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CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The Quantum Mechanical Atom

(pages 250-297)

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electromagnetic Radiation

Picture of em radiation wave, Kotz p 297

All forms of radiation can be described in terms of wave-like electric and magnetic fields. All radiation, such as visible light, X-rays, microwaves, and cell phone signals are collectively known as electromagnetic radiation (EM). All share common properties. 2

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The Wave Nature of Light

An EM wave is often depicted as a sine wave that has an: Amplitude - height of the wave - related to the intensity or brightness of radiation Frequency () nu - number of cycles per second = s-1 = Hertz (Hz) Wavelength () lambda - distance wave travels in 1 cycle

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The Wave Nature of Light cont

Speed of wave (v or c) - for light, velocity is denoted - and
(Figure 7.2, page 252)

c = 3.00 x 108 m/s

c =

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The Electromagnetic Spectrum

EM waves are characterized by frequency or wavelength.
(Figure 7.3, page 255)

Our eyes are only able to sense a very narrow band of wavelengths from about 400 to 700 nm. This band is called the

visible spectrum.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Practice Exercises (more on page 254)

An FM station broadcasts classical music at 103.4 MHz (103.4 x 106 Hz). Find the wavelength (in m, nm and ) of these waves. (1 = 10-10 m) c = 3.00 x 108 m/s = (103.4 x 106 s-1) = 2.90 m in nm = 2.90 m x 1 nm = 2.90 x 109 nm 10-9 m in = 2.90 m x 1 = 2.90 x 1010 10-10 m The organism that causes tuberculosis can be destroyed by irradiation with UV light with a wavelength of 254 nm. What is the frequency? c = 3.00 x 108 m/s = (254 x 10-9 m) = 1.18 x 1015 s-1 (Hz)

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Waves versus Particles

View in the late 19th century
Matter: Particles with location and momentum can be accurately described. Electromagnetic Radiation: No mass, exact position in space not fixed.

Considered distinct and unrelated: Classical viewpoint.

Quantum Theory unites the wave/particle properties of EM radiation.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Quantized Energy of Light

Max Planck (German physicist) proposed that the energy of EM waves is quantized rather than continuous. Thus when matter is heated it emits one or more quantum of energy.

quantum = a discrete bundle or packet of energy

Planck proposed that a quantum of energy (photon) can be described by the following equation:

E = h h = Plancks constant = 6.626 x 10-34 J sec

Sowhat is the energy of light emitted by a red stop light ( = 652 nm)?

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Atomic Line Spectra

Atomic line spectra provide evidence that electrons in atoms have quantized energies. Light bulbs and stars produce radiation containing many different wavelengths. When the light is passed through a prism, it is separated into its component wavelengths. This rainbow of colors is called a continuous spectrum.
(Figure 7.3, page 255)

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Atoms can absorb energy (when heated) and then emit energy as electromagnetic radiation. The emitted radiation can also be examined with a prism. The pattern of emitted radiation is called the line spectrum of the atom.
(Figure 7.7, page 260)

Na atoms emit yellow light H atoms emit pink light


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The line spectrum of hydrogen is very simple, only 4 lines in the visible portion (other lines are in the UV and IR regions).

Rydberg (1888) : came up with an equation, using 2 integer values, that predicted these wavelengths

what is the significance of this?


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Energy of Electrons in Atoms is Quantized

Because atoms emit light of only certain specific frequencies, it must be true that only certain energy changes are able to take place within the atoms. How is it that atoms of a given element always undergo exactly the same specific energy changes? We say that the electron is restricted to certain energy levels, and that the energy of the electron is quantized.
(Figure 7.8, page 261)


The Bohr Model

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Niels Bohr accounted for these line spectra by assuming that the changes in energy of the H atom reflect energies of the Hs electron. Bohr based his model on three postulates: 1. Only orbits of certain radii are permitted. 2. An electron in a permitted orbit has a specific energy and is in an allowed energy state. 3. Energy is emitted or absorbed by the electron only as the electron changes from one allowed energy to another. Bohr was able to calculate the energies corresponding to each allowed orbit for the electron using the formula:

E = (-2.18 x 10-18 J)(1/n2)

where: h = Plancks constant c = speed of light n = energy level or quantum number (integer 1 to ) n is also known as the principal quantum number.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Lowest energy level (n) = 1 = ground state First excited state (n) = 2 n = 2 _______________ -0.545 x 10-18 J _________e-_________ light absorbed light emitted n = 1 __________e-___ -2.18 x 10-18 J ____________________ ground state Using Bohrs equation for the Hydrogen atom: E = Ephoton = -2.18 x 10-18 J 12 nfinal2 _ 12 ninitial2

excited state


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Energy Levels of the Hydrogen Atom

(Figure 7.9, page 263)

Transitions: n1 = ultraviolet n2 = visible n3 = infrared


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

1. Calculate the energy of the photon absorbed or emitted in the transition n = 4 to n = 2 for a hydrogen atom. To what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does this photon belong? Was the photon absorbed or emitted?


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Problems cont
2. Calculate the energy of the photon absorbed or emitted in the transition n = 1 to n = 3 for a hydrogen atom. To what region of the electromagnetic spectrum does this photon belong? Was the photon absorbed or emitted?


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Limitations of the Bohr Model 1. Bohrs model only worked for the H atom and other one-electron systems. Could not explain the spectra of other multi-electron atoms. 2. Describes the electron as a small particle circling about the nucleus. De Broglie modified the model by considering the energy levels as standing waves. 3. The fixed orbit of each energy level is also incorrect. The electron in a given energy level is not always at the same distance from the nucleus.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electrons: Properties of Particles and Waves

In 1905 Albert Einstein published his special theory of relativity, in which he related energy and mass in his, now famous, equation:

E = mc2
This shows that light, an EM wave, also has the properties typical of particles. This is known as the wave-particle duality. If light can be thought of as moving particles, can moving particles of matter such as electrons be thought of as waves? De Broglie suggested that the of matter is given by:

h m

Where = velocity of particle


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Diffraction: Wave-Like Property

The reinforcement (constructive interference) and cancellation (destructive interference) of wave intensities is a phenomenon called diffraction.
(Figure 7.11, page 264)



Basis for Electron Microscope (like the light microscope but with much shorter wavelengths) !!!


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

What are Electrons (according to de Broglie)?

Electrons can be thought of as standing waves (vibrating string on a guitar) of only allowed wavelengths or energies.

(Figure 7.15, page 267)


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Orbitals

A better theory of atomic structure : - the electron is viewed as a wave of certain allowed energy - assumes not possible to specify exact position of electron, but one can calculate the probability of the electron being in some region around the nucleus.

Hn = En Schrdinger Equation
Wave functions () = the solutions to the wave equation The electrons form a standing wave around the nucleus within an orbital. - I think of it as an electron cloud Only certain wavelengths (solutions to the wave equation) are permitted.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Each orbital is associated with a complete set of quantum numbers. These are analogous to defining a point on a 3D graph (x, y and z axes)

Quantum Numbers: n, l, ml
n (the principal quantum number) = 1, 2, 3 ..... - related to the size of the orbital - related to the energy level of the orbital - all orbitals with the same n are in the same shell as n , energy , size l (the azimuthal quantum number) = 0, 1, 2 .... (n-1) - also know as angular momentum quantum # - related to the shape of the orbital - divides the shells into subshells when n = 1 n=2 n=3 l is 0 l can be 0 or 1 l can be 0, 1, or 2

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

orbital type

0 1 2 3

s p d f

ml ( the magnetic quantum number) = 0, 1, 2, 3. l - related to the orientation of the orbital In Summary: when n = 1 n=2 n=3 l is 0 l can be 0 or 1 l can be 0, 1, or 2

ml is 0 ml is 0 or -1, 0, 1 ml is 0 or -1, 0, 1 or -2,-1,0,1,2


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

(Table 7.1, page 271)

(Figure 7.18, page 271)

Approximate energy level diagram for atoms with more than 1 electron


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Give all possible ml values for orbitals that have each of the following: a) l = 3 b) n = 2 c) n = 6, l = 1

Are the following quantum number combinations allowed? If not, show two ways to correct them: a) n = 1; l = 0; ml = 0 b) n = 2; l = 2; ml = +1 c) n = 7; l = 1; ml = +2 d) n = 3; l = 1; ml = -2

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Which of the following is not an allowed set of quantum numbers and why? (a) n = 4; l = 5; ml = -5 (c) n = 2; l = 0; ml = 0 (b) n = 4; l = 2; ml = -3 (d) n = 3; l = 1; ml = -1

How many orbitals can have the following designation: 4p


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electron Spin and the Pauli Exclusion Principal

Beam of H atoms get split into two when they go through an inhomogenous magnetic field

(Figure 7.19, page 272)

electron spin is responsible: when an electrically charged object spins, it creates a magnetic moment. It behaves like a magnet.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electron Spin is Quantized

ms (the spin magnetic quantum number): two possible values - indicates the direction an electron spins - either + or or - or To fully define where an electron in an atom resides, it is required to have a set of the four quantum numbers (n, l, ml, and ms). Furthermore, each electron in the atom must have a unique set of these four quantum numbers.

Pauli Exclusion Principle: no two electrons in the same atom can have the same four quantum numbers; each electron has unique set of four quantum numbers
This means that each orbital can have a maximum of 2 electrons per orbital (one with ms = + , the other -).

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electrons in Orbitals


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electron Configurations
the way in which the electrons are distributed among the various orbitals of an atom is called the electron configuration of the atom. below are orbital diagrams for H and He. Each box denotes an orbital; each half arrow an electron. For the H atom in its lowest energy state: OR 1s 1s n=1

Your textbook uses: 1s

For the He atom in its lowest energy state: n = 1 AND 1s 1s gives 1s2

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Rules for Assigning Electrons:

electrons are fed in to the lowest energy available orbitals (Aufbau principle) for the ground state 1s first, then 2s, then 2p. each orbital can have at most two electrons (Pauli exclusion principle) For example, consider Lithium:

Electrons having opposite spins are said to be paired when they are in the same orbital. An unpaired electron does not have a partner. A substance is diamagnetic if all its electrons are paired (eg. He). These substances are not attracted to a magnet. A substance is paramagnetic if it has one or more unpaired electrons (eg. Li). These substances are attracted to a magnet.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Hund's Rule: when degenerate orbitals are available, the electron

configuration of lowest energy has the maximum number of unpaired electrons with the same spin.

Violate Hunds Rule

Hunds rule is based in part on the fact that electrons repel one another. By occupying different orbitals, the electrons remain as far apart as possible to minimize electron-electron repulsions.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electron Configurations and the Periodic Table

We can use the structure of the periodic table to predict the filling order of the orbitals
(Figure 7.20, page 275)

(Figure 7.21, page 276)

Each row (period) represents an energy level Each region of the chart represents a different type of sublevel

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Condensed Electron Configurations

condensed electron configuration: electron configuration of previous noble gas represented as [He] or [Ne], etc: correspond to completely filled inner shell of electrons. Consider sodium: Na:


The electrons of the noble gas are called core electrons. The outer shell electrons are given after the noble-gas. The outer shell electrons include the electrons involved in chemical bonding, which are called valence electrons. One is now able to correlate the electron configuration to the atoms chemical behaviour. The recurring patterns in the distribution of electrons in atoms orbitals is the basis for the recurring pattern in element chemistry that Mendeleev used originally to devise the periodic table.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Chemical Properties Depend on Valence Shell Configuration

Following Argon is Potassium in the periodic table. In all its chemical properties, Potassium is clearly a member of the alkali metal group and thus its outermost (valence) electron is in a s orbital. The electron has not gone into a 3d orbital as expected, but has occupied the 4s Li Na K Rb Cs [He]2s1 [Ne]3s1 [Ar]4s1 [Kr]5s1 [Xe]6s1 or or or or or 1s22s1 1s22s22p63s1 1s22s22p63s23p64s1 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s1 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d104p65s24d105p66s1


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Transition and Rare Earth Metal Configurations Unexpected Chromium and Copper expected to be: Cr Cu [Ar]4s23d4 [Ar]4s23d9

Determined experimentally to be: Cr Cu [Ar]4s13d5 [Ar]4s13d10

Similar things happen with silver and gold: Ag Au [Kr]5s14d10 [Xe]4f145d106s1


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

1) Write the full ground-state electron configuration for each and decide whether it is diamagnetic or paramagnetic : a) Br

b) Mg

c) Se


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

2) Write the condensed ground-state electron configuration for each: a) Ga b) Zn c) Sc *d) Cr *e) Cu * - These are exceptions. The 3d and 4s orbitals are very close in energy and it is more stable to half-fill (as in Cr) or completely-fill (as in Cu), the degenerate set of d orbitals.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

For a Summary of Valence Electron Configurations


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Quantum Theory Predicts Shapes of Atomic Orbitals

We think of an electron as a particle by using the statistical probability of the electron being found at a particular place. We then use quantum mechanics to mathematically connect the particle and wave representations of the electron.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Heisenberg said you could only predict the possibility of finding the electron somewhere. A 3-D graph of the space within which there is a certain probability of finding the electron is described by the square of the wavefunction, n2, and is called the probability electron density. n = solution to the wave equation - describes the motion of electrons in time and space = orbital - probability of finding an electron in a particular region of space
(Figure 7.22)



Representations and Shapes of Atomic Orbitals

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

An orbital shape is a picture of the highest probable electron location around the nucleus; represented by 2n.

The s Orbitals
1s, 2s, and 3s orbitals are spherical
(Figure 7.23, page 282)

l = 0; ml = 0

Node = zero electron density


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The p Orbitals (l = 1, ml = -1, 0, 1)

Nodal plane results in a two-lobe shape; three p orbitals symmetric along x, y and z axes; highly directional.
(Figure 7.24 & 7.25 & 7.26, page 283)

Nodal Plane = surface with e- density of zero Electron density is concentrated in two regions on either side of the nucleus. It is dumbbell shaped.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

The d Orbitals (l = 2; ml = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2)

Two nodal planes result in a four-lobe shape. Shaped like a cloverleaf.
(Figure 7.26, page 283)

The f Orbitals (l = 3; ml = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3)


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Atomic Properties Correlate with an Atoms Electron Configuration

There are many chemical and physical properties that vary in a more or less systematic way according to an elements position in the periodic table.

Mendeleevs Periodic Law and Table (1869)

Atomic numbers were not yet known, but atomic weight generally increases with atomic number (Z). Now the periodic table has elements arranged by atomic number. Atomic numbers (number of protons and electrons) arose from direct dependence between elements nuclear charge and its position in the periodic table (Moseley, 1913).

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Effective Nuclear Charge (Zeff)

Coulombs Law: The strength of the interaction between two electrical charges depends on the signs and magnitudes of the charges and on the distance between them. Therefore the force of attraction increases as the nuclear charge increases and decreases as the electron moves further from the nucleus. Shielding from the inner core electrons reduces the actual nuclear charge Z on the valence electrons to an effective nuclear charge. Effective nuclear charge, Zeff: The positive nuclear charge actually experienced by an electron

Zeff = Z S
where: Z = Atomic number, nuclear charge, number of protons S = Shielding constant (there are rules for its calculation) Usually close to the number of core electrons in an atom Inner electrons shield outer electrons more effectively than do electrons in the same sublevel (orbitals).


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Example: Consider: Li [He] 2s1 (1s2 2s1)

(Figure 7.28, page 284)

There is some possibility of finding the 2s electron close to the nucleus, and therefore the 2s electron will experience a slightly greater attraction than our simple model suggested.


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Why do certain orbitals lie lower than others in terms of energy? e.g., 2s is lower than 2p
The more stable an orbital, the lower its energy is (more negative). The energy of a 2p orbital is slightly higher than a 2s orbital even though both of them are in the n = 2 shell

Compare probability curves for a

2s and a 2p orbital. 2s has greater penetration, so core electrons do not shield 2s electrons as effectively.

Zeff(2s) > Zeff(2p)


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

In general: Lower l value more penetration larger Zeff more stable orbital
Order of sublevel (orbital) energies with same n:

How does Zeff change as we move across a row (left right)? Zeff = Z S
When we move across a row, the number of core electrons remains the same (same S) but the actual nuclear charge (Z) increases. The valence electrons added to counterbalance the increasing nuclear charge do not shield one another very effectively. Thus the effective nuclear charge, Zeff, increases steadily across a period of the Periodic Table

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Example: Compare Li and Be:

Li 1s2 2s1 Zeff = 3 2 = 1+

Be 1s2 2s2 Zeff = 4 2 = 2+

NOTE: Zeff increases only slightly as we go down a column because larger electron cores are less able to screen the outer electrons from the nuclear charge. So this increase is less important than the increase across a row.

Size of Atoms and Ions

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Atomic size can be defined in terms of how close one atom is to another (internuclear separations).

Bonding atomic radius: Based on the distances separating the nuclei of atoms when they are chemically bonded to each other (attractive interaction)


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in Atomic Radii

The atomic radius can be determined by measuring the bond length in a diatomic molecule and dividing it in two (bonding atomic radius). For example: Cl Cl bond length is 199 pm, so the atomic radius assigned to Cl is 99 pm. The bond length in a molecule can be estimated by adding up the individual atomic radii of the constituent atoms. In a period: Atomic radius decreases from left to right in a row. This results from the increase in Zeff, which draws the valence electrons closer to the nucleus. In a group: Atomic radius increases down a column. This results from the increase in the principal quantum number, n of the valence electron (the number of electronic shells increases)

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Trends in Atomic Radii

(Figure 7.29, page 286)

The atomic radius increases as you go down a column and as you move from right to left in a period.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in Atomic Radii

Exercise: Using only a periodic table, rank the elements in the following sets in order of increasing size: Same period: think Zeff Same group: think n (a) Ga, K, Ca

Same period; order: K, Ca, Ga Zeff increases, atomic radius decreases Same group: Cl, Br Same period: Se, Br Same period: I, Xe

Ga < Ca < K


Cl, Br, Se

Cl < Br < Se Xe < I < Ba



I, Xe, Ba

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in Ionic Radii

The radii of ions are based on the distances between ions in ionic compounds. The size of ions (like the size of atoms) depends on the: 1) nuclear charge, Z 2) number of electrons 3) orbitals in which the valence electrons are found

Cations are smaller than their parent atoms. Anions are larger than their parent atoms. For ions carrying the same charge, size increases as we go down a group


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in Atomic and Ionic Radii (pm)

(Figure 7.29, page 286)


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

An isoelectronic series is a group of ions all containing the same number of electrons. (O2-, F-, Na+, Mg+2) Because the number of electrons remain constant, the radius of the ion decreases with increasing effective nuclear charge. e.g., Rank the Na+, Mg2+, F- ions in order of increasing size:

Z Ionic Radius (pm)


12(Mg) 65 Mg2+ <

11(Na) 95 Na+ <

9(F) 136 F-

Write the condensed electronic configurations for the following ions: Al3+ (Z=13), O2- (Z=8), and Cl- (Z=17). Which are isoelectronic? Which is the smallest ion? smallest ion Al3+: [Ne] O2-: [Ne] Cl-: [Ar] Isoelectronic

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Ionization Energy
Ionization energy (IE): The minimum energy required to remove an electron from the ground state of an isolated gaseous atom or ion. Key factor in an elements reactivity: First ionization energy: Energy required to remove the least attracted electron from a neutral atom in the gas phase. Second ionization energy: Energy required to remove the second least attracted electron, and so forth. A (g) A+ (g) + eA+ (g) A2+ (g) + eIE1 > 0 (always) IE2 > IE1 (always)

The greater the IE the harder it is to remove the electron.


Variations in Successive Ionization Energies

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

IE1 < IE2 < IE3 This trend is because with each successive removal, an electron is being pulled away from an increasingly more positive ion.
(Table 7.2, page 287)

(Figure 7.23, page 289)

Increases are not smooth: Notice the sharp increase in ionization energy that occurs when an inner-shell (noble-gas core) electron is removed. This supports the fact that outer electrons are used in bonding and reactions, while inner electrons are too tightly bound to the nucleus to be lost or even shared.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in First Ionization Energies

(Figure 7.31, page 288)

In a group: IE generally decreases down a group. The atomic radius increases down a group.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in First Ionization Energies

In a period: IE generally increases with increasing Zeff The alkali metals show the lowest ionization energy and the noble gases the highest. As the atomic radius decreases (since Zeff increases), it is harder to remove the least attracted electron in the atom. The representative elements show a larger range of values for IE1 than do the transition-metal elements. In general: Smaller atoms have higher IEs

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Irregularities in IE1
Compare: Be and B Bs last electron is a 2p1, easier to remove than 2s2 of Be

N and O Os last electron is a 2p4, easier to remove than the unpaired 2p3 of N


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Exercise Using only a periodic table, rank the elements in the following sets in order of increasing IE1: (a) Rb, K, Ca (b) S, F, Cl (c) Sb, Sn, I Rb < K < Ca S < Cl < F Sn < Sb < I

Atomic size 1/Zeff IE1 Zeff


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electron Configurations of Ions

Ions are formed from atoms by gain or loss of electrons they want to achieve a noble gas electron configuration. Main group ions achieve ns2np6 outer electron configurations.

Electrons are removed from the orbitals having the largest principal quantum number (n) first.

Li: [He] 2s1 F: [He] 2s2 2p5

becomes Li+: becomes F-:

[He] [He] 2s2 2p6 = [Ne]

When electrons are added to atoms to form an anion, they are added to the empty or partially filled orbital having the lowest n.

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Ion Electron Configurations

1) Cations (+) of main group elements have lost electrons in the reverse order
to that in which they were added under the Aufbau principle. Consider sodium: Na Na+ 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1 1s2 2s2 2p6 closed shell, noble gas e- configuration [Ne]

2) Anions (-) have gained electrons until an ns2np6 outer electron configuration
is obtained. noble gas Consider sulfur: S [Ne] 3s2 3p4 add 2 electrons S2- [Ne] 3s2 3p6 closed shell, looks like [Ar]

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Transition metal ions

Transition metals remove 4s electrons before the 3d (highest n value electrons first) Consider Iron: Fe [Ar] 4s2 3d6 loses two electrons Fe2+ [Ar] Fe3+ [Ar] 3d6 loses one more electron easily 3d5 filled 3d orbital, very stable Magnetic properties of Fe : 4 unpaired electrons, paramagnetic Fe2+ : still 4 unpaired e-s, paramagnetic and Fe3+: 5 unpaired electrons, paramagnetic

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Electron Affinities
Electron affinity (EA): Energy associated with the process of adding an electron to a gaseous atom. First electron affinity: Energy change accompanying the addition of the first electron to a gaseous atom. A (g) + e- A- (g) EA1 (can be + or -)

For most atoms, energy is released when the first electron is added (negative E) because the e- is attracted to the atoms nuclear charge. Cl (g) + e Cl- (g) EA1 = E = 349 kJ/mol

Electron affinity can either be exothermic (as the above example) or endothermic: Ar (g) + e Ar- (g) EA1, E > 0

EA2 is always positive because energy must be absorbed to overcome the repulsion between the two negative charges. A- (g) + e- A 2- (g) EA2 (always +)

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Periodic Trends in Electron Affinity Energies

The greater the attraction between a given atom and the added e-, the more negative its EA. Trends in EA are not as evident as they were in IE

(Table 7.3, page 291)

EAs show a general, albeit, minor decrease when we go down a group. Consider the halogens: For F, the added electron goes into a 2p orbital, for Cl a 3p orbital, for Br a 4p orbital. The average distance between the added e- and the nucleus increases. The e- - nucleus attractions and e- / e- repulsion decrease.


Reactive non-metals (Groups 6A & 7A): High IE Lose e- with difficulty High (-) EA Attract e- strongly Form anions in ionic compounds Reactive metals: Low IE Lose e- readily Low (-) EA Attract e- weakly Form cations in ionic compounds Noble gases: High IE & (+) EA Do not tend to lose or gain e Not very reactive

CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Trends not as regular as for IE


CHEM 1500, Chapter 7

Review Questions
Page 293 297

7.5 - 7.14, 7.15, 7.16, 7.18, 7.21, 7.23, 7.27, 7.29, 7.30, 7.31, 7.33, 7.34, 7.35, 7.38 - 7.51, 7.53, 7.54, 7.55, 7.58 - 7.77, 7.80 7.83, 7.85, 7.87, 7.90, 7.91, 7.92, 7.93, 7.95, 7.97, 7.98, 7.99, 7.102, 7.104 7.108, 7.110, 7.112, 7.114, 7.116, 7.118, 7.120, 7.122, 7.124, 7.126, 7.128, 7.130, 7.132, 7.134, 7.136, 7.137, 7.139, 7.146, 7.147, 7.150, 7.151


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