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Social customs and traditions played an important role in 19th century daily life. What are social customs and traditions? Give examples from Pride and Prejudice. Why do you think people observe traditions and customs? 2. Make a time line of historic events in England from 1800 to 1840. Do any of these events effect Jane Austens narrative? If so, how? 3. Create a chart explaining the laws which applied to women in the early 1800s in Britain, the United States, and/or Canada. Compare these laws to the ones which applied to women in the early 1900s and today. 4. What were different reasons why people married in the 19th century? What was the role of material wealth, family, social connections and love in 19th century marriages? What are different reasons why people marry today? 5. Is happiness in marriage simply a matter of chance in the 19th century? Is happiness in marriage simply a matter of chance in todays society? Compare and contrast at least two marriages from Pride and Prejudice and one current marriage in answering the question. 6. In the beginning of the novel, Lizzy states she would only marry for the deepest of love. Why were so many characters upset by Lizzys betrothal to Mr. Darcy? Were her actions consistent with her feelings? Why or why not? 7. Compare and contrast the notion of an accomplished woman in 19th century society and today. What are the differences and similarities? Were men held to the same standards in the 19th century? Today? Were men and women equally rewarded for their merits or efforts in 19th century society? Today? Use examples to support your answers. 8. During Lydias elopement, Mary says that loss of virtue in a female is irretrievable. How does this quote relate to Lydias elopement? Why was everyone outraged by this situation? Whom does the elopement effect? 9. What was the importance of having a son in the 19th century? Why does Mr. Bennet complain of not having a son? 10. What different classes do you see evidence of in Pride and Prejudice? Do the different classes interact? If so, how? How do the different classes regard each other? If you were born into one class in 19th century Britain, the United States or Canada did you necessarily remain in that class throughout your life? Were class boundaries more flexible in Canada and/or the United States than in Britain? 11. Compare and contrast the aristocracy and the upper middle class as represented in Pride and Prejudice. What are the values of the aristocracy and the upper middle class? Name four characters who represent each class. How do you know what characters are members of which class? 12. Jane Austen describes the character Jane as the most beautiful of all the Bennet girls. However, in many film versions of Pride and Prejudice, the actress who portrays Lizzy is much prettier than the actress who portrays Jane. Why do you think this is so? Does the central character in a film have to be physically attractive? Would your impression of the program change if Jane were cast as more beautiful than Lizzy?

13. Compare your impression of Mary from the novel to your impression of her from the program. Were these two impressions different or similar? What is the role of Marys sermons throughout the program? 14. Define the words proud, pride, vanity and conceit. What are the differences and similarities between conceit and pride? In what, if any, circumstances does one have a right to be proud? In what, if any, circumstances does one have a right to be conceited? 15. Why do you think Lizzys conceited independence, (as Miss Bingley called it) was looked upon as a negative quality? What was meant by conceited independence? What are Miss Bingley and Mrs. Hursts attitude towards Lizzy and Jane? 16. What is the importance of the opinions of friends and family in making ones own decisions? How do the opinions of those we value, or dont value, effect our own opinions and judgments? Use examples from the novel/program. 17. Describe two judgments of people that were correct and two judgments of people that were incorrect in Pride and Prejudice. Include in your answer who made the judgment and whom the judgment was about. Why do people judge each other? Do people form judgments about others before they speak with the person they are judging or after they get to know the person in question? Why or why not? 18. Define the words caprice and capricious. Can you find evidence of caprice in Pride and Prejudice? Cite examples. Why do people change their opinions quickly? 19. Look at Pemberly, Longbourn, Rosings, the Collinss parsonage, Netherfield, the Lambton Inn and the English countryside. Compare and contrast two or more of these places. What are the reactions of the different characters to these places? What are the different atmospheres of each place? What are the behaviors each place condones? 20. What are the differences and similarities between the city and the country as they are represented in Pride and Prejudice? Compare and contrast the opinions of the Bingley sisters and the Bennet sisters concerning the country and the city.

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