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Meycauyan College City of Meycauayan, Bulacan Graduate School Department Name: Jefferson L.

Macasaet Course: MAED AS Chapter 3

SELECTION AND STAFFING Recruitment The word recruitment has many meaning and plays an important role. Employees leave the organization in search of greener pastures- some retire some die in saddle. The most important thing is that enterprise grows, diversifies, and takes over other units-all necessitating hiring of new men and women. In fact recruitment functions stop only when the organization ceases to exist. To understand recruitment in simple terms it is understood as process of searching for obtaining applications of job from among from which the right people can be selected. To define recruitment we can define it formally as it is a process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins when new recruit are sought and ends when their application are submitted. The result is a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected. Theoretically, recruitment process is said to end with receipt of application in practice the activity extends to the screening applicants as to eliminate those who are not qualified for job. 1.1 PURPOSE AND IMPORTANCE The general purpose of recruitment is to provide a pool of potentially qualified job candidates. Specifically, the purposes are to: 1. Determine the present and future requirement of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities; 2. Increase the job pool of job candidates at minimum cost; 3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number visibly under qualified or job application; 4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited selected, will leave the organization only after a short period of time; 5. Meet the organizations legal and social obligation regarding the composition of its workforce; 6. Being identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates; 7. Increase organization individual effectiveness in the short term and long term;

Professor: Teresa J. Decilio Ph. D Subject: AS204 Personnel Administration

8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting technique and sources for all types of job applicants. 1.2 FACTORS AFFECTING RECRUITMENT There are a number of factors that affect recruitment. These are broadly classified into two categories: 1. 2. Internal factors External factors

INTERNAL FACTORS The internal factors also called as endogenous factors are the factors within the organization that affect recruiting personnel in the organization. Some of these are:Size of the organization The size of the organization affects the recruitment process. Larger organization finds recruitment less problematic than organization with smaller in size. Recruiting policy The recruitment policy of the organization i.e. recruiting from internal sources and external sources also affect the recruitment process. Generally, recruitment through internal sources is preferred, because own employees know the organization and they can well fit in to the organization culture. Image of the organization Image of the organization is another factor having its influence on the recruitment process of the organization. Good image of the organization earned by the number of overt and covert action by management helps attract potential and complete candidates. Managerial actions like good public relations, rendering public service like building roads, public parks, hospitals and schools help earn image or goodwill for organization. That is why chip companies attract the larger numbers of application. Image of the job Better remuneration and working conditions are considered the characteristics of good image of a job. Besides, promotion and carrier development policies of organization also attract potential candidates.


Like internal factors, there are some factors external to organization, which have their influence on recruitment process. Some of these are given below:Demographic factors As demographics factors are intimately related to human beings, i.e. employees, these have profound influence on recruitment process. Demographic factors include age, sex, Literacy, economics status etc . Labor market Labor market condition I.e. supply and demand of labor is of particular importance in affecting recruitment process. E.g. if the demand for specific skill is high relative to its supply is more than for particular skill, recruitment will be relatively easier. Unemployment situation The rate of unemployment is yet another external factor its influence on the recruitment process. When the employment rate in an area is high, the recruitment process tends to simpler. The reason is not difficult to seek. The number of application is expectedly very high which makes easier to attract the best-qualified applications. The reserve is also true. With low rate of unemployment, recruiting process tend to become difficult .


Present employees: Promotions and transfer from among the present employees can be good sources of recruitment. Promotion implies upgrading of an employee to a higher position carrying higher status, pay and responsibilities. Promotion from among the present employees is advantageous because the employees promoted are well acquainted with the organization culture, they get motivated and it is cheaper also. Promotion from among the person employees also reduces the requirement of job training. However, the disadvantage lies in limiting the choice of the few people and denying hiring of outsiders who may be better qualified and skilled. Furthermore, promotion from among present employees also results in inbreeding, which creates frustration among those not promoted. Transfer refers to shifting an employee from one job to another without any change in the position/post, status and responsibilities. The need for transfer is felt to provide employees a broader and carried base, which is considered necessary for promotion. Job rotation involves transfer of employees from one job to another job on the lateral basis. Former employees: Former employees are another source of applicant for vacancies to be filled up in the organization. Retired or retrenched employees may be interested to e come back the company to work on the part time basis. Similarly, some former employees who had left the organization for any reason, any come back to work. This source has the advantages of hiring people whose performance is already known to the organization. Employee referrals:

This is yet another internal source of recruitment. The existing employees refer to the family members, friends and relatives to the company potential candidates for the vacancies to be filled up in the organization. This source serves as the most effective methods of recruiting people in the organizations because refer to those potential candidates who meet the company requirement known to them from their own experience. The referred individuals are expected to be similar in type in the of race and sex, for example, to those who are already working in the organization Previous applicant: This is considered as internal source in the sense that applications from the potential candidates are already lying with organization. Sometimes the organization contacts though mail or messengers these applicants to fill up the vacancies particularly for unskilled or semiskilled jobs. EXAMINATION No person, except as provided by law, is appointed to, or employed in, a position in the career service unless he has passed the appropriate entrance examination provided for the position. Open competitive entrance examinations are prescribed when practicable. Moreover, Felix A. Nigro said: For certain positions, including some at the entrance level, written examinations are not required. The examination takes the form of an evaluation of the candidates background of training and experience with an oral interview sometimes also included. Examinations, in general are held to determine the capacity and fitness of applicants for the positions to which they seek to be appointed. Examinations may be assembled or unassembled, and tests may be written, oral, physical, performance or testimonial or any type which may be considered to be of impartial or practical character, or a combination of the types. Such examinations may take into consideration experience, education, aptitude, capacity, knowledge character, physical fitness and other factors which, in the Civil Service Commission, enter into the determination of the relative fitness of applicants. Three Forms of Examination 1. Assembled or written examination this is a paper-and-pencil test usually given for entrancelevel positions and others for which aptitudes, intelligence or concrete knowledge prime determinants. a. Performance Tests these tests employ some kind of performance other than writing or speaking. Example: Stenographic and typing work b. Oral Tests oral tests embrace a variety of carefully designed measures to get each candidate s knowledge or behavior via his facility in speech. 2. Unassembled examination this is kind of examination which can differentiate among candidates as to their degree of fitness for a position or occupation by an evaluation of their education and experience.

3. Testimonial examination this is an unassembled examination for skilled and semi-skilled positions categorized as aide, journeyman or supervisory according to the length of experience and educational qualification required.

References Felix A. Nigro. Modern Public Administration (New York: Harper and Row, Publishers, Inc., 1966), p.319 www.

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