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North India Management Association
(J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan & Chandigarh) January-February 2012

Energizing Young Minds
NIMA Regd. under Societies Act 1860

Issue -I

NIMA Participate in Chandigarh Carnival

Contributor of Articles inside

1 2. Foreword New Year Resolutions For Entrepreneurs C.J. SINGH Ban on Bhagavad Gita CASE IN RUSSIA DR. P. K. VASUDEVA Consumer Trust In E-commerce Col (Retd.) K.K. SHARMA Styles in Decision Making Tej K. Magazine New IR Vehicle' Designed By Maruti S.P. Singh Bhalla Skill Development of Women Workers J.N. Vohra Rock-Cut Temples at Masrur Dr. N.K. Sharma 15 Great Thoughts by Chanakya Seema Mishra

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Energizing Young Minds










President Dr. Gulshan Sharma Vice President Ajay Gupta Secretary General JN Vohra
A Bi-monthly e-mag of NIMA edited by JN Vohra
SCO-1, Level III, (Opp. Reserve Bank of India), Sector 17-D, CHANDIGARH - INDIA Phone : +91-9814556072 you can send your feedback to





10 All is Well When The Top Stops Brig (Retd.) Ranjit Banerji 11 Smile Wins More Friends J.S. GOGIA


16-17 18-20

12 Events

Views expressed in the Article inside are that of the authors NIMA may not essentially subscribe to these views

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012

NIMA is an initiative undertaken to espouse the cause of skills development, entrepreneurship and employment for the youth of North India. This is the first eMag being issued by NIMA wherein some of the prominent citizens and scholars have expressed their views on wide ranging topics of Interests. We welcome their views and contributions. Human resources thus have and will continue to play a significant role in the socio-economic development of a country. The developed and the developing countries emphasize the importance of developing human resources in their national planning because without it, economic development cannot be accelerated and may in fact become almost impossible. Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development for our country. Countries with higher and better levels of skills adjust more effectively to the challenges and opportunities of world of work. Potentially, the target group for skill development comprises all those in the labour force, including those entering the labour market for the first time (12.8 million annually), those employed in the organized sector (26.0 million) and those working in the unorganized sector (433 million) in 2004-05. The current capacity of the skill development programs is 3.1 million. India has set a target of skilling 500 million people by 2022 The two greatest concerns of employers today are finding good workforce and training them. The difference between the skills needed on the job and those possessed by applicants, called the skills-gap, is of real concern to human resources managers and corporate looking to hire competent employees. Finding workforce who have employability or job readiness skills that help them fit into and remain in the work environment is a real problem. Employers need reliable responsible workforce, who can solved problems and who have the professional, social skills and attitudes to work together with other employees. Employees with these skills are in demand and are considered valuable human capital assets to the corporate houses. We would welcome the views and the comments of the experts and readers which would be very useful for us when we bring out the second edition of the publication. Happy New year and God Bless you all

Dr. Gulshan Sharma President - NIMA

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January-February 2012


C.J. SINGH Managing Director, CorePR & Executive Coach

Every human being has limitless potential. All one needs is to stop for a while and look within, and discover the shouldering fire in the heart that can lit up the path for someone, help a needy with compassion, and change the lives. Happy New Year and all the season's greetings as you get ready to move into New Year, with new ideas, with new vision, with new promises to yourself. It is also the time to be with friends and as you send them the greetings for the New Year, do one thing more. Send them a thank you note for being with you when you needed them, and express your gratitude for the joy they have brought into your life. Start with your wife or husband, your father, your mother, sons and daughters, your neighbor, your boss, and your staff. You will be surprised that you have got a long list to thank them all. Do it. And this should be your

first promise to yourself (even if you have not been able to remember the resolution that you had conceived for 2011). 1

If you are an entrepreneur, remember you are the most important person in the world, because you are an idea person. You cannot be static. You are a dynamic being who looks ahead and is always thinking of improving your bottom line, making more sales, acquiring new clients, and getting better year after year. Even the challenges of economic downturn are the time for you to look out for newer opportunities. This is an exciting time for every entrepreneur. Bubbling as you are with new energy and passion to excel, yours first and foremost promise to yourself should be to showcase your talent, your capacity and your capability as the leader of your chosen area of specialization. Whatever you do, whether you are into manufacturing or the service industry, you are the one who is touching the lives of thousands of people in your business and through your business or profession. Why not have this New Year resolution as an entrepreneur that you would serve more and more people in the year ahead. Each one of us touches the lives of others...knowingly or unknowingly. Look within and see your business as an opportunity to serve.

Promise that now on you will not be afraid of the external environment, the global economic challenges, but

instead, would become the torch bearer for all the people that you come across as a positive force; that you can make the difference. Promise that you will not spread the negativity and instead will feel the surge of energy within you as the leader who has the ideas, and the vision for creating a better world for your children, for the humanity as a whole. Challenge yourself with the positive thoughts and affirmations, that you have the power to make a difference in the lives of the people around you with goodness, love and compassion. You as a leader have the power to scale newer heights, and unfurl the flag of self-victory, to be a role model of success.

Have a great year.

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012


DR. P. K. VASUDEVA Former senior professor, ICFAI Business School, Chandigarh In a hard-fought court case that sought to ban the Bhagavad Gita and brand it extremist literature, as first reported scored a major win on 28 October 2011 when a Siberian court threw out the state prosecutors' plea to ban the sacred text. During the final hearing in the Leninsky district court of Tomsk city, Federal Judge G.E. Butenko, in a one-line oral order, rejected the petition of the prosecutors, saying he was not pleased with their plea to ban the Bhagavad Gita and brand it extremist literature. The court has dismissed the state prosecutors' case during the hearing, said, Sadhu Priya Das, a leader of the Russian unit of International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon). The court reviewed the state prosecutors' plea, report of an expert group on the Bhagavad Gita and the Hindus' arguments against the case, before delivering the verdict, providing Hindus worldwide, and particularly in Russia, reason to rejoice and solace. The case began in June 2011, seeking a ban on Iskcon founder A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's Russian translation of the Bhagavad Gita. It had caused a political storm in India, with parliament being rocked on two days. On the plea from members of both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna made a statement in parliament, stating that the Indian government was doing everything possible to protect the Hindus' rights in Russia. Hindus in Russia and Krishna devotees, numbering about 50,000 in Iskcon centres in 80 cities, had for long pleaded with the Indian government and the Indian embassy in Moscow to intervene in the matter and to prevent the branding of their religious text as extremist literature causing social discord. The court, which took up the case filed by the state prosecutors', had referred the book to the Tomsk State University for an expert examination of the book on October 25, 2011. However, Hindu groups in Russia, particularly followers of Iskcon, said the university was not qualified as it lacked Ideologists who study the history and cultures, languages, and literature of the Indian subcontinent. Global Hindu Heritage Foundation (GHHF) expressed its shock, disappointment, displeasure, indignation and outrage at the prospect of banning Bhagavad Gita, the most sacred scripture of Hindus, the most peaceful, highly spiritual, everlastingly serene, overwhelmingly anti-terrorist, abundantly accommodative, amply tolerant of diverse beliefs and profusely nonsectarian book that has ever graced in the universe. All over the world, people have commended Bhagavad Gita, adored, appreciated, lauded, applauded, adored and admired it. Many scholars, poets, writers, Nobel laureates dived deep into the ocean of Bhagavad Gita to gather the pearls of wisdom, enriched their lives by its message, and drank the elixir of the mighty powerful knowledge hidden in it. It was to the great satisfaction of Hindus that the court had postponed the judgment till December 28, 2011. Any objective 2

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January-February 2012

evaluation of Gita would come to the assessment reached by Henry David Thoreau who said, In the morning I bathe my intellect in the stupendous and cosmogonal philosophy of the Bhagvat-Geeta. Like wise the teachings and philosophy of Bhagavad Gita received admirations from prominent people such as M a h a t m a G a n d h i , Schopenhauer, Aldous Huxley, Einstein, J Robert Oppenheimer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Carl Jung, Heinrich Himmler, Einstein, Herman Hesse and others. The one of the most reputable sons of Russia, Leo Tolstoy, was greatly influenced by the

Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Tamil Tirukkural and the Indian spiritual literature of his 3

time. Milan Markovitch, author of Tolstoi et Gandhi, wrote that: "there is not one of Tolstoy's works written after this period" of his life referred to in the Confessions "which is not inspired, in part, by Hindu thought . . . His was a Christianity underpinned by the great Hindu doctrines." He further adds that Tolstoy also "remains the most striking example, among a great many, of these who sought a cure for the western spirit in India." One of Russia's greatest artists Nicholas K Roerich - who lived and worked for years in India with his family, had made the Gita an integral part of his life. He had even dedicated many of his paintings to the sacred concepts of Vedic Hindu texts. He was described as painting Lord Krishna with a flute. Roerich in his inspiring book 'Altai Himalaya' proudly states that, "We know thy fragrant essence, India. We know the great Aum which leads to the inexpressible heights. Because of wide varieties of custom, traditions, and mores, Hindus have developed universal outlook for the human

race by emphasizing the freedom of belief, freedom of speech, pluralism, tolerance and peaceful co-existence. It cannot be called an extreme religion because there is no intention of destroying the other cultures for the sake of their religion. It is never an exclusive religion to the extent of demeaning and destroying other faiths. Since Hinduism is not subscribed to CONVERSION, it has no vested interests in converting other faiths into Hinduism creating dissension, chaos, terror, conflict, and anarchy in the society. No incentives, no allurements, no promises, no deceptions, no manipulation, no terrorist activities, no killings, no transactions of money, no allotment of seats in colleges, and no destruction of sacred places of other religions are ever considered as the mechanisms to convert the people of other faiths into Hinduism. Let the sanity prevail. Hence it was never an extreme religion; it is always a religion of ahimsa - peace. Following the favourable verdict, Hindus in Russia thanked the Siberian court, Russian and Indian governments, the Indian embassy in Moscow and all others who had stood by them during the six-month-long legal battle, Sadhu Priya Das said. Let us hope that no such frivolous cases against the universal sacred book Bhagvad Gita are raised by unscrupulous elements anywhere in the world.
The Author can be contacted at E-mail : H. No. 59, Sector-8, Panchkula INDIA

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012


COL (Retd.) K.K. SHARMA Everonn IIPS

Trust is the confidence that a person has in his or her favorable expectations, of what other people will do or the way the other person will behave. E-commerce is conducted between two or more parties with the help of Information technology (IT) enabled means over internet. In a traditional

business, parties come face to face and develop trust througha personalized communication, records, documents, deeds or familiarity. In the e-commerce case commercial conditions and product information are communicated through a web page, with no or very less direct interaction between the two parties. Securing trust of customers in anonline company and products on offeris essential to ecommercesuccess. The business transaction using e-commerce can be business-to-business (B2B),

business-to-consumer (B2C) or consumer-to-consumer transactions (C2C). B2B and B2C ecommerce are the maximum transactions and have grown on the internet reach and broadband access (OECD, 2009). One of the most common methods for accepting payment is by credit card information. Besides the product, prospective customer must trust the e-commerce portal, its transaction security and product delivery viability. The trust in online transaction is directly dependent upon the assurance that the e-commerce operation meets the security standards required in handling sensitive financial information. A website or organisation in possession of this information,is also accepting the responsibility for the security of that information. This assurance comes when adequate trust has

been generated. For most people, major reason of not buying online on a particular site, is genuine concern regarding online payment security, reliability of a company and lack of a privacy policy. These days manystandard protocols are available for securing communications on the internet. One such protocol widely used with adequate encryption is Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)(Cusack Brendan, 2000). SSL security protocol provides data encryption, server authentication, message integrity and client authentication, allowing client/server applications to communicate in a way that prevents eavesdropping, tampering or message forgery. Increasingly, companies are using third party certifications as a trust building mechanism. These are exactly like ISO certificates or Moody ratings, which give enough assurance to a prospective

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012

customer of the quality of a product or service. These measures coupled with product quality and prompt delivery ensures development and sustenance of trust between an ecommerce portal and its consumers. Since most of the e-commerce will be regional or possibly national, this will invariably have more competitors.Thus the customer trust will also depend on an ecommerce portal being cost effective and consistently supplying the desired goods within an assured time frame.Portal presentation and ease of operation also plays an important role in developing and sustaining trust with the customers is e-commerce. Any one visiting an online store indicates his or her familiarity with the online shopping and is aprospective customer. Thenext logical step on the part of ecommerce vendor is to convince them and for that design of the web portal and tools available to a customer will be important part to develop that trust where purchase decision can be made. Differences exist between consumers from any two countries regarding the

perceived level of online business risks and trust. Though ecommerce has created a global culture, local conditions, needed for creation of trust, differ substantially in various countries. Greenberg, Wong-OnWing and Lui (2008) carried out a study which compared Hong Kong and U.S. consumer trust in online businesses. The results show that significant differences exist between consumers from the two countries. Many emerging economies' online consumers do not fully trust ecommerce mainly due to online frauds and lack of knowledge of security concerns.This also depends on societal concerns, values and attitudes. According toHofstede (1991), the core of culture is formed by values. Values are broad tendencies to prefer certain states of affairs over others. Based on a survey of IBM employees around the world, Hofstede identified four value dimensions of culture which included individualism versus collectivismand uncertainty avoidance. Depending upon the values, customers of a particular country may or may not develop trust in global or regional ecommerce offerings. A number of studies have specifically examined trust across different cultures. Jarvenpaa and Tractinsky (2003) state that consumers from individualistic cultures will tend to exhibit higher trust and a lower perception of risk in specific online stores.

Note : The writer is heading Everonn IIPS, a Management Institute in Panchkula.

References Greenberg Robert, Wong-On-Wing Bernard and LuiGladie (2008). Journal of Global Information Management. Hershey: Jul-Sep 2008. Vol. 16, Iss. 3; pg. 26, 19 pgs Hofstede,G.(1991). Culture and organizations: Software of the mind. London: McGraw Hill. Miyazaki, A. D. and Fernandez, A. (2001). Consumer Perceptions of Privacy and Security Risks for Online Shopping. The Journal of Consumer Affairs, Vol.35, Issue 1, pp 27-45. OECD (2009). Empowering Econsumers: Strengthening Consumer Protection in the Internet Economy, WashingtonD.C., 8-10 December 2009. DSTI/CP(2009)20/FINAL, retrieved from /44047583.pdf . December 30, 2011. Cusack Brendan (2000). Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Retrieved from /definition/ Secure-Sockets-LayerSSL/ on January 08, 2012. Yayoi Hirose and Noboru Sonehara(2008). Management of information-credibility risk in an ICT society - A social implementation. National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan. Internet Research Vol. 18 No. 2, 2008, pp. 142-154.

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012


Tej K. Magazine Management Adviser & Corporate Trainer Director Traam Services Pvt. Ltd.

Decision making is ancient art or technique, as old as the mankind. A Decision means making up one'smind, or arrive at a conclusion, on an issue .Effective Decision making is an important leadership trait. A normal human being has some degree of inbuilt ability to Decide. Decision making is based on one's own attitude,perception, understanding of a problem, culture, environment, a given situation, and training, which are factors responsible for developing a particular style. While putting my thoughts on the subject, I did not go by any management jargons,but, by practical aspects of Decision Making Styles, encountered by an executive, a business man oranyone involved in the process of Decision Making in day to day routine. Practical Decision Making Styles could be classified as : QUICK POSITIVE SLOW NEGATIVE

Decision Making. Everything moves on very fast.But, Quick Decisions can be good as well as bad, if the matter is not properly thought over. A decision can be a disaster. A person can succeed, if he or she has sharp analytical ability. In modern management practices, this Style is most sought after, for success and results. SLOW DECISIONS: Right from the inception, matters move at bullock cart speed. Files get stuck up at each and every table. Matters do not move,but, have to be pushed through. This Style is generally followed by Govt. departments and incompetent executives in business and industry. The term RED TAPE is born out of this Style. This Style is harmful and retards progress. POSITIVE DECISIONS: Under this Style, every aspect is looked at favorably with an objective to help and solve the problem. Matters move in right direction. This Style ensures that the objective is achieved. But, this Style is rarely practiced. This Style can also be classified as Good Decision Making. NEGATIVE DECISIONS: As the term denotes, this Style is just opposite to POSITIVEStyle. Negative style, ensures that many problems out of the main problem, are created. In

Decision Making System Yes


DEFENSIVE OFFENSIVE INDECISIONS AVOIDING QUICK DECISIONS: Quick Decisions, as everyone would agree, creates a rosy picture of

other words, a mountain out of a mole is made.Rules are applied in a manner, that, only negative interpretations are given. Ultimately, the decision goes in the opposite direction, and main problem remains unsolved. DEFENSIVE DECISIONS: Primary objective of the Decision maker, as per this Style, is to keep his position safe and secondary objective to solve the problem. He creates files out of a file and tries to involve so many people in decision making process. This Style is also known as 'SHIFTING the RESPONSIBILITY or PASSING the BUCK approach. One takes a Decision in such a way, that a scapegoat is always ready to take the blame. In management parlance, this Style is also known as INSULATION APPROACH i.e. the Decision Maker sufficiently insulates himself against any possible, shock or a vigilance 6

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January-February 2012

enquiry. OFFENSIVE DECISIONS: Offensive Decisions are taken, not only with a view to keep the main problem unsolved,but, also with a view to hurt the feelings of the concerned person or party, so that, at least to create a mental torture, if not anything else. This Style of Decision making creates sadistic happiness for a person and unhappiness for many. This Style, either suppresses a problem, or solves it temporarily, but, breeds bigger problems at a later stage. This Style is also known as DECISIONS with ULCERS. INDECISIONS: This Style is also known as DECISIONS by IGNORANCE. . This Style is applied by those Executives, who are not capable of taking Decisions, either due to lack of knowledge of a subject, or incapacity to decide.They would keep papers pending for noreasons, get confused,and mark papers to those, who are not connected with the subject, or put such queries, which

are not relevant. It would be interesting to mention that Supreme Court gave a ruling in third week of July,'01 i.e. 'Indecisions are not abuse of power, unless repeated. AVOIDING DECISIONS: Yet, another important Style is to avoid taking a decision.If a representation is given to you, for creating an additional facility, you have




Subsequently, appoint a committee to go into the details. The Committee should consist of a sick person, who often remains on leave , a person who is generally on tour , two persons who are at logger heads with each other , and yet, another person, who by temperament, only agrees to disagree with others. This way, the committee would never meet. Even if it meets, once in a blue moon, members would fight and can't arrive at a decision. Even if a decision is recommended, you put a noting on it , which can't be understood by any body , and would confuse the matter, further. This approach is in tune with the famous quote of Fred Allen,i.e, a committee is a gathering of people, who together can decide, that , nothing can be done. Author can be contacted at ;

already made up your mind not to oblige, due to financial considerations. But, you don't want to offend your employees. You put such queries, which would take a few months to gather the statistics.








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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012


S.P. Singh Bhalla ConsultantHR/Industrial Laws/Mgmt of Disciplinary Systems Abstract : Maruti' strike is over ultimately 'peace' has been brokered by working out a so called 'severance package' 'nomenclature' that spells more that it hides. Sonu Gujjar ring leader has reportedly got the hefty 'ransom' of Rs. 40 lakhs while members of his 'gang' have also received substantial amounts of Rs. 16 lakhs each. This case study deals with variety of ingredients of the volatile Industrial Relations that shook not only the Maruti but the entire Industry it's ripples could be felt throughout the Country and abroad too viz, 'prostrating before goons' abject surrender before the Militant Union leaders.' Above Case Study also deals with other allied issues pertaining to recruitment policy of the Maruti substantially restricting to locals who could not see beyond their 'muscle powers', disguised 'severance' package, 'Diversity' in gender, sources of recruitment, educational, psychological and behaviourial back ground, social and cultural backdrop of the candidates an important part of the recruitment policy of any Company. Main Case Strike in Maruti is over but not without a 'price'. Production loss accounted for 83,000 units of car and revenue losses amounted to whopping Rs. 2,300/- crores. Inconvenience and harassment to numerous stake holders including it's impact on FDI is beyond precise conversion into 'monetary' terms including the credibility of the Indian Industry to manage the 'crisis'. Worst part is the caving in of Leadership having held the 'fort' for a considerable period demonstrating it's will and strength during the crisis to withstand and assert to survive for a logical winwin solution. But at the end of the day, leadership collapsed and it rained all 'chaos' demoralising the Industry executives who can't be assertive any more an essential attribute of dynamic leadership for effective supervision. Their morale is shattered, all teachings in MBAs and Management lectures providing no 'clue' to 'arms twisting' tactics of 'goons'. Shopfloor Managers and supervisors having been 'physically beaten and subjected to abuses' which 'trauma' will remind them once back to deal with the same 'vandalists' and 'rogues'. Indeed a shattered lot. Negative signals have emanated from Management by prostrating before ' 30 + Goons' who have pocketed 'booty' ranging from Rs. 16 lakhs to Rs. 40 Lakhs the gang headed by Mr. Sonu Gujjar ring leader disguised as "Severance

package" by Maruti's Chairman and 'money a part of VRS' as claimed by the 'villian' Sonu Gujjar; on the top, latter pretending to have 'Sacrificed" to protect jobs and maintian harmony in the Company. Having pocketted the 'ransom', the extortionists have left the scene. Conduct of both the Maruti Management and the looters tells the 'tale' behind the artificial 'veil' woven jointly by both the actors beyond Public scrutiny in the absence of disclosure. Come what may. Labels do not matter what matters are 'contents'. 'Whisky' shall remain 'whisky' whatever the changing labels may pronounce. Fact of the heart is this is a 'booty' collected by the goons and parted with by the Management to get rid of them under duress having been held in the captivity' of the 'rogues'. The chairman of the Maruti refused to comment on the 'specifics' of the so claimed "Golden Handshake". Question is shall we call it "Golden Handshake" or the shaking of the 8

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012

entire Industry and it's valueswhen it is actually an abject surrender begging from the rogues to "spare us", please. Having been able to 'squeeze' the Company of hefty booties, what is guarantee they will not after lull is over raise another storm directly or behind the scenes directing the next layer of command of the Union? Question is - is it the end and where to draw a 'Lakshman Rekha'? Soon, there will be afresh crop of 02nd rung of union leaders and they have already a message that the Management can be 'cowed' down. It only needs flexing of 'muscles' and a bunch of 'rogues' to hold the Management, Society and the Nation to ransome. Management's surrender is totally unwarranted devoid of ethics, Corporate governance and principles of Industrial Management. What Maruti has done is a 'short cut' with no thoughts on it's implications in the long run and the wrong signals given to other Unions to squeeze and pinch the belly of Industries where it hurts them more. Maruti's assertion that Company was within it's right to work out it's own "full and final" settlement reveals more than it hides. Section 25F of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and other accepted norms in the Industry tend to work out 9

compenstion @ 15 days' wages per year of service put in by worker. Based on 15 days pay per year of service - the Manesar workers would have got only Rs. 50,000/(apart from gratuity, PF etc. which are different and statutory entitlements) Even if the severance rate is doubled, booty would not have been that large 'ransom'. Logic advanced by Maruti that A mutually agreed ssettlement is a much better option defies reasoning. Can there be a 'mtually agreed severance package from case to case basis? During Ist strike in 2000 in Maruti, voluntary retirement amount involved was Rs. 12 lakhs. Strictly speaking, it does not require concurrence of the State Government. Maruti's claim that it had the concurrence of the State Govt has no meaning except confounding the issue further. 'Ransom' paid also hits the principles of Corporate Governance of which the Nation has been crying day in and day out as the root cause of many problems the common man has to suffer. Is not the 'booty' paid akin to what is known in common parlance 'corrupt' practice. Industry and even the Institutional investors have questioned the 'Golden handshake to Maruti workers. The entire 'fiasco' ended in a

colossal loss and taking back 63 employees. Company also agreed to transpsort services in line with shift timings. 'Grievance Redressal Committee' was also agreed to be set up with representatives of Management and workers with a special labour officer from State Labour Department as a permanent inviteee. "Labour Welfare Committee" was also agreed to be set up seeking to promote "meassures for good relations between the Management and the workers apparently as required by Section 03 of ID Act supra which appears to have been 'neglected' earlier for the reasons best known to 'Maruti' Management. "Diversity" in the manpower has been long recognised as potential strong weapon in the armoury of Management to insulate it's workforce from sectoral, parachoial and 'tunnel visioned' approaches hindering the sociological processes of galvanising the workforce as a unified single strong willed and committed collaborator aligned to the Organization objectives with the Management. This appears to have been given a 'goby' by the Company obviously not without political and State pressure to employ 'locals' giving way to developing sectarian and narrow approaches an unenlightened work force having

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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012

little or no knowledge of elementary business senses. Diversied workforce has been a

great single factor in widening the vision, liberal approaches in comprehending various complex issues in longer run affecting, industrial Relations, Management's view points and requiremens of the business in current Global volatile melt down era when Indian Rupee is constantly getting a 'beating' and US dollar reigning high. Issues to be addressed by the reader include:1. Did not the Maruti win the 'battles' while holding the fort but lost the 'War' in ultimate in managing the crisis? 2. What is preventing the Maruti to come out cleanly with the details of the so called 'severance' packages dolled out to the 'rogues' who held the Maruti to it's captivity? 3. How about the morale of the executives/supervisors who had been subjected to physically beatings, abuses and humiliation? 4. What Message Maruti gave to a. it's Trade Union. b. Trade Unions at large. c. Investors. d. Industry at large. e. Foreign direct investors. f. Prospective Industry Managers.

g. Consumers. h. Community at large. 5. How about the principles of Corporate Governance already in a shaky and volatile situation and yet to find foothold firmly in Indian Polity and Business? 6. Why did Maruti withdrew disciplinary proceedings into misconducts committed by the M/s Sonu Gujar, Shiv Kumar & Co., and taken the issues to logical conclusions? 7. Did not Maruti set bad precedents in not pursuing disciplinary cases against the delinquents? 8. What game plan Maruti has chalked out not to give in to the 02nd rung of leaders as they did to M/s Sonu Gujar & Co.? 9 Why did Maruti give clean experience letters to union leaders who left after collection of severance packages? Is it not immoral, un-ethical and stabbing other prospective employers who may employ these leaders in their companies based upon Maruti's credentials? 10. And how Maruti's criminal and financial liabilities if these leaders do wrong to their new employers who have recruited them based upon 'clean' credentials given by Maruti? 10. What about the 'employees' dismissed by Maruti on account of their 'misconducts' during strike? Surely giving clean chit to M/s Sonu Gujjar & Co., will have serious impact on the cases of 'dismissed' employees as also on the cases of employees who are facing departmetal inquiries?

11. What about the compliance of Companies Act which require proper disclosures of the deal in question struck with 30 leaders? 12. How about the 'betrayal' by M/s. Sonu Gujjar and Co. to the comrades/workers he lead? 13. How about the recruitment policy of the Maruti? They obviously ignored important component of 'Diversity' in their recruitment Policy. 'Diverse manpower with variety of cultural, sociololgical, bahaviourial, edcational, religious, ethnic backgrounds is a strong insulator against the development of parochial, Sectoral, regional and tunnel visioned recruitment market lacking the capacity, intelligence and broad approaches to comprehend the issues involved. 14. Why a ' representative' from State Govt. In the Grievance Redressal Committee being instituted? Will it not be inerference in the mutual collaboration between the Management and the Workers? Does it augur well for the Industrial democracy? Will it not a bad predecent of having external 'super boss' in the labour Management a constant 'interference' and headache for the Industry?

Author can be contacted at : 9815985273; 0172-4659675. #663, Phase 4, Sector 59,MOHALI 160059 (Chandigarh)


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Energizing Young Minds

January-February 2012


J.N. Vohra Projects & Maagement Consultants

In Punjab total number of unemployed youths was 9.58 Lakh in 2009-10. The number of unemployed youths aged from 16 years to 25 years was 5.89 Lakh. This age group has potential to learn new skills. The 3.68 lakh unemployment of aged from 26 years to 40 years is unfortunate since they did not acquire skills to get employment. Punjab's economy is agriculture based. Youth confined to rural areas and small towns remain unaware of the kind of job skill sets requirement that enable them jobs in India and overseas, even in the enterprises coming up in their neighborhood. In the absence of proper guidance from their parents or counselors, they are only exposed to old-fashioned education, which is of little use to private enterprises run by corporate. These youth, either take to farming as a helping hand to their parents or find themselves in bewilderment in the absence any worthwhile job in their hand or are only seasonally employed. They become drug addicts. Garment industry is the backbone of Punjab Industrial economy and shows a very classical case of its existence as small units along with medium and large textile industries. Ludhiana is the major cluster of garment units in the state. 11

The industry is highly labour intensive and is the largest industrial employer in the State, constituting 35% of total industrial employment, and exports 41% out of total exports from the state. Today the garment exporters of Ludhiana face not only commercial challenges, but are also confronted with technical, logistical, environmental and social challenges in this highly competitive global market. Shortage of labour due to the scheme of NERGA on the one hand and non-availability of adequately skilled workmen has caused problems to exporters to meet their export commitments. Last couple of year, many major buyers from USA like Levis, Gap, and Wall Mart visiting Ludhiana cancelled orders finding child labours employed in the units. Garment exporters are required to meet export commitments in short durations, within 45 to 60 days, due to seasonal fashion changes in USA and European countries. Due to limited capacity per unit, they need to run their factories on 3-shifts basis. Women as workforce, largely suited to garment manufacturing, are the answer to meet shortages of workers. Thankfully, Govt of Punjab, based on a judgment of Madras High Court, notified that women can

now work in the night shift, provided certain conditions for their safety are met with. That calls for training and skill upgradation of women workers along with improving the work culture of the factories. In other garment producing countries in Asia, large numbers of women are employed. For example in Bangladesh women count for 90%, similarly in Cambodia 85%, Sri Lanka 80% and in China 70%. The average of women working in Indian garment industry is less than 40%. Ludhiana garment industry has

been male dominated from the very beginning and more than 40% of the labour force is migratory. Punjabi women, known for their robust health, have the lowest share in workforce in all industry segments with participation rate of about 10 percent as per an estimate. Andhra Pradesh has approximately 35 per cent, Arunachal Pradesh 38 per cent,

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January-February 2012

Himachal Pradesh 34 and Haryana has 12 per cent share. Now some garment and textile companies in Ludhiana have opened training centres for providing requisite skills to female workers, especially young girls from rural backgrounds. That will ensure skilled labour requirements for the garment industry. Women feel empowered by their earnings and attain confidence and self esteem as income earners. However, it is unfortunate that in many factories, where female labour are employed are underpaid compared to male labours for similar jobs. This bias towards male workers needs to be checked. Significantly, Union Development Budget 2010-11 declared to launch an extensive skill development programme in the textile and garment sector by leveraging the strength of existing institutions under Textile Ministry to train 30 Lakh persons over 5 years under the programme. The proposed Skills Development Programme for textiles and garments sector would provide long-term benefit to the garment and textile industry, which has been facing shortage of skilled labour, not only in Punjab but also in the country since the last few years.

The author is Chandigarh based industry and management consultant


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January-February 2012


Dr. N.K. Sharma Prof. Tourism - ITFT Education Group-Chandgiarh

About 35 km from popular tourist resort of Dharamsala and 12 km from the ancient town of Haripur in the Kangra Valley of Himachal Pradesh stands a remarkable group of 15 rock-cut temples of the Brahaminicalfaith at Masrur, on the summit of a stand stonerange ofhills, some 2500 feet high above the sea level. A rock measuring nearly 160 feet in length and about 105 feet in width has been sculptured into a cluster of these temples, unique in character not only in the Himalayan Region but of a rare type in India. These temples command a majestic view of the snowcapped Dhauladhar mountains to the north-east and of the picturesque Beas Valley dotted with peepal and mango trees and rice fields

extending for miles together, to the west, just below the shrines on the slope lies the hamlet of Masrur, where people seem to live in a selfcontained world of their own. Till recently, only rough interhamlet tracks provided access to 13

these monolithic temples. Now, however, a 3 km long jeepable road links them with the main road. Their inaccessibility explainswhy they escaped destruction at the hands of iconoclasts. The temples do not seem to have been visited by many people because of difficulty of access. It was only in 1913 that they were first noticed by Mr. H.L. Shuttleworth and subsequently by Mr. H. Hargreaves of the Archaeological Survey of India. These temples are remarkable, especially because we do not find rock-hewn shrines in the Himalayas although they are common in west and south India, Profusely decorated with sculptural ornamentation, the Masrur temples were conceived in the same manner as the great temples of Kailash at Ellora in Maharashtra, and are considered a fine example of the wellknownshikara style of the IndoAryan architecture. From a distance, these can hardy be distinguished from the rocky hills, as they are badly worn out by the vicissitudes of weather. The temples also suffered additional damage from the devastating earthquake of 1905. Characterized by grace and smooth plasticity, these temples were

chiseled out of a single rock at the ridge, and wherever the rock was not hard and suitable enough to be carved out loose sculptures were inset to fill the gaps. The carving of figures is of a high standard and expressive and conveys a feeling of sensuousness. There is no inscription to fix the date of execution of these sculptures, but on the evidence of the style it is generally believed that these belong to the eight century. It is also believed that these could not have been built by local rulers, considering the enormity and magnificence of these temples. Hiuen Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim, who visited 'Jalandhara' in March, 635, had included the States ofKangra, Chamba and Kullu in his description of the theJalandhara Kingdom. Its rulers, therefore, might have made Masrur their capital when pushed out of their home by the invaders, and later on abandoned it in favourof the site where the Kangra fort is situated in view of its strategic position.Nine sculptures from these temples are now kept in the State Museum at Shimla. The main shrine is know as Thakurdwara (the name by which Vishnu temples are designated ) and contains three stone images of Rama, Lakshmana and Sita. The

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presence of many Saivite sculptures points to the fact that the temples were originally dedicated to Mahadeva. The main temple and a 'Sabhamandapa' originally supported by four central pillars, of which only two remain. The placid waters in the masonry tank reflect its shrines the AsthaTurivases. APPROACH:The convenient route to visit the rock- cut temples at Masrur from Chandigarh is to go to Chintpurni, which is one of the most revered Devi shrines in North India and then to Ranital from where a road bifurcates for Masrur. After visiting the rock cut temples, one should also visitKangra, a

charming town located just 17 kilometersDharamnala. Once the ancient capital of a powerful hill state, Kangrawas known for its magnificent temples and as thriving centre for arts, in particular, the exquisite Pahari style of miniature painting that flourished during the reign of Raja SansarChnad. Its ancient fort and Brajeshwari Devi temple are worth a visit.

Situated at a wonderful location, Dharamnsala is a beautiful and peaceful town, spread at different levels and surrounded by forests of pine. The Dalai Lama resides in Mcleodganj and this has turnedDharamsala into the Buddhist Capital of the world. A visit to the State Museum is a must see for tourists interested in Kangra paintings. Other places of interest in the Kangra valley areNadaun, Jawalamukhi, Chamunda Devi, Palampur, Bainjnathand Andretta, once home to the famous painter, SardarSobha Singh and playwriteMs Norah Richards.


Collection & Contribution : Seema Mishra, Faculty Art of Living "Learn from the mistakes of others... you can't live long enough to make them all yourselves!!" 2 "A person should not be too honest. Straight trees are cut first and Honest people are screwed first." 3 "Even if a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be venomous." 4 "There is some self-interest behind every friendship. There is no friendship without self-interests. This is a bitter truth." 5 " Before you start some work, always ask yourself three questions - Why am I doing it, What the results might be and Will I be successful. Only when you think deeply and find satisfactory answers to these questions, go ahead." 6 "As soon as the fear approaches near, attack and destroy it." 7 "The world's biggest power is the youth and beauty of a woman." 8) "Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest." 9 "The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all direction." 10 "God is not present in idols. Your feelings are your god. The soul is your temple." 11 "A man is great by deeds, not by birth." 12 "Never make friends with people who are above or below you in status. Such friendships will never give you any happiness." 13 "Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends." 14) "Books are as useful to a stupid person as a mirror is useful to a blind person." 15) "Education is the Best Friend. An Educated Person is Respected Everywhere. Education beats the Beauty and the Youth." 14 1

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January-February 2012


Brig (Retd.) Ranjit Banerji Freelance Corporate Adviser

Today, India is passing through an unforeseen period of societal nonethics, be it political, governmental, industrial, urban or rural. It fact it, from being just a creeper three decades ago, has now grown to be accepted almost as a functional norm. Currently' Success' is assessed by one's affluence, irrespective of the manner in which it has been acquired. The path to wealthy existence is sign-posted by milestones marked 'compromise'. The justification for ill begotten wealth, better given in the very words it is offered, Bachhepalnehain, is liye sab chaltahai and the wheels of such a practice roll forward. Please notice that I have till now not used the word 'corrupt practices'. This I did not wish to do before I revealed to my dear readers a startling fact, which is, 'India stands 87th in the order of honesty among the leading nations of the world, as per a recent global survey!! Are we to boast of our standing or lament it? The answer cannot be the latter, unless our logic fails or we say so in good humour with our 'tongue in the cheek'. Now to analyze this nation-wide malaise in some detail. Scams and Scamesters Scam stories today occupy a significant part of news dailies. In days past scandals, often relating to sexual misdemeanor, used to be 'breaking news'. Today, almost all scams have people in power or 15

authority as their centre players. Many are caught or charge-sheeted after they no more are in the same position they formerly held. Equally, saddening is the fact that these so called scamsters were in no dire need of money or wealth acquired while they 'scammed'. Was it just their greed or lust, even an ignoble desire to provide for their progeny for generations to come? So the current pattern is for the abundantly rich and the powerful to indulge in such acquisitions. 'More and much more' seems to have become their trigger for corruption and jostling for power and positions of advantage and exploitation. The top person in any hierarchy initiates the unethical practice which is then sustained by his henchmen and it thrives on connivance by people down the chain in the organization, or system in operation. The mid or low level accomplices, sooner or later fall in line because of the apprehension of losing their livelihood or getting marginalized if they do not toe the line. In fact, the minority is honest often not

because it is so, but as it has no opportunity, or access, to make hay (when the sunshine or moonlight)! Many times, it is the resolve of those newly elected or appointed that they would eradicate corruption while in office. But with time the realization of helplessness comes to them when they discover that the roots of the trees of compromise and corruption are not below the soil but at the top or apex. So the finger points out to setting right the top person or authority as the 'buck starts as well as stops at the top'. Analyze any scam with a fine toothcomb and you will come to the conclusion that the misdeeds start ONLY AT THE TOP. Honesty and ethics stand doomed to oblivion till the top game players are found out, indicted and penalized to long

periods in jail the place and fate they have 'earned' by their undoing. So, let's put a STOP AT THE TOP and hopefully India will raise many notches on the scale of being the 87th 'honest' nation in world ratings. Is there anyonewho will wish to bell the cat?

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January-February 2012



'I do not travel by Indian Airlines' I told to my friend, 'Because their air hostesses do not smile'. ''They will smile, if you smile with them'' he tendered his valuable advice. 'Next time you can try.' How can I ignore the advice of a consultant who is doing roaring business at Mumbai? I recalled, One rat was living in the distillery and was enjoying all good things in life. One day he went to the consultant and told him' 'I am

feeling scared from the cat'. The consultant gave him the formula no. 22. Next day, the rat came back and told, Your formula is not working. I am really afraid of the cat; one day she will catch me. The consultant doubled the dose and asked the rat to try his formula no. 44. Again the rate came back and said alarmingly, None of your formula is solving my problem. I am still feeling scared of the cat. Then the consultant said smilingly, you will have to become cat'. The poor rat went back happily and

challenged the cat next day after having the last bath in the liquor tub. I boarded next flight by Indian Airlines from Mumbai to Banglore. There was no charm at the face of the airhostess who was looking like, if she had come from the cremation ground. There was no response to my pleasant smiles. After sometime, one crew member came and said, What is the matter Sardar jee, you are smiling. I said, Your air hostess does not smile, no reciprocation. He gave heartily laugh and said, They only smile with pilots that too at the time of appraisals; anyway, I will ask her to smile with you. After sometime, the air hostess came with artificial smile and asked me, Sir, what would you like to have? A cup of tea or coffee, I said 'only milk would do.' 'We (IA) have already been milked enough by the politician and bureaucrats', replied air hostess. We (IA) are dry; nothing is left for the customer and the corporation. Now, they

(politicians) want to sell us (IA) under disinvestment scheme.' Perhaps, that was the secret of their not smiling with the customers. I dropped at the Banglore Airport and was amazed to see the young ladies distributing rose sticks on behalf of Air Authority of India. I received one stick (without flower) with the tag, 'Please be with us at the exhibition ground'. Why I should be with them? They were not ready to tell. I did not see any sign of smile on their faces. The basic purpose of invitation was lost in their body language. Who does not like the smiling faces? The pleasant personality is welcomed by everybody everywhere. Smile does not cost you anything. Flowers express so many things with smile without lips. The best and the most beautiful things in this world can not be seen or even touched but must be felt. Smile wins more friends than frowning. Wish to the people smilingly, there is nothing so nice as the word of greetings. Smile at people; it takes seventy two muscles to frown but only fourteen to smile. Smile is a sweet music. It is the pleasing way of communication by body language. It speaks volume, which cannot be said by words of mouth. You like someone, she smiles; you both feel happy while nothing was said, but 16

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January-February 2012

everything has been communicated. If you want to keep yourself happy, you learn to smile with the God in the early hours. You can talk straight with him. You smile with your children and wish them good day when they go to school. Smile with your wife when you come to the office. She will be happy for the whole day. Don't forget to smile with her again at bed time for having nice sleep. Smile with your colleagues, they will respect you more. There will be no blood pressure if you laugh away the serious things. Don't feel the load of difficult problems even if those are not solved. But solve them smilingly; it will lessen your stress and strain. The life will become monotonous and boring if

you don't smile. You can face the world in a better way smilingly. Lord Jesus Christ smiled when crucified.

There are few lucky & smart guys who have learnt to smile with their boss and his wife. If you do, it will ensure your smooth passage to the assignments of your choice and easy promotion. Try it seriously; if you fail, try again. Smiling is taught in the business schools for dealing with the public; especially for the airlines, hotel industry and marketing. The South West Airlines do not recruit any person who does not have a sense of wit and humor. If you don't know how to smile with your customer and trade, you cannot do the marketing successfully. Remember it, your smile should be genuine and real. Smiling without sincerity does not carry any meaning and may boomerang to you. Be careful, the smile may be deceptive. If you misunderstood the smile of the ladies, you are giving an open invitation to the sandals. My friend continued to live in long waiting on the cunning smiles of her girl friend by misunderstanding her false promises and sex smiles. I feel happy to have glimpse on innocent smile of the child. The smile of the child is truthful and clear like mirror. Ignorant smile is enjoyable & lovable because of the ignorance. The rich don't have right to smile on

the agony and miseries of the poor. I had one boss who used to take sadistic pleasure from the hardship

of others. He would become unhappy if some pleasant news of others reached to him. He would enjoy when you are in deep trouble. Some people are shrewd enough, they only smile when they need you but will turn their faces other side when you need them. Of late I have learnt to smile with life. I have stopped taking life seriously. I am enjoying it. You can join my smiling club. I smile with nature, I smile with God; He responds me. I smile with fellow beings. I do not find any difference in life and death now. How does it matter, it is a change in matter and energy. The soul is an eternal bliss of cosmic conscience. I do not have any illusion. Kabir said when I came in the world, I wept and the people smiled. The people will weep when I will give a last smile to the life.

03-05 February 2012 at Himachal Bhawan, Sector 28, Madhya Marg, Chandigarh

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January-February 2012


NIMA Participate in Chandigarh Carnival J&K Tourism paid Tributes to Legendry Actor Late Shammi Kapoor

Dr. Gulshan Sharma welcoming Sh K.K.Sharma, IAS, adviser to Administrator UT at Film City

Sh. K.K.Sharma, IAS, adviser to Administrator UT presenting a memento to Sh Aditya Raj Kapoor

Sh Aditya Raj Kapoor visiting NIMA stall. Standing along is Mr. J.N.Vohra, Secretary General NIMA

The three-day annual Chandigarh Carnival concluded on 27th November. This year the theme of the Carnival was magic city, come explore the magical world. Lakhs of Tricity residents thronged the Leisure Valley, Sector 10 to catch a glimpse of life-size magical characters and entertainments, educative and food stalls put up by various organizations. Over 2.5 lakh people visited during the three-day carnival. Many foreigners were also seen enjoying the rides and Indian cuisine at food stalls. The Carnival was inaugurated by Sh K.K.Sharma, IAS, and Advisor to the Administrator UT. The event started with Carnival parade consisting of floats and tableaux showing various cultures and traditions. The main attraction of the Carnival was an enclosure, a kind of 'film city', put up by J & K Tourism to pay tribute to legendary actor Shammi Kapoor. The film city was managed by NIMA and the concept of logistics and performances were provided by ITFT group of colleges. Stalls were put up by J & K Tourism and J & K

Emporium. The visitors had the reminiscent feel of Jammu & Kashmir while going through the film city that replicated the essential characteristics of the beautiful Kashmir valley and the performances therein for all the 3 days were dedicated to the Bollywood legend Shammi Kapoor. There were Shikaras, House boats, snowfall and many other features that made the film city unique and remained major attraction amongst youngsters. Lakhs enjoyed the dance sequences based on the songs enacted by Shammi Kapoor in the films. On the inaugural day, Aditya Raj Kapoor, son of Shammi Kapoor was also present. He had all praise for the Filmcity that was put up as a tribute to legendary Shammi Kapoor at Chandigarh Carnival. In the press conference, Aditya Raj Kapoor shared excerpts from his happening journey. He started working at RK Studios in Mumbai under Raj Kapoor and Randhir Kapoor as assistant director. With movies like Bobby, Dharam Karam and Satyam Shivam Sundaram under his belt, Aditya chose to

change his field; he ventured into warehousing, transport and later set up some 10 amusement parks in India. While talking about his father Aditya Raj Kapoor said, Shammiji was a man's man, who was larger than life itself. And the best thing about him was that he led by example. Once my father was a superstar, there were a thousand people between him and me, he recalls, confessing, that the relationship was tough, especially after the death of his mother, the legendary actress, Geeta Bali, who died of small pox.


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January-February 2012

Dr. Gulshan Sharma delivered a lecture at Kashmir University

Dr. Gulshan Sharma, president NIMA delivered a lecture on Future trends in Service Sector and Employability organized by The Business School, University of Kashmir organized a lecture on October 10 at the university campus. Dr. Sharma was accompanied by J.N.Vohra, Secretary general NIMA. Dr. Sharma dwelt at length on the growth prospects of the service sector. He said that country is fast transiting in into service economy, creating services for the human needs and throwing lot of opportunities for the employment for the youth

Dr. Gulshan Sharma delivering a lecture at Kashmir University

Students of Business School attending the lecture

North India Cinematic Tourism Conclave

Subodh Kant Sahai, Union Minister for Tourism speaking on the occasion

Subodh Kant Sahai, Union M i n i s t e r f o r To u r i s m inaugurated. Inaugurating the North India Cinematic Tourism Conclave, recently at Chandigarh, Union Minister for Tourism, Subodh Kant Sahai said that there was symbiotic relationship between the entertainment and tourism industries. The conclave was organised by NIMA in association w i t h C h a n d i ga r h To u r i s m Department. The Minister said that film industry subtly

promotes tourism of the locales used in the films, which has wide visibility to millions of people. Cinematic tourism is a vital economic activity than merely means of entertainment becomes, the Minister added. Sahai said that Cinematic Tourism stimulates growth, generates substantial employment, and brings in valuable foreign exchange. Apart from generating jobs in production and distribution, entertainment industry

The Minister along with other dignitaries releasing Road map on Cinematic Tourism


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January-February 2012

Dr. Gulshan Sharma, president NIMA making his presentation

A View of the delegates attending the conclave

indirectly supports the hospitality industries, stimulates business in hotels, catering companies, restaurants and transport providers. Visitors are keen to visit the location where their favorite stars were seen in the films. He disclosed that with Rs 10 lakh investment, tourism could generate 78 jobs. The Conclave was jointly organized by the Department of Tourism, Chandigarh Administration and the North India Management Association for working out a strategy for an integrated planning and marketing of cinematic tourism as a niche market in the country. Adviser to the Administrator, UT Chandigarh, K K Sharma, Principal

Secretary Tourism Haryana, Dhanpat Singh also addressed the conclave. Sahai said to synergize the efforts being made by the different state governments and the private players connected with Bollywood and small screen industry such regional conclaves should also be organsed in different zones of the country to be culminated to national cinematic conclave. Sahai also released a Roadmap containing recommendations of NIMA for harnessing the vast cinematic potential of North India.

NIMA Celebrated Teacher's Day on 5th September, 2011

North-India Management Association (NIMA) in association with the Punjab School Education Board (PSEB) celebrated teachers' day at the PSEB auditorium on 5th September 2011. Punjab Education Minister, Sewa Singh Sekhwan was the chief guest. The event was organised by NIMA to apprise teachers of the growing changes in teaching methods and how they needed to improve their skills with the changing times. Gulshan Sharma, president of NIMA, and a visiting faculty in various Indian and foreign universities addressed the audience, comprising mainly of teachers and people associated with the education field. Dr. Sharma said, The real purpose of education is to provide good employment so that students can contribute to society. Marks are not the only thing that one needs to care about. He gave a detailed presentation on the problems faced by students and teachers that needed to be addressed. S.Sewa Singh Sekhwan, Education Punjab while speaking thanked NIMA for organizing this event teacher's day. He stressed the need to improve our educational set up so that youth especially from Punjab who look towards foreign shores for employment can be provided jobs here. Large number of principals and teachers of district Mohali and Ropar attended the event.

S. Sewa Singh Sekhwan, Punjab Education Minister speaking on the occasion.

A view of the Principal's, & teacher's attending the event


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