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You Wanna Get A

Get an experts take on the pros and cons of owning a bully breed.

open-minded suburban families, eccentric artists and even conservative law officers coo about the virtues of their hunky breed of choice. But along with this cooing comes an unsettling warning. Newbies are told with a wink and a smile, But theyre not a dog for everyone. What does that mean? It can seem like the owners of bully breeds belong to a special club where members speak in code. Gameness and dog aggression are curious terms that can intrigue and confuse the uninitiated. The medias clumsy attempts to explain these animals might only mislead and muddy the conversation. Still, the fascination for bully breeds persists. Controversy and breed myths aside, how do you know if you have what it takes to live with a big-hearted bully dog? Try on these scenarios for size.

Strong in mind, body and heart, the bully breeds will give and demand much.

Bully breeds may look cool and intimidating at first glance, but insiders know better. These clownish muscle heads are shameless groupies who exist only to love and adore their people. They bond deep and heavy, and they display such a soulful empathy that you may be tempted to check for a zipper in your little humans bully breed dog suit. Its easy to get used to their gushing affection and flattery, but the friendship does come with a price tag. Your dog expects a lot from you, mainly: You, you and you. A smart dog shopper should do a personal inventory before committing. Do you have at least two hours a day to devote to your adoring fan? Can you keep up with the pressures that come with having celebrity status in your dogs eyes? A lonely, tied-up-in-the-backyard dog this is not. Bully breeds consider it their right and privilege to be involved in the lives of their beloved people. Anything less, and you may have to endure the consequences of a

By Donna Reynolds, BAD

From: BULLY BREEDS - Popular Dog Series Volume 21 To order magazine: (888) PET-BOOK (738-2665)

These days, theres a resurgence of interest in American Pit Bull Terriers and their bullish cousins as preferred family pets. Bully breed owners shivered with pride recently when a fashionable pit bull landed on the cover of the snazzy magazine, Town and Country. Everywhere we go, we see great examples of lovely bullys paired up with proud, enthusiastic owners: Urban hipsters,

very intelligent and terrifically determined animal that invents creative ways to entertain itself during your absence. Digging, chewing, and ignoring house rules are some of the ways a strong-willed dog says, Im bored pay attention to ME! Those who live with bully breeds frequently report suffering pangs of guilt when pleading eyes beg for more, more, more. Of course, behind every guilt-ridden bully owner is a dog that knows how to tug hard at the heartstrings. Are you the type who can balance the needs of a demanding dog for some 15 years along with all the other responsibilities that life heaps on you? If not, pass Go and consider houseplants.

now considered common property by your dog. No matter how many times you toss it down afterwards, itll persist in nudging its way back in or reminding you of this terrible injustice. Of course, it fully expects that eventually you will give in and is just waiting for that fine moment. When begging doesnt work, pit bull types can do a grand impersonation of a bag of cement in order to secure their claim on your pillow. Owners without a sure and steady backbone can lose a lot of ground and wear down quickly in this battle of wills. Because these dogs need to have limits and rules firmly (fairly!) laid out, folks with previous dog experience and students dedicated to the art of dog training do better with these breeds than novices. Smart dog shoppers should ask themselves: Am I a hopeless doormat easily pushed into whichever direction the wind is blowing? Or am I a true-grit Rock of Gibraltar with a firm grip on how to be a fair and consistent leader of the pack?

Bully breeds arent passive about anything. Theyre hardwired to enjoy a good challenge and pushy about getting what they want. Whether they are working a spring pole (a hanging toy for tugging and swinging), crashing through brush on a search-andrescue mission or wrestling for a better spot on the sofa, this chutzpah is a constant. We call this never-quit-quality gameness, and its a large part of what makes bully breeds so great to work with and so much fun to have around. Witnessing this bravado in action is enough to make any overachiever weep with joy. If youre the type that can confidently channel this can-do quality into amazing feats of stardom (or just plain good old-fashioned manners), youll have no better student. These dogs aim to please. But if youre the wallflower type, easily influenced by pushy relatives and telemarketers, the bullish enthusiasm of your dog will be running your household in no time. How will it do this? You can expect to be (joyfully) tested by your bulldozer again and again in every situation and circumstance. Give an inch and you invoke an ancient bully rite: the beloved Contest of Wills. One example: The first time you let your dog sleep in your bed, its all over the bed is


A sad truth: No matter the size or shape of your bully breed, when you first bring it home, some of your friends, family and neighbors will freak. Your mom will feign heart pain and your brother-in-law will wave

his hands and parrot every urban myth invented to warn you of your folly. This is an unavoidable reality in todays time. Who can blame them? Newspapers are quick to headline any story of a pit bull type getting into trouble, whether the culprit was an irresponsible owner, a dog with a substandard temperament or both.

If you decide to get a bully breed, be prepared to soothe and educate wary friends and family.

You cant graduate from Bull Breed Reality School until you accept the possibility of dog-on-dog aggression as fact. Heres the gist of it: Your healthy, normal bully breed is going to love humans in a big way, but part of its blueprint is hardwired to scrap with other dogs. How can that be, you ask? Kissing Aunt Flo one minute, snarfing at Bob the Beagle the next? Think of it this way: Your dog loves you because it gets it that youre a human; you can do no wrong. But your dog is bound to have a short fuse around Bob, because hes, well, a dog. She may actually enjoy the company of Bob, but if push comes to shove and they end up in an argument, shell most likely end up the winner. No, your bully breed doesnt necessarily have to have a fighting past in order to throw down with dogs. No, selective breeding for less fight drive has not wiped out this trait. No, the huge help of socializing your dog wont erase its genetics during those intense moments when both dogs want the same Frisbee. Some bullys are much more dog tolerant and some are closer to their historical fighting roots than others, but each still carries the ancestral voice that whispers, Dont push my buttons, Mr. Doggy, or all bets are off. Rumbling may have been socially acceptable back in the old days when men wereahem--men and fistfights were honest, but its a new world now, and a bully can never be allowed to get into trouble with other dogs. Deny your bull breeds genetics, and youll end up witnessing the ugly reality of this trouble one unhappy day when your guard is down and your dog is feelin grumpy. If responsibility is a bad word to you and keeping on your toes in these situations sounds like too much work Quick! Exit here and shop for another breed. Your dogs well-being will depend on your ability to be honest about your own personal limits. If youve got the soul of a Boy Scout and your favorite creed is Be prepared, you may find that the benefits of a bully breed outweigh the extra work of managing its dog-aggression potential. Even so, open your books and learn as much as you can from those who are living successfully and

Youll have to answer for those dogs and spend the rest of your time convincing the world that your dog is a valuable, loving, responsibly-owned family member. The world may never believe you, but youll repeat it anyway. Youll end up stockpiling volumes of breed information into your brain in order to educate the frightened, the prejudiced and the misinformed. Youll end up talking to more people about your dog than you ever thought you would have to. Still, strangers will cross the street to avoid you and your dog, mothers will pick up their children when you walk near, the delivery man may refuse to deliver packages to your home. Even worse, some cities may try to prevent you from enjoying your bully breed by proposing fear-induced breed-specific legislation. Other municipalities will prevent you from driving into city limits with your dog in the car (sneak it in and it may end up confiscated). Reactive neighbors may turn you in for having a so-called dangerous dog, and your best friend may refuse to visit your home. You know your dog is loving and wonderful and youve worked hard to be a responsible owner, but some people will never accept it. Face it: This hurts. Thin-skinned types not need apply for this job.


Understanding this prickly breed trait is a must for every starry-eyed bully enthusiast.

responsibly with their beloved bully breeds in a world full of other dogs, including Bob the Beagle and all his friends.

shoes and get ready for the benefits of the Pit Bull Fitness Program. Bully breed devotees will tell you that no other dog offers such a high return. Providing a loving home will earn you daily adventures and a die-hard optimist, endless good humor and unparalleled love from a dog pushy enough to insist that life was meant to be lived with gusto.

The idea of matchmaking dogs as buddies and housemates is a romantic notion. Without careful planning and smart management, multiple dogs can spell trouble in a home where a bully breed resides. Same-gender pairings are famous for friction, and even opposite-gender dogs that get along should be separated from each other when no ones around to supervise. If your idea of the perfect life is a happy pack of romping pooches, carefree, with no worries about loud arguments or scraps, leave the bully breeds out of the mix, and check out more dog-friendly breeds.

Bully breeds are gold medal athletes. Think: well-muscled power lifters with an aptitude for gymnastics. Supporting your bully breeds love of sport means youll have to invent fun ways to help it kick up some dirt. Dog parks arent going to work for mature bully breeds (too many opportunities for conflict and trouble), so youll have to be ready to be creative in your search for action. Treadmills, spring poles, dog sports, running on leash, pulling you on a skateboard take your pick! One warning, however: A bully breeds quest for a good workout can also translate into inspired escape plans. Many ambitious bullys think nothing of jumping a 6-foot tall fence or digging fast tunnels underneath. Of course, nothing creates a panic more quickly during these times than a wide-mouthed, smiling bully running loose and having himself a little adventure. To avoid a drama scene like this, owners should commit to working out ways to safely contain their dogs in the yard, or preferably, indoors in between workout sessions. If the mere thought of living with a dog that needs to bounce, run, tug, jump, dig and wrestle exhausts you, quit while youre ahead. But, if youre an active type who would love a loyal workout partner, pull out the tennis

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Securing the future of the American Pit Bull Terrier as a cherished family companion.

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