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Post Office Box 3348 Danbury, CT 06813

T (203) 264-6410 F (203) 262-8155

Dear Speaker Donovan: I am writing today to ask you to sign the attached Pledges to the Voters of the 5th Congressional District. As you may know, the disapproval rating for Congress right now is at an astounding, all-time high of 89 percent. Thats right just 11 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, an historic vote of no-confidence. The pledge simply states that as a candidate for Congress in Connecticuts 5th District, you will support and abide by term limits, you will refuse any kind of Congressional pension, and you will not exempt yourself from any law enacted by Congress. These are three common-sense issues on which Americans agree: Term limits: voters overwhelmingly support term limits. A 2010 Fox News poll reported that 78 percent of Americans support mandatory term limits. Pensions: Voters are rightly indignant that the honor of serving in Congress is being rewarded with a lifetime of taxpayer-funded entitlement. A full Congressional pension is awarded to members of Congress after just 5 years of service and the average Congressional pension is $70,000 per year with many ranging as high as $140,000 per year. Laws: Members of Congress should not be exempt from the laws they enact yet nearly 20 federal laws -- including Obama Care, the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act -- either do not cover Congress at all or apply to Congress differently than to ordinary citizens. Members of Congress should not place themselves above the people they represent. A citizen government comprised of ordinary citizens cannot be a two-tiered system where the elected have greater privilege than the citizens who elect them. With regard to term limits, I have pledged to serve no longer than 4 two-year terms for a total of eight years. Please feel free to pledge the number of terms and total years that you believe is appropriate. A pledge of any length on term limits will send a powerful message to the voters of the 5th District. This pledge represents a non-partisan effort to restore voter confidence in our political process and in the people we send to Washington. This simple pledge is a small but important way to start rebuilding faith and trust in our elected leaders. By signing the pledge, candidates can demonstrate that they really are listening to what voters want. I encourage you to sign it. Sincerely,

Mark Greenberg Paid for by Mark Greenberg for Congress

Post Office Box 3348 Danbury, CT 06813

T (203) 264-6410 F (203) 262-8155

Dear Representative Esty: I am writing today to ask you to sign the attached Pledges to the Voters of the 5th Congressional District. As you may know, the disapproval rating for Congress right now is at an astounding, all-time high of 89 percent. Thats right just 11 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, an historic vote of no-confidence. The pledge simply states that as a candidate for Congress in Connecticuts 5th District, you will support and abide by term limits, you will refuse any kind of Congressional pension, and you will not exempt yourself from any law enacted by Congress. These are three common-sense issues on which Americans agree: Term limits: voters overwhelmingly support term limits. A 2010 Fox News poll reported that 78 percent of Americans support mandatory term limits. Pensions: Voters are rightly indignant that the honor of serving in Congress is being rewarded with a lifetime of taxpayer-funded entitlement. A full Congressional pension is awarded to members of Congress after just 5 years of service and the average Congressional pension is $70,000 per year with many ranging as high as $140,000 per year. Laws: Members of Congress should not be exempt from the laws they enact yet nearly 20 federal laws -- including Obama Care, the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act -- either do not cover Congress at all or apply to Congress differently than to ordinary citizens. Members of Congress should not place themselves above the people they represent. A citizen government comprised of ordinary citizens cannot be a two-tiered system where the elected have greater privilege than the citizens who elect them. With regard to term limits, I have pledged to serve no longer than 4 two-year terms for a total of eight years. Please feel free to pledge the number of terms and total years that you believe is appropriate. A pledge of any length on term limits will send a powerful message to the voters of the 5th District. This pledge represents a non-partisan effort to restore voter confidence in our political process and in the people we send to Washington. This simple pledge is a small but important way to start rebuilding faith and trust in our elected leaders. By signing the pledge, candidates can demonstrate that they really are listening to what voters want. I encourage you to sign it. Sincerely,

Mark Greenberg Paid for by Mark Greenberg for Congress

Post Office Box 3348 Danbury, CT 06813

T (203) 264-6410 F (203) 262-8155

Dear Mr. Roberti: I am writing today to ask you to sign the attached Pledges to the Voters of the 5th Congressional District. As you may know, the disapproval rating for Congress right now is at an astounding, all-time high of 89 percent. Thats right just 11 percent of Americans approve of the job Congress is doing, an historic vote of no-confidence. The pledge simply states that as a candidate for Congress in Connecticuts 5th District, you will support and abide by term limits, you will refuse any kind of Congressional pension, and you will not exempt yourself from any law enacted by Congress. These are three common-sense issues on which Americans agree: Term limits: voters overwhelmingly support term limits. A 2010 Fox News poll reported that 78 percent of Americans support mandatory term limits. Pensions: Voters are rightly indignant that the honor of serving in Congress is being rewarded with a lifetime of taxpayer-funded entitlement. A full Congressional pension is awarded to members of Congress after just 5 years of service and the average Congressional pension is $70,000 per year with many ranging as high as $140,000 per year. Laws: Members of Congress should not be exempt from the laws they enact yet nearly 20 federal laws -- including Obama Care, the Civil Rights Act, Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Family and Medical Leave Act -- either do not cover Congress at all or apply to Congress differently than to ordinary citizens. Members of Congress should not place themselves above the people they represent. A citizen government comprised of ordinary citizens cannot be a two-tiered system where the elected have greater privilege than the citizens who elect them. With regard to term limits, I have pledged to serve no longer than 4 two-year terms for a total of eight years. Please feel free to pledge the number of terms and total years that you believe is appropriate. A pledge of any length on term limits will send a powerful message to the voters of the 5th District. This pledge represents a non-partisan effort to restore voter confidence in our political process and in the people we send to Washington. This simple pledge is a small but important way to start rebuilding faith and trust in our elected leaders. By signing the pledge, candidates can demonstrate that they really are listening to what voters want. I encourage you to sign it. Sincerely,

Mark Greenberg Paid for by Mark Greenberg for Congress

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