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From :- Shankar Menon, 12/357, Shastri Nagar Shree Ganesh Soc, Shastri Nagar, Goregaon (W),Mumbai-62 Date :- 19th

October, 2011. To, The Secretary/Chairman, Shastri Nagar Shree Ganesh Co-op Soc, Goregaon (W), Mumbai-62. Sir, Sub :- Draft Minutes of the 28th Annual General Meeting held on 14/08/2011 ______________________________________________________________

I have received the draft minutes dated 05/10/2011 on 07th Oct, 2011. All the resolutions that have been passed is with a remark Members informed that no correction is required in the minutes and the same be taken as adopted. Most of the members are either Senior Members who attends the Managing committee meeting and some of them are either relatives or govt bodies/associations indirectly connected to the Managing Committee. For eg Bharat Shah who is a member and has proposed the resolution is the brother of Subhash Shah, Secretary of the society. In one meeting Mr T.K. Antony has also signed on behalf of KCA. If these members are excluded then the society should have taken majority. The very purpose of issuing letters to the society before the meeting and after the meeting but before circulating the minutes was to ensure transparency, while drafting the minutes. I had raised a point regarding abnormal delay in renewal of fixed deposit from August, 2010 to December, 2010 in my letter dated 10th September, 2011. It is informed in the minutes that the Hon.Secretary has never delayed in renewing fixed deposits and it is further said that he also assured the members that he shall look into it and he will make good to the lose if any if desired by majority of the members. Does it take nearly one year to clear such a small doubt. The society has also given a clean chit to the Internal auditor also. Whether there is any mention about this issue in the Audit report by the auditor. Whenever the issue of minutes was taken up before the Hon.Secretary, he informed me that as per society rules, the society has to issue the minutes within 3 months from the date of meeting held. I have come to know lately that the society has to keep the books of accounts for inspection before the members after the financial year is over. The books are to be kept for inspection on a date and time mentioned in the Notice given to the members for the annual general meeting to be held in the Financial Year. This has never been followed by the society. The senior members and Mr ugru who claim to be the first secretary is not aware of such rules.

Regarding Agenda No.4, it is mentioned To this point he informed that he has audited the books of accounts and not written report has been taken from Please explain the meaning of this sentence. I had volunteered to audit the books of account for the financial year 2011-12, which was proposed by Ganesh Doiphode and seconded by K.R. Ramachandran and also based on the plea by Shri C.N. Ugru to induct younger generation. Immediately after the meeting got over and the very next day, I had informed the Secretary and Treasurer, through telephone about the audit for the current financial year. I had requested them to produce the same or call me either Saturday or Sunday to audit since already 6 months of the current financial year was over. Both Mr Jayesh shah

and Mr Subhash Shah, informed me that it has been the tradition of the society, that after the end of the particular financial year is over, then the internal auditor is called up to audit in the month of April of the next financial year and internal audit is conducted. I had clearly informed the both these persons that, I may have to leave for native place in the month of April/May and if the society calls me to conduct internal audit during this period, I may not be in a position to do so or give much time. Regarding agenda No.6, there are over writings and paragraphs in handwritten and it is mentioned that he also opined that the society will have to appoint new architect to handle the issue. He also informed the members that it is preferable that if the same architect is to be appointed by the society, so that there should not be any confusion between two architects. It has also informed the members in the A.G.M. The developer further informed that he has handed over the copies of letter obtained from Architect Mr Arvind Nandapurkar of Nandapurkar and associates so that the society can appoint the new architect as and when required. First of all, in the meeting with the developer, it was only mentioned that Mr Arvind Nandapurkar was removed from all the projects, since he has misguided the developer and that the developer had appointed M/s Ellora Consultants for the project. Never there was any mention of appointing a new architect. Secondly in the second paragraph The developer further informed that he has handed over the copies of letter ( to whom handed over) obtained from Architect Mr Arvind Nandapurkar......

Mr Ugru has pointed out that the original records i.e conveyance deed and sale deed and society registration certificates and all minutes books and important records be kept in safe custody of bankers. It is a welcome move and appreciate the gesture of Mr Ugru. But why the need to safe guard the records now. Shouldn t the society have taken due care about this earlier. Further, when Mr Jaypal Karmarkar, raised the issue of Power of attorney , it is mentioned in the minutes that Mr Ugru was shocked to see such type of power of attorney and denied having signed the same by him and that the same has not been approved in the General Body Meeting. The other person who has signed is Mr T.K. Antony, who is chairman, who have been keeping silent on the whole issue. If Mr C.N. Ugru has not signed the power of attorney, it is also sure that Mr T.K. Antony has also not signed. Then why is Mr T.K. Antony silent on this issue. Mr Ugru felt something fishy about the whole episode. Here the reaction of the members have not been recorded. Whatever atrocities committed by the Managing Committee, the members are suffering. So, whatever I had voiced earlier in my letters is true and correct. Mr Ugru has demand the original documents to be placed before the next AGM. A big question arises where are the original documents? Why next Annual General Meeting. Why no action is immediately taken on this issue.

Regarding point NO.2 : Regarding MOU of 11th April, 2011 informed the members and developer has agreed that there is an error and he has requested the hon.secretary and he will carry out the correction accordingly. Hon. Secretary shown the letter written to him and letter received from him i.e developer. Members present in the meeting satisfied from the letter.

The above paragraph on page twelve(12) is not very clear. Developer has agreed that there is an error. Question is what is the error? The letter written to the builder and reply, if any,

received from the builder was not circulated to any member. I would like to have a copy of the letter given to the builder and reply received from the builder. As usual, I am ready to pay for the charges. Moreover, the secretary nor the chairman read the letter. Then how can the secretary or chairman claim that members present in the meeting was satisfied from the letter?

In the next paragraph, I have not involved the members or forced any member to sign. The members have signed on their own and pressure was given to the members to sign. Further, it is mentioined that minutes confirmed earlier in 2008-09 is irrelevant as far as present meeting is concerned (On page 13 first two line). Does that mean that whatever the Managing committee and the senior members do is ultimate. There should be no question from the members. Is not Mr Kamble guilty on this issue. If I am wrong, then why was the copy of the second MOU not circulated among the members? I had raised this point several times and society is mute on this issue.

Point No.4:- It is true that anybody can purchase property in his name and in the name of his family members. But whatever I had written in my previous letter, I stand by it. Moreover, Mr Antony had time and again informed that he was fed up of the Job and was willing to resign. From all the correspondence I have made and from the managing committee find that they have come across discrepencies and the secretary Mr Jayesh Shah s confession that he was ready to face any enquires reveal that nothing is going on smoothly in the society and it is only a dictatorship by the managing committee and the senior members towards the members. As regards Point No.5, Only when i have received the copies of the minutes did I know what was happening in the society. Point No.6. It is true that I had the meeting between the builder and members of the society. The reply given by the society is not acceptable to me and I feel that the secretary and the chairman, have not read the paragraph properly and has written something vague in the minutes. I reiterate that the matter does not stand clarified and I need proper explanation in writing. The final conclusion one can draw here that the society will repeat the paragraph as has been doing in all the meeting to confirm the minutes which will be as under:Thereafter Chairman T.K. Antony informed the members in the event of there is no any changes or correction is required in the minutes then he will take the minutes of the ... Annual General Body Meeting held on ______ as confirmed. It was agreed by all the members I hope to receive a favourable and not a vague reply for the above.

Yours faithfully,


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