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Critical thinking exercises No. 4 By: luis palma R.N. Part I. Multiple Choice.

Answer in Capital Letters ____ 1. Which of the following statements clearly defines therapeutic communication? a. Therapeutic Communication is an interactional process which is primarily directed by the nurse b. Therapeutic communication conveys feelings of warmth, acceptance and empathy from the nurse to a patient in a relaxed atmosphere. c. Therapeutic communication is a reciprocal interaction based on trust and aimed at identifying patients needs and developing mutual goals. d. Therapeutic communication is the assessment component of the nursing process ___ 2. Which of the following concepts is most important in establishing therapeutic nurse patient relationship? a. the nurse must fully understand the patients feelings, perceptions and reactions before goals can be established b. the nurse must be a role model for health- fostering behaviors c. the nurse must recognize that the patient may manifest mal adaptive behavior during illness d. the nurse needs to understand that the patient may test her before he can accept and trust her. ___ 3. Which communication skill is most effective in dealing with covert communication? a. b. c. d. Validation Listening Evaluation Clarification

___ 4. Which of the following are qualities of good recording? 1. Brevity 2. Completeness 3. Appropriateness 4. Accuracy a. 1,2 b. 3,4 c. 1,2,3 d. 1,2,3,4

___ 5. all of the following are chart entries are correct EXcePT!!! a. Complained of chest pain b. Chest pain relieved after administration of nitroglycerin sublingually

c. Able to ambulate to the bathroom without assistance d. Vital signs 120/84, 82,18 ___ 6. The accepted method of signing a nurse note is: a. b. c. d. L.R./R.N> Luis Rey y. Palma, Clinical instructor Luis Y Palma Luis rey Y. Palma R.N.

___ 7. Which of the following teaching methods is most appropriate for teaching a diabetic client on self injection of insulin? a. b. c. d. detailed explanations demonstration use of pamphlets filmstrip

___ 8. The most important characteristic of effective nurse-patient relationship is that: a. b. c. d. it is growth- facilitating it is based on mutual understanding it foster hopes and confidence it involves primarily emotional bond

___ 9. Which of the following statements is most likely to promote a clients compliance in performing post operative deep breathing, coughing and turning exercises? a. you will be given adequate medication is these exercises will cause you pain b. Deep breathing, coughing and turning exercises will promote good breathing, body circulation. These will prevent complications c. these exercises will promote maximum respiratory ventilation prevent thrombophlebitis and atelectasis d. Your cooperation during these exercises will determine the rate of your recovery ___ 10. When using printed material to teach diabetic patient about foot care, the nurse should: a. b. c. d. read the material to the patient allow the patient to read material give the material to a family member to read the patient read the material to evaluate its clarity, accuracy and effectiveness

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