before, and immediately agreed that it would lend itself well to the exhibition. Mp: having your piece out of its usual context among the other photographs in Dislocation, do you feel the impression/impact of the piece shifts when placed in a different series (and if so in what ways)? In what ways would you say your Dislocation series differs from Constructed View? SD: When I was making the series Dislocation, I was most interested in the conflation of past, present, and future tenses. The idea of a shifting, subjective viewpoint is also important to the work, although it was secondary to my interest in how tenses can shift in constructed photographs. I really enjoy seeing this photograph outside of its original context, as it opens the work up to other interpretations and readings, some of which I may have never considered before. I was particularly pleased to have the photograph shown alongside sculpture and drawing, as cross-disciplinary readings and material-based conversations are interesting to me. In a strictly photographic setting, the theme (and specifically my work) may have been interpreted too strictly as digital construction. Digital imaging is simply a tool - a means to an end - and the inclusion of non-photographic works in the exhibition made that clear.

rock the house

Illitry, The good Hunters, and Anthony damiao rock wolfond Crescent
nick revington
To the casual passerby, 18 Wolfond Crescent was just another unassuming postwar bungalow in a quiet residential neighbourhood. To a crowd of local music lovers, it was the latest intimate instalment of Guelphs Community Music Collective concert series. On Jan. 27, it featured electronic duo Illitry, four-piece folk rockers The Good Hunters, and singer-songwriter Anthony Damiao. As Illitry opened the show, the audience was quickly fascinated by the pairTroy Witherow on lead vocals and effects controllers and Chester Edington on guitar, vocals, and keyboardas they smoothly layered together each piece of their five-song set. For better or for worse, their rough-around-the-edges drum machine sounds, electrical pulses, and long floating melodic lines drew comparisons to Thom Yorke and Radiohead all evening. Watching them perform was not like watching musicians. It was like watching craftsmen, as each sound was meticulously shaped, its essence carved, sanded, and polished with great attention to detail. The crowd listened intently. By contrast, The Good Hunters were what a log cabin in the woods would sound like if it could play guitar: charming, warm, and nostalgia-inducing. Their combination of rockabilly playfulness and folksy-soul searching got the crowd up and dancing right from the sound check. The relationship between the band and the audience was one of mutual reinforcement, as each fed off the others excitement. The highlight of their set, however, was when they unplugged and brothers Joe and John Moran sat down in the middle of the living room to play an acoustic ballad. Not only did they display great command of their audience in getting them to be quiet enough for a completelyunamplified song to work, but they made it feel as though everyone were an equal part of the experience by getting the crowd to fill out the ooos in the chorus. Closing act Anthony Damiao was interesting to say the least. What is so impressive about Damiao is that his voice is nothing to write home about, but rather than attempting to work around his limitations and play despite them, he played to his weaknesses in a way that embellished them and made them a positive part of his show, helping to defines his own unique style. His songs were quirky and even slightly humourous, dealing on one level with everyday subject matter, while simultaneously offering an insightful reflection on the kind of world we live in. It was a shame that the audience seemed divided: while many were clearly enjoying Damiaos weirdness and probably shared his general outlook on things, others seemed lost, perhaps not understanding the genius of what he was doing. Community Musics self-ascribed raison-dtre is because it sounds alright. What an understatement: to bring such a diverse talent pool to one small house is remarkable.

sports & health

linnaea Jasiuk
This past Saturday Jan. 28, the Gryphon womens basketball team played in the fourth annual Shoot for the Cure charity game against the Brock Badgers to raise money for breast cancer research. The Gryphons trumped the Badgers 66-62, however, the real victory that afternoon was the money raised for breast cancer treatment and research. Players raised over $2,600 in pledges even before tipoff on Saturday. With ticket sales and donations throughout the game, a total of over $3,200 was raised, surpassing the total of last years event by $500. Forward Kayla Goodhoofd feels that both the recent loss to Brock and the motivation to be playing for the cause gave the team a competitive edge going into the game. Both the cause and the win were important to the team. We have been in a bit of slump but this is so good for us said Goodhoofd. Teammate and point guard Marlee Freeman echoed the importance of the game, saying the team needed a big win to show people what we are capable of. When asked if playing to fight breast cancer held special meaning for the team, Freeman also said that its always nice to play for a good cause. Just last week, on Jan. 21 2012, former Ryserson womens basketball coach Sandy Pothier lost her two year battle with cancer at age 50. Freeman expressed that in the wake of this loss Saturdays game was significant for the entire basketball community. 100 per cent of the funds raised at Saturdays Shoot for the Cure event are being donated to the Breast Cancer Society of Canada. In the first four years of the Shoot for the Cure program nearly $400,000 have been raised for the fight against breast cancer. This year all 43 CIS basketball schools are registered with the Shoot for the Cure organization, and each will play at least one charity game similar to that played this weekend. The efforts of the team to support breast cancer and to bring in another win are certainly admirable. I am always proud of these guys all the time, theyre just a great bunch of [players] to coach, they work hard [and] our team chemistry is beyond belief, said head coach Tom OBrien, which he feels is key to their success. However OBrien is not proud of his team for Saturdays game alone. I am proud of how they always compete and how they used a 30 point loss to the Badgers last

1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012


gryphons basketball shoots for the cure

gryphon athletIcs

gryphon womens basketball players, Kayla goodhoofd, ali dzikowski, Jasmine douglas and samantha russell were part of the shoot for the cure event that took place on Jan. 28
time the teams met as motivation going into Saturdays matchup, said OBrien. The money raised this weekend by the Gryphons will be added to the grand total collected by all teams during the 2011-2012 season, helping the organization reach its goal of half a million dollars within its first five years of operation. Its an amazing win, we really needed one. I think its awesome that we could [support] this cause, we had so many fans out there was a packed gym, so I think we raised what we wanted to raise so it was definitely a special day, said Goodhoofd. The Gryphons womens basketball season continues this Wednesday Feb.1 at 6:00 p.m. when they take on the Western Mustangs.

gryphons add gold helmet to repertoire

The gryphon football team will utilize a gold helmet as they look to forge a new identity
isnt simply a fashion statement, university. We want people to but a recruiting tool as well. say, hey, thats the Gryphons, Were sort of a little school, said Coach Lang. which is a great school and a The Gryphons will rely on a great community, but to build a leadership council composed football powerhouse [in this en- of veteran team leaders to deterchris muller vironment] is difficult, he said. mine what the team will don for With the presence of perennially each game. However, the uniMany will remember last Septem- elite programs in Southern On- forms are only one part of the bers Homecoming game against tario, Guelph needed to find an success equation for the McMaster when the Gryphons un- alternative approach to bringing Gryphons. In the veiled a matte black helmets and in top recruits; the variety of uni- coming year, the jerseys to accompany their com- form options may help to do that. Gryphons will monly used black pants. It was the Fans of American university look to utilize first time the Gryphons had worn football should consider schools the red, black, all black in the history of the pro- like Oregon when looking into the and yellow as gram. This upcoming season, the effectiveness of this approach. The they pursue the Gryphons will introduce another nearly infinite uniform possibili- silver and gold uniform element that is sure to ties the Oregon football team uses of the Yates and excite the Guelph faithful. has allowed for an explosion of in- Vanier Gold helmets featuring a black terest in the program. This interest Cups. facemask will be worn at select often translates into stronger regames throughout the Gryphons cruiting classes; thus the on-field season next year. While labeled as product improves as a result. gold, the helmet features a colour While Guelph does not have the more similar to the NFLs Green same sort of funding as Oregon, Bay Packers than the gold used the Gryphons will look to emat the University of Notre Dame. ploy their own take on alternate The phenomenon of alternate uniforms as they look to build a uniform options is dominating unique brand of football. American university football proThe installation of the new grams and is also working its way synthetic turf at Alumni Stadium will feature some uniquely north of the 49th parallel. Head coach Stu Lang claims the Gryphon design elements, an undecision to introduce the helmets common feature for a Canadian

Kyle rodrIgueZ


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In 2009, a meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease followed 347,747 subjects where 11,006 developed CHD or suffered a stroke. Intake of saturated fat was not found to be associated with an increased risk of CHD, stroke or CVD. In 2009, Mente et al. published a systematic review of a randomized clinical trial and showed an increased consumption of marine omega3 fatty acids and also showed that Mediterranean diet patterns were associated with a significantly lower risk of CHD. Higher intake of polyunsaturated or total fats were not significantly associated with CHD and the link between saturated fats and CHD received a Bradford Hill score of two out of four signifying weak evidence of a causal relationship. Another study done in 2009 by the Cochrane Collaboration published a meta-analysis of clinical trials that either reduced or mod- in cardiovascular events or total ified dietary fat for preventing deaths from the treatment diet. cardiovascular disease. While In 1972, the Finnish Mental twenty-seven studies met the Hospital conducted a study over criteria, no significant effect on 12 years and saw a decrease in total or cardiovascular mortality coronary heart disease death in was found between the inter- men (5.7 deaths/1000 persons vention and control groups. In vs. 13 deaths/1000 person in 2006, the Womens Health Initia- the control), but found a nontive conducted a study of 48,835 significant decrease in CHD in women over eight years, and women. In 1969, the Los Angeles there was no significant differ- Veterans Trial did an eight-year ence between intervention and study of 846 subjects and found a control. non-significant difference in primary endpoints (sudden cardiac death or myocardial infarction). In 1968, the Oslo Heart Study of 412 men over five years saw a slight decrease in CHD with intervention, but many other dietary interventions accompanied the low saturated fat diet and when stratified by age the results were only significant in subjects younger than 60. Examples of similar studies are endless. When looking at the average American diet, overall percentage of calories from fat (especially saturated fat) has actually decreased and continues in a downward trend. Yet in spite of this, obesity and type II diabetes continue to skyrocket and heart disease is still one of the leading causes of death for North Americans. Even many of todays experts will say that lowIn 1989, the Diet and Reinfarc- fat is blown out of proportion, tion trial studied 2,033 men over and that fats such as virgin cotwo years, and there were no sig- conut oil (known for its health nificant differences in ischaemic benefits as well as increasing heart disease between interven- good cholesterol and lowering tion and control. In the same year, bad cholesterol) is 92 per cent the Minnesota Coronary Survey saturated fat. surveyed 4,393 men and 4,664 It is unfortunate that low-fat women in a double-blind experi- is still promoted since fats from ment over a four year period and animals and vegetable sources reported no significant reduction provide us with a concentrated

saturated fat: the villain its made out to be?

Looking at the studies behind the diet antagonist
Jessica avolio
It was Ancel Keys who first proposed the low-fat dogma in the 1950s. His Seven Countries Study examined the association between increased serum cholesterol and coronary heart disease (CHD) as well as proposing the idea that a diet low in animal fat protected against heart disease and one high in animal fat would lead to heart disease. As a result of this study, the American Heart Association informed the general public that a diet including butter, lard, eggs and beef would lead to CHD, and the government would then recommend adopting a low fat diet. Since then, many hundreds of medical papers have been published in relation to the Seven Countries Study and it is generally accepted by health care professionals as very useful. The issue here is that Keys had collected data from 22 countries, but only chose to analyze data from seven of those countries. A decision that has resulted in much criticism in more recent years. Figure 1. presents the data from all 22 countries, comparing intake of fat calories to mortality from heart disease. When all the data is analyzed, the correlation doesnt exist. Numerous studies have shown otherwise throughout the years, yet Keys has received far more publicity than the alternate views. The National Institute of Health spent several hundred million dollars trying to show a connection between fat intake and heart disease, and despite their attempts, they have failed. Five major studies during this time failed to show such a link, though a sixth concluded that if a cholesterol lowering drug could prevent heart attacks than a low-fat and low-cholesterol diet should do the same. Thus the low-fat dogma continues to this day.


when looking at the average American diet, overall percentage of calories from fat has actually decreased and continues in a downward trend yet heart disease is still one of the leading causes of death for north Americans.

source of energy and building blocks for cell membranes and hormones. In addition, fat as part of a meal slows down absorption which provides us with satiety so we can go longer without feeling hungry. Fat also plays an important role as a carrier for many fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E and K. Dietary fat is also needed for mineral absorption and a host of other processes. If that isnt convincing enough, mothers milk also provides a higher proportion of cholesterol than almost any other food and it contains over 50% of our calories from fat (much of it being saturated). Both cholesterol and saturated fat are absolutely essential for growth of babies and children, especially in the development of the brain. In addition, we must ask ourselves why, if fat is so bad, does our body store excess energy as saturated body fat? In fact, when we burn body fat for energy through exercise or diet we are literally consuming large amounts of saturated fat. All fat goes through the same processes in your body in order to be converted to energy, therefore saturated fat through diet is no different than fat stored in our bodies. If saturated fat did clog our arteries, than losing weight would put us at greater risk of heart disease, and we know this simply is not true. So even from an evolutionary perspective it is difficult to rationalize why fat, especially saturated, is bad for us. Why again is it that conventional wisdom tells us to reduce our fat intake, particularly saturated fats from animal sources?


michael long

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university Bouldering series: Volume 1

worth the fewest points. Essen- cathedral ceilings. Everyone was tially, the more attempts you need on the floor at the same time; talkOn Saturday Jan. 28, the Universi- to make it to the top of the prob- ing, sitting, climbing, egging on, ty of Guelph Climbing Club played lem, the lower your score. Scores and basically having a damn good host to schools from across Ontar- were monitored by a well-hon- time trying to get the best of, well io in the first ever inter-university oured system of peer review, and gravity. What was initially predicted to bouldering competition. Held at in the end represented each competitors best six climbs. the Guelph Grotto Climbing Gym, be a modest gathering in the early the event was the triumph of a coThe talented team of ladies from planning stages of last April, had alition between U of G alum and Guelph bested the womens Open clearly snowballed into a major general manager of the Grotto, division while the well-represent- event undoubtedly for the benMax Summerlee, and the co-pres- ed McMaster mens team took efit of those in attendance. Lebrun idents of the Guelph Climbing home the mens Open division. recalled how he knew for sure Club, David Albert-Lebrun and The most coveted prize of the eve- Guelph and McMaster would be Ali Sutherland. ning, for best overall team, went to there, but then that number For those who dont know, the Guelph team proud recipi- quickly grew to 13 or 14 schools bouldering is a style of rock climb- ents of the newly minted Canadian in the end altogether over 170 ing undertaken without ropes University Bouldering Champion- competitors. These large numbers where climbers scale short, highly ship trophy. afforded the rare opportunity for Bouldering being an inherently fellow climbing clubs to interact. technical overhangs. It requires a high degree of forethought and individual sport, the competition Its really interesting to hear power to ascend these routes, aptly was more between the climber how different people run their referred to as problems. Dra- and him or herself. As partici- gyms, said Ali Sutherland. Its matically leaping from one hold pant Emma Switzer pointed out, all about bringing people together. to the next is often the only way the real point of the competiOne of the key topics of the day to overcome these unforgiving tion was to let you know where was the growth of the sport in a obstacles. you stand in your own abilities. university setting after all, it is The competition on Saturday Consequently, an atmosphere of just volume one of a series. As it was designed to accommodate all encouragement reigned, while stands, bouldering is not a varexperience levels. The day began roars of applause were given to any sity sport. Those who are serious at noon with the Recreational person who finally completed a about bouldering often compete in (beginner) and Experienced (in- particularly treacherous problem. the Tour de Bloc, an organization termediate) groups, followed by What really made this event which promotes an all-ages nathe Open (advanced) group tak- stand out were the people involved. tional climbing circuit. Yet, judging ing over at 4 p.m. The rules were Imagine a DJ up in the rafters, Red by the considerable overlap bestraightforward: there were 48 Bulls cans everywhere, swag from tween university students and problems that competitors could sponsors, costumes, photogra- climbers on the Tour, not to menpit themselves against; number phers trying to get that perfect low tion the tremendous turnout for 48 being the most challenging angle shot, and a bunch of people Saturdays competition, it is clear and worth the most points, and crowded in a gym with mat- that there is great potential for a number one being the easiest and tress-like floors and Picasso-like strictly inter-university circuit.

chrIstopher chang

a McMaster student dangles from a course during the university Bouldering competition at the guelph grotto.
Fortunately, the creation of such a university circuit is Max Summerlees goal. Volume Two of the University Bouldering Series is anticipated to be held at Brock University in the fall, and Max also has plans to develop a mobile bouldering structure to travel from campus to campus. Eventually, what he and many others would like to see is for bouldering to become a varsity sport. So, if Saturdays competition was any indication of things to come, well be hearing a lot more about bouldering in the future. For more information on rock climbing at Guelph visit the Climbing Clubs website http://www. Full scores for the competition will be posted on the Grottos website http://

gryphons ringette leave their mark at national tournament

The gryphons ringette club team took silver at the 2012 University Challenge Cup in January
taking home a gold medal in their first visit to the tournament to go along with bronze in 2011 and silver at this years event which took place in London, Ont. between Dec. 29 and Jan. 1. The team finished the tournament with an overall record of five wins, two losses, and one tie, Jeff sehl losing to McMaster in the Tier 2 final by a score of 5-4. However, despite the clubs sucRingette has humble beginnings in the university athletics world. cess at the University Challenge Cup, Fifteen years ago, the sport was there is still room for more growth nonexistent until the late 1990s of the sport in Guelph and schools when teams began springing up in across Canada according to club Manitoba at post secondary institu- president Leisha Klinger. tions like the University of Winnipeg, Were always looking for more the University of Manitoba and St. funding, and itd be great to get Boniface College. Since then, the varsity status, but I dont know if sport has spread throughout schools thats too near in the future, she in Ontario, Alberta, British Colum- said, adding that, Thats probably bia, and Quebec, with the Canadian the main goal to get to, and just to University and College Ringette As- continually get more recognition sociation now sporting over two for the team and what we do and dozen teams, both competitive and all of the tournaments we attend. recreational in nature. Many of these Outside of the University Chalteams come together at the annual lenge Cup, the University of Guelph University Challenge Cup that takes ringette club also offers a recreplace over winter break every year. ational setting for newcomers to Established in 2007-2008, the experience and learn the sport, University of Guelph ringette club offering ice time twice a week on has been an annual participant Mondays from 11 to 11:50 p.m and at the University Challenge Cup, Wednesdays from 7 to 8 a.m.

leIsha KlInger

2011-2012 university of guelph ringette club

We have one team here at the university and they are the competitive team, and then we also have club ice time that anyone who plays ringette can come out to, said Klinger. On our club ice times once a week, we usually get 20 people out, but on good nights we can get up to about 30. In this environment that those new to ringette can get some onice experience and learn from those who have some expertise, and continue to grow the sport for the future. Klinger also added that anyone interested in getting involved with the ringette club can send inquiries to the club email at ringette@, and club information can be found on the Gryphons website,

by Beth Purdon-McLellan
seed distributors, cosmeticians, dairy farmers
and chocolatiers under one roof. From Jan. 26-29, The
University of Guelph was lucky to host its 31 Organic Conference. Venders set up booths in the UC courtyard and Peter Clark hall to display their products. With so many samples, students could gather a four-course meal walking from one end of the UC to the other. However, amid the Sophie almonds and carrot juice, there was a larger objective to the conference: to provide education and information on organic farming and production. This years conference, entitled Seeds of Cooperation, focused on the potential role of cooperatives in organic farming to produce sustainable food supply on a small to medium scale initiatives. Throughout the weekend, workshops were offered on a variety of different aspects of organic farming. While many of these catered to those that are already involved in organic production, there were many workshops that any organic enthusiast could appreciate that discussed issues such as herb gardening, organic cosmetics and herbal remedies. One speaker, Shantree Kacera, highlighted the need for a temporal change of scale in his seminar entitled Forest gardens: Ecology vision and practical application. Kacera has been developing peraculture strategies for over 30 years on his land outside of London. He emphasized the benefits of using perennial plants as a food resource, and creating a long-term vision. Instead of replanting crops every year, some plants, like certain varieties of cherry trees, can live for hundreds of years. Kacera also noted that organic food production could be incorporated into other strategies to combat global warming. For example, there isnt any reason why fruit or nut trees cant be planted as part of reforestation projects. When I see the wave coming in now, the shift in change, thats one of the reasons that I feel that this is a very important part of the solution, said Kacera. The further that we can think ahead and plan, the easier its going to be to ride out the next few decades. While Kacera teaches forest gardening, he notes that there is an important distinction between gardening in a forest and gardening like a forest. Kaceras method applies the principles of forest ecology into food production by looking at the relationships between plants. He plants so that instead competing for resources, organism live in a situation that is mutually beneficial. Conventional farming is agriculture that focuses on scale efficiency, much like the manufacturing process of other goods. However, organic farming focuses on balance, and strives to understand the ecology of the land in order to find other ways of being efficient. Something that was echoed by livestock farmers throughout the conference was that if you dont push animals to produce, and stress their immune systems, production levels actually increase. Dirk Brunsveld, a student in the organic agriculture program at the University of Guelph, knows first hand that just because a farmer chooses to farm organically, does not necessarily mean that the farm will lower its over all level of production. Brunsvelds family began to convert their dairy, Lizton Farms, from conventional to organic in 2005, and now belong to the Organic Meadows Cooperative.

Its not too often that you have

photos by terry AsmA, 2020studios And juliAn evAns

Weve actually tripled in sized compared to when we were conventional. And that kind of goes against the grain, doesnt it, said Brunsveld. Brunsveld estimates that each cow produces about 22 L, which is a decrease from the 36L they had previously. To augment that, they have expanded the number of cows they milk by 25 per cent. Now that they have been certified organic, they make a premium of 20 per cent on the same amount of milk shipped as a conventional farmer. The organic conferences, as well as the organic agriculture programs at Guelph, are critical for the industries growth. I think its great that we have this program, because I mean, there was no education, said Brunsveld. Although many of the techniques used by farmers are old, organic farming methods especially methods of permaculture are relatively new. Many farmers are developing strategies as they make the transition. Brunsveld also brings up the fact that, although the production method of organic farming falls on the farmer, the consumer also plays an important role. In order for the industry to grow, there needs to be a market. By buying an organic product you are saying I support what youre doing, said Brunsveld. And its nice as a farmer to see that, when you put all this effort into it we put our cows out in the pasture, we dont use pesticides or antibiotics its nice to see that consumers are willing to pay for that and support that. Part of the conference was to establish the Canada Organic marketing campaign, which features the slogan, Think before you eat. The scale of the Organic conference, and the initiatives it promotes demonstrate how the organic movement is gaining ground on both a local and global level.


w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om
Kusy tripped Yorks captain Jesse Messier on a partial breakaway. It appeared that the Guelph goaltender had been shaken up, but he was back to his great play seeing another amazing glove save coming from a wrist shot from Yorks Chad Hohmann. Guelph put a stop to Yorks momentum at 12:35, with a goal from Barrett Brook who scored on a nice pass in front by Franchini from a rebound on a shot taken by defenseman Ken Peroff. York would score one more with 7:24 left in the period with a goal from Jesse Messier who put on a great individual effort streaking down the boards, sliding the puck under St Jacques, but thats as close as they came. Despite the strong pressure put on in the second and third period by York, a two goal performance by Collins and stellar goaltending throughout by St Jacques was ultimately the difference in giving Guelph the win. We started out flat-footed but picked it up in the second and third period. We were pressing hard near the end, but couldnt tie it u, said York rookie Bryan Weinberg after the game. Guelph returns to the ice on Saturday Feb. 4 with a home game against the eight place Laurier Golden Hawks (7-14-1).


Vo lley b a ll ( M ) last gaMe results: Jan 27 guelph Vs. waterloo 0 3

gryphon season standIngs: w l 9 7 t

next gaMe: FeB 3 Vs. toronto @ guelph Vo lley b a ll ( w ) last gaMe results: Jan 27 guelph Vs. waterloo 3 1

VIctorIa MartIn

gryphon centre Jon-Thomas Macdonald, takes a shot at net.

gryphon season standIngs: w l t 6 9

next gaMe: FeB 3 Vs. toronto @ guelph Baske tb a l l ( M ) last gaMe results: Jan 28 guelph Vs. Brock 67-71

Fan of the game

sasha odesse
This weeks Fan of the Game was chosen at the Gryphons mens basketball game against Brock on Jan. 28. Although our fan confessed that he was a Gryphons game-virgin that is, he had never attended a Gryphon varsity event before other fans in the bleachers clearly fed off of his enthusiasm. Felix Flex Aleobua is the East Hall president and newly converted Gryphon basketball fan. A friend invited me so I thought Id come out, and I wanted to support the Gryphons, said Aleobua. [Ive] never been to a Gryphon game before and I love it, theres so much energy here its great. Though the Gryphons were behind at the time of his interview, Aleobua was confident that the Gryphons would close the gap. They are behind, but you know what, I put my trust in them. Seriously. Im behind them for sure. With an energetic crowd behind them it looked like the Gryphons were going to overtake the Badgers. Kareem Malcoms big three pointer with just over a minute left in the fourth quarter, brought the Gryphons one point behind the Badgers and the crowd to their feet. Unfortunately, Brock followed up with a heartbreaking dunk, taking the lead and holding onto it for the remainder of the game. Stand up, stand out and cheer for the Guelph Gryphons and you could be Fan of the Game. Winner receives two free tickets to another Gryphons varsity home game. Follow @TheOntarion on Twitter or Scan this code to find out when were looking for the next Fan of the Game.

gryphon season standIngs: w l t 10 12

next gaMe: FeB 1 Vs. western @ guelph Baske tb a l l ( w ) last gaMe results: Jan 28 guelph Vs. Brock 66 62

gryphon season standIngs: w l t 9 9

next gaMe: FeB 1 Vs. western @ guelph Ice hoc ke y ( M ) last gaMe results: 28 guelph Vs. york 3 2

gryphon season standIngs: w l t 8 17

next gaMe: FeB 4 Vs. laurIer @ guelph Ice hoc ke y ( w ) last gaMe results: Jan 28 guelph Vs. ryerson 6 1

gryphon season standIngs: w l t 17 5

next gaMe: FeB 2 Vs. BrocK @ guelph

VIctorIa MartIn


1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012


diabetes care guelph and a crash course on diabetes

melina lin
In a nutshell, diabetes is a growing health concern affecting millions of Canadians. There are two types of Diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is often recognizable and can be diagnosed from childhood. It is an autoimmune response in which the bodys defence system attacks insulin-producing cells, damaging them and resulting in little to no insulin production. Type 2 is much more common and can be developed over time; the cells either do not produce enough insulin for the body to use, or the body does not respond to the insulin. This is characterized as insulin resistance. In a non-diabetic body, insulin causes cells to take up sugars from the blood for energy. Without enough insulin this does not happen. The coupling of too much sugar in the bloodstream with not enough sugar to be used by the body can lead to many problems. The risk for university students of getting Type 2 diabetes is plausible. There are certainly factors involved that are not controllable, such as age and family history, but there are also other factors that can reduce the risk, such as staying fit and eating healthy. Of course, eating sugars and fats are fine, too, as long as it is spent instead of being left on the body. There is a common misconception that eating too much sugar will lead to diabetes. What the extra fat actually does is influence how well insulin is used in the body, and that is what can contribute to diabetes. Bottom line: stay healthy. Not only can you reduce the risk of diabetes, you can reduce the risk of getting other diseases or disorders too. Diabetes Care Guelph is a free program designed to assist and support people diagnosed with diabetes. They will be hosting an Insulin Pump Forum event on Feb. 15 and is open to anyone who is interested. For more information check out the website for more information on the clinic.

VIctorIa MartIn

Third year gryphon Zachary angus drives through Badger defence during the gryphons games against the Brock Badgers on Jan. 28. The game started off very one-ended with the Badgers taking an early lead, while the gryphons struggled to match the pace. The third and fourth quarter saw the gryphons step it up, with top scorers dan Mccarthy, adam Bering and Kareem Malcolm exciting the crowd with a number of huge three-pointers. The exceptionally close game had the home crowd on their feet over and over again. chants of de-Fence and booing at poor calls against

the gryphons let the team know that they were backed by supportive fans. The gryphons were unable to clinch the win, however, as the Badgers overpowered them in the last minute, closing the game with a 67-71 win over the home team.

gryphons in history

ontarIon archIVes

published in The Ontarion on May 24, 1977. on May 21, 1977, 100 enthusiastic students attended the university of guelph archery clinic. participants were given the opportunity to try [a number of archery] skills and have their performances evaluated and corrected by gryphon varsity archers and volunteers. to top off the event all participants were treated to a feature film on the 1976 Montreal olympics. The clinic was held in conjunction with the Junior olympics program and aimed to encourage youth to get involved in olympic sports on the community level.


w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om


leek and mushroom stuffed chicken

abigel lemak
Hello hungry ones. Ive got an inseason recipe for you this week. Hooray for Ontario veg! Leeks are a plant related to the onion. They have overlapping leaves and look like beefier versions of green onions. In any case, they are delicious and have a greener taste to them than regular onions. Think- You can now toss the pan with ing of cooking up a nice dinner just the oil into the oven while to help with the winter blues? you prepare your chicken, this will make your chicken crispy Heres how. upon contact, preventing the chicken from sticking to the pan Ingredients: (hopefully). 2 chicken breasts (skin on) Take your chicken and, after 1 leek rinsing it under the sink, pat 1 cups of sliced mushrooms it dry with a paper towel 2 cloves of garlic and cut it three quarters of 2 strips of bacon the way through the middle squeeze of lemon (horizontally). balsamic vinegar oil Take your stuffing and fill your salt chicken breasts up with as pepper much as you can fit, then tie paprika your chicken on both ends with cooking string string. Dont worry about any Start by turning your oven to leftover filling, you can toss it in 400 F and fill a medium pan with the chicken later and have with oil, about a third of an inch on the side. Salt and pepper the top of your chicken breasts. worth. Take the leeks and give them a thorough rinse, there may Take the pan out, set on your stove and with the help of be sand trapped between the leaves so take note to wash them well. Chop the leek in think slices from the stem upward. In a bowl throw in the mushrooms and the chopped leeks, toss in a dollop of olive oil, salt, pepper, paprika, lemon juice and mix it through.

aBI leMaK

tongs place the chicken breasts skin side down onto the pan. Caution: this will sizzle like mad. Once the side is crispy enough to your liking (3-5 minutes in the oven) take the pan out again and add the rest of the filling. Lightly drizzle the chicken and the fillings with balsamic

vinegar. It bakes sweet so dont freak out. Turn the chicken breasts over and layer the bacon strips on. Put back in the oven for 30 minutes, checking every now and again. Note: dont be alarmed by the blackening of the chicken and filling, its the balsamics fault and is not a sign of burning. Unless its smoking.

Once the 30 minutes are up, let it sit in the pan for five to allow the juices to become reabsorbed into the chicken. And, as always, check to make sure the chicken is cooked all the way through. Serve over rice or with a side of mixed greens and nom nom away.

grab the ox by the tail

Some recipes will tell you to sear the meat. Searing meat is Before I come up with what Im stupid. Stop doing it forever. Ingoing to cook in this column each stead, trim what visible fat you week, I like to bring up my ideas can from the meat. Fat can be with friends to see whether or not delicious, but in soups it is your what Im going to be making is enemy. Then throw all the piecactually as unusual or uncommon es of tail on a baking dish and as I think it is. However, none of throw it in the oven at 400 F for the things Ive made so far have 20 minutes. When theres about been met with the same derision five minutes left, soften celery, and outright repulsion as saying onions and carrots in a stockI was going to cook oxtail. pot with salt, pepper and garlic Why does the tail have such a to taste. bad reputation? How did legs and Remove the meat from the oven wings and whatever a brisket is and place gingerly with forks or get a pass, but tails are just un- tongs into the stock pot with the acceptable? Is it the proximity to vegetables, letting as much of the the butt? Its a meaty appendage excess fat drip into the roasting like any other. I just dont get it. pan as you can. Drain as much of Oxtail, unlike everything else rendered fat from the roasting Ive written about, is not cheap. pan as you can. You want as little Its also not easy to find. Some- of the fat in the soup as possible, times you can find it at grocery or else youll end up eating gravy. stores here in Guelph, but its Deglaze any burned bits of a crapshoot so dont bank on it. meat with a cup of red wine and I, exasperated, ended up going then pour it into the stock pot. to Cumbraes butcher shop in Add beef stock and water until, Toronto to pick some up. Two with the wine, youve added pounds of oxtail enough to make about 3L of liquid. If you are using enough soup for dinner, lunch, liquid stock, subtract from the and to store some in the freezer amount of water, and if you are ran me $18. Expensive for this using powdered add to it. column, but in the grand scheme Bring to a boil then reduce heat of things, not too bad. to a simmer and leave, partially

duncan day-myron

MarIanne poIntner

covered, for about three hours, or until the meat begins to fall from the bone. As with all soups, skim off any foam or film that collects on the surface. Throw it away. Do not eat it.

When cooked, remove the meat from the soup and place on a plate to cool. Strain the soup through a colander or sieve and discard the vegetables. Remove the meat from the bones if

desired and return to the soup and reheat. Serve with crusty bread, turnips or parsnips and a few drops of hot sauce.


1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012


t-shirt couture
Streetwear companies show that wearing a brand goes beyond wearing a t-shirt
tom beedham
T-shirts are probably the most popularly adorned fashion items in North America. Theyre cheap to make, theyre comfortable, and their casual nature allows companies to make a sellable item out of practically any design. While t-shirt companies boast infinite design opportunities, tshirt wearers all too commonly run into what on prom night would be regarded as a fashion nightmare: they come into contact with others that are wearing the same designs as them. This is not so much a problem for the wearer, but a sad reflection on the companies that produce them. With so many design possibilities at their fingertips, clothing mega-companies like Nike and Adidas will paradoxically settle for the mass-productions of single images in order to cut designs in 13 shirt runs, and each down on screen-printing costs item they sell is stamped with a and maximize revenue. In ef- number. Their fans look at their fect, the people consuming their purchases not just as fashion products are seen in the public as items, but artifacts that are parts fashion clones. of a larger whole. According to streetwear moAnother pitfall that popular guls like Bobby Kim, the founder clothing companies fall into is a of LA company The Hundreds, tendency to market their lines to this just prevents anything like as broad an audience as possible. brand loyalty on the part of con- Successful streetwear brands like sumers from arising. His logic Supreme and The Hundreds have is fairly straightforward: peo- adopted anti-marketing cample dont like to look like other paigns that keep their items out people, so they start to avoid the of malls and major shopping cenbrands that might put them in tres. By catering their brands to those situations. His company underground audiences, fans has responded by producing runs have to opt in and learn a story of limited edition t-shirts. before becoming consumers, also Kims company has become forging brand loyalty. a leading name in streetwear Keeping brands off the street fashion, but smaller indepen- and limiting product yield arent dent companies are picking up enough to make a successful on their business strategies. business venture, though. The Milton, Ont. originating com- minds behind companies like The pany Villains and Halifax, NS Hundreds, Villains, and Estate company Estate Family Guild Family Guilds have adopted daily (EFG) have enjoyed significant blogging policies in order to prosuccess from releasing designs in mote and produce their brand limited runs, promising never to image. Here too, the companies rerelease a single design. In the adhere to their principle of excase of EFG, the company presses clusivity. Often blogging involves


garbage pail Kids is a staple of the limited edition series offered by la streetware company The hundreds.
talking about or providing coverage of things that are not sold by the brands themselves. They market the brands as lifestyles, and as a result, followers can tell the coverage is less about making money than it is solidifying an identity. So you wont see The Hundreds collaborating with a company that makes birthday cakes. Think about that, Harley Davidson.

Beths craft corner

Make your own toothbrush holder
beth Purdon mclellan
When it comes to student living, most of us dont have much extra space especially when it comes to share bathroom space. While that pedestal sink may have looked pretty nice before you signed the lease, after you and four other roommates move in you might find that it can hardly fit a bar of soap, let alone all your bathroom supplies. As many of us know from our residence experience, its hard to feel at home when youre carting your toiletries back and forth from your room. Heres a craft to maximize space but make sure you check in with your landlord first. what you need: Mason jar, with lid A piece of cardboard Hammer Nail Paint (optional) how to make it: Place cardboard on the floor and lay the mirror on top. The cardboard will protect your floor and the mirror from the hammers impact A mason jar consists of two pieces: a ring and a sealed lid. You
aBI leMaK

will only need the ring for this craft.

This next step can be a bit difficult. Mark where you want your toothbrush holder to hang on your mirror, then nail the lid ring to the mirror. It may be easier to first punch a hole in the ring on a You can paint your jar to match separate surface and then nail the your bathroom, but because of steam be sure to use a craft paint, ring into the mirror. enamel or nail polish for your When the ring is secure, simply design. twist the jar as if you were

fastening a lid. The jar should now be suspended above the sink, at the perfect height. The best part about this craft is that if the jar ever collects water or toothpaste residue, you can unscrew it and wash it out.

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1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012


sex geek: now open to rave reviews!

shireen noble
Last week, during some of the mud-flinging in the US Republican primaries, Newt Gingrichs ex-wife dropped a public bombshell. While still married, he had asked for an open marriage. While there are lots of things that one could criticize Newt Gingrich for (such as serving his first wife with divorce papers while in the hospital undergoing cancer treatments), this seems to be what people have really been upset about. But heres the thing that really became clear when this information came out: no one really understands what an open relationship means. There are many different types of relationships and practices that might fall under the category of open relationships, and theres no way that I could do justice to all of them in a single column. However, the idea of an open relationship generally starts with a primary couple who decide to introduce others into their relationship. For some couples, this might take place in the form of swinging. Swinging generally refers to couples who have sex with other couples. There are varying degrees of swinging; for example, soft-swap swingers are generally okay with their partner engaging in certain acts with someone else, but not fullon intercourse. In pornography, swinging seems to be represented by the subgenre of wife-swapping. However, this isnt a fair representation of swinging. There is a lot of communication and explicit consent many of the resources available for involved in these sexual encounters. couples interested in opening their Next, theres what might be more relationship up say that you have traditionally considered as an open to have a strong, stable relationrelationship. For the purposes of this ship with excellent communication paragraph, forget everything that skills to be able to make this work. youve learned from Sister Wives. It may be a different form of a relaIn a couple, someone might have a tionship than were used to hearing spouse and a boyfriend/girlfriend. I about, but it doesnt make it any always had trouble figuring out how better or worse. this was any different than someone open relationships are a sexual cheating on their significant other. free-for-all. Again, not at all. There Theres a huge difference- they both are rules that need to be set by the know about each other and are okay couple before they open their rewith it. Though the line between lationship up. And just because the swinging and open relationships couple may have a more open relablurs, the main difference here is tionship, that doesnt mean that sex that this may involve a relation- with anyone, anytime, anywhere ship whereas swinging may only can go. Believe it or not, there can be sexual. Again, there are different be infidelity among open couples ways this might look it might be a if one partner violates the rules of casual dating partner, or someone the relationship just like other may decide to engage in serious re- couples. lationships with two partners. This women wouldnt want anything to is something that completely varies do with this kind of relationship. Again, between individuals. this has been a pervasive misconAnd finally, we have polyamorous ception that seems to come from relationships. These can be charac- this false idea that women arent terized by a couple bringing a third actually interested in sex. Instead, if person into the relationship. Instead you look at the organized swinging of being involved with one of the movement, theres generally a mamembers of the couple, this person triarchal structure. That is, women becomes involved with both part- get to set the rules, women have ners. The third person has a sexual control, and a large part of the focus and romantic relationship with both is on making sure that women are individuals in the couple. Of course, comfortable with the situation. this can then take on other configStill have questions? There are urations- such as a fourth member two really good resources available entering the relationship. for more information. The first is What are some of the myths that The Ethical Slut by Dossie Easton, exist about open relationships? and the second is Opening Up by you only have open relationships in Tristan Taormino, both of which bad relationships. Totally false. In fact, can be ordered in most book stores.

weekly dog

MarIanne poIntner

avalon just cant wait until she can get a day off to rewatch almost all of Quantum leap. shes running for re-election as president of her local handsome scott Bakula appreciation society club (hsBasc) and if she doesnt know her stuff theyll just make a fool of her at the debates. If you have any interesting scott Bakula facts that could help her out, please email them to




w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om


toward a shift in transportation norms: the case for the horse

divinus caesar
Though not a creative solution, it has much to recommend it. Once unchallenged as the primary means of conveyance in our society, horse-based transportation has fallen on hard times. The horse in the modern era has become a mere bauble, conspicuously owned by our richest, typically kept at stable. This regrettable state of affairs has been brought about by the success first of the locomotive as a long distance transporter and then of the automobile and airplane for short-to-medium and ultra-long hauls. At some point people also started using boats for stuff. Today however, a noticeable shift is occurring in attitudes. Many current and prospective car owners have noted that ownership brings with it an implicit duty to give rides to people, which result in more bonding and conversation opportunities than they would otherwise seek. Bicycle riders are universally derided as utterly worthless worms eating away at common dignity. Pedestrians are quaint. Now, the recent reorganization of Guelph bus routes into a morass has set the stage for the propulsion of Guelph to centre stage in transportation innovation. Many travelers are shunning the bus system here, and many times more are being effectively shunned by a system that has introduced the slightest form of complexity into its scheduling, and further (mockingly) then adhered to no set schedule at all. One can easily imagine the invigoration and joy felt by drivers arriving twenty minutes late to a stop only to drive on by the snowpelted throng, and so it is difficult for anyone to actually blame them for their behavior. Nonetheless, travelers are left looking for an alternative. Not being a creative people, Guelphomites are almost certain to come to this alternative by deinnovation. Thus, the horse. Though not a creative solution, it has much to recommend it. Riders, having tethered their horse at a campus bike rack, can moderate those moments of boredom classes thrust upon them by reflecting on the plight of the horse, standing pointlessly for hours, waiting for their masters return. In this they may glimpse some of the aforementioned invigoration and joy the bus drivers have been dining on. The resulting increase in energy and happiness will assuredly create a virtuous circle, whereby more engaged students inspire professors to greater heights, and vice versa. Horses are also a cost effective solution as measured in time and money. Unlike an automobile, horses are maintained trouble-free by stable boys, providing much needed employment


to youth too rough around the In addition, horses are much edges to serve as a footman, but safer than other means of transtoo romantic to be sent into the portation, a constant concern in mines. Again in contrast to the our coddled and alcoholic society. automobile, horses are cheaply A common inebriate behind the acquired, requiring only that the wheel of a car or on a bicycle courts owner-to-be take seat upon the and peddles death. Sit this sot on a desired horse and fire their pis- horse instead, and no matter their tol three times in the air before level of consciousness they will riding off. A lawyer consulted on find themselves escorted home by horse law assured this writer that the kind-hearted beast. Horse colthis may well be true, and that lisions of any kind in fact require a if not, surely a judge would be near unobtainably elevated degree willing to offer correction on the of contrivance. matter. Failing this method which However much the horse has has been attested to in numerous to recommend it, one intractable motion pictures, horses may be problem remains with their prohad for as little as $400 through posed use. The greatest joy of horse online horse classifieds. ownership comes in the behavior

of the horse after the death of its rider. Will the horse defend the corpse honourably? Or wander off into the mist, to die of starvation and a broken heart against a tree somewhere, perhaps beside a gently flowing creek? Or will it refuse to be ridden for some years, only to finally give way as part of someones heartwarming coming of age tale? The owner, never able to know the answer to this question, will forever be tormented by it, but it may just happen that this is one of the torments that we must, in living, silently endure. Or if the city took to adequately clearing the roads of snow, motorcycles.

cream soda: why is it pink?

susannah riPley
Canadians who feel overshadowed by American culture can find comfort in Canadas unique culture. We have two official languages, the moose, the Group of Seven, the Queen and, last but not least, pink cream soda. Yes, Canadian cream sodas vivid pink colour sets it apart from the American version. But why is it pink? And what is that flavour, anyway? An unscientific Facebook survey yielded some creative answers, such as sarsaparilla (actually an ingredient in root beer) and flamingos, but in general no one seemed to know. A popular explanation for the rosy hue is that Canadian cream soda was once flavored with grenadine, the fruity red syrup used in Tequila Sunrises and Shirley Temples. The theory goes that the drinks color reflects its flavor, just as orange pop is, well, orange. The grenadine theory certainly doesnt hold true for all cream soda, however. In the United States, as well as parts of Canada, cream soda is crystal-clear or light brown and the dominant flavour is vanilla. South Africa has a bright green version, which has a floral taste and is nicknamed the Green Ambulance for its popularity as a hangover cure. Carribean cream sodas can be pink, orange, brown, or red and taste like vanilla, cocoa or bubble gum. In short, theres no consensus on what cream soda is in terms of colour or taste. Even the name is a minor mystery. In the United Kingdom the cream is ice cream, traditionally added by the spoonful just before serving. In other parts of Europe, real cream is blended with carbonated water and vanilla syrup to create a sweet milky drink. An American recipe from 1852 calls for baking soda and cream of tartar an indication that the name refers to the foaming agent rather than the flavour. In the end, cream sodas colour is probably a marketing tactic. Its a way to set the hardto-describe flavour apart from colas and citrus drinks. And for Canadians, it doesnt hurt that our cream soda sets us apart from our neighbours to the south.

sasha odesse

a key to success
The power of positive thinking
shwetha chandrashekhar
Fifty thousand. Thats not an unexpected number when associated with a student loan, a pending mortgage, or the price of a higherend car. However, fifty thousand is an overwhelming figure when attributed to the average number of thoughts a human brain produces throughout a day. These thoughts often tend to dwell in the past or the future, obsessing about mistakes we might have made, regrets we have, and ambitious goals we create, all while battling guilt and negativity. Were constantly drifting into fantasy, fiction and pessimism. An average person has an estimated of seventy to 80 per cent of daily thoughts which are negative. Unfortunately, an absolute minute number of our thoughts are focused on what truly matters: the present moment. This moment is all that is, ever was and will be. Everything else is elusive and illusory. Although seemingly a concept so simple, it took me personally quite some time to understand and master. My mind was a victim and advocate of powerful negativity; one freshly wounded from a rough and challenging few years. It took one entire year, a plethora of selfhelp books, from the great minds and advice of Napoleon Hill, Robin Sharma, Neale Donald Walsch, Rhonda Byrne, Wallace D. Wattles, Eckhart Tolle, Brian Tracy, Siimon

1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012


Reynolds, Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, Louise L. Hay and Dr. Wayne W. Dyer just to name a few. They transformed my mind, perspective and life. After discovering solace within 50 books, I came to a state of enlightenment. One that enforced the power and impact of positive thinking. I felt reborn and amazed that most people go through years unaware and oblivious to what I began to discover as the magic and beauty of life. The little things started to matter more, as clich as that may seem; being embraced by the sunlight on a winter morning, the intricate yet simplistic beauty of nature. I began to develop a sense of wonder and gratitude for life. Of course this is a redundant and overrated matter to most people, as it is quite common to hear

someone say think positive! to someone who feels down. Most people do not take these words seriously, as they dont acknowledge the inherent meaning and do not consider them as useful and effective. How many people do you know who recognize what the power of positive thinking truly means? Mostly, we fail to identify that positive thinking is a mental attitude that admits into the mind thoughts, words and images that are conductive to growth, expansion and success. It is a mental attitude that expects good and favourable results. A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful outcome of every situation and action. Whatever the mind expects, it finds. For most of us, following years

of limiting belief systems, introducing a new lifestyle, such as positive thinking is anything but a smooth transition. It was absolutely a personal battle for me, but once I rewired my mind to push past my negative thought patterns, which had been nurtured over the years, I was ecstatic at how drastically different every experience seemed to be. Practicing positive thinking is not practicing wishful thinking or being an eternal optimist. Heres the difference. Optimism is an attitude, while wishful thinking is a temporary pattern of thinking. Positive thinking is a lifestyle. Its a way of living: a practice and an art. Positive thinking is just one technique among many that will help you change your life. Adopt it; it is definitely a life altering state.

Thinking about a career with a liberal arts degree

wayne greenway
worked to give her and her three of writing papers and the demands part-time job and maintained her graduates, she will be losing money brothers everything they needed. of school. She knew that pursuing grades while still doing her volun- per month of delay in addition to In first year, Maria received her a Ph.D. was definitely not for her. teer work. To succeed, she had to the cost of her living expenses. She Thinking you have taken the wrong path by going to university is a very best marks in history and so she Once things settled down, and quickly learn time management, should avoid this pressure, as it disheartening experience, but has steered her studies in that dir- with the help of the web, we priority setting, and multitasking. often squeezes new graduates out often it just looks like the wrong ection. At the time, finishing school brainstormed 50 immediately in- It is strength in these skills that is of career job search into finding a direction. Its really all about un- seemed so far away. Now, it seems teresting career jobs that she could sought my many employers be- job to pay the bills. covering the hidden gems in the like it is going to be tomorrow and pursue with her liberal arts de- cause they are difficult and time In the process of starting her experience. her options seem so limited. gree. Some of the ones she came consuming to teach. career job search now, she also is Experts agree. In presentations going to get a more realistic picTake Maria, for example. Maria I can be a history teacher or I up with included broadcaster, MP was in tears. Her father never can do my doctorate and maybe assistant, public relations staff- across Canada, Dr. Chad Gaffield, ture of salaries that she can expect er, lobbyist, and museum work. president of the Social Sciences in her first job. It is nowhere near wanted her to come to universi- become a prof, she said. The National Occupational Clas- and Humanities Research Council, the $60,000 that she is anticipating. ty, but she and her mother had Several of her friends, who were convinced him to let her try one good students in different pro- sification lists 25,000 job titles in tells of deep conceptual chan- Our experience is that the average year. When she did so well with grams, had failed to be accepted into 520 occupational group de- ges that have begun defining starting salary for a new graduher grades, he changed his mind into teachers college. Some had far scriptions, so with some further the 21st century as a new era. And ate from a liberal arts program is and thought his idea for her to more experience than she did. They research on Canadas Human Re- the people and scholars who will around $35,000 to $40,000 in the attend university was an excellent had travelled internationally and sources and Skills Development be ideally placed to lead and em- first year. Marys father was partially corone! Now what is he going to say worked with youth for years. They (HRSD) website, Maria is going to brace these changes are those with as she gets on the home stretch would have made great teachers uncover career jobs that she has backgrounds in the social sciences rect in that Maria could have made and there is no job? Four years and yet they still were not accepted. never even thought of before. and humanities along with other almost as much money had she will be wasted. Most of it was his What made her even more conMaria was surprised to learn that disciplines. gone to college and spent less of his money from his brick laying busi- cerned was that she did not really a Globe and Mail article recently According to a recent Ontario money at the same time. However, ness. Maria described how hard he even like kids and she was tired reported that six of the nine sit- University Graduate Survey, 46 per this is true just on a short-term ting Supreme Court judges have cent of graduates do not work in basis. A recent report by HRSD Bachelor of Arts degrees and fields closely related to their for- showed that university graduates so does the man who runs one of mer program of study. The reason have a substantially higher growth Canadas largest pension funds, graduates are able to move into in earnings over the long term. In Michael Sabia. other fields is that they are able 2000, the average growth in Over the course of our discus- to leverage the transferable skills ings between the ages of 25 and 54 sion, Maria realized that it was not they developed throughout their was 53 per cent for those with a going to be the content of the his- university experience. college diploma and 100 per cent tory program that would propel her As we talked, Maria learned that for those with a university degree. MON/TUES/WED/FRI 8:30 - 4:00 MON/TUES/WED/FRI 8:30 - 4:30 into the job market. It was what she is likely going to change careers Marias first career position will THURS 9:00 - 4:00 THURS 9:00 - 4:30 she learned, through the process of several time during her lifetime. likely give her two to three years to going to university, which would While knowing where she would make a full transition from being a prove to be the most valuable re- like to be five, 10 and even 15 years student to being in the full time job turn on her fathers investment. will give her a sense of direction, market. If she has her longer-term She had developed strong skills her current detailed planning and goal in the back of her mind, she in planning, conducting research, job search needs to focus on the will be able to build a strong netsolving problems, making presen- next to two to three years. It is work of business relationships and tations, and using her imagination very important that she start her friendships, who will help her in combined with her creativity. In planning immediately, because making her next career move. She addition, she had become even she is going to need to do the ca- will also have a list of accomplishFeeling Better Now - is an online mental health program to assist students in maintaining their wellbeing. To access go to: and then enter the access code: uoguelph more web savvy than she ever reer research and conduct several ments, innovations, and examples imagined. informational interviews. These of how she has contributed in her She realized that helping others, tasks are not quick to complete. If role in the company and in relwhile volunteering for the local she can complete this task while evant professional associations. help line had given her a lot of she is still in school, she will give With this in place, doors will open practice in listening. She also herself far more chance of suc- for Maria within or external to her said that this year, she took on a cess. If she waits to do this until she workplace.


w w w.t h e on ta r ion . c om

disorder is identified as binge eat- In fact, food is the symptom of ing disorder, or BED. Like its name problems, not the source. Blamsuggests, BED individuals resort to ing, criticizing, or attempting to eating large amounts of food, usu- forcefully change someone dealing ally as a coping mechanism when with an eating disorder will only experiencing difficult emotions. make things worse. Instead, they Unlike bulimia, those with BED must be able to find love, support, do not purge afterwards. Eating and understanding if they are to Disorder Not Otherwise Specified seek the treatment and recovery (ED-NOS) is the catch-all category to help release themselves from for those which do not fit the pre- its astonishing grip. viously cited criteria. Eating disorders are extremeThe causes of eating disorders ly difficult to cope with, for both are many, and differ with each the person in question and his or individual afflicted. These rea- her friends, family, and loved ones. sons include, but are not limited Though they usually affect family to: depression, extreme change, life and are hard to understand, separation/divorce, traumatic it must be remembered that noevent (such as sexual abuse), pu- body asks for an eating disorder. berty/transition, and media focus They are, in essence, a desperate on body shape/appearance. call for help, but one that must be Eating disorders do not devel- answered properly if recovery is op selfishly, though sadly this is to occur. often how they are perceived. They If you or a loved one suspect are issues of control, and actually or are suffering from an eating have little to do with food itself. disorder, there is help. Consider counselling, therapy, or support groups; for more intensive cases, there are health facilities that offer day and/or inpatient treatment as well. Never try to force someone to enter treatment, as this can actually be counterproductive. It is also important to note that commenting on ones weight/appearance, even as a compliment, is not a good idea. The person will likely take your words to mean that their obsession with looks is correct. At the same time, if you honestly think that someone is in physical danger, it is important to seek help in addressing your concerns. It is recommended that you contact a professional for more details. Eating disorders, when severe, have the power to kill. Together, we can ease the suffering caused by eating disorders, and take one more step towards a safer, friendlier society in which all of us can thrive.

a look at eating disorders

carleigh cathcart
This week (Jan. 30 to Feb. 3) is Eating Disorder Awareness Week. Unfortunately, eating disorders are some of the most deeply misunderstood illnesses out there. Besides the stigma that in general seems to surround them, they are often ridiculed, looked down upon, and society-diagnosed. Being skinny does not mean one has an eating disorder, nor do all people who have eating disorders possess a skinny figure. The ideal information the public should have regarding eating disorders could fill this entire paper itself (and more), but I will try to offer a brief glimpse into this dark world, in the hope of providing readers with more insight. Though primarily occurring in girls and young women, eating disorders can afflict people of all genders, ages, classes, and races. There are three main sub-groups of eating disorders; the first being anorexia. Fully titled anorexia nervosa, this disorder involves severe food restrictions, often coupled with intense exercise and very extreme and/or specific habits. Those with anorexia usually have a distorted body image, and despite being malnourished and emaciated, often view themselves as fat and unworthy. Bulimia nervosa also involves the restriction of food, but results in binge-and-purge cycles, where the denial of food is met with very large amounts binged on, followed by purging through vomitting, laxatives, or other similar behaviour. Those with bulimia have varying weights; not all appear to be severely underfed. This does not mean, however, that that person is any less in need of help or support. The more recently recognized

The naked canadian

Paul rashotte
Fashionit is an issue that affects our lives every day. Relentlessly, it bombards our minds with doubts, questions and fears. It perpetuates a world of never ending anxiety where we are always forced to wonder: does this shirt give my blue eyes that sensitive green sparkle? Does the Abercrombie Carpenter clothing line still define my identity? Or do ironic hipster t-shirts about moose better communicate to the public what Im going through on the inside? Do these lulu lemons give my bum that timeless riveting quality? Or the more recent question of what stealing our girlfriends lulus come to fruitionas nakedness is and wearing them secretly says clothed in fines, probation and about our sexual identities? Non- bars of steal by the Canadian Legal stop we wrestle with these deep System. metaphysical problems until our The courts willingness to do apprehension reaches a boiling this was demonstrated earlipoint and it is all we can do to er this January, when Ontario stop ourselves from ripping off Bracebridge Judge John Jo Dougthe Lulus and run through the las fined Brian Coldin 3000 street yelling look at me, look dollars and 24 months probation at me, I AM NAKED!. for four counts of public nudity. Unfortunately for us Canadians, Coldins transgressions included were not naked. Nowe cant be walking nude along highway 11 in because public nudity is illegal. April 2008, going through a Tim So those of us who cannot resist Hortons drive through naked in the urge to give a middle finger May 2009, and then doing it again to the demands of fashion, who at an A&W a few days later. want nothing more than to go Although the conditions of about our day in peaceful nudi- Coldins sentence are very setywe will never see that dream rious and unfortunate, I think it is important to point out just how hilarious these crimes really are. Just picture a naked man calmly ordering his coffee, while a panicked Tim Hortons staff desperately tries to alert the authorities that a pervert is on the loose and you cannot help but smile. The situation is only made more absurd when one realizes that Coldins actions are completely in line with Canadian cultural past times. Every week to escape the boring monotony of working five to seven days a week, millions of Canadians tell dirty jokes, watch television, play sports, read books, swim, or get drunk. What all these hobbies have in common is that they offer a break from normalcy and enable people to go on an adventure that is either funnier or more interesting then everyday life. They also all consistently explore comedic themes involving people

Brent granBy

not wearing any clothes. So why is the Canadian Legal System punishing Brian Coldin for doing something in public that has always been hilarious in private? If anything legalizing public nudity would only make everyday life more bearable. Firstly, if more people started walking around naked, at the very least, some of the comedic adventures Canadians engage in on their spare time could be experienced in the real world. Secondly, public streaking could be adopted as a national past-time, so Guelph university students could finally have the freedom to run through the streets naked instead of having to dance with Trappers dirt

bags. Thirdly, the body image insecurities created by the demands of fashion would be greatly reduced because who would care about having the latest JC Penney clothing line now that everyones busy staring at penny sized nipples. The perspective and adventure that public nudity could inject into our fashion obsessed culture is virtually limitless. So Judge Jon Jo Doudglas should take off his robes, look himself in the mirror and remember that hes guilty of being naked to.o Of course when he does this, he should make sure that he pulls the blinds down because if somebody saw him, then I guess hed have to convict himself.

So whats the deal with westerns new name?
The official video viewed most prominently on and released by the University of Western Ontario, now the Western University of Canada, attempted to explain the change. The video claimed that the numerous logos, crests and variations of the colour purple were causing a lot of confusion about the true identity of Western. Especially for people in Singapore who dont know where Ontario is, apparently. But while the video showed lots of fingers swiping titles around, students and some alumni are showing Western a finger too. The brand-change, which cost the university around $200,000, blew up on social media sites with Western students expressing their disapproval of the name with statuses like What the hell? I go to Western University now?! and more nostalgic lamentations for what is now being called Vintage Western. Happy or not though, the students must say bye-bye to the beloved acronym UWO. Other responses were more critical, arguing that Western isnt even geographically in the west of Canada. President of WUC and former vice president at the University of Waterloo, Amit Chakma, said the name change was made in an attempt to make Western more globally recognizable, and to increase their already large international student population. Chakma is confident that the change will be for the betterment of the university, though others are left wondering whether removing Ontario from their title will make a significant difference. The full extent of the change includes switching the Western university towers logo to a more traditional looking crest, changing the font to an original typeface called Hellmuth and announcing the official purple to be used by all of WUC : Pantone PMS268. The video claimed that the changes were based on numerous surveys from students, faculty and alumni, however, some recent grads are claiming that they were powerless when it came to Westerns decision to change their name. Other students seem less perturbed by it, claiming that most people already call the university by its shorter nickname Western anyways, so officially calling it that now hasnt changed anything. Some seem to be in agreement that the new crest will be easier to use on Western apparel, whereas the old tower logo proved difficult to adjust for jerseys, sweaters and other pretentious Mustang swag. All together eliminated will be the popular game-day purple and white W worn by many.

1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012


western university canada: just asking for more wuck Festern jokes

The ontarion Inc.

University Centre room 264 University of guelph n1g 2w1 phone: 519-824-4120 general: x58265 Editorial: x58250 Advertising: x58267 Accounts: x53534
editorial staff: Editor-in-chief duncan day-Myron Sports & Health Editor Sasha Odesse Arts & Culture Editor Tom beedham news Editor beth Purdon-McLellan web Editor bakz Awan Associate Editor divinus C. Caesar Copy Editor Abigel Lemak production staff: Photo & graphics editor Marianne Pointner Ad designer Jess Avolio Layout director Julian Evans office staff: business manager Lorrie Taylor Office manager Monique Vischschraper Ad manager Al Ladha Board of directors President Curtis Van Laecke Treasurer Lisa Kellenberger Chairperson Marshal McLernon Secretary Andrew goloida directors
Antik dey david Evans Lisa McLean bronek Szulc


Spur of the moment attempts to Many students from other universities seem to be unaware of spurn the Mustangs have not boded the change or are quietly laugh- well in recent years for the Grying while Western students are phons, namely the Im a Gryphon in an uproar. Either way, the (no punctuation) video parody of new acronym is just asking for the much more professional looking more WUCk Festern jokes, a joke video recorded by Western entitled which was recently turned on its White and Purple. Embarrasing head by new Western merchan- moments like these remind students dise, which retaliated with the that these things need to be more slogan Festern Wucked your thought out before they are released. mom. Points go to Western for Though the new name certainly their creativity on that one, while has Western students flustered, the rival schools have been forced to storm of haters are likely to lose fuel think of new names to taunt the shortly and everyone will resume Stangs with. calling it Western.

Fire away: a powerful post-it
stePhanie rennie
too common and leads many into turned into a disorder that de- Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Eata vicious and dangerous cycles. stroyed many years of her life. ing Disorders Coalition is hosting I dont know who is responsible While eating well and exercising Watching someone seek control Faces of Recovery, a community for the small colourful bits of paper is imperative to feeling physic- through food and then spiral out of panel discussion on eating disorstuck to the womyns washroom ally and mentally content with control was a cold slap in the face ders. The panel will be comprised exuberantly saying You are beau- ones body, many social pressures to many students that were con- of individuals suffering with eating tiful!, but thank you. So often the skew the image of what is con- stantly on the scale and in front of disorders and family members that mirror can be a curse as it points sidered skinny and beautiful. the mirror. have been affected with a loved out every blemish, every bit of fat, Images found in magazines and But not worrying if that shirt ones struggle. The discussion will every single flaw. Seeing these on television depict unrealistic clings in all the wrong places is take place at Best Western Royal small reminders that we are all conceptions of what the average easier said than done. It is some- Brock Hotel and Conference Cenin fact beautiful (and who defines womyn looks like. This constant times impossible to singlehandedly tre at 7 p.m. on Feb. 8. This event, beauty anyway?) is such a nice bombardment of Photoshopped ignore the misconceptions of body along with Eating Disorders Supexperience to encounter while ab- models made to look starving ser- images in the media and to not ob- port Group and other campus sentmindedly washing your hands. iously damages self-esteem and sess about our weight. In fact, guilt initiatives provide a safe place for Jan. 30-Feb. 3 marks Nation- destroys any perspective of a truly associated with food is now nor- those suffering to receive educaal Eating Disorders Week, a week healthy body and mind. malized. It isnt just the media and tion and support in assisting them Unfortunately, I have vivid im- advertising drawing unhealthy on their road to recovery. designed to draw much needed attention to severe disorders that ages of how obsessions with eating comparisons between the stick We should all take a moment affect far too many people. On their and negative body images can figures on television and our- each day to feel good about ourwebsite, the National Eating Disor- spiral out of control in the blink selves, we are now doing it to each selves instead of constantly der Association defines the aim of of an eye. One of my good friends other. The constant judgments of comparing, worrying and judgthis week as to ultimately prevent in high school was a perfection- photos on Facebook contribute ing. I hope that Eating Disorder eating disorders and body image ist, a gymnast, a wiz in math, and to a vicious cycle of criticism and Awareness Week will help to eduissues while reducing the stigma also terribly anorexic. Her condi- self-hatred that promotes an un- cate people on how slippery this surrounding eating disorders and tion escalated to a point that drove healthy relationship with food and slope truly is, and will encourage people to love themselves. improving access to treatment. her to be hospitalized. Forced out body image. of high school to a lonely hospital The preoccupation with conIn honour of a week trolled eating and body image, bed under constant supervision, dedicated to promoting aware- Stephanie Rennie is the editorespecially among womyn, is far her once picky eating habits had ness of eating disorders,. in-chief of

Tyler Valiquette Kevin Veilleux


Terry Asma Karim boucher Carleigh Cathcart Shwetha Chandrashekhar Christopher Chang Arielle duhaime-ross Stephen Fournier wayne greenway Alicja grzadkowska Linnaea Jasiuk Melina Lin Michael Long Victoria Martin nick McFarland

Zamir Merali Chris Muller Justin nasielski Shireen noble Paul rashotte Stephanie rennie nick revington Susannah ripley Kyle rodriguez Allison rostic Jeff Sehl Frank Spum Iain Storosko Jordan Slogget

The Ontarion is a non-profit organization governed by a board of directors. Since the Ontarion undertakes the publishing of student work, the opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Ontarion board of directors. The Ontarion reserves the right to edit or refuse all material deemed sexist, racist, homophobic, or otherwise unfit for publication as determined by the Editor-in-Chief. Material of any form appearing in this newspaper is copyrighted 2011 and cannot be reprinted without the approval of the Editor-inChief. The Ontarion retains the right of first publication on all material. In the event that an advertiser is not satisfied with an advertisement in the newspaper, they must notify the Ontarion within four working days of publication. The Ontarion will not be held responsible for advertising mistakes beyond the cost of advertisement. The Ontarion is printed by the guelph Mercury.


w w w. t h e on ta r ion . c om
49- Foreordain 54- gaelic language of Ireland or Scotland 55- Sam, e.g. 56- Son of Judah 57- back talk 58- brown and white Eurasian falcon 59- Pro ___ 39- Small nails 41- Comes up 42- Move swiftly 43- Cruise stops 44- Currency unit in nigeria 45- big dipper 47- Quarter bushel 50- genetic material 51- Actress balin 52- writer Hentoff 53- bambis aunt

Last week's Solution



1- Ethereal: Prefix 5- Toothed wheels 10- Jump lightly 14- disfigure 15- Committee type 16- Ingrids Casablanca role 17- Teach publicly 19- blend 20- Siouan speakers 21- Textile worker 23- Old world songbird 26- Color board 27- Prima ballerina 28- bullfighter

29- name 30- L.A. Law lawyer 31- russian space station 34- Advil target 35- Aristotles teacher 36- Skater Lipinski 37- Mai ___ 38- wonderland girl 39- Peg 40- Floating 42- Checking out, as before a robbery 43- Unappreciative one 45- Yeast enzyme 46- Soundness of judgment 47- Anorak; northern jacket 48- Falsehoods

1- roadies burden 2- Attention 3- ___ grande 4- Motionless 5- In abundance 6- beat by a hair 7- Cries of discovery 8- balderdash 9- Imagined sequence of events 10- Coy smile 11- Compulsion to steal 12- Little island 13- Military chaplain 18- Functional 22- Hard ___! (sailors yell) 23- Attack (2) 24- new York city 25- Lack of being 26- Florences ___ Vecchio 28- Area of land 30- dress style 32- golf clubs 33- Extent 35- Monotreme 36- Person who makes a will 38- rat-___

Congratulations to this week's crossword winners: Jarrett deneau and nelson Mendez. Stop by the Ontarion office to pick up your prize!

submit your completed crossword by no later than Monday, February 6th at 4Pm for a chance to win two free Bob's dogs!

3 5 7 9 4 8 6 1 2 4 1 9 2 6 5 8 3 7 6 8 2 3 1 7 5 9 4 9 6 4 5 2 1 7 8 3 1 3 8 4 7 9 2 5 6 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 4 1 2 9 3 6 8 4 1 7 5 5 4 1 7 9 2 3 6 8 8 7 6 1 5 3 4 2 9


difficulty level: 10

FranK spuM

coMMunIty eVents guelPh field naturalists. Next indoor meeting: Thursday, February 9th at 7:30pm at the Arboretum Centre. All welcome. INTO THE PERUVIAN AMAZON. Patrick Moldowan, PhD Candidate, University of Guelph. Do you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes? If you are looking for more information regarding Insulin Pump Therapy, Diabetes Care Guelph (DCG) is hosting a Pump Info Forum. Pump company Representatives will be available to answer your questions. Date: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 from 7-9pm at 212-55 Wyndham St N. Please RSVP to 519.840.1964 X 1 or C.J. Munford Centre presents confidential, educational workshops for minority women. Monday, February 6 Workshop: Self Defense movie and demonstration. 5-6:15pm at the C.J. Munford Centre, Mackinnon Room 055. Contact: Student of Colour Support Groups (and Students from Different Cultural Backgrounds). Mondays: One on One support 10am-2pm,

1 6 7 .4 febr uary 2nd 8t h, 2012

Discussion 3-5pm. Tuesdays: One on One support 10am-2pm. Discussion group 2-3pm. Wed: One on one support 10am-2pm. Discussion group 5-7pm. Confidentiality ensured. Munford Centre, Rm 54. Contact: rmcleod@ or x53244. serVIces Editing Specialists! Research and Editing Experts At Your Service. All levels, all subjects. Post-graduates in most fields available to help you get the job done right! 1-888-345-8295


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coMMunIty lIstIngs
thursday February 2 The CPES Art Show 6pm8pm in the new Atrium of the Thornbrough Building (East of the UC). All are invited to come and enjoy the diverse talents of the science and engineering students. Thursday At Noon Concert: Madawaska Quarter perform The Evolution of the String Quartet in One Hour. Join us in MacKinnon room 107 at 12 noon for this free concert. events In celebration of Black History month: Activist and educator Angela Davis will discuss Activism and Diversity in Higher Education. 6:45pm in War Memorial Hall. Free admission for U of G students, $5 to $10/general. Tickets available at the Central Student Association, University Centre, Room 274, Monday to Friday 9-4pm. Friday February 3 Fiesta: Culture Splash will celebrate cultural diversity from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in East Town Hall. The event is open to the University community and general public. Tickets $10 are available at the Munford Centre, MacKinnon Building, Room 55, and at the door. saturday February 4 Wen-Do Womens SelfDefence. February 4-5, 9-5pm. Wen-Do is an active, empowering, and inspiring martial art designed for womens self-defence. Preregistration and $25 deposit necessary; register in UC Room 107, 11am-5pm, MonFri. $25-$40 (sliding scale) students, $40-$100 (sliding scale) general public. http:// Do you have Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes? If you are looking for more information regarding Insulin Pump Therapy, Diabetes Care Guelph (DCG) invites you to join us at our Pump Info Forum. Pump company Representatives will be available to answer your questions. Date: Wed, Feb 15, 2012 from 7-9pm at 212-55 Wyndham St N. Please RSVP to 519.840.1964 X 1 or Alicia. sunday February 5 Guelph Hiking Trail Club: Radial Line Trail Sections 7 and 8, 4 - 6 km. Level 2, 3 if icy. Speed Moderate. Meet 1pm near Tim Hortons in plaza (corner of Victoria/York Roads). Icers and/or poles could be useful. Dress appropriately for weather, warm boots. All welcome. Leader: Dave 519-716-8273 tuesday February 7 The Guelph Guild of Storytellers adult concert series first Tuesday of each month. 7pm at the Guelph Public Library, Main Branch, 100 Norfolk St. Free admission. Donations accepted. Please note: our stories are too long and complex for kids under 12. Contact: Sandy Schoen at 519-767-0017 or for further details. storytellers wednesday February 8 Building Common Ground: A Series of Public Conversations on the Environmental and Economic Crises. Opening Conversation: Too Many People: Population, Immigration and the Environmental Crisis with guest Ian Angus (Author and Editor of Climate & Capitalism). 7pm at 10 Carden (across from City Hall). www.facebook/pages/ building/building-commonground-guelph thursday February 9 Guelph Field Naturalists. Next indoor meeting: 7:30pm at the Arboretum Centre. All welcome. Into The Peruvian Amazon with Patrick Moldowan, PhD Candidate, University of Guelph. sunday February 12 K9 Helpers Valentines Tea and Silent Auction 2012: 2pm4pm at the Guelph Delta Hotel and Conference Centre. $40/ person or $350 for a table of 10 (parking included). Limited tickets available at door. Purchase tickets at the Bookshelf (41 Quebec Street) or online at Sundays @ 3 concert series at Dublin St. United Church. The Kevin Remessar Trio. Tickets $20/general, $5/children, eyeGo and UGO discounted $5 ( Info: 519-8210610 or or visit: saturday February 25 Dinner, Dance, Silent Auction at Victoria East Golf Club. Funds to send a work team to Bolivia to build a school. Project Bethesda. Tickets $45: complimentary wine & cheese, buffet dinner, dancing. Contact Jaye Graham:

Apply with portfolio of at least 6 writing samples, resume and cover letter to: Ontarion EIC Hiring Committee, U C 2 6 4 , U n i ve r s i t y o f G u e l p h , G u e l p h O n t a r i o N 1 G 2 W 1
To o b t a i n a c o p y o f t h e O n t a r i o n s E m p l o y m e n t E q u i t y P o l i c y a n d / o r t h e Job Description for this position, please email us at

APRIL 2012 APRIL 201

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