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Table of Contents Introduction: Secret of the Universe 1. Spiritual Bloodline 2. I am God 3. Hallucinati 4. Here & Now 5. Museum of the Dead 6. OM 7. Matrix vs Infinite Oneness 8. What Really is Important 9. Recurring Story from the Purgatory 10. Electromagnetic Field 11. The Island of Dr Hofmann 12. Good Drugs vs Bad Drugs 13. Liquid Crystal Vision 14. Attachment & Addiction 15. Down the Rabbit Hole 16. Zeitgeist 17. Global Warming Hoax 18. Evolution of Consciousness 19. Waking Life 20. What Do You Stand For 21. Archaic Revival 22. Revolution 23. Timewave Zero 24. The Message Conclusion: You are IT


INTRODUCTION Secret of the Universe

Stand before me, on the Sign of Infinity, all you of the Earth. With the granting of "The Law of Probenation" comes the application of change. I will give you the key. And with this knowledge, please realize, comes the responsibility of - sharing it. I will show you the way. It's very simple. Throughout the Universe, there is order. In the movement of the planets... in nature... and in the functioning of the human mind. A mind that is in its natural state of order in harmony with the Universe, and such a mind is timeless. Your life is an expression of your mind. You are the creator of your own Universe, for as a human being, you are free to will whatever state of being you desire, through the use of your thoughts and words. There is great Power there. It can be a blessing or a curse. It's entirely up to you, for the quality of your life is brought about by the quality of your thinking. Think about that. Thoughts produce actions. See the pettiness, and the envy, and the greed, and the fear, and all the other attitudes that cause you pain and discomfort. Realize that the one thing you have absolute control over is your attitude. See the effect that it has on those around you. For each life is linked to all Life and your words carry with them chain reactions, like a stone that has been thrown into a pond. If your thinking is in order, your words will flow directly from the heart, creating ripples of love. If you truly want to change your world, my friends, you must change your thinking. Reason is your greatest tool. It creates an atmosphere of understanding, which leads to caring, which is - Love. Choose your words with care. Go forth... with Love.


1. Spiritual Bloodline
-We have arrived, my Protege. - said the Guru, telepathically. - The gates of Mordor. I have promised to bring you here, some time ago, and here we are. With some serious shaking of the ground underneath, along the way, but... it's all part of the game. -Well, on some products it is written "shake well before use". And such may be our fate. Life keeps shaking us until we become useful. Are we separating now, my Lord? -Yes... and no. We are never separate. Our bodies may decay, they may change their form, but I will always be there by your side, over your every fall. You can, at any given moment, just look up towards the heavens, openly ask your dilemmas, yet being in advance thankful for having your wishes - already answered. This is of utmost importance. Feel the gratitude, in advance, as what you wish for has - already happened. When you succeed in this little game, the universe will just go along, yielding to your visions. That is how you change the world and co-create reality. The energy source is always within your reach. Close your eyes, and you will be able to touch it, to drink from the well, refilling and reviving your every cell. When you again open your eyes, it all disappears, the illusion persists. -Where will you be headed from here, my Lord? -Forward. Back. Home. -Home must be where we all return eventually? -Yes, but only when and if you have learned your lessons. If you keep failing through your incarnations, you will not be allowed to return Home. Eventually, such souls slowly cease to be. But you yourself certainly will not miss this point which justifies our whole existence. Death is the most important point of every life. We must embrace death, today, as it may struck us tomorrow. You must always be ready to die. Do not find yourself unprepared, when death sneaks in unsuspectedly, do not be crying for just a little more time. Every one of us had all the time in the world, to change the world. Most die waiting for something to happen. Nothing just happens, the point is to create events willingly, by using the omnipotent power of your words and thoughts. Your way of thinking defines your reality, and your reality is nothing like my reality. So be prepared for death, from today. When your time comes, I will make sure I attend the event. I will be there to greet you, to tell you not to fear, to guide you how not to fall to astonishment. -Can't we meet prior to my final transition, my Lord? Like while I'm still alive? -Of course, my boy. Entheogens. Your tools. Use them. Often. In heroic doses, only those count. Use them wisely, consciously, and learn from every experience. You are an ambassador of the human race, with your every trip and high you represent our entire species. Your duty and responsibility is to explore the mind, to massage it, to stimulate it at all times, to fertilize the soil for new ideas and concepts. Each of us must play a part in taking this unified consciousness of ours to the unexplored realms. But remember, always leave behind a trail for your successors. The spiritual bloodline must never be broken. Prepare the


future, create it ahead of time, always have some seeds planted, here and there. So, this is the end of an age, the end of a cycle, death and rebirth inseparably interwoven. It's time. I have things to settle, on the other side. You must keep on dancing. The whole universe is a symphony, and our role is to dance. -My Lord, I have never told y... -You've told me. You've been doing nothing else, but telling me. A single glance was more than enough. Real things are real, my boy, no place for bullshit there. Remember, the only thing that you really need to know... Love is the only answer. Love is real, all else is illusion. Preach Love, teach Love, in all shapes and forms, and you will never go wrong. There was silence. A moment of the unsaid. Have enough words been said? Have all the feelings been shared? -Au revoir... Oh, and Protege, just one last thing. All of this, you, me, the pyramids of Mordor, the consciousness ascension, the higher density dimensions, the enlightenment and a new paradigm... It is - ALL - our free will. Yours and mine. Our choices and our actions. Of course the divine schedule is there, of course the settings are predetermined and the skills and talents get randomly distributed. But it is - the sole taking of action - that creates novel worlds. Otherwise, you could be sitting by the side of a river, you can so sit and tirelessly keep sitting, but it will take a really, really long time before a roasted duck flies into your mouth. Always remember, everything will be OK in the end. If its not OK, its not the end. Protege's eyes explored the pyramid. How divine a design!? Chariots of the gods. When Protege turned his head back again, he realized he was standing there by himself. He easily could have been standing there, all alone, forever. He smiled. He then closed his eyes, in order to see. In a hospital nearby, a newborn baby boy screamed his initial cry. The Guru felt the gratitude. The universe has responded. The spiritual bloodline had a heartbeat.


2. I am God
-We have arrived, my Arian. - said the Guru, telepathically. Happy 2012, this is the point in time we have been waiting for. I have promised to bring you here, some centuries ago, and here we are. -You have promised to tell me something, my Lord. You said that when 2012 comes, you will tell me who I am, who we are. You have promised me the truth. Who am I? -Dont you know who you are? Guru looked at the boy straight in the eyes. - Why do you expect somebody else to tell you who you are? Why does god need anybody to tell him anything? -A god? Are you telling me that Im a god, my Lord? -You are THE god. -Are you also god? -Yes, my Arian, we are all god. I am god. -When did you become god, my Lord? -Now. -If you are god now, what were you yesterday? -Now. -How do we become god? -We dont become god, my Arian, we are god. -Are we then the same person? -No. Remember, many persons, one god. -Why do you hide from the sight of so many? Why are you hidden, god? -Why do YOU hide? Its for the same reason you are hiding. -Dou you sleep on your stomach or your back, god? -Sleeping is like politics, my boy. One sleeps on the right side, and when you are tired of that, you sleep on the left. When you are tired of that, you sleep on your back, and when you get tired again, you sleep on your stomach. And that is why the world goes around. -Does a man have free will?


-A man has free will to the extent that he knows who he is. Not otherwise. -Does a woman have free will too? -To the extent that she knows who she is, yes. -What is NOT god? -There is nothing that is not god. -How do you learn who you are, my Lord? -Its like... waking up from a dream. After a while, ones experience begins to have a havent we been here before feeling. Going round, and round and round... And then you begin wondering: Where am I going? And to answer that question, you have to try and find out what you want. And so I went into that very thoroughly. What do I want to happen? And of course, as soon as you ask that, you begin to fantasize. And our amazing technology is an expression of human desire, desire for power, for what we want to achieve. So I simply set myself to thinking through - how far we could go? The Guru paused for a second. He searched his pockets. He finally found what he was looking for. He lit the joint, took a long inhale and passed it on to his companion. With the smoke slowly disintegrating from his mouth, the Guru continued... -And so I soon found myself at a great push-buttom place, where I had a fantastic mechanism with buttons available for every conceivable thing I could wish. So I spent quite a bit of time playing with those. You press one of those and there's Cleopatra, and so I get to know her. And then I press another button, symphonic music in 4-channel sound, a 16channel sound. Anything you can imagine, all possible pleasures are available. And then you're like everybody's dream of the Sultan in the Palace, and you suddenly notice a button labelled "Surprise". You push that and here we are. -Is boredom a problem, my Lord? - The boy exhaled, returning the joint. -Yes, boredom is of course THE problem. Boredom is the other side of creativity. The energy of creating is the Yang. The Yin side of that energy is called boredom. Everything is of course fundamentally Yin and Yang. If you understand that, you really don't need to understand anything else. -My Lord, if we are all supposed to love each other, love will cease to exist because there is no hate to contrast it... -Correct, but that's not a teaching, it's a Koan. A Koan is a Japanese word for a spiritual problem used in Zen Buddhism, such as "What is the Sound of One Hand?" And these problems are given to those who ask questions concerning their spiritual development. And sometimes, as St. Paul pointed out, Commandments are given not in the expectation they will be obeyed, but in the expectation they will reveal something to those who hear them.


-Is there a Heaven, is there a Purgatory, is there a Hell? -The "here-after" is of course, now. Because if you will examine it closely, my Arian, there is nowhere else than now. And if you want to make Hell of it, you can make Hell of it. If you want to make Heaven of it, you can make Heaven of it. Purgatory, purgatory. It's all here. Always was, always will be. -What is death? -Death is an undulation in consciousness. How would you know you were alive, unless you'd once been dead? -And who are we, my Lord? You and me, how do we differ from the rest? Who are we? -We are Hallucinati, my Arian. We are the ones we have been waiting for.


3. Hallucinati
-We have arrived, my Dorian. - said the Guru, telepathically. Welcome to the 21st century. Our phones, wireless. Our cooking, fireless. Cars, keyless. Food, fatless. Dress, sleeveless. Youth, jobless. Leaders, shameless. Relationships, meaningless. Attitude, careless. Wives, fearless. Feelings, heartless. Education, valueless. Children, mannerless. Everything is becoming less, but still... our hopes are endless. We hope of a new paradigm, in which all this would change. And it is our duty and responsibility to lead the world to that enlightenment. And today is the day of your enlightenment. The day of your rite of passage. -What is enlightenment, my Lord? -Independence, my Dorian. Enlightenment is independence. It is freeing others from the slavery to your emptiness and need. I need you, you need me. The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will often be lonely, sometimes frightened. But no price is too high for the privilege of owning yourself. -And how does one own oneself, my Lord? -By being on your course, my dear. Anyone who is forced from own course, either through not understanding himself, or through external imposition, comes into conflict with the Order of the universe, and suffers accordingly. -Who are the Hallucinati, my Lord? -Why do you ask me that? -I am not blind, my Lord. I have been to your home. I have read your texts. On the day of my enlightenment, you must tell me who I am. Who are the Hallucinati? Who are we? -We are a tradition, my Dorian. A tradition against tradition. There are couples, like you and me, throughout the world. Like the Illuminati, we are bloodlines. Not physical bloodlines, but spiritual ones. We pass on the knowledge through generations, the ancient wisdom that has been hidden on purpose from the masses. Like the Illuminati, we have always been the enemies of the church, as we presented a threat to them. The organized religion does not want intelligence boosts; they like their sheep ignorant and quiet. So does the ellite class which rules the world for centuries. So the movement had to go underground. There is also another reason why the church abhors us. We believe that our entire human species is, in its animal nature, bisexual. We believe that bisexuality is a natural state of balance, a tool for controlling of a species population. It has been persistently present throughout human history, it remains evenly present in the animal world, and equally distributed in all countries regardless of geography or political establishment. It has not been made extinct, ever, through the evolution of children of heterosexual parents. This natural urge cannot be made extinct, because it has, and serves, its purpose. The purpose is to preserve the natural balance. Every right must have a left, every up must come down. All is in its essence a Yin


and a Yang. The moment we forced our species into exclusively heterosexual relationships, through the introduction of monotheism, we simultaneously doomed our very selves. We are currently reproducing at a speed which is taking us to an inevitable self-destruction point. Today there are over seven billion of us. That is and counting. When I was born, there were 4 and a half billion people. Our numbers are growing exponentially. Half of the human population is hungry, every single day. By 2050, there will be over people. That is a little before we as a species cause our own extinction. It is statistically and epistemologically predictable, almost unavoidable. And it is mostly due to monotheism. That is why the organized religion has to go. It has to be burried in history, forever, in order for the human race to progress and ascend in a new cycle. -You also mean Christianity, my Lord? -I especially mean Christianity, my Dorian. Its a belief that a cosmic Jewish Zombie who was his own father, can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul which is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree... How serious and realistic can such a story be? Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky, who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time! But... He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money. He's allpowerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money. Religion takes in billions, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit! The Guru slowed down his breathing. He smiled, then continued... -So Hallucinati pass on the knowledge from one generation to the next, in teacher-student relationships, in dedicated lifetime relationships. It all started in ancient Greece, where such relationships were normal and preferable, because they were socially practical. The knowledge and wisdom are always more easily passed on by individuals who are not as old as ones parents, but also not as young as ones peers. Thats the catch. That is the winning or the missing formula. The guru-student connection. Thats where the purely heterosexual society miserably fails. They fail to properly educate their own offspring. They keep creating insecure, emotionally and often intellectually underdeveloped adults. They would etiquette our relationships as deviant or unnatural... but they simply fail to understand that it is all very natural, and the best way for young people to efficiently learn. We do not learn from our parents for very long, the generation gap is too large. We certainly do not learn anything from our friends or peers, what can children tell us? Furhermore, what can teachers in a school teach us in 45 minutes among 30 other uninterested kids? Not enough, anyhow. That


is where our Guru teacher comes in. Every adolescent needs a guide for his spiritual and intellectual development. With or without physical communication. This is difficult to comprehend, for people who have been thought otherwise their entire lives. When monotheism and Christianity came along, the Hallucinati have been several times extinct. The bloodlines have been broken by force. But they always rose up from the ashes. The human thirst for knowledge is insatiable. It can not be burried by any dark force. As cannot love, either. Hallucinati hallucinate. We see what others are blind for. We have visions of the past and the future, because we know that it all exists in the present moment. We are like shamans. We study the world around us, we evolve with the nature, using ancient recipes to alter our consciousness states. We utilize entheogens. We explore the human mind, other dimensions; we try to get to the essence of existence. We teach the ultimate power of own words and thoughts. We preach that everyone is god, that everyone is the sole Creator of his own reality. We believe that power comes not from outside, but from inside. The absolute, omnipotent, divine power, inside each and every one of us. The boy was hardly blinking... -The Hallucinati have only one child. Only one. Why? Because that is what Humanity demands from us, at this point in time. It demands responsibility and wisdom. Hallucinati live their principles, they must at all times represent an example to everyone else. We have one child, to whom we commit limitlessly. Be the change you want in the world, said Mahatma Gandhi. Hallucinati live by that principle. We have the highest possible goal in life, and that is to seek the truth, to co-create reality, to live the most relevant experiences for us all, for the entire mankind. Why? Because others have no testicles to do it. We all share our experiences, in what we call the global, or collective consciousness. Hallucinati are the consciousness astonauts. We cultivate the quest for the divine. We change the world and cocreate reality. For us, outlawing any feelings among people is unethical in its essence, and we stand for that. You should always know what you stand for. We do. We crush the walls and move the boundaries. Our mission is a new paradigm. The whole purpose is to become free, isnt it? To become independent. To become enlightened. Through psychedelic, guided experiences, which are our bridge to worlds of higher densities. Those are the Hallucinati, my Dorian. That is who you are. A guardian of the unconditional love and the ancient knowledge. A psychonaut. -Do you love me, my Lord? -Endlessly. And timelessly. -Do you love everyone endlessly, my Lord? -No, my Dorian. I love you. I also love my Guru. And my wife. And my son. See, we all have at least three or four big loves in our lives. At least four deep lifetime relationships and commitments. Imagine how poorer the emotional life of heterosexual monogamy is. It is saddening. They are missing so much from life. Why? Because someone told them so. So we


dont use those prefixes like hetero or bi or homo, but rather only the term sexual. We are all sexual beings, period. But to come back to your question... to love everyone, that would be the ultimate goal. For now, it is a utopia for the human race as it is today. We are not ready yet for eternal love. But we will get there. After many generations, perhaps even never, but we will die trying. Infinite love is the only truth. -If love is the only answer, my Lord, then why does society deny our love? -Let me tell you a story. The story of 5 monkeys in a cage... Visualize a cage containing five monkeys. Inside the cage, you'll see a banana hanging on a string with a set of stairs placed under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, all of the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. The Guru paused, as he lit a joint. -After a while, another monkey makes an attempt to obtain the banana. As soon as his foot touches the stairs, all of the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. It's not long before all of the other monkeys try to prevent any monkey from climbing the stairs. Now, put away the cold water, remove one monkey from the cage, and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him as he makes his way toward the stairs. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted. The Guru passed on the joint, and the knowledge, to the boy. -Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey. After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. -Why not, my Lord? -Because they were thought so, my Dorian. That is how the things are done around here. And nobody living knows why. -And what do we do, my Lord? -We go for the banana, my Dorian. O Fortuna, velut Luna, statu variabilis. Oh Fortune, like the Moon, you are changeable... Do not ever doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, its the only thing that ever has.


4. Here & Now

-We have arrived, my Fearless. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the place where it all begins and ends. From here, you can design and shape the world according to your wishes. Noone can stop you. -What about the society and government? How do we stop to obey, my Lord? -Eventually, all institutions and government will be eliminated. They will become unnecessary, obsolete. Because every individual will be self governed, and therefore, relate properly to his brother. And the state will vanish. So too, at the same time, the church will vanish. Thats why in the Book of Revelation, in the New Testament, it is said that in Heaven there are no temples, because the whole place is the temple. -So the temple is here. This is the place. And what is the time, my Lord? -Pay attention, my boy... We think of time as a one way motion, from the past, through the present, and into the future. But, the past... is the result of the present. In other words, you should get rid of the habbit of thought, whereby you define yourself as the result of what has gone before. Instead, you should get into a more plausible, and more reasonable habbit of thought, in which you do not define yourself in terms of what you have done before, but in terms of what you are doing... now. -So the time is now, my Lord? -Here and now, my Fearless. Here and now... We are no longer this poor little stranger, afraid in a world it never made. You ARE this universe, and you are creating it in every moment. Because, you see, it starts now. It didn't begin in the past, there was no past. If the universe began in the past, when that happened, it was now. See, but it's still now and the universe is still beginning now, and it's trailing off like the wake of a ship from now, and that wake fades out, and so does the past. You can look back there to explain things, but the explanation disappears. You'll never find it there. Things are not explained by the past, they are explained by what happens now. It all begins right here. Right now. -Now, my Lord? -And to understand that is... the birth of responsibility. Otherwise, you can always look back over your shoulder and say - well, Im the way I am because my mother dropped me. And she dropped me bacause she was neurotic and her mother dropped her... and way we go back to Adam and Eve, or to the disappearing monkey or something. We never get at it. This is now. This very moment. There is nothing mystical about it, its just now. Very simple and straight forward. But we are threatened by the now, so we jump into the past or the future. Thats the problem. Not trusting the nowness. What is actually important is - here and now. And the experience of NOW possesses a lot of poweful things. It is so powerful, that we cant face it. Therefore, we have to borrow from the past, and invite the future, all the time.


Right here. Right now... -Do not let your shadow walk you, my boy. You are not a slave of the past. The past is a good place to visit, but you wouldn't want to live there. Take your eyes off what you lost. Waste not fresh tears over old griefs. One of the most tragic things about human nature is that all of us tend to put off living. We are all dreaming of some magical rose garden over the horizon - instead of enjoying the roses that are blooming outside our windows today. You need neither future nor past, but to learn to take - today - not too fast. Nothing ever gets anywhere. The earth keeps turning round and gets nowhere. The moment is the only thing that counts. Realize that the past and future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is. But we crucify ourselves between two thieves regret for yesterday, and fear of tomorrow. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. And today? Today is a gift. And thus we call it Present. -And what do I do with this gift, my Lord? -Live it, my Fearless. Live the present. Here and now. And know that the present does not come from the past. The present determines the past, like a moving ship sends off waves behind it. Create the world today. If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don't wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. And thats the best thing about the future, my boy, it always comes one day at a time. In today already walks tomorrow. The past and the future are always beginning... now!



5. Museum of the Dead

-We have arrived, my Boyan. said the Guru, telepathically. The Museum of the Dead. This is the graveyard where all our great predecessors have been buried. This place is like a Mecca for the Hallucinati. We all come here three times during our life. It is our pilgrimage. The first time is when we are brought here by our Guru, and the second time is when we bring our student to the same place. -And the third time, my Lord? -Where are we, what did I say? -At the Hallucinati graveyard, my Lord. -So when do you think is the third time we come? One day, your body too will decay in this very ground. But dont worry, my ashes will already be here. Thats the third time, my boy. Hallucinati come here to die. -And where are the graves? If there are no graves, where are the bones, my Lord? -Would you like to see bones, my Boyan? I can visualize them into existence any time. But the physical remains are not the point. The ideas are the point. Here lay the authors of some of the greatest ideas of all times. Who cares about graves, rocks or ashes? Its the thoughts, my boy, that create everything. Ideas stand. Remember, great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about other people. Our bodies are merely vehicles in which our consciousness journeys. At some point the engines go silent. But the journey remains. Our experiences are shared with all Humanity, through the collective consciousness. -And who is buried here, my Lord? What are their names? -Hallucinati are buried here. All of them. Thousands. Their names are not important. What are names? Names are masks, personalities, deception and ego. Not important. What is of utmost importance, though, is their energy. Bits of their energy, left behind, accumulated in this place. Cant you feel the presence of energy, my boy? Close your eyes. Open your doors. The boy did as was suggested. The flow of energy slapped him in the face. The Guru smiled. -Be here now. Don't anticipate; don't yearn for things of the past. Let the past go with forgiveness, and let the future go with no anticipation. Guru was not moving his lips. -Each of us contains a being that doesn't die, and a being that does die. Everything must change, except the soul. Your preparation for dying is done by identifying with your soul, not your ego. Identify with your soul, now. We're all just walking each other home. Suffering is part of our training program for becoming wise. We're fascinated by the words, but where we meet is in the silence behind them. Only that in you which is me can hear what I'm saying.


-Who said that, my Lord? -Im not going to tell you their names, my Boyan, not here. As I said, only their words remain. And their words belong to all of us. Once something is said, it belongs to entire Mankind. Our thoughts are like our public property. They came out of the human race, and they belong to all Humanity. Dont worry, they wouldnt mind. They are thrilled to have left a trail for us. Dont mind their names. Remember their ideas. The author of these words has not died. Your words and energy may be here long before youre dead. And they will stay here long after you die. The boys eyes closed again... -The world is like a ride in an amusement park. It goes up and down, and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly colored, and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time, and they begin to question: Is this real, or is this just a ride? And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey - don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because, this is just a ride..." But we always kill those good guys who try and tell us that, you ever notice that? And let the demons run amok. Jesus - murdered; Martin Luther King - murdered; Malcolm X - murdered; Gandhi - murdered; John Lennon - murdered; Reagan... wounded. But it doesn't matter, because: It's just a ride. And we can change it anytime we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money. A choice, right now, between - fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your doors, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love, instead, see all of us as one. Here's what we can do to change the world, right now, to a better ride. Take all that money that we spend on weapons and defenses each year and instead spend it feeding and clothing and educating the poor of the world, which it would pay for many times over, not one human being excluded, and we could explore space, together, both inner and outer, forever, in peace. -Wow... Bill Hicks, American comedian, died in 1994 of brain cancer at age 33, my Lord. -Really? Have your eyes wide shut! And dont say their ego names in this place! The boy had his eyes wide shut. The Guru pulled out a joint out of somewhere. The joint looked like it was made by God, rolled by Jesus, and moistened with Claudia Schiffer's pussy. -I'm a modern man, a man for the millennium, digital and smoke-free. A diversified multicultural postmodern deconstructionist. Politically, anatomically, and ecologically incorrect. I've been uplinked and downloaded, I've been inputted and outsourced, I know the upside of downsizing, I know the downside of upgrading. I'm a high-tech lowlife. A cuttingedge, state-of-the-art, bicoastal multitasker and I can give you a gigabyte in a nanosecond. I'm new wave, but I'm old school, and my inner child is outward bound. I'm a hot-wired, heatseeking, warm-hearted cool customer, voice-activated and biodegradable. I interface with my database, and my database is in cyberspace, so I'm interactive, I'm hyperactive, and


from time to time I'm radioactive. Behind the eight ball, ahead of the curve, riding the wave, dodging a bullet, pushing the envelope. I'm on point, on task, on message, and off drugs. I got no need for coke and speed, I got no urge to binge and purge. I'm in the moment, on the edge, over the top, but under the radar. A high-concept, low-profile, medium-range ballistic missionary. A street-wise smart bomb, a top-gun bottom feeder. I wear power ties, I tell power lies, I take power naps, I run victory laps. I'm a totally ongoing bigfoot slam dunk rainmaker with a proactive outreach. A raging workaholic; a working rageaholic. Out of rehab, and in denial. I've got a personal trainer, a personal shopper, a personal assistant, and a personal agenda. You can't shut me up, you can't dumb me down. 'Cause I'm tireless, and I'm wireless, I'm an alpha male on beta blockers. I'm a non-believer and an over-achiever, laid-back but fashion forward. Up front, down home, low-rent, high-maintenance. Super-size, long-lasting, high-definition, fast-acting, oven-ready, and built to last. I'm a hands-on, footloose, knee-jerk, headcase. Prematurely post-traumatic, and I have a love child who sends me hate mail. But I'm feeling, I'm caring, I'm healing, I'm sharing, a supportive bonding nurturing primary caregiver. My output is down, but my income is up. I take a short position on the long bond, and my revenue stream has its own cash flow. I read junk mail, I eat junk food, I buy junk bonds, I watch trash sports. I'm gender-specific, capital-intensive, user-friendly, and lactose-intolerant. I like rough sex, I like rough sex, I like tough love, I use the F-word in my EMail, and the software on my hard drive is hardcore, no soft porn. I bought a microwave at a mini mall; I bought a mini van in a mega store. I eat fast food in the slow lane. I'm toll-free, bite-sized, ready-to-wear, and I come in all sizes. A fully-equipped, factory-authorized, hospital-tested, clinically-proven, scientifically formulated medical miracle. I've been prewashed, pre-cooked, pre-heated, pre-screened, pre-approved, pre-packaged, post-dated, freeze-dried, double-wrapped, vacuum-packed, and I have an unlimited broadband capacity. I'm a rude dude, but I'm the real deal, lean and mean. Cocked, locked and ready to rock. Rough tough and hard to bluff. I take it slow, I go with the flow, I ride with the tide, I got glide in my stride. Drivin' and movin', sailin' and spinnin', jivin' and groovin', wailin' and whinin.' I don't snooze, so I don't lose. I keep the pedal to the metal and the rubber on the road. I party hearty, and lunch time is crunch time. I'm hanging in, there ain't no doubt. And I'm hanging tough... Over and out. -Who could have learned that one by heart, my Lord? -Geniuses, my boy. A pure genius. -Hit me again... said the boy and closed his eyes. -Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue with that. I'm right and I will be proved right. The Beatles are more popular than Jesus now. I don't know which will go first rock and roll or Christianity... I believe in God, but not as one thing, not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us. I believe that what Jesus and Mohammed and Buddha and all the rest said - was right. It's just that the translations have gone wrong.


The Guru passed the joint to the boy. The boys eyes were closed. He took the joint... -Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness... This is what we should be looking for. And every one of us, when we go into the psychedelic state, this is what we should be looking for. Its not for your elucidation. Its not part of your self-directed psychotherapy. You are an explorer. And you represent our species. And the greatest good you can do, is to bring back a new idea. Because our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas. And so, to whatever degree, anyone of us can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of the new paradigm. Then we participate in the redemption of the new spirit, about and for all. And thats what its really all about. -The one and only, my Lord. I will not say his name. -Dont say his name. Do close your eyes. -They havent even opened, my Lord. -The Bible tells us to be like God, and then on page after page it describes God as a mass murderer. This may be the single most important key to the political behavior of Western Civilization. Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence. It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative, without changing a single idea. There are periods of history when the visions of madmen and dope fiends are a better guide to reality than the common-sense interpretation of data available to the so-called normal mind. This is one such period, if you haven't noticed already. The magic cigarette exchanged fingers owners. A moment of timelessness... -Let us not wallow in the valley of despair, I say to you today, my friends. And so even though we face the difficulties of today and tomorrow, I still have a dream. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi, a state sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression, will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today! With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith, we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith, we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state


and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual... Free at last! Free at last! The words echoed. The joint moved. The eyes closed. Free at last... -Do what thou wilt, shall be the whole of the law. The essence of independence has been to think and act according to standards from within, not without. Inevitably anyone with an independent mind must become "one who resists or opposes authority or established conventions". A rebel. If enough people come to agree with, and follow, the Rebel, we now have a Devil. Until, of course, still more people agree. And then, finally, we have - Greatness. Niagaras of energy were pouring into the two men... -Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship. Bigamy is having one wife too many. Monogamy is the same. Children begin by loving their parents; after a time they judge them; rarely, if ever, do they forgive them. Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to. From outside, it looked as if the boy was asleep. What an illusion. The monologues kept bombarding him from all sides... -Ego is a social institution with no physical reality. The ego is simply your symbol of yourself. Just as the word "water" is a noise that symbolizes a certain liquid without being it, so too the idea of ego symbolizes the role you play, who you are, but it is not the same as your living organism. Nowadays, of course, progressive theologians are all for sex; they say it's a good thing, the biblical position was not that sex was evil, but that it was good, and that it's alright. But now, look here, what is the real point here? The proof of the pudding is in the eating. What can you get kicked out of the church for? Any church - Presbyterian, Roman Catholic, Episcopalian, Orthodox, Baptist, and the synagogue too. What's the real thing for which people get kicked out, excommunicated? For envy, hatred, malice, and all uncharitableness? For pride, vainglory, and hardness of heart? Owning shares in munitions factories? Profiting off slums? No, sir. You can be a bishop and live in all those sins openly. But if you go to bed with the wrong person, you're out. So one has to conclude that, for all practical purposes, the church is a sexual regulation society; and it really isn't interested in anything else. Christianity is more preoccupied with sex than even Priapism or Tantric Yoga are. Because that's the thing that counts, that's the sin, the really important sin. The museum of the dead. The Hallucinati have spoken... -I'm sorry, but I don't want to be an Emperor, that's not my business. I don't want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone if possible, Jew, gentile, black man, white. We all want to help one another, human beings are like that. We all want to live by each other's


happiness, not by each other's misery. We don't want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone and the earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful. But we have lost the way. Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate. It has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical, our cleverness hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost. The aeroplane and the internet have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men, cries out for universal brotherhood, for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world, millions of despairing men, women and little children, victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me I say "Do not despair". The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed, the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass and dictators die and the power they took from the people, will return to the people, and so long as men die, liberty will never perish. Soldiers, don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you and enslave you, who regiment your lives, tell you what to do, what to think and what to feel, who drill you, diet you, treat you as cattle, as cannon fodder. Don't give yourselves to these unnatural men, machine men, with machine minds and machine hearts. You are not machines. You are not cattle. You are men. You have the love of humanity in your hearts. You don't hate, only the unloved hate. Only the unloved and the unnatural. Soldiers, don't fight for slavery, fight for liberty. In the seventeenth chapter of Saint Luke it is written: "The kingdom of God is within man". Not one man, nor a group of men, but in all men. In you, the people. You the people have the power, the power to create machines, the power to create happiness. You the people have the power to make life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure. Then in the name of democracy, let's use that power, let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world, a decent world that will give men a chance to work, that will give you the future and old age and security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power, but they lie. They do not fulfil their promise, they never will. Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people. Now let us fight to fulfil that promise. Let us fight to free the world, to do away with national barriers, do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness. Soldiers, in the name of Infinite Freedom, let us all unite!



6. OM
-We have arrived, my Alan. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the moment we have been waiting for. Today you will learn who you really are. More precisely, you will remember who you are. Then the Guru started a sound... a low frequency, high vibration sound, out of his mouth... OOOOOOOMMMMMMM... the sound was vibrating in space and time. -Listen... Listen down. Down in that sound... What is it? A current of air? Vibrating vocal cords? Your own ear drums? Something running in your head? Its all of these. But goes so deep. This sound is You vibrating. And who are you? -I am Alan, my Lord. -Don't give me your name, address and occupation. You know that's just a mask. A front, a big act. Who puts it on? Who puts it on? Your body? Huh! What an act that is! And who puts that on? Your father and mother? Did they put you on? Come off it. You know very well who You are, but you won't admit it. Deep in there in the middle, middle of your heart, You know it. You've always been around and always will be. And the You in you, is the same as the You in me. You're not some sort of tourist just visiting in this world for a short time. You belong here, like the apple on the tree. And as the apple is the energy of the tree, you, yes You, are the energy of the world. -Am I, my Lord? -You don't know who You are, do you? You can't really get at yourself, just as the fingertip can't touch itself and the teeth can't bite themselves. And that's because You, the far in you, is what we call Brahman, the Self of the Universe. The Heart and Foundation of all that's going on. -And who are you, my Lord? -When you will become nothing, you shall see everything, you shall feel everything, you shall know everything, and you shall command everything. The greatest power in a person is when he has realized that he is god, and then he acts like a god. You can never go wrong if you sing the holiest of songs, God and me, me and God are One. God is nothing but your own inner consciousness. Now I will agree with you that you cannot always feel this God, but that is because you think that you are separate from God. We call it Maya. Maya is the illusion of separateness. It is the quicksand of this life. Sometimes we sink into this quicksand and then we need a hook. We need some guidance to help us pull ourselves out so that we can continue our journey. The hook that we use to do this is called the Guru. Thats me.



The boy was blending with each coming word... -You think you're going to die someday. Yes. That's because every now and then you have to go off, so that you can know you're on. You can't have an up without a down, or a back without a front, or a light day without a dark night. The whole thing is pulse. So what are you doing, Brahman? You're playing on and off with yourself, hide and seek with yourself. You're just passing eternal time with adventure. You forget who you are really. Every now and then You make like you're just a John Doe or a Mary Smith, or a butterfly, or a worm, or a star, and that you're lost in the middle of a big, big, outside world that isn't you, that you don't understand and that you don't control. Of course! There has to be something else... something other... to bring out the feeling that You are you. -And how do I feel that, my Lord? How do I feel that I am myself? -In order for You to feel really you, that outside world has to feel really strange, different, weird. You old trickster... deep down in, You know the whole bit. And therefore, what You want is a surprise. So you have to let things get out of control. You have to feel lost and lonely, to know You is you. You play the thing out by inventing lusts and loves, fears and terrors, gnawing anxieties and screaming meemees. Also, you can imagine, "It's not really me... it's IT that runs the show. But our secret is, as we say... Tatvamasi... You Are IT. You are running the show, by not letting your right hand know what your left is doing. By making life as a whopping great split between what You do and what happens to You. And this is what we call Maya, the great illusion... and Lila, the play, the big act. The two mens views were headed forward, onto the horizon. They did not have to look at each other. They were looking in the same direction. -And You don't just play your game with such simple elements as on and off, black and white, or life and death. To seem as real as real can be, this world that You are playing must be so complicated that you can't figure IT out... especially if you are using figures to figure IT. So between black and white, there is a whole range of colors, between thunder and silence, a whole scale of tones, and between something and nothing, between a smashing fist on the face, and trying to touch air, there are all the textures of feeling... burning, throbbing, pushing, hugging, fondling, tickling, kissing, brushing, and light wind on the skin. Your world is all these elements. Of light and sound, of tastes, smell and touch, woven together in many dimensions on the fabulous loom of your brain. Your brain. The most complicated thing in the world, which you, Yourself, grew... without even thinking about it. -When was I born, my Lord? How did I come into this world? -You did not come INTO this world, my Alan, you came FROM this world. There is a difference, a fundamental mistake of perception that has cost our civilisation greatly. You have always been around. For You, I, the Self, is simply what there is, and all that there is. All of us are rays from One center, teats on One sow, sounds on One flute, forever and ever. But


it doesn't get monotonous, boring, because we keep forgetting IT. We keep the on's on, by putting off's between them. -How big is IT, my Lord? How long is on, and how long off? -Don't take these figures literally, my Alan, for their purpose is just to give an idea of vastness. We say that man, human life, is a dance that lasts for 4,320,000 years. And, of course, there are all sorts of other dances going on at the same time, with their own rhythms. Star dances, rock dances, fish dances, insect dances, plant dances... and strange animal scenes, like crocodile dances, elephant dances. The human dance runs for 4,320,000 years, a span of time that we call - Kalpa. Before it begins and after it ends, there is always another Kalpa, or off period of rest during which the Self is simply the Self and does not pretend to be this me or that you. We call this rest period Pralaya. Peace, uninvolvement, pure bliss. The boy could physically feel the flow of energy into his body and mind... -When 4,320,000 years of rest draw to a close, the Lila dance begins again. Though it always seems like the first time. Every day is today. And then through many centuries, through many pulses of waking and sleeping, life and death, you stretch your world out through a span of time that varies in mood like the rainbow... running from purple to red, from royal delight to destruction and fire. For as there is no purple without red, there is no pleasure without pain. A sense of timelessness. A moment of Eternity. Now... -There are thus four great divisions of the Kalpa. We call each one a Yuga, and name them after the four throws in the Hindu game of dice... Krita, the perfect throw of four... Treta, the slightly imperfect throw of three... Dvapara, the throw of two... and Kali, the worst throw of one. And so the first period, the Krita Yuga, runs for 1,728,000 years, during which the whole world is as perfect as a fresh flower and as unblemished as the skin of a young girl... The second period, the Treta Yuga, is a little shorter. It runs for 1,296,000 years, during which a small element of evil and decay comes into life and the tips of the petals are very slightly browned... The third period is the Dvapara Yuga, running for 864,000 years. The syllable Dva in Dvapara means two, double or dual, so that in this age, the powers of good and evil are equally balanced... The fourth period is Kali Yuga, running for only 432,000 years, in which the power of evil and destruction takes over. At the end, your eternal Self takes the form of Shiva, the Lord of renewal through death. Blue bodied and ten armed with a necklace of skulls. BUT with one hand in the gesture called "fear not" as a reminder that - all this - is an illusion and play. And then Shiva dances the Tandala dance, the dance of fire in which the material world is destroyed and the Self returns to the state of Pralaya... of peace, uninvolvement, and pure bliss. -And for how long does this go on, my Lord?


-All this goes on forever, my Alan. Through Kalpa after Kalpa after Kalpa... And not only in this visible world that we call the universe, for this universe that we know, is only a speck of dust in another universe. And all the specks of dust in this universe that we know, contain minute universes without measure. Boundless inward in the atom, boundless outward in the whole. However vast, however incomprehensible, however terrifying this entire display may seem to be... all of it is at root, your own inmost Self. The Self which you cannot touch, or see, or pin down or control... because its too close, too new, right in the middle of everything. Because its You. OOOOOOOMMMMMM...



7. Matrix vs Infinite Oneness

-We have arrived, my Icke. said the Guru, telepathically. As the consciousness level of our planet raises itself, those of you light workers who are working to raise your consciousness, you will be able to hold more and more refined vibrations, and so we will be able to use you as a catalyst to be able to feed in more and more energies... Thats why I brought you here, my boy. This is the land of the green. The ayahuasca land. -What is ayahuasca, my Lord? -Ayahuasca is a plant which has been used by South American shamans for thousands of years to take people into other states of consciousness, beyond the five sense realm. Ayahuasca is known as the "teacher plant" because it allows people to experience these unseen realms where so much can be learned about self, life and reality. It is also dubbed the "plant of the gods", no doubt because it can allow you to see those dimensions where the "gods" of myth reside. Ayahuasca contains many powerful hallucinogenic properties including Dimethyltryptamine or DMT, a naturally occurring component of the metabolism of mammals and plants. DMT is known as the "spirit molecule". We secrete DMT during our sleep, and more than ever in the moment of death. -Tell me about the ayahuasca land, my Lord? -Let me tell of the first time I got here... Before I even realized Ive arrived, out of my mouth came a female voice. In a very different voice to mine, came the words, slowly and powerfully, "The only thing you really need to know... is Infinite Love is the only Truth, everything else is illusion". I looked down at my arm and I realized I could no longer define the boundaries of my body, I cannot define where I begin and where I end. The atoms and molecules of my arm blended with the atoms and molecules of the background. My left brain was shot down, it wasnt decoding reality the way it normally does, and other levels of reality were able be perceived, bacause the decoding process was not affecting them. My left hemisphere went totally silent, like somebody pressed a mute button. At first I was shocked, but then I was immediately captivated by the magnificence of the energy around me. And bacause I could no longer define the boundaries of my body, I felt enormous and expansive. I felt one with all the energy there was, and it was beautiful there... The Guru stopped for a moment, as if taken by the memory of the experience... -Imagine what it would be like, to be totally disconnected from your brain chatter that connects you with the external world. So here I am, in this space, and any stress that is related to me, to my job, it was gone. And I felt lighter in my body. A sense of peacefulness... See, all this stuff, all this stress that causes such grief, and stops us from finding joy its all body computer stuff, not consciousness. Then, suddenly, I began to repeat "I am everything, and everything is me, I am infinite possibility." With that I felt a fantastic energy pour from my heart chakra, it was shining outwards. In the ayahuasca land, I was told that all that exists


is one infinite consciousness, which was referred to as "The Infinite", "Oneness" and the "One". In our manipulated, illusory, reality we had become detached from the One, and therefore we viewed everything in terms of division and duality, instead of seeing that all is connected. All is the same Infinite Oneness. This illusory sense of disconnection is the mind prison we call the Matrix. The Guru looked for a spark in the boys eyes. He found it... -The voice in the first ayahuasca session said that the five sense "world" that we daily experience is a "time loop" that goes around and around, basically repeating the same sequence in theme, if not detail. What we call the "future" eventually becomes the "Past" and spins around to repeat the "present" over and over. The same experiences keep repeating. The Matrix is a vortex, like a whirlpool in a river, with the time-loop our five sense reality in the densest part of the spiral. Think of the Matrix as a whirlpool and the Infinite Oneness as the river. The Matrix is still the "river", the Infinite One, but, like a whirlpool or eddy, it is operating in its own little world, to its own agenda. What has happened, I was told in the ayahuasca land, is that the Matrix has forgotten it is the Infinite, the whirlpool has forgotten it is the river. Vortices can be remarkably stable if the circumstances don't change too drastically. Observe a whirlpool in a river and so long as the flow of water continues in a certain direction and speed, the vortex will hold indefinitely. In the same way, the Matrix or the time-loop is going around and around in a perpetuating spiral or cycle that has become a prison for the consciousness, trapped by its seductions and illusions. The imprisoned consciousness, too, has forgotten it is Infinite Oneness. The Guru paused for a moment, to let the words be digested. He knew this was one of the most important lessons the boy will ever have. Regardless of whether he will be able to grasp it instantly, he had to learn the truth. The complicated truth of eternal self-deception. -The "non physical" dimensions of the Matrix are levels to which most "human" consciousness returns after a "life" in the five sense realm, at the moment we call "death". It is then free of the physical body, but it is still caught in the Matrix. The very fact that we believe in time is confirmation of the illusion that we take to be "real". Time does not exist, except in our minds. What we call "time" is the illusion of passing through something. But if we are already everything, how can we pass or travel through ourselves? So how can there be "time"? If we symbolise the human body as the Infinite, how can your body travel through your body? When everything is One, there can be no "time", only all things existing and expressing in the infinite NOW. "Past" and "future" are illusions designed to entrap us in disconnection. They are different realities happening at the same moment, in the same infinite NOW. The boy was sorry he did not bring a taperecorder... -You dont need a taperecorder, my Icke, you are in the ayahuasca land. You will be told everything you need to know. Just like I was told. Subconscious mind had become


imprisoned by fear, and this had caused the illusion of disconnection from the Infinite or Infinite Love, the only "is" that we all are. This had reached such proportions that these lower levels of subconscious mind had developed a deep and deepening fear of the unknown, that lay beyond its "disconnected" awareness. It had forgotten that it is Infinite Love and that what lay outside of its apparent boundaries was also Infinite Love. To ease its fear of the unknown, subconscious mind had created a collective thought projection, a sort of three D "movie" that we refer to as the Matrix. The Matrix is a self contained system that has lost contact with the Infinite that exists beyond its illusory reality. In fact, it is the Infinite. Everything it is and can only be. But it has simply forgotten. The key level of the Matrix is the repeating time-loop that we know as the five sense world. This is the "power station" that feeds the whole system. The loop was created to provide familiarity that eased the fear of the unknown, and was a very much more pleasant experience at first, than it is in our reality. When people are in fear, they find comfort in the familiar and predictable, and this had happened on a collective level of subconscious mind. It was a way for consciousness to whistle in the dark, giving itself comfort in the familiar. What is humanity's biggest fear in our daily experience? Fear of the unknown. Subconscious mind created a dream world that was to become a nightmare. -And how do our dreams differ from this reality, my Lord? -The only difference between the dreams we have in sleep and the dream we're having now is we take this dream to be real. And illusions can only control us when we think they are real. When we know they're illusions, they lose their control over us. And so we're living in a world in which we're in a dream world that we think is real. Humans detest uncertainty. Uncertainties produce anxieties. To reduce anxiety, if no factual structure is readily available, humans will simply invent one or accept a ready to wear media reality structure. These perceptions, of course, are fictional constructs. This emotional state had led collectively to the creation of the illusion, the Matrix that humans believe to be real. -Dont you think it is time for a joint, my Lord? The Guru ignored the student. Although the time for a joint has long passed. -At this point the Matrix and its five sense time-loop were still only a collective mind projection of the type now being identified by the more enlightened expressions of science. This projection was dependent for its survival on subconscious mind continuing to hold that reality, much like a movie projector beaming on a screen. Once the projector is turned off, in this case the sense of reality changes, the movie disappears, too, and another is created to reflect the new sense of what is real. However, the thought projection itself took on a "life" of its own when it gained access to an energy source independent of that which was projecting it. This energy source was FEAR. The Matrix, the projected reality of subconscious mind, absorbed the energy of fear generated particularly within the "five sense" time-loop and took on a life and agenda of its own. That agenda was to generate as much fear as


possible to empower itself even further. The Matrix became a Frankenstein. Subconscious mind created the Matrix as a predictable, familiar world, but it had lost control. Both subconscious and conscious "five sense" mind were subject to the manipulation of this now self aware entity that the Matrix had become. Humanity is controlled by deception. -I would say humanity is controlled by self-deception. said young Icke. -Exactly, my boy. The subconscious had created the prison from its disconnected state of self deception and now it and the conscious mind were sitting in a cell of their own making, with the "cell" dictating events. The reason why the Matrix projection needs the energy of fear to empower itself is because it is fear, self aware fear. It had been created originally by the fear of subconscious mind, and, as projected fear, this is the only energy source the Matrix entity could access and absorb. The more fear its manipulations generate through wars, conflict, stress, guilt and aggression, the greater its power to increase this cycle of fear production. Now is as good time as ever. For a joint. A shiny blue magic cigarette came out of nowhere. A single match did the rest... -The ultimate manipulator of the Matrix and its five sense time-loop is the very fabric of the Matrix itself and its power source is the consciousness trapped within its vibrational walls. The Matrix is a self ware entity that is knowingly manipulating to ensure its own survival by generating the events necessary to produce the fear that empowers it. Humans are indeed "batteries" or power stations for the Matrix and we are providing the power to maintain our own prison. In a Hologram. Holograms are projections of energy or "light" that appear to the observer to be a three dimensional form, but in fact they are a series of codes and wave patterns that only take on the illusion of 3D when a laser is shone upon them. Or in the case of the holographic projections in the Matrix, when they are observed into illusory reality by the human mind. The blue shiny cigarette exchanged hands... -The whole of five sense reality is a holographic illusion that only exists in a "solid" form because the human mind, our brain, makes it appear that way. The "3D" world of landscape, seas, buildings and human bodies, only exists in that form when we look at it. Otherwise it is a mass of vibrational fields and codes. In the movies, the Matrix is depicted from the outside as a series of green numbers and codes, while inside it is experienced as the sort of world we think we live in, with mountains, streets, cars, people and so on. That is a good analogy. When the dark forces absorb human fear they are absorbing it for the Matrix itself, because they are projections of the Matrix. But they are not aware of this. Indeed, all "demonic entities", and the Illuminati hierarchy are not aware of who their ultimate master really is, but it is the Matrix itself. The manipulators are also being manipulated. The "sentient programs" do not have human emotions, because they are just that, "sentient programs", and are not conscious in the way humans are conscious. If you programmed a computer to kill children, would that computer have any emotional problems with that?


-No, it would just follow the programming because computers do not have emotion. replied the boy. - They do what they are programmed to do. -Correct, my Icke. It is the same with the Illuminati and the dark forces, which are in effect like highly sophisticated computer software. They are like digital people implanted in the movies alongside human actors. They appear to be the same, but they are not. They are more reptilian than human. Unemotional computers can process information faster and more efficiently than human conscious minds in a disconnected state, and, in the same way, the sentient program projections of the Matrix have been able to out fox and out think humans. But this can only continue until humanity remembers who it really is and where it really comes from, and reconnects with its true and infinite self. Then the projected holographic manipulators will have intelligence akin to counting beads compared with human potential, and that moment is fast approaching. This is what happened symbolically to the Neo character in the first Matrix movie when he awakened to the illusion of life and death and the dream world he had been living in. Once he reached that point of reconnected awareness, the agents, the sentient programs, all powerful until then, were suddenly no problem to overcome. The Guru took a heroic inhale. His eyes sparkled... -Love does not abandon. There are no chosen ones whom "God" had selected. There is no God as humans perceive it, only the infinity or Oneness of existence. All would be gathered in, and no sheep would be left in the field alone. The Infinite is the balance of all things, while the Matrix is calculated and manipulated imbalance, in which Oneness had been divided into polarities and dualities of "light" and "dark", "good" and "bad", male and female. These polarised states of duality not only offer the massive potential for fear and conflict, they also ensure that such imbalance and division would disconnect mind from a sense of balance and Oneness, the Infinite. Without such division and polarised reality, there could be no Matrix. The process of removing the Matrix control is well advanced. Expressions of the Infinite had entered the Matrix and especially its densest level, the timeloop, to anchor the energy that would break up the fear vibration that held it together. These expressions of the Infinite taking human form have not been aware of their role for most of their physical lives and many are still not. This is because they have to experience the emotional and mental states that held humanity in disconnected servitude and in doing so attune themselves to the low vibrational frequencies of these states of being. -Are we those people, my Lord? Are we the Expessions of the Infinite? -I feel you are sensing now the energies coming in, the energies surrounding your planet. This is causing many of you to ask questions. It is causing many of you to re-evaluate completely your way of life, where you feel you wish to go, what you want to do. It is causing tremendous upheavals. Some of these upheavals are very confusing, very distressing, very disturbing. Some people in partnerships are finding they can no longer continue in those


partnerships because their partners cannot tune into what they are tuning into. It is causing a great deal of disturbance... -Am I an Expression of the Infinite, my Lord? -As the consciousness level of your planet raises itself, those of you light workers who are working to raise your consciousness, you will be able to hold more and more refined vibrations, and so we will be able to use you as a catalyst to be able to feed in more and more energies. The more the Infinite expresses itself in the Matrix through its incarnate aspects, the more people would begin to feel its manifestation and be transformed by its harmony and balance to awaken and remember who and what they really are. The veil of ignorance would lift from their vibrational "eyes" and they would remember they were all that exists - the One. Yes, my Icke. You are an agent of the Infinite. You are Hallucinati. -And what am I supposed to do, my Lord? -Nothing, just... be. Words are only necessary to keep the five sense "mind" occupied while the energy infusions do their work. I was shown a scene of myself standing on a stage in a theatre. I was saying nothing and the audience were looking at each other in bewilderment. You only speak words because if you did not, the audience would be sitting there asking "when is he going to start?" not knowing that you already had! Unseen energy is the real transformer, not human language. That is only to keep the five sense mind happy. More and more people are waking up and this is why a vibrational change is unfolding ever more quickly. The reason there is such an effort underway to imprison humanity even further in the fast emerging global fascist state or the New World Order, is a desperate attempt to hold the game together and stop the awakening of people, especially through the microchips that are designed to artificially suppress the quickening vibrations of awakening humanity. What the manipulators do not realise is what they are dealing with. They are ignorant of the true background to the "game" in which they, too, are pawns. This transformation is not a maybe, it is not something that might happen or we hope will happen if things go according to "plan". It is happening now and the power and speed of the change will become ever more profound and obvious. What you are seeing is the last desperate attempt of the "Matrix" to stop the inevitable. The transformation from prison to paradise is a done deal. Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion. -Do you really mean everything, my Lord? -Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion. No buts. No exceptions. Thats it. -Oh, come on, Love? Love is such a cliche word, my Lord. -Word "love" has connotations in which it is often perceived as weak or naive. I hear people say, "You need more than love, mate." But let me define what is meant by love in the



context of Infinite Love. It is the balance of all. Infinite Oneness is the only truth, everything else is illusion, would be another way of saying it. -Infinite Oneness is the only truth, everything else is illusion... repeated the boy. Thats more like it! -Therefore, Infinite "Love" is also Infinite Intelligence, Infinite Knowledge, Infinite Everything. Humanity had been manipulated to identify itself with illusory "personalities" and not as the Infinite that we are. This had trapped people in the illusions of a disconnected state. Frustration, anger, fear, guilt and pain are only illusions, figments of a disconnected mind. They don't exist except in your imagination. Do you think the Infinite you are now experiencing needs to throw up? No. Do you think the Infinite ever gets ill? No. Of course not, these states are only illusions of the conditioned mind. If you feel pain, you must be identifying with your body. It's an illusion, Icke, your body is an Illusion, and so must be the pain you think you are feeling in your body. If your body does not exist, how can pain? These are illusions and they only exist in the minds of those caught in the Matrix. -And what if the pain is persistent, my Lord? -Then it is still an illusion, albeit a persistent one, as Albert Einstein said. And what is persistent? What is time? The illusion of time is necessary to maintain imprisoned consciousness in a disconnected state. While people relate to the movement of time, they can not relate to the Infinite One that is "no time". The Matrix entity, "self aware fear", had created an illusion of time to trap its prey, its prisoners, in a state of disconnection in which they would forget who they were. -Does the Infinite Oneness get old, my Lord? Why do we age? -Human minds are programmed to believe that their bodies age and so they do, and this strengthens the illusion more than anything of passing from past to future. Nothing aged in truth because there was no time, no past and no future. Only illusion draws a pension. DNA also carries the programming of aging that the mind accepts as its reality, but DNA is also an illusion. Do you think the Infinite has DNA or worries about its cancer gene? Illusion! -Is Moon an illusion, my Lord? Night and day? -Ah the Moon, the Moon, how the poets wax lyrical about the Moon, the Moon. Illuuusion! The Moon is a holographic projection to give the illusion of the movement from past to future, the passage of time. That is what it is there for, to capture the mind in the time illusion. Do you think the Infinite needs the Sun to survive? Do you see a Sun in this place you are now? You are the Infinite, so why do you need the Sun to sustain you? You are the Infinite and all is the Infinite. Why do you feel heat from the rays of the Sun? Because that is what the Matrix mind and body is programmed and conditioned to feel and so it does. It is



all illusion. The Sun and Moon are projected holograms to provide the illusion of night and day, the movement of time. -Is the whole Universe an illusion, my Lord? -The Universe is a holographic illusion akin to looking up at the sky projected on the ceiling of a planetarium. The only difference is that in the universe the projections appear to be in 3D because they are holograms. The universe is a figment of our conditioned imagination, and it is only part of our reality because we believed it is. The Universe is also far smaller than people perceive. Look at the sky in a planetarium and it seems so vast, yet it only goes as high as the ceiling. -So this Earth we are standing on, it is also a pure illusion, my Lord? -Illuuusion! As with everything in the time-loop and throughout the Matrix, the Earth is a holographic projection, and so is its illusory "surface". You are standing on the Earth now, only because you think you are. If you are new to all this and think how unbelievable and fantastic it is, you are going to be amazed how much scientific evidence is now coming to light to confirm that this is correct. Remember always, Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion. If it vibrates, it is illusion. The Infinite does not vibrate. It is the harmony and Oneness of all. Only illusion vibrates, that which is created by the imagination and delusion of mind. -Why does the Infinite One allow so much evil in the world? Why so much killing, my Lord? -The laws of nature are also illusions. Why do people have such a problem understanding why a "loving God" would create laws of nature, laws of the wild, in which everything was based on killing and survival? There appear to be such a contradiction between "Divine love" and the carnage and fear written into the very fabric of nature. But there is no contradiction, because the laws of nature are the creation of the Matrix, not the Infinite. Do you think the Infinite, where you are now, would wish to see anything suffer and live in fear - never mind create a structure in which this happens as a matter of course? -No. But in nature... -Nature is another holographic projection that is only "real" because we are conditioned to believe it is. The laws of the natural world reflect the state of being of its creator, the Matrix entity; a state of fear and desperation to survive. There are some apparently beautiful expressions of nature on planet Earth and so long as we realise they are illusions, they could be enjoyed. But we should be careful not to become mesmerised by what we see on Earth or we would become like a moth hypnotised by a light, trapped by illusions that hold us in a disconnected state. The message is enjoy what you see, but remember that what you "see" is merely what you think you see. An illusion can only control you when you think it is real. -My Lord, let us suppose for a moment that I am the Infinite Oneness...


-You are the Infinite Oneness. -Well, I need to breathe. If I dont breathe, I die. If I dont eat, I die. How does Infinite Oneness help me there, my Lord? -Our bodies are holographic illusions that do not really exist in the way that we think we see and experience them. We only have to eat and drink, because we and our bodies are programmed, through conditioning and the DNA, and believe that we - need to eat. We only have to breathe for the same reason. Yes, if we stopped breathing we would "die", but this is not because we have to die. It only happens because our conditioned minds and bodies believe that will be the outcome, and so that is what they create. Do you think the Infinite sits down to dinner? Do you think the Infinite has to breathe or it will die? So why do those in the time-loop? Because they identify who they are and their sense of possibility with being a physical "personality" subordinate to illusory "laws", and not with being what they really are - The Infinite One. -My Lord, I see you still breathe. And we had a dinner last night. I think Ill be just fine if I know Ill be the Infinite Oneness when I die. -Well, its a good start, my boy. But its not so certain. -What? How do you mean, my Lord? -The vast majority of incarnate consciousness that leaves the physical body at what we call death - does not consciously reconnect with the Infinite. Instead it moves to other non physical dimensions of the Matrix. Consciousness may withdraw from the time-loop, but it is still in the flytrap, albeit a less dense expression of it. Reincarnation is the cycle of consciousness moving in and out of the time-loop from other levels of the Matrix. -So why do we reincarnate, my Lord? -The concept of reincarnation is another creation of the Matrix entity to hold consciousness in a cycle of servitude while believing it is evolving through experience in line with the New Age belief. Do you think the Infinite has to reincarnate? Consciousness in the Matrix is also the Infinite, so why does that have to reincarnate? It doesn't, it just believes that it does. As with the saying "death is no cure for ignorance", so this is why consciousness in other levels of the Matrix is also trapped by illusions. -All illusions, my Lord? -All illusions, my Icke. Belief is the prison, and other levels of the Matrix are different levels of illusion. There are even other worlds beyond the physical, but they were still in the realms of Matrix delusion. Karma, another illusion. Why should the Infinite have to experience what it has made itself experience? Infinite Love does not judge itself or loathe itself - these are illusions of disconnection. Light and dark are illusions of the Matrix designed to cause


division, conflict and fear. The Infinite is not light any more than it is dark. It is the balance of all things. It is not "good" nor "bad", "light" nor "dark", black nor white, male nor female, it just is, the Oneness of all. Astrology, another Matrix illusion. Astrology reads the vibrational fields of the time-loop and while it could do this effectively in skilled hands, it is still a Matrix illusion that is based on division, not Oneness. What people believe is what they see and experience. In fact, we all have the power to create whatever reality we choose. We all walk in the dark, and each of us needs to turn his own light. -So what do I do with all this information, my Lord? -Free yourself from the illusions of the Matrix, identify with being the Infinite and not a fragment of mind stuffed inside a body. There is no Icke, only Infinite consciousness. If you relate to being the Infinite and not some hologram dreamed into imaginary existence, the Matrix will no longer control you. Stop asking questions and start knowing the answers. If you do not know you know, you think you do not know. People so lack confidence in themselves, that they look to others to tell them what to think, but if they could free their minds of such doubt and limitation, they would simply "know". -My Lord, I think... -Don't think, know it. Don't ask it, know it. You are the infinite consciousness that is everything. You are an expression of the seamless One and you can experience any aspect of the seamless One that you are. We have been manipulated to believe we are isolated individual droplets, when we are the ocean. We are not even part of the ocean, we are the ocean. When you place a droplet back in the water, where does the droplet end and the ocean start? There is no division, the droplet becomes the ocean. The ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, said that human beings were like people sitting in a cave always facing a wall. The universe is the shadows projected onto the wall, illusions that the people mistake for reality. The only reality or truth is the light consciousness that made the shadows possible. This entire universe of which we speak and think is nothing but Infinite consciousness. There is nothing else. The words echoed. The Infinite Oneness has spoken... -People often say that the more they know, the more they realise there is to know. But once you reach the threshold of understanding, the opposite is the case. The more you know, the less you need to know. Because it is all so simple. Infinite Love is the only truth, everything else is illusion.



8. What Really Is Important

-We have arrived, my Marcus. said the Guru, telepathically. This is one of the most important destinations you shall come upon. This is the day when you will learn what really is important. -And what is really important, my Lord? -In order to understand what IS important, you have first to understand what is NOT important. And what is not important are all our divisions... If we could shrink the earths population to a village of precisely 100 people, with all the existing human ratios remaining the same, it would look something like the following... There would be 60 Asians, 12 would be Europeans, 15 from the Western hemisphere, both north and south. There would be 13 Africans. Furthermore, 51 would be female, 49 would be male; 70 would be non-white, 30 would be white; 70 would be non-Christian, 30 would be Christian; 89 would be heterosexual, 11 would be homosexual, half of those 89 hetero would be secretly bisexual. One person would possess 90% of the entire worlds wealth, and he would be from the United States. Eighty would live in sub-standard housing. Half of them would be unable to read. Half of them would suffer from malnutrition. One would be near death, and three would be near birth. One, yes only 1, would have a college education. One would own a computer. -And all that, my Lord, is not important? -Those are our divisions, my Marcus. They are important statistics to know, but only for your personal information. Divisions are the products of the Matrix, what keeps us in constant fear and conflict. But, in essence, all those 100 people, all 7 billion of us, are in fact, one being. The Infinite Oneness. That is really important. -Are all those figures youve mentioned correct, my Lord? -Well, they are not very far from the true numbers. Some of it is questionable, some may be out of date. But not much. Around the turn of the century, in the year 2000, thats how it was. That is the picture of this five sense time-loop that we live in. That is our world. A product of the Matrix. The illusion feeding and sustaining itself on human Fear. Our mission is to change that, my boy. -So what do we do? How do we beat the Matrix, my Lord? -First, we need to understand our role. Our position in this society. For some reason, it is always among the better, the higher so to say, positions in the society. That is not a coincidence, my Marcus. You have been given a positioning from which you will be able to do something. To act accordingly. This is determinism, it has been so predetermined. You have been blessed, in order to bless others, who were not so blessed, as you could



understand from those figures. Your job is to undestand your role, and then to utilise your position, your talent, your energy. Do you understand, my boy? -I guess so... I just need to undestand everything. Piece of cake, my Lord. -Listen... If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million people that will not survive this week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pains of starvation, you are ahead of 500 million people in the world. If you attend a church meeting without fear of harassment, arrest, torture or death, you are more blessed than three billion people in the world. If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep, you are richer than 75% of this world. If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change in a dish somewhere, you are among the top eight percent of the worlds most wealthy. Do you understand that, my Marcus? You may be very well among the top 10% in material possessions. If your parents are still alive and still married, you are very rare, even in the western world. If you come upon these words, you just received a double blessing, in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all. When one considers our world from such a compressed perceptive, the need for acceptance, understanding, and education becomes blaringly apparent. And that is our mission. -And how do we go about our mission, my Lord? -You know, my boy, someone once said, What goes around comes around. I encourage you to Work, like you dont need the money. Love, like youve never been hurt. Dance, like nobodys watching. Sing, like nobodys listening. Live... like its heaven on Earth.



9. Recurring Story from the Purgatory

-You have arrived, my Guru. said the boy. - This time, you were on your way to visit your mother in your old family house when you died. It was a car accident... Direct frontal collision, nothing particularly extraordinary, but fatal, nonetheless. Your body was utterly shattered. It was a quick and painless death. And here we meet again, my Lord. -What? What happened? Where am I? -You died, matter-o-factly. This is the Purgatory, as you call it. replied the boy. -I died? No that cannot be! the Guru stuttered, as his eyes widened with shock. -Dont feel bad. Its neither first nor the last time you die, my Lord. The Guru looked around. There was nothing to witness. There were just the two men. -What is this state Im in right now? asked the rookie. Is this the afterlife? -Depends on how you look at it, my Lord. From your ego perspective, it is, for a short period of time. The newcomer looked vacantly, as if he misinterpreted the words said. Then his brows narrowed. -Who are you? And where is the God? demanded to know the Guru, like a furious fiveyear-old would demand the truth about the drunken guy in Santa Claus costume at the mall. -Well, sometimes you call me that, but I prefer the term Creator. However, you have already met me. I want you to meet you. You are my Creation. The Guru looked at the boy with a mixture of fascination, amusement and sheer awe. To him, he looked just like any other ordinary man. A regular John Doe. Possibly even a woman. -So what happens now? Where do I go from here, God? Heaven or Hell? asked the Guru. -Neither. said the boy. You will reincarnate. -Damn! So guess the Hindus were right, after all? -All religions are right in their own way, as all of them pertain the same story elements which are essential to the development of the Creation. -I see - the Guru looked intrigued. So, when I get reborn, Ill be a blank slate again, right? A tabula rasa? Everything I ever did in my life will be forgotten? -Not so. answered the boy. You have within you all the knowledge and experiences of all the previous incarnations. You just dont remember them right now. Your soul is more


brilliant, beautiful and gargantuan than you can possibly fathom. A human mind can only reproduce a tiny fraction of what you are. You put tiny bits of yourself into a vast diversity of vessels, and as you bring them back out, you harvest all the experiences they ever had. -I see And who will I be in my next life? wondered the Guru. -You will be a Roman Legionnaire, born in 198 AD, by your calendar. said the boy. -Wait, what?! the Guru stammered. You are sending me back in time? -Well, I guess, technically. answered the boy. Time, as you know it, only exists in your Universe. Things are different where we come from. -Where do Gods come from? asked the Guru, after a moment of a pure blank stare. -All I can tell you is that its somewhere. Somewhere else. Not very far away. I know youd want to know more about it, but frankly, you cannot understand it right now, my Lord. -Oh - the Guru seemed a little let down. But wait, if I get reincarnated to other places in time, could I have interacted with myself at some point? -Sure. smiled the boy. Happens all the time. With both incarnations aware only of their own lifespan, you dont even know that its happening. -Is there a point in all of this? the Guru looked dazzled. -Seriously? asked the boy. Seriously? Youre asking me for the meaning of life? Isnt that a little clich? -It is a realistic question though. persisted the Guru. -The meaning of life, or in the biggest picture possible, the reason I made this whole Universe, is for you to mature. The boy looked the Guru straight in the eyes. -You mean Mankind? asked the rookie. You want us to mature? -No. Just you. replied the boy. I made this whole Universe just for you. With each new life you grow and mature and become a larger and greater intellect. -Just me? the newcomer was skeptical. What about everyone else? -There is no one else. said the boy. There is no spoon. In this Universe, there is just you and me. Creator and his Creation. -But all the people on Earth... the Guru looked around as if looking for answers in the Void. -They are all you. the boy giggled. Different incarnations of you. -Im everyone?! Im every human being who ever lived?! asked the Guru, in shock.


-And who will ever live, yes. Youve thought me that, when I was alive. smiled the boy. -Im John F. Kennedy? the Guru. -And Lee Harvey Oswald, too. the boy. - Im both Hitler and Stalin? -And the millions they had killed. The Guru fell completely silent... -Every time you have victimized someone... said the boy. You were mistreating yourself. Every act of kindness youve ever done, you did it to yourself. Every happy and sad moment ever experienced by each and every human being, was, or will be, experienced by you. -Why? Why do all this? asked the Guru. -Because someday you will become just like me. Thats what you are. Youre one of my kind. Youre my child. -You mean Im a God? -No. Not yet. Youre an embryo. Youre still growing. Only once you have lived every human life throughout all the time, will you be grown enough to be born. -So the whole Universe its just... -A womb. concluded the boy. Now its time for you to move on to your next life. And the boy sent the Guru on the ride again.



10. Electromagnetic Field

-We have arrived, my Braden. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the magnetic field I have been telling you about. The field that connects all life, the bridge between us all. -And how is this field important, my Lord? -Historically we have been thought that were insignificant specks of life passing through a brief moment in time, limited by the laws of space, atoms, and DNA. This view suggests that well have little effect upon anything during our time in this world, and that when were gone, the Universe will never even notice our absence. Its precisely these beliefs that often leave us feeling small and helpless in the face of lifes greatest challenges. What if were more than this? Could it be that were really very powerful beings in disguise? What if were delegates of a miraculous potential, born into this world with capabilities beyond our wildest dreams, capabilities that weve forgotten in the conditions that have shocked us into the illusion of being powerless? -Those are some radical views, my Lord. -Yes, but such a radical discovery would change everything. It would shake the very ground beneath what we believe about ourselves, the Universe, and our role in life. Its also precisely what the leading-edge discoveries are showing us today, and what the great masters discovered for themselves in the past. -What have they discovered, my Lord? -For 300 years our science has been based on two false assumptions. The first false assumption is that everything is separate from everything else. That what happens in one place has no effect on what happens anywhere else. And if it looks like it does, it's only a COINCIDENCE. The second false assumption is that our inner experiences of thought, feeling, emotion and belief have no effect on the world beyond our bodies. Based on those two false assumptions that have been accepted for 300 years by scientists, we can see why there would be a disconnect, when they were looking at the magnetic field of the Earth, spiking precisely at the moment the human emotion of the planet was focussed on a disaster, as happened on September 11th 2001, as verified by GOES satellites. That was the day when the United States of America, along with its little brother Israel, through their secret services CIA and Mosad, performed the biggest known to man terrorist attack on its own citizens, in which several thousand Americans died. This was the greatest deception in human history, but it was only the last one in an endless line of false flags and litterally fabricated wars, throughout modern homosapiens history. -What exactly happened on September 11th 2001, my Lord? -I am not going to talk to you about September 11th, do your own research and reach your own conclusions on the subject. They are very straight forward conclusions, easily reachable,


even by lower life forms intelligence. But let me get to the point which is really important here. Subsequent studies have found that human emotions, specifically the magnetic fields produced by the human heart during certain kinds of emotion, are now documented as extending far beyond our bodies into the physical world. This is now apparent to such a degree that our satellites hundreds of miles above the surface are able to pick these up. Other studies have shown that when a certain number of people come together and they choose, at a moment of time, to create a precise emotion IN their hearts, that emotion literally can INTENTIONALLY influence the very fields that sustain the life on planet Earth. These fields are now implicated in everything from the immune response of humans throughout the planet, climate, weather patterns, cycles of war and peace. Our ability to solve problems, our cognitive abilities. All of these things, as different as they may sound, are all linked to the magnetic field of the Earth. So what makes this so beautiful is that every human on the planet is linked to the field. But not every human on the planet has to be consciously aware of their relationship to benefit from what a relatively few number of people come to understand. -So we are all connected through the magnetic field, my Lord? -Correct, my Braden. When we choose to feel feelings that create what is called coherence in our bodies - coherence is the language, the quality of the language between our heart and our brain. Certain kinds of heart based experiences such as appreciation, gratitude, forgiveness, care, compassion; those are the ancient understandings that have always been taught in the truest traditions of our own past. And now our own science is finding that those same traditions are now documenting this very real effect in our hearts. When we can feel those feelings in our bodies, they are mirrored in the field and everyone benefits from the experience of the relatively few. A net or web of energy, an energy field, is a quantum hologram that surrounds everything. This Quantum hologram allows us to interact with everything instantaneously. Each moment of our lives is an ongoing dialogue with the universe. The world is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings. We live in a participatory universe. The universe is a result of what we are doing in our lives. The act of consciousness is the creative force in our world. We are connected through the field of energy the ether field. The boy was intellectually chewing every sentence... -Scientists are now documenting the effect of emotions upon the heart field. The human heart is now documented as the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields in the body. We have always been taught that the brain is where the action is. The brain does have an electrical field and a magnetic field, but they are relatively weak compared to the heart. The heart is a hundred times stronger electrically, and up to 5,000 times stronger magnetically than the brain. And the reason this is important is that the physical world as we know it is made of those two fields of energy - electrical and magnetic fields of energy the electromagnetic fields.


-Which would imply what, my Lord? -Which would imply that our thoughts and feelings literally change matter, my boy. Our physics books now tell us that if we can change either the magnetic field OR the electrical field of an atom, by doing that we change - we literally CHANGE - that atom. We change the stuff that our bodies and this world are made of. And it appears now that the human heart is designed to do BOTH. To change both the electrical field AND the magnetic field of our bodies and our world. And they do so in response to the emotions we create between our heart and our brain. The Universe and everything in it, including the healing of our bodies, is what it is because of the force of consciousness itself. Interestingly, the more we understand the relationship between consciousness, our inner experiences, and our world, the less far-fetched this suggestion becomes. -And is there any proof for this, my Lord? -The proof is all around you, my Braden. Feelings inside of our bodies have a direct effect on the world within AND beyond our bodies. But let me tell you one modern story to prove the point... The story of a healing treatment in a medicineless hospital in China, of a western woman with an inoperable three inch diameter bladder cancer. In the western hospitals, the patient has been told there was nothing else they could do for her. She was left to die, so to say, by the western science. So the woman went to China for help. The hospital staff started by teaching the woman life affirming ways to breathe, feel and live. Once she believed in the treatment and its ability to heal her, the hospital performed a simple procedure, wherein three experienced feeling healers stood behind the patient, while she laid fully conscious in a hospital room. The woman believed in the process and knew what was about to happen. An ultrasound machine was there showing on the left side of its split screen a static picture of the huge cancer growth, while on the right hand screen was a real time picture of the cancer. The feeling practitioners standing behind the patient started to chant words to the effect already healed, and as they began to chant while having this feeling that the patient was healed, the tumor disappeared in less than three minutes, in REAL TIME! The patients body responded to the feelings of the practitioners who were trained to have the kinds of feelings they were having, and all that they were feeling was the feeling of what it feels like to be in the presence of a woman who is already healed, fully enabled, fully capacitated. They were not seeing her as a woman who was sick, but rather someone in full health and capacity. -So our feelings can literally shape the physical world, my Lord? We can heal ourselves? -Exactly, my Braden. But we must feel the feeling as if the prayer has already been answered. That is the key to success. In the world around us, our own science is telling us there's a field of energy that underlies all physical reality. Known as or called 'the Field', the Mind of God', 'the matrix', 'the divine matrix'. In 1944 the father of quantum theory, Max Planck, identified this field and he called it the Matrix, that's where this term came from.


-Is this like the Law of attraction, my Lord? Are we consciously attracting these events to us? -When we create the feelings of everything we choose to experience in our lives, everything from conscious choices - the perfect relationship, abundance in our lives, or healing in our bodies, or healing in the bodies of our loved ones - those feelings are creating the patterns of magnetic and electrical field in our hearts, that are literally rearranging the stuff of this quantum soup, this quantum essence, allowing the pattern of what we have claimed in our hearts, to become manifest in the world around us. So its less about ATTRACTING, from a scientific perspective, and more about consciously CREATING the template WITHIN US, knowing that the stuff of the universe will congeal around that template in the world around us, to simply mirror reflect what we've claimed. In other words, we must become in our lives the very things we choose to experience in our world. Science is now giving us a very good reason to understand why that is. -And how many individuals would it take to claim this feeling in our hearts to create the effect in our world, my Lord? How many Hallucinati do we need to change the world, to lead our species to a new paradigm? -The ancient mystics reminded our hearts, and modern demonstrations have proven to our minds, that the great secret of creation itself lives within each of us: the power to create in the world, what weve imagined in our beliefs. While it may sound too easy to be true, the evidence suggests that the Universe and our healing works precisely this way, and is just this simple. It is very well documented that there IS an effect between human consciousness and the world around us. That effect is known. A formula was created, my Braden. The formula simply stated that if we can create this effect with a certain number of people, the square root of one percent of a given population, THEN we will have the effect. The square root of one percent. So, about 100 people praying in this way is sufficient to kick start the desired effect for a city of one million. Similarly, about 8,000 people having the same feeling is all that is required to kick start a similar global effect on consciousness. Think about that, my boy. The square root of one percent of the world population. That is the critical mass the Hallucinati are striving for. And we simultaneously feel eternally greatful that our prayers have already been answered.



11. The Island of Dr Hofmann

-We have arrived, my Albert! shouted the Guru, telepathically. The island of Dr Hofmann! This is our gate to the new paradigm! This is the place from which we transform our society! The helicopter was approaching a small island in the Aegean sea. The island was not larger than a couple of football stadiums put together. From above, the boy could hardly recognise that the object they were approaching was an island. Yes, there was blue sea water all around it, but... A humongous, magnificent white pyramid, built out of the finest shiny marble, was erected in the middle of the island. Thy piramyd took over most of the islands surface, making it seem like it was coming out directly from the depths of the sea itself. The white marble was shining in the sun, dominating the horizon. Blue and white divine scenery matched that of the heavenly skies. And that of the Hellenic flag, which proudly flaunted in the wind from the top of the piramyd. -And how do we transform society from this place, my Lord?! The boy could barely hear his own voice from the helicopter noise. -Through education, my Albert! yelled the Guru. This island is the Hallucinati University campus! This is a school, my boy! For all of our children! Hold on, were landing! The helicopter landed on a small, improvised heliodrom, at the islands south side. Everything looked miniature in this place, every square inch of the rare land was fully utilised. Everything seemed so small, in comparison to the magical grandiosity of the white marble piramyd. The building was simply breathtaking. -My Lord... this is fucking amazing! -Do not be amazed, my Albert. You must not fall to astonishment. This is only the outside. Wait until you get inside. -Why is this place called The Island of Dr Hofmann, my Lord? -Can you think of a better name, my Albert? We couldnt. When Albert Hofmann got up to LSD24 - nothing worked. And then years later, he went back and he brought out that thing, he worked on it until he found LSD25, and then the magic of shamanism came together through science and theology. At that moment something transcendental happened to the consciousness of the planet. It has changed the entire planet. Hofmann is our saint, my boy. The two men walked towards the piramyd. The boy could not have used enough steps. His head was turning from left to right, trying to perceive all the aggressive beauty that demanded immediate and undivided attention from his wide opened eyes. Fucking amazing! -Whose island is this, my Lord?



-Ah, property, of course... the Guru smiled, disappointed. The island is the property of a few of our members. Legally, it is owned by Hallucinati. The island is ours. It is yours, my boy. -Yeah, right... I wish it was mine, my Lord. -And what would you do with it, if it were yours? Would you make it better utilised? More useful? More beautiful? What would you do with it, my Albert? The boy undestood the rhetoric part of the questions. He wouldnt change a thing. -How did Hallucinati buy the island? When was this piramyd erected, my Lord? -We live in a fast evolving world, my boy. The Greek state was lately in a lot of debt. Just like when in late 1980s and 1990s the United States, Germany and Vatican first balkanized and then finally destroyed Yugoslavia, so did the German, French and American banks destroy Greece. They did so on purpose, giving Greece loans for organizing of the 2004 Olympics in Athens, but with criminal interest rates. The banks intentionally bankrupted the Greek state and nation. They do not understand that Europe without Greece is like a child without birth certificate. Both Yugoslav Serbia and Greece have been robbed of their land, natural resources, national pride and human dignity. This is the contemporary policy of balkanization, the ancient policy of divide and conquer, that the world powers are using to subordinate and colonize the rest of the world. So Greece was eventually forced to start selling little pieces of its land, small uninhabited islands here and there, out of 2,000 islands that exist in the Aegean Sea. And this little island of ours was only a bunch of rocks coming out of water, in a middle of nowhere, a few years ago. You are a member of a powerful organization, my Albert. Hallucinati are among the most intellectual and influential people on this planet. If something happened to you, lets say, in Tajikistan or Honduras, if you were arrested, even for murder... it would take only one phone call to get you out, in the next 24 hours. That is how powerful Hallucinati are. -Even if I was in for murder, my Lord? -Well, if you did kill, you must have had your reasons. We do not ask such questions to our brothers. We do not take part in the Illuminati world government, we are not one of those secret societies whose purpose is to conquer Humanity, but we do have wealthy individuals among us. Some of them extremely wealthy. But Hallucinati use their wealth and influence for the benefit of the society. For the benefit of all of us. Thus this place, my Albert. And it truly is yours. You will not bring here your 20 drunk buddies on a yacht, but you can always come here. With your wife, with your child, or your student. -What is inside the piramyd, my Lord? -A lab, my Albert. A consciousness laboratory that serves as a kindergarten, a primary school, and a university for our children. First we bring our young children here, while they are still toddlers, to try to discover and determine their inborn talents. All children have some inborn


talents, or special abilities, which just need to be recognised. We must understand our own children. This is of utmost importance, for the further development of every individual child. It is of crucial significance to timely find out our childs inborn talent. This is done through a specialised procedure which has been developed by our in-house scientists. Some of the worlds most prestigious scholars, from a wide spectrum of fields, come to this island on regular bases, from all continents. Pediatricians, psychiatrists, child psychologists, onkologists, geriatrics specialists, even mystics and people with extrasensory perception... An entire army of consciousness explorers are working daily on a mutual goal, our inevitable pathway to the new paradigm. These same scientists teach our older children in what would be their elementary and middle schooling, as well as in some post graduate and doctorate studies. -What is a proper way to go about understanding our children? How do we do it, my Lord? -By observing them, my Albert. We attempt to closely monitor every childs behavior and try to see what each of them is telling us. We perform this through patient, sistematic paying attention to what the children keep expressing with their every move, more or less. We bombard them, in carefully predesigned time intervals, with a variety of stimulants and experiences. And we simply observe their reactions and emotions to those stimuli. The two men reached the white building. Something that almost looked like a door, opened. A short, dark haired, mediterranean looking man came out to greet the visitors. -Oh, Mister, kalos orisate sto nisi tou Dr Hofmann! Welcome back! We havent seen you in quite some time, sir. -Gia sou, Arhimidi! smiled the Guru. Glad to see you again! How is your brother, Aristotelis? Still chasing blond foreign girls in the beach? Ah, that guy will never kill the animal inside of him. Krima, what a shame for such smarts, einai poli eksipno paidi. Arhimidi, this is Albert, my student. Albert, this is Archimedes, our simpathetic Greek host. Anything you need around here, just ask Archimedes. -Nice to meet you, my boy. Archimedes positive energy was irresistible. Sir, I will let the others know you have arrived. I am sure they will be flattered to hear the great news. -Im sure they are already aware Im here, Arhimidi. replied the Guru. Do not bother them yet, I will just show my student around. We will see you later, at dinnertime. The energetic Greek host disappeared in one of those cracks in the walls, or something like that. That sure did not look a regular door. This building sure did not look like a regular building. -Follow me, my Albert, I will show you around. Observe and learn. Nothing you see here is a sheer coincidence, every smallest detail has been thought through tirelessly, countless



times, by many different great minds. This is the most advanced system of education the human race has to offer at this particular moment of time. -And what is wrong with the traditional system of education, my Lord? -What isnt, my boy? That would be a more appropriate question. We put our children through 16 or more years of formal education, and we end up with totally useless, unemployable adults. Our current system of education is constructed so as to produce university professors, nothing else. The majority of people never become college professors, and they end up chronically dissatisfied. And even those that do become professors, what can they really teach our children? Our old fashioned education system runs on a production line approach that was appropriate for the industrial age, but does not work in the information age that we currently live in. It is education that will take us to this future that we cannot yet grasp. If you think about it, the children starting school this year, will be retiring about the year of 2070. And nobody has a clue, despite all that expertise, what the world will actually look like in 5 or 10 years time. And yet we are educating our children for 50-year careers. So the unpredictability is extraordinary. And by such a failed system of education, we simply squander our childerns inborn talents, pretty ruthlessly. This is saddening, isnt it? -Isnt it a little too far fetched to call our education an entirely failed system, my Lord? -You know, my boy, it is like dancingyou dont aim at a particular spot in the room; thats where you should arrive. The whole point of the dancing is the dance. But we dont see that as something brought by our education into our everyday conduct. Weve got a system of schooling which gives a completely different impression. Its all gradedand what we do is we put the child into the corridor of this grade system, with a kind of cmon kitty kitty kitty. And yeah, you go to kindergarten, and thats a great thing, because when you finish that, youll get into first grade. And then cmon, first grade leads to second grade, and so on And then you get out of grade school you go to high schooland its revving up, the thing is coming Then youre going to go to college, and by jove then you get into graduate school, and when youre through with graduate school, youll go out to join the world. And then you get into some racket where youre selling insurance. And theyve got that quota to make. And youre going to make that quota. And all the time, this thing is coming, its coming, its comingthat great thing, the success youre working for. Then when you wake up one day about forty years old, you say My God! Ive arrived! Im there! And you dont feel very different from what you always felt. And there's a slight letdown, because you feel there's a hoax. And there was a hoax. A dreadful hoax. They made you miss everything. By expectation. Look at the people who live to retire, and put those savings away. And then when theyre sixty-five, and they dont have any energy left, theyre more or less impotent, they go and rot in an old peoples senior citizens community. Because weve simply cheated ourselves, the whole way down the line. We thought of life by analogy was a journey, was a pilgrimage, which had a serious purpose at the end. And the thing was to get


to that end. Success, or whatever it is, or maybe heaven after youre dead. But we missed the point the whole way along. It was a musical thing, and you were supposed to sing, or to dance, while the music was being played. -How poetically said, my Lord. But what is it exactly that we should change? -We have to focus on creativity, my Albert. It is our contention that creativity is as important as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status. We nurture creativity, rather than undermine it. Let me tell you a true story of a 6-year old girl, who was attending our drawing classes here, about a year ago... This girl was sitting in the back of the classroom, she hardly ever paid attention, and she was drawing something in the back, on her own... The teacher was fascinated; he approached her and asked her what she was drawing. The girl said I am drawing a picture of God. But nobody knows what God looks like, replied the teacher. They will in a minute, said the girl. The two men walked slowly through the halls of the piramyd, just as Neil Armstrong has walked in the space suit, back in the 1960s, in the desert of Arizona. Then they entered a large room, whose designed scenery was a new shock for the rookie boy. Across the entire ceiling, just like in the Sistine chapel in Rome, a humongous painting was screaming for attention. The sight shone otwards in all its divinity. -Alex Grey, my Albert. The Guru enlightened the boy. That is the artist who has painted this ceiling. He is one of us, a man who tries to find the core truths in all the different wisdom traditions, and then brings them into his contemporary sacred art. Just like the Pope Julius II used the genius of Michelangelo to paint the ceiling in the Sacellum Sixtinum, or the Cappella Sistina, the official residence of the Pope in the Vatican city, similarly the Hallucinati used the greatest modern artist of our time, to paint here his own masterpiece for the ages. -What is that painting called, my Lord? -Gaia, my boy, it is called Gaia. It has been initially painted in 1989, on the same day that Alex Greys daughter was born. It has been subsequently published in a book in 1990. It was painted from a vision of his, which was both hopeful and terrifying at the same time. But after September 11th 2001, some people noticed a portion of this painting, something that the author himself has completely forgotten about. The particular part of the painting, which you can see over there, has two planes on it, has the twin towers, and has a creature that ominously resembles George Bush, surrounded by a dick, as in Dick Channey, and what could be a terrorist. The visions that Alex Grey had lead him to interpret reality as having a sacred dimension. There can be a higher possibility that art can reach for. It seems like its intended for communication, its a form of language. -And what is that painting over there, my Lord? the boy was approaching another masterpiece painted on one of the four walls in the room. It looks like Alex Grey, also.



-Correct, my Albert, it is the Greys famous Theologue. This image was based on a profound meditation experience the author had. He was staring into deep space and an electrical perspective grid that seemed to expand in all directions. It gave him an insight into our minds, as that is what we do all the time. We are projecting the space that we are surrounded by. There is no out there, its an experience of our consciousness that we create with our brains and minds. Every culture creates certain insights that are embedded into its artworks. And these are shared with the next generations. On the opposite wall of this room is a portrait of a Buddha, which is really a mirror of your own enlightenment. My Albert, art can plant a seed for our future liberation. Such art is a womb for the gestation of the awakening human spirit. The boy walked around the room, trying to forever implant all images into his memory. He came across a large platinum plate, on which the following words were engraved... Stand before me, on the Sign of Infinity, all you of the Earth. With the granting of "The Law of Probenation" comes the application of change. I will give you the key. And with this knowledge, please realize, comes the responsibility of - sharing it. I will show you the way. It's very simple. Throughout the Universe, there is order. In the movement of the planets... in nature... and in the functioning of the human mind. A mind that is in its natural state of order in harmony with the Universe, and such a mind is timeless. Your life is an expression of your mind. You are the creator of your own Universe, for as a human being, you are free to will whatever state of being you desire, through the use of your thoughts and words. There is great Power there. It can be a blessing or a curse. It's entirely up to you, for the quality of your life is brought about by the quality of your thinking. Think about that. Thoughts produce actions. See the pettiness, and the envy, and the greed, and the fear, and all the other attitudes that cause you pain and discomfort. Realize that the one thing you have absolute control over is your attitude. See the effect that it has on those around you. For each life is linked to all Life, and your words carry with them chain reactions, like a stone that has been thrown into a pond. If your thinking is in order, your words will flow directly from the heart, creating ripples of love. If you truly want to change your world, my friends, you must change your thinking. Reason is your greatest tool. It creates an atmosphere of understanding, which leads to caring, which is - Love. Choose your words with care. Go forth... with Love. -Kirie, kirie... Archimedes came into the room, in a hurry. Sir, the next child is about to enter, for the first time, the hall of passage. It might be interesting for the boy to see this. You may now take your guest inside to witness the entire process, if you wish. -Oh, great! Thank you, Arhimidi, euharistoume para poli. smiled the Guru in Greek language. Who is the child, Arhimidi? -One of our friends from the TED conferences brought his 5-year old son, Sir. The traditionally hospitable Greek man led the two guests into a new chamber.


-What are TED conferences, my Lord? -TED, which stands for Technology-Entertainment-Design, are conferences that include some of the most intelligent and successful people in the world, who gather once or twice every year, usually in some of the most exclusive resorts in the world, simply to share their ideas. Their progressive, contemporary ideas and projects that move and change the world. They do this through individual 20-minute presentations. These conferences attempt to predict and draw the future before it actually arrives. It costs about 10,000 US dollars to participate at any one of those gatherings, just as an observer, so you can imagine what kind of people we are talking about here. -And how many green ones does the rich daddy have to pay for this privilege, my Lord? -About as much as he pays for one TED conference, my Albert. Between 5 and 6 thousand Euro, to be more precise. What is 5,000 Euros compared to the life of your child? Peanuts. -So is this a profit making project, my Lord? -Of course not, my boy. But somebody has to pay for all those master minds that keep flying over here regularly. At least some of the money is acummulated through these fees. The rest comes from significant donations from our more wealthy members and friends. -And what do the parents get for those 5,000 euro, my Lord? -Actually, nothing special, my Albert. Nothing that the parents couldnt do themselves in their homes. But the parents do not know how to do it, they have been proving and showing us this for millenia. And that is where Hallucinati come in. We have studied this area of human behavior and consciousness for a very long time, and we can now help other peoples children, more than those parents could ever achieve by themselves without our assistance. -We have arrived, my dear guests. smiled again the Greek host. The High Talent Hall is right on the other side of this mirror glass. It is a one-sided mirror, you can see the child inside, but the child cannot see you. Enjoy the show. And Archimedes mysteriously disolved into one of those cracks in the walls of the piramyd. -Pay close attention to the child... said the Guru, telepathically. Observe his moves, glances, confusions and reactions. Try to understand what he may be feeling. Listen to what he says, what he asks, and what he pays most attention to. You can learn so much about a human being only if you really pay attention, if you trully look to see, what is not seldomly quite obvious. This room is called the High Talent Hall, and the purpose here is to recognise the childs inborn preferences and skills. On the other side of the glass wall, the boy was sitting alone in a medium sized room filled with different toys, which have been intentionally placed in all distant corners of the room. From well hidden loudspeakers around the room, soft music was playing... There were


several screens around the room, one of them showing other children playing joyfully, dancing to music, running in the field... Another screen was rolling a tape of professional figure skaters, while a third screen was playing some electronic music from rave festivals... Then all music would suddenly go totally silent... The boy seemed confused. Then out of nowhere, a very loud explosion like sound. A moment of silence. Then the music would slowly again develop into the morphology of historic masterpieces... Requiem for a Dream, Mozzart... then Enigma, The Return to Innocence... then Carl Orff, Carmina Burana. O Fortune, like the Moon, you are changeable. .. O fortuna, velut luna, statu variabilis... semper crescis... aut decrescis... vita detestabilis... nunc obdurat... et tunc curat... ludo mentis aciem... egestatem... potestatem... dissolvit ut glaciem... sors immanis... et inanis... rota tu volubilis... status malus... vana salus... semper dissolubilis... obumbrata... et velata... michi quoque niteris... nunc per ludum... dorsum nudum... fero tui seleris. Then the sound became a lot more powerful... SORS SALUTIS... ET VIRTUTIS... MICHI NUNC CONTRARIA... EST AFFECTUS... ET DEFECTUS SEMPER IN ANGARIA... HAC IN HORA... SINE MORA... CORDE PULSUM TANGITE QUOD PER SORTEM... STERNIT FORTEM... MECUM OMNES PLANGITE! The boy was crying. He was calling for his daddy. The boys father was witnessing the event through the glass mirror, standing with one of the psychiatrists. The father instinctively tried to enter the other room, to protect and comfort his son. The psychiatrist held him, then whispered something in his ears. The father seemed to slowly calm down. He paid these people 5,000 euros to do exactly this, and he had to rationalise out his temptations. Nothing bad is going to happen to the child. These people knew exactly what they were doing, perhaps better than anyone else ever had in the history of this Civilisation. Yes, the boy will probably get a couple of face slaps, but he better get used to the brutality of life from early age. The boy was not going to be a career musician, that was now obvious. The orange basketball and the tennis rackets were also left untouched in a distant corner of the room. The father allowed the medical staff to continue their procedure... Then a young smiling woman entered the boys room. She sat down not far from the boy, but without talking to him. She started to play with some soft clay, shaping with her skillful fingers little people and animals. The boy hesitantly started to pay attention to what the young woman was doing. She asked him a question, he answered. After a minute the boy approached the lady and sat right next to her. They were jointly playing with the clay and making funny faces. The boy totally relaxed, sincerely enjoying what he was now doing. After a few minutes, the woman pulled out a paper and several pencils of different colors. She started painting on the white paper surface. The boy was intrigued. He instantly left behind the clay and asked for a white paper of his own. As he was handed it, he instantly started painting. The scene was touching. The boy was fully taken by the task. His concentration has


been undividingly focused on the pencil and the paper. Bingo! Got it! The high talent has been recognised. The boy was in a state of trance. The father smiled. The 5,000 euro have been well spent. After several minutes, the woman put away the pencils and papers and took the boy to another table in the room. They sat down in two chairs. The woman pulled out a marshmallow bar and opened it, placing it on the table in front of the boy. The woman said that she was going to leave for about 50 minutes, and the boy should wait for her in the room. She told the boy that he can eat the marshmallow any time he wishes to. However, if he could wait until the woman arrives back, without eating the marshmallow, he would then get two marshmallows instead of one. If he eats the first marshmallow before the woman returns, he would not get the second candy bar. And the woman left the room. -This experiment is called the marshmallow experiment. explained the Guru. This experiment can actually show how successful an individual will be later in life. It is one of the best and simplest experiments ever designed, since it only needs a couple of candy bars and 50 minutes of time, but often enough just one candy and much less time. It depends on the child. Those children who can postpone the urge for the immediate satisfaction, the immediate gratification, and wait up for the return of the adult without having eaten the marshmallow, will in fact be much more successful individuals later in life. Such children are, logically, much rarer than those who go for the immediate gratification and eat the candy bar once they are left alone in the room. -I would eat it immediately. smiled the student. -Well, that is exactly what 2 out of 3 children do, my Albert. Some of them eat it immediately, the moment the adult leaves the room, while a larger percentage of them try to fight, and attempt for the waiting period, on a range from a few seconds to 14 minutes. After 15 minutes, most of the children have eaten the marshmallow. Those who didnt eat it in the first 15 minutes, usually wait for the whole 50 minutes, and consequently receive the reward of two candy bars. Those individuals are also the ones for whom we are looking for. Those will be the ones who will most probably succeed in life. This exact point has been proved several times in different experiments, on both Stanford and Columbia Universities, as well as in a number of other countries. This shows us that the ability to postpone immediate gratification is one of the key indicators of success in life, both in ones professional and personal domains. -Self discipline, my Lord? -Exactly, my Albert. Self discipline is the key. But less than one third of our human population is able to practice this self-discipline and postpone the instant gratification. -Does this mean that two thirds of the worlds population are losers, my Lord?



-No, but it does show that one third of us may be potential winners. Not all of those 33% win in the end, but they do have the potential. One out of three people in the world possess the capability to change the world they live in. Unfortunatelly, my Albert, they rarely discover it. An internal struggle was going on inside the boy. He grabbed the marshmallow and put it close to his face, but not in his mouth. He first smelled it, then licked it, thrice. He then put it back on the table and physically moved away. He looked for some toys to play, to take his mind off the candy bar, but all the toys have previously been removed. The boy was walking around the room, periodically sending glances towards the marshmallow on the table. At one point around the fourteenth minute, he suddenly approached the table. He picked up the candy bar. The boy then, with his sharp teeth, made a miniature hole at the side of the candy bar. Through the little hole, he sucked out all the juicy fruit filling from inside, slowly and patiently. When he was done, he placed back on the table the marshmallow bar, in one whole piece. He smiled, more so by the right side of his mouth. He sat down, relaxed, and patiently waited for the woman to come back. When she did arrive, the boy was given two brand new marshmallow candy bars. The boy was 5 years old. The system was out foxed. The boys father was content. So were Hallucinati.



12. Good Drugs vs Bad Drugs

-We have arrived, my Nicholas. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the point in time in which you will learn some fundamentals of existence and the tools you can use to ascend to other realms and dimensions, altering your state of consciousness. In addition, you will be told what kind of traps you should try to avoid on your path to the final enlightenment. -What exactly do you mean, my Lord? What kinds of tools are used for ones enlightenment? -I am talking about the psychoactive substances, my boy. If you are not going to sit under a tree and meditate for 40 years, like Budhha, you have to consider some shortcuts on your journey to the final liberation. To accomplish this ultimate goal, which each of us sets for himself at birth, you will have to be extremely careful. Yes, psychoactive substances are a gods gift to Humanity, a 100% certain way to ascend spiritually and intellectually, but not all of the substances out there are benevolent. On the contrary, there exist a number of those that can easily take over your life and destroy you, literally, even kill you in a short period of time. You do not have to try out all substances, luckily, for others in the past have done that for you. And they have been thought their lessons for the whole of Mankind, which can now share their experiences and beware of the dangers that are lurking out there. -So can we distinguish between what is benevolent and what is malicious, my Lord? -Yes, but only from recently. The old-fashioned way was to try out everything, through a trial and error approach. There was no other choice, we had to live the experiences and find out the truth for ourselves. And Hallucinati have done it and tried them all. Of course, we are not talking about trying something once or twice, that is insufficient for the kind of consciousness research we are conducting. And it has not been easy, my Nicholas, those are some dangerous and serious things. Drugs are not for everyone, that is why so many lose control and suffer the consequences. But we have done it. And we have shared our experiences and exchanged our impressions with others who have also done it. Consequently, Hallucinati today know the secret of selection and the optimal use of products in an entire supermarket of psychoactive substances. There are some good drugs, so to say, and there are bad drugs. -And what are the good drugs, my Lord? -Let us first go through the bad drugs, my Nicholas, and we will get to the positive side in due time, at the right moment. -So what are the bad drugs, my Lord? -The psychoactive substances that you should generally avoid are those that give you a short rush at first, but then in a brief period of time have a serious negative impact on your life and health. These are usually the substances that have been produced artificially in laboratories. On the other hand, everything that comes out directly from nature, like plants


and mushrooms and cacti, is safe to use, but we will get to those later. Some of the negative drugs are also originally extracted from plants, like cocaine is being produced from the South American plant named coca, while heroin that is produced in the tribal areas of Afganistan or Pakistan is made from opium poppy. Coca leaves can be chewed directly, and opium is smoked, but cocaine and heroin are produced through further chemical reactions in special laboratories. Cocaine and heroin are very different, yet they pose a similar health threat. Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. It is both a stimulant of the central nervous system and an appetite suppressant, giving rise to a euphoric sense of happiness and increased energy. It lasts from 15 minutes to an hour, and then you usually take it again. After an hour, again, and so we go until you become physically and mentally addicted. Actually, more psychologically than physically in this case. If you become addicted to cocaine in Brazil or Columbia, where it costs only 5 dollars per gram, you are not in a big trouble. But cocaine that travels to the United States or Europe, is significantly less pure and astronomically more expensive, and is really not worth the cost. Cocaine is the drug of the rich, but in fact it is a pure waste of their money. Not worth the consequences, anyhow. And the consequences are there, inevitably, financial problems, health problems, social problems, chronic bad mood... all those attributes make cocaine a bad choice for you. -And what about heroin, my Lord? How is it different from coke? -Heroin or smack is a downer, my Nicholas, a totally different story. Heroin is an opiate processed directly from the extracts of the opium poppy. It was originally created to help cure people of addiction to morphine. Upon crossing the blood-brain barrier, which occurs soon after introduction of the drug into the bloodstream, heroin is converted into morphine, which mimics the action of endorphins, creating a sense of well-being. It has that characteristic euphoria which feels like an orgasm centered in the gut. It is mosty produced in countries like Pakistan and Afganistan and the surrounding regions. Heroin is the one drug you really dont have to try at all, you will not miss on anything important. It literally becomes a neverending nightmare after just several weeks of continuous use. No matter who one might be before one starts using heroin, after some time they all transform into an identical beast, forever alienated from family, society, human dignity and ethics. You know, theoretically, if you were super rich and you had a secure source of quality heroin, you could be using and living your life without serious complications. It is not heroin itself that destroys a person, but it is the accompanying lifestyle that kills you. It is the lack of money, which leads to lack of food and quality commodities, it is then the needles which come in use when resources run out, and finally, my boy, you become the lowest scum of the earth, allow me to say so. Ive been there, I know what Im talking about. I have done it, so that you wouldnt have to. If you really want to get down and not up, travel to the far east and smoke opium, as a tourist, for a few days. But donnot try heroin, my boy, it aint worth it. There are much better substances that you should, or rather must, explore.



-Like what, my Lord? What drugs should I use? -Another substance that is extremely unproductive and harmful is amphetamine, or speed. It is a cheap acidlike wet powder, which would make a hole on cardboard, if you left it on for some time. It eats the cardboard away. It does the same to every inch of our body it passes through. And what does it give you? Nothing. It gives you an urge for aggression and doesnt let you sleep for days. You dont even feel high, you just feel that something is not right, the equilibrium has been disrupted. There is only one, only one, positive thing about speed, and that is the fact that it enhances the power of concentration. So if you must study for an exam for 2 days without sleep, or if you have a tough week ahead of you at work, you might consider it in small, rare doses. But in general, speed is bullshit, and you would be a fool to waste your time and resources on it. -So, no cocaine, no heroin, no speed... but what CAN I use, my Lord? -No cocaine, no heroin, no amphetamines, no metamphetamines or ecstasy, no crystal meth or ice, no crack, no MDMA, no PCP or Angel Dust, and all those other hybrid stimulants artificially produced by man in secret, illegal laboratories. Most of these are psychostimulants and sympathomimetic drugs. They enter the brain and trigger a cascading release of norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin. This produces a feeling of euforia and hightened enthusiasm, but as you should know by now, my Nicholas, everything that goes up must come down. And the down is like falling from the first floor, sometimes second. All in all, a short rush that if inevitably followed by much longer pain. Not worth it, my boy. These drugs make you feel pleasure in the body, we can consider them physical drugs. We can conclude that all such physical drugs are bad, mkay? Drugs are bad, mkay, but only if their effect is primarily focused on the pleasure in the body. So, consequently, we can say that the good drugs are psychological drugs. Substances that have an impact on our psyche, on the brain, and through such chemical reactions, stimulating and massaging of the mind... they actually make us more intelligent. -So drugs make us smarter, my Lord? -Yes and no, my Nicholas. The fundamental mistake is placing them all in the same group labeled drugs. Drugs are also sold in the pharmacy, you know. So let us talk about substances, not drugs. And a substance can be anything. So, only certain, rare substances do make us more intelligent, and those mostly come from natural sources, like plants and mushrooms, or cacti. But dont generalize, my Nicholas. Dont put all substances in the same basket, because they simply donnot belong in the same basket. It is not like the difference between apples and oranges, because you CAN put apples and oranges, as all other fruits, or foods, in the same basket. But DMT from our own brain, or a marijuana plant or a peyote cactus... simply cannot be compared to things such as heroin or crack. What do they have in common? Nothing. They are only illegal, but only made so by historic political interests of certain wealthy people and groups. All these substances also affect the chemistry of our


bodies, but so does everything else in our lives, like food, or toothpaste, or even jogging. White sugar is a drug, alcohol is a deadly drug, nicotine in large doses is a killer more lethal than the cobra poison... and yet, all these drugs are sold in every corner store. So what do ayahuasca plant and crack have in common? Not a thing. So, my boy, you must be careful with your terminology, be careful with your words, because words determine your attitude and belief. If you are conditioned to put all drugs in the same basket, you are making a fundamental mistake, one which can cost you, and people around you, significantly. This is a serious point, my boy. Once you change your cognitive constructs, once you move your viewpoint just a little bit to the left or right, an entire new reality will emerge. You will see the world in a totally transformed, advanced, more sophisticated and plausible way. The whole of reality depends on your perspective. And that is exactly what psychedelics reveal to us. Hallucinogens are the good drugs, my boy. Those are what we are looking for, they are our most handy tool on our journey to enlightment and a new paradigm. -So what do I start with, my Lord? -Well, I would give you a third of a gram of ketamine, and you would think you are dying. If you started with an earthquake, everything after that would be peanuts. You know, if you swallow a frog in the morning, you can be certain that nothing worse is going to happen to you the rest of the day. So I would suggest the earthquake that a humongous line of ketamine would do to you. I would guide you through it all the way, so you dont have to worry. Ketamine will help you to get out of your ego roles, and enable you to see the underlying connectedness between all things. It would allow you to have a magnificent super-ride in your head, a true roller-coaster, and to find out much about other frequencies we cannot normally pick up on. And all this would be happening while your body would be totally motionless, numb, you wouldnt even feel it as your own body. You would not be able to walk, or talk, for about an hour or so. Ketamine is not a social recreational drug, it is a dissociative journey into the vastness of your mind and the universe. For one hour, from outside you will seem as if you are sleeping. But during that hour, you will find out more about yourself and life than they thought you in all those years of your formal education. The K-hole is an amazing place, nobody comes back the same, and neither will you. At first you will be a little confused, but after several tries you will learn how to guide your experience the way you prefer. And you will learn more with each next attempt. This is an art, my Nicholas, something you must work on and coax into existence. When you sniff ketamine, after 10 seconds the reality as you see it now will start disolving, and you will go through an out-of-body kind of experience. It is the deepest, or the most distant state that I have ever been to, out of all the places Ive been to, and Ive been to all of them. Only DMT, enhanced by Ayahuasca, is something as revealing as Special K, which is slang for ketamine. We will get to DMT at the end, to put some real spice in. So, my boy, the unfathomable depths of the K-hole would be the first, and the most mysterious ride, I would send you on. And then, when you overcome the initial astonishment, when you come back from the dead, you will be able to further build up on your consciousness ascension process. Ketamine is a


man made chemical, it does not originate from nature, and formally it is not even considered a hallucinogen. It is the only exception in our good vs bad rule of natural and artificial psychoactive substances, in addition to LSD. Ketamine is an anesthetic used mostly in veterinary medicine, but you should not die without consuming it. Do not leave this world without first taking a peak into the K-hole... mark my words, read my lips, you can take it to the bank. And then, once you break the ice with a tectonic quake, lesson number two will be on the subject of magic mushrooms. -Magic? I like magic. What are magic mushrooms, my Lord? -Mushrooms that have psychoactive properties have long played a role in various native medicine traditions in cultures all around the world. They have been used as sacrament in rituals aimed at mental and physical healing, and to facilitate visionary states. A practitioner of traditional mushroom use is the shaman, the priest-healer. Psilocybin mushrooms possess psychedelic properties which facilitate profound and life-changing insights. Recent scientific work has supported these claims, as well as the long-lasting effects of such induced spiritual experiences. In the mid 16th century, Spanish priest Bernardino de Sahagn wrote of the use of hallucinogenic mushrooms by the Aztecs in his Florentine Codex... "The first things to be eaten at the feast were small black mushrooms that they called nanacatl and bring on drunkenness, hallucinations and even lechery. They ate these before the dawn, with honey, and when they began to feel the effects, they began to dance, some sang and others wept. When the drunkenness of the mushrooms had passed, they spoke with one another of the visions they had seen." You know, my Nicholas, the first time I took magic mushrooms, you know what happened to me? I lay in a field of green grass for four hours going, "My God! I love everything." Now, if that isn't a hazard to this society, then what is? That is why they keep it illegal. How are they going to justify arms dealing and all those wars when we realize that we're all one? And that is what mushrooms do. They make us remember that we are all Infinite Oneness. -What would follow the mushrooms, my Lord? What else is good? -LSD, my boy, lysergic acid diethylamide-25. Discovered accidentally by Dr. Albert Hofmann in 1938, LSD is one of the most potent mind-altering chemicals known. Yet LSD is nonaddictive, is not known to cause any brain damage, and has extremely low toxicity relative to dose. Recreational use of the drug by youth culture in the Western world during the 1960s led to a political firestorm that resulted in its prohibition. But LSD was Saint Hofmanns gift to the world. Psychological effects include an experience of radiant colors, objects and surfaces appearing to ripple or breathe, colored patterns behind the closed eyelids, an altered sense of time, as time seems to be stretching, repeating itself, changing speed or stopping. There are crawling geometric patterns overlaying walls and other objects, morphing objects, a sense that one's thoughts are spiraling into themselves. But most importantly, there is this loss of the ego. My boy, on acid you will realize that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing


itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. And that is all you really need to know. -My Lord, what is the ultimate hallucinogen? What is the ultimate entheogen? What is the ultimate experience? -The ultimate experience is called DMT, my Nicholas, dimethyltryptamine. It is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound which is ubiquitously found in plants and also in mammals, including humans. We secrete DMT during our sleep, but more than ever just before the moment of death. DMT may very well be our gateway, our bridge to the other side, to other dimensions and different realms of existence. DMT is also the primary psychoactive in ayahuasca, an Amazonian Amerindian brew employed for divinatory and healing purposes. In practice, ayahuasca actually enhances the effect of DMT, and the entire combined experience is nothing short of divine hyperspace. You really enter other dimensions. You really talk to astonishing creatures. Your mind gets blown away. And the whole experience lasts for 5 minutes, but in those five minutes, you realize the world is nothing you thought it was. When you take DMT with ayahuasca, the experience is longer, even goes on for hours. Can you imagine being for hours in a whole different grotesque reality? No, you cannot even begin to imagine it. DMT should be your ultimate goal, your ultimate tool and your ultimate revelation. DMT is your ultimate drug, my boy. -So, to summarize, my Lord, good drugs are ketamine, psilocybin mushrooms, LSD, DMT... -And dont forget ayahuasca, my Nicholas, it is an extremely important ingredient. DMT is much more powerful when taken with ayahuasca. Besides the substances weve mentioned, there are also other useful entheogens like mescaline, peyote, cacti, amanita, iboga, kava, salvia divinorum... and, of course, our good ol mary jane, marijuana. These are all natural plants, which when you consume them in sufficient doses, will provide for you the visions and a divine perspective which would otherwise be unreachable, even through 40 years of disciplined meditation. So that is the secret of the universe, my boy. Use the secret. Dont misuse it, or you will suffer greatly. Use it properly, wisely, and it will reveal to you everything there is to know. -And how do I use it properly, my Lord? Will you guide me through? -I will, my Nicholas, but even if I didnt, it wouldnt matter. You already know enough. What the psychedelic experience is for, is that each one of us must become like fishermen, and go out on to the dark ocean of mind, and let your nets down into that sea. And what you're after is not some killer-whale, that will tear through your nets and drag you and your little boat into the abyss... nor are we looking for a bunch of sardines that can slip through your net and disappear. Ideas like, "Have you ever noticed that your little finger exactly fits your nostril", and stuff like that. What we are looking for are middle size ideas, which are not so small that they are trivial, and not so large that they're incomprehensible. Those middle size ideas that we can wrestle into our boat and take back to the folks on shore, and have fish


dinner. And every one of us, when we go into the psychedelic state, this is what we should be looking for. It's not for your elucidation; it's not part of your self-directed psychotherapy. You are an explorer, and you represent our species, and the greatest good you can do, is to bring back a new idea, because our world is in danger by the absence of good ideas. Our world is in crisis because of the absence of consciousness. And so to whatever degree any one of us can bring back a small piece of the picture and contribute it to the building of a new paradigm. -My Lord, I am going to contribute to that higher cause. I embrace the responsibility. -My boy, our progress as a species rests squarely on the shoulders of that tenth person. The nine are satisfied with things they are told are valuable. Person 10 determines for himself what has value. And often enough, for others as well. We Hallucinati must be that 10th person. We humans may be released into a realm of pure self-engineering. The imagination is everything. This is where we came from. This is where we are going. And it is only to be approached through cognitive activity. Through hallucinogens. Entheogens. By us. By you. Not the boy... You.



13. Liquid Crystal Vision

-We have arrived, my Raja. said the guru, telepathically. Welcome to the rave music festival. Welcome to the Goa party, that serves as a dimension portal, which we approach through the repetitive psychedelic trance music. It is a state of mind which we enhance through the use of psychedelic, hallucinogenic substances. This is the world of magic, my boy. Open up your being for the music. -Why do you come to these parties, my Lord? -For me, when I come to the party and I look up to the altar and say the mantra and make the offering to the cosmic spirit, the whole party becomes the offering, the music becomes the offering, the dance becomes the offering. The cosmic spirit should come to the place and bless all of us. The longer it goes on, the more the trance comes, and it comes to a point where every song is so perfect in the moment it is timelessness. So perfect you start to get chills up your spinal column and up your skin and everybody's getting it all at once - its like a cosmic orgasm. Then at some point it comes like a bolt of lightning, like a shock of lightening through everybody all at once cccchhhhh and thats when the seed is being planted in everyones subconscious that will hopefully grow and flower and make people more aware of themselves, their surroundings, the crossroads of humanity, and the needs of the planet. This is what our Goa party, our holy ritual, is all about. And this is what we are trying to achieve with it. -And what are trying to achieve, my Lord? -This is a search to find ways of changing our own minds and triggering our inner feelings that are going to come out one way or another... If you want to be a yogi be a yogi. If you are going to take drugs, that is what you are going to do, if you want to be straight, thats what you are going to be. The main thing is, the whole game is to alter our consciousness to get higher, and to go to those other dimensions, to fulfill our potential. And one of the ways we can do this is through music, because its healing and elevating, and it will take people to a higher realm of consciousness, if they let it. The two men stood at the side of the party, isolated and content. They listened to each other, to the energy flow around them, and to the divine like repetitive beat. Their bodies instictively reacted to the music, without thinking about it, just following the archaic, primal inborn urge to move the body to the pace of the rhythm. -The idol and the temple and the worship say that our intention here is the highest of the unity of human consciousness, animal consciousness and nature consciousness. Dying, and then born again. Shiva Nataraj is the form of Shiva as the dancing god - lord of the dance, and he is dancing and creating and maintaining and blessing and pin point destroying, and it's a way of getting to your inner self and dancing to the rhythm of the cosmos. It is all about



the spirit and the feel of the music. It becomes a language through which you can find your own identity. Dance, my Raja, dance! And the boy danced to the music... -Feel the sensation of the fluctuation of the mind, my Raja. If you want to see this pure paper, this white paper, you have to remove all these lines. Dont you? Similarly the mind too covers the real consciousness, the real thing, which you are. So you have to remove all this darkness, all these lines of tainted ness, which is the mind. Then the natural beauty of the base, the foundation is automatically observed. Isn't it? It is natural, it is always there. So now, what do you see in this world? Only your mind! And how is this mind being seen? Does a dead man see his mind? So he must be conscious. You are nature. Aren't you nature? So if you hurt any part of nature, it will certainly rebound back upon you. -My Lord, I am realizing everything for a moment! I am remembering who I am and who I always will be, and I am getting in touch with the universal mind of the cosmos! It reminds me of the wisdom that my body has separated from my intellect in some way - this information that is encoded in my physical shape. I think of consciousness as being the shape of my body in this hologram now, my Lord. I am sure that all of our bodies are holding incredible encoded information. -Its the frequency, my Raja. All of these things connecting at the same frequency. You know that radios have an FM frequency. You can tune in this information. Like turning the radio on, like a radio station. That little twist on the dial makes all the difference. It's on, all the time. We have tuned into this information and were sure that anyone who wanted to take the time to investigate their own inner realms, they would find extraordinary information there. The boy was ecstatic. The Guru was pleased... -Music heightens our spirits, my Raja. It brings people together in a coordinated body movement and coordinated mindset as well. People are in similar mental states - even people without drugs get into those mental states and through the dance and repetitive movement, which is credited by leading anthropologists as being the original basic driver of all social organizations. All social forms originated with synchronized body movements, and it's something that has been dreadfully lost in society. It is the music that keeps this going, and trance music raises it to new heights... Its a church of personal revelations. People share their revelations. Sometimes you wake up in the mornings and everything is crap, and sometimes you wake up and you are enriched for the rest of your life by the perception you had could be about yourself or it could be how people interact. You might have discovered food, like for me when I first - took acid! -And what does acid do, my Lord?



-Acid enables people to break out of ruts that they've been in. People can't get out of those ruts. When you take psychedelics, you can. You can get far enough out of your current state of existence that you can see you can experiment with other things to be open to them and see the error of your ways sometimes, and the brilliance of your future. Enjoy it, my Raja, and be grateful for it. Its a very important part to actually send some actual gratitude and thanks, back to whatever it is that enabled us to have this paradise here. -This is a great party, my Lord! -The party is a long well trodden root of a long very old tree, which goes back millenniums and involves the very basic elements of humanity, which is dancing under the moon and stars We think this tradition exists in all native cultures. To have them reawakened in yourself, and then reinterpreted by yourself, and integrated into your contemporary world is the way forward in society. And we have to rediscover those truths of our ancestors in our own ways. And we can do this through the parties and through our dance. And that is why this is a really important thing we are involved in right now. It's not frivolous. It's not just a disco in the forest. Its an initiation. Its the gathering of the tribe. For a few minutes the two men remained speachless. There was only music around. Nothing else... -A small group of men who are controlling a vast majority of the worlds resources, are holding on to as much as they possibly can. But the case is not to complain, but more to try to intervene by communications, by showing people other ways of living their lives and doing things that are more fun, that are more positive from everyones point of view, rather than just saying this is absolutely awful - you must change! But if people say; look at this! This is a really interesting way of doing something. Would you like to try it, I'll show you how it all works. And that is a totally other way of delivering actually the same message that is; why don't you change your behavior and try doing it like this for a bit? You have to ask yourself the question; why are all these wars happening? Why is there NWO? Why is there genetically modified food? You have to act in whatever way you conceive, whether it's by making a video, writing a book, or by taking direct action in the streets. If you have a point of view that someone else is doing something dangerous, its your responsibility in a modern society to go out and get that point of view heard. A complete restructuring of society based on a true secure brotherhood and sisterhood, cooperative Eden farming and culture. Happy tribal homes working and sharing to create heaven on Earth with full help from our government. To have their tear stained faces kissed with generosity, surrounding them with the grace of flower decked rainbows instead of hells droning bombers, butterflies to dazzle their learning eyes. This is not idealistic, my boy, this is pure common sense. The rain started. Everyone around was wet in a matter of seconds. This was not perceived as a let down. This was a true blessing. The experienced became even more focused, even more divine. We all are One. The music and the rain and us and the Universe. Ecstasy...


-The natural, core tribal essence of the spirit that would drive someone just to go and paint or carve or sculpt the epic art that we find in the ruins. Our dreams are the most important thing and we should follow. Follow your bliss, and people will seek you out to make sure you can do the things that are meant for you to do, but only if you follow your bliss. Otherwise, compromising even a little bit with your soul mission, makes it all just fizzles away. But if you really go for it, there is nothing that can stop you. Often times when you close your eyes, you get the graphics that would never have been possible on any computer screen, or any video projector. It just happens naturally with the human mind. Naturally... So they danced, in the rain... -One particular area we have been interested in since the middle seventies is what used to be called biofeedback, which is basically the study of the relationship between various brain rhythms and states of mind. They divide the rhythms of brain activity into four bands; beta, alpha, theta and delta. And basically, all these rhythms are happening at the same time. But if you close your eyes and go into a sort of dream state - the alpha will become stronger and the beta will go down. If you get agitated, or try to do some sorts of complex mental arithmetic, the beta will rise. And if you go into a state of deep meditation, the theta will rise. And if you can produce some kind of stimulus running in the rhythms, the brain will sort of follow it. Rather like if you set off a tuning fork in a room full of acoustic guitars, they'll all vibrate to the note of the tuning fork. The alpha frequency is the one we are particularly interested in and that happens to be in the band of seven to twelve cycles per second, which corresponds to the sixteenth note of most dance music tempo. And there is the basis for some form of psycho-spiritual voyage. And then you have the hemi sync one, and they link both brains together. -My Lord, I can see now that it's all sound! Sound is the most powerful thing in the Universe. In the beginning was the word, the word was sound. The whole planet is built on sound. Everythings molecular. Everything is vibrating. We are just a cluster of electrons and molecules vibrating on electrical energy, spinning round on this planet. -Exactly, my Raja! Its like infrared or different parts of the spectrum, and then you have sound, which has its frequency. Now, within that sound and within those frequencies there are certain mystical frequencies that heal and bind the human mind, body and spirit. -So we can get to our final goal by following many different paths, my Lord. -But we have to define our own paths and define our own religion, my boy. And you don't have to read strange books and listen to people in funny outfits to have religion. Its just a direct hardwire connection with the world, Universe, and god. And it's been missing in our culture for so many centuries - any sense of being part of a world, as opposed to dominating and running it.



-Fuck the organized religinon, my Lord. Havent you thought me that? I can feel these paople, I can feel this energy of these 1,000 people, and it is wonderful! Dancing is such a beautiful way of celebrating! Its a way of freeing ourselves and elevating ourselves, so. And connecting! -My Raja, I have felt this energy in a group of 2,000, even 20,000 people, together expressing their gratitude for existence, their joy at living again in a synchronized manner, but doing this on the Earth. I very strongly felt that this is like medicine to the Earth, it's acupuncture, it's natural healing to get this message back to the Earth that yes, some of us do love living here, love living on the Earth and sharing its benefits, sharing its fruits. And this possibly goes to offset some of the pollution and the degradation of the Earth thats going on in a much vaster scale in other places. But if there is a gaya consciousness here, weighing up the future of this species, the more gratitude we express for existence, the more we are going to keep the balance in our favor. And with the parties there are more people going to parties every weekend, than there ever were before. The more people taking psychedelic drugs every weekend, and the more laws they pass against it, the more it seems to happen. -My Lord, I am so in tune with the music and therere no distances, no distinction between us, the music and everyone else dancing, that I am actually lifted up as on a wave and carried, and I don't get tired, I just am in the music, and dancing along, and I feel I am almost not touching the ground! -Good, my Raja. What you've got is you've got people dancing which is an expression of the body. And when you bring the body and the mind together, you get a heart opening. Understanding right now is all about unity and thats how we can achieve great things as a human race, when we come together in unity. It really breaks down all the borders of color, of creed, of wealth. I mean we are all the same on the dance floor. We are all just having a good time. -This trance music is a lot like meditation, my Lord! -Definitely the psychedelic experience, dance, trance and getting into yourself enables you to get out of yourself and see really whats going on. And we've all seen stuff, that we can't deny, it is definitely going on, and once you've seen that, theres no way you can possibly return to the world as you saw it before. Its not enough just to elevate your own frequency and the frequency of the people around you - you need to tune in with the Earth. And if you do that, then it gets really interesting. So I'm hoping for an evolution in the trance culture, that we will move towards large solar sound systems and explicitly bringing in these consciousness keys into the music, and you are seeing it in the visuals and the backdrops. Everyone is wearing sacred symbols, everyone is tuning into sacred geometry and its happening! So, I think there is an enormous potential and its just one step away from something, which is really transformative. And not just for people who are involved but for the whole planet.


-And what do we do to enhance this transformation, my Lord? -We share it, my Raja, we spread it. No one is free until everyone is free, and that really is a modern version of Buddhism. You can't really enjoy your life while other people are trapped in shit in front of you. You should try to help them if you possibly can. But you have to be careful, as we are living in a dying world. And we have to do our job. And if you simply go off and smash your brain up every weekend and dont contribute and don't learn from those experience and see really what the real situation is and try to make your life so complex that you can't even deal with it, then you have failed to be you! -I will not fail, my Lord. Because what we have to take responsibility for is being co-creators of reality. All as one! -All is One, my Raja, there's no doubt about it. Once we make that breakthrough, we see that we are actually a part of the earths evolutionary process. We are not separate from it and our destinies are completely intertwined. You will see, actually feel, and experience the unity in all this apparent diversity. -And what have we learned, my Lord? What has our society learned? -We've crawled out of the reptilian swamp, and here we are, 60 billion years later, my Raja. What have we learnt? What have we learnt if all the elders of the Universe came down and spoke to us now, what could they tell us? What is everybody trying to tell us? They are trying to tell us love! And how do we love? We have got to love ourselves, thats how we love. If we love ourselves, then we can love everybody and we can share everything, but if we don't love ourselves, we've got nothing. We are a dead battery adrift in the desert, but just saying the word love makes you feel good. Im going to say it now for everybody... L-O-V-E! Ahhhh - what a word! Those four letters are better than other four letters words. Think love. Act love. Be loving. And don't make a show of it, just be an internal lover. Love humanity, love animals, love insects and everything. You can't go wrong. You'll be loved in return. You will just turn into a giant ball of love floating like a thistle in outer space. -What do you think is the most amazing thing in the universe, my Lord? -You tell me, my Raja. -Consciousness, my Lord. This consciousness is what we call God!



14. Attachment & Addiction

-We have arrived, my Richard. said the Guru, telepathically. Today is the day of your liberation. Today you will learn how to become free from the things and people you are addicted to. -And what am I addicted to, my Lord? -You are addicted to all sorts of material stuff, my Richard, as you are addicted to certain people in your life. You can count all the things you are addicted to, from the moment you get up in the morning, until the time you go to bed at night. You will be amazed at how many material things you are addicted to, on daily basis. And if you further analize your relationships, you will conclude the same. You are a junkey, my boy. -And why am I a junkey, my Lord? How do we become addicted to all those things? -When we are born, when we first come to this world, we come from being fully at home. We have a little shadow of it when we come home at the end of the day, feeling that release that comes, and we put our feet up and relax, and have a cup of tea or a joint. It is that feeling of coming home, of coming to a safe space, of feeling back at peace with the One. And when we get separated from that, that separation is created by the mind, and it is the root of suffering. Once that separation has occured, there is incredible pain. Some call it being thrown out of Eden, they call it original sin, but whatever you call it, there is incredible pain. And in some profound way, all of our actions henceforth are an attempt to return to that coming back into the One. And we develop a whole set of techniques that we say make us feel good, which give us a feeling, for a moment, of... yeah, aaahhh... And some of those give us that moment so intensely, and the rest of our life is so much pain of that separateness and so devoid of that feeling. And once we find one of those things, it could be any number of things, and when that occurs, and it works, it reinforces the behavior. And we start to do that behavior more and more, because it feels good, as it takes away the pain of the separateness. The use of drugs, the use of material possessions, the use of human relationships... All of that is trying to get back into the Oneness. It is that yearning that permeates the universe of peoples consciousness. -So the use of heroin and being addicted to another person are basically the same, my Lord? -Correct, my Richard. And when we look at addiction from that point of view, we see it not as something evil, but just as an attempt to get back home. The problem is that most of these behaviors that get us back, do so only for a short period of time. They will allow us to be in the presence of God, but we can only stay for two hours. It would be better to be God, than to visit him. And that is what we find with most addictive things. They give us a short rush, but they dont allow us to remain home, they just allow us the taste of it. And then we get thrown out. We cant stay, because we didnt come in through the right way. Then we end up feeling as if we did something wrong, as if were bad, and that starts a chain reaction


of mind. So we come down, we feel the guilt, we think we must be bad, we should have done something else, why didnt we do the paractices that would have allowed us to stay there, rather than the thing that was short-term... Because we see a predicament. What happens is that the opportunity for immediate gratification prevails. It is what in psychology we call the choice between a little candy bar now, or a big candy bar later. Most children grab for the little candy bar now. They want what they can get now, because they dont have any delay of gratification. Spiritual practice, compared to having sex or taking cocaine, is more like delayed gratification versus immediate gratification. -And how do we get out of that trap, my Lord? -When you stand away and see your predicament, my boy, you start seeing what you are doing. Starting with that bit of awareness, there is a way to extricate yourself from that chain of reactivity. The chain of reactivity that goes like... Im feeling this hunger, and then Ill go for the gratification, and then AAAHHH, and then the coming down, and then OH SHIT, and then I shouldve done it the other way, and then Im bad... and its a whole chain of thoughts. Every one of those is just keeping the whole process going. And as you develop the spatiousness, you start to look where you can intervene in the process, to cut the sequence that is going on. As your awareness gets deeper, you start intervening in different places in the sequence. Slowly, you start breaking the thought patterns, and you start going back in the chain further and further, until you finally reach the point when you get rid of the desire altogether. You start to understand the emptiness of the form you desire for. And instead of going into that whole process of negative thoughts, you break the chain beforehand. You notice it, as your mind anticipates the whole sequence. You can thus shortcut it at any individual link, at any chosen moment. That is how the addictive chain of thoughts is eliminated. This is done through a lot of patience and a lot of practice. You must not be too poignant with yourself. This is an art, my Richard. It is something you coax into existence and continue working on. You are the artist, my boy, and your life is your only masterpiece. The words echoed in the moment of timelessness... -My Richard, what you are now is just a set of roles, nothing behind it. The role od a student, the role of a son, of a brother, a citizen, a piano player, a personality... But all those ego roles do not add up to that feeling of being home, of being you. See, your mind has developed a concept of who you are, and it is your ego structure. And the minds job is to preserve that. That is your separateness, and it is the instrument of preserving that separateness. That ego collage is not really you, it is just an acquired collection of masks. Your heart, on the other hand, is this big mushy boundless thing. The heart doesnt know boundaries. And your mind is afraid of your heart. The mind is afraid that the heart will give away everything. The intellectual mind does not trust intuitive wisdom, as it does not understand the language of wisdom and intuition. An intuitive wisdom allows you to honor everything in a situation, which is your unique predicament... and then you dont give away everything, unless it is



appropriate to do so. We are experiencing the possibility that spontaneous generosity of our heart can be reclaimed, my boy. And it need not be at the mercy of the frightened mind. -And how do we put that nice theory into practice, my Lord? -What you ought to strive for is being like a ball of Love. What you should strive for is living in Eternity. And that Eternity is Love, is compassion, is peace, is joy, and is here, now. I will ask you to tell the truth, my Richard. Tell the truth, now. -Yes, my Lord, I will tell the truth. -My boy, I want you to love everybody... Love, everybody, now. -I cant do that, my Lord. How can I love everybody? It is physically impossible. The Guru moved closer to the boy. He looked him straight in the eyes. Nose to nose... -Love everybody and tell the truth. Period. Do you understand? -But, my Lord... -What? -Nothing, my Lord. -Love everybody and tell the truth. No buts, no exceptions. It is time for you to awaken and mature, to evolve and grow. Here and now. And by accomplishing that, by loving it all... the greatest gift you can ever offer to another person, my boy, will be just your sole being. And the Guru disappeared. The boy never saw him again.



15. Down the Rabbit Hole

-We have arrived, my Yug. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the entrance to the rabbit hole. Inside the rabbit hole, all answers exist. The question is, how far down the rabbit hole do you wanna go? What do you want to know? -What do I want to know? What DONT I want to know?! I want to know everything, my Lord. -Like what? Like what's going on, and why am I here? Who are we? Where do we come from, what should we do, and where are we going? Why are we here? Well, that is the ultimate question, isn't it? And what is reality? -Whoa, whoa... easy, boy. No hurry. The mystery of life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. One step at a time. To put the world in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, we must put the family in order; to put the family in order, we must cultivate our personal life; and to cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. We are Infinite Oneness. The supreme mind. Your brain is capable of zillions. It is a neural net. All realities exist simultaneously. All potentials exist side by side. Have you ever seen yourself through the eyes of someone else that you have become, and looked at yourself through the eyes of the ultimate observer? What you thought was unreal, now for you seems to be more real than what you thought to be real, which seems now more to be unreal. You can't explain it. And anybody who gets too lost in trying, anybody who spends too much time trying to explain it, is likely to get forever lost down the rabbit hole of mysteriousness. -How do we get into the rabbit hole, my Lord? -Through hallucinogens and quantum physics, my boy. And the more we look, the more mysterious and wondrous it becomes. -What is quantum physics, my Lord? -Quantum physics is a physics of possibilities. These are questions of how the world feels to us. Of whether there's a difference between the way the world feels to us and the way it really is. Have you ever thought about what thoughts are made of? We think some of the things we're seeing with the children today, is a sign that the culture is in the wrong paradigm, and not appreciating the power of thought. Every age, every generation has its built-in assumptions that the world is flat, or that the world is round. There are hundreds of hidden assumptions, things we take for granted, that may or may not be true. Of course, in the vast majority of cases, historically, these things aren't true. So presumably, if history is any guide, much about what we take for granted about the world simply isn't true. But we're locked into these precepts without even knowing it oftentimes. That's a paradigm. Modern


materialism. It strips people of the need to feel responsible, and so does religion. But if you take quantum mechanics seriously enough, it puts the responsibility squarely in your lap. And it doesn't give answers that are clear-cut and comforting. -And what answer does it give, my Lord? -It says yes, the world is a very big place. It's very mysterious. Mechanism is not the answer, but I'm not going to tell you what the answer is. Because you're old enough to decide for yourself. But we keep asking. We must. Is everyone a mystery? Is everyone an enigma? They most certainly are. Asking yourself these deeper questions opens up new ways of being in the world. It brings in a breath of fresh air. It makes life more joyful. The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but be in the mystery. But why do we keep re-creating the same reality? Why do we keep having the same relationships? Why do we keep getting the same jobs, over and over again? In this infinite sea of potentials that exist around us, why do we keep recreating the same reality? We are so conditioned by our daily lives, that we buy the illusion that we have no control. We are conditioned to believe that what is outside of us effects what is inside us. And the modern science and quantum physics are discovering exactly the opposite. We are creating what is outside of us. We're living in a world where all we see is the tip of the iceberg. The classical tip of an immense quantum mechanical iceberg. -So there is much more than you and me, my Lord? -If the brain is processing billion bits of information and our awareness is only on, that means reality's happening in the brain all the time. It's receiving that information, and yet we haven't integrated it. The eyes are like the lens. But the tape that's really seeing is the back of the brain. It's called the visual cortex. It's right back here. The brain imprints what it has the ability to see. This is very important. For example, you are now perceiving from the environment more than these words, there is a lot more around, bombarding you from all sides, calling for your attention... But dont worry; I have no objection and no judgment. The only movie that's playing in the brain, its your ability to see. We only see what we believe is possible. We match patterns that already exist within ourselves through conditioning. There is a wonderful true story... when the Indians, the Native American Indians on the Caribbean Islands saw Columbus's ships approaching, they couldn't see them at all. Because it was so unlike anything they had ever seen before, they couldn't see it. When Columbus's armada landed in the Caribbean, none of the natives were able to see the ships, even though they existed on the horizon. The reason that they never saw the ships was because they had no knowledge in their brains, or no experience, that clipper ships existed. So the shaman starts to notice that there are ripples out in the ocean, but he sees no ship... But he starts to wonder what's causing the effect. So every day he goes out and looks and looks and looks. And after a period of time, he's able to see the ships. And once he sees the ships, he tells everybody else that ships exist out there. Because everybody trusted and believed in him, they saw them also.



-So what is the point of the story, my Lord? -The point of the story is that we create reality. We're reality-producing machines. We create the effects of reality all the time. We always perceive something after reflection in the mirror of memory. You cannot see anything that you do not first contemplate as a reality. This is a big philosophical problem we have to deal with, in terms of what science can say about our world. Because we are always the observer in science. So we are still always constrained by what is ultimately coming into the human brain, that allows us to see and perceive the things we do. So it is conceivable that all of this is really just a great illusion, that we have no way of really getting outside to see what is really out there. Your brain doesn't know the difference between what's taking place out there and what's taking place in here. There is no "out there'' out there, independent of what's going on in here. But there are unfathomable possibilities in the rabbit hole. -What is the rabbit hole, my Lord? -The rabbit hole and how deep you will go, is really how much do you want to discover about your true nature. There actually are choices in the direction of how a life can go, that are contingent upon small-level quantum effects not being washed out. First of all, let's talk about the subatomic world, and then we'll talk about what it's telling us about reality. The first thing I want to tell you about the subatomic world is it is totally a fantasy created by mad physicists and weird scientists, trying to figure out what the heck is going on when they do these little experiments. By little experiments, I mean big energy in little spaces in small pieces of time. It gets pretty nutty at that realm of things, and so subatomic physics was invented to try to figure that all out. We need a new science down there, and it's called quantum physics. And it is subject to a whole range of deba table hypotheses, thoughts, feelings, intuitions... as to what the heck is really going on. -And in all those ideas, thoughts, hypotheses and intuition, where does matter come, my Lord? We do live in a very hard rugged world. -Matter is not what we have long thought it to be, my boy. To the scientists, matter has always been thought of as sort of the ultimate in that which is static and predictable. Within all the atoms and molecules, all the space within them, the particles take up an insignificant amount of the of the volume of an atom or molecule, the fundamental particles. The rest of it is vacuum. What seems to happen is that particles appear and disappear all the time. -So where do they go when they're not here, my Lord? -Now, that question is tricky. They go into an alternative universe, where the people in that universe are asking the same question, about those particles when they come into our universe. They say, "Where do they go?'' There is a great mystery called the mystery of the direction of time. There's a certain sense in which the fundamental laws of physics that we have, don't make any interesting distinctions, say, between past and future. For example, it's


a puzzle from the standpoint of the fundamental laws of physics... why we should be able to remember the past, and not have the same kind of epistemic access to the future? It's a puzzle from the standpoint of these laws. We should be able to see both the past and the future. And we can. We can learn how. -Do we really have to, my Lord? It is kind of difficult, it would be much easir if we... didnt. -Do not give in to laziness and fear of the unknown, my Yug. Replace fear of the unknown with curiosity. These things, that we have a different kind of epistemic access to the past and future, that we have a different kind of control by acting now over the future than we do over the past... These things are so fundamental to the way we experience the world. Not to be curious about them is to be three-quarters of the way to being dead. -So, my Lord, you are saying that we can conquer matter in the universe with our thoughts? -In fact, the universe is mostly empty. We like to think of space as empty and matter as solid. But in fact, there is essentially nothing to matter whatsoever. It's completely insubstantial. Take a look at an atom. We think of it as a kind of hard ball. Then we say, oh well, not really. It's this little tiny point of really dense matter right at the center, surrounded by a kind of fluffy probability cloud of electrons, popping in and out of existence. But then it turns out that that's not even right. Even the nucleus, which we think of as so dense, pops in and out of existence just as readily as the electrons do. The most solid thing you can say about all this insubstantial matter is that it's more like a thought, an idea, it's like a concentrated bit of information. What make up things are not more things. But what make up things are ideas, concepts and information. -And you say that we can also see the future, my Lord? -Yes, and we can always go backwards in time as well. It's only in conscious experience that it seems that we move forward in time. In quantum theory, you can also go backwards in time. Back and forth into the possibilities of the future. -My Lord... this is confusing. -My Yug, the whole mystery is in YOU observing the world. You create the world by simply observing it. When you are not lookin', it's like a wave. When you are looking, it's like a particle. When you are not looking, there are waves of possibility. When you are looking, there are particles of experience. A particle, which we think of as a solid thing, really exists in a so-called superposition, a spread-out wave of possible locations, and it's in all of those at once. The instance you check on it, it snaps into just one of those possible positions. Out of many, comes one. E pluribus unum. Quantum superposition implies that a particle can be in two or more places simultaneously. And this is a very bizarre concept, and one of the hallmarks of the quantum world. Heroes choose what they want, being in many places at once, experiencing many possibilities all at once... and then collapsing on the one.


-My Lord, how can an object be in two or more states at the same time? -It's very easy. Donnot think of things as things. We all have a habit of thinking that everything around us is already a thing, existing without our input, without your choice. You have to banish that kind of thinking. Instead, you really have to recognize that even the material world around us... the chairs, the tables, the rooms, the mountains; all of these are nothing but possible movements of consciousness. And you are choosing moment to moment, out of those movements, to bring your actual experience into manifestation. This is the only radical thinking that you need to do. -But it is so radical, my Lord. Its so difficult, because our tendency is that the world is already out there, independent of my experience. -It is not, my Yug. Quantum physics has been so clear about it. Heisenberg himself, codiscoverer of quantum physics, said atoms are not things, they're only tendencies. So, instead of thinking of things, you have to think of possibilities. They're all possibilities of consciousness. -My Lord, I'm not sure that my jaw will drop about it. I don't think I really believe it. And I don't mean that you're lying, or that the scientists are confused. I think it is so mysterious that I can't even understand how amazing it is. What does it really mean? -You have to really stop and think about what that means. It is the same object and it is in two places at once. When you get angry about things, and you have lunch and you go home and you lead your life, just as though nothing utterly astounding is happening, because that's how you have to go about it. And yet, there's this completely amazing magic sitting right in front of your eyes. The observer cannot be ignored. -And who is the observer, my Lord? -Well, the ultimate observer is you, but how do I expain that to you? We know what an observer does, from a point of view of quantum physics, but we don't know who or what the observer actually is. Doesn't mean we haven't tried to find an answer. We've looked. We've gone inside of your head. We've gone into every orifice you have, to find something called an observer. And there's nobody home. There is nobody in the brain. There's nobody in the cortical regions of the brain. There is nobody in the subcortical regions or the limbic regions of the brain. There's nobody there called an observer. And yet, we all have this experience of being something called an observer, observing the world out there. -And who, or what, do YOU think the observer is, my Lord? -In my modeling, the observer is the spirit inside your four-layer biobodysuit. It's like the ghost in the machine. It is the consciousness that's driving the vehicle, my Yug. And you are observing the surround. The four layers of the biobodysuit have all kinds of sensory systems to pick up signatures from the surrounding.


-And I can affect this world of reality that I see, my Lord? -You can bet your life on that, my boy. Every single one of us affects the reality that we see, even if we try to hide from that and play victim. We all are doing it. Most people don't affect reality in a consistent, substantial way, because they don't believe they can. They write an intention, and then they erase it, because they think that's silly, they cant do it. And then they write it again, and then they erase it. So on average, it's a very small effect. And it really comes down to the fact that they believe they can't do it. -My Lord, if I think I can walk on water, will it happen? -Yes, my boy. But you must accept with every rudiment of your being that you will walk on water. And then you will. But you know, it's like positive thinking. It's a wonderful idea, positive thinking, but what it usually means is that I have a little smear of positive thinking, covering a whole mass of negative thinking. So, thinking positive is not really thinking positive. It's just disguising the negative thinking that we have. When we think of things, then we make the reality more concrete than it is, and that's why we become stuck. We become stuck in the sameness of reality. Because if reality is concrete, obviously, I am insignificant, I cannot really change it. Im powerless. That is the old view. In the old thinking, I cannot change anything, because I don't have any role at all in reality. Reality is already there. It is material objects moving in their own way, from deterministic laws, and mathematics determines what they will do in a given situation. I, the experiencer, have no role at all. -And that is not so, my Lord? -No, it is not so, my Yug. In our new view, yes, mathematics can give us something. They give us the possibilities that all these movements can assume. But it cannot give us the actual experience that I'll be having in my consciousness. I choose that experience. And therefore, literally, I create my own reality. It may sound like a tremendous, bombastic claim by some New Agey without any understanding of physics whatsoever, but really, quantum physics and science are telling us that. Let me show you something... The Guru reached to the left and several photographs appeared in his hand... -Our little exhibit comes to us from Japan and the scientist Masaru Emoto. Emoto became terribly interested in the molecular structure of water and what affects it. Now, water is the most receptive of the four elements. Emoto thought that perhaps water would respond to nonphysical events. So he set up a series of experiments, applied mental stimuli, and photographed water molecules with a dark field microscope. This first picture is a picture of water from the Fujiwara Dam. And this other picture is the same water, after receiving a blessing from a Zen Buddhist monk...



-It cant be the same water, my Lord. The second picture is so... beautiful; it is a crystal, shining out. And the first one is all browny and fuzzy. -It is the same water, my Yug. The water in the second image was blessed. And this third photo is water blessed with a Chi of Love. This fourth one is thank you water. See how unbelievably wonderful they look? Now, Emoto speaks of the thought or intent being the driving force in all of this. The science of how that actually affects the molecules is unknown, except to the water molecules, of course. And it's really fascinating when you keep in mind that 90% of our bodies are water. The boy was looking at the photographs in astonishment... -Makes you wonder, doesnt it? If thoughts can do that to water... imagine what our thoughts can do to us. -What is the rabbit hole really telling us, my Lord? -The rabbit hole is saying that there are different worlds in which we live. There is the macroscopic world that we see. There's the world of our cells. There is the world of our atoms. There's the world of our nuclei. These are each totally different worlds. They have their own language. They have their own mathematics. They're not just smaller, each is totally different. But they're complementary, because I am my atoms, but I am also my cells. I'm also my macroscopic physiology. It's all true. They're just different levels of truth. The deepest level of truth uncovered by science and by philosophy, the essence of what the rabbit hole is telling us... is the fundamental truth of unity. At that deepest subnuclear level of our reality, you and I are literally... One.



16. Zeitgeist
-We have arrived, my Daniel. said the Guru, telepathically. Today is a historic day, the history lesson day. Today you will be presented with the real course of the human history. You will reevaluate everything they had thought you in school, because it is simply all wrong. -What do you mean, my Lord? What do you mean when you say the real course of history? -There exist two courses of human history, my boy. On one side, there is the official course of history, which is available to the public, and which is being formally thought in schools all over the world. It is the verified official version of our history, and although we cannot say that it is entirely flawed, it certainly has been heavily manipulated. And on the other side, my Daniel, we have the unofficial, underground, parallel course of human history, which is not readily available to the general public. Of course, this invisible version of our past is much more interesting and accurate. -Are you talking about the conspiracy theories, my Lord? -I am talking about the practice of conspiracy, my Daniel. The conspiracy theory, as you call it, is a legitimate theory that initially appeared during the 20th century, thus only in the last 100 years. Its essence is that, behind every political and social movement or process, there lays a pre-agreed concept. So if two people get together and secretly make plans, so as for the third person not to find out, that is an element of the definition of a conspiracy. It doesnt necessarily have to be anything bad or radical, but it is a conspiracy in its essence. -And who is responsible for these parallel courses of human history, my Lord? Who writes our history? -Secret societies, my boy. Secret societies which have ruled the world for centuries, family bloodlines that reach as far back as Jesus Christ and even ancient Egypt. All of those secret societies utilise the power of magic, and use some of the same ancient recipes that Hallucinati also use, like plants and mushrooms entheogens. But unlike us, the Illuminati harvest magic as a source of energy, through often grotesque rituals. These rituals are not much different from the cave mans dance around the fire, or the satanic rituals, or the ecstatic trance practices of some of contemporary tribes in the remote areas of Africa or South America. And once you understand that everything is energy, you will start to comprehend how much power these people harvest and consequently possess. -And is there one secret society which rules them all, my Lord? -No, but there is one family that rules them all. The Rothschilds. The Rothschild family is the king of the world. And it has been building its empire through generations and generations. The House of Rothschild is a European dynasty, of German-Jewish origin, that established European banking and finance houses starting in the late 18th century. Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family have been elevated to Austrian nobility, being given hereditary


baronies of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. Another line, of the British branch of the family, was elevated to British nobility at the request of Queen Victoria. During the 1800s, the family is believed to have possessed by far the largest private fortune in the world, as well as by far the largest fortune in modern world history. The family motto appears below the shield: Concordia, Integritas, Industria... Harmony, Integrity, Industry. -And how much money do the Rothschilds have, my Lord? -Nobody knows that, my Daniel. Not even the Rothschilds themselves know how much resources they exactly own. But it was not so much the money, as it were the efficient moves that ensured this almost omnipotent power to the family. It were the Rothschild familys ideas and actions, their smart moves and treaties, throughout the last 250 years, which are of crucial importance in understanding the current status quo in the world. -But you say that the Rothschilds rule the world only for the past 250 years, isnt it correct, my Lord? And who has ruled the world before them? -The Rothschilds, as well as other Illuminati families, are direct blood descendants of the Egyptian pharaohs, and some centuries later of Jesus Christ. These are the same bloodlines which rule this planet for millenia. They carefully crossbreed with other nobility families, further enhancing their wealth and power through these hybrid plutocratic blood alliances. -And who are the Illuminati, my Lord? -The Illuminati are the enlightened ones, my Daniel. Historically the name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776. On that day, Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati, supposedly publicly announced that there was a new organization whose goal was world domination. However, in 1776 the Illuminati only went public, but the societys roots had existed much longer than that. -Are Illuminati the Freemasons, my Lord? -Exactly, my boy. In more modern contexts, the name refers to a purported conspiratorial organization which is alleged to mastermind events and control world affairs through governments and corporations, with the goal to establish a New World Order. In this context the Illuminati are usually represented as a modern version or continuation of the Bavarian Illuminati. -And why are the Illuminati so significant, my Lord? -Because all the major political and social movements in recent history have been financed and organized by them, my Daniel. The French Revolution was practically the firstborn child of the Illuminati. The goal was bringing down of the monarchy, cutting down of those roots which had been giving the European ruling class historical legitimacy. The French Revolution was a period of radical social and political upheaval in France, which had a major impact on


all of Europe and ideed the entire world. The absolute monarchy that had ruled France for centuries collapsed in three years. French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from radical left-wing political groups, masses on the streets, and peasants in the countryside. Old ideas about tradition and hierarchy, of monarchy, aristocracy and religious authority, were abruptly overthrown by new Enlightenment principles of equality, citizenship and inalienable rights. The new motto was: Libert, galit, fraternit... Liberty, equality, fraternity. -And the Illuminati were responsible for this revolution, my Lord? -Yes, my Daniel, but this revolution did not go exactly as it has been presented to the world. The class differences between the rich and the poor in France were not as significant as the world has been lead to believe. France was at that time the most developed nation in Europe. The peasant population was relatively well off, agriculture was thriving, industry was moving forward, and there was no real class warfare. The Illuminati reasoned that if they could overthrow from power the King of France, the most powerful monarch in the world, then all other traditional governments would supposedly follow in a domino effect. Similar reasoning is being used today, with the American Empire on the brink of economic disaster. Once the United States collapse financially and politically, the entire capitalist economic system will melt down, as will Christianity and all organised religion. When this happens, Humanity will enter a whole new cycle. Like the Freemasons, we are all looking forward to this bright moment in human history, this turning point that is not far ahead of us. -And what other revolution did the Illuminati organize, my Lord? -The Socialist Revolution, my Daniel. As contradictory as it may sound, the Freemasonry movement was responsible for defining and financing the communist revolution. Karl Marx was no simple fighter for workers rights, he was a Freemason, a satanist who was married to a British noblewoman. Vladimir Ilyich Lenin has also been installed and financed by the Illuminati bankers. Here we have to understand what is the ultimate political state the Illuminati are striving for, and that is certainly not democracy. The Illuminati are fighting for a worldwide dictatorship. When you look at political systems, you have to understand that the most intelligent people have never really valued democracy as the ultimate hope for the society. Even Plato had prefered enlightened apsolutism over the will of the masses. The masses are not an intelligent entity, my Daniel. The more people together, the lesser their intelligence quotient. So the Illuminati always favored societies like the Soviet or the Nazi or the Fascist, where deluded masses are ruled by an iron fist of a few exteremely rich and powerful oligarchs. So the Illuminati financed the Bolshevik revolution in Russia, which at that time was not at all a poor peasant country, as is generally believed. Prior to the Socialist revolution in 1917, Russia has been producing more oil than the United States. Of course there was poverty in Russia, but there was also poverty in the United States. People were dying of hunger even in Sweden, during the mid-19th century, as they were in Ireland.


Poverty was an omnipresent phenomenon. So in Russia there was no real class struggle that lead to social unrest and consequently the revolution, as we have been falsely lead to believe by the official history explanations. The Bolshevik revolution was a project of the Illuminati, a live experiment to see how far can the totalitarian rule go in conquering and controlling the population. The ultimate goal of the Illuminati is to transform people and individuals into citizens and slaves, into obedient workers going through motions for sustaining own survival. The Illuminati attempted this by financing both the far left, and the far right, on the global political spectrum. The Illuminati also financed those in the middle, like President Tito of Yugoslavia. -Who was Tito, my Lord? -Marshal Josip Broz Tito was a Yugoslav revolutionary and a 35-year term president. While his presidency has been criticized as authoritarian, Tito was a popular public figure both in Yugoslavia and abroad, viewed as a unifying symbol for the nations of the Yugoslav federation. He gained international attention as the chief leader of the Non-Aligned Movement, working with President Nehru of India and President Nasser of Egypt. Tito was the chief architect of the "second Yugoslavia", a socialist federation that lasted from World War II until 1991. Despite being one of the founders of Cominform, he was also the first, and the only successful, Cominform member to defy Soviet hegemony. In 1948 Yugoslavia was on a brink of war with the mighty Soviet Union of the ruthless Joseph Stalin, but Tito had finally prevailed. However, the person that played the role of Tito for decades, has not been the real Josip Broz, and was a foreign agent infiltrated from outside into the Yugoslav government. He did not even speak Serbo-Croatian correctly. Yes, Tito has been celebrated like a true divinity in Yugoslavia, he was like a saint in many countries of the world, but he was really a genuine fake. -And who was Tito really, my Lord? -The man who presented himself as Tito was born on February 16, 1892 in Vienna, Austria. His name was Hanz Joseph Hapsburg Lauren. He was a bustard son of Franje Josip and the Polish countess Maria Sobieski. That is why Tito had always had a Polish accent. Tito was a Freemason. Although he had really died in February of 1980, his death was publicly announced on May 4, 1980. May 4th is the Illuminati Charity day. When Tito died, 23 million Yugoslavs cried in a mass hysteria. His funeral was the most extravagant funeral of all times, televised live to the entire planet. When Tito died, in Norway, a developed Scandinavian country, they declared 8 days of national mourning. Would they have 8 days of mourning in a western capitalist country for a just another socialist leader? No, my Daniel. Tito was an institution. Which he became by being an ellitist. An Illuminati. A Freemason. A Hapsburg. The Hapsburgs are a European dynasty which is direct blood descendant of Jesus Christ. They are the honorary kings of Jerusalem. They are the Holy Roman Empire, which has the Vatican and the Catholic Church behind them. Besides the socialism experiments in



the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the Illuminati bankers had also financed Nazism and Adolf Hitler. Hitler himself was a descendant of the Rothschild family. -Hitler was a Rothschild, my Lord? -Only technically, my boy. He did not bear the family name, but he was the bastard son of Solomon Rothschild and his young Austrian maid. Ol Solomon was living in Vienna when little Adolf was born, and was famous for his preference for young female maids. Also, another goal of the Illuminati was to have as many offspring as possible. Not all of them would be named Rothschild, of course, as it would have been quite impractical to have 50 Rothschilds on 50 most influential positions in society. So new plutocratic bloodlines emerged, growing fast along with their wealth and power. The thirteen Illuminati families have all been interbreeding among themselves, as well as with other noble aristocratic families, mostly of European origin. -Tell me more about Hitler, my Lord? Tell me about the Antichrist? -Adolf Hitler was born on 20th April 1889 and was an Austrian-born German leader of Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, commonly referred to as the Nazi Party. He was the dictator of Nazi Germany as Fhrer und Reichskanzler from 1934 to 1945. But Hitlers rise to power has long been pre-planned. People from the shadows have been following young Adolf, while he had still lived a socially marginalized life, prior to his moving from Vienna to Munich in 1911. Hitler fought in WW I, and was one of only three German soldiers that were officially honored for their service in the War to end all wars. He was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross, Second Class, in 1914. As a decorated veteran, Hitler joined the small German Workers' Party, precursor of the Nazi Party, in 1919, and became leader of the NSDAP in 1921. In 1923 he attempted a coup d'tat, known as the Beer Hall Putsch, in Munich. The failed coup resulted in Hitler's imprisonment, during which time he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf. After his release in 1924, Hitler gained support by promoting Pan-Germanism, antisemitism, and anticommunism, with charismatic oratory and Nazi propaganda. The German secret service has been preparing Adolf Hitler for the position of the Fuhrer, the new messiah of Germany, for years prior to his rise to power. -So they knew in advance he was going to come to power, my Lord? -Yes, my boy. They have bought him a small party, they have bought him status, they have introduced him to all the influential people in the German political life and society. After his appointment as chancellor in 1933, Hitler transformed the Weimar Republic into the Third Reich, a single party dictatorship based on the totalitarian and autocratic ideology of Nazism. His avowed aim was to establish a New Order of absolute Nazi German hegemony in continental Europe. But all these ideas were not authentically Hitlers. They were the policy of the Rothschild Zionists that were behind him, the bankers who had financed the whole Nazism project in Germany. It may seem contradictory how a Jew, which Adolf Hitler undoubtedly was, could have executed a project like the Holocaust, in which 6 million Jews


have been brutally slaughtered. How could he have done it? Well, Hitler has been used by the Illuminati. First of all, only a self-hating Jew could come up with such an advanced degree of hate toward other Jews. And the Illuminati Zionist bankers used this monstrous self-hatred of Adolf Hitler for their own higher cause. This greater cause was to establish the state of Israel on the Holy Land. The area was being holy for all Abrahamic religions including Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Bah' Faith. The Zionists sacrificed 6 million of their people in order to establish the state of Israel, their ultimate dream. They finally achieved this in 1948. -How did they do it, my Lord? How did Israel suddenly become a country? -Following the 1947 United Nations decision to partition Palestine, on 14 May 1948 David Ben-Gurion, the Executive Head of the World Zionist Organization and president of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, declared Israel a state independent from the British Mandate for Palestine. This was supposed to be the pay-off to the Jewish people for the suffering of going through the Holocaust. Neighboring Arab states invaded the next day in support of the Palestinian Arabs. Israel has since fought several wars with neighboring Arab states, in the course of which it has occupied the West Bank, Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip and the Golan Heights. Portions of these territories, including east Jerusalem, have been annexed by Israel, but the border with the neighboring West Bank has not yet been permanently defined. Israel has been ruthlessly slaughtering Palestinians for decades, but the world is powerless to stop this genocide. Israels connection to the United States has enabled the Israeli Jewish population of only 6 million people, to successfully manage over 1,6 billion Muslims and the rest of the civilised world. Every single attempt or a fair solution proposal that the United Nations Security Council has ever recommended to resolve the conflict in the Middle East, was every time singlehandedly vetoed by Israels big brother, the US of A. The United States and Israel have been holding the world by its testicles for the past half a century. Together, they are the real axis of evil in this world. But their time is up. And they know it, they can feel it, and they are almost in a panic mode. They know the end is approaching. -But the end is not coming from Iran, my Lord? -No, my Daniel, not from Iran. But how do you get those hot heads with kippot realize that? Actually, they know very well that one potential nuclear missile of Iran is literally nothing compared to Israels 200 nuclear missiles. Israel can wipe Iran off the Earth, at any given moment. But never viceversa. So why are the Israelis so aggressive? Why are they so hostile, so insecure? Why are the Americans so militant? Because they can sense the end, my boy. The end of organized religion, the end of monotheism, the end of Christianity and the God they trust, the end of the American Empire, the end of Judaism and the end of Israel. And all those invisible planes and smart bombs cannot do anything. Their mighty armies are useless. The winter is coming. From inside. And they can hear the clock ticking... Tik-tak, tik-tak.



-You dont like the Israelis very much, do you, my Lord? -Quite the opposite, my Daniel. I admire the Israeli nation inexplicably, particularly for a few of their concrete qualities which are unmatched by any other nation in the world. Besides the Japanese, the Jews are the only group of people who can be considered somewhat special, even more evolutionally advanced than the rest of us. Those qualities that are so admirable include almost pathological unity, highly sophisticated organization, and a lethal army of merciless fighters for the higher cause of Israel. The Jewish population in the United States is at only 2%, yet they literally move all the strings in the US Government, and they have been doing so for decades. The AIPAC Jewish lobby is the most influential of all lobbies in Washington DC, and Washington is the lobbying-special-interests capital of this Civilisation. Most of the presidential candidates in the US compete in who will give the most plausible and enjoyable felatio to the super-rich Jewish community, in return for their generous donations in the politicians campaigns for office. One cannot but admire the Hebrew peoples perseverance and the urge to survive. Yes, they too often recall the Holocaust experience, and though it is a legitimate argument, it has been objectively outdated and overused, if not misused. The Jewish nation is not really under any serious threat from any foreign enemy. The Israelis should listen more to their fellow Jewish intellectuals like Noam Chomsky or Norman Finkelstein, who are ethically able to see the reality from an objective point of view, which has so long been denied by the official Israeli and zionist policy makers. Israel is approaching its end, but not because any evil antisemitic people want to destroy it, but because the time has come for their ideology to be forever burried. If its of any comfort, their ideology will not be the only one to end its historical lifespan. Christianity will also go. Islam will go. Monotheism is counting its last moments. The new paradigm is coming. The new cycle is inevitable. -And what is the new cycle bringing us, my Lord? -We will have to see, my Daniel. There currently is a war between the dark forces that are installing the New World Order, with the ultimate goal of a fascist Zeitgeist worldwide state, in which citizens would be fully controlled, powerless, dependent slaves who will stay obedient in their neverending struggle for survival... On the other side, there are the forces of the ligth, the warriors of the Infinite Oneness, who are trying to awaken Humanity to a critical-mass turning-point, which would consequently enable our species to fight back and sustain its freedom and survival. If you inform yourself enough, if you follow the global political show, you can understand easily which are the sides involved and how they are clashing continously. And the Illuminati are financing their vision of the future, the Zeitgeist society, as we speak. They are investing into a new, modern, robotised, Venus Project like utopian society of microchips implanted into human bodies, of all persons resources being on a single electronic chip, with every individual being one push of a button away from forever being erased as a person and a citizen. The Illuminati future plan is supposed to be a one state society, a one currency economy, and a one world government. And we are all


supposed to be their enslaved working force. Their cattle, their sheep. If they in meantime find a way to kill several billion of us, they will be utterly glad to do so. Whether it is by a virus they will intentionally produce, or by unintentionally firing a couple of nukes, they are always searching for a way to bring down the human race back to the golden billion. The one billion of our best, the billion of our most productive, our most intellectually and physically advanced ambassadors, filtered down to produce pure quality from pure quantity. Once we have established the desired level of quality, we now must reduce our undesirable quantity. These are some dangerous ideas, my boy, and it is our responsibility and duty to fight against them until we die. Remember, remember the 5th of November the gunpowder, treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. -And who is the enemy, my Lord? Which are the secret societies which rule the world today? -My Daniel, you must understand that there is a round table of influential factors that are currently running the world. There are six major players, so to say, sitting around this table of global shaddow government. On one side, we have The Bilderberg Group. Bilderberg organizes its meetings annualy, unofficialy, in invitation-only conferences of approximately 120 to 140 guests from North America and Western Europe, most of whom are people of wealth and influence. About one-third is from government and politics, and two-thirds from finance, industry, labour, education and communications. Meetings are closed to the public. The Bilderberg Club is one of the most poweful branches of the contemporary globalist government... The second chair at the round table belongs to another influential society from Europe, The Club of Rome, whose main areas of interest are the environment and eugenics. Founded in 1968 in Rome, Italy, the CoR describes itself as "a group of world citizens, sharing a common concern for the future of humanity." It consists of current and former Heads of State, UN bureaucrats, high-level politicians and government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and business leaders from around the globe. It raised considerable public attention in 1972 with its report The Limits to Growth, in which it has warned Humanity that the economic growth cannot go forever due to limited natural resources... The third attendee at the round table is also from Europe, in particular from Great Britain. The Chatham House, formally known as The Royal Institute of International Affairs, is a society based in London whose mission is to analyse and promote the understanding of major international issues and current affairs. This is the little army of the English Queen and the Royal Family. This organization practices a confidentiality rule known as the Chatham House Rule, which provides that members attending a seminar may discuss the results of the seminar in the outside world, but may not discuss who attended or identify what a specific individual said. -Are there any societies which are not from Europe, my Lord? -Of course there are, my boy. At the other side of the round table we have the societies from the United States of America, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. Both of these organizations promote American dominance in the world,


globalization, colonialism of countries with natural resources, as well as other national interests of USA and Israel. The CFR also has representatives from another highly developed country, Japan. Both CFR and Trilateral Commission are organizations exclusively serving the interests of the ruling class, controlling the media and taking away individual freedoms from their own American people... Finally, sitting as the chairman on the round table, we have the United Nations. The UN had been the first serious, yet classic attempt of the ruling ellite to establish a one world government. The project did not fully succeed in taking away national identities around the world, but the United Nations remain a handy tool in the hands of the world richest 1%... That is the round table of the global world government, my Daniel. That is the real enemy of Humanity. It is our mission, our responsibility and our duty to fight these dark forces until we die. We are the warriors of the Infinite Oneness. We will prevail. -How can we fight the Illuminati and all those societies of power, my Lord? How do we ever match their influence and wealth? -Like the great Chinese general Sun Tzu said, if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. We must bring the enemy to our own battlefield, to our homecourt, where we are the strongest. We fight the enemy with our omnipotent weapon, my Daniel. We fight them with our Love. Matrix and fear are their weapons, the Infinite One is ours. We target them with the power of feeling from our hearts. We shoot at them with the forcefulness of our words and thoughts from our minds. And we finally eliminate them with the freedom of our hallucinations in our own reality. That is how we finally prevail, my boy. We hallucinate the enemy back into the Infinite Oneness.



17. Global Warming Hoax

-We have arrived, my George. said the Guru, telepathically. The planet Earth. This is our home. The holographic illusion which we live in. -It is so beautiful, my Lord. From above. So peaceful. So divinely harmonic. -Yes, my boy. The Earth is also an organism of its own. It is self-counscious, as is the whole Universe. The Earth goes through the exact same changes, through the identical steps of evolution that we go through, but on a much bigger scale. It has its own ups and downs, going infinitely through the repetitive cycles of what we call time. -I feel kind of hot, my Lord. Is it me, or is the Earth warming up? -You can feel it, cant you? Yes, my George, the Earth is warming up. The planet is going through one of those cycles, as it has done countless times before us, and will continue to do long after we are gone. See, my boy, people on Earth are led by deception. One of those deceptions played on the human race, is the very sense of guilt that is forced upon people, that it is somehow their fault that the planet is warming up. They made a whole profitmaking industry based on this false story, and there is an entire fabricated movement down there to back that up to save the planet, somehow. -And you say its bullshit, my Lord? -Pure bullshit, my George. People are so self-important. So self-important. Everybodys going to save something now. Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails. And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. What? Are these fucking people kidding? Save the planet, we dont even know how to take care of ourselves yet. We havent learned how to care for one another, were gonna save the fucking planet? Excuse my French, boy, but were getting tired of that shit. Tired of that shit. Were tired of fucking Earth Day, were tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this world is there arent enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for their Volvos. Besides, environmentalists dont give a shit about the planet. They dont care about the planet. Not in the abstract they dont. You know what theyre interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. Theyre worried that some day in the future, they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesnt impress, my boy. -And the planet is OK, my Lord? -Absolutely, my George. There is nothing wrong with the planet. Nothing wrong with the planet. The planet is fine. The PEOPLE are fucked. Difference. Humongous difference. Compared to the people, the planet is doing great. Its been here four and a half billion years. Did you ever think about the arithmetic? The planet has been here four and a half billion years. Weve been here, what, a hundred thousand? Maybe two hundred thousand?


And weve only been engaged in heavy industry for a little over two hundred years. Two hundred years, versus, four and a half billion! And we have the CONCEIT to think that, somehow, were a threat? That somehow were gonna put in jeopardy this beautiful little blue-green ball thats just floatin around the sun? The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Its been through all kinds of things worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worlwidefloods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages And we think some plastic bags, and some aluminum cans, are going to make a difference? The planet isnt going anywhere. We are! -We are going somewhere, my Lord? -Were going away. Pack your shit, folks. Were going away. And we wont leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little styrofoam. Maybe. A little styrofoam. The planet will be here and well be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet will shake us off like a bad case of fleas. A surface nuisance. The Guru imitated a dog with fleas. The boy smiled... -You wanna know how the planets doing, my George? Ask those people at Pompeii, who are frozen into position from volcanic ash, how the planets doing? You wanna know if the planets all right, ask those people in Haiti or Japan or a hundred other places buried under thousands of tons of earthquake rubble, if they feel like a threat to the planet, this week? Or how about those people in Kilowaia, Hawaii, who built their homes right next to an active volcano, and then wonder why they have lava in the living room. A smile became laughter... -The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after were gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, because thats what it does. Its a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the Earth will be renewed, and if its true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the Earth plus plastic. The Earth doesnt share our prejudice towards plastic. Plastic came out of the Earth. The Earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the Earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didnt know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, Why are we here? Plastic... So, the plastic is here, our job is done, we can be phased out now. And I think thats begun. Dont you think thats already started? I think, to be fair, the planet sees us as a mild threat. Something to be dealt with. And the planet can defend itself in an organized, collective way, the way a beehive or an ant colony can. A collective defense mechanism. The planet will think of something. What would you do if you were the planet? How would you defend yourself against this troublesome, pesky


species? Lets see Viruses. Viruses might be good. People seem vulnerable to viruses. And viruses are tricky, always mutating and forming new strains, whenever a vaccine is developed. Perhaps, this first virus could be one that compromises the immune system of these creatures. Perhaps a human immunodeficiency virus, making them vulnerable to all sorts of other diseases and infections that might come along. And maybe it could be spread sexually, making them a little reluctant to engage in the act of reproduction. -You mean AIDS, my Lord? -Yes, my George, AIDS is the disease. The virus is HIV, human immunodefficiency virus. Another deception thrown onto Humanity is that HIV causes AIDS. This is not entirely true. The HIV virus has existed on Earth, in humans and monkeys, for millenia. But only recently, when peoples lifestyle drastically changed, in the 60s and 70s when people started using recreational drugs and started fucking everything that moved... only then has the virus become a threat to human life. It is the lifestyle that kills, not the virus itself. But the virus is deadly, nevertheless. Cureless, thus far. It is psychologically the most difficult diagnosis that a human being can be given in a lifetime. -And what do we do, my Lord? -We hallucinate, my boy. We dream worlds into existence. We can dream, cant we? We dont worry about the little things: bees, trees, whales, snails. We think we are part of a greater wisdom than we will ever understand. A higher order. Call it what you want. Know what I call it? The Big Electron. The Big Electron whoooa. Whoooa. Whoooa. It doesnt punish, it doesnt reward, it doesnt judge at all. It just is. And so are we. For a little while.



18. Evolution of Consciousness

-We have arrived, my Ian. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the particular age and the particular year we have been waiting for. 2012 is the year in which the Mayan calendar ends. -So what, my Lord? What is the Mayan calendar? -The "Mayan calendar" is the popular name for a complex organization of time, number, astronomy, and astrology created and employed by the ancient Maya people, and probably some of their predecessors in ancient Mesoamerica, which includes central and southern Mexico and northern Central America. Archaeologists and historians of Mesoamerican civilisation generally refer to this calendar as the Long Count. The Long Count has three elements that are shared with the Western Christian calendar... a base date, a means of grouping large periods of time, and an astrological component. -What is a base date, my Lord? -The base date of the Christian calendar is the year that Jesus of Nazareth was supposedly born. Everything in Western history is dated relative to that point, either before Christ, as B.C., or after him, as A.D. In the Western Christian calendar, time is grouped into years, decades, centuries, and millennia. The basic idea of this calendar is to organize time in multiples of the number 10. In the Christian calendar, time is linear. There's a starting point, 0, and straight lines move forward and backward from that point. Significance occurs when a multiple of ten is crossed, like the year 2000. On the other hand, the base date of the Long Count is August 11, 3114 B.C. In the Long Count time periods are grouped into multiples of the numbers 13 and 20, numbers that Westerners are less familiar with. In the Long Count, time is cyclic, and there are a finite number of days that must occur after the base date, before a new cycle commences. -So the Mayan calendar views time in cycles rather than linearly, correct, my Lord? -Correct, my Ian. The length of the Long Count is exactly 1,872,000 days, or 5,125.37 years. We know this to be so because we know the lengths of the fundamental units of Mayan time. For example, the katun is a Mayan time period of 7,200 days. Interestingly, this figure is very close, within 54 days, to the average synodic cycle of Jupiter and Saturn. Perhaps the katun is an attempt to represent that cycle as a mathematical ideal - similar to the way Western astrologers use 360 degrees to measure the Sun's motion during a 365.24-day year. A katun of 7,200 days was considered a major time period, a generation marker of sorts. We know that there are 260 katuns in the Long Count, which, when multiplied by the number of days in a katun, gives us 1,872,000 days again. We also know about the baktun, a period of 144,000 days, and we know that there are 13 baktuns in the Long Count. -That seems much more complicated than our calendar, my Lord. -And indeed it is, my boy. It is by far more advanced and sophisticated than the Christian calendar. While the Western Christian calendar is based on the year that Jesus was allegedly born, it contains a week of 7 days that are named for planets. This seven-day planetary week


is actually an astrological remnant of pre-Christian culture, most probably that of the Near East. Embedded within the week are the planetary hours, divisions of the day that are said to have an astrological quality. The hour that begins each day at dawn gives its name to that day. At various times in the history of Western astrology, the planetary hours were used in the search for propitious times, to read the destiny of a newborn, and to evaluate the nature of the New Year itself. The planetary hours are a remnant of a kind of astrology that uses blocks of time as "signs." Nearly all of Western astrology since the Greeks uses blocks of space which hold symbolic meaning, like signs, houses, and aspects. -And what did the Maya view differently from us, my Lord? -Everything, my Ian. They looked at a much larger picture. We have limited ourselves to our Solar system, while the Maya have been looking at the entire galaxy, even universe. Their blocks of time were much larger and meaningful. The Mesoamerican astrological tradition is built on a structure of blocks of time, which function like the spatial signs of Western astrology. The Long Count's divisions into 260 katuns and 13 baktuns are amounts of time that have an astrological value, though much of the original understanding has been lost or destroyed. What we do know is that the cornerstone of Mesoamerican astrology is the 260day astrological calendar, the Tzolkin, which was used for personality description and for choosing the best days for activities. The Long Count, with its 260 katuns, appears to be simply a large-scale, mundane version of the 260-day astrological count. The Guru paused for a moment. He looked into the boys eyes. He searched for a spark, for a sign of comprehension. The spark was there. The Guru continued... -On a much vaster scale, the Long Count measures the precession of the equinoxes, a cycle of approximately 25,695 years. One fifth of the average precessional cycle is 5,139 years, very close to the 5,125-year Long Count. In Mesoamerican myth, there are five great ages, each one ending with a collapse of some sort. According to some Mesoamerican myths, we are living today in the last years of the fifth and last age, the closure of a cycle of five segments of the precession cycle. Given the simple technology available to them, the ancient Mesoamerican astronomers did some amazing work. Not only did they estimate the length of the precession cycle, but they also anchored it with a remarkable alignment, the meeting of the winter solstice with the plane of the Milky Way, the equator-like plane that runs through the center of our galaxy. -Those ancient people must have had some powerful telescopes, my Lord. They really looked at the big picture. -It now appears that the Maya, or their predecessors, calculated in advance when the winter Solstice point would pass through the dark band in the Milky Way, a place very important in their mythology and a place located on the plane of the galaxy. At least 2,000 years ago they calculated this date to be December 21, 2012. With this as the end date, they then strung the Long Count backwards, arriving at its starting point in 3114 B.C. The so-called "end of the Mayan calendar" is both the terminal point of the current fifth part of the precessional cycle and the terminal point of the entire 25,695-year cycle itself.



-And what does that mean, my Lord? -My Ian, close your eyes, try to visualize... Here we are, this time and this place. Time and place, time and place. So here you are, in this time and place. Welcome! Consciousness always, always, has a location. A calendar is an agreement of a society or a civilisation. It is the pin-point center of any civilisation. The absolute dead center of our civilisation is called the Gregorian calendar. Nobody even questions it. The Gregorian calendar was the physical measurement of Earth around the Sun. The measurement of physical objects moving through space. The absolute dead center of our civilisation is focused on ONLY physical evidence. It is the calendar on which all things are bought and sold. Our calendar has directed our consciousness ONLY in that direction. To alter, or change your viewpoint, to dominate peoples consciousness. Its been that way throughout your whole life. The Guru was not looking at the boy, but he knew the boy kept his eyes wide shut... -So here we are, this time and place. This time and this place. The Maya... had two calendars at the very center of their civilisation. The Tzolkin calendar was 260 days long, and it was celebrated every day, by every person. Then they had the Tun calendar, 360 days long. This calendar was known as the divine calendar. Every 52 revolutions of this calendar, the two cycles teeth match back up. Every 52 tuns, all deaths were absolved. And it started all over. Our calendar has to do only with our little spec of a planet, going around this little spec of light we call the Sun, in a sea of a 100 billion stars, in this one galaxy out of 100 billion galaxies in the universe... So how big is our calendar? The Maya were looking at something a lot bigger. They certainly werent timing any physical cycles, or anything in our solar system. -And what were they timing, my Lord? -The Mayan calendar is in 9 different levels. Thats why all those pyramids down there are all in 9 levels. And each one of those levels is subdivided into 13 individual segments. There are 7 periods of light, and 6 periods of dark. Seven days, and six nights, for each level of creation. Each day is a period of increase in consciousness. And each night is a period of applying that consciousness. The very first cycle, the one on the bottom, started 16.4 billion years ago. Its called the Cellular cycle. 16.4 billion years is divided into 13 different sections, 7 days and 6 nights. Each one of those was 1.26 billion years long. A day was 1 and a quarter billion years, ane each night lasted for 1 and a quarter billion years. Each one of these has a particular intention in creation. Action-reaction, was that whole cycle, all 16.4 billion years. The very next cycle, the 2nd level on the pyramid, started 820 million years ago. And it started going through those same 13 steps, 7 days and 6 nights, of 63.4 million years each. This whole cycle, the Mammalian cycle, fits in one day of its predecessor Cellular cycle. Similarly, the whole 3rd cycle, called the Familial cycle and 41 million years long, comfortably fits in one night of the previous, Mammalian cycle. The 4th level is the Tribal cycle which started 2 million years ago. During that cycle, humans had put down the tail, and picked up the mind as the surving tool. The next level is the Cultural cycle, lasting for 102 thousand years. During this cycle, 8000 years ago, man developed - agriculture. This is when we also developed Reason. The next cycle started in 3115 BC and was called the National cycle, when society developed - Law. The seventh level is the Planetary cycle, whose focus was on Power. This is where the great power struggles developed, with various revolutions and wars going on.


During this cycle each day and night lasted for only 19.7 years. Moving upwards, the eighth cycle is the Galactic cycle, which started in 1999, lasting for about 13 years, with each day and night being 360 days long. During this cycle, Humanity developed ethics. Finally, the last, ninth cycle of the Mayan calendar is called the Universal-Co-creation cycle and it started on March 8, 2011. This is the cycle when human consciousness starts the co-creation process, a developed ability to co-create reality. This cycle will last until December 21st 2012, the date on which all Mayan calendar cycles - end. It all ends on 21.12.2012. -And what is it exactly that will end on 21.12.2012, my Lord? What was the Mayan calendar finally measuring? -My boy, all this is not a coincidence. Not a coincidence. We are on a schedule. We are on a schedule. The whole thing was timing the evolution of consciousness. The Mayan calendar was timing the evolution of consciousness. And it is our generation that has reached the threshold. It is us who will lead Humanity to the new paradigm. The Maya knew it. And we know it.



19. Waking Life

-We have arrived, my Ernest. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the Hallucinati coctail party, our annual gathering of the tribe. We traditionally meet once a year, every year, in order to get together, have some fun, take some drug coctails, massage our bodies and minds, while exchanging ideas and energy. Tonight you will have a privilege and an honor to meet many interesting people, many magnificent minds, who happen to be still breathing. -Who are all these people, my Lord? They look very diverse, so different from each other. -The great majority of them are Hallucinati, my Ernest, but there are also some of our friends and colleagues from the outside world. We come from all continents and races, and when we meet in situations like these, we turn into a melting pot, imbeding the diversity of our ideas and backgrounds into a coherent whole. You may feel comfortable in this place, as you are among friends. Just relax. But remember, the names and surnames of these people do not matter. Names are insignificant. Meaningless masks. Do not ask for their egos, and they will not ask for yours. The purpose of these gatherings is to exchange energy and ideas, not business cards. -Are you going to introduce me to some of your friends, my Lord? -No. I will not, my boy. You will just walk around and the conversations will simply happen, spontaneously. Or they wont. But it all depends on you and your attitude. If people around you have something to tell you, they will. And if you feel like approaching someone who interests you, feel free to do so. Noone will judge you here, none will talk behind your back. These individuals are enlightened, wise people, and their hearts are open. Now you open your heart, my Ernest. And the Guru suddenly disappeared in the crowd. The boy stood alone. For a moment. -So what do you think of my glasses? said a man with funny pink spectacles. It's what we call "see-worthy." S-E-E. See with your eyes. I feel like my view should be an extension of my personality. Voila. And this? This is like my little window to the world, and every minute, it's a different show. Now, I may not understand it. I may not even necessarily agree with it. But I'll tell you what; I accept it and just sort of glide along. You want to keep things on an even keel, I guess thats what I'm saying. You want to go with the flow. The sea refuses no river. The idea is to remain in a state of constant departure while always arriving. Saves on introductions and good-byes. The ride does not require an explanation. Just occupants. That's where you guys come in. It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now, you may get the 8-pack, or you may get the 16-pack. But it's all in what you do with the crayons, the colors that you're given. Don't worry about drawing within the lines or coloring outside the lines. I say color outside the lines. Color right off the page. Don't box me in. We are in motion to the ocean. We are not landlocked, I'll tell ya that. So which room do you want me to take you to? -Excuse me?


-Where do you wanna go? Which room would you like to visit? -Uh, who, me? I have no idea, my Lord. Anywhere is fine. -Dont call me my lord, cuz Im no Lord. Im just a regular guy at a party. Tell ya what, Ill take you down the hall, and then well turn to the left, enter the second door and then go the right... -And where is that? -I dont know either. But its somewhere. And its gonna determine the course of the rest of your life... The man in a seamans hat took the boy down the hall, then turned to the left, entered the second door, turned right and suddenly disappeared in the crowd. The boy stood alone. Not for long... -You know, people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you figure out which one it is, you will know what to do for each person. When someone is in your life for a REASON, it is usually to meet a need you have expressed. They have come to assist you through a difficulty; to provide you with guidance and support; to aid you physically, emotionally or spiritually. They may seem like a godsend, and they are. They are there for the reason you need them to be. Then, without any wrongdoing on your part or at an inconvenient time, this person will say or do something to bring the relationship to an end. Sometimes they die. Sometimes they walk away. Sometimes they act up and force you to take a stand. What we must realize is that our need has been met, our desire fulfilled; their work is done. The prayer you sent up has been answered and now it is time to move on. Some people come into your life for a SEASON, because your turn has come to share, grow or learn. They bring you an experience of peace or make you laugh. They may teach you something you have never done. They usually give you an unbelievable amount of joy. Believe it. It is real. But only for a season. LIFETIME relationships teach you lifetime lessons; things you must build upon in order to have a solid emotional foundation. Your job is to accept the lesson, love the person, and put what you have learned to use in all other relationships and areas of your life. It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant. Got a lighter? -Uhm, yes... no, I dont. The man walked away, searching for a lighter. A woman approached. Mid 30s, good looking, blond, with an aura of energy around her... -You know, creation seems to come out of imperfection. It seems to come out of a striving and a frustration. And this is where I think language cames from. I mean, it came from our desire to transcend our isolation, and has some sort of connection with one another. And it had to be easy when it was just simple survival. Like, you know, "water." We came up with a sound for that. Or, "Saber-toothed tiger right behind you!" We came up with a sound for


that. But when it gets really interesting, I think, is when we use that same system of symbols to communicate all the abstract and intangible things that we're experiencing. What is, like, frustration? Or what is anger or love? When I say "love, the sound comes out of my mouth and it hits the other person's ear, travels through this Byzantine conduit in their brain, through their memories of love or lack of love, and they register what I'm saying and say yes, they understand. But how do I know they understand? Because words are inert. They're just symbols. They're dead, you know? And so much of our experience is intangible. So much of what we perceive cannot be expressed. It's unspeakable. And yet, when we communicate with one another, and we feel that we have connected, and we think that we're understood, I think we have a feeling of almost spiritual communion. And that feeling might be transient, but I think it's what we live for. The woman suddenly shut up, turned around and walked away. The boy went to the bar and ordered a drink. A White Russian. Vodka, Kahlua and cream. The bar-tender looked at him... -OK, I got to tell you something... If were looking at the highlights of human development, you have to look at the evolution of the organism, and then at the development of its interaction with the environment. Evolution of the organism will begin with the evolution of life, perceived through the hominid, coming to the evolution of mankind. Neanderthal, CroMagnon man. Now, interestingly, what youre looking at here are three strings: biological, anthropological, and cultural, which is human expression. Now, what youve seen here is the evolution of populations, not so much the evolution of individuals. And in addition, if you look at the time scales that are involved here, two billion years for life, six million years for the hominid, years for mankind as we know it, and you're beginning to see the telescoping nature of the evolutionary paradigm. And then when you get to agricultural, when you get to scientific revolution and industrial revolution, you're looking at years, years, years... You're seeing a further telescoping of this evolutionary time. What that means is that as we go through the new evolution, it's gonna telescope to the point we should be able to see it manifest itself, within our lifetime, within this generation. Are you listening to me? -What? Yeah, yeah, Im all ears. Dont mind me, please continue... -So, as I was saying, the new evolution stems from information, and it stems from two types of information: digital and analog. The digital is artificial intelligence. The analog results from molecular biology, the cloning of the organism. And you knit the two together with neurobiology. Before on the old evolutionary paradigm, one would die and the other would grow and dominate. But under the new paradigm, they would exist as a mutually supportive, noncompetitive grouping. Independent from the external. And what is so interesting here is that evolution now becomes an individually centered process, emanating from the needs and the desires of the individual, and not an external process, a passive process, where the individual is just at the whim of the collective. So, you produce a neo-human with a new individuality and a new consciousness. But that's only the beginning of the evolutionary cycle, because as the next cycle proceeds, the input is now this new intelligence. As intelligence piles on intelligence, as ability piles on ability, the speed changes. Until what? Until you reach a crescendo in a way. It could be imagined as an enormous instantaneous fulfillment of human, human and neo-human potential. It could be something totally different. It could be the amplification of the individual, the multiplication of individual


existences. Parallel existences now with the individual no longer restricted by time and space. And the manifestations of this neo-human-type evolution, manifestations could be dramatically counter-intuitive. That's the interesting part. The old evolution is cold. It's sterile. It's efficient, okay? And its manifestations are those social adaptations. You're talking about parasitism, dominance, morality, war, predation... these would be subject to deemphasis. These would be subject to de-evolution. The new evolutionary paradigm will give us the human traits of truth, of loyalty, of justice, of freedom. These will be the manifestations of the new evolution. That is what we would hope to see from this. That would be nice. Would you like another White Russian? -Uhm, yes, please... The barman handed the drink to the boy, then turned around to service another. A man sitting alone at the bar cought the boys glance, then started talking... -A self-destructive man feels completely alienated, utterly alone. He's an outsider to the human community. He thinks to himself, "I must be insane." What he fails to realize is that society has, just as he does, a vested interest in considerable losses and catastrophes. These wars, famines, floods and quakes meet well-defined needs. Man wants chaos. In fact, he's gotta have it. Depression, strife, riots, murder, all this dread. We're irresistibly drawn to that almost orgiastic state, created out of death and destruction. It's in all of us. We revel in it. Sure, the media tries to put a sad face on these things, painting them up as great human tragedies. But we all know the function of the media has never been to eliminate the evils of the world, no. Their job is to persuade us to accept those evils and get used to living with them. The power ellites want us to be passive observers. And they haven't given us any other options, outside the occasional, purely symbolic, participatory act of voting. You want the puppet on the right, or the puppet on the left? I feel that the time has come to project my own inadequacies and dissatisfactions into the sociopolitical and scientific schemes. Let my own lack of a voice be heard. The man got up and left. Another immediately sat down on the bar chair... -I often feel like Im observing my life, from the perspective of an old man about to die. I still feel that way sometimes. Like I'm looking back on my life. Like my waking life are his memories. I heard that Tim Leary said as he was dying, that he was looking forward to the moment when his body was dead, but his brain was still alive. They say that there's still two minutes of brain activity after everything is shut down. And a second of dream consciousness, well, that's infinitely longer than a waking second. For example, I wake up at night and it's 2:30 AM, and then I go back to sleep and I have those long, intricate, beautiful dreams that seem to last for hours, and then I wake up and it's 2:35 AM. So then two minutes of brain activity, I mean, that could be your whole life. You are that man looking back over everything. Maybe I only exist in your mind. I'm still just as real as anything else. And Ive been thinking about reincarnation... Just about reincarnation and where all the new souls come from over time. Everybody always say that they've been the reincarnation of Cleopatra or Alexander the Great. I always want to tell them they were probably some dumb fuck like everybody else. I mean, it's impossible. Think about it. The world population has



doubled in the past 50 years, right? So if you really believe in that ego thing of one eternal soul, then you only have a tiny chance of your soul being over 50 years of age. -So what are you saying then, that reincarnation doesn't exist? The boy was surprised when he heard his own voice. Or are you saying that we're all young souls, where half of us are just first-round humans? -No, no. What I'm trying to say is that somehow I believe reincarnation is just a poetic expression of what collective memory really is. There was this article by this biochemist that I read not long ago, and he was talking about how when a member of a species is born, it has a billion years of memory to draw on. And this is where we inherit our instincts. I like that. There is this whole telepathic thing going on that were all a part of, whether were conscious of it or not. That would explain why there are all those, seemingly spontaneous, worldwide, innovative leaps in science, in the arts. The same results keep poppin' up everywhere independent of each other. Some guy on a computer, he figures something out, and then almost simultaneously, a bunch of other people all over the world figure out the same thing. They did this study. They isolated a group of people over time, and they monitored their abilities at crossword puzzles, in relation to the general population. And then they secretly gave them a day-old crossword, one that had already been answered by thousands of other people. Their scores went up dramatically, like 20 percent. So it's like once the answers are out there, people can pick up on them. It's like we're all telepathically sharing our experiences. -Do you know where the bathroom is? -Yeah, its right over there. The boy entered the toilet galery. He splashed some cold water onto his face. A guy was standing next to him, washing hands... -We have got to realize that we're being conditioned on a mass scale. Start challenging this corporate slave state. What a bunch of garbage, liberal, democrat, conservative, republican. It's all there to control you. Two sides of the same coin. Two management teams bidding for control, the CEO job of Slavery, Incorporated. The truth is out there in front of you, but they lay out this buffet of lies. We are sick of it, and were not going to take it anymore, do you got me? Resistance is not futile, we're gonna win this thing. Humankind is too good; we're not a bunch of under-achievers. We're gonna stand up, and we're gonna be human beings. We're going to get fired up about the real things, the things that matter. Creativity, and the dynamic human spirit that refuses to submit. Well, thats it. That's all. It's in your court now. The boy walked into the toilet cabin. Unzipped his pants, pulled out his penis. From the cabin nextdoor, under and over the plastic barrier, he could hear words... -Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become. You never know who these people may be. They could be your roommate, neighbor, coworker, long lost friend, lover, or even a complete stranger, but when


you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way. And sometimes things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, but in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower, or heart. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of your soul. Without these small tests, whatever they may be, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. It would be safe and comfortable, but dull and utterly pointless. The people you meet who affect your life, and the success and downfalls you experience, help to create who you are and who you become. Even the bad experiences can be learned from. In fact, they are probably the most poignant and important ones. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they have helped you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you, but because in a way, they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things. Another voice, from a more distant cabin, replied -Yeah, thats what Im saying. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen. Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high. Hold your head up because you have every right to. Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you don't believe in yourself, it will be hard for others to believe in you. You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets. Most importantly, if you LOVE someone tell him or her, for you never know what tomorrow may have in store. And learn a lesson in life each day that you live. That's the Story Of Life. When the boy came out of the bathroom, he immediately spotted his Guru who was talking to another man. The boy approached the couple, catching in on the conversation... -... in our contemporary world view, it's easy to think that science has come to take the place of God. But some philosophical problems remain as troubling as ever. Take the problem of free will. This problem's been around for a long time, since before Aristotle in B.C., St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, these guys all worried about how we can be free, if God already knows in advance everything you're gonna do. Nowadays, we know that the world operates according to some fundamental physical laws, and these laws govern the behavior of every object in the world. Now, these laws, because they're so trustworthy, they enable incredible technological achievements. But look at yourself. We're just physical systems too. We're just complex arrangements of carbon molecules. We're mostly water, and our behavior isn't gonna be an exception to basic physical laws. So it starts to look like whether it's God setting things up in advance and knowing everything you're gonna do, or whether it's these basic physical laws governing everything. There's not a lot of room left for freedom. So now you might be tempted to just ignore the question, ignore the mystery of free will. Say, "Oh, well, it's just an historical anecdote. It's sophomoric. It's a question with no answer. Just forget about it." But the question keeps staring you right in the face. You


think about individuality, for example, who you are. Who you are is mostly a matter of the free choices that you make. Or take responsibility. You can only be held responsible, you can only be found guilty or admired or respected for things you did of your own free will. The question keeps coming back, and we don't really have a solution to it. It starts to look like all your decisions are really just a charade. The Gurus companion paused for a moment, to chew up a couple of dry mushrooms, and then the monologue continued... -Time just dissolves into quick-moving particles that are swirling away. Either I'm moving fast or time is. Never both simultaneously. It's such a strange paradox. I mean, while, technically, Im closer to the end of my life than I've ever been, I actually feel more than ever that I have all the time in the world. When I was younger, there was a desperation, a desire for certainty, like there was an end to the path, and I had to get there. And I thought "Oh, someday, like in my mid-thirties maybe, everything's going to just somehow jell and settle, just end." It was like there was this plateau, and it was waiting for me, and I was climbing up it, and when I got to the top, all growth and change would stop. Even exhilaration. But that hasn't happened like that, thank goodness. I think that what we don't take into account when were young is our endless curiosity. That's what's so great about being human. You know what Benedict Anderson says about identity? -No. What? -Well, he's talking about like, say, a baby picture. So you pick up this picture, this twodimensional image, and you say, "That's me." Well, to connect this baby in this weird little image with yourself living and breathing in the present, you have to make up a story like, "This was me when I was a year old, and later I had long hair, and then we moved to Riverdale, and now here I am." So it takes a story that's actually a fiction to make you and the baby in the picture identical to create your identity. And the funny thing is, our cells are completely regenerating every seven years. We've already become completely different people several times over, and yet we always remain quintessentially ourselves. -My Lord... -What is it, Ernest? -Where can I get those mushrooms, my Lord? I need to escape... -Over there, on the large table. You have everything there, mushrooms, skunk, liquid acid, peyote, special K, mescaline, ayahuasca, DMT... Just be wise, my boy. Dont mix more than two of them at a time. The boy went to the table and picked out three large dried mushrooms. He put them in his mouth and started chewing. The taste was horrible. But the visions will be magnificent. He could use some psilocybin, yesterday... Two men that stood next to him were making large


lines out of white powder, using a hard credit card and a soft business card. It was written Ketamine on the plate they had picked. One of the men was talking, while he still could... -You know, when it was over, all I could think about was how this entire notion of oneself, what we are, is just this logical structure, a place to momentarily house all the abstractions. It was a time to become conscious, to give form and coherence to the mystery, and I had been a part of that. It was a gift. Life was raging all around me and every moment was magical. I loved all the people, dealing with all the contradictory impulses. And that's what I loved the most, connecting with the people. Looking back, that is all that really mattered. The other dude replied... -You know, they say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Can't we say the same thing about life? I had a friend once who told me that the worst mistake that you could make is to think that you are alive, when really youre asleep in life's waiting room. The trick is to combine your waking rational abilities with the infinite possibilities of your dreams. Because if you can do that, you can do anything. Did you ever have a job that you hated and worked real hard at? A long, hard day of work. Finally you get to go home, get in bed, close your eyes. And immediately you wake up and realize that the whole day at work had been a dream. It's bad enough that you sell your waking life for for minimum wage, but now they get your dreams for free. It is dialogue that shows us the way forward. Only dialogue... -You know, I have just realized Im in the land of the dead... And everyone around me is dead. Youre dead. This boy is dead. My dog had been dead over ten years. Princess Diana had been longer than that. This is a visitation to this real place, the land of the dead. So what happens? How do we finally get out of it? It is just like one of those life-altering experiences. I dont think I will ever really look at the world the same way again. This is a dream. How do we finally get out of the dream? See, that's our problem. Were trapped. We keep thinking that were waking up, but were still in a dream. It seems like it's going on forever. We can't get out of it. We want to wake up for real. How do you really wake up? -Well, if thats what youre thinking, you probably should. If you can wake up, you should. Because someday you won't be able to. It's easy. So just... wake up! And then the two men could speak no more. And then the boy could hear no more. Eyes wide shut. Watch!



20. What Do You Stand For

-Have we arrived, my Lord? asked Nigel, telepathically. Are we there yet? -We will get there shortly, My Nigel. We have almost arrived. We can already see the gates of a new paradigm. Until we get there, let us play a little game. -What kind of game, my Lord? -Let us play the game of what do you stand for. You tell me what and who you stand for, you describe it, and then I say what and who we stand for, and I define it. And then you go again. So what do we stand for, my boy? We stand for wisdom. Wisdom is the ability to think and act utilizing knowledge, experience, common sense and insight. It is the accumulated knowledge, erudition and enlightenment. Who do we stand for? We stand for Mahandas Gandhi. Gandhi was the pre-eminent political and ideological leader of India during the Indian independence movement, pioneering the use of non-violent resistance to tyranny through mass civil disobedience. Gandhi was assassinated in 1948. And what do you stand for? -I stand for justice, my Lord. I stand for fairness, the principle of moral rightness and equity. I also stand for John Lennon, the English musician and a founding member of the Beatles. Lennon revealed a rebellious nature and acerbic wit in his music, his writing, his drawings, becoming controversial through his political and peace activism. Lennon was murdered in 1980. What do you stand for, my Lord? -We stand for purpose, my Nigel. We stand for the effect that is intended or desired. The purpose of life is the life of purpose. We also stand for Carlos Castaneda. Castaneda was an American anthropologist and author, who wrote a series of books that describe his training in shamanism. Who do you stand for, my Nigel? -I stand for Bob Marley, my Lord. I stand for the Jamaican singer, songwriter and musician. Marley remains the legendary performer of reggae music and helped spread the Rastafari movement to a worldwide audience. I also stand for honor, an abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects the self-evaluation of an individual, or group, as a family, a nation, or a species. And you, my Lord? -We stand for empathy. We stand for the capacity to recognize and share feelings, such as sadness or happiness that are being experienced by another sentient being. You need to have a certain amount of empathy before you are able to feel compassion. We also stand for Bill Hicks, the American stand-up comedian and satirist. Bill Hicks in his black humor criticized consumerism, superficiality, mediocrity, and banality within the media and popular culture. He warned us of these oppressive tools of the ruling class, meant to keep people stupid and apathetic. What do you stand for, my Nigel?



-My Lord, I stand for courage. For the power of facing danger, fear, and pain, as to act in accordance with one's beliefs. We take our courage in both hands to nerve ourselves to perform an action. I also stand for Rosa Parks, who on December 1, 1955 in Montgomery Alabama, refused to obey bus driver's order that she give up her seat to make room for a white passenger. That is some courage. And you, my Lord, what do you stand for? -We stand for self-discipline, my boy. We stand for training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training that produces ethical, physical or mental improvement. We stand for Dalai Lama, the high lama in Tibetan Buddhism. The Tibetan word "lama" corresponds precisely to the word "guru". Who do you stand for, my boy? -I stand for George Carlin, my Lord. I stand for the American stand-up comedian, social critic, satirist and writer who was a true genius in his comedy. Carlin is respected for his black humor as well as his thoughts on politics, religion and various taboo subjects. I also stand for humor, laughter and amusement. What do you stand for, my Lord? -We stand for responsibility, the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force. We must instill a sense of duty in our children, every right implies a responsibility. Every opportunity, an obligation. Every possession, a duty. We stand for Aaron Russo, who created various Libertarian political documentaries, including Mad as Hell and America: Freedom to Fascism. Russo exposed to the world David Rockefellers and the global ellites plan for the future Zeitgeist state and the policy of depopulation. What do you stand for, my Nigel? -I stand for tolerance, my Lord. I stand for the capacity and the practice of recognizing and respecting the beliefs or practices of others. I also stand for Paulo Coelho, the Brazilian novelist and author of The Alchemist and many other fascinating spiritual books. Who do you stand for, my Lord? -My boy, we stand for David Icke, the English writer and public speaker, best known for his views on what he calls "who and what is really controlling the world." Icke is the most controversial speaker in the world, who has written 18 books explaining his position. We stand for integrity, adherence to moral principles, honesty, and the quality of being whole or undivided. Who do you stand for? -I stand for Alex Gray, my Lord, for the American artist specializing in spiritual and psychedelic art, the visionary art that is a part of the New Age movement. I also stand for imagination, the faculty or action of producing ideas, mental images of what is not present or has not been experienced. What do you stand for, my Lord? -My Nigel, we stand for friendship. A new friend is like new wine, you do not enjoy drinking it until it has matured. You and I are friends. We also stand for Michael Tsarion, the author, public speaker and historian whose topics include religion, symbology, the occult and Atlantis. We can learn from people like Michael Tsarion. And you, my boy?


-My Lord, I stand for a joint. Can we have a joint? -Yes, my dear, we also stand for that. Here it is, light it up. But what else do you stand for? -I stand for giving, my Lord. It all goes around, and what you give, you will get. So give good. And I stand for Terence McKenna, the American philosopher, psychonaut, consciousness researcher, teacher and writer on subjects such as human consciousness, language, psychedelic drugs, the evolution of civilizations, the origin and end of the universe, alchemy, and extraterrestrial beings. Perhaps the highest IQ quotient of the 20th century. Who else do you stand for, my Lord? -We also stand for Che Guevara, the Argentinian Marxist revolutionary, guerrilla leader and military theorist. He was the major figure of the Cuban Revolution, and his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia. We stand for equality, the quality of being the same in quantity or measure or value or status. What do you stand for, my Nigel? -I stand for compassion, my Lord, for the deep awareness of the suffering of another, coupled with the wish to relieve it. I stand for Ram Dass, the American contemporary spiritual teacher and the author of the seminal book Be Here Now. Who do you further stand for, my Lord? -We stand for Osho, the Indian guru, and spiritual teacher who advocated a more open attitude towards sexuality, a stance that has earned him the sobriquet "sex guru". We stand for fairness, for being free from favoritism, self-interest, or preference in judgment. And you, my boy? -I stand for Alan Watts, the British philosopher best known as an interpreter and popularizer of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience. He was an explorer of human consciousness. It seems that Watts has understood everything before he died in 1973. I also stand for sharing, for participating and experiencing jointly. Who do you stand for, my Lord? -We stand for Jiddu Krishnamurti, the Indian renowned writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual subjects. He talked about psychological revolution, the nature of the mind, meditation, human relationships, and bringing about positive change in society. He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasized that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social. We also stand for caring, the feeling and exhibiting of concern and empathy for others. What do you stand for, my Nigel? -I stand for liberty, my Lord, for the condition of being free from restriction or control. I stand for the right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. I also stand for Alex Jones, the American talk radio host and filmmaker, who courageously accused the US government of being involved in the Oklahoma City


bombing and September 11 attacks. Alex Jones continues the struggle for freedom and tries to wake up the American zombieland in a mental comma. Who do you stand for, my Lord? -We stand for Martin Luther King, my boy, who had a role in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world, using nonviolent methods and following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. We stand for leadership, the ability to lead others. It is personalities that move the world, my boy, not ideologies. Unfortunate, but true. And who do you stand for, my boy? -I stand for Oscar Wilde, the Irish writer and poet, the author of the book The picture of Dorian Gray. I stand for truthfulness, for being honest, however unappealing the truth may seem. And what do you stand for, my Lord? -We stand for Infinite Love, my boy, we stand for Love in all shapes and forms. We also stand for Robert Anton Wilson, the American writer and philosopher who described his work as an "attempt to break down conditioned associations, to look at the world in a new way, with many models recognized as models or maps, and no one model elevated to the truth". His goal was to try to get people into a state of generalized agnosticism, not agnosticism about God alone, but agnosticism about everything. And who do you stand for, my Nigel?
-My Lord, I stand for Ian Xel Lungold, the man who dissected down and explained the Mayan

calendar to the contemporary Western civilization. I also stand for sex, for sex and passion. And you, my Lord, what do you stand for? -We stand for dignity, my boy. We stand for this quality of being worthy of esteem and respect. We stand for Dr Albert Hofmann, in that name. His LSD opened our eyes and enabled us to protect and preserve our human dignity. That is what Hallucinati stand for. -Have we arrived, my Lord? Are we there yet, are we there yet, are we there yet? -We have arrived, my Nigel. said the Guru, telepathically. We are here.



21. Archaic Revival

-We have arrived, my Terence. said the Guru, telepathically. As a human race, we have almost gotten to a point of no return. Like more than 95% of all the species that have ever lived on Earth, we will become exctinct, too. We are not far from it. And we will have noone else to blame but ourselves. -Why are we doomed, my Lord? Isnt there anything we can do? -History is ending, my Terence. Because the dominator culture has led the human species into a blind alley. And as the inevitable chaostrophe approaches, people look for metaphors and answers. Every time a culture gets into trouble, it casts itself back into the past looking for the last sane moment it ever knew. And the last sane moment we ever knew was on the plains of Africa, 15,000 years ago, rocked in cradle of the great horned mushroom goddess before history. Before standing armies, before slavery and property, before warfare and phonetic alphabets and monotheism. Before, before, before. And this is where the future is taking us. -Why is the future taking us so far back, my Lord? -Because the secret faith of the 21st century is not modernism, my boy. The secret faith of the 21st century is nostalgia for the archaic, nostalgia for the Paleolithic, and that gives us body piercing, abstract expressionism, surrealism, rave festivals in nature, trance music, reborn shamanism, and Catastrophe Theory. The 21st century mind is nostalgic for the paradise that once existed on the mushroom-dotted plains of Africa, where the plant-human symbiosis occurred that pulled us out of the animal body and into the tool-using, culturemaking, imagination-exploring creature that we are. -And why does that matter, my Lord? -It matters because it chose that the way out is back, and that the future is a forward escape into the past. This is what the psychedelic experience means. Its a doorway out of history and into the wiring under the board in eternity. And I tell you this because if the community understands what it is that holds it together, the community will be better able to streamline itself for flight into hyperspace. Because what we need is a new myth. What we need is a new true story that tells us where were going in the universe. And that true story is that the ego is a product of pathology. And when psilocybin is regularly part of the human experience, the ego is suppressed. And the suppression of the ego means the defeat of the dominators, the materialists, the product peddlers. Psychedelics return us to the inner worth of the self, to the importance of feeling immediate experience. And nobody can sell that to you, and nobody can buy it from you. So the dominator culture is not interested in the felt presence of immediate experience. But that's what holds the community together. And as we break out of the silly myths of science and organized religion, and the infantile obsessions of the marketplace, what we discover through the psychedelic experience is that


in the body - in the body - there are Niagaras of beauty, alien beauty, alien dimensions that are part of the self, the richest part of life. -Is the psychedelic experience the answer, my Lord? -The psychedelic experience is the means, my Terence, it is your most handy tool. It is your human responsibility. I think of going to the grave without having a psychedelic experience, like going to the grave without ever having sex. It means that you never figured out what it was all about. The mystery is in the body, and the way the body works itself into nature. What the archaic revival means is shamanism, ecstasy, orgiastic sexuality, and the defeat of the three enemies of the people. And the three enemies of the people are - monotheism, monogamy, and monotony. And if you get them on the run, you have the dominators sweating, my Terence. Because that means that youre getting it all reconnected, and getting it all reconnected means putting aside the idea of separateness and self-definition through thing fetish. Getting it all connected means tapping into the Gaian mind. And the Gaian mind is what were calling the psychedelic experience. Its an experience of the living fact of the entelechy of the planet, and without that experience we wander in a desert of bogus ideologies. But with that experience, the compass of the self can be set. And thats the idea, that were figuring out how to reset the compass of the self, through community, through ecstatic dance, through psychedelics, intelligence... Intelligence. This is what we have to have to make the forward escape into hyperspace. The Guru opened his cigarette box and pulled out a joint rolled up in a green, shiny, transparent rizla paper. He lit it with a match. He took two long inhales and handed it to the boy. The monologue echoed... -So now, at a kind of moment of great cultural challenge and dynamic for Western civilisation, which has for a thousand years called all the shots and shoved itself down everybodys throat whether they liked it or not, - in the last hundred years, through the science of anthropology and ethnography and ethnomedicine and botany, the news has arrived that these primitive people are in fact master technicians of journeying into a world of the neurological imagination. A world we didnt even know exists. A world that is as distant to us as the world at the heart of the atom is from the rainforest fishermen. And because our own cultural values seem a little shoddy at this moment, those on the fringes of Western civilisation have begun to seek alternatives, begun to look at alternative religions, like yoga, tantra, Buddhism, Zen. Alternative approaches to diet, like vegetarianism, macrobiotics, and so forth. And alternative approaches to authentic experience, which means psychedelics. The green shiny joint was returned to the owner. -In the early stage of psychedelic involvement, everyone was sort of flying under the banner of hands-on Freudianism, or hands-on Jungianism. You know: Were gonna see those archetypes. Were gonna confront those sexual repressions. Were gonna journey into those


traumatic childhood memories. Now, its understood that those metaphors were fairly inadequate. Actually we stand on the brink of an unexplored landscape of planetary size, the world of the high paleolithic, which is a Gaian world, a world of feeling not analytical intellectual constructs, but a world of empowered feeling. Empathy. And intuitive understanding, an understanding that doesnt arise in a context of Greek logic, but in a context of animal knowing the authentic mode of the body. Rings of smoke were coming out of the boys mouth and nose, as rings of wisdom were entering his ears and mind. -So, to wrap it all up, the great exhibit which we must always keep in front of ourselves and our critics, is the mystery of the human mind and body. No one knows how it is that I can command my hand to make a fist, and that it will do that. I mean, thats mind over matter. Thats the violation of every scientific principle in the books. And yet it is the most trivial experience any of us have. We expect to command our body. We expect the mental will to order the monkey flesh into action, and it will follow. The body is the nexus of the mystery of life. And our culture takes us out of the body, and sells our loyalty into political systems, into religions, into inanimate objects and machines, collections, so forth and so on. The felt experience of the body is what the psychedelics are handing back to us. Thats why its called escape, because its an escape from HBO, from walking the mall, from seeing whats on TV, from consuming trash media. Its an escape from all of that, into the authenticity of the body. This is why sexuality is so edgy, in this society. Theyd make it illegal if they could, but figure out how! Its the one drug they cant tear from our grip, and so they lay a guilt trip about it. The words were pouring out of the Gurus mouth, as if dictated from other worlds. -But sexuality and psychedelics are carrying us back to an authentic sense of the body. Carry us back to the domain of authentic values. And more and more, the message that people are getting as they avail themselves of the psychedelic experience is that it is not a journey into the human unconscious, or into the ghost bardos of our chaotic civilisation. Its a journey into the presence of the Gaian mind, that the Earth is a coherent whole. It is a thinking, feeling, intending, being that in terms of our value structures, it would be foolish to image as anything other than female. And when cultural values created by male dominance and science and linearity when those values are dissolved, what is waiting there is this incredibly poignant experience of the matrix what James Joyce called the Mama Matrix Most Mysterious, nothing more than our bodies and the earth out of which our bodies came. The Guru was hardly thinking. Marijuana was guilty for that. He was barely transmitting. Marijuana was guilty for that, too. -History, as we have lived it in the West, has been a turning of our back on that. And now history has failed. Western cultural institutions, having become global institutions, now show


themselves to be inadequate to inspire, lead or carry anyone into a future worth living in. At this moment, then, this reconnecting to the Gaian mind becomes a kind of moral imperative. So this whole drug issue is not an issue even about criminal syndicates or about untaxed billions, or about the mental health of our youth, or any of that malarkey. The most destructive drugs that are known to the species, like tobacco and alcohol and coffeine, are sold on every street corner, in every shop, without restriction. The real issue is what kind of mental world shall people inhabit? What kinds of hope shall be permitted? What kind of value systems shall be allowed? And the value systems that aggrandise the possession of things, the tearing up of the Earth, competition, classism, racism, sexism, have led us to the brink of catastrophe. -So do we abandon culture altogether, my Lord? -We have to abandon Western cultural values and return to the deeper wisdom of the body in connection with the plants. Thats the seamless web that leads us back into the heart of nature. And if we can do this, then this very narrow neck of cultural crisis can be navigated. Very little of the past can be saved. The architectonics, the machines, the systems of monetary exchange and propaganda, the silly religions, the asinine aesthetic canons, very little of that can be saved. But what can be saved is the sense of love and caring, and mutuality, that we all put into and take from the human enterprise. You know, theres a Grateful Dead song that says You cant go back and you cant stand still. If the thunder dont get you, then the lightning will. And we now hold, through the possession of these psychedelics, catalysts for the human imagination of sufficient power. If we use them, we can deconstruct the lethal vehicle that is carrying us toward the brink of apocalypse. We can deconstruct that vehicle and redesign it into a kind of starship that would carry us and our children out into the broad starry galaxy we know to be awaiting us. Time stood still. A moment. Eternity. Timelessness... -It is a cultural test, my Terence. Nature is pitiless. Intelligence is a grand experiment upon which a great deal has been writ. But if it proves inadequate, nature will cover it over with the same kind of cool impunity that she covered over the dinosaurs and the trilobites and the crossopterygian fishes, and all those other species that came before us. So what we must do, is to see our future in the imagination. Catalyse the imagination. Form symbiotic relationships with the plants. Affirm archaic values. And spread the good news that what is out of control, what is in fact dying, is a world that had become too top-heavy with its own hubris, too bent by its own false value systems, and too dehumanized to care about what happened to its own children. So we say, enough! Bring on the archaic revival, and let us create a new world! Thats it.



22. Revolution
-We have arrived, my Alexis. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the right moment when Humanity has to come up with yet another great historic revolution. We need it more than ever. And we need it yesterday. -Why do we need a revolution, my Lord? -Because when injustice becomes law, revolution becomes our duty. We currently live in a society as oppressed as any in the past, my Alexis. Because a handful of pathologically wealthy individuals and groups literally have the world enslaved, in a corrupt system and economy which are on the verge of collapse, from which the super-unjust distribution of resources would become even more unjust. As in - all for one, and nothing for all. The globalist government is taking away our freedoms, in front of our very eyes. They are deluding society through mass media, they are getting away with evil projects of epic proportions, like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, like the supposed landing on the Moon in the desert of Arizona, like the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the supposed killing of Osama Bin Laden, and all those other lies and manipulations we are fed up with since we are born. And on goes the list, infinitely back in history, and hopefully less infinitely ahead of us. It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking. Those rich motherfuckers are robbing us of everything we have, of everything there is, so that they could have just a little more. A million more than they had the day before. And it is never enough. Never enough. Those people are like vampires. They must suck on their millions and billions, so that their divine offspring could one day have trillions. And how will their lives be different? How would the quality of their life change, if they had 10 million more, or even a hundred million, or a billion short of a trillion? It wouldnt. It is just their pathology that is driving them for ever more. And what is a trillion? What is a billion dollars? What means a million euro? Its nothing. Those numbers do not represent anything of supstance; they are just that, numbers. Black signs on white background, in computer systems, on worthless pieces of paper with no real legitimate value. -What do you mean, my Lord? Our money is not sound? -Our money is worthless, my boy. Yes, today you can exchange it for some goods and services, but tomorrow those same papers wont be worth anything. The money that is circulating now has been exclusively created through debt, as debt, and every penny that exists out there is in fact a penny that somebody owes somebody else. Money is created through bank loans, and exists only as numbers in computer systems. Only around 3% of all money exists in cash and coins. The rest is bullshit money, imaginary money, which does not really cover for any gold or any other pragmatic value. It never even leaves the bank. It never leaves the banks computer software. If you have any money in the bank, take it out, today. Our economic system is deeply flaud, and will soon collapse, as corrupt corporations are taking over all governments and colonizing the world. A system of true capitalism presumes


sound money, not fiat money manipulated by banks. Real capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation from banks. Those same people who run the banks and possess 95% of worlds resources, also regularly fabricate wars to create more profit, to decrease the world population, and to constantly keep Humanity in a state of stand-by fear mode. They are stealing our freedoms, while were asleep, during weekends and holidays. They keep us in constant fear from imaginary enemies, like terrorism, and they outlaw our freedoms with the excuse of false security. This is going on in the whole world, and it has been going on for centuries. But the time has come for the human race to awaken, and to rise up again, to unite to a critical mass volume, and consequently free itself from the weight of chains from the shadows of power. -Is this time now, my Lord? Is 2012 the year of another great revolution in human history? -The year 2012 is the turning point, my Alexis. The Revolution has already started, it is happening all around the globe, but in 2012 it will develop the needed momentum. It is the year of our awakening, the year of our rebirth and a new cycle, the gateway to a new paradigm. It is true that liberty is not free, nor is it easy. But tyranny, even varying degrees of it, is much more difficult, and much more expensive. The time has come to rein in the global government, to put it on a crash diet, and let the people keep their money and their liberty. -And how do you define liberty, my Lord? -Liberty is the condition of being free from restriction or control. Liberty is the right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing. Liberty has been taken away from us. We allowed it. The most basic principle to being a free citizen is the notion that we as individuals are responsible for our own lives and decisions. We do not have the right to rob our neighbors to make up for our mistakes, neither does our neighbor have any right to tell us how to live, so long as we arent infringing on their rights. Freedom to make bad decisions is inherent in the freedom to make good ones. If we are only free to make good decisions, we are not really free. Liberty is lost through complacency and a subservient mindset. When we accept or even welcome automobile checkpoints, random searches, mandatory identification cards, and paramilitary police in our streets, we have lost a vital part of our libertarian heritage. Our society was born on protest, revolution, and mistrust of government. Subservient societies neither maintain nor deserve freedom. -Are they taking our rights away, my Lord? -They are taking our rights BACK, my boy. Nature has not given us any rights, but our society has. We have been awarded those rights only recently, but now they are taking them back. Rights mean you have a right to your life. You have a right to your liberty, and you should have a right to keep the fruits of your labor. We dont like to use those terms: gay rights, womens rights, minority rights, religious rights. Theres only one type of right. Its the right to your liberty. And we fought hard for this right. We died for this right. And we will continue dying for freedom. It is the only thing worth dying for. The only thing worth fighting for. It is


embedded in our bone marrow to keep fighting for liberty. It is encoded in the very fabric of our DNA to resist the oppression and disinformation of the contemporary slaveowners. -How can we know we are being manipulated and misinformed, my Lord? -A citizen walking through the airport today is bombarded with 1984-style propaganda messages that are designed to make us fear some amorphous threat and also be suspicious of others. The government designs these messages to make us feel dependent and heavily lorded over in every aspect of our lives. These messages are becoming ever more pervasive, hitting us even in grocery stores when we are shopping. And yet even among the friends of liberty, many people are deceived into believing that government can make them safe from all harm, provide fairly distributed economic security, and improve individual moral behavior. If the government is granted a monopoly on the use of force to achieve these goals, history shows that power is always abused. Every single time. Believe me, the next step is a currency crisis because there will be a rejection of our currencies. The rejection of the dollar and the euro will be a big, big event, and then our personal liberties are going to be even more severely threatened. Todays global government is overlarge, overbearing, overwhelming, over restrictive, over intrusive. And where it is those things, it is the right, and duty, of the electorate to pare it back. -Are the politicians a part of this power game, my Lord? -Of course they are, my Alexis. But politicians are just puppets. They are puppets in the United States, in both Democratic and Republican parties, and they are similar puppets in almost all European governments. Australia and Canada are colonies which pledge allegiance to the Queen of England. The European Parliament is a joke, where people who have never been democratically elected preside over countries economies and fate. My boy, there are only three politicians in the western world of today, who tell the truth. Only three. Two of them are from the United States of America and are named Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich, one is Republican and the other one is Democrat. The third one is from Europe, from England, and his name is Nigel Farage. All other politicians, remember, all of them with no exception, are pure bullshiters. Pure bullshiters. A prejudiced generalization? No, my boy. It is 2012 reality. Those people in power are very, very dangerous people. Their obsession with creating this globalist state means that theyre happy to destroy democracy. They appear to be glad that millions and millions of people are unemployed and poor. Untold millions must suffer so that their Euro and Amero dream can continue. We are being lied to on every step of the way, my boy, and some of those lies are truly horrific. Did you know that Osama Bin Laden really died in 2001 of kidney failure? Did you know that the recent earthquakes in Haiti and Japan were artificially caused? Did you know that the new so called green light bulbs cause cancer and are a system of surveillance? -What? Are you serious? You cannot be serious, my Lord.



-Its all true, my boy, very unfortunately so. We are being manipulated on daily bases, on very serious topics in our lives. OK, the death of Osama Bin Laden may not be so crucial for us in Europe, but it is still a humongous lie. Osama Bin Laden really died in 2001, ten years before they publicly announced it. He suffered from a disease called Marfan syndrome, which caused him to have enlogated head and limbs. This disease also causes kidney failure, so Bin Laden needed kidney dialysis on daily bases. He really died in 2001, and that is why in 2011 we havent been presented with his physical remains or any photos, because there werent any. The whole operation in which the American special forces, the Navy Seals, supposedly killed Bin Laden in a compound in Pakistan, was a joke. The purpose of this joke was to start the process of demonizing Pakistan. Why? Because of Pakistans border with China. They are going for that Third World War with China and Russia, my boy, because they seriously profit from such wars. These are some complicated monopoly games, but you should keep yourself informed. Read the writings of the American elitist Zbigniew Brzezinski, and you will know 50 years in advance what they are planning on the global political scene. When you understand whats going on, you will protect yourself from the deceptions you are being presented with continously. -And what about the earthquake in Japan that you mentioned, my Lord? Did you say that it was artificially caused? -Yes, my Alexis, earthquakes and other severe weather conditions can be controlled and can selectively target certain areas in the world. The recent earthquakes in Haiti and Japan were artificially produced. Why? In case of Haiti, they did it to take over in a peaceful way the under-water resources of that country. They couldnt bomb Haiti, so they caused an earthquake. As a matter of fact, the American military forces were ready to jump in the moment the earthquake happened, as they were supposedly having a military training operation near Florida, practically next to the coast of Haiti. They knew the earthquake was coming. They were ready. And they went in, occupying the country and the airports instantly. In case of Japan, the plan was to take Japan out, and we really mean to take them out. They did so in 1945 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and now they did it again with the mega-earthquake and the Fokushima nuclear plant disaster. The Fokushima project has been planned and executed by the Israeli secret service, Mossad. How? By using an Israeli company to install video surveillance inside the Fokushima nuclear plant. This particular company was from the city of Dimona, which is a site of a massive Israeli nuclear weapons program. The Israelis had installed inside the Fokushima plant a number of huge boxes, which were supposedly cameras and sensors for regular surveillance. As you can understand, real cameras and sensors would, with todays technology, be much smaller in size. In fact, these boxes contained bombs, small nuclear devices, which have been implanted there to cause the needed level of detonation. The purpose of the whole project was to produce large radiation leakage. Fokushima was blown up to release that stunning level of radiation, as to further irradiate the atmosphere of the planet. And to take Japan out. Which they did. To cover their asses, and to finish the job, they also caused an earthquake in Japan. How?


With the HAARP technology, initially developed in the twentieth century by the Serbian genius Nikola Tesla. What HAARP does is it fires radio waves, very focused and powerful radio waves, into the upper atmosphere. It then gets the ionosphere to vibrate in sympathy with these waves, creating an entrainment which enhances and adds massive power to the original radio wave. This wave then bounces back to Earth, and they can hit a specific spot on the Earths surface, causing an earthquake, or a tsunami, or any other weather condition you can imagine. They do this with specific frequencies, as an earthquake has a frequency. With the same principle, they caused hundreds of unprecedented hurricanes and tornadoes which in 2007 hit the United States. And although there are international treaties which prohibit the use of weather as a weapon in war, they still do it, on regular bases, in times of peace. So in the countries which they cannot bomb openly, they cause devastating weather conditions and bring those countries to their knees. They did this in 2011 to Japan, with a nuclear disaster and a simultaneous earthquake, which further caused a tsunami. Japan is over. The amount of radiation that has been released is potentially catastrophic for the entire planet, so you can imagine what it will do to the small island of Japan. The Japanese nation has been destroyed, on purpose, with radiation, for the third time in the last 100 years. Why? Well, ask the Zionists and the American plutocracy why. Zbignew Brzezinski will tell you it is beacuase the United States must first control Eurasia, in order to control the rest of the world. That is why the United States are now moving their military bases to Australia. Watch out, Pacific! -Is there any hope left for us, my Lord? -Ron Paul was in 2012 this civilisations last hope. Our great right hope. He was an American Republican congressman who ran for President three times, but the American people have never been very wise. How can we expect the population of Iowa or South Carolina to properly grasp and comprehend abstract human problems? Those are some shallow, conservative, religious folks who cannot locate Europe on the world map, who still believe in their Jesus Christ and oppose abortion and gay rights. Those are some backward people, and it is a shame that their votes determine the course of the rest of the world. The American corrupted mainstream media openly ignored Ron Paul. The Rebublican party establishment has stolen the nomination from him, not bothering even to cover their trails. However, Ron Paul did succeed in starting a massive awakening movement, in reviving the primaeval struggle for freedom, mostly through his charisma and sincerity. But Ron Paul was a septuagenarian, he was not the greatest public speaker, and his radical conservative ideas did not appeal to the manipulated and deceived American public. You know, they would have these nationally televised presidential debates, in which there would be 8 Republican candidates on the stage. Out of those 8 candidates, there were 7 robots and one man. Seven identical establishment puppets, reciting their identical bullshit phrases, calling to arms and more spending... and on the other side there was Ron Paul, uncorruptible and honorable, standing alone for liberty and sanity.



-And how was he so different from the others, my Lord? -Ron Paul personified liberty and American non-interventionist foreign policy. He was a man of peace and reason. He differed from most politicians, period. An average politician will rail against the intrusion of government into the private lives of its citizens, and then he will turn right around and advocate a law regulating what a gay man does in his bedroom... and see no contradiction. Ron Paul was too intellectually honest for that. He refused to be corrupted by special interest groups. Even if he had won the presidency, they would have killed him, just like they killed Kennedy, the last real president of the United States. By defending the fundamentals of civil liberty, Ron Paul was also fighting for legalization of all drugs, of prostitution, of gay marriage, and other human unalienable freedoms. You wanna get rid of drug crime in this world? Fine, let's just get rid of all the drug laws. That was Ron Pauls logical standpoint. That is why we celebrate this man as one of our civilisations saints. However, the real problem is that there are no successors of Ron Paul. Young freedom fighters can no longer survive in the corrupt world of politics. Not in the United States, not in Europe, not anywhere. But is there hope? Of course there is, my boy. Hope never dies. When hope dies, we die. -So what can we do, my Lord? How do we fight for liberty from now on? -We must continue on the path that Ron Paul and Nigel Farage showed us. On the large scale, in the big picture, as nations and human population, we strive to change our foreign policies and monetary policy. We also cut on spending and endless wars that do not get even legally declared. Those are the big issues of the day, and none of our legal representatives are even touching these important issues. They are all puppets of the status quo, pawns of the establishment, which is a plutocratic oligarchic dictatorship. It has been driving our society down, in the last 100 years more than ever before. Our debt keeps skyrocketing, our government is getting bigger and more poweful, while our civil liberties get undermined. So, on the collective level, we must keep fighting and spreading the voice of the people, vox populi. Protect our liberties. Legalize drugs. Legalize love, legalize prostitution, return our economy to the gold standard, end the era of the banks and corporations, and repeal the laws which undermine peoples privacy and freedom. Do not allow them to impose on us the obligatory use of their green light bulbs, which are their means of surveillance in our own homes. Furthermore, in the personal domain, our goal is to come up with new ideas, to think out new concepts, and to invent new political systems. It is up to us to invent them. Nobody else is going to do it for us. All the political systems of the past have failed, and we are in a desperate need of new ideals. Ideas are important to the shaping of society. In fact, they are more powerful than bombings or armies or guns. Ideas are capable of spreading without limit. They are behind all the choices we make. Fighting for liberty with ideas makes more sense than anything else. -Remember, remember the 5th of November the gunpowder, treason and plot. I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. The Revolution continues!


23. Timewave Zero

-We have arrived, my Dennis. said the Guru, telepathically. We as a species are on the brink of possibilities that will make us literally unrecognizable to ourselves, very soon. Those possibilities will be realized, but not in the next thousand years, but rather in the next few years, because the acceleration of invention and novelty and information transfer is at this point so rapid. -Where are we arriving so rapidly, my Lord? -We are approaching a culmination of technological advancement and human achievement, what we refer to as the Singularity. This event is scheduled for sometime this century. Some of us believe it may start happening as soon as 2012, when our super-computing capacities reach the equivalent of the human brain. As we get closer, our predicament becomes more and more precarious. Our very survival as a species will reach a tipping point that will result in either our exctinction or our transcendence. -How can we be sure this is really happening, my Lord? -The evidence is all around us, my Dennis. But one of our late members and activists, Terence McKenna, has further analysed this phenomenon, from an entirely original and authentic, yet viable perspective. McKenna put forth the idea that this Singularity we are approaching is somehow encoded in time itself, and was recorded in the ancient Chinese divination text entitled, the I Ching. He then incorporated his findings in a computer program called Timewave Zero. The concept behind Timewave Zero is the mathematical understanding of history and its repeating patterns. Terence McKenna discovered this pattern of time. -What kind of a pattern is it, my Lord? -The pattern is that history repeats itself in identical cycles on different scales. The same evolutionary forces can be seen both in the big picture, looking globally, as well as in our own lives, in the very local and personal domain. We can say that Rome falls 6 times an hour, and we really mean it. If we would look for those moments during the course of our day, we could feel all those 6 falls of Rome in any hour. Furthermore, if we would spread our lifetime on the timeline, we could see the correlation between events in our life and similar moments in human history on a collective basis. The pattern repeats until it reaches an infinitely small lenth of time and an infinitely large level of intensity. Referred to as Zero Point, this culmination is set to occur around the year 2012 and beyond. We had until now been accelerating towards this unique and very important moment in our history and lives. And we are finally arriving. -What is this Singularity going to be like, my Lord?



-In a sense, this historical crisis or this Singularity that we are approaching is like a transition from a low dimensional world; say a world of 2 or 3 dimesions, to a world of 4, 5 or 6 dimensions. This is exactly what happens to the human brain-mind system, under the influence of psychedelics. So in a way the best practice for approaching Singularity is the repeated dissolving and reconstituting ones personality through the use of psychedelic supstances. When Hallucinati take these hallucinogens, we always do it in shamanic style. We usually do it alone, or in pairs, usually at night, preferably in nature, but always in heroic doses. And then... we watch. We pay very close attention. We use our mind as an alchemical vessel for carrying out observations on the union of spirit, our spirit, our personality... and matter itself, the physical matter of the substance that were ingesting. Nothing in human experience is as much like the Singularity as is a psychedelic experience. In a way it is a microcosmic anticipation of this macrocosmic event in history. When we take psychedelics, we undergo a mini apocalypse, a mini revelation, and it positions us then for those larger events in the historical timestream. Under the influence of hallucinogens, we are enabled to see and sense the unavoidable approaching of Timewave Zero. -And how exactly does Timewave Zero function, my Lord? -The theory of Timewave Zero was revealed to Terence McKenna by an alien unidentified intelligence following a bizarre, quasi-psychedelic experiment conducted in the Amazon jungle in Colombia in 1971. Inspired by this influence, McKenna was instructed in certain transformation of numbers derived from the King Wen sequence of I Ching hexagrams. This led eventually to a rigorous mathematical description of what McKenna calls the timewave, which correlates time and history with the ebb and flow of novelty, which is intrinsic to the structure of time, and hence of the temporal universe. A peculiarity of this correlation is that at a certain point a Singularity is reached, which is the end of history... or at least is a transition to a suprahistorical order in which our ordinary conceptions of our world will be radically transformed. -My Lord, have you ever seen this Timewave Zero program? -Of course Ive seen it, my Dennis. All senior Hallucinati have explored the software and played with it. It has been illuminating to experiment with the program, finding correlations of the novelty points, sudden, steep descents of the timewave, with critical eras of transformation: the atomic bomb, the Neanderthals, the rise of homosapiens, the birth of language, the Black Death, the Enlightenment, the agricultural revolution, the industrial revolution, the world wars, the 1968 Love revolution, and all other points in history you can recall. We believe that by using such ideas as a compass for the collectivity, we may find our way back to a new model in time, to reverse the progressive worldwide alienation that is fast hurling us into an ecocidal planetary crisis. A model of time must give hope and overcome entropy in its formal composition. In other words, a model of time must mathematically secure the reasonableness of hope.



-And what is I Ching, my Lord? -The I Ching, also known as Classic of Changes or Book of Changes, is one of the oldest of the Chinese classic texts. The I Ching and its hexagrams were thought to pre-date recorded history. Later on, the text was re-interpreted as a system of cosmology and philosophy that subsequently became intrinsic to Chinese culture. It centred on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change. The Chinese King Wen sequence of the sixty-four hexagrams of the I Ching is among the oldest structured abstractions extant. It has been found scratched on the shoulder bones of sheep that have been dated to 4000 BC. The I Ching is a mathematical divinatory tool whose probable origin is the mountainous heart of Asia, the home of classical shamanism and Taoist magic. The I Ching is a centrally important part of humanitys shamanic heritage that is rich in implications. -And how does I Ching correlate to Timewave Zero, my Lord? How did we use it? -If the wave model is a valid general theory of time, it should be possible to show why certain periods or places have been particularly rich in events that accelerate the creative advance into novelty. They can also show us where and when in the future such events might be expected to recur again. To carry out this operation, a personal computer has proven indispensable. Through the use of a PC, we created Timewave Zero. The software takes these theories and discoveries concerning the I Ching and creates time maps based upon them. The time maps or novelty maps show the ebb and flow of connectedness or novelty in any span of time from a few days to tens of millennia. The theory is not deterministic. It does not say what will happen in the future, only the levels of novelty that whatever happens will have to fulfill. As such, it operates as a map, or simplified picture of the future and the past behavior of whatever system is being studied. The end date is the point of maximized novelty in the system, and is the only point in the entire wave that has a quantified value of zero. -And what is Timewave Zero exactly telling us, my Lord? -It is showing us that our civilisation is on the brink of possibilities that will make us literally unrecognizable to ourselves. And those possibilities will be realized not in the next thousand years, but in the next few years, even as soon as 2012, even as soon as now. Why? Because the acceleration of invention and novelty and information transfer is at this point extremely rapid. This acceleration of time and complexity shows no sign of slowing down. In the fabric of our very own lives, we can daily, hourly, on the minute, feel it speeding up. This is not a perceptual illusion, or a cultural mirage, this is actually happening to the space-time matrix. Time is in fact speeding up. History, in which we are embedded, is a state of incredible destabilization. Its a chaostrophe in a process of happening. It began with animals, was kept in balance by natural selection, and it ends with the global Internet of information transfer. There is no reason for us to think that this process is ever going to slow down. It has been a


law of nature, from the very beginning of nature. This acceleration was embedded in the very fabric of nature. Today the speed of involution toward concrescence is so great, that we can feel it within the confines of our own lives. Timewave Zero is fast approaching. Terence McKenna had calculated the date of this phenomenon to be on 21st December 2012. Upon that predicament of his, he later found out that the ancient Mayas had also deduced 21.12.2012 as the end of their calendar. This is no coincidence. -And what does all that practically mean, my Lord? Is 2012 the end of the world? -No, my Dennis, but 2012 is the end of an era, and simultaneously the birth of a new cycle in human history. 2012 is the year of the final maturing, of flowering, of the evolution of our consciousness. Imagine zeroing in on the point, in which the wave passes out, of the past and into the future. The stupendous idea of an end of time is an attempt to negate the eternal stasis, to break the circle. All peoples who have awakened to the suffering and hope have arrived at this idea, each in its own way. The other peoples who have created a world for themselves have also appointed an end to it: Indians, Persians, Greeks, Arabs, and Jews. This final time revolutionizes the course of the world. We are familiar with the Gnostic intuitions of the first and second century suggesting that energy is the divine light that is trapped in matter, and that energy, in order to free itself, must evolve itself through progressively subtler stages until it generates self-reflecting consciousness. This consciousness can then evolve techniques for freeing all energy from matter. Like this myth, all ideas of salvation, enlightenment, or utopia may be taken to be expressions in consciousness of the drive of energy to free itself from the limitations of three-dimensional space, and eventually return to the uncontaminated essence of itself. To the Infinite Oneness. -Im a bit confused, my Lord... -My Dennis, look at it as a process of evolution through time. Biology constantly changes the context in which evolution occurs. The universe is a novelty conserving engine. Upon simple molecules are built complex molecules. Upon complex molecules are built complex polymers. Upon complex polymers comes DNA. Out of DNA comes the whole machinery of the cell. Out of cells comes simple aggregate colony, animals like hydra. Out of that, true animals. Out of that, ever more complex animals with organs of locomotion, organs of sight, organs of smell, complex mental machinery for the coordinating of data in time and space. This is the whole story of the advancement of life. And in our species, it reaches this current culmination and it crosses over into a new domain, where change no longer occurs in the atomic and biological machinery of existence. It begins to take place in the world that we call mental. Its called epigenetic change. Change that cannot be traced back to mutation of the arrangement of molecules inside long chain polymers, but change taking place in syntactical structures that are linguistically based. -And what do linguistics have to do with it, my Lord? Where does the language come in?


-Language and its appearance is a recent instance of concrescence. It is a recent form of novelty, having been in existence not more than a million years. As a concrescence occurring in our species, it may provide a clue to the path that evolving human novelty will take in the future. Following the acquisition of language, the advance into novelty, now in part selfreflecting, continued on a higher level. The language has become omnipotent. Our words shape reality. The most recent of these major new levels of coordinated organization may be embodied in the epoch of electronic communications and the furiously evolving consciousness of the 21st century. -This is a huge leap forward were demanding from our fellow man, my Lord. -Yes, my boy, we are proposing a giant leap forward for Mankind. This idea requires a fairly radical reorganization of consciousness, because what were saying is the universe was not born in a fiery explosion from which it has been blasted outward ever since. The universe is not being pushed from behind. The universe is being pulled from the future toward a goal that is as inevitable as a marble reaching the bottom of a bowl, when you release it up near the rim. If you do that, you know the marble will role down the side of the bowl. Down, down, down... until eventually it comes to rest at the lowest energy state, which is the bottom of the bowl. Thats precisely our model of human history. We are suggesting that the universe is pulled toward a complex attractor that exists ahead of us in time, and that our ever-accelerating speed through the phenomenal world of connectivity and novelty is based on the fact that we are now very, very close to the attractor. We have practically arrived. -Is there a possibility we may not be correct, my Lord? -My Dennis, there has been more change since 1960 than in the last several thousand years. There has been more change since 1992 than in the last 1,000 years. There has been more change since the year 2000 than in the last century. Change is accelerating. Invention, connection, adumbration of ideas, mathematical algorithms, connectivity of people, social networks, these are all accelerating furiously. We are on schedule, my Dennis. These ideas of ours were at first for hospitalization, now they are a minority viewpoint, and the future is bringing us to a new paradigm. Everything is on schedule. Our lives are on schedule, the evolution of cybernetic technology is on schedule, the evolution of a global information network is on schedule. Its 2012. Hallucinati are also on schedule. On the minute.



24. The Message

-We have arrived, my boy. said the Guru, telepathically. This is the end of the road, our last meeting on this plane. You have learned everything you need to know. My job is done. -Are we separating now, my Lord? -Once we have been acquainted, the moment we remembered we had been connected all along, never again shall we be separate. You will never walk alone. We do not have to physically meet again. You understand that by now, dont you, my boy? -I almost feel abandoned, my Lord. -Youll be just fine, my boy. I now live inside of you, and you will start feeling that very soon, if you already havent. The seeds have been implanted. Each one of those ideas that you have been presented makes a lot of sense. No bullshit was allowed. Only essence. Think about those ideas, explore them, and search for your own answers. Participate in your own life and co-create reality now. That is the whole message that should accompany you from here. -How do we know this is the correct path, my Lord? -Hallucinati did not get into this business by being airheads or screwballs. Our attitude was always, if its real, it can take the pressure. You dont have to pussy-foot around the real thing. Because the real thing is real. It doesnt demand that you adjust your opinion to suit it. Its real. That means it is preeminent. It sets the agenda. We studied yoga, we wandered around in the East, we were fast shuffled by beady eyed little men in dotes, we know the whole spiritual supermarket. And we find nothing there to interest us, on the level of 5 grams of psilocybin mushrooms, in silent darkness. Did you get that, my boy? -Five grams of psilocybin mushrooms in silent darkness. And what happens there, my Lord? -Thats where the pedal meets the metal, my boy. Thats where the rubber meets the road. The inspiration for us simply comes from the fact that we cannot believe this could be kept under wraps, the way it has. They would make sex illegal, if they could. They cant, so it isnt. But the psychedelic experience is as central to understanding our humanness, as having sex, or having a child, or having responsibilities, or having hopes or dreams, and yet it is illegal. We are being infantilized. We are told we can wander around with the sanctioned playpen of ordinary consciousness, and they have some intoxicants over here, if you want to mess yourself up... Theyve got some scotch there, and some tobacco, and red meat, and some sugar, and a little TV... But these boundary dissolving hallucinogens that give us a sense of unity with our fellow man and nature are somehow forbidden. This is an outrage! Its a sign of cultural immaturity, and the fact that we tolerate it is a sign that we are living in a society as oppressed as any society in the past. This thing is not about our opinion, or what we saw in our visions, or anything like that. Get it straight, this is about an experience, not our


experience, YOUR experience! Its about an experience which you have, like getting laid, or like going to Africa. You must do the experience. If you take a sufficient dose of an active compound, it will deliver itself to you, on the money. If it doesnt work, take more. Nobody is in a position to dismiss this just because it didnt work for them on one or two tries. This is an art. It is something you coax into existence. You have to learn to make love, you have to learn to speak English, and anything worth doing is an art that is acquired. This is part of our birth right, perhaps the most important part of our birth right. These substances will deliver. Did you get that, my boy? -The hallucinogens will deliver. And it is an art we coax into existence and work on, my Lord. -Exactly, my boy. It is the confoundment of psychology and science generally, and thats why it is so touchy for cultural institutions. But you are not a cultural institution. You are a free and independent human being, and these things have your name written on them, in big gold letters. These psychedelics are a catalyst for the imagination. Catalysts to say what never been said, to see what has never been seen... To draw paint sing sculpt dance and act, what has never before been done. To push the envelope of creativity and language. And what is really important is the felt presence of direct experience. Its all about love. Its all about compassion. Its all about kindness. It has nothing to do with luck. You get what you give, so give good. And never stop thinking. Your life mission is to continue questioning everything. My boy, 1% of the population does 99% of the critical thinking. We must try to increase and encourage that 1 percent of critical thinkers. -And what does that all mean, my Lord? -It means we have to stop consuming the culture, my boy. We have to create culture. Dont watch TV. Dont read magazines. Dont spend your days on Facebook. Create your own road show. The nexus of space and time, where you are now, is the most immediate sector of the Universe. And if youre worrying about celebrities or politicians or athletes, then you are disempowered. You are giving it all away to icons, icons which are maintained by the electronic media. So that you want to dress like X, or have lips like Y... this is shit brained. That is all cultural diversion, and what is real is you, and your friends, and your associations, your highs, your orgasms, your hopes, your plans, your fears. And we are told - no, we are unimportant, were peripheral, get a degree, get a job, get a this, get a that, and then youre a player. You dont even want to play in that game. You want to RECLAIM YOUR MIND, you want to OCCUPY YOUR BRAIN, and get out of the hands of the cultural engineers who want to turn you into a half-baked moron, consuming all that trash that is being manufactured out of the bones of a dying world. No more! No more slavery, no more deception, no more fear. We are beautiful and powerful creatures. We are god. We are free. And we are going for the new paradigm. Here and now. -I am god! I am Infinite Oneness! I am the Creator of my own reality and the new paradigm! And it all starts here and now!


CONCLUSION You are IT -Bring here a fruit from that fig tree. -Here it is, my Lord. -Break it. -My Lord, it is broken. -What do you see inside? -There are, my Lord, these minute seeds. -Break one of them. -It is broken, my Lord. -What do you see there? -My Lord, I see nothing at all. -My boy, that subtle essence which you do not see is the Self of this Universe, That is the Real, That is the Self... and you are IT.


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