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I am from Seattle, Washington. Seattle is a city in the United States.

It is near the border of Canada in the northwest corner of the USA. I live in a town called Olympia which is on the Puget Sound. I live in a house in a street in the countryside. The street is called "Bear Street" and the house is old - more than 100 years old! I am an English teacher at a school in the center of the town. I like books and taking photographs. I usually have lunch at school. I usually go home by car. We have all kinds of food in Olympia. I like Italian food very much. Sometimes, I go to an Italian restaurant in Seattle. The restaurant is called "Luigi's". Italian food is great! Here are the rules for when to use "A, An or The": a = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with consonants She has a dog. I work in a factory. an = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with vowels (a,e,i,o,u) Can I have an apple? She is an English teacher. the = definite article (a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know) The car over there is fast. The teacher is very good, isn't he? The first time you speak of something use "a or an", the next time you repeat that object use "the". I live in a house. The house is quite old and has four bedrooms. I ate in a Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was very good. DO NOT use an article with countries, states, counties or provinces, lakes and mountains except when the country is a collection of states such as "The United States". He lives in Washington near Mount Rainier. They live in northern British Columbia. Use an article with bodies of water, oceans and seas My country borders on the Pacific Ocean DO NOT use an article when you are speaking about things in general I like Russian tea. She likes reading books. DO NOT use an article when you are speaking about meals, places, and transport He has breakfast at home. I go to university. He comes to work by taxi. Check your knowledge of 'a', 'an' or 'the' with this definite and indefinite article review quiz More Beginning Level Resources Basic English Conversations - ESL Beginning Level Dialogues Resources for Teaching Beginning English Grammar Basic English - Essential Lessons for Beginning English Learners More Beginning Level Grammar Guide to Expressions of Quantity Guide to Present Tenses Beginner English Grammar Review Quiz English Learning Resources Starting a Conversation - Top Ten Questions English for the Food Service Industry Word of the Day Related Articles "A, An, The" definite and indefinite articles in English - Beginning Guide ...

A, An and The definite and indefinite articles in English Public school teacher twists my article to discourage homeschooling - Opini... French Articles - Articles franais Articles of Incorporation - What are Articles of Incorporation

Exercise Complete the sentences with a suitable article.

1. I bought pants and a shirt. pair of

2. I saw week.

car crash last

3. They are staying downtown.

4. I think unfriendly.

man is very

5. I don't like


6. That is between you and the boss.


7. drink it!

water is dirty. Don't

8. rising.

price of gas keeps

9. John moved to Francisco.


10. Celine is


11. happened to me yesterday. 12. My friend doesn't eat red meat.

amazing thing

Exercise Complete the sentences with a suitable article.

1. Albert Einstein was famous scientist. 2. Einstein was born in

Germany in 1879.

3. Einstein won Prize in Physics in 1921.


4. Einstein left his country and lived in

States until he died in 1955.

5. Einstein is known for his theory of relativity.

6. who discovered X-rays in 1895, was named Wilhelm Roentgen.

German physicist,

7. Roentgen won 1901 Nobel Prize. 8. Mandela was born in South Africa.

9. Mandela was President elected in South Africa after Apartheid was revoked. 10. Mandela was imprisoned for


nearly 30 years for his anti-apartheid activities.

11. Mother Teresa was

Roman Catholic nun.

12. Mother Teresa became famous for her hard work with


13. She was of order of nuns called the Missionaries of Charity. 14. Mother Teresa lived in 15. Mother Teresa received Calcutta, India.


her Nobel Peace Prize in 1979.

EXERCISE 2 (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

a, an, the, zero

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.


Robert and Jessica went to ___ party last night.


Can you tell me how to get to ___ cinema from here?


___ college is closed today.


Gregory is one of ___ strangest people I know.


I recommend you try ___ tomato soup at this restaurant.


___ beer is good for you.


Would you like to see ___ film?


___ apple a day keeps ___ doctor away.


I can't believe I failed ___ yesterday's test!

10. Do

you have ___ dictionary that I can borrow?

EXERCISE 3 (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.


There were many dogs in the park. One dog was ___ Dalmatian.


Pandas and ___ tigers are both endangered animals.


Magda is wearing ___ blue dress with red shoes


Bornholm is ___ island in the Baltic Sea.


Christmas comes once ___ year.


___ owl is __ bird.


The Severn is ___ river.


Jane went to the shop to buy ___ bread.


Hania broke ___ glass when she was washing-up.

10. Tom

took ___ umbrella as it was raining heavilly.

EXERCISE 4 (Elementary / Pre-Intermediate)

Click the answer button to see the correct answer.


This is ___ easy question.


Stephen could you speak ___ little louder.


May I have your ___ phone number?


I have never seen ___ UFO.


May I ask you ___ question?


Astrid is ___ best teacher in our school.


What is ___ name of the next station?


My girlfriend has ___ my car today.


I went to ___ sea during my summer holiday.

10. Is

there ___ cash machine near here?

EXERCISE 5 (Elementary)
Click the answer button to see the answer.


This is Joanna. She's _____ doctor. a. a b. an


Simon is ____ engineer. a. a b. an


That's Sandra. She's ___ hairdresser. a. a b. an


Sean Connery is ___ actor. a. a b. an


John is ____ electrician. a. a b. an


Mr. Sako is ___ teacher. a. a

b. an


This is Shirley. She's ___ housewife. a. a b. an


That's Mark. He's ___ police officer. a. a b. an


I'm ____ student. a. a b. an

10. Kate

Winslet is ____ actress.

a. a b. an

1. I've got 2. Give me

good news for you. book which is on the table, please.

3. Isn't his father


4. John showed

great courage in that event.

5. Do you think we'll have 6. I am eating 7. What

good weather for our holiday?

apple. nice garden!

8. I've read lots of 9. He shows

books about it. good taste in clothes.

10. Could you put these plates on

table please!

Choose the best preposition to use in each of the sentences:

1. I'm not capable ________________ that type of behavior. of in at 2. Smoking is bad ________________ you. at for on 3. I'm so angry ________________ this! about with to 4. I'm so angry _______________ you! about to with 5. She was dressed _______________ pink. with

in on 6. This restaurant is famous _______________ its mussels. in with for 7. George is married _______________ a German woman. to with by 8. Are you afraid ________________ him? of to on 9. I'm so proud _______________ you! with of to 10. We're not associated _______________ that company. along in with

Choose the best preposition to use in each of the sentences:

1. Don't be cruel ________________ him. to at

for 2. I'm not being cruel! I'm always nice ________________ him. at to for 3. I'm furious ( = very angry) with him ________________ doing this! for around at 4. She's not worried _______________ her test. for with about 5. You might hear that someone is "good in tennis". This is not really grammatically correct - the correct way is to say that someone is "good ________________ tennis" with on at 6. Who is responsible _______________ this mess? for about in 7. Rome is beautiful, but it's always crowded _______________ tourists. among with by 8. I'm ashamed ________________ what I did. with of in 9. I'm not really interested _______________ this kind of music. on

of in 10. Her test was full _______________ mistakes. with of off

Fill in the blanks with either on, in, or at.

1. I didn't like Tom when I met him, but 2. Do it right away! = Do it 3. He put the empty glasses

time we became friends.

once! the counter. the navy.

4. There are lots of handsome men 5. Didn't I see you

Julie's party? weekends. times you behave like you weren't.

6. I usually don't work

7. I know you're my friend, but

8. She has everything under control. = She is 9. There was a fire

top of things.

one of the empty apartments.

10. I have very bad vision, especially



topic: Prepositions of time | level: Beginner

1.I have not seen him ________ the summer. since for from 2. I am going there ________ three weeks. since for from 3. We had our party ________ 8:00 PM until 10:00 PM. from for since 4. I have been sick ________ Sunday. for from since 5. They have been sick ________ three days. since for from 6. I will be ready ________ 30 minutes. since for in 7. I've been studying French ________ 1998. since in

for 8. She slept ________ one hour. for in since 9. My sister will be here ________ two hours. since in for 10. I have not eaten ________ this morning. in for since


topic: Prepositions of time 2 | level: Intermediate

Answer each question, using the correct preposition of time:

1. Q: When will you be in Toronto? A: I'll be in Toronto ________ three days. for in from 2. Q: How long do you plan to stay in Los Angeles? A: I plan to stay in Los Angeles ________ one week. in

from for 3. Q: What are the store hours? A: The store is open ________ 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM. from for since 4. Q: How long has Mary been sick? A: Mary has been sick ________ Monday.

since for from 5. Q: Do you get off work at 7:00 PM? A: No, I don't get off work ________ 8:00 PM. for until from 6. Q: When will you be able to meet me? A: I'll be able to meet you ________ 8:00 PM. on at in 7. Q: How long is your break? A: I have to be back at work ________ 30 minutes. at on in 8. Q: Do you go back to work tomorrow? A: No, I go back to work ________ Tuesday. at

in on 9. Q: Have you been on vacation for three weeks? A: No, I've been on vacation ________ last Friday. on since from 10. Q: When are you coming back to Texas? A: I'm coming back ________ the summer. in at on

Need help with phrasal verbs? Check out our phrasal verbs section and learn them!

1. We passed _____ your house the other day.

a. across b. by

2. Hey, would you like to come _____ next Thursday?

a. through b. over

3. I was out very late last night and didn't get _____ until 4 AM.
a. in b. by

4. The police let the thief slip _____ their fingers at the last moment.
a. through b. in

5. Maria has never fit _____ with the crowd. She has always been a rebel.
a. on b. in

6. You should put _____ that red dress that I like so much.
a. in b. on

7. You've made quite a mess. You should clean it _____.

a. through b. up

8. Could you please turn _____ that light? It's way too bright.
a. off b. over

9. Come _____, come _____! We've been expecting you.

a. on b. in

10. She fainted, but then she came _____ about 5 minutes later.
a. to b. about 11. Kids love to hang _____ in the mall. a. on b. out

Need help with phrasal verbs? Check out our phrasal verbs section and learn them!

1. John really wanted to go on a date with Victoria, so he asked her _____.

a. in b. out

2. The old factory burned _____ last week.

a. on b. down

3. I will always be your friend. You can count _____ me.

a. in b. on

4. If you make a mistake, cross _____ the wrong answer and write the correct one.
a. through b. out

5. I'll drop ____ your cds on the way to my girlfriend's house.

a. over b. off

6. I hardly ever eat at home anymore. I always eat _____.

a. out b. on

7. If you try to juggle two girls at the same time, you might end _____ alone.
a. around b. up

8. I thought my plan was brilliant, but in the end it fell _____.

a. through b. by

9. Here is the application. Please fill it _____ and return it to me.

a. on b. out

10. I found _____ that he had a criminal past.

a. about b. out

11. My neighbors and I don't get _____.

a. along b. out Back to list of exercises

Choose the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences:

1. How am I going to come ________ ( = find, get) all that money? up with up to along 2. He came ________ ( = inherited) a lot of money when his grandfather died. on into down 3. I'm pretty sure he was coming ________ me ( = flirting with me) last night. up to up with on to

4. My favorite singer is coming ________ ( = releasing) a new CD next month. out with out to up with 5. He came ________ me ( = attacked me) with a knife. by to at 6. I think I'm coming ________ something. ( = I think I'm getting sick.) into down with up with 7. She came ________ ( = regained consciousness) about half an hour after she passed out. to off over 8. I came ________ ( = found, by chance) some old magazines while I was cleaning my room. up with across over 9. You have to come ________ ( = think of) a better excuse than that. through with up with around to 10. He came ________ as ( = made the impression of being) arrogant. on up off

Choose whether or not each of the following sentences requires a preposition. Choose the most natural-sounding response: 1. I am going ________ home in about half an hour. NO PREPOSITION to at 2. I've been ________ work for the past two hours. NO PREPOSITION to at 3. I'm going ________ camping this weekend. NO PREPOSITION to at 4. I have to go ________ work in about ten minutes. NO PREPOSITION to at 5. I saw Sarah on the street ________ yesterday. NO PREPOSITION on in 6. I saw her ________ the fourth of July. NO PREPOSITION on in 7. I saw her ________ last week. NO PREPOSITION on in

8. I saw her ________ the mall in Glendale. NO PREPOSITION at to 9. We are planning to go ________ Santa Monica beach this afternoon. NO PREPOSITION at to 10. We are planning to go ________ swimming this afternoon. NO PREPOSITION at to

Choose whether or not each of the following sentences requires a preposition. Choose the most natural-sounding response: 1. Is Mary going to the movies ________ today? NO PREPOSITION on 2. Did she speak to her boss ________ last week? on NO PREPOSITION 3. We usually eat fish ________ Thursdays. NO PREPOSITION on 4. I'll see you ________ five minutes. in NO PREPOSITION 5. Do you live ________ Canada? in NO PREPOSITION 6. Do you like ________ Australia? in

NO PREPOSITION 7. We're driving ________ the mall. to NO PREPOSITION 8. She is going ________ dancing. to NO PREPOSITION 9. Jimmy went ________ bed. NO PREPOSITION to 10. I will graduate ________ next year. NO PREPOSITION in

Choose the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences: 1. He really stands ________ ( = is different from) from the other students. on out up 2. I'm not going to stand ________ ( = tolerate) this! on on for 3. I stood ________ ( = substituted, took his place) for the class president while he was away. on in up 4. You have to learn how to stand ________ yourself. ( = defend yourself) up for on for

in on 5. I can't believe he stood me ________. ( = didn't show up for a meeting, date, etc.) up under down 6. The workers were brave enough to stand ________ the boss. ( = to confront him without fear) in on up with up to 7. The other judges stood ________ the proceedings. ( = watched the proceedings closely) over up for by 8. She always stands ________ ( = remains loyal to) her friends. by out up 9. He is the only candidate that stands ________ ( = supports) animal rights. against for over 10. Please stand ________ ( = wait) while we fix the problem. over out by

Choose the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences: 1. The plane took ________ ( = departed) at 7:00 AM. on off

in 2. They took ________ ( = saw) a play while they were in New York. on away in 3. He took ________ ( = started) smoking after his accident. on up away 4. They will have to take ________ ( = compete against) another opponent. on up after 5. He really takes ________ his father. = He is really similar to his father. after on up 6. I'll take it ________ with the boss. = I will speak to the boss about it. about on up 7. I have to take ________. ( = leave) off over on 8. After Bill was fired, John took ________ ( = assumed) his position. over out up 9. I'll take you ________ on your offer. = I'll accept your offer. out

up over 10. We took ________ ( = adopted, brought home) several kittens while we were living in Mexico. on away in Choose the correct phrasal verb to complete each of the following sentences:

1. I've tried to make her realize that she's wrong, but I can't ________ to her. ( = convince her) get across get over get on 2. You can't ________ ( = avoid) taking this test. get by get around get on 3. Have all the passengers ________ ( = disembarked) the train yet? gotten off gotten out gotten away 4. Fiona ________ the bus. ( = boarded the bus) got up got in got on 5. Fiona ________ the car and drove away. got on got up got in

6. The workers ________ ( = supported, began to support) Larry in his quest to obtain more benefits. got behind got back got at 7. What are you ________? = What are you trying to say? getting to getting at getting in 8. I haven't ________ doing that yet. ( = haven't had a chance to do that yet) gotten up gotten around to gotten around 9. We didn't ________ ( = arrive) until 3:00 AM last night. get around get up get in 10. They ________. ( = escaped) got by got away got through Choose the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences:

1. We ran ________ ( = met, saw) your brother at the mall last night. into in onto 2. He ran ________ without paying the bill. ( = escaped, fled) up

off down 3. Peter ran ________ the door. up off out 4. They ran ________ ( = accumulated) quite a tab at the bar last night. up on off 5. We've run ________ milk. ( = We have no more milk) out into out of 6. He ran his idea ________ the boss. ( = He explained his idea to his boss) into by through 7. The senator has plans to run ________ ( = try to become) President. for at over 8. I'm going to run ________ ( = make) some photocopies. up off out 9. Let's run ________ ( = quickly review) this week's releases.

up through behind 10. We ran ________ ( = encountered) a lot of resistance. onto through up against

Choose the correct preposition to complete each of the following sentences: 1. My alarm clock went ________ ( = started to ring) at 7:00 AM. off on in 2. Go ________. = Continue. on up away 3. Go ________! = Leave! on up away 4. They went ________ ( = They pursued) the contract. away after along 5. I could really go ________ some fries. = I would really like to eat some fries. up with for 6. It's hard to go ________ things as usual. = It's hard to continue doing things as I did them before.

about along around 7. Prices went ________ ( = increased) last year. up out over 8. Let's go ________ ( = review) your notes. along out over 9. Many business are going ________ ( = failing/going bankrupt). out over under 10. Mike and Tina are going ________. = Mike and Tina are a couple (boyfriend + girlfriend). out off on


topic: COUNT or NON-COUNT NOUN? | level: Intermediate/ Advanced

Click on Answer to see the correct response.

1. I went to the tourist office to get _____ information.

a. a few b. a little

2. Kids today spend so _____ time on the internet!

a. much b. many

3. He has a good job and makes a large _____ of money.

a. amount

b. number

4. Hurry up! I don't have _____ time!

a. much b. many

5. I only know _____ people in this city.

a. a little b. a few

6. Mary always tells me that she wants to have _____ children.

a. much b. many

7. There are _____ things that I want to say to you.

a. so many b. so much

8. I would like _____ time to think about this.

a. a little b. a few

9. I would like _____ banana.

a. some b. a Back to list of exercises


topic: COUNT or NON-COUNT NOUN? 2 | level: Intermediate

Click on Answer to see the correct response.

1. I have to buy a lot of _____ for my new apartment.

a. furniture b. furnitures

2. He brought up a lot of interesting _____ during the lecture.

a. point b. points

3. After the party, there was a lot of _____.

a. garbage

b. garbages

4. Thank you so much for all the _____!

a. applause b. applauses

5. Your _____ are due on September 15th.

a. essay b. essays

6. I went to the market and bought a lot of _____.

a. fruit b. fruits

7. There are so many different type of _____ in the world.

a. people b. peoples

8. He has one of the most expensive _____ on the market.

a. computer b. computers

9. I have to cut my _____ today.

a. hair b. hairs

10. I can't stand the _____ in this city.

a. traffic b. traffics Back to list of exercises


topic: COUNT or NON-COUNT NOUN? 3 | level: Beginner

Click on Answer to see the correct response.

1. What kind of _____ do you want to talk about?

a. thing b. things

2. What kind of _____ would you like me to buy?

a. milk

b. milks

3. I ate many kinds of _____ yesterday.

a. cheese b. cheeses

4. Do you have some _____ for me?

a. information b. informations

5. I had many horrifying _____ during my travels in Haiti.

a. experience b. experiences

6. Do you know all the _____ of the world?

a. capital b. capitals

7. He had a lot of _____ in him.

a. anger b. angers

8. P1: What did you buy? P2: I bought some _____.

a. orange b. oranges

9. I have to buy some apples and some _____.

a. rice b. rices

10. I left my _____ at the airport.

a. luggage b. luggages

Back to list of exercises Complete each relative clause with why, when, or where:

1. Do you know the reason 2. The day

she is so upset?

you saw me I was feeling sick.

3. The library is a place

you can borrow books.

4. That is the house 5. This is the reason 6. The place

we used to live. I never call her. we went yesterday is just around the corner. they moved away.

7. They never told us the reason 8. The school

I study English is not far from your house. you guys went to France together? I keep my t-shirts.

9. Was that the time 10. That is the drawer

Complete each relative clause with who or that. If both who or thatcan be used, write who or that:

1. That's the man 2. That's the jacket 3. That's the girl 4. The students

stole my purse! I want to buy. won the race. do well on the exam will be allowed to leave early.

5. We saw the cat 6. The airport 7. The woman 8. People

lives in the house next door. is being built will be the largest in the country. sang that song is very beautiful. use this site will learn English very quickly.

9. The computer 10. The dinner

I want to buy costs $1,000. your mother prepared was delicious.


topic: RELATIVE PRONOUNS Who, which, or whose? 1 | level:Intermediate

Complete each sentence with who, which, or whose (Choose the best, most grammatically correct option). Remember, it is also to possible to use "that" instead of "which" (although in this exercise please only use "which").

Who (or what) is that?... 1. That's the man wallet I found. I told you about. CD I bought. helped me cross the street. my parents used to live in. opens the basement door is very small. asked me the time was very handsome. I want to buy is very expensive. are in my class are younger than I am. car was stolen was very upset.

2. That's the building 3. That's the singer 4. That's the woman 5. That's the house 6. The key 7. The man 8. The rug

9. The other students 10. The teacher


topic: ADJECTIVE CLAUSES/NOUN CLAUSES That or what? 1 | level: Intermediate/Advanced

Complete each sentence with what or that. In this particular exercise, what is used for noun clauses and that is used for relative adjective clauses:


he said is not important. I'm reading is very interesting. you do. he told us? P2: Yes, I think he was telling the truth. help animals. he watches. saw that movie were disappointed. you plan to do.

2. The book

3. I'm not responsible for 4. P1: Do you believe

5. The world needs more people 6. Tom's parents care about 7. Many of the people

8. You have to let me know 9. The coffee

you made is very strong. you told in class.

10. We loved the story


topic: NOUN CLAUSES 1 | level: Intermediate

Complete each sentence with a properly formed noun clause:

1. John asked me ________________. where was his wallet where his wallet was 2. I couldn't tell him ________________. where was I where I was 3. I don't know ________________. how many children he has how many chidren does he have

4. ________________ is not important. How close we are How close are we 5. ________________ was sad. What did she say What she said 6. We are not responsible for ________________. what our children say what do our children say 7. Is it true ________________ about you? what did he say what he said 8. I'm not going to tell you ________________. what should you do what you should do 9. I wonder if ________________ from Germany. is he he is 10. The teacher told us ________________ our finished exams. where we should leave where should we leave


topic: NOUN CLAUSES 3 | level: Intermediate

Choose whether each sentence requires THAT or WHAT to complete the noun clause:
1. _______________ he said is not important. That What

2. _______________ she passed her exam didn't surprise us. What That 3. How many people know _______________ I'm talking about? what that 4. She didn't think ________________ her mother would find out. that what 5. _______________ my brother does on his own time is not your business. That What 6. I noticed _______________ she was upset. that what 7. It's too bad ________________ you can't go. what that 8. They know ________________ he said to her. that what 9. They knew _______________ he did this. what that 10. I'm sorry - that's not _______________ I'm looking for. what that


topic: NOUN CLAUSES 5 Identifying noun clauses | level: Advanced

Choose the proper response to complete each of the following sentences, keeping in mind that some of the sentences below have noun clauses and some do not:
1. Do you know _______________ his book? where he put where did he put 2. I can understand _______________ . how upset are you how upset you are 3. _______________? How upset are you How upset you are 4. I can't hear ________________ ? what are you saying what you are saying 5. Can you tell me _______________? where my keys are where are my keys 6. Where _______________? my keys are are my keys 7. Does your brother know if ________________ sell his car? will he he will 8. He told the police what ________________? did he see he saw 9. What _______________? did he see he saw 10. They can see how disappointed _______________.

am I I am

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