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Words have meanings but their full meanings can be understood only in the context of the sentence in which they are used. The unit of expression in the sentence .for the sake of convince, words are classified into eight groups called Parts of speech. It must be understood clearly that many words belong to more than one part of speech


Noun Pronoun Adjective Adverb Verb Conjunction Interjection Preposition

A noun is a word that is the name of a person,place,thing,quality,action or an idea

Abstract noun:
1:dont tell a LIE 2: she is BEAUTIFUL girl

Proper noun:
3: MR. MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH is the famous leader of Pakistan 4: MOUNT EVEREST is the highest peak at all

Common noun:
5: this is your PEN 6: a lot of benefit from your MONEY

Apposition Noun:
7: Afridi is our TEAM CAPTAIN he is also a good player 8: imran khan is the LEADER OF PTI he is also a good Politian

Collective Noun:
9: The CROWD was very big 10: we have strongest ARMY in all over the world

A pronoun is a word used in the place of a noun. It is the most useful noun equivalent and refers to persons and things without actually meaning them i.e. Ali is absent because HE is ill

Demonstrative pronoun:
1: This is heavier than that. 2: Look at that!

Interrogative Pronoun:
3: WHICH color do you prefer? 4: "WHERE do you want to go today?"

Relative pronoun:
5: "How can you govern a country WHICH has 246 varieties of cheese?" 6: "Even if you do learn to speak correct English, WHOM are you going to speak it to?"

Indefinite Pronoun:
7: "I will not dance on ANYONE'S grave." 8: EVERYONE is late for breakfast today.

Personal Pronoun:
9: the bird was killed by HIM 10: the thief is caught by ME

An interjection is a word thrown among words in a sentence to express an emotion. It is followed by an exclamation mark. It has no grammatical relation to the other parts of sentence because it is an involuntary expression of some sudden feeling or sentiment. Some of the interjections are: "Well! Hey! Pooh! Oh! h'm! Right!"

1: "YABBA DABBA DO!" 2: Yes, I would love some pickles. 3: Eww! I hate olives! 4: "Just the thought of playing with Bird, WOW!" 5: WOW! That was the fastest game I have ever seen! 6: WOW, I had no idea that was possible! 7: where the HELL are you? 8: "WELL! That's great!" 9: "WELL, don't worry." 10: WOW! What a nice picture?

A verb is a word that expresses an action performed or suffered by the subject, or a state experienced by the subject.i.g. I awoke in the middle of the night when I heard that noise.

Intransitive Verb:
1: the sun shone BRIGHTLY 2: the boy is RUNNING

Linking verb:
3: During bad storms, trailer parks are often magnets for tornadoes. 4: Mario is a computer hacker.

Transitive Verb:
5: The boy learnt his LESSON 6: the parent love their CHILDREN 7: we believe in GOD

Intransitive Verb:
8: They PLAY 9: He DIED

Di-Transitive Verb:
10: Ali gave Hina a BOOK

Prepositions are words that connect a noun or a Pronoun with a verb, Adjectives, Pronoun or another noun to indicate position and relation in time and space. Prepositions are also used to form adjective and adverb equivalents. Here are some frequently used prepositions: at, on, in, for, which, after, by, into.

Place:(in, on, under, over, near, beside, etc.)

1:Your book is on the table.

Direction: (to, toward, into, through, etc.)

2:The football player ran through the stadium to the other end.

Time: (in, on, at, etc.)

3:We can meet at five oclock.

Agent: (by)
4:This book was written by a famous author.

Instrument: (by, with)

5:I heard the news by television. (Communication) 6:She came by bus. (Transportation) 7:He opened the door with a key. (Instrument or tool)

Accompaniment: (with)
8:I like spaghetti with white sauce. 9:Mrs. Vajiona went to Thasos Island with her husband Georgiou.

Purpose: (for)
10:He went to the store for milk and bread.

Articles are not a separate form of speech. They are adjectives used with common noun.i.g. "I spoke to a customer service representative on the phone yesterday."

Definite Article:
1: I've read a book on the life of Bill Clinton.

2: I like the flowers in your garden. 3: The school that Mandy goes to is old.

4: The bus to Dresden leaves at 7.40.

5: The round church in Klingenthal is famous.

Indefinite Article:
6: Life is too short. 7: The weekend is over on Monday morning.

8: Peter and John live in London.

9: Aunt Mary lives in Los Angeles. 10: I like flowers.

Adjectives are words that describe or modify another person or thing in the sentence.i.g.

Adjectives of Quality:
1: He is a brave man 2: Ali is a fat boy

Adjectives of Quantity:
3: How much water in this glass? 4: Aluminum is the most abundant metal in the world

Degrees of Adjectives:
5: the people were the most helpful 6 : Rome was more interesting to visit than Paris

Adjectives of Number:
7: there are 40 students in this class 8: we are 4 members in our group

Demonstrative Adjective
9: This is heavier than that. 10: Look at that!

A conjunction is a word which connects words, phrase and clauses.

Coordinating Conjunctions:
The simple, little conjunctions are called coordinating conjunctions (you can click on the words to see specific descriptions of each one):

Coordinating Conjunctions
and but or yet for nor so

(It may help you remember these conjunctions by recalling that they all have fewer than four letters. Also, remember the acronym FANBOYS:For-And-Nor-But-Or-Yet-So. Be careful of the words then and now; neither is a coordinating conjunction, so what we say about coordinating conjunctions' roles in a sentence and punctuation does not apply to those two words.) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Either he is a fool or a knave. Although he is rich yet he is not proud. We slept after the game. We shall go the park if the rain stops. We can broil chicken on the grill tonight, or we can just eat leftovers. There are no rattlesnakes in this canyon, or so our guide tells us. Hamid and Ali went there. He went to pass by hook or by crook. She is doctor and her brother is an engineer.

10. It is very dark so I cant see

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