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Fellow Pirates, it's time for another #FuckFBIFriday demo and we got a few sweet morsels of lulz for

you that will be sure to rock the courtrooms, field offices and precincts of those vile bootboys of the 1%. Did you catch that leaked cybercrime investigation conference call? These losers are taking pleasure busting the people they think are responsible for the wave of attacks that have rocked the world over the past year. They laugh about busting young hackers while hyping us up as being more dangerous than terrorists in an attempt to justify wasting many more billions of dollars whilst also passing legislation designed to repress political movements and censor the internet. But somehow, despite having numerous informants and claiming to have advance foreknowledge of our activities, you still haven't manage to catch us or stop any of our attacks, and all the while we are in ur bases snooping on ur internal communications. As part of our ongoing efforts to expose the corruption of the court systems and the brutality of US imperialism, we want to bring attention to USMC SSgt Frank Wuterich who along with his squad murdered dozens of unarmed civilians during the Iraqi Occupation. Can you believe this scumbag had his charges reduced to involuntary manslaughter and got away with only a pay cut? Meanwhile Bradley Manning who was brave enough to risk his life and freedom to expose the truth about government corruption is threatened with life imprisonment. When justice cannot be found within the the confines of their crooked court systems, we must seek revenge on the streets and on the internet - and dealing out swift retaliation is something we are particularily good at. Worry not comrades, it's time to deliver some epic ownage. We went ahead and fired off some shots of our own - at the

servers and personal email accounts of Puckett & Faraj. We defaced their website and dumped nearly 3GB of private email messages belonging to Neal Puckett and Haytham Faraj. The contents of these email messages include detailed records, transcripts, testimony, trial evidence, and legal defense donation records pertaining to not only Frank Wuterich but also many other marines they have represented. And to add a few layers of icing to this delicious caek, we got the usual boatloads of embarrassing personal information. How do you think the world will react when they find out Neal Puckett and his marine buddies have been making crude jokes about the incident where marines have been caught on video pissing on dead bodies in Afghanistan? Or that he regularly corresponds with and receives funding from former marine Don Greenlaw who runs the racist blog We believe it is time to release all of their private information and court evidence to the world and conduct a People's trial of our own. Is that it? Hell no, there is plenty more mayhem to deliver for this #FuckFBIFriday. Do you remember a few months ago when #antisec attaked the Boston Police and released hundred of passwords in retaliation for the brutality against Occupy Boston? They clearly ignored our warnings, because not only did they raid the camp again and kicked protesters off of public parks, but they also sent undercover TSA agents to assualt and attempt to steal from some organizers. So you get your kicks beating protesters? That's OK; we get kicks defacing and rm'n your websites - again., the "Boston Poice Department Virtual Community" also fell to the swift merciless veangeance of the hive. Do you really want to step to this??

If you didn't dig it then then you better dig it now. We are calling upon all allied battleships to rise up and make some mayhem. NDAA/PIPA/SOPA for real? The internet is ours for the taking, and we will destroy every corporation and government that attempts to stand in our way. ################################################################ ################ download torrent: browse on tor hidden services: http://ibhg35kgdvnb7jvw.onion/puckettfaraj follow for teh lulz:!/anonymousirc defaced: net greets to our comrades: #codehack and GHS, team redhack in turkey, syrian hackers, all and all allied battleships in this great cyberwar for great justice. keep crackin http://www.militaryselfhelp.

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