Striving To Serve FHE

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Striving to Serve

Based on a General Conference talk by Elder Steven E. Snow in October 2007

Preparation: Print off and laminate the picture of the Good Samaritan. Get a piece of
butterscotch candy for each person. Print off two Brainstorming Game boards. Cut out and
laminate service cards, put them in a jar. Have a second jar to move cards into. Cut out
and laminate a calendar for every person.

Objective: To help instill the importance of small daily acts of service.

Opening Song: Love One Another, Hymns, 308

Opening Prayer:
Scripture: Matthew 22:39

Lesson: In 1989, Elder Steven E. Snow’s mother was very sick and close to dying. Before
she died, Elder Snow had an opportunity to talk to his mother. In his conversation with her,
he asked her if she had any regrets, or in other words, if she would have done anything
differently. She thought about it. Brother Snow thought she would say ‘a bigger home’ or
‘traveling around the world.’ However, she didn’t. She simply said “I wish I had served
more.” This surprised him, a lot. She continued, “I could have done more.” She lived a
great life and accomplished much, yet she still felt she could do more.

Discuss: What is service and why is it so important? Help your children realize what
service is by giving them specific examples….”When you helped your brother pick up his
toys today, even though you didn’t play with them…that is service.”

We are commanded to serve one another. We demonstrate our love when we serve each
other. The Savior taught this well when He shared the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
{show picture} After everyone sees the picture, put it away for a few moments. Have your
family act out the parable telling it as you go along.

Elder Snow says, “Service is to be given unselfishly, with no thought of personal gain or
reward. It is to be given as needed, not when convenient.” [show picture of Good
Samaritan again]

* Was his service given unselfishly?

* Was there any thought of personal gain or reward?
* Was the service given when needed or convenient?

We have an obligation to accept callings to serve. Why is this important? What if you went
to church and there were no leaders? No Bishop? No Primary? We have a privilege to teach
and serve others. Have someone read the following quote by Pres. Spencer W. Kimball:
“God does notice us, and He watches over us. But it is usually through another mortal that
He meets our needs. Therefore, it is vital that we serve each other in the kingdom.”

We have the responsibility to give service in our communities. We should work to improve
where we live. Service requires unselfishly sharing and giving of what you have.

Elder Snow shared the following story, “My wife and I learned a valuable lesson during our
time of service in Africa. We were assigned to a district conference in Jinja, Uganda. Early
Saturday morning before our meetings began, we took the opportunity to tour a new chapel
in the area. As we arrived at the building, we were greeted by a young boy of three to four
years of age. He had come to the Church grounds to see what was going on. Struck by his
broad smile, Sister Snow reached in her purse and handed him a wrapped piece of hard
butterscotch candy. He was delighted. {{give each member of your family a butterscotch

“We spent a few minutes touring the chapel before returning outside. We were met by
more than a dozen smiling children, who each wanted to meet the new neighborhood
candy lady.

“Phyllis was heartbroken, as she had given the boy her last piece of candy. She
disappointedly gestured to the children there was no more. The small boy who initially
greeted us then handed the candy back to Sister Snow, gesturing for her to unwrap it. With
a heavy heart, Phyllis did so, fully expecting the boy to pop the butterscotch candy into his
mouth in full view of his envious friends.

“Instead, to our great surprise, he went to each of his friends, who stuck out their tongues
and received one delicious lick of the butterscotch candy. The young boy continued around
the circle, occasionally taking his own lick, until the candy was gone.

“Now, one can argue the lack of sanitation with this gesture of sharing, but no one can
dispute the example set by this young boy. Unselfishness, sharing, and giving are essential
to service. This child learned that lesson well.”

Brainstorm Game: Divide into two teams. Take 5-10 minutes to brainstorm and
write down as many ways you can serve in each area as possible. When the time is up,
share your ideas. The team with the most ideas wins!

Service Challenge:
Challenge: Pass out one calendar to each person. Using a dry erase marker,
have everyone write their name on a calendar. Decide how long your service challenge will
be: one week, two weeks, or one month. Every day each person will remove one card from
the service jar, read it, and place it in the other jar. Do the service that was on your card
that day and mark it off on your calendar, or think of your own service ideas. Keep
calendars on the fridge.

Closing Song: When We’re Helping We’re Happy, Children’s Songbook pg 198

Closing Prayer:

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