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Environmental, Health, & Safety Procedure

Hearing Conservation Program

To establish a standard set of procedures to ensure personal noise exposure remains within acceptablelimits. Additionally, to establish the requirements of an acceptable hearing conservation program in accordance with Factories And Machineries Act 1967 (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989

This procedure applies to all locations/facilities/projects where employee noise exposure may equal or exceed 50 percent of the allowable noise dose or Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL). Table 1 provides information relative to the current PEL for noise exposure expressed as a time-weighted average. Table 1 Permissible Exposure Level


TIME (hours)

90 95 100 105 110 115

16 8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25

Table 2 provides information relative to the Action Level (or 50 percent allowable noise dose) expressed as a time-weighted average. The action levels outlined in the table below, and PELs described in Table 1, are calculated without regard to the protection afforded by the use of hearing protectors. Table 2 Action Levels for Hearing Conservation Program


TIME (hours)

90 95 100 105 110 115

8 4 2 1 0.5 0.25 0.125


3.1 Project Manager The implementation and oversight of this program.


Ensuring that the Project/Facility Program Coordinator, supervisors, and employees are meeting their obligations outlined in their specific Hearing Conservation plan.

Implementing engineering controls to reduce noise levels when such measures are considered feasible and required by regulation.

3.2 6BProject/Facility Program Coordinator Ensuring that noise monitoring is performed in all areas of the facility where a potential noise hazard exists.

Ensuring that a noise survey is conducted when a change in equipment, procedures or personnel may increase employee exposure to noise.

Informing employees of noise monitoring results when full-shift noise exposure is at or above the action level.

Designating areas and tasks where employees exposure is at or above the action level
10B 1B

Notifying employees of local hearing protection requirements

Placing warning signs in areas where sound levels would require the use of hearing protectors.

Purchasing, monitoring and replenishing supply of hearing protection devices for employees.

Ensuring individuals included in the program receive training and that the training meets the criteria outlined in this program

Investigating and implementing corrective action to all reports of nonconformance with this procedure including reports of standard threshold shifts or employees failure to wear hearing protectors in designated areas.


3.3 Supervisors Maintaining an awareness of the noise levels in work areas for which s/he is responsible.

Requesting a noise survey is conducted when a change in equipment, procedures or personnel may increase employee exposure to noise.

Ensuring that all employees are aware of the requirements for hearing protection for any Designated area or task

Enforcing the use of hearing protection by employees in designated areas and for designated tasks.

3.3 Employees


Complying with the requirements of the Hearing Conservation program Inspecting and maintains hearing protection devices


Wearing hearing protection devices in designated areas or for designated tasks.


Reporting any suspected change in noise levels of work area to supervisor.


Reporting any signs or symptoms experienced that could be the result of overexposure to noise to supervisor

Participating in audiometric testing and hearing protection training when required.




Any facility/project where an employee may be exposed to noise at or above an action level, as defined in section 2.0 of this procedure, shall develop a written hearing conservation program that meets the requirements of this general program and all applicable state-specific regulations.

4.1 Audiometric Testing All personnel with potential exposure greater than the action level (noise dose equivalent to an 8-hour, time-weighted average noise exposure at or above 85dBA) will be enrolled in the medical surveillance program and undergo a baseline audiogram in accordance with current program requirements. Thereafter, annual audiograms will be compared with the baseline exam.

All personnel enrolled in the audiometric testing portion of the medical Surveillance program shall be identified on the Listing of Personnel Included in the Hearing Conservation Program (Attachment 1).

When a Standard Threshold Shift (STS) is noted between the last valid baseline and the annual audiogram, the following steps will be taken: a. A retest will be conducted within 30 days to confirm the STS. The employee will not be exposed to workplace/hobby noise for 14 hours or will be provided with adequate hearing protection prior to testing.

b. c.

If the STS persists, ear protection will be upgraded to one with a greater Noise Reduction Rating (NRR). The minimum NRR will be 26 dBA. The employee will be counseled, and information will be obtained regarding the employee's possible noise exposure away from the workplace or existing ear pathology.

d. e.

Qualified medical personnel will review the audiograms. This group will determine the need for a medical referral. The employee will be notified in writing by either the EHS Department medical provider of the STS, within 21 days of determination, as required by Factories And Machineries Act 1967 (Noise Exposure) Regulation 1989 f. The employee's supervisor will be notified of the shift in hearing threshold.

g. h.

If the employee who has experienced an STS is exposed to 85 dBA for 8 hours or 80 dBA for 12 hours, mandatory use of ear protection is required. Temporary employees will receive audiograms during their exit physicals if they have worked around heavy equipment or have received an exposure to noise levels in excess of 85 dBAs. 4.2 Monitoring of Noise Levels Periodical monitoring of personal and area noise levels using noise dosimeter and/or sound level meters shall be conducted. The monitoring will be conducted under the following schedule: Initially - For all areas/tasks where preliminary noise measurements indicate that noise levels exceed 85 dBA for at least part of the work shift. As needed - For all areas/tasks with documented noise hazards that have undergone changes (e.g., addition of equipment, increase in production, etc.) that may have increased employee noise exposure. Annually - For all areas/tasks where full-shift noise exposures are within 3dBA of the action level. Following any monitoring noted above, a map of the facility denoting areas subject to the hearing conservation program shall be posted. Additionally, a list of monitoring results for all areas/facilities/rooms shall be posted. (Attachment 2) 4.3 Hearing Protectors Selection of appropriate hearing protectors must be based on actual or anticipated exposure levels. At a minimum, hearing protectors must provide a level of protection that brings actual or anticipated exposure below the PEL established for the time period shown in the table above. Additional information relative to hearing protector use is as follows: Hearing protection will be mandatory for all employees exposed above a sound level for any period of time in excess of that listed in the table above. Hearing protection will be mandatory for all employees working in any area that has not been evaluated for noise exposure and the ambient noise level in the area is such that you must raise your voice to have a normal conversation with someone less than 5 feet from you. Hearing protection will be mandatory for all employees exposed to 85 dBA for 8 hours and 80 dBA for 12 hours. Hearing protection will be mandatory for all employees who work on or near heavy equipment unless personal dosimetry or other techniques have been used to document actual exposure. Hearing protectors will be made available to all employees exposed to 85 dBA for 8 hours or more. Hearing protection will be mandatory for all employees exposed to 85 dBA for any period of time and who have experienced an STS.

The EHS Department will approve all hearing protection. All employees will be trained in the proper use, care, and maintenance of the protectors.



Noise exposure measurement records will be retained for three years at the project/facility. Audiometer test records will be retained for the duration of employment, plus 40 years. Annual employee training session documentation will be retained for the duration of employment.


All employees with potential exposure above the action levels established in section 2.0 of this procedure, or who otherwise utilize any type of hearing protector, will be listed on the Listing of Employees Included in the Hearing Conservation Program and participate in an annual training program. The training program will include a discussion of the following: a. The effects of noise on hearing, recognizing hazardous noise and symptoms of overexposure to hazardous noise b. When and/or where hearing protectors are required to be worn c. The purpose of hearing protectors d. The advantages, disadvantages, and effectiveness of various types of protectors e. Instructions on how to select, use, fit and care for hearing protectors f. The purpose of audiometric testing, including an explanation of the test procedures g. Hearing Conservation Program requirements and responsibilities h. Hearing Protection Training is conducted annually for all affected employees, or more frequently for employees who do not properly use hearing protectors or otherwise fail to comply with this policy.


ATTACHMENT 1 Listing of Employees Included in the Hearing Conservation Program ATTACHMENT 2 - Listing Of Areas/Tasks with Noise Exposures at or Above the Action Level


Listing of Employees Included in the Hearing Conservation Program

The following constitutes the list of employees currently involved in the Hearing Conservation program. Employee Name Employee ID # Area or Task Employees Supervisor



The following constitutes the list of areas or tasks where full-shift noise monitoring has indicated that employee fullshift noise exposures equal or exceed the action level. Area/Task Description Average Noise Dose Date of Last Monitoring Survey Area/Task Supervisor

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