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January 20, 2012 Dalton McGuinty, Premier, Legislative Building, Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A1 Dear

Premier McGuinty: Here is a suggestion to relieve some of the existing and escalating provincial debt. Stop new renewable energy contracts. Legally delay or deny approval for wind and solar projects which are in the pre-approval phase. Augment the Renewable Energy Guidelines by, for instance, requiring wind energy developers to comply with more rigorous criteria including scientific research on setback allowances, noise, wind velocity, human health issues, property values, agricultural animal productivity and welfare, air traffic flight paths (commercial passenger and cargo plus light aircraft including air ambulance), environmental and ecological impact, health and safety issues for domestic animals, long term adverse effect of cement pedestals on ground water, depletion of finite local aggregate supply and induced seismic activity on faults. Research is expensive; mistakes are more costly. Reduce costs of existing renewable energy projects by re-negotiating Feed-In-Tariff contracts and by reducing or eliminating subsidies and tax credits. Reduce guaranteed return on investments for renewable energy developers and operators to levels compatible with current financial market realities. The Ontario Auditor Generals report notes that for each of the approximately 40,000 jobs expected to be created through renewable energy programs, 75% will only last 1 to 3 years duration and for every job created about two to four jobs are often lost in other sectors because of higher electricity costs. This net job loss will further deplete government and economic revenues and reinforces the need for a reduction in the commitment to renewable energy. A reduced financial commitment to renewable energy will lead to a reduction in the forecasted 7.9% annual increase in residential electricity rates as 56% of this projected increase is directly linked to proposed renewable energy installations. Consult with your legal teams. Consult with your staff in the Ministries of Finance, Energy, Environment and Health. Conduct a solid economic analysis and business case study as recommended by the Ontario Auditor General. Respect the rural municipalities moratoriums on industrial wind turbines. Please do not continue to accept stakeholders perspectives without balancing their claims, which are based on huge financial gains for the renewable energy entrepreneurs and investors or on idealistic environmentalists, against solid scientific research (governmental, academic and independent consultants in Ontario, Canada and internationally). The facts about renewable energy are available. Ontarios Auditor General and researchers at Ontarios universities have made valid points. The Ontario Governments energy investment priority should be in new gas, nuclear and/or hydroelectric capacity, upgrading existing generating facilities, and in refurbishing transmission grids.

Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) data indicate that land based industrial wind turbines mainly generate electricity during the winter months, particularly overnight, when consumer demand is lowest and electricity is sold cheaply at far less than the prices paid under the Feed-in-Tariff contracts. Industrial wind turbines are not environmentally or ecologically benign and research shows that there is only a negligible reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to gas, nuclear and hydroelectric. This is not the time financially to be hemorrhaging billions of dollars in the construction of uncontrollable and unreliable wind and solar projects to supplement continuous, predictable and proven electricity generation by gas, nuclear and hydroelectric. Ontarios future depends on you. As taxpayers and voters we ask you to lower your renewable energy target. It is a financial nightmare. We simply cannot afford it. Carol Barker and W. A. Morris, Ph.D. 4141 Canborough Road, Wellandport, Ont. L0R 2J0. (905)386-1297

_______________________________________(signature) _______________________________________(print name) _______________________________________(street address) _______________________________________(town, postal code)

Copies to: The Honourable D. Duncan, Minister of Finance, Hearst Block, 4th Floor, 900 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont. M7A 2E1 The Honourable C. Bentley, Minister of Energy, 900 Bay Street, 4th Floor, Hearst Block, Toronto, Ont. M7A 2E1 The Honourable J. Bradley, Minister of the Environment, 77 Wellesley Street West, 11th Floor, Ferguson Block, Toronto, Ont. M7A 2T5 The Honourable D. Matthews, Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, 10th Floor, Hepburn Block, 80 Grosvenor Street, Toronto, Ont. M7A 2C4

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