Pronunciation R and W

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Pronunciation R and W

Vowel sounds: A E I O U Consonant sounds: b ch s t f g sh w

*R: mouth and lips come tightly forward, tongue moves back

Car air turn rock - Rs at the beginning of the words: Rock Rip Reach Road Rain Rich Rome Raise Robe Rice +The round rooster rushed into the wrong road. - Rs at the end of words or after a vowel: Car Far Star Door Bear Four Air Year Turn Poor - Rs n the middle of words: Very +He is very very nice. +She is very very tall. Direction Arrange Erase Correct Marry Garage Original Hurry Zero Marine Berry Operation Caring Arrive Everyone - R Blends: your lips come forward before you even say the word Training Trust Trip Great Tropical Bring Print President Product Cracker Crawl Break Subtract Waitress Nutrition Australia Introduce Compress Opperesion Betray Grape +The story he read in the radio was incorrect. +Her career in the law firm is permanent. +Richard and Brooke took a ride in their brand new Range Rover Truck. +Everyone will respect the Royal Family when they arrive at the airport. +The trip to the Rocky Mountains will be rescheduled on Friday.

* W:
What will we do? Right White Onn Once Why Which When What Wipe Wish Weight Wing Always Away Beware Awake Someone Rewind Halloween Hollywood. +The wind from the west was very wet. +We woke up and washed the white washcloth. +We waited for the waitress to give us water. +We had a wonderful time in Washington and Wisconsin. - Q=KW Quick question Quiet Queen Qualify Quit Quebec Quilt Choir Paragraph: underline all the r sounds. Ray was born in Russia. He dreamed of building the perfect roller coaster at the Grand Canyon in Arizona. He had a friend named Fred who lived in Norway. Freds profession was designing railroad tracks, and his career involved travelling all around the world. Ray thought it would be perfect if Fred designed his roller coaster ride. Fred was creative, brilliant, and worked well with railroad tracks. He would be the perfect engineer for the project. The ride took two years to construct and was painted red and White. Everyone really wanted to ride the brand new roller coaster.

Pronunciation S and Z
Voiced and Unvoiced -All vowels are voiced sounds /a/ ,/e/, /i/, /o/ , /u/ - Unvoiced /P/ /t/ /f/ /s/ - Voiced /b/ /d/ /v/ /z/ 3 Rules: * If the last sound in a word is unvoiced, and you are adding an S, then, the S is unvoiced too Ex: Cup cups, Cat cats, break breaks, stop stops. * If a word ends with one of these sounds: S Z sh ch dg , add IZZZZZZZ Ex: 1 page 2 pages /iz/, 1 bus 2 buses/iz/, lunch lunches/iz/, raise raises/iz/, brush brushes/iz/, push pushes/iz/ * If a word ENDS with a vowel sound add a Voiced Z Ex: 1 tree 2 trees /z/, 1 day 2 days/z/, 1 shoe 2 shoes/z/, fly he flies/z/, game games/z/, head heads/z/, train trains/z/, song songs/z/, - IS /IZ/. This is/iz/ good. - HIS/Hiz/. His/z/ Mom is/z/ Mary. - AS/Az/. As/z/ the phone rang. - WAS/waz/. It was/z/ raining. - THESE/theze/. These/z/ are my children. - THOSE/thoze/. Those/z/ are my books. - EASY/ Eazy/. This is/z/ easy/z/. - BECAUSE/becauze/. Because/z/ we were late. Paragraph: underline all the z sounds. Another zippy, zappy, crazy day comes to a close. As we zoom up to Joes snooze zone, Zoe Jones of Zodiac Zoo plays with her zipper. Last week, Jims brothers were picked to represent their country in the Olympic Games. Two of the brothers were swimmers, while the other two were long distance runners. All of the brothers wore glasses. These athletes worked hard at qualifying for the games and were hoping to come home with prizes. Since the brothers go to the same university, they often take the same courses. This makes studying easier and gives them more time to do other things. On Thursday, I had a very lazy day. I woke up early, and first squeezed oranges into juice. I then got dressed, and watched the sunrise come up over the mountains. It was so beautiful that I took manu pictures with my camera and I used three rolls of film. After drinking two cups of coffee, I got dressed, left the house, and walked three miles home.

Pronunciation Unvoiced TH and Voiced TH

My Thumb My Tum My Sum

Unvoiced: Thanks Thick Thinder Thursday Think Anything Bathmat Toothpick Athletic
Mouthwash Bath North Beneath Fourth South Weather Northern Smooth Bathe Breathe

Voiced: The That They Them There This Those These Clothing Leather Mother Another
This and that A tablecloth Winter clothing Athens, Greece Thats the one Her skin is smooth. Thirty days notice A famous author Here and there False teeth Thread the needle A thoughtful gift Thunder and lightening Thumbs up Thelma arrived in town last Thursday. Im having trouble threading this needle. I need 33 thick thermometers. The thing they like best about Athens is the weather. This thrilling novel was written by a famous author. He will be through with his work at 3:30. Now and then, she likes to buy new clothing. They thought they were going to Northern Spain. Which tablecloth shall we use for the party? That was the 33rd theatre to open. THR Blends TH: Thrill, Throw Thread the needle. Throw the ball. My throat is sore. A thrilling ride. Three more days. Yesterday, he threw the ball. The King sits on a throne. Paragraph: underline all the unvoiced th sounds. Nurse Thatcher was thankful it was Thursday. She knew that on Thursday, she had to deliver 33 boxes of thermometers to the North American Athletic Club. They thought that thermometers were necessary for testing the hydrotherapy baths. This was thought to benefit the athletes with arthritis. The athletic trainers required authorization to provide hydrotherapy to the youthful athletes, on the 3 bulletin boards with thumbtacks, throughout the athletic club. Rather than risk the health of the athletes, they thoroughly checked the thousands of thermometers to ensure their worthiness; otherwise, they needed to be thrown away.

T is pronounced as D
Betty bought a bit of better butter. But, said she, This butters bitter. If I put it in my batter, itll make my batter bitter. Tongue Twister: 1. The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday. 2. I thought, I thought of thinking of thanking you. 3. I thought a thought, but the thought I thought wasnt the thought I thought. If the thought I thought had been the thought I thought , I wouldnt have thought so much.

Pronunciation F and V; SH and Voiced SH

Pair Consonant: F (Unvoiced)/ V (voived) F: F.oot, Find, Finally, Family, Freedom, Laugh, Telephone, Symphony, Rough. + Do you feel like a physical wreck? Are you fed up with your feeling of fatigue? Have you had enough of feeling rough? Why dont you fight fever with Pharaohs Friend. A medicine that is tough on flu. V: Vote, Vine, Oven, Evaluate, Voice, Travel, Rive, Every, Glove, Alive, Leave,( Leaf). Pair F and V words: Feel- Veal; Safe- Save; Fat- Vat; Fine- Vine; Face- Vase; Fan- Van; Foul- Vowel; Proof- Prove. Listening Exercise: True or False + Stove ; Five; Leave; Visa; Living + A famous athlete; A food vendor; The Foreign Service; Summer Vacation; Vocabulary test; Over the rainbow; Our first victory; Harvard University; Husband and wife; Very well done + Her promotion in the firm was well deserved. + There was only one survior on the island. + Steve noticed that the olive juice must have stained his sleeve. + The street vendor was selling souvenirs to tourists. + Dave gave me his car so that I could drive on New Years Eve. + There were several dents in the rear fender. + Tom placed several tomatoes from the vine into a basket. Exception: OF: Statue of / ovvvvv/ Liberty ; It makes of/ovvvvv/ glass; It makes of/ovvvv/ wood Unvoiced SH and Voiced SH: SSh: Sugar; Ch Sh: Chef, Chicago Unvoiced SH - She, Sugar, Sure, Shadow, Sheep, Shirt, Shoe, Shape, Chicago, Chef. - Nation, Motion, Mission, Special, Reputation, Official, Machine, Fishing, Insurance, Sunshine, Ocean, Tissue, Addition, Subtraction. - Rush, Dish, Establish, Splash, Irish, Fresh, Finish. - The fishing trip was planned, and we left to go to the ocean. - Was the chef ashamed, to use the precious sugar? - Sharon gave a special performance. - He will be stationed in Washington, D.C. the nations capital. - She went to a fashion show after taking a shower. - She sells seashells, by the seashore. - The social club was praised for their cooperation. - Joes weather machine shows a sharp drop in air pressure, especially offshore. - Ship in motion on the ocean should be sure to use caution. Voiced SH - Usual, Unusual - Vision, Visual, Conclusion, Asia, Version, Division, Casual, Television. - Beige, Massage, Prestige. + Its not unusual for people to study division in Asia. + I usually use a measuring cup to measure erosion. + The beige walls were the usual color in the treasury building. + Its usually hot in the summer. + Its unusual for me to be late for an appointment.

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