Aggie Up! Vol. 4 Iss. 7 - Featured Story: NCTA Facilities Create Tension

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Tensionpage 1 Campus on Continued from

Aggie Up!

Vol. 4 Iss. 6

Volume 4, Issue 6

December 15, 2011


believe NCTA is better than that. I feel most students December come here because they want be in a small town, 12-15 First Semester Final Exams small school atmosphere. However, the underlying 16 Holdiday Year End Potluck and Tour of New benefit that they really want is to be appreciated and Buildings at 11am feel like theyre a part of something, not apart from something. This is what separates NCTA from the January rest of the colleges out there. We are small enough 6 1st Annual Livestock Judging Team 4-H/FFA Feeder Sale at 4pm in Livestock Teaching Center that we have the advantage of a concentrated stu24 Husker Ag Smarts at 8am in LTC dent voice. For example, each club at NCTA has two 28 NCTA and Purina Feeds Feeding and Fitting Clinic representatives on Student Senate. Student Senate at 8am in LTC also has four officers, all of whom are very involved on campus. Another example is Aggies Speak Out, which was created to give students a voice. With To add an event to the Calendar of Events contact one-third of the NCTA student body having the abilEric Reed at or find an Aggie Up! editor. ity to publicly voice their opinion I have been very be a forum open to students where student-affected pleased at how popular and fast it has grown in two issues would be discussed. This would be available to semesters. any NCTA student. Another idea was to have the NCTA All this aside though, students still dont have student body president on the Deans Council. If youre much of an impact on NCTA. Student Senate mainly unaware of the importance of this group, this is the deals with issues that are among students themselves, primary decision-making such as within organizabody for NCTA. This tions. But there are a lot Students dont come to a college would be one answer to of issues that never make bring more student perit to Student Senate. In because the admin offices look spective to the Administrafact, there was no effort tion and for it to be a part great. They come for the to even inform students of their decision-making of the Education Cenresources that are given to them. process. Faculty Senate ter issue. And although has their elected president ~Drew Anderson, Horticulture Chair students can voice their there, why shouldnt Stu(on the issue of using new classroom space for opinions about problems, dent Senate also have their administration offices) such as the problem a president? This would be a while back when a rapid tremendous opportunity to increase in parking tickets represent the entire student were given without warning, the problem still ocbody and, I feel, would be one step in the right direction curs without any student knowledge prior to that. But to providing a solution for the If you dont like it, go what if there was a solution to prevent these probsomewhere else mentality among colleges. lems from ever becoming an issue in the first place? While talking to Eric Reed, Advisor of Aggie Up!, and Scott Mickelsen, Associate Dean about this issue of students not having a true voice on important issues at NCTA, I gathered up some ideas and Id like to propose them. One idea is that there would

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Recently there has been a lot of talk about the new NCTA Facilities Nebraska Agriculture Industry Create Tension Education Center. But what Aggie Basketball you may or may not have heard was the uproar about Aggies Speak Out some of the Administration and Student Services moving Calendar of Events their offices there. At a recent Deans Council meeting, the Administration proposed making the Education Center a one-stop shop for all stuClassrooms, such as this one, were dedicated to donors all over dent services and recruiters, who generously helped make this dream of a new Education Cenhoping that if more students ter a reality for the students. Photo by Aaron Couch and visitors saw the EducaAggie Up! Staff: tion Center it would attract stop shop for all their services, but they new students. wont lose a classroom in the Education Meylin Carrasquillo, However, the Administrations proposal Center either. Writer also included utilizing one of the Education This is only one example of colleges all Bailey Obermeyer, Center classrooms for office space. A lot over the nation not considering students Writer of faculty were opposed to the idea imme- in their decision-making. I feel if there Tiffany Taylor, diately. They did not want to see students are new rules or changes being made that Writer/ Photographer lose a valuable learning space. On Wednes- directly or indirectly affect the student Aaron Couch, day, December 14, the administration and body, students need to have a say. This Editor/ Photographer faculty held a meeting to resolve the issue. is something that most college campuses Eric Reed, A compromise was reached to move only dont support. In fact, most have the If you the Associate Dean, Marci, and Vicky to the dont like it, go somewhere else mentalFaculty Advisor reception area of the Education Center, and ity. That might work for colleges with to leave the recruiters where they are. This forty thousand students, but a small school means students will no longer have a one like NCTA wont survive that way. Plus, I
See Tension on Campus continued on page 4

Inside this Issue:

Opinion by Aaron Couch, Editor

New NCTA Facilities Create Tension on Campus

Page 2

Aggie Up!

Vol. 4 Iss. 6

Page 3

Aggie Up!

Vol. 4 Iss. 6

Womens Basketball Team 2011-2012

1/9 Aggies vs McCook Community College

Upcoming 2012 Games

The amount of student loan debt in the U.S. topped $1 trillion this year. Besides any scholarships are you paying with loans or cash? If youre paying with loans, what is your plan for payment after graduation? If cash, how are you managing that while taking classes?

Aggies Speak Out!

1/10 Aggies vs Grace University

Cassie Ziemann, Lyons, Neb. I am paying with loans. I am hoping that as soon as I graduate, I can get a good paying job and pay more than what is asked on my loans so I can pay off faster and with less interest. Ashley Panowicz, Saint Paul, Neb. I am paying with a little bit of both. I try to pay mainly with cash. This way I dont have to pay all my loans off, but I am also paying with some loans. In my opinion, [they] are a pain in the butt because then you still have to pay someone back for helping you pay for your schooling. My payment plan is just working my butt off and trying to get all my loans payed off as soon as I can. This way I dont have to worry about them later on in the future, and since I am paying with cash as well, Im managing ok. I keep a little bit of money around for my groceries and gas and thats pretty much it. I dont go out and about spending my money on stuff I dont need, like alcohol. Alexa Minch, Gering, Neb. No didnt know that! Im paying in student loans and hoping to get a good job after college to pay them off... And maybe a little help from dad. Ashley Simones, Chadron, Neb. No, I did not know that the debt was that high, but I have to say that is sad! Besides a couple grants I am paying with a few small loans, yet cash as well. After graduation, I hope to get a job and start making monthly payments. This way I can have my loans paid off before to long. As far as paying with cash, I have had some money saved up since I have been working.

Lindsay Blakeman, Merna, Neb. No I didnt know that loans have gotten that high. I dont have any loans to pay off after graduation. Missy Miller, Elmwood, Neb. Im paying with loans. I plan on getting a job after I graduate to pay off the loans. If i manage to get a paid internship Ill use that money to pay off the loans. Erin Cihak, Dallas, Tex. Luckily my loans covered most of my expenses this year. Including rent and such. Once Im out of school, any money I make will go towards loan payments. The sooner we get them paid off the better! Im getting married so we have his income too, which is nice. Otherwise it would take me years to pay off my loans and pay living expenses! Tanner Mcvay, Paxton, Neb. Well thats a big number. I have a lot of loans out. Ill hopefully get a good job and pay that way. So yea. Meylin Carrasquillo, Chicago, Ill. I am sort of doing both. My parents are paying for my schooling as long as I have really good grades. And paying off loans after graduation is by marrying rich! Michelle Gentert, Holstein, Neb. No I didnt, but thats a lot in loans! Im paying with cash, my parents set up a college fund for me a long time ago. Im one of the few students that will leave college loan-free and its awesome. I manage the money by just using it for school only... everything else I pay for myself. Elizabeth Sidebottom, Persia, Iowa I have what you call the fund of mommy and daddy. TeJay Fenster, Casper, Wyo. Any kid that can pay with cash has entirely to much money and needs to share the love. Im not worried about paying them back until i get through college. Thats the whole reason I got the loans. You might as well make it worth your time and focus on school. Editors Note: Aaron Couch, Bennington, Neb. Up until this semester I have paid all with cash. The only way I was able to do that was saving the money I made doing small jobs like pet sitting, yard work or computer work. My goal for paying off the small amount of debt, that Im about in incur, is to get a full time job after graduation and save everything.
Want to participate in Aggies Speak Out? Join the Facebook group and be a part of the discussions!

Back Row: Sheyna Huddle, Chelsea Altena, Sara Alber, Kalli Van Ryswyk, Nichole Hornyak, Sam Adam, Jeremy Sievers Middle Row: Chelsea Nealon, Jordyn Van Ryswyk, Ashley Simone Bottom Row: Karla Fruedenburg, Maddie Thurston, Abby Sybrant No Pictured: Jamie Ost, DeRae Hasper, Rachel Johnson, Lindy McKinney

1/7 Aggies vs Western Community College

Mens Basketball Team 2011-2012 Upcoming 2012 Games

1/10 Aggies vs Grace University

Allison Harm, Manley, Neb. I am paying school with cash. It is very hard to do. I dont get a lot of things that I would like while in college. I have to manage my money very well which is very HARD for a college student. Katelyn Sughroue, Bartley, Neb. Im not surprised that the amount of student loan debt topped one trillion dollars, but it definitely sounds like government needs to help more students with working class parents. Many students without working parents receive so much money in grants and scholarships. It makes people who work hard receive nothing while people who do nothing receive a whole bunch of money. It would help the working section pay off debts so when they graduate they can enter the world without so many debts from going to school. Ive been paying with cash and Ive been managing it by having multiple jobs to make money while still making time for classes and homework.

Back Row: Chelsea Altena, Sam Adams, Pete Martin, Waylon Christen, JP Schoefield, Casey Bringewat, Jacob Traush, Sheyna Huddle, Jeremy Sievers Bottom Row: Sawyer Burkett, Brandon Schriner, Dusty Metzner, Cody Soukup, Luke Schweitzer

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