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Leading vs.

Whats the Difference?
Mary Bylone
The William W. Backus Hospital Norwich, CT

So, what is the difference?

Improving performance by taking charge
and motivating others Process of influencing others to move in a direction of achieving goals A process, not a position

Process of coordinating and directing Sometimes paired with the term of
supervision Focuses on issues: cost, productivity, staffing

Management does not equal leadershipbut leadership may play a role in management

Traits of Each

Vision Passion/Charisma Integrity Curiosity Risk Taking Flexibility Intelligence Self-confidence Desire to lead

Manager Organized Dependable Committed Skilled at tasks Focuses on meeting goals Supportive Fair

Leaders do the right thing. Managers do things right.

Bennis & Nanus, 1985

Leaders get other people to want to do something, while managers get other people to do what they do not want to do.
Kouzes & Posner, 1990

You manage things, but you lead people.

Covey & Merrill, 1994

Leaders focus on skills that help develop people and their abilitiesManagers are more concerned with on keeping the organization running as efficiently as possible
Patricia Carroll, Nursing Leadership and Management: A practical guide, 2006

Differences in Management v. Leadership

Leadership Motto Challenge Focus Time Frame Methods Questions Outcomes Human Do the right things Change Purposes Future Strategies Why? Journeys Potential Management Do things right Continuity Structure & Procedure Present Schedules Who, what, when, where, how? Tomey, 2004; Bennis & Nanus, 1985, 1997) Destinations Performance

Differences, differences, differencesbut there is a lot of overlap

Lets look at some details.


Who you gonna call? A leader or a manager?

New technology is being installed. All staff need to be educated on its use. Schedules need to be determined, classes set up, rooms reserved. What skill set is needed to pull off this project?

The organization has had 2 wrong sided surgeries in the past 6 months. When doing a root cause analysis, one of the staff members states that many staff think that this patient safety stuff is stupid What skill set is best to change this culture?

No one wants to work the upcoming holiday. Senior staff members think that the newer staff should work. Staff with children think the single staff should work. No consensus can be reached. Which skill set is needed to get the holiday covered?

Think of a great boss you have hadwere they a leader or a manager?

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