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Feb 5- 11

Welcome Tonights HG will continue to focus on PRAYER. Seeing God as our heavenly Father is an essential aspect of our spiritual growth and intimacy with Christ. During to remaining 7 weeks we are going to look closely at Jesus model prayer to his disciples and how our prayer life should reflect it as well. Opening Prayer Share with the group that this week we are going to focus on God being hallowed (holy, set apart, unique to all creation; see v. 9 or Matt 6:9-13). Before the meal, invite each member of the group (as they feel led) to say one line of praise/ adoration to God for who he his. (i.e.Father, you are holy; Lord you are perfect; God you are in control, etc)

Family Time Read the disciples prayer in Matthew 6:9-13. Then, focusing on v. 9, have the HG break into groups of 3-4 people. With a piece of paper and pen in hand, give the groups five minutes to list as many praise-worthy attributes (who he IS, not so much what he DOES) about God. Bring the groups back together and have them share their lists. (Pay close attention to see if they list anything that God does for us. For the purpose of our exercise, these do not count (although they are certainly praiseworthy!). Our goal is to identify as many aspects of God that our praiseworthy simply for who he IS! (and proper names from the Bible count!) Kids Time Oftentimes kids feel as though they are second class citizens. It seems that in the world they live in, adults are looked upon as being greater then they. Yet in Jesus eyes they are every bit as valuable as any adult. Read Luke 9:46-48. Ask the kids what they think Jesus thinks of them in light of these verses? Then discuss with them how essential it is for them to receive Christ (by believing Jesus died on the cross for our sins and that we are forgiven through repentance of our sin and placing our faith/trust in Christ) in order to be an heir of God in just the same way as are adult believers. Ask if any of them would like to place their faith in Jesus Christ tonight. Adult Time Often we tend to compare our spiritual life to others. We either see others as less spiritual than us or more spiritual than us. Resultantly, we tend to place a perceived value or worth on them and us! Read Gal 3:26-28 and Rom 8:1a, 15-17. Discuss what this means for EVERYONE who has faith in Christ. Our Core Competency this week is Identity in Christ. As a follow up to the first discussion question, read Gal 4:4-5 and 2 Cor 5:21. Discuss the significance of these passages as it relates to our identity in Christ. (leader note: Jesus lived in perfect obedience to the law (which we were under) and then through faith, his perfect life (as well as his payment for our sinsour transgressions from the law) was credited to our heavenly account).

Prayer Time Take a few moments to lift up Pastor Daniels in prayer for spiritual protection as he prepares each of the messages in the PROTOTYPE series. This week, focus on v. 9 of Matt 6:9-13. Dedicate your prayer time exclusively to offering prayers of worship/ adoration to God for who he his. (i.e.Father, you are holy; Lord you are perfect; God you are in control, etc). If there is an pressing prayer request, pray for it at the end of your time of worship-centered prayer.

Church Calendar On Saturday, February 11 from 9:00-noon, PBC is conducting a one-day membership class. Simply go to to e mail your interest or call Chelsea Poulos at 817-274-1315 ext. 166. On Sunday, February 12 at 1:00pm, there will be an Informational Meeting for all those interested in participating in a cross-cultural mission trip in 2012. The meeting will take place in the Worship Center. Be there!


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