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Murray Edwards College Boat Club Minutes for Committee Meeting 5 30th January 2012; 17:30; ME Bar

Present: Reana Maier (RM), Natalie Skorupska (NS), Sally-Anne Bennett (SB), Marina Steketee (MS), Eleanor Dickinson (ED), Jenny Tollman (JT), Amy Crow (AC), Gina Dalgleish (GD), Liz Gorton (LG), Chloe Wallis (CW), Wing Ying Chow (YC), Holly Smith (HS), Ola Janusz (OJ) 1. Apologies: Owen Saxton (OS), Jeny Oates (JO) 2. Last meeting s minutes a. Safety Audit Update: LG reported that the safety audit is ongoing. It is now the job of the captain of crew in W1, W2 and W3, and the coach of W4 to record the outing in the log book. b. Budget Update: SB has bought boat lights. MS said that we do not have enough working cox boxes but there is not enough money left from the budget to buy one. CW will test the broken one. MS will ask Skirk (President of Peterhouse BC) whether MECBC can borrow a Peterhouse cox box. c. History Update: YC s brother will take photos at the Neptunes Dinner. YC would like the history to go on the website. d. Boat naming: MS will contact Martin Ansell about painting the name on the boat. JT will tell the JCR our choice of boat name. YC has been contacting alumnae about the name: 2 are fine with it, but YC will also check with Claire Briegel. e. Blades update: It was decided that it would be more sensible to get cleavers than macons as there are more cleavers available. f. Constitution review: SB has found some changes to make. YC will look over the ideas.

3. BarCap Update The meeting with BarCap happened the same day as the committee meeting. The earliest BarCap will get back to MECBC is March. The documents created will be very useful for other potential sponsors even if BarCap don t support MECBC. YC, HS and RM said that Pip Walters was extremely useful and would like to thank her for her support. MECBC should continue to try to find sponsorship from other sources.

4. Neptunes Dinner a. Day Plan: MS was to contact about transport, HS: can boat be locked in council room overnight MS has not heard anything about a trailer to transport the boat to college, so will email individual clubs. For the alumnae rowing, currently 1 cox and 3/4 stroke sides have signed up with possibly 1 bow sider. HS will ask Bethan if she s interested. HS will ask college about leaving the boat in the council room. b. Invitations: Development Office hadn t yet replied with Harald s (ex-porter) address. c. Raffle: HS explained that for the fellows Christmas raffle tickets are bought before hand and then this money is used to get raffle prizes. For us, places suggested to try include; Sainsbury s, College, Cambridge Wine Merchants. Vouchers may be easier to get than prizes. HS will need some help with this. d. Other: GD asked whether the committee was happy with a mix of red and white wine. She explained that the champagne reception will be cheapest if we provide the cava. OJ and GD will sort the seating plan between themselves. SB will send out emails to MECBC about payment and GD will email alumnae about it. 5. Socials Update: Swaps coming up include a return swap to Clare and possibly one with FaT. YC wants GD to ensure socials are on the calendar. The keg from the beer party is still in the MCR and needs to be returned. Alumnae need to be invited to Lent Bumps Dinner soon. MECBC will also invite Girton, Selwyn and Peterhouse. 6. Elections SB said that this time last year an email was sent around describing committee positions to ensure members know what they can run for, and know that elections are coming up. The committee will aim to get the email before Neptunes Dinner. YC will write some brief points for each committee member to answer. The answers will then be sent to the club. 7. Bumps Umpiring Anyone who has done Bumps at least twice before can umpire. YC warned to leave 2 divisions between umpiring and racing. This means W2 can umpire M1 and W1 divisions. YC will forward the email requesting umpires when it is sent. MECBC want lots of people umpiring because it means we are required to do less marshalling. YC explained that you are likely to be put as a junior umpire for 3 boats and you also get a free dinner.

8. AOB: YC has talked to Skirk and Peterhouse will buy trestles and then invoice us for them (to replace the one lost at WEHoRR). Coxes: Races will be coxed by whoever is available; hopefully Tabby will be ready by bumps but Chloe can if necessary. Coxes should practise coxing some ergs this week would be particularly good for it (doing 2 x 20 minutes) Eve can coach on Saturdays. MS to let SB know about payment for Lent Bumps and Robinson Head, both of which need to be paid this week. The gym is going to get a new erg. Suggestions for what can be done with the old one include selling on eBay and selling to companies who refurbish ergs. RM wants to do something to thank Peterhouse for their May Ball tickets. She suggested thank you notes or similar, and hopefully it will be possible to organise swaps and invite them to Lent Bumps Dinner so that we can get to know them. It was decided that money gained as donations is to be kept completely separate to all other money in order to separate the JCR grant from the JCR loan, and to ensure we can save donations for future use.

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