Audience Profiling Survey Form - FINAL FINAL

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____ DATE: _____________________

CONDUCTED BY: _________________________ BARANGAY: ____________________________

We are graduate students from the College of Mass Communication of the University of the PhilippinesDiliman. We are conducting a study entitled Profiling of New Audiences which aims to determine if there is a relationship between ones socio-demographic profile and his or her consumption of TV series over the internet. More specifically, we want to identify the profile, usage, preference and behavior of individuals who download television series over new media. Upon random sampling, you have been identified as one of our respondents for this study. Please completely fill out this Survey Form by placing a check (/) mark on the appropriate box. Rest assured that your responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will not be used for any other purpose. This survey will only take about 10 minutes to finish. Thank you. I. DEMOGRAPHICS 1. Age 12 years and below 13 to 15 years old 16 to 18 years old 19 to 25 years old 26 to 35 years old 36 to 44 years old 45 to 59 years old 60 years old and up 2. Gender Male Female LGBT 7. Primary Language Filipino English 3. Marital Status Single Single with dependent/s Married Widow/Widower Separated/Annulled Divorced Others (please specify) __________________ 8. Monthly Income 10,000 and below 10,001 to 30,000 30,001 to 70,000 70,001 to 140,000 140,001 to 250,000 250,001 to 500,000 500,001 and up Others (please specify) __________________ 12. Home Ownership Owned Rented 13. Home Facilities (check all applicable) TV Computer Radio Landline phone Mobile phone Internet Cable 6. Citizenship Filipino Others (please specify) ___________________ 4. Religion _______________________ 5. Nationality at Birth Filipino Others (please specify) ___________________ 9. Years of Residency in Metro Manila ___ Years 10. Years of Residency in QC District 4 ___ Years 11. Household Size (including helpers) 1 2-3 4-5 6-7 8-9 10 and up

Profiling of New Audiences | Communication Research 295 | UP Diliman

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I. DEMOGRAPHICS (cont.) 14. Highest Educational Attainment No formal education Elementary level Elementary graduate High School level High School graduate College Level College Graduate Technical/Vocational Course Post Graduate 15. Work Status Working Non-working 16. Position Level CEO, VP, General Manager, Director or equivalent Middle Management/Manager 5 or more years working experience 1 to 4 years working experience Fresh graduate/less than 1 year work experience 17. Industry Accounting/Finance Admin/HR Sales/Marketing Media/Arts/Communication Services Sciences Computer/IT Engineering Manufacturing Building/Construction Hotel/Restaurant Education/Training Healthcare Others (please specify) _____________________

18. Work Schedule/Office Hours, if applicable Part-time Full-time FROM AM/PM TO AM/PM

19. School schedule, if applicable FROM II. USAGE OF NEW MEDIA Part A. Internet Use 20. What do you usually use to access the internet?
(please check all applicable)




21. Where do you usually access the internet?

(please check all applicable)

Laptop Desktop Tablet Mobile Phone Others (please specify) __________________________

Home Office (if employed) School Computer shop Wi-fi hot spots (please specify) Others (please specify) ___________________________

Profiling of New Audiences | Communication Research 295 | UP Diliman

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II. USAGE OF NEW MEDIA (cont.) Part B. Internet Use for TV Series Viewing 22. How do you connect to the internet to download TV series? (please check all applicable) Portable Broadband (stick, wimax, etc) DSL/cable connection Dial Up connection Wi-Fi Others (please specify)

III. TV SERIES PREFERENCE 26. What kind of TV series do you download over the internet? (please check all applicable) Mainly Local Mainly International Both local and international Others (please specify) _________________________________

23. How do you download TV series over the internet? Direct Download (rapid share, file sharing sites, etc.) Live Streaming P2P (Peer-to-Peer) Sharing (BitTorrent, Limewire, etc.) File Transfer (USB, bluetooth, CD, etc.) Others (please specify)

27. What are the TV series that you usually download and view over the internet? List them below with number 1 being the most downloaded. Indicate title of TV series and frequency (in days per week) of downloading. Title of TV series 1. Frequency
(no of days per week)


24. On the average, how many days a week do you use the internet to download TV series? Once a week Two days a week Three days a week Four days a week Five days a week Six days a week Seven days a week




25. On the average, how many hours in a day do you use the internet to download TV series? 0 to 3 hours per day 4 to 6 hours per day 7 to 9 hours per day 10 to 12 hours per day More than 12 hours

Profiling of New Audiences | Communication Research 295 | UP Diliman

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TV Series 1

TV Series 2

TV Series 3

TV Series 4

TV Series 5

28. After downloading the TV series, what do you usually do with it? Use it for personal viewing only Upload through social media Convert File Share (e-mail, USB, copy in CD, etc) Save in computer Delete Others (please specify) 29. After viewing the TV series that you have downloaded, do you recommend it to others? Yes No 30. Why do you prefer to download your preferred TV series over the internet rather than watch them on TV? Time Consideration Recommended by friends Based on good reviews Trend Need to be updated Others, please specify



Profiling of New Audiences | Communication Research 295 | UP Diliman

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