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Konocti Unified School District Zero Based Model January 31, 2012 Management Team Recommendations for Minimum

Program and Positions for Operations Safety, Compliance and Academic Success
I. School Year a. Move to 175 student attendance days from 177, allowing for 5 staff development days (from 3) and work on collaboration among teachers: grade levels, curricular areas and schools. Charge additional staff development days to appropriate federal categorical funding. Eliminate all other staff development activities (Dennis Parker) but continue the Strategic School Model; b. Class Size at contract limits district average of 27:1 in K-3 i. Knd, 1st and 2nd grades: average district wide of 27:1 ii. 3rd - 5th grades: average district wide 30:1 c. School-year classified staff will work a 175+1 day work year. II. District Office Zero Base a. Superintendent, Business Manager, Director of Maintenance and Operations and Classified Services, Administrative Assistant to Supt/Certificated Personnel Technician, Payroll Supervisor, Fiscal Assistant, Confidential Clerk, Classified Personnel Technician/Software & Data Specialist, b. Educational Support Services (See Special Ed listed below) Director of Educational Support Services, 2 Secretaries (1 11-month and 1 10month), 1 nurse and 1 6-hour LVN. III. Transportation a. Special Education transportation as listed on IEPs (priority are SH and OH students). Follow Board policy of requiring 1 mile walking distance for K-8 and 2 mile for High School students. See attached Exhibit A regarding Transportation. b. Mechanics: Due to the significantly reduced number of busses in operation, one mechanic can serve the district bus fleet and the white fleet c. Alternative Education and minimum day students all leave at a time so that they can be transported with the K-8 students, public transportation, or utilize private transportation.
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IV. Central Student Services a. Director of Student Services is responsible for Expulsions, readmissions, certificated professional development, Title III (ELD) Compliance and EL Services. Certificated hiring oversight returns to Superintendent. V. Special Education: a. Director of Educational Support Services, 4 Psychologists, b. 2 office staff (1 11-months, 1 10-months), c. Special education teacher staffing will be based on site enrollment (for RTI implementation) and will not exceed State caseload or KEA contract maximum limits and requirements, all other staffing, (certificated and classified) will be based upon IEPs. Teacher costs will be pro-rated between special education and appropriate categoricals based on ratio of student served (regular education vs. IEP caseload). d. 3 Speech & Language Pathologists, 1 classified Speech & Language Assistant and .8175 fte Occupational Therapist (current model) e. RTI model: Make sure that there are many interventions taking place within the classrooms and students are receiving their core instruction in the classroom with other outside interventions provided as defined in the IEPs. This provides for the individual academic and instructional needs of all students while still having a focus on the needs of our identified special education students through the IEP process. f. Transportation provided as listed in the IEP (priority given to Severely Handicapped and Orthopedically Handicapped). g. Special Education classroom paraprofessionals for resource and non-SH classrooms will be reviewed for program delivery and may be reduced or eliminated. VI. K-8 Schools a. Principal, Assistant principal (EL: .65 fte Principal; remaining 35% site categorically paid) b. 2 11-month site secretaries. (EL 1.25 fte Site Secretaries). c. Teacher staffing at contract class size maximums

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VII. High School a. Principal, Assistant Principal, Counselor, b. .67 fte Curriculum Coach, c. Staff at maximum class sizes (30:1 for staffing purposes), utilize teacher credentialing to fill positions (no zero periods), d. Add on: 1 section Athletic Director; e. All other certificated staffing will be within allotted teaching sections; f. 3 site secretaries 2 12-month, 1 11-month, 2 6-hour High School Campus Supervisors. 1 6-hour Site Testing Crd/Career Center Clerk g. Modify Athletics to be determined VIII. Alternative Education: a. Administration: 1 Principal for alternative schools - Carle High, Blue Heron and Highlands. (Further development by the Alternative Education Committee for Alternative school configuration is recommended) b. Carle High School - 5 teachers, 1 12- month Site Secretary c. Blue Heron i. 2 teachers ii. 1 6-hour Student Management Assistant iii. Konocti Adult School closed d. Lewis School i. 2 teachers ii. .5 fte secretary/ .5 fte district testing coordinator iii. LLHS principal is the administrator e. Highlands Academy: i. 3 teachers (1 with Special Education Credential), ii. 3 6- hour per day Student Management Assistants, iii. 1 7-hour Alternative Education Site Secretary iv. 1 Psychologist (counted in ESS Staffing) who provides services to Alternative Schools. f. Itinerant Special Ed. Teacher serving Carle, Lewis & Blue Heron IX. ELL Support Services a. 1 Secretary/clerk 2 hours/day at the district level b. IEP Translation performed by ELL Secretary

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X. ELL Instruction: a. Teachers: one per school LLE, Pomo, BV, 2 sections LLHS, 2 hours Paraprofessional for East Lake, to provide English Language Development services. b. CELDT Test administration including training provided by district. XI. Technology Services a. Create a district technical support position (rather than Dir of Tech) which would be responsible for maintenance of the web site, district level technology, and security issues. Personnel issues would remain with the Chief Business Officer. b. 3 fte 11 month Site Technology Support Staff c. Student Assessment System will be a comprehensive, cost effective, integrated system. Fully implement Active Directory network support. XII. Child Nutrition Services a. Director of Food Services Position becomes 11 months retaining all necessary paperwork, reports, and distribution/notification of all compliance requirements. b. CNO Clerical Assistant at .40 fte, 10 months. Diabetic student services will be determined and added as-needed. c. Cafeteria labor hours are based on 40 meals per hour for meal preparation; serving time is based on site bell schedule for meals; transport time to satellite schools is based on need. d. Department will ensure that all compliance issues are met and that the vision of healthy, scratch cooking, farm-to-school meals are served in a safe, healthy, timely manner. XIII. Truancy/Safety a. One School Resource Officer to support all schools. b. Student Attendance Review/Truancy will be administered at each school site. LCOE may provide SARB 3 level support. c. Grant Fund SRO position (grant funding for part-time SRO with other district in county). d. Maintain cross walk and meal supervision for elementary schools; minimal recess supervision ((maximum 12 hours/day per site) e. 2 6-hour Campus Supervisors for Lower Lake High School.

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XIV. Maintenance and Operations a. Director, secretary, maintenance workers and custodians based upon CASBO guidelines and/or CSEA contract. Also see attached Exhibit B Custodial/Grounds/Maintenance Shift b. Other - All outside organizations utilizing facilities must be based on no cost or must create revenue for the district.

Management Team Priority Programs: 1. Kindergarten enrollment reduced below 27 : 25:1 cost 2 teachers $152,000 2. 5th 8th Grades Band/Music: 1 period Itinerant Teacher - $13,000-$17,000 3. Athletics: Sports PE LLHS/Intramurals and Elementary PE requirements up to 5/6ths Teacher Estimated cost: $58,000 4. Elementary District-wise Curriculum Coach categorical funding permitting $76,000

Governors 2012-2013 Budget Proposal includes Greater Flexibility: Rolling current Tier III funding along with ROP, Ca Partnership Academy, K-3 CSR and EIA into an unrestricted revenue limit stream. Funds would be paid on an ADA basis with the rate determined on an incremental basis with the base at approximately $6,000 ratcheted up to over $9,000 if free and reduced meal eligible students and ELD students exceeds 90%. The restrictions previously tied to each state categorical funding stream is eliminated in the Governors proposal. Funds not included in the new model include Child Nutrition, Special Education, and Federal Funding (including Title I, Title II, Title III, EETT. Final position funding will be effected by the final Adopted State Budget and whether or not it includes the complete folding of state categorical funding into a single, unrestricted funding stream. Legal Matters: The Tax Measure is slated for the November ballot. SB 81 is on the fast track to modify the Mid-year transportation cut

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January 23, 2012 Konocti Unified School District Board of Trustees 9430 B Lake Street Lower Lake, CA 95457 Dear Trustees, In light of the recent trigger cuts enacted at the State level we are at this time deficit spending in the Transportation Department for this school year nearly $800,000.00. As you know we have been working the last 2 years on reducing Transportation costs District Wide. At this time I am proposing taking the next steps immediately after the February 1, 2012 Board Workshop and recommending that we implement the reductions according to the corresponding dates as outlined in Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and Phase 4 in order to start saving District money between February 13th, 2012 and June 30th, 2012. The following reductions will only be made after the Board reviews and makes recommendations. We will then send out a letter with the students in the areas to be reduced hopefully get a chance to talk with them, place a Connect Ed call to all parents regarding Transportation changes and then after a two week time period enact the reductions.

Phase 1: Beginning February 13th, 2012

Siegler Canyon This run is in the afternoon only has 1 to 2 students; we are currently not providing an am run. Recommendation Eliminate the afternoon run to Siegler Canyon Morgan Valley Road This run is in the afternoon only consists of 1 student and we are doing the bus run daily. Recommendation Eliminate the afternoon run to Morgan Valley Road Gooseneck Our mid-day Gooseneck run has 12 students, but the high school run only has 3. Currently we are not doing an am run. Recommendation Eliminate the high school bus run The above reductions would not be a reduction in bus driving hours, but a reduction of miles of nearly 42 miles per day. The driver time would be reassigned to an area in Special Ed that we are currently using time sheet to fill.

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Phase 2: Beginning March 1, 2012

Turning the am Spring Valley Run to a Super Stop at the Spring Valley Store. Eliminate the Twin Lakes Joseph Trail pm bus run; currently we are only doing the pm. and not the am. Eliminate the morning Hwy 20 Clearlake Oaks bus run; currently we are doing an am and a pm all the way out to Harvey Road. The above would reduce bus driver time and mileage. Approximately a 1 hour daily and an additional 10/11 miles daily.

Phase 3: Beginning May 14th, 2012 after state testing

Enforce the 1 mile/2mile and follow the board policy for bus stops. By implementing this it would eliminate 7 bus runs both in-town and out of town. Continue 3 - 8 hour Special Ed Bus Routes.

In addition to the implementation of the 1mile/2 mile enforcement the following would also be included in Phase 3. Reduce the Spring Valley Bus Run to both am and pm stops only at the store. Eliminate the mid-day past the Gooseneck bus run. Work with school sites and parents to establish a walking bus for each elementary school site.

This would reduce bus driver time 46 hours daily and reduce our in town mileage in half.

Revised Bus Routes to consist of the following:

East Lake School 1 bus run with a Superstop at the Spring Valley Store and ELEM. Burns Valley School 1 bus run with a Superstop at the Mendo Mill area. Pomo School 2 bus runs Run A would be a Superstop at 40th & Phillips and Green/Olympic. Run B would be the Superstop at the Gooseneck and the other Superstop at 9th and Golf Club in Clearlake Park. Lower Lake Elementary School 2 bus runs Run A would be a Superstop at 25th/Phillips and the other Superstop would be at a location in the Village to be determined. Run B would be a Superstop at Twin Lakes and the other Superstop at Spruce Grove Road/Old Spruce Grove Road. All of the Superstops listed above and bus runs will make a bus run for high school students for both am and pm.

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Phase 4: Beginning July 1, 2012

Eliminate 1 8 hour mechanic position. Eliminate 1 hour daily clerk time. Revamp all Special Ed Bus Routes to reflect changes made in the Special Ed Department and school sites.

Even with all of the above the District will still be deficit spending due to the fact that we have to transport all students in Special Ed that are either Severely Handicap (SH) and Orthopedic Handicap/ Impaired (OH/OI) or currently on a 504 plan/IEP, but this would eliminate the deficit due to the mid-year cut of approximately $450,000.00. . Respectfully,

Dana H. Moore Director of Classified Services Konocti Unified School District


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The Custodial/Grounds/Maintenance Shift

FROM: DATE: Dana Moore, Director of Maintenance/Operations and Classified Services January 23, 2012

Beginning with 2011/2012 school year we made a shift in custodial time to include recycling at all the K-8 school sites. In this shift we lost Head Custodian time and night custodian time. In 2008/2009 school year we made a custodial shift to have head custodians deal more with bathrooms and the trade off was that they did not do light maintenance at their school site. The night custodians only did rooms. My proposal for the 2012/2013 school year would be to shift all recycling in the K-8 school sites to the cafeteria fund because it deals with 100% of the trays that are supplied with the cafeteria fund for the sole purpose of delivery of food to students. Consider doing the same for the cleaning of tables and floors again used for the sole purpose for providing meals to the students. This would free up 3 hours of custodial time at each site. I would then follow the model for Head Custodians that both Lakeport and Middletown currently have and also what we have done in the past. Give the Head Custodian more responsibility like light maintenance and grounds. This would also give us the ability to reduce night custodian time by approximately 8 hours district wide. As you may know the number one problem in both maintenance & operations are grounds during the spring, summer and fall months. By using our shift as outlined above this would help both the grounds positions and the amount of work orders currently at maintenance not being performed in a timely manner. Other Options: 1. Change both grounds positions to 10 month, the months not being on schedule would be December and January. Use the savings to have an additional grounds person for 3 months. 2. Turn one of the current maintenance positions into a maintenance/grounds position. 3. Consider having 1 custodian do nothing but bathrooms district wide, this is the most problematic areas in the district. Having 1 person as that being their only duty would be responsible and would probably have better coverage of the bathrooms. 4. Charge high school sports for custodial services for sports activities. 5. Eliminate all KBL custodial support currently we have KBL using all of our MPR during the week for practices, and the high school facilities which are very high maintenance during the months of January and February. 6. Charge KBL for all appropriate use and time. 7. Have each site in charge of supplies needed for their school such as paper, cleaning products. Each site could be given an inventory for the school year. 8. Streamline or come up with options to provide mail run support.

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