Assigment 2

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English Communication Skill I

Name: Le Thi Thuong ID No: 20000058 Submission Date: 11/11/2010

Topic: There are many zoos in your country. Do you think building more and more zoos should be allowed by the government? I. Syllogism.

1. Premise 1: John Knowles of Marwell Zoo theorises that: Animals like the scimitar-horned oryx, which normally pick out a meagre existence in the semi-desert scrubland of the Sahara, do so not because they choose or enjoy this harsh environment, but because they have been forced to the fringes by species better equipped to outcompete them elsewhere. Moreover, there is no zoo that has suitable size for any wild animal and they may be suffering from stress. They will be lost their natural hunting instincts. 2. Premise 2: The wild animals will lack the immunity from disease that they have in the wild because the food is not enough nutrients and the conditions in the zoos are not like as their own homes at all.
3. Premise 3:

People are attracted by the large number of money that they get from selling animals for the zoos. Thus, criminals try to find a lot of ways to catch wild animals to support their own huge income. This is one of the reasons why there are many wild animals are in serious condition about the number existence.
4. Premise 4:

Many dangerous animals such as tigers, crocodiles, snakes can attack visitors and feeders. There are many accidents happening with people when they are in the zoos.

Therefore, the zoos are not good for animals. They should be banned form building and taking the wild animals from the natural condition. People should let the animals live in their own freedom place. II. References



1. Introduction I do not think the zoos are good. They should be banned by the government. 2. Paragraphs + Paragraph 1: There is no zoo that has the size suitable condition for wild animals. Wild animals will be stress while living in the zoos. Wild animals will lost their natural hunting distinct.

+ Paragraph 2:

The food for animals in the zoos is not enough nutrients or different from the food that they have in wild. Wild animals will lack the immunity from disease.

+ Paragraph 3: The large number of money that they get from selling animals for the zoos attracted people to hunt wild animals. Many rare wild animals are hunted to satisfy peoples getting money by selling animal for the zoos.

+ Paragraph 4: Many accidents have happened because dangerous animals when visitors or feeder are in the zoos. Nothing can ensure for people when they in the zoos. They could be bitted by snakes, tigers, lions, crocodiles.

3. Conclusion. The zoos should be banned form building by the government. People should let the wild animals live in natural condition.

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