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Maxwell Render V2 Educational Program Thank you for your interest in the Maxwell Render V2 Educational Program.

Our aim is to give students, teachers and educational institutions access to the Maxwell Render software at an affordable price, helping them become the professional Maxwell Render users of the future. A Maxwell Render V2 educational license costs 195 / US$245 Upgrades from Maxwell Render V1 educational are also available for 130 / US$170. Please note that you must provide proof that you are still studying or working at the educational institution (for faculty licenses). There is no technical difference between an educational license and a standard commercial license. An educational license is exclusively for learning and teaching purposes. Using an educational license for commercial purposes is not permitted. Educational licenses are not valid for government or commercial research, even within an educational institution. You can either purchase a student license or a faculty license. Faculty licenses are for educational institutions and their members of staff. An educational license is valid for one machine, irrespective of how many cores it has. Students may install the educational license on their laptops. An educational license does not grant you free upgrades to newer versions of Maxwell Render. When a new major version of Maxwell Render is released you will need to buy an upgrade if you wish to use the latest release version (and are still eligible for the educational program). A compulsory additional 18% VAT/ Tax charge may apply if the purchaser is based in an EU country. Please see for information about supported operating systems and plug-ins. The software is download-only. The manual is also available for download. The Rendernode license option is not available under the educational program. Educational licenses can be used as workstation licenses or as node licenses (if you own more than one license). The following discounts for Classroom Packs are available: Classroom Pack of 10 licenses is 1750 / US$2200 Classroom Pack of 20 licenses is 3100 /US$3900 Classroom Pack of 30 licenses is 4000 / US$5100

To apply for a Maxwell Render V2 educational license, please fill out the relevant application form below (please note that there are different forms for student licenses and faculty licenses) and send it to or to fax number +34 917 219 464, together with these required identification papers:

STUDENT LICENSE Copy of your student photo ID Copy of any other type of photo ID (passport, drivers license)

FACULTY LICENSE Official purchase order from the faculty Copy of the faculty photo ID of the person placing the order Copy of any other type of photo ID of the person placing the order

If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you. All the best, Next Limit Technologies

Maxwell Render V2 Educational Program Application form for Student License I would like to purchase __________ Maxwell Render V2 educational license(s) (please specify number) Please indicate if this is a first purchase (tick) or an upgrade (tick) Full name: Home address: Email address: Telephone number: School/ college: Graduation date or course end date: I use the following 3D/ CAD application(s): I use the following Operating System(s): I heard about Maxwell Render through: Credit card number: Card type: CVC 3 digit security code on the back of card Credit card expiry date: Name of the credit card holder: I understand that the Maxwell Render V2 educational license is for learning and teaching purposes only and that I cannot use the license for commercial projects or jobs of any type. I agree with the terms of the Maxwell Render V2 Educational Program and will not use my license for commercial ends. (Please tick) I hereby authorize Next Limit Technologies to charge the appropriate amount to the specified credit card. (Please tick)

_____________________________ Signature of applicant

__________________________ Signature of cardholder (if different)

To qualify for a Maxwell Render V2 educational license we also need these required identification papers:

STUDENT LICENSE Copy of your student photo ID Copy of any other type of photo ID (passport, drivers license)

Please email all documentation to or fax them to +34 917 219 464

Maxwell Render V2 Educational Program Application form for Faculty License We would like to purchase ____1______ Maxwell Render V2 educational license(s) (please specify number) Please indicate if this is a first purchase (tick) or an upgrade (tick) School/ college: School address: Telephone number: The New School, Parsons School - SDS, SCE, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture 2 W13th St., 9th Flr, 908 NY NY 10011 +1 917.284.4089 or +381 (0)628584348

Name of contact person: Nenad Stjepanovic Email address: We use the following 3D/ CAD application(s): Lightwave, SketchUp, ArchiCad We use the following Operating System(s): Windows XP Pro (x64,x32) We heard about Maxwell Render through: collegues Credit card number: 5108050109643143 Card type: mastercard CVC 3 digit security code on the back of card 684 Credit card expiry date: 04/13 Name of the credit card holder: Nenad A. Stjepanovic We understand that the Maxwell Render V2 educational license is for learning and teaching purposes only and that we cannot use the license for commercial projects or jobs of any type. We agree with the terms of the Maxwell Render V2 Educational Program and will not use the license for commercial ends. (Please tick) We hereby authorize Next Limit Technologies to charge the appropriate amount to the specified credit card. (Please tick)

_____________________________ Signature of applicant

______________________________ Signature of cardholder (if different)

To qualify for a Maxwell Render V2 educational license we also need these required identification papers:

FACULTY LICENSE Official purchase order from the faculty Copy of the faculty photo ID of the person placing the order Copy of any other type of photo ID of the person placing the order

Please email all documentation to or fax them to +34 917 219 464

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