1FE37 9mm Austen MK1 & 9mm Owen MK1 SMG Part5

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As explained few pagesearlier this sectionon the Austen,thereare licensees some a in in permittedto use these guns in variousforms. Some collectors countries may also own these firearmson specialdeactivated permits.So the serviceprocedure strippingand for maintaining describedhere as it will be usefulto some shootersand collectors.Proper is cleaningis importantfor these guns alsoafter firing. Fouling and the entry of dirt, grit and foreignmatter into the actionwere the mainreasons stoppages service,althoughthe for in Owen had fewer problems this regardthan most of its contemporaries. in gun designmakesthe content of this sectiondifferentto that appliedto Sub-machine servicerifles and machineguns, as described other publications the Small Arms in of ldentification Series.Headspacing gaugingare not as criticalfor these sub-machine and guns or machinecarbines due to the basicstyle of the actionand cartridge. Therewas not the same requirement accurateshootingeither.Strippingof these guns is also not as for involvedand no tools are requiredat all for basicstrippingas performedby the soldier. An understanding the correctstrippingand servicing procedures, of and the use of proper tools for stripping the assemblies sub-assemblies, important. and is Specialist tools were not requiredto the same extent as for rifles or the largermachineguns; there are not so many parts and screws in the sub-machine guns. Good screwdrivers,a vice with soft metal jaw inserts,pin punchesand a mallet are the main tools requiredfor armourer strippingand servicing;these are listed at the end of this section.Penetrating is also oil useful for removalof tight or seizedparts. STRIPPING. The followinginstructions primarily are from the 1949 lnfantryTrainingpam; a Mark 213 gun is shown. Beforeany part is stripped,the magazine will be removed,gun cockedand chamberchecked ammunition. for gun will be cockedand After assembly the the working parts easedforward undercontrol. Duringstrippingand assembly,with the bolt cocked, engagethe safety slidefor more convenientwithdrawal or insertionof the breechbolt cockingbolt or rod. Placethe butt underthe right armpit, hold the front grip with the left hand and, grasping the cocking handlecatch with the right hand,withdraw it slightlyand rotate until it rests on the shelf of the cockinghandle.lt is only necessary rotatesufficiently the corner to for of the catch to rest on the shelf. lf turned at right angles,there is a possibilitythat the cockinghandlewill fall into the body and causedelay.


G r a s p t h e b a r r e ll o c k i n g p i n w i t h t h e r i g h t h a n d a n d p u l l i t o u t a s f a r a s i t w i l l g o . P u s h t h e b a r r e lf o r w a r d a n d t h e b o l t w i l l f o l l o w , b e i n g p u s h e d f o r w a r d b y t h e r e t u r n s p r i n g . A s t h e b a r r e ll e a v e st h e b o d y , r e l e a s et h e c o c k i n g p i n w h i c h w i l l p r e v e n t t h e b o l t f a l l i n g o u t o f t h e body. Placethe barrel in a convenient place. R a i s et h e b a r r e l l o c k i n g p i n a g a i n w i t h t h e r i g h t h a n d a n d c a t c h t h e b o l t w i t h t h e l e f t h a n d a s i t s l i d e s o u t o f t h e b o d y . R e l e a s et h e l o c k i n g p i n . S h o u l d t h e b a r r e l l o c k i n g p i n a p p e a r to be tight, it may be due to the grasp on the front grip jamming it. To overcome this, move the front grip slightly from side to side while pullingup on the locking pin. To remove the butt, press the butt catch to the left and withdraw from the body. The following parts will now have been stripped:-

Barrel Bolt Assembly

Butt Body

Any further strippingwas to be performed the unit armourer. by


0WENMark 213stripped usermaintenance cleaning. fits into the bodytube for and Bolt with guideribs in the uppermost position, towards magazine the housing. Bodygroup is shownin the centralposition, with the butt, bolt and barrelgroupsclockwise, from the lower left handsideor 7 o'clock position the illustration. in Butt is later type with trap, bodyis lightened modelwith 213conversion safetyslide, and the barrelis Mk lll version with bayonet bracketfitted.J. Mclean.


ASSEMBLY. Replace the butt by sliding it into the body. Raise the barrel locking pin and, w i t h t h e l e f t h a n d , s l i d e t h e b o l t a s s e m b l y i n t o t h e b o d y e n s u r i n gt h a t i t i s i n t h e c o r r e c t p o s i t i o n ( g r o o v e d s e c t i o n o n t o p , e x t r a c t o r a t t h e b o t t o m ) . R e l e a s et h e l o c k i n g p i n w h i c h will prevent the bolt from falling out.

Hold up the locking pin and insertthe barrel,ensuringthat the nose of the extractor registers with the extractorslot on the breechface. Pushthe barrelfully in, twisting it from side to side until the lockingpin snapsinto position. forwardoverthe cockingbolt and release cockingcatch from Slidethe cockinghandle the the shelf. Move the cockinghandleslightlyback until the cockingcatch engages,i.., dropsdown. Lysaght'sly'ofes Armourersreferredto here is dated July 1944, it also describesthe for problems fitting of the bayonetbracket.Interchangeability were encountered with some partswere hand-fitted. Owen gun assemblies, suchas the barrel, because certain Thiswas the major servicecomplaintagainstthe Owen gun and a primereasonfor numbering of the barreland bolt to the body. TRIGGER GEAR. To dismantle the triggergear,first removethe triggerhousingfrom the body by unscrewing the stock bolt. Remove the triggerlockingplate,the sear axis pin, searand searspring, then the change lever, triggerclosure springand triggeraxispin. Hold is the trigger in such a positionthat the spring anchorage in its lowest position,then pieceof wire bent into the form disconnect triggerspringfrom the triggerusinga thin the of a button hook, and remove the trigger.The pistol grip may then be removed by for unscrewing pistolgrip bolt.This will makethe triggerspringaccessible inspection, the or shouldremovalof it be necessary, unscrewthe selftappingscrew from the sideof the pistolgrip and withdraw the spring.Note that it is easier disconnect triggerspring to the and to reconnectit when the triggeraxis pin is out, as this lessens the tension on the spring.Note alsothat this springcannotbe removed upwardsthroughthe triggerhousing as it will not passthroughthe holethroughwhich it operates. Examine springand see the permanent that it has not taken a set, it shouldclosecoil to coil when free. This may be checkedwithout dismantling the trigger gear by pressing the trigger with the gun on (repetition) veryslowly.lf the springis satisfactory triggershould singles then releasing the travel back the full distanceand "click" over the sear readyfor a secondshot. Referto page 39 for triggermechanism illustration. To reassemble, the triggerspringcavity in the pistolgrip with grease, fill insertthe spring so that its screw will pass throughthe eye of the springand with the open end of the uppereye to the front, then insertthe screw.Inspect shakeproofwasheron the pistol the grip bolt, replacing if necessary. pistolgrip on the triggerhousing.Smear it Assemble the the triggerwith grease,placein the triggerbody, attachthe triggerspringand insertthe axis pin. Part fill the housingwith greaseand placethe sear and searspringin position, insertthe axis pin. Greaseand insertthe changelever and fit the triggerlockingplate. Insertthe trigger closurespringfrom the top. Greaseover above the trigger from the changelever,returnthe housing the body. After inspecting washer,fit and screw to the up the stock bolt. REPLACEMENT PARTS. The only adjustment OF likelyto be necessary rubbingbackthe is break edge of the sear with a pieceof fine emery cloth on a file, in orderto obtainthe correctsear lengthwhich will give the correct"break".


S h o u l d t h e t r i g g e r h o u s i n g b e w o r n , i t w i l l b e n e c e s s a r yt o c h e c k t h a t t h e f a c e o f t h e t r i g g e r d o e s n o t f o u l t h e e d g e s o f t h e R e p e t i t i o na n d A u t o m a t i c f l a t s o n t h e c h a n g e l e v e r . T h i s c h e c k s h o u l d b e c a r r i e do u t o n e a c h p o s i t i o n b y p u s h i n g t h e t r i g g e r h a r d o v e r t o o n e s i d e t h e n t h e o t h e r , a t t h e s a m e t i m e a s p u l l i n gt h e t r i g g e r . S h o u l d t h e t r i g g e r f o u l o r n o t "break", remove the point of fouling with a smooth file.

The compensator a push fit on the end of the barrel,held by an OO size taper pin is insertedfrom the top and then rivetedover. The barrelchambermust be smooth; a rough chamberwill reducethe impulse the bolt,resulting repeatshotsor in very bad cases, to in faulty ejectionor failureto eject. The body end cover is fitted for the solepurpose closing of the rearend of the body tube, as it has no functionin the operation the gun. This cover is sprungon to the rear end of of the body tube, ratherlike a bottletop, at the sametime makingsurethat the slot in the cover matchesthe cockingslot in the body.The cockinghandlecavity shouldbe left dry or with only a faint film of oil or grease, morethan this can gatherexcessive or grit. as dirt The breechbolt has the firing pin as an integral part, hardened alongwith the bolt head and searbent. Edges the bearing of surfaces which run in contactwith the body havebeen left sharppurposely, orderto scrapeaway any dirt or foulingfrom the slidingsurfaces. in These sharpedgesshouldnot be removed.Shouldthe side edges(A) becomedamaged or burreddue to faulty handling, light primerstrikeor cross-feed a can occur.

Frontface of the 0wen Breech Bolt.

T h e m a i n s p r i n gt e n s i o n w e i g h t s h o u l d b e 1 2 - 1 4 l b s . a n d i t s h o u l d e x t e n d o v e r t h e e n d o f t h e c o c k i n g b o l t w i t h t h e a s s e m b l yo u t o f t h e g u n . l t s h o u l d n o t b i n d o n t h e c o c k i n g b o l t . T h e e x t r a c t o r p i n i s a p a r a l l e lp i n , s o i t m a y b e d r i v e n f r o m e i t h e r s i d e . O n r e - a s s e m b t y ,s e e t h a t t h e e x t r a c t o r s p r i n g i s w e l l g r e a s e da n d t h a t t h e s p r i n g e n d i s o u t e r m o s t , i . e . , a g a i n s t t h e e x t r a c t o r t a i l . A f t e r a s s e m b l y ,c h e c k t h a t e x t r a c t o r o p e r a t i o n i s f r e e a n d t h e e x t r a c t o r bent will move sufficientlyfar outwards to free the bolt head recessof any projection. T h e f o l l o w i n g t o o l s a r e r e c o m m e n d e df o r u s e o n t h e o w e n g u n : Pin Punches to work through l/16-in.,3/32-in. and 3/16-in. dia. hotes. Screw drivers, blade widths l/2-in. and l/4-in. Sers of 5/l6-in. B.S.F. taps. | 7/64-in. dia. drill for the above taps. No. OO taper reamers. No. 3l drills for the above reamers. 3/B-in. parallel reamer. .385-in. parallel reamer for O/S barrel lock pins.



An examinationof the manufacturing and inspectionmarks on these guns and their partscan be quiteinteresting. Austensdid not seegeneral component The service and the few examplesencountered today are usuallyin their originalconfiguration. Only one examplehas been noted upgraded the Mark l/l pattern(provision fixing the Owen to for or Patt. 1907 bayonet). However,the story of the Owen gun is differentas it was still in active serviceas recentlyas the Vietnamwar. Body Markings.' The Austen has the maker's name cast into the top of the body housing, usuallyin logoform, alongwith the serialnumber."DC" indicates Casters Die and "WTC" is for Carmichaels. Owen gunswere madeby Lysaghts PortKembla The at and are marked as such on the right side of the "stock" or sheetmetaltriggerhousing.Inspection marks will be found on variousparts,consisting an "S" below a crown and number.This mark of differs f rom those usuallyf ound on Australian-made small arms becausethey were manufactured outsidethe government smallarmsfactories. The "S" is commonlythought to represent Sydney.Woodenrifle and machinegun furnituremade by Slazengers a has similarinspection mark, their factory was in Sydneyas well. Most of the Owen gunswere fitted with bayonet brackets 1945 and in the 195O'swere in upgraded the Mark 213 specification a FactoryThoroughRepairprogramat S.A.F. to in Lithgow.The new "MK 213"designation was stamped alongside original the markings and upon f itting the safety slide on top of the body tube at the rear,the guns were marked "FTR" and "MA" with the conversion year, e.g. "MA/55". MA is the factory code for Lithgow.SAF Lithgowpartscan be identified theirdistinctive by inspector's marks;many of the refurbished guns had new-madeLithgow replacement Owen Mk 213 parts fitted. Parts & lnspectionMarks.' Thesemarks indicatethe passingof inspectionand also identify where that particularexaminationwas effected. Such marks are shown tn Australian pages115-116. Typicalmarksfound on the Austen and Owen are ServiceMachineguns, shown here as ready reference.In most cases, the inspectors'stamps incorporatea number.The numberindicated particular a inspector, therefore each inspectorcould be identifiedby his individual number.Examples here are only typical; the form of these stamps may be found to differ in that the letter indicatormay be above the inspector's number or vice versa. Some Australian inspection stamps use an arrow rather than a crown at top, but not in the case of the "Sydney"mark. Inspection marks shouldnot be confusedwith proof marks which incorporate crossed flags. Or with any of the various factory identification codes.



OWETT MARKITIOS: lithgow FactoryMarks: Iithgow lnspector's Marks:

Lgl ^ 3L


Sydney lnspector's Mark: lfoundon both gansl


5 S

Goy't. AcceptanceMarh:


Some of the Owen and Austen componentparts may be found to have been stampedwith subcontractorslogos or their initials. AUSTEN components were not sub-contractedto the same extent as the Owen. But for the magazine housinglogo, the only mark noted was on the bolt, beingan " | " insidean oval: 6fi This was stampedto the rear of the bolt extractorgroove.An "S" is markedon the knurledhead of the screwdriver which is housedin the butt tube. A cleaning rod with stottedend for flannelis retainedin the butt tube on the other side,but this one does not haveany indicating stamp on the exposedhead. Serialnumbersare markedon the magazine housing. somecasesa serialnumberhas beennoted In on the bolt body and occasionally the barrel.Thesemay well have beenstampedby a service on armoureror for the purposeof identification duringtrials. The following list of OWENGUN parts and manufacturers help to interpretlogos or initials: will Body . B r i t i s h u b e M i l l s ,A d e l a i d e T Barrel . HastingsDeering, Sydney Compensator . LysaghtsWorks, Newcastle Front & RearPistolGrips . W. J. Manufacturing,ydney S Bolt . Lysaghts Works, Newcastle C o c k i n gH a n d l e . Lysaghts Works, Newcastle Trigger,Sear & ChangeLever Lysaghts Works, Newcastle Side Plates . Henry LaneLtd., Newcastle Lysaghts Works, Newcastle Butt, Steel,Mk I . Henry LaneLtd., Newcastle Lysaghts Works, Newcastle Butt, Wood, Mk | & ll . Ricketts& ThorpeLtd., Sydney Magazine . Henry LaneLtd., Newcastle Backsight . HenryLaneLtd., Newcastle LysaghtsWorks, Newcastle S l i n gS w i v e l s& M o u n t s . Henry LaneLtd., Newcastle
lllewcastle LysaghtMarks:

Hastings Deering:



Springs,screws and washerswere not usuallymarkedas such. Owen gun serialnumberswere stampedon the triggermechanism guns with the enclosed housing. thoseearlier For housing,this was stampedbelow the Lysaghtname, mark designation and patent notice.Window cut-outs in the lightenedtrigger housingresultedin the serialnumber being changedto the left hand side because the reduced of surfacespaceon the rightside.lt has beennotedthat somelate production enclosedtrigger housingguns also have the serialnumberstampedon the left sidrl, betow the squarecut-out for the butt catch. Owen gun serialnumberswere also markedon the bolt and on the back of the cocking handle. Duringthe Lithgow F.T.R.program, the new barrels and butts were markedwith the serialnumber. Upgraded F.T.R.guns will be noted to have variousLithgow made components, identifiedby the "MA" and/or " t " marks as well as Lithgow inspectionmarks such as those itlusUated the on previouspage.


Other titles by this author:"The LEE-ENFIELD STORY' Skennerton Hard cover, 1 1 x 83/+in., 5O3 pages,nearly1,O00illustrations. Dust jacket. Updated,much-improved and expanded"BritishServiceLee". New illustrations. "The ENFIELD .380 No. 2 REVOLVER" Skennerton& Stamps Hard & Soft covers,9Yz x 6in., 126 pages,80 illustrations. "Poor cousin" of the Webley,the first in-depthstudy of this model. ".303 No. 4 (Tl SNIPER RIFLE"Laidler& Skennerton A n A r m o u r e r ' sP e r s p e c t i v e h e H o l l a n d H o l l a n d o n n e c t i o n . t; & C H a r d & S o f t c o v e r s ,9 T z x 6 i n . , 12 6 p a g e s ,7 5 i l l u s t r a t i o n s . A practicalstudy of the No. 4 (T) and 7.62mm L42A1 series. 'AUSTRALIAN MILITARYRIFLES BAYONETS' & Skennerton Hard & Soft covers,9Tz x 6in., 124 pages,2O5 illustrations. 2OOyears of servicelongarms'and bayonets, from Brown Bessto 5.56mm F88. 'AUSTRALIAN SERVICE MACHINEGUNS" Skennerton H a r d & S o f t c o v e r s ,9 T z x 6 i n . , 1 2 2 p a g e s ,1 5 0 i l l u s t r a t i o n s . y 1 O O e a r so f m a c h i n e s u b - m a c h i ng u n s ,f r o m . 4 5 OG a t l i n go 5 . 5 6 m m M i n i m i . & e t

"S.L.R. - AUSTRALIA'SF.N. F.A.L." Skennerton& Balmer Hard & Soft covers,9Tz x 6in., 122 pages,2OOillustrations. S t u d y o f A u s t r a l i a ' s 1 A 1 s e r v i c e i f l e ,v a r i a n t s p a r t sl i s t s ,& c . L r , "BRfTfSHSMALL ARMS OF WORLDWAR 2" Skennerton Complete Guide to the Weapons, Maker's Codes & 1936-1946 Gontracts. H a r dc o v e r ,9 Y zx 6 i n . , 1 1 O p a g e s ,3 6 i l l u s t r a t i o n s . R i f l e s ,P i s t o l s , a c h i n eC a r b i n e sM a c h i n e u n s ,& c . L i s t o f W a r t i m eC o d e s . M , G 'BRITfSH & COMMONWEALTHBAYONETS' Skennerton & Richardson Hard cover, 11 x 83/+in., 4O4 pages,approx. 1,3OO illustrations. Standardreference a popularsubject,1650 to currentissues. on "The HANDBOOKof BRITISHBAYONETS"Skennerton Soft cover, 53/+ 4in.,64 pages.Pocketreference "British& Commonwealth x for Bayonets". ''LISTOF CHANGES BRITISH IN WAR MATERIAL' Hard covers,8Yz x 5Yzin.,projected5 volumeseries. Officialtext, descriptions Rifles,Pistols,EdgedWeapons& Accoutrements. of V O L . 1 ( 1 8 6 0 - 1 8 6 6, ) 1 7 Op a g e s ,1 0 Oi l l u s t r a t i o n s . V O L . 2 ( 1 8 8 6 - 1 9 O O )2 O 1 p a g e s ,7 5 i l l u s t r a t i o n s . , ), V O L . 3 ( 1 9 O O - 1 9 1 O2 1 6 p a g e s , O i l l u s t r a t i o n s . 8 , V O L . 4 ( 1 9 1 O - 1 9 1 8 )1 9 2 p a g e s , 5 i l l u s t r a t i o n s . 3 'INTRODUCTION TO BRITISHGRENADES'Skennerton Soft cover, 9Yz x 6in., 56 pages,130 differentgrenades illustrated. D e s c r i p t i o no f t h e n u m b e r e d e r i e s f g r e n a d e sr o m 1 9 0 8 u n t i lt h e 1 9 6 O ' s . s s o f 'BRITISH SPIKEBAYONETS"Sken nerton S . A . S . N o . 2 . 9 y 2 x 6 i n ., 3 2 p a g e s , 0 i l l u s t .T h e N o . 4 a n d S t e n b a y o n e t s . 3

"SMALL ARMS IDENTIFICATIONSERIES, No. t - .303 RIFLENo. 1, S.M.L.E.' Skennerton p S o f t c o v e r , 1 1 x 8 3 / + i n . , 4 8 a g e s ,6 0 + i l l u s t r a t i o n s . " SMALL ARMS IDENTIFICATIONSERIES, No. 2 - .303 RIFLENo. 4" Skennerton S o f t c o v e r , 1 1 x 8 3 / r i n . , 4 8p a g e s ,6 0 + i l l u s t r a t i o n s . OUT OF PRINT "Australian Service Longarms" "Australian Service Bayonets" "A Treatise on the Snider" "U.5. Enfield" "De Lisle Commando Carbine" "British Sniper" "British Service Lee"




Ian Skennerton


N ., . 3 0 3 R i f l e , o . 1 , S . M . L . EM a r k sl l l a n d l l l * .303 Rifle,No. 4 Marks| & l*, Marks1/2, 1/3 & 2 Cuns 9mm AustenMk | & 9mm Owen Mk I Sub-Machine .303 Rifle,No. 5 Mk l Lee.Metford and MagazineLee-Enfield .303 Rifle, Magazine MachineGun .303Vickers Cun .303 BrenLightMachine Machine .30 Browning Cun 9mm StenMk | & ll MachineCarbines 9mm StenMk V & Vl MachineCarbines No. 2 .38 Pistol, Revolver Revolver No. 1 .455 Pistol,

to be continued

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