School Examinations Booklet Dec 10-2

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(O Level / IGCSE and A Level)

A guide for



A British Council Bangladesh Publication 2010

All images copyright British Council.

Edited by:

Nasreen Sultana
Peter Ashton

Leagal disclaimer:
Every effort is made to ensure that the information given in this publication is
accurate, but no legal responsibility is accepted for any errors, omissions or
misleading statements in the information caused by negligence or otherwise, and
no responsibility is accepted in regard to the standing of any firm, individual or
company mentioned.

Design & Production:

Nymphea, 4 Shegunbagicha, Shajan Tower-1, Suite # 202, Dhaka




zj cixv

wkv_x I AwffveK`i Rb GKwU wb`wkKv

Whether you are thinking of pursuing
higher studies or planning for your
future career, it is likely that you will
be competing in a global market. This
intense competition means universities
and employers expect candidates to
have a solid educational foundation,
demonstrated by recognisable and
renowned qualifications.

zj cixv cwiwPwZ
Avcwb DPZi wkv wKsev fwelr Kvwiqvii
Rb h cwiKbvB wbq _vKb bv Kb, AvcbvK
AvRvwZK evRvi cwZhvwMZv KiZ ne|
GB cej cwZhvwMZvi A_ nQ PvKwi`vZv
cwZvb I wekwe`vjqjv cv_x`i KvQ ^xKZ
I Dchy hvMZvmn h_vh_ wkv wfw Avkv


With more than 50 years of

experience in administering exams
worldwide, British Council works in
partnership with UK exam boards,
Edexcel International and Cambridge
International Examinations (CIE) to
promote school level UK qualifications
in Bangladesh. We also administer a
wide range of examinations on behalf
of UK examination boards, universities
and other awarding bodies. British
Council is proud of its reputation for
offering a professional examinations
service and a great deal of effort goes
into the setting up and administering
these examinations.

cixv cwiPvjbvq 50 eQiiI ewk

AwfZv wbq, evsjv`k yj chvq BDK
KvqvwjwdKkb cmvii Rb wewUk KvDwj
GWj BUvibvkbvj Ges KgweR
BUvibvkbvj Gvwgbki mv_ GKhvM
KvR KiQ| GQvov wewfb wekwe`vjq, mb`
c`vbKvix msv I BDK Gvg evWi c
_K Avgiv wewfb aibi cixvi AvqvRb Ki
_vwK| cdkbvj Gvwgbkb mvwfm c`vbi h
mybvg Zvi Rb wewUk KvDwj MweZ Ges Gme
cixvi AvqvRb _K i Ki cwiPvjbvi Rb
h_ D`vM Avgiv wbq _vwK|

We ensure that we maintain the highest

level of security and confidentiality
of examinations materials at all times
and provide the best examination
conditions to make your child feel
comfortable at the venue. It is always
our aim to exceed the standard that
other organisations strive to match.
We help nearly a million people every
year worldwide to achieve their life
goals by obtaining a UK qualification.

Gme cixvi Avgiv memgq mevP

chvqi wbivcv I MvcbxqZv eRvq ivwL Ges
cixv K` Avcbvi mvb hb ^w Abyfe Ki
Zvi Rb mevg cwiek wbwZ Kwi| Av`k
gvb AwZgi Pv Avgv`i memgq _vK,
h gvb cuQZ Abvb cwZvb wngwkg Lvq|
Avgiv cwZeQi wekevcx cvq 10 jvL cixv_xK
BDK KvqvwjwdKkb ARbi gvag Zv`i
Rxebi j c~iY mnvqZv Ki _vwK|


We create opportunities for young

people in Bangladesh to achieve their
goals by improving their education and
career prospects. We offer our services
in Dhaka, Chittagong and Sylhet and
we have also expanded our services
to cities such as Khulna, Rajshahi,
Dinajpur, Rangpur and Narayanganj and
hope to expand further.

Avgiv evsjv`k ZiY`i wkv I Kvwiqvi

mvebv Dbqbi gvag Zv`i j ARbi
myhvM Zwi Ki w`wQ| XvKv, PMvg I wmjU
Avgiv mev c`vb Ki _vwK Ges Lyjbv, ivRkvnx,
w`bvRcyi, iscyi I bvivqYM Avgv`i
Kvhg mcmvwiZ KiwQ Ges Abvb kniI
mcmviYi Avkv ivwL|

UK qualifications are
recognised by Governments,
Universities, Professional
Bodies and Employers around
the world.

BDK KvqvwjwdKkb wekevcx

miKvi, wekwe`vjq, ckvRxex msv
Ges PvKwi`vZv`i KvQ ^xKZ

This booklet addresses some of the

concerns that you as parents may
have for your child sitting exams with
us. In addition, we are always happy
to answer any queries that may not
be covered here through our hotlines,
e-mail and website. The contact details
are given at the back of this booklet.

Avcbvi mvbi cixv msv wRvmvi Reve

Avgiv GB eyKjUi gvag `qvi Pv KiwQ|
GQvov, GB eBq DjL bB Ggb me mgmvi
mgvavb cZ Avcwb Avgv`i nUjvBb wKsev
B-gBj hvMvhvM KiZ cvib| hvMvhvMi
wVKvbv GB eyKjU kl `qv AvQ|


The General Certificate of Education

(GCE) is one of the most internationally
recognised qualifications system in
the world. It is split into two levels:
The General Certificate of Secondary
Education (GCSE or O Level) is usually
taken at around the age of 16 and the
Advanced (A) Level taken at 18.

Rbvij mvwUwdKU Ad GWzKkb (wRwmB) wek

AvRvwZKfve ^xKwZ AbZg GKwU cixv|
GUv `ywU i wef| 16 eQi eqmxiv Rbvij
mvwUwdKU Ae mKvwi GWzKkb (wRwmGmB
ev I jfj)-G Ask wbZ cvi Ges 18 eQi
eqmxiv DPZi i (G jfj) Ask wbZ

What is the difference between


wRwmGmB I AvBwRwmGmB-Gi cv_K Kx?

IGCSE was created as a GCSE

examination for international use and
is tailored for a multi-cultural, multilingual audience. They are aligned
to the standards of the UK GCSE
and recognised by the University
College Admission Service (UCAS) and
universities in the UK and overseas
as equivalent grade for grade with UK
GCSE qualifications.


AvRvwZK chvqi Rb wRwmGmB cixv wnme

AvBwRwmGmB cYqb Kiv nqwQj Ges GUv wewfb
fvlv I mswZi wkv_x`i cqvRb Abyhvqx
mvRvbv nqQ| BDK wRwmGmB-Gi mv_ GUv
mwZc~Y Ges BDwbfvwmwU KjR AvWwgkb
mvwfm (DKvm) KZK ^xKZ| cvkvcvwk hyivR
I we`ki wewfb wekwe`vjq GUv BDK
wRwmGmB-i mggvbi MW wnme weePbv Kiv

What is an O Level/IGCSE?

I-jfj/ AvBwRwmGmB Kx?

An O level/IGCSE is a standard
qualification in the UK, usually taken
at the age of 15 or 16. You can take
any number of O level/IGCSE exams,
depending on the qualifications that
your chosen institution asks for. Most
students in Bangladesh schools take
up to nine O level/IGCSE exams after
studying for two to three years in their
chosen subjects, such as in the fields of
Science, Commerce or Humanities.

I-jfj/AvBwRwmGmB hyivR GKwU

gvbmb KvqvwjwdKkb, wkv_xiv mvaviYZ
15 ev 16 eQi eqm G cixvq Ask bq|
Avcbvi cQ`i wkv cwZvbi Pvwn`vi
Dci wfw Ki Avcwb GKvwaK I-jfj/
AvBwRwmGmB cixv w`Z cvib| evsjv`ki
AwaKvsk wkv_xiv mvaviYZ Zv`i wbevwPZ
welqjvZ `yB _K wZb eQi covi ci mevP
9wU welq I jfj/AvBRwmGmB cixvq Ask
wbq _vK|

Students in Bangladesh can sit for O

levels or IGCSE (or a combination of
both). From June 2011 Edexcel will stop
offering O levels and replace them with
IGCSE. Cambridge will continue to offer
both O level and IGCSE.

evsjv`ki wkv_xiv I-jfj ev AvBRwmGm

(A_ev G `yBwUi mg^q) cixvq AskMnY
KiZ cvi| 2011 mvji Ryb _K I jfj
cixv bqv e Kie GWj Ges Zvi
cwieZ AvBwRwmGmB Pvjy ne| I jfj Ges
AvBwRwmGmB `yUvB Pvwjq hve KgweR|


Why should I take an O Level/


Kb Avwg I jfj/AvBRwmGmB cixvq

AskMnY Kie?

O levels/IGCSE have exactly the same

recognition in Bangladesh as the
Secondary School Certificate (SSC).
Many parents and guardians are aware
that UK qualifications have a much
wider recognition and acceptance
outside Bangladesh. They also consider
that the style of learning and testing
of UK qualifications provides a better
foundation for future success.

evsjv`ki GmGmwm cixvi mgchvqi Ges

mggvbi cixv nQ I jfj/AvBwRwmGmB|
AbK AwffveK AeMZ AvQb h, BDK
KvqvwjwdKkb evsjv`ki evBi AbK ewk
^xKwZ I MnYhvM| cvkvcvwk Zviv wekvm Kib
BDK KvqvwjwdKkbi wkv`vb I cixv
cwZ fwelr mvdji Rb GKwU `p wfw
c`vb Ki _vK|

What is an A Level?

G jfj wK?

An A level is an Advanced level GCE

qualification. This exam is normally
taken after two years of A level study,
following the O level/IGCSE exams. You
can take any number of A level exams;
in the UK, most college students take
three or four A level exams for their
final two years of study. The number
of A levels you take will often depend
on the qualifications that the university
you have chosen requires.

G jfj nQ wRwmB KvqvwjwdKkbi DPZi

ev AvWfvW jfj| I jfj/ AvBRwmGmB
cixvq AskMnY Kivi ci G jfj-G `yB
eQi covi ci mvaviYZ GB cixv `qv hvq|
Avcwb GKvwaK welq cixv w`Z cvib; Ze
hyivR AwaKvsk KjR wkv_x Zv`i kl `yB
eQii covkvbvi Rb mvaviYZ wZb ev PviwU
welq MnY Ki| Avcwb KqwU G jfj beb
Zv wbfi Kie h wekwe`vjq Avcwb fwZ nZ
BQzK mB wekwe`vjqi cqvRbxqZvi Ici|


Why should I take A Level?

Kb Avwg G jfj-G AskMnY Kie?

A level results can open doors for you

to undergraduate studies at some of
the best higher educational institutions
in the world, and to a wide range of
professional and vocational courses
that can help build your skills for an
exciting and rewarding career.

G jfj-Gi djvdj AvcbvK weki AbZg

k DPwkv cwZvbjvZ mvZK chvq fwZi
myhvM Ki `e, cvkvcvwk AmsL ckvMZ I
fvKkbvj Kvm fwZi myhvM cveb Avcwb,
hUv GKwU PgKc` I mvbRbK Kvwiqvii Rb
cqvRbxq `Zv ZwiZ mnvqZv KiZ cvi|

A level qualifications are also accepted

at nearly all national and private
universities in Bangladesh. Please
contact the universities directly for
information. You can also check out our
website for admission criteria:

evsjv`ki cvq me miKvwi I emiKvwi

wekwe`vjq G-jfj KvqvwjwdKkb
^xKZ| Z_i Rb mivmwi wekwe`vjqjvi m
hvMvhvM Kib| fwZi hvMZv mswk Z_i Rb
Avcwb Avgv`i IqemvBU `LZ cvib|

What subjects can I take?

Avwg Kvb welqjv wbZ cvwi?

We offer all popular subjects for

these exams. Please contact us for
an updated list of the subjects we
currently offer. However, if you are
considering taking up any specialist
subject, which may require special
facilities or accredited examiners,
please contact us in advance to find
out whether you are able to sit for that
exam in Bangladesh.

Avgiv Gme cixvi Rb ccyjvi me welqjvB

Advi Ki _vwK| eZgvb h welqjvi cixv
Avgiv wbwQ Zvi wj ev ZvwjKvi Rb AbyMn
Ki Avgv`i mv_ hvMvhvM Kib| Avcwb
hw` Ggb Kvbv weklvwqZ welq bqvi K_v
weePbv Ki _vKb hvi Rb wekl eev ev
^xKZ cwi`kKi cqvRb nZ cvi, Zvnj
evsjv`k mB welq cixvq AskMnY Kiv
me ne wK bv Zv RvbZ AbyMn Ki Avgv`i
m AvMfvMB hvMvhvM Kib|


An English medium
background means that
they do well in the public
university classes.

BsiwR gvag wkv jvfi AwfZv

gvbB nQ miKvwi wekwe`vjqi
KvkjvZ fvjv Kiv

I think anyone with an English

Medium background will do well in
their graduate courses because all
the books are in English and the
lectures are in English. Also, as we
have dealt with analytical questions in
our GCE courses, we are able to solve
analytical problems with more ease.

Avgvi gb nq BsiwR gvagi wkv_xiv

mvZK Kvm fvj Kie KviY me eB
BsiwRZ jLv Ges jKPviI c`vb Kiv
nq BsiwRZ| GQvov, hnZz Avgiv wRwmB Kvm AvbvwjwUKvj cki gyLvgywL
nqwQ, G KviY Avgiv mnRB AvbvwjwU
Kvj mgmvi mgvavb KiZ mg|
Avgiv mvgvwRKfve ewk mPZb| Avgiv
BwZc~e wewfb Kvei m`m wQjvg, mnZz
Avgiv Rvwb gvbyli m GKm wKfve
KvR KiZ nq| GUv Avgv`i Rb wekl
myweav, hUv evsjv gvagi wkv_x`i bvI
_vKZ cvi|
-kx`e `vm (&eyqUi Qv)

We are also more socially aware. We

have been part of clubs before so
we know how to work together with
people. This is a huge plus point for us,
which students from Bangla Medium
may not have.
Sreedav Das (undergraduate,

What is the difference between

Edexcel and CIE?
The UK has five exam boards offering
school level qualifications. Schools
and colleges are able to freely choose
between them on a subject-by-subject
basis. Many schools use a mixture of
examining boards.
Edexcel and CIE offer O, A and IGCSE
qualifications in Bangladesh. Their
school exams follow the standards and
criteria set by the UK Qualifications
and Curriculum Authority (QCA) and
are recognised by employers and
universities across the world.
The examining boards differ in the
number of subjects that they offer, the
contents of the syllabus and the ways
in which they set their exams.

GWj I wmAvBB Kx?

hyivR zj chvqi hvMZvi cuvPwU
cixv evW iqQ| zj I KjRjv welqi
wfwZ mjv _K ^vaxbfve wbR`i evW
wbevPb KiZ cvi| AbK zj GKvwaK evW
eQ bq|
GWj I wmAvBB evsjv`k I, G Ges
AvBwRwmGmB KvqvwjwdKkb Advi Ki|
Zv`i cixvjv BDK KvqvwjwdKkb Ges
KvwiKzjvg A_wiwU (wKDwmG) wbavwiZ gvb` I
evaevaKZv Abyhvqx cwiPvwjZ nq Ges wekevcx
wekwe`vjq I wbqvMKvix`i gvag ^xKwZ|
cveKZ welqjvi msLv, wmjevmi welqe
Ges cixv MnYi cwZZ Gme cixv evWi
ga cv_K iqQ|

Does it make any difference

which board I sit my exams

Kvb evWi Aaxb Avwg cixvq AeZxY

nwQ mUv wK iZc~Y welq?

No. If a university, employer or

government accepts O, IGCSE, GCSE
and A levels they will not specify which
board awarded the certificate.

bv| hw` Kvbv wekwe`vjq/PvKzwi`vZv/miKvi

I, AvBwRwmGmB, wRwmGB Ges G jfjK
^xKwZ `q Zvnj Kvb evW mvwUwdKU c`vb
KiQ mUv Zviv wbw` Ki RvbZ PvBe bv|

Your school will choose which board

you will sit under after considering a
number of factors such as the subjects
on offer, the syllabus, the style of the
exams, the availability of resources, the
preferences of the school governing
board, teachers and parents.

Kvb evWi Aaxb Avcwb cixvq Ask wbQb

Zv wbevPb Kie Avcbvi zj| ek KqKwU
welq GLvb weePbv Kiv nq| Gjv nQ welqmg~n, wmjevm, cixvi aiY, wimvm ev
DcKiYi mnRjfZv Ges zj cwiPvjbv evW,
wkK I AwffveK`i AMvwaKvi|

Where are my exams marked?

Avgvi cixvi LvZv Kv_vq g~jvqb

Kiv nq?

All O, A and IGCSE exam papers for

the whole world are marked in the UK
by examiners appointed, trained and
monitored by the boards.

evWmg~n wbhy, cwkwZ I ZveavqbKZ

cixK`i gvag mvivweki me I, G Ges
AvBwRwmB cixvi LvZv g~jvqb Kiv nq|


Can examiners be biased

towards certain countries?

cixKiv wK Kvbv wbw` `ki cwZ

ccvwZZ KiZ cvib?

No, examiners mark scripts from all

over the world. They have no way of
knowing where the script came from.
As candidates are only identified by
a number, the examiner also has no
way of knowing the identity of the

bv, cixKiv mviv cw_ex _K AvMZ LvZv

g~jvqb Kib| Zv`i Rvbvi Dcvq bB KvbwU
Kvb `k nZ AvmQ| me cixv_xiv Kej
GKwU KwWU b^ii gvag kbv nq,
wkv_xi cwiPq Rvbvi Kvbv Dcvq cixK`i

Do I have to register through a


AvgvK wK Kvbv zji gvag wbewZ

nZ ne?

A prospective candidate does not

have to register through a school. You
can register online as an individual
candidate, and as long as the required
accredited documents are provided to
our offices (please remember to check
our website for the list of required
documents), you will be allowed to take
the exam. Applying as an independent
candidate does not make the process
of getting the results more difficult.

mve Kvbv cixv_xK zji gvag wbeb

KiZ ne bv| Avcwb AbjvBb cvBfU
cixv_x wnme wbewZ nZ cvib, Abygvw`Z
KvMRc Avgv`i Awdm hw` Rgv _vK
(cqvRbxq KvMRci ZvwjKv `LZ Avgv`i
IqemvBU `Lyb) Zvnj Avcwb cixv w`Z
cvieb| ewMZfve wbewZ nj cixvi
djvdj cZI Kvbv mgmv nq bv|

The services provided by us to

independent candidates throughout
the entire process are exactly the
same as a candidate from a recognised
school would get. Just because you
want to register independently does
not mean that things will become
harder for you.



cyiv cwqvq cvBfU cixv_x`i h mev

Avgiv c`vb Ki _vwK mUv ^xKZ Kvbv zji
cixv_x`i Abyic| Avcwb ^vaxbfve wbeb
KiZ Pvb ej Avcbvi Rb welqjv KwVb ne
Ggb wKQz fvevi Kvbv KviY bB|

The only exception to this is if you

are sitting a science subject with
a practical exam or alternative to
practical paper. You will only be allowed
to register for that subject through a
school which has been authorised to
teach that subject. This is because the
board needs you to have had sufficient
practical experience before sitting for
an exam.

G GKgv ewZg nQ Avcwb hw`

wevb welq cvKwUKvj cixv w`Z Pvb wKsev
cvKwUKvj welqi weK hw` wKQy _vK| aygv
ZLbB AvcbvK IB welq GKwU zji gvag
wbeb KiZ ne h zjwU IB welqwU covbvi
Rb Abygv`bcv| Gi KviY nQ wkv
evW wbwZ KiZ Pvq h IB welq cixvq
AskMnYi c~e Avcbvi m msv h_
cvKwUKvj vb AvQ|

Will having foreign qualifications

make it harder for me to find a
job in Bangladesh?

we`wk KvqvwjwdKkb _vKj evsjv`k

PvKwi cvIqv wK KwVb ne?

No. the majority of employers accept

O/IGCSE and A Levels. Many prefer
staff from an A level background as
they appreciate the analytical and
problem solving skills which are a key
part of success in UK qualifications.
This is especially true for international

bv| AwaKvsk wbqvM cwZvb I/AvBwRwmB

Ges G jfj Abygv`b Ki| AbK cwZvb
G jfj coqv`i AMvwaKvi `q, KviY
Zviv weklYagx I mgmv mgvavbi `ZvK
iZ `q, h hvMZv I `Zv BDK
KvqvwjwdKkbi AbZg Ask| AvRvwZK
msvjvi GUv weklfve mwZ|



English Medium students

can still compete even
if they are not used to the
straight memorisation

gyL Kivi Afvm bv _vKjI Bswjk

wgwWqvgi Qv/Qvxiv Ab`i mv_
cwZhvwMZv KiZ mg

Most of the students studying the

H.S.C. syllabus just memorise the facts
without understanding the concepts.
For the Medical College Admission
Test (MCAT) it is essential to memorise
loads of facts and hence I had a hard
time switching from understanding
to virtually memorising the whole
book. Many times I felt frustrated
during my MCAT preparations but
I wouldnt have been admitted into
Dhaka Medical College if I had just
moaned about it. So its absolutely
necessary to pick yourself up and
motivate yourself to do six months of
hard work so that you can study at
the best colleges in this country.
Md. Walid Akram Hussain
(Undergraduate at Dhaka Medical
College, under the University of

GBP.Gm.wm AavqbiZ AwaKvsk wkv_x

Zv`i welqjv bv eyS gyL Ki|
gwWKj KjR fwZ cixv (GgwmGwU)i
Rb AbKwelq gyL KivUv `iKvwi| eB eyS
covi _K gyL Kivq Af nZ Avgvi
ek mgmvq coZ nqwQ| GgwmGwUi
cwZi mgq AbKeviB Avwg nZvkveva
KiwQ wK Avwg ay G wbq co _vKj
XvKv gwWKj KjR fwZ nZ cviZvg
bv| `ki m KjRjvZ fwZ nZ nj
wbRK ciYv w`Z ne Ges Qqgvm cwikg
Kivi Rb cZ _vKZ ne|
gv. Iqvwj` AvKivg mBb (XvKv
gwWKj KjRi Qv)



Do I need to sit practical


AvgvK wK cvKwUKvj cixvq

Ask wbZ ne?

If you are following the CIE curriculum for

science subjects such as Chemistry, Biology
and Physics, you will have an option to take
either practical exams or alternative to
practical papers for O Level/IGCSE, but you
will be required to sit practical exams for A
Level exams.

Avcwb hw` wmAvBB cvVgi Aaxb wevbi

welq hgb imvqb, Rxewevb, c`v_wevbi
Qv nb, Zvnj AvcbvK I jfj/
AvBwRwmGmB-Gi Rb nq cvKwUKvj cixv
A_ev cvKwUKvji weK Ab Kvbv welq
wbZ ne, wK G jfj cixvi Rb AvcbvK
AekB cvKwUKvj cixvq AeZxY nZ ne|

If you are studying the Edexcel curriculum,

you will not be required to take practical
exams or do coursework but will need to
take alternate to practical or alternate to
coursework units for your A Level exams
to demonstrate that you have completed
practical syllabus during your course of
study in school.
You will need to attest your exam
registration form at your respective school
or approved institute.

Avcwb hw` GWj cvVgi Aaxb covjLv

Kib Zvnj AvcbvK cvKwUKvj cixvq Ask
bqvi ev KvmIqvKi cqvRb ne bv, wK G
jfj Avcwb Avcbvi zj cvKwUKvj cvVg
mb KiQb wKbv Zv wbYqi Rb AvcbvK
cvKwUKvji weK ev KvmIqvKi weK
welq cixv w`Z ne|
GQvov, AvcbvK mswk zj wKsev ^xKZ
cwZvb _K cixv wbeb dig mZvwqZ
KivZ ne|





Avgv`i cixv ckvmb mwKZ

wKQz Z_

How do we choose the venues?

Avgiv wKfve fby wbaviY Kwi?

We go to great lengths to identify

suitable premises which meet the UK
boards and British Council regulations
before contracting them as exam
venues. This process starts about one
year before the exam session.

Avgiv wewUk KvDwj I BDK evWi bxwZgvjv

gb cixvi Rb cQ`bxq vb LuyRZ mevP
cPv PvjvB| cixv eli GK eQi AvM
_KB GB cwqv i nq|

We choose our venues on a number of

factors including size, location, lighting,
air conditioning, generator support and
other facilities. We prefer to use larger
venues as this helps us to control the
security and administration of the
exams. It reduces opportunities for
malpractice and security breaches and
ensures that the same fair chance is
given to all candidates.

Avgiv AbKjv welq weePbv Ki fby

wbevPb Kwi, hgb AvqZb, Aevb, chv Avjv,
kxZvZc eev, RbviUi eev Ges Abvb
myweav| Avgiv mvaviYZ eo AvqZbi vbjv
cQ` Ki _vwK, KviY GZ Ki Avgv`i
wbivcv wbqY I cixv cwiPvjbvq myweav nq|
GUv Amv`ycvq Aej^bi Ges wbivcv wewNZ
nIqvi myhvM nvm Ki Ges me cixv_xi Rb
mgvb myhvM c`vb wbwZ Ki|

All venues are air-conditioned.

If you are worried about being
too cold, please bring a jumper
with you.

me cixvK`B kxZvZc wbqwZ|

Avcbvi Vvvi mgmv _vKj AbyMn
Ki GKwU Rvvi/kxZi Kvco wbq
AvmZ fzjeb bv|



Items that are strictly

prohibited inside the
exams hall:
Mobile phones
Any digital devices (iPods, MP3
players, pagers, etc.)
Clip boards
Books, notes, dictionaries
or writing materials (unless
otherwise instructed)
Non-transparent pencil cases
Programmable calculators
Calculator cases
Food/drinks/sweets etc

cixvK`i Rb h mKj e
enb Kiv wbwl
gvevBj dvb
Kvb aibi wWwRUvj wWfvBm (AvBcW,
Ggwcw_ cqvi, cRvi BZvw`)
wKc evW
eB, bvU, wWKkbvwi, A_ev LvZv
A^Q cwj KBm
cvMvgej KvjKzjUi
KvjKzjUi KBm
Lv`/wgvb/ cvbxq `e|



Can I sit for exams outside


Avwg wK XvKvi evBi _K cixvq

AskMnY KiZ cvwi?

Besides Dhaka, we administer exams

from our British Council offices in
Chittagong and Sylhet. Also, we
have a large population of students
studying the UK school curriculum in
cities such as Narayanganj, Khulna,
Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Rangpur. As we
always have the candidates interest
and well being in mind, we try to make
all arrangements for candidates to
sit exams without having to travel to
another city whilst maintaining the
same standards and security.

Avgiv XvKvi cvkvcvwk wewUk KvDwj Awdmi

gvag PMvg I wmjUI cixv wbqY Ki
_vwK| GQvov, AmsL Qv/Qvx Avgv`i Aaxb
bvivqM, Lyjbv, ivRkvnx, w`bvRcyi Ges iscyi
BDK KvwiKzjvg covkvbv KiQb| Qv/
Qvx`i myweavi K_v fe Avgiv Pv Kwi hb
Zviv wbR wbR kni GKB vvW I wbivcv
eevi ga cixv w`Z cvi|

Opportunities for those

living outside Dhaka

XvKvi evBii cixv_x`i

Rb myhvM

My biggest concern was whether

it was a good decision on our part
to enroll our daughter in an English
medium school given that we live
outside Dhaka the central hub for
the English medium crowd and
opportunities. After passing her A
levels in Chittagong, my greatest
concern was her chance of getting
into a University in Chittagong. But,
as it turned out, this examination
does truly cater for all regions- be it
Dhaka or outside- in Chittagong or
Khulna. My daughter is now studying
at a university here with a full
scholarship and doing very well.
- A parent from Chittagong.

Avgv`i `k BsiwR gvagi covkvbv

hnZz XvKv Kw`K, m KviY Avwg Avgvi
gqK BsiwR gvagi zj fwZi evcvi
wKQzUv wPwZ wQjvg| PMvg _K G jfj
cvk Kivi ci eo `ywv wQj m PMvgi
Kvbv wekwe`vjq myhvM cve wKbv| wK
ci eySZ cvijvg me AjB GB cixv
mgvb Zv mUv XvKv wKsev XvKvi evBi
Lyjbv ev PMvg| Avgvi gq GLb c~Yv
ew wbq GLvbKvi GKwU wekwe`vjq coQ
Ges AZ fvjv djvdj KiQ|
PMvgi GKRb AwffveK



How are the exams conducted?

cixvjv wKfve bqv nq?

In addition to our dedicated staff who

are present at all venues to assure
standards at every exams session,
we have more than 400 experienced
and professional invigilators. They
all go through vigorous recruitment
and professional training on exams
administration every year. Some of
our invigilators are doctors, university
professors, teachers and engineers in
their professional lives.

Avgv`i wbew`Z vdi cvkvcvwk, hviv

cZKwU cixvi gvb eRvi ivLvi Rb me
cixvK` DcwZ _vKb, iqQ PvikiI
ewk Awf Ges ckvMZ cwi`kK| cwZeQiB
Zviv KVvi wbqvM cwqvi gyLvgywL nb Ges
cixv cwiPvjbvi ckvMZ cwkY jvf Kib|
Avgv`i cwi`kK`i ga AbK Zv`i
ckvMZ Rxeb Wvvi, wekwe`vjqi AavcK,
wkK Ges cKkjx|

We ensure that all of our invigilators

are neutral and are not connected in
any way with the students sitting for
the exam. For example, where we use
school teachers we ensure that they
have not been involved preparing any
of the students for their exams.

Avgiv wbwZ Kwi h, Avgv`i cwi`kK`i

mevB wbic Ges AskMnYKvix cixv_x`i
m KvbvfveB m bq| D`vniY wnme,
hLb cwi`kK`i ga zj wkK _vKb
ZLb Avgiv wbwZ Kwi h, Zviv cixvi Rb
wkv_x`i cZKiYi KvR hy wQjb bv|

We ensure that all our support staff

including security are fully trained;
every venue has at least one member
of staff who is a trained First Aider.

Avgiv wbwZ Kwi h, wbivcvi `vwqZcv

ewmn Avgv`i me Kgx cwkYcv; cwZwU
cixvK` Kgc GKRb Kgx _vKb whwb
GKRb cwkYcv cv_wgK wPwKrmv mev
c`vbKvix ev dv-GBWvi|





Chances are your child understands

how important his/her exams are, so
make sure you do not stress them
out too much. Give them the space
they need to study, and help them
if they ask for it, but make sure you
do not put them under too much
pressure - it can seriously affect their
performance! Your child can only do
his/her best, so the most important
thing you can tell them is that you are
more concerned about their welfare,
rather than their results.


Your child needs a dedicated quiet

study area with enough lighting to
help them study. If you have younger
children as well, please make sure
they understand how important the
exams are, so they do not bother
their siblings during study times.


Make sure you know the date, time

and location of your childs exams so
that you can help him or her develop
an effective study schedule.




Breaks are important! Give your child

at least one evening away from the
books every week, and make sure
they take frequent short breaks while
You would be amazed how important
diet is for an examinee - make sure
they eat healthy foods, and avoid
excessive sugar and junk food.
If your child has a chronic medical
condition, like diabetes or asthma or
if there is a family emergency, make
sure the Examinations staff know
about it. Special considerations can



be made if we are given sufficient

notice. Your childs success is our
top priority, and so we are more than
happy to help you any way we can.

Make sure you know where your

childs venue will be and plan to be
there at least 45 minutes before the
scheduled start time.


Your child may have two exams

scheduled at the same time (clash),
this will mean that the timing will be
slightly different. Make sure you know
what arangements have been made
for this.
Source: Edexcel International website

AwffveK`i Rb wKQz cqvRbxq wUcm

iZc~Y| Zviv hb GB mgq Zv`iK wei
bv Ki|
3. Avcbvi mvbi cixvi ZvwiL, mgq I
cixvK`i Aevb mK wbwZ nb, hb
Avcwb Zvi covkvbvi GKwU KvhKi mgqm~wP
ZwiZ ZvK mvnvh KiZ cvib|
4. weiwZ bqv AZ Riwi| Avcbvi mvbK
cwZ mvn AZ GKUv weKvj covkvbv
_K `~i ivLyb Ges Uvbv covkvbvi gvSI
hb Zviv QvU QvU weiwZ bq mw`K j
5. cixv_x`i Rb Lvevi AZ iZc~Y|
Zv`iK mylg Lvevi w`b Ges Lqvj ivLyb
hb Zviv AwZwi wPwb Ges RvsK dzW bv


Avcbvi mvb Rvb cixvjv Zvi KvQ

KZUv iZc~Y, myZivs Zv`i Ici evowZ
Pvc `eb bv| Zv`i covkvbvi Dchy
RvqMv w`b, Ges Zviv mvnvh PvBj Zv w`b,
wK KLbB AwZwi Pvc c`vb Kieb bv
GUv Zv`i mvdjK iZifve Avv
KiZ cvi| Avcbvi mvb Kej Zvi mevP
PvUvB KiZ cvi, myZivs mePq iZc~Y
h welqwU Avcwb Zv`iK ejZ cvib mUv
nQ Avcwb djvdji PqI Zv`i KjvY
wbqB ewk wPwZ|

2. Avcbvi mvbi covkvbvi Rb GKwU

Kvjvnjgy AvjvKDj RvqMv `iKvi| hw`
Avcbvi evwoZ QvU evPv _vK Zvnj ZvK
evSvb h, Zvi fvB/evbi cixv KZUv

6. Avcbvi mvbi hw` WvqvewUm ev AvRgvi

gZ wbK AmyZv _vK wKsev Riwi
cvwievwiK cwiwwZi mw nq, Zvnj wbwZ
Kib h cixKiv mUv AeMZ| Avgv`iK
hw` h_vh_fve AeMZ Kiv nq Zvnj
cqvRbxq eev bqv hZ cvi| Avcbvi
mvbi mvdj Avgv`i AbZg AMvwaKvi,
Ges G KviY Avgiv h Kvbvfve AvcbvK
mvnvh KiZ cvij Avbw`Z eva Kwi|
7. Avcbvi mvbi cixvK` Kv_vq Zv
wbwZfve Rb wbb Ges cixv i nIqvi
AZ 45 wgwbU AvM mLvb cuQvbvi Pv
8. Avcbvi mvbi GKB w`b wfb mgq `ywU
cixv _vKZ cvi| G msv me eev
mb nqQ wK bv Zv wbwZ Kib|
m~: GWj BUvibvkbvj IqemvBU



1. Lets face it. Exams ARE stressful. But
do not worry; the more you stress
out, the worse it gets. You will be
amazed what a relaxed state of mind
can do to your results. So, please
relax, take it easy, and make sure you
are prepared ahead of time.
2. Create a revision timetable with
sensible work slots and then show it
to your parents. But make sure you
include enough short breaks! Your
parents will only worry when they are
not sure what you are doing, or if you
do not seem to have to have a plan.
Organise yourself well and it will help
you fulfill your potential.
3. Allocate your time wisely! You have to
get a chance to revise for all subjects.
So allocate hours to each subject and
topics that you need to cover for the
next two days.
4. Know where your exams are and
when they start, how long they are,
what equipment you are allowed to
take in (for example calculators) and
what you are not allowed to take in
(mobiles, notes etc.).
5. If you dont feel comfortable revising,
get your family to help you. You will
be amazed how important you can
make them feel, and at the same time,
you will get your revision done.
6. It is important you are fit and well
before the exams. So make sure you
eat and sleep properly. A lack of sleep
and a poor diet will only make things
worse. So take a deep breath, get
your sleep right, eat right and you will
feel energetic and alert.
7. Make sure you have the things you
need for the exam the evening


before. This will ensure you do not

panic the morning of the exam!
8. Relax for a while right before your
exams. Watch some TV, take a walk
or simply lay back and de-stress.
You dont want to confuse yourself
and feel pressured by last minute
9. Take it easy. Be confident and walk into
the exam hall - we are here to greet
you and be with you through it all.
10. Be prepared. You are going to have
to sit still and concentrate. Make
sure you are wearing something
comfortable and appropriate - this is
even more important it you are doing
a practical exam. All our venues are
air conditioned. If you are concerned
that you may get too cold, please
bring a jumper with you.
Source: Edexcel International website

cixv_x`i Rb wKQz `iKvix wUcm




cixv gvbB Pvc| wK GZ DwM nIqvi

wKQz bB; Avcwb hZ ewk Pvc _vKeb ZZ
ewk Lvivc eva KiZ _vKeb| Pvcgy
Aevq cixvq AskMnY Avcbvi djvdji
Ici `viY cfve ivLe| myZivs, Avivg Kib,
^vfvweKfveB cixvi gyLvgywL nb Ges
mgqi AvMB Avcbvi cwZ mb Kib|
h_vh_ m~wPmn wiwfkbi GKwU c~Yv m~wP
Zwi Ki AwffveK`i `Lvb| wK GB
m~wPZ hb QvU QvU weiwZ _vK mUv wbwZ
Kib| Avcbvi AwffveK ZLbB DwM neb
hLb Zviv Rvbeb bv Avcwb wK KiQb wKsev
hLb Avcbvi Kvbv cwiKbv _vKe bv|
wbRK `vibfve wQq Zzjyb Ges GUv
Avcbvi mvebv c~iY mvnvh Kie|
mwVKfve Avcbvi mgq fvM Kib| me welq
wiwfkbi Rb chv mgq Avcbvi _vKZ
ne| myZivs, cwZwU welq Ges welqei
Rb Nv eiv Kib hUv AvMvgx `yB w`b
AvcbvK mb KiZ ne|


Avcbvi cixvi mgq, vb, evw Ges Kvb

wRwbmjv (hgb KvjKzjUi) Avcwb wbZ
cvieb Ges Kvbjv bqv wbwl (bvU,
gvevBj) Zv Rb ivLyb|


Avcwb hw` wiwfkb w`Z ^weva bv Kib,

Zvnj Avcbvi cwieviK mvnvh KiZ ejyb|
Avcwb avibvB bB GZ Zviv KZUv Lywk ne
Ges GKBm Avcwb Avcbvi wiwfkbI kl
KiZ cvieb|


cixvi AvM my I mej _vKvUv Riwi|

mwVKfve LvIqv `vIqv Kib Ges Nygvb|
Amg Lvevi I Achv Nyg welqwUK Aviv
NvjvU Ki Zzje| myZivs, GKwU j^v kvm
wbb, LvIqv I Nyg wVK ivLyb, Avcwb my I
fvjv eva Kieb|


Avcbvi hv hv `iKvi mjv cixvi AvMi

ivZ wQq ivLyb| GUv cixvi w`b mKvj
AvcbvK mshZ I kv ivLZ mnvqZv Kie|


cixvi AvM wKQzY wijv Kib| wUwf

`LZ cvib, nuvUZ hZ cvib A_ev wcV
Gwjq q _vKZ cvib| Avcwb wbRK
wev KiZ Pvb bv Ges kl gyZ wbRK
PvcI djZ wbq AvMnx bb|


^vfvweKfve evcviUv wbb| AvZwekvmx nq

cixv K` cek Kib Avgiv AvcbvK
^vMZ RvbvZ GLvb AvwQ Ges cyivUv mgq
Ryo Avcbvi m iqwQ|

10. cZ _vKzb| AvcbvK kvfve Ges

gbvhvM wbq emZ ne| Avivg`vqK

Ges Dchy cvkvK ci Avmyb,
cvKwUKvj cixvi GB aibi
cvkvK weklfve `iKvi| Avgv`i me
cixvK`B kxZvZc wbqwZ| Avcbvi
hw` Vvvi mgmv _K _vK Zvnj mv_
Ki GKwU Mig Kvco wbq Avmyb|
m~: GWj BUvibvkbvj IqemvBU


We also contact the respective police

stations, traffic police and (DESA)
authority to inform them of our exam
schedules and to ensure their support
in making sure that the exams are
conducted without any external

Avgiv vbxq cywjk kb, UvwdK cywjk I Wmv

KZcK Avgv`i cixvi mgqm~wP mK
AvMvg Rvwbq ivwL Ges evwnK Kvbv Svgjv
QvovB hb cixvjv cwiPvjbv Kiv hvq m
evcvi Zv`i mg_b wbwZ Kwi|

What arrangements are there for

Special Needs candidates?

h me cixv_xi wekl Pvwn`v iqQ

Zv`i Rb wK eev iqQ?

We make every effort to cater for

candidates with special needs. If
your circumstances require special
administrative arrangements to be
made, for example extra time, you must
apply to us when you register for your

h me cixv_xi wekl Pvwn`v iqQ Zv`i

cqvRb c~iY Avgiv memgq mP| Avcbvi
hw` wekl Kvb cqvRb _vK, hgb AwZwi
mgq `iKvi nq, Zvnj cixvi Rb wbewZ
nIqvi mgq G evcvi Avgv`i KvQ Ave`b
KiZ ne|

Please inform us when you

register if you have special
What if a candidate suddenly
falls sick?

hw` Kvb cixv_x nVvr Amy nq co

m wK eev bqv nq?

We have trained First Aiders in all

our exams venues to attend to such
cases. In the first instance, we take the
candidate to a comfortable area (with
the candidates consent) away from
exam hall to rest. We try to assess the
candidates condition as quickly as
possible and contact the parent.

Avgv`i cwZwU cixvK` G aibi cwiwwZ

mvgvj `qvi Rb me mgq cwkwZ dvGBWvi _vKb| G aibi cwiwwZZ mevi AvM
Avgiv cixv_xK cixv nj _K mwiq (Zvi
AbygwZ wbq) Avivg`vqK Kvb vb wekvgi
Rb wbq hvB| Avgiv `Z cixv_xi kvixwiK
Aev hvPvB Kivi Pv Kwi Ges AwffveK`i
Lei `B|

If the candidate recovers within 15

minutes, we allow the candidate to
continue the exam. However, additional
time will only be permitted at the
discretion of the Exams Officer.

15 wgwbUi ga wkv_x hw` ^vfvweK Aevq

wdi Avm Zvnj ZvK cybivq cixv `qvi
myhvM `q Avgiv| Ze Gvg Awdmvii
mycvwikB Kej AwZwi mgq eiv Kiv nq|



Avcbvi wekl Kvb Pvwn`v _vKj

wbebi mgq Avgv`i Rvwbq

What items are candidates allowed

to take into the exam hall?

Kvb wRwbmjv cixv_xiv cixv nj

wbq hZ cvie?

Candidates must bring black or dark

blue writing pens, pencils, erasers,
non-programmable calculators and any
other permitted equipment required for
the exam along with their Statement
of Entry and a valid passport in the
British Council provided transparent

cixv_x`i AekB wewUk KvDwj KZK c`

^Q dvvi Kvjv ev Mvp bxj Kjg, cwj,
BiRvi, bb-cvMvgej KvjKzjUi Ges
cixvi Rb Abvb Abygvw`Z e I UgU
Ae GwU I cvmcvU wbq AvmZ ne|

Drinking water is available

for candidates inside the
exam hall.

cixv_x`i Rb K`i fZi

cvwbi eev _vK|

All candidates need to

undergo strict security
checks before they are
allowed into the exam hall.

me cixv_xK K` ceki c~e

Kov wbivcv PwKsqi fZi w`q
hZ ne|

Bring only permitted items and

get through quickly.

Abygvw`Z wRwbmjvB Kej m

wbq Avmyb Ges `Z K` XzK

What happens if a candidate

forgets to bring passport or
statement of entry to the venue?
We need to ensure that we can
prove the identity of every candidate
sitting for an exam, it is therefore
very important that you bring your
documents with you. If for any reason
you dont have your documents with
you on the day, you must inform the
exams officer at the venue immediately.
Although we will make every effort
to ensure that you sit for the test,
we cannot guarantee that this will be

hw` KD cvmcvU A_ev UgU Ad GwU

wbq AvmZ fzj hvq Zvnj wK ne?
Avgiv wbwZ nZ PvB h, cixvq AskMnYKvix
me cixv_xi cwiPq mwVK, G KviY Avcbvi
cqvRbxq KvMRc mv_ AvbvUv AZ
Riwi| Avcwb hw` Kvbv KviY cixvi w`b
KvMRc AvbZ fzj hvb Zvnj Awej^
Gvg AwdmviK Rvbvb| hw`I Avgiv AvcbvK
cixvq AskMnY KiZ `qvi me PvB Kie,
wK Gi wbqZv w`Z cviwQ bv|



How do we contact

Avgiv wKfve cixv_x`i m

hvMvhvM Kwi?

We use several methods to

communicate with our registered
candidates. We use SMS for quick
updates, our website and newspaper
announcements. We are in constant
communication with all schools and

Avgiv wewfbfve wbewZ cixv_x`i m

hvMvhvM Ki _vwK| Avgiv mekl Aev
Rvbvbvi Rb GmGgGm, Avgv`i IqemvBU,
cwKvq NvlYv w`q _vwK| Avgiv mejv zj
I cwZvbi mv_ mvewYK hvMvhvM ivwL|

What facilities are there for


AwffveK`i Rb mLvb wK eev


Our primary concern is the security

and comfort of the students. Wherever
possible we try to cater for the
needs of any accompanying parents
or guardians. This means that the
facilities available to parents and
guardians will vary from venue to
venue and we thank you in advance for
your understanding. Please note that
there may not be a sitting or waiting
area for parents/guardians at some

Avgv`i cavb DkB nQ cixv_x`i

wbivcv I ^w wbwZ Kiv| cixv_x`i m
AvMZ AwffveK`i cqvRb c~iYiI h_vme
Pv Ki _vwK Avgiv| Gi A_ nQ, cixv
K`i wfwZ AwffveK`i Rb c` mevq
wfbZv _vKZ cvi Ges G welqwU Dcjwi Rb
AvcbvK Avgiv AvMvg abev` RvbvwQ| gb
ivLeb h, wKQz wKQz fbyZ AwffveK`i Rb
emvi eev bvI _vKZ cvi|



Procedures for feedback or

We have helpdesks in all our venues
to help parents/candidates with any
exam related queries. In the event
that you want to give feedback or
lodge a complaint, you can do this
immediately with exam officer available
at the venue or write to us at exams@ or speak to the
Examinations Manager directly over

ge A_ev AwfhvM Rvbvbvi eev

cixv msv h Kvbv welq cixv_x I
AwffveK`i mnvqZv Kivi Rb me K`
Avgv`i nW iqQ| Avcbvi ge ev
AwfhvM Rvbvbvi , Avcwb ZvrwYKfve
K` DcwZ Gvg AwdmviK AewnZ KiZ
cvib A_ev Avgv`iK B-gBj KiZ cvib GB
wVvKvbvq A_ev mivmwi dvb Avgv`i cixv
eevcKi m K_v ejZ cvib|




cixv msv
wKQz iZc~Y w`K

British Council strictly enforces certain

regulations. Please follow these rules:

wewUk KvDwj wbw` wKQz wbqg KVvifve gb

Pj| AbyMn Ki Gjv AbymiY Kib-


Bring your Statement of Entry

(Admit Card) and a valid ID
(passport) to every exam.

1. cwZ cixvq Avcbvi UgU Ad GwU

(AvWwgU KvW) Ges ea cwiPqc
(cvmcvU) m Avbyb|


Upon receipt of your Statement

of Entry check VERY CAREFULLY
and make sure that the following
information is recorded

2. Avcbvi UgU Ad GwU nvZ cvIqvi

ci AZ mZKZvi m Lqvj Ki
`Lyb h wbgwjwLZ Z_jv mwVKfve
`qv iqQ :

your full name

Avcbvi c~Y bvg

your date of birth

Avcbvi Rb ZvwiL

subjects and/or units (A-/AS-O

level/IGCSE) you are taking

Avcwb h welq Ges/A_ev BDwbUjv

if you have cash in codes,

please check that these are
also correct

your UCI number

If you find that any of the information

is incorrect then please contact us
immediately. Unreported errors could
result in you receiving incorrect or
incomplete results.

Be on time for all your


If you are late then your work might not

be accepted.

Do not become involved in

any type of dishonest of unfair

If you cheat, or break the rules then you

could be disqualified from all your subjects.


wbqQb (G-/GGm-I jfj/AvBwRwmB)

Avcbvi hw` Kvk Bb KvWm _K _vK
Zvnj mjvI mwVK wKbv cixv Ki
Avcbvi BDwmAvB b^i
Avcwb hw` `Lb h Dcii h Kvbv GKwU
Z_ fzj Zvnj ZvrwYKfve Avgv`i mv_
hvMvhvM Kib| Ab_vq Avcbvi djvdj fzj
_vKZ cvi|
3. h_vmgq cixv K` DcwZ _vKzb
hw` wej^ nq Zvnj Avcbvi cixv MnYhvM
bvI nZ cvi|
4. Kvbv aibi Amv`ycvq Aej^b Kiv
_K weiZ _vKzb
Avcwb Amv`ycvq Aej^b Kij ev wbqg f Kij
AvcbvK me cixv _K ewnvi Kiv nZ cvi|


Only take the materials and

equipment that are allowed into
the examination room.

Equipment and materials that might be

used to give you an unfair advantage
will not be allowed in the examination
room. These include, notes, calculator
cases/instructional leaflets, bags,
personal electronic devices (TVs,
stereos, reading pens, mobile phones,
walkie-talkies, iPods and other MP3
players, pagers).
Please remember that possession of
unauthorised materials, even if you
do not intend to use it, is breaking the
rules. You will probably be penalised, or
even disqualified.

Do not talk or try to disturb

other candidates during the

Please be considerate. The examination

is important; disruptions and
distractions could greatly harm other
candidates concentration.

Do not borrow anything from

another candidate during the

Sharing materials and equipment

during the exam is not allowed.

If you leave the examination

room unattended by an
invigilator, then you will not be
allowed to return.

To guarantee fair practice for all

candidates, once you have left the
room, unaccompanied by a designated
representative, you will not be allowed
back in.

4. aygv Abygvw`Z wRwbmjv wbq

cixv K` cek Kib
hme h ev Dcv`vb cixv K` AvcbvK
Amv`ycvq Aej^b mvnvh KiZ cvi mjv
wbq cixvK` XzKZ `qv ne bv| Gjvi
ga iqQ bvU, KvjKzjUi/ wb`wkKvg~jK
wjdjU, evM, ewMZ BjKUwb h (wUwf,
wiI, wiwWs cb, gvevBj dvb, IqvwK-UwK,
AvBcW I Abvb Ggwcw_ cqvi, cRvi|
Abbygvw`Z wRwbm Avcbvi m cvIqv Mj
(Gjv eenvii BQv hw` Avcbvi bvI _K
_vK) Zv wbqg fi mvwgj ne Ges Gi
Rb Avcbvi cbvw nZ cvi ev AvcbvK
wWmKvqvwjdvBW Kiv nZ cvi|
5. cixv PjvKvj Ab Kviv m K_v
ejeb bv ev KvDK wei Kieb bv
AbyMn Ki myweePKi gZ AvPiY Kib|
cixv AZ iZc~Y; enZ Kiv Ges wei
Kiv Abvb cixv_x`i gbvhvM mgmv mw
KiZ cvi|
6. cixv PjvKvj Kvbv cixv_xi KvQ
_K wKQz beb bv
cixv PjvKvj Abi Kvbv DcKiY Ges h
eenvi Kiv hve bv|
7. Avcwb hw` cwi`kKK bv ej evBi hvb
Zvnj cybivq K` cek KiZ cvieb
me cixv_x`i Rb mgvb wb`kbv wbwZ Kivi
j, Avcwb hw` cwi`kKK bv ej evBi hvb
Zvnj AvcbvK cybivq cek KiZ `qv ne




Gici wK ne?

When are the results expected to

be available?

cixvi djvdj Ke cKvwkZ ne?

Results for May-June session are

usually published in mid August, for
January session in mid March and for
October/November session in January.
The results for Edexcel are available on
our website but for CIE exams they are
available through schools. Candidate
Statement of Provisional Results are
sent to students home addresses for
students private and to the schools for
the school candidates.

When will the certificates be

The original certificates are available
in November for May/June session,
June for January session and March
for October/November session.
Candidates need to show their
individual Statement of Entry or a Valid
International Passport when collecting
the certificate from the British Council.
The candidates must collect the
certificates in person. Alternatively,
a candidate may authorise someone
to collect their certificate on their
behalf. However this must be done in
writing and the statement of entry or
a valid international passport must be
presented upon collection.

What can be done if my results

are not up to my expectations?
After the results are published, the
EAR (Enquiry about Results) services
are offered to candidates who are not
satisfied with their results. For details
on this please contact our office.



g-Ryb mkbi djvdj mvaviYZ AvMi

gvSvgvwS, Rvbyqvwi mkbi djvdj ga gvP
Ges Avei/bf^i mkbi djvdj RvbyqvwiZ
cKvk Kiv nq| GWji djvdj Avgv`i
IqemvBU cvIqv hve Avi wmAvBBi djvdj
zjjvi gvag cvIqv hve| hviv cvBfU
cixv w`qQb KvwWU UgU Ad cwfkbvj iRvm cixv_x`i evmvq cvVvbv nq
Ges zj _K hviv w`qQb Zv`i wbR wbR
zj cvVvbv nq|

mvwUwdKU Ke cvIqv hve?

g~j mvwUwdKU bf^i (g-Ryb mkbi Rb),
Ryb (Rvbyqvwi mkbi Rb) Ges gvP (Avei/
bf^i) cvIqv hve| wewUk KvDwj _K
mvwUwdKU MnY Kivi Rb cixv_x`iK
UgU Ae GwU A_ev ea AvRvwZK
cvmcvU c`kb KiZ ne| cixv_x`iK
mvwUwdKU msMn Kivi mgq wbR DcwZ
_vKZ ne| weKfve, cixv_x wjwLZfve
KvDK mvwUwdKU msMn Kivi Rb gbvbxZ
KiZ cvib, mI Avmj UgU Ae
GwU ev ea AvRvwZK cvmcvU Dcvcb KiZ

iRv Avkvbyic bv nj wK Kiv

hZ cvi?
iRv cKvwkZ nevi ci, hme cixv_xi
djvdj Avkvbyic nqwb Zv`iK BGAvi
(GbKvqvwi AvevDU iRvm) mev cve Kiv
nq| G welq Aviv Z_i Rb Avgv`i Awdm
hvMvhvM Kib|

They can apply for recheck, remark,

access to scripts services with the
required fee. You can expect results
within four to six weeks.

So you have completed your

A-Levels - what now?
First, you have to think what you want
to do with your life. This is never an
easy decision, so make sure you take
enough time to think it through clearly.
But do not worry - it is not a decision
you have to take alone talk to your
parents, your favorite teachers, even
your friends, and figure out where you
want to see yourself ten years from
Once you have made that decision,
it is time to find the right higher
education options to make your dream
come true. These days, there is no
end to the opportunities for higher
education - there are many universities,
both at home and abroad- which can
give you the kind of education you
need to succeed. Consider whats the
best option for you, whether it is a
public university or a private one in
Bangladesh or abroad. Again, it is a
difficult decision, but there are lots of
resources available on the internet.
Speak to the people you know to help
you make the right choices.
An undergraduate education will open
many doors for you, but a graduate
degree will open many more. But do
not worry if you dont know yet what
you want to specialise in - thats what
university and your career advisor are

wbavwiZ wdi wewbgq Zviv cybtcixv,

cybtg~jvqb Ges cixvi LvZv `Lvi Ave`b
KiZ cvieb| Avcwb 4 _K 6 mvni ga
G mevi djvdj RvbZ cvieb|

Avcwb G jfj kl Kivi ci wK KiZ

c_gZ, AvcbvK Avcbvi Rxebi j wbaviY
KiZ ne| GUv mnR Kvbv wmv bq, myZivs
nvZ mgq wbq cwivifve wPv Kib| Ze
`ywvi wKQz bB, KviY GB wmv AvcbvK
GKv GKvB wbZ ne bv- Avcbvi AwffveK,
wcq wkK, GgbwK Avcbvi ez`i mv_ Avjvc
Kib, Ges wVK Kib `k eQi ci wbRK wVK
Kv_vq `LZ Pvb|
wmv bqvi ci, Avcbvi ^c evevqbi
Rb DPZi wkvi mwVK AckbwU eQ bqvi
Pv Kib| eZgvb, DPwkvi Rb iqQ
Akl myhvM- `k I `ki evBi iqQ
AbKjv wekwe`vjq- hv AvcbvK j
c~iYi mwVK wkvwU c`vb cvie| Avcbvi Rb
mevg AckbwU weePbv Kib, nZ cvi mUv
evsjv`k ev we`ki GKwU miKvwi ev emiKvwi
wekwe`vjq| AveviI GUv GKwU KwVb wmv,
wK eZgvb BUvibU cPzi Z_ iqQ| mwVK
wmvwU wbZ Avcbvi KvQi gvbyl`i m
Avjvc Kib|
mvZK-c~e wkv Avcbvi Rb AbK mvebv Lyj
`e, wK mvZK wWwM Avcbvi mvebv Aviv
eMyY ew Kie| Kvb welq Avcwb weklvwqZ
wkv jvf AvMnx Zv GLb bv RvbjI DwM
nIqvi wKQz bB AvcbvK mvnvhi Rb iqQ
wekwe`vjq Ges Kvwiqvi civgkKiv|



Take your time in university to learn as

much as you can, and also remember
to have fun - most university graduates
and professionals recall their university
days the best times of their lives.
Even if you have been admitted to
university, make sure you keep your
O-level/IGCSE and A-level certificates
safe. These are valuable documents
which will be necessary for graduate
school admissions and even certain
jobs. Make sure you ask your parents
to keep your certificates in a safe place
for you - you never know when you
might need them.

wekwe`vjq fwZ nIqvi ciI Avcbvi

I jfj/ AvBwRwmB Ges G jfj
mvwUwdKUjv hZ ivLyb| Gjv g~jevb KvMRc hv MvRyqU zj fwZ Ges wbw` wKQz PvKwii AZ cqvRbxq nZ cvi| Avcbvi
AwffveKK ejyb Zviv hb mvwUwdKUjv
wbivc` vb msiY Kib Gjv h Kvb
gynZ cqvRb ne Zv Avcwb wbRI Rvbb bv|

Professional Advisory Service for

Students (PASS)

cdkbvj AvWfvBRwi mvwfm di zWU


If you are considering higher education

in the UK, we have a professional team
of experienced staff to assist you
with the entire process from making
necessary contacts with your chosen
UK institutions up to assisting with
the visa procedures. You can make an
appointment over phone or by emailing

Avcwb hw` hyivR DPwkv jvf AvMnx

_vKb, m Avgv`i iqQ Awf Kgxmn
GKwU ckvRxex `j hviv AvcbvK hveZxq
cwqvq mnvqZv Kie, Avcbvi cQ`i
hyivRi cwZvbi m cqvRbxq hvMvhvM
_K i Ki wfmv cmwms ch| Avcwb dvb
GB wVKvbvq B-gBj Ki GKwU AvcqUgU
KiZ cvib|



wekwe`vjq Avcbvi mgqK wkvi KvR

jvMvb Ges Gi cvkvcvwk RxebK DcfvM
Kib- wekwe`vjqi cvb Qv I ckvRxexiv
wek^we`vjq RxebK Zv`i Rxebi me_K
miv mgq ej gb Kib|

Entrance into public

universities is not
impossible for us

miKvwi wekwe`vjq fwZ nIqv

Avgv`i Rb Ame wKQz bq...

The entry procedure is very simple

but long. It is the same for any
admission procedure for any private
university. The only exception is
that the results of O levels and A
levels needs to be converted into
a nationalised GPA format from a
specified government office. A 5
As in O levels and 3 As in A levels is
equivalent to a total of GPA 10.00 for
SSC and HSC.

Zvbwfi nvmvb (wmjU gwWKj KjR


GLvb fwZ cwqv AZ mnR wK `xN|

GUv h Kvbv emiKvwi wekwe`vjqi
fwZ cwqvi gZ| GKgv ewZg nQ I
jfj Ges G jfji djvdj GKwU wbw`
miKvwi Awdm _K RvZxq wRwcG digvU
cwieZb Ki wbZ nq| I jfj 5wU G
MW Ges G jfj 3wU G MW GmGmwm I
GBPGmwm-Z wRwcG 10.00 Gi mgZyj|

Tanveer Hasan (Undergraduate,

Sylhet Medical College)

The admission exams

are also administered in
The requirements for English Medium
students are mentioned in the University
of Dhakas admission brochure. The
advantage was, we have Elective/
Advance English instead of Bangla in
the admission test. The admission test
was MCQ based with 100 questions for
1.2 marks, 50 questions of English and
50 of general knowledge. For Bangla
Medium candidates it was English-25,
Bangla-25, general knowledge-50.
This gave me the competitive edge
because I could focus on two subjects.
And during the Viva part of the exam, I
did better than others. English medium
students are smart, well-spoken and
intelligent. This impresses the Viva
boards in the public universities and it
distinguishes them from the others.
Rafeya Rashim (Undergraduate,
University of Dhaka)

fwZ cixvI BsiwRZ

bqv nq ..
XvKv wekwe`vjq BsiwR gvag wkv_x`i
fwZ nIqvi Rb wK wK cqvRb Zvi DjL
Kiv AvQ Gi fwZ wb`wkKvq| Avgv`i
myweav wQj, fwZi mgq Avgv`iK evsjvi
e`j HwQK/DPZi BsiwRZ cixv w`Z
nqwQj| 100 b^ii GgwmwKD wfwK fwZ
cixvq 50wU ck wQj BsiwRi Avi evKx
50wU mvaviY vbi, cwZwU cki gvb wQj
1.2 b^i| evsjv gvagi wkv_x`i Rb
_vK evsjvq 25 b^i, BsiwRZ 25 b^i
I mvaviY vb 50 b^i| GUv AvgvK
cwZhvwMZvg~jK myweav c`vb KiwQj, KviY
AvgvK `ywU welq cwZ wbZ nqwQj|
fvBfv cixvqI Avwg Ab`i _K fvjv
KiwQjvg| BsiwR gvagi wkv_xiv
PUcU, eywgvb I K_vevZvq fvjv| miKvwi
wekwe`vjqi fvBfv evWjvZ GUv AbK
KvR `q Ges Ab`i _K Avjv`v Ki|
ivdqv ivwkg (XvKv wekwe`vjqi A_bxwZ
wefvMi Qvx)


Having an O and A level

certificate and a foreign
undergraduate degree does
not mean that we cannot
make it in Bangladesh

I Ges G jfj mvwUwdKU

Ges we`wk wWwM _vKvi gvb GB
bq h evsjv`k Avgv`i Rb
Kvb myhvM bB ...

One of the biggest concerns I faced

growing up within the O level and A
level system of education was that
I would get a degree from another
country, then become disconnected
from Bangladesh and not be able
to make it here. says Shakil Rabbi,
a lecturer at a private university in
Dhaka. In fact that was not a factor
at all. I did not really have a problem
fitting back in. My experiences in my
O levels and A levels taught me to be
adaptable, which helped me fit into
the various fields I have worked in
before I became a lecturer at a private

I Ges G jfj wmg covkvbv Kivi

mgq Avgvi me_K eo wPv wQj, evBi
_K wWwM bqvi ci Avwg evsjv`k _K
wewQb nq hve Ges GLvb wKQzB KiZ cvie
bv, Rvbvjb GKwU emiKvwi wekwe`vjqi
cfvlK kvwKj ivwe| wK Avmj mUv Kvb
mgmvB wQj bv| AvgvK GLvb wdi Gm
Zgb Kvbv mgmvi gyLvgywL nZ nqwb|
Avgvi I Ges G jfj covkvbv AvgvK
mewKQzi m Zvj wgwjq PjZ wkwLqQ,
Ges emiKvwi wekwe`vjqi cfvlK wnme
KvR ii AvM wewfb AvgvK mvnvh

I have been a student at the University

of Dhaka. I have also worked in local
private sector firms before I became a
lecturer at a private university. I have
had to study and work with people
(Bangladeshis and internationals) from
various backgrounds and disciplines. I
have never had any problem getting
along with them. My O level and A
level background never hampered
me but helped me adapt to my new
environments. Without the inculcation
of the skills needed to be adaptable,
which the O level and A level and my
Liberal Arts undergraduate education
taught me, I think I would have had a
much harder time succeeding.
Shakil Rabbi (currently working
as a Lecturer at the Department of
English and Humanities, University of
Liberal Arts Bangladesh).


Avwg XvKv wekwe`vjq covkvbv KiwQ|

emiKvwi wekwe`vjqi cfvlK wnme
hvM`vbi c~e Avwg wewfb emiKvwi dvg
KvR KiwQ| AvgvK covkvbvi cvkvcvwk,
Kg mgvRi wewfb ii gvbylRbi m
(evsjv`wk I we`wk) KvR KiZ nqQ|
Zv`i mv_ wgkZ KLbB Avgvi Kvb mgmv
nqwb| bZzb cwieki m Lvc LvBq wbZ
Avgvi I Ges G jfji wkv KLbB mgmv
nq `uvovBwb eis mvnvh KiQ| I jfj,
G jfji wkv Ges AvviMvRyqU chvqi
wjevij AvUm _K Avwg h Lvc LvBq
bqvi `Zv ARb KiwQ, Avgvi gb nq,
mUv Qvov Avgvi mvdj cvIqv GZUv mnR
nZ bv|
kvwKj ivwe (eZgvb BDwbfvwmwU Ad
wjevij AvUm-Gi BsiwR wefvMi cfvlK)


You can contact our Examinations Services team for more information and advice
on GCE exams and other UK qualifications you can take with us.
British Council Dhaka
5 Fuller Road, Dhaka 1000
Tel: + 880 (0) 2 861 8905
Fax: + 880 (0) 2 861 3375
Hotlines- 01730 303885 & 01730 311439
(from 9am to 5pm)
British Council Chittagong
77/A East Nasirabad, Chittagong
Tel: + 880 (0) 31 657884-6
Fax: + 880 (0) 31 657881
Hotlines- 01713 103639
(from 11am to 6pm)
British Council Sylhet
Al-Hamrah Shopping City, Level-6
Zindabazar, Sylhet 3100
Tel: + 880 (0) 821 814925
Fax: + 880 (0) 821 814924
Hotlines- 01730 334023
(from 10am to 4pm)
Brtish Council Examinations website:
You can also visit Exam Board websites for further information.
Edexcel International


Cambridge International Examinations :




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